Automated Enrolment System of Palompon I

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Marcelino R. Veloso National Polytechnic College
Palompon Institute of Technology – Tabango Campus
Tabango, Leyte , Philippines
e-mail add:,
Telefax. No.: +63 053.551.9014


Project Context

The system design project, automated enrollment system that will provide the
needed and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the
student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing
files of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for
the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor/instructor in able to get access
in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees.
This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single
file is lost. The idea behind an automated enrollment system is not a new concept. As
student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal. This
will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in
This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the
management information system because they are the one who are entitled to touch and
read the information from here. It will help our institution to have another system that will
upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that our institutions are trying to
Today, the use of technology has been an effective tool on improving such kind of
enrolment system. In this study, the use of Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access database will
help to improve the efficiency of the enrolment in the Palompon Institute of Technology-
Tabango Campus.

Purpose and Description

The main purpose of automated enrolment system is to help school manage
various operations including data, administrative and fundraising operations. Student may
inquire on matters related to admission and enrolment requirements. These systems help to
assists the students in their educational need such as the course or subject reference.
Automated enrollment system that will support the student enrollment, admission
and registration process. It includes the maintenance of student personal, academic and
related fees. Database maintained by this system usually contains the student’s personal,
academic and its fee related information. It focuses on storing and processing (insertion,
updation) by using graphical user interface. It generates student information in formatted
tables, fees invoice, subjects enrolled, student’s academic detail report, student’s personal
detail report, student’s fee deposition status report, student’s all student’s currently
deposited their fees. And it stores merit list provided by College. Automate manual paper
work done at the time of student’s enrollment. Eliminate paper work. And efficiently manage
the student academic, personal, fees and details.
Enrolment system is a term used frequently in higher education to describe well-
planned strategies and tactics to shape the enrolment of an institution and meet established
goals. Plainly stated, enrolment system is an organizational concept and a systematic set of
activities designed to enable educational institutions to exert more influence over their
student enrolments.
Automated enrolment system is a system in which the computer plays a major role
and this kind of system is needed by every companies and institutions nowadays. This is
the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers
and file cabinets. This will help the institute generates a quick and efficient data they need.

Statement of the Objectives

General Objectives
To develop an Automated Enrolment System for PIT-TC institute that will
compensate the school’s lack of manpower, file handling, and generation of forms and their

Specific objectives
To understand the current system through interviews and observations.
To analyze the problem through the use of Data Flow Diagram
To develop a prototype of the proposed system containing key requirements and
functionalities using VISUAL BASIC 6.0.
To incorporate the different functions and solutions needed for the current enrolment
system with the proposed system by constantly evaluating and revising the prototype
to meet the requirements by the institution.
To test the proposed system by allowing a specific number of persons to use the
system and gather the feedback from the users.
Theoretical Framework

This study is focused on the System Theory, which states that, "A System refers to
any collection or combination of programs, procedures data and equipment utilized in
processing information". A system is mainly made up of three components that represent
the units of analysis or the variables under study. As the result of the study, it represents
Input as the Independent Variable (IV), the Process, as the Intervening Variable (ITV), and
the Output as the Dependent Variable (DV).
The upper portion of the paradigm (shown on Figure 1.0) clearly illustrates how the
existing system will be processed. The materials used in the traditional method, which is a
manual way of recording files using the pen, pencils, papers and columnar notebooks
serves as the input; and the manager being able to get the incoming files of the clients
serves as the output.
The lower portion of the paradigm illustrates how the proposed system will be
processed. It illustrates the new method of recording files through the use of a computer,
which serves as the input; the process is automated and is therefore faster, more efficient
and easier to work with. The administrator can now get the recorded files faster by inputting
the records.
Tom DeMarco & Tim Lister of Peopleware, 2nd Edition, Dorset House (1:58) cited
that “Companies that sensibly manage their investment in people will prosper in the long
The author stated that if companies manage investment in people wisely, it will reap
the rewards in the future as the company grows. It will succeed in the long run because the
people within the company are the ones contributing to the growth of the company. Thus
entails the importance of taking care of the people within the company.
Caper Jones of a Practitioners Approach, Fifth Edition (2:114) cited that: "Good
estimating approaches and solid historical data offer the best hope that reality will win over
impossible demands."
The author stated that in business, good estimating approaches and solid historical
data are beneficial tools to be taken advantage of. As to with research studies, one does not
jump to start right away, but the approach should start with solid historical data so that
awareness of the study be met with a hopeful result that will win over impossible demands.
Carl P. Zeithami & Thomas S. Bateman of Management Function and Strategy
(3:139) cited that: "In today's business environment, planning has become a widespread
management function, involving people throughout the organization in the analysis,
identification, and selection of goals and priorities."
Authors of the book state above that planning is very important for every individual,
work group, or organization because it helps the systematic process during which decisions
are made about the goals and activities, just like companies using a manual system method
to carefully plan on what would be the possible solution to make the system work faster so
that there is less probability of errors in the activities, and in considering the need for a
computerized system in order to better answer the problem.
Conceptual Framework

The success in goal setting and achieving by which an institution functions depends
to an important degree on how strong each and every member of the organization is
committed to institutional objectives, and how cooperatively the administration, faculty and
employees work together for the accomplishment of the reselected missions and objectives.
The study being presented is set forth on the premise that the services offered by the
school towards it direct client’s plays a vital role in the institutional management system. It
deals with the delicate task of handling school records and other pertinent and relevant
information of the school. It aims to attain its maximum strength of workability and
responsibility towards the administration, faculty and employees, students, parents and the
whole school community as well. The process of execution is geared towards the attainment
of the development goals of the institution. It is the goal of the school to serve its clients and
the institution as well with the fullest degree of service and to enrich the conditions of life,
work and high morale of personnel established from a strong base of sincerity, dedication
and hard work of all concerned.
It is undeniable that institutional management system needs change, considering the
fast-changing technology and educational management styles these days. In the
operational management process of the establishment, there is a must for a continuous re-
evaluation and the growing complexities of today’s institutional management systems.
Results of the research will serve as valuable guide for improving the school management,
and serve as needed indicators in accumulating the needs of the students.
As shown in the schema, the student’s information, enrollment form, student billing,
and the administrator are inputted in coming up with the desired outputs which the
improvement of the school information management systems by the use of student portal.
The process focuses on how student being enrolled, the student billing processes. The
process on how student involved in the library, how the administrator can open/view the
information of the students by just click of the button.
To realize this target output, results will be examined and analyzed to the best


User name

o Registrar Interview

Login Form Document

o Username needed to be

o Password prepared

Student billing Coding and

Student ID No. SYSTEM
Tryout of the
Microsoft Visual
Hardware Payment

Software Monitoring
Visual Basic

Microsoft Access

Figure 1.0 Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

That the schematic diagram above shown will provide a better and easier way for
the enrollees to transact to their records during enrollment system which is being managed
by the facilitators of the enrollment system. The facilitators will now be more comfortable
because their enormous works will be minimizing during enrollment because of fast and
easy way of enrollment process.
And also it helps school manage various operations including data, administrative
and fundraising operations. Student may inquire on matters related to admission and
enrollment requirements. These systems help to assists the students in their educational
need such as the course or subject reference.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will investigate the automated enrollment system of the college students.

The study will be conducted in Palompon Institute of Technology-Tabango Campus,

MRVNPC, Tabango, Leyte.
The respondents will be limited to the registrar, cashier, administrator, faculty and
employees and the student to ascertain and identify the actual problems existing within the
This study is determining the management practices of the college. It will look into
features of the office and its daily tasks operation.
The researcher emphasize on the problems being encountered by the students,
employees/staff of Palompon Institute of Technology Tabango Campus, MRVNPC, Tabango,

Operational Terms
The definitions of terms are based on observable characteristics and how it is used
in the study.

Users - is an individual who use the system for its problem solving assistance.
Company- A business enterprise firm or the organization in.
Employee- A person employed at a wage or salary.
File- A receptacle that keeps loose objects such as papers or any collection of items.
Administrator- A person in charge to manages a system.
Record- A document that contains an account particularly in terms of collection.
Services-Non-monetary programs provided by companies that benefits clients.

Conceptual Terms
The definitions of terms are based on concepts or hypothetic ones, which are usually
taken from the dictionary.
Automated- The conversion of the process of automation has been already done.
Computer System- The configuration that includes all functional components of computer
and its associated hardware or software.
Database- An integrated collection of data which provides a more efficient way of storage
and retrieval of data and is capable of processing large portions of data
immediately. Information is the data that has been changed into a useful form of
Process – a series of actions, changes, of functions that bring about an end result.
Software- A computer terminology use to describe the unseen programming codes and
running application inside the computer system.
System- A set of related a component that produces specific results.
Technology - It is the study of practical or industrial arts.
Technological Advancement - A technical advancement or progress resulting to a
development of another technology.


The research is adopted to a descriptive method. This employs the systems analyses
method oriented towards computer approach likewise with the utilization of questionnaire on
the survey of the information flow within the organization.

Research Design
This study will use the descriptive-survey of research, utilizing the questionnaire as
the main gathering tool, which will be supported by relevant confidential information based
on interview and observation. This method will be used because it is a status survey that will
reveal the conditions and relations of the different processes and persons involved with the
proposed system.

Research Locale Study

Palompon Institute of Technology, MRVNPC, Tabango, Leyte is the locale of the
study, particularly the present enrolment system of the school. The Palompon Institute of
Technology Tabango Campus is Located at Sitio Otabon, Tabango, Leyte. Currently offers
four year courses in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Technology, Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Bachelor of Science in
Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and
Bachelor of Science in Fishery Education.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the study will be the Administrators, Accountant/cashier, Registrar
and the students. They should be known all the information involved in the system.
Wherein, the researcher prepares a set of carefully prepared and logically ordered
questions. This respondent focuses on the company’s employees/staff and students for they
are very important in a sense that this study is all about them. (See Table 1.)
Table 1.0
Respondents Distribution
N = 10
Position/Status No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Students 7 70%

Employees/Staff 1 10%

Treasurer 1 10%

Registrar 1 10%

TOTAL 10 100%

The tool questionnaires are being answered accordingly to the priority of concern by
using predetermined sets of questions with predefined ranges of answers so as to avoid any
conflicting series of response.

Data Gathering Instrument

These are the instruments or tools for gathering data in research used as basis for
drawing conclusions or making inferences. Some of these tools are questionnaires,
interviews, empirical observations, research and analysis used by the researcher as they
will conduct the proposed study.

Interview- An Interview is defined as a meeting of two people face to face to confer

about something or an act of questioning to receive a desired answer that
is necessary in solving a specific problem. This is where data gathering
occurs by asking questions for much needed information from the
interviewee verbally and directly.
Observation- This technique is used when the researcher cannot secure adequate
or valid data through the use of the questionnaire or some other
technique. It is considered to be the most direct means of studying
people in so far as their overt behavior is concerned. Observation of a
current operating procedure is another data gathering tool seeing the
system in action gives you additional perspective and better
understanding of system procedures.
Questionnaire- A pre-written series of questions used in gathering important
information’s from one or more persons. This will be given to the
individual who have a direct bearing of the study and in order to satisfy
the proponent’s goal that is to get and measure the opinions, polls and
attitude of the respondents of the study.
Research Procedure
The researchers had undertaken the following procedure for the successful
completion of the study.

Conducting Interview – the researchers had conducted an interview to the different

respondents namely: the students, the employees and staff of the Palompon
Institute of Technology-Tabango Campus, Tabango Leyte. Were the
respondents was asked on some reliable information on how the Enrolment
System was being process and detail of the data flow.
Gathering Data - in order to get the goal in this study the researchers must get the
availability and reliability of the data or in the formation. We gathered data
through and interview, research on some computers books, direct
observation on how the data had been workout.
Identifying Software for the Research Study - The software is imperative in making
computerized system. These requirements are necessary in order to have
good relation of a system. It is better to use software that is cheaper but with
a quality performance in learning access data, and instructions. The
researchers had selected the Visual Basic 6.0 as the host language and the
Microsoft access as its databases for the development or for the
computerization of the Enrolment system. The selection of software was
initially based on the availability of a familiarity of the researchers with the
particular software.
Encoding – the data gathered needed for these studies are encoded, the spacing, the
alignment that sizes of text were carefully considered and also the wording
are thoroughly checked, in order to have a clear and comprehensive output.
Testing - this program must be tested not only once but several times, and the
performance of the hardware was also tested. So it can process bulk of data.
Evaluation – the running system will be evaluated by the programmer, respondents,
administrative respondents and computer science teacher to evaluate the
affective and usefulness of the system made.
Statistical Tools
Statistics is one way of getting the information’s organized. To have a general view of
the whole scenario of the study, statistical tool is used. This also includes the scaling
system, which is used by the proponents as a technique to monitor the respondent’s
interpretation of facts. (See Table 2.0 & Table 3.0)

Table 2.0
Scaling Systems of the Existing System and Proposed System

Rating Scale Interpretation

5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor

Table 3.0
Scaling Systems for the Problems Encountered of the Existing System

Rating Scale Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Disagree
2 Strongly Disagree
1 Undecided

Statistical Treatment
The data that were gathered from the questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted
using the statistical tool:
Parameters of Limits
Lower limit Upper Limit Qualitative Description
4.21 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.41 4.20 Agree
2.61 3.40 Neutral
1.81 2.60 Disagree
1.00 1.80 Strongly Disagree

In developing the proposed system the proponents also determine and evaluate the
required hardware, software and people recommendations. And it shown below

Hardware Requirements of the Automated Enrolment System

1 PC Server
Pentium IV Processor or equivalent equipped with:
1 GB or 2GB RAM
180 GB HDD
HP Printer

Software Requirements of the Automated Enrolment System

Development Tools Purpose

On Software Development
Tools MS Visual Basic is used to develop
the Computer Generated Enrolment
MS Visual Basic 6.0 System,
MS Access
MS Access for the implementation of
its databases, and for the graphics
design of the interface of the
proposed system
On OS Platform:
Windows XP This system software is used as an
operating system in the
development, implementation and
maintenance of the computer
generated enrolment system.

On Documentation and MS Office 2003/MS Office 2007

Presentation application software package is used
MS Office 2003 /MS for the preparation of the Semi
Office 2007 automated enrolment system
documentations such as the research
paper, user manual, written REQ
communications, tables and slide UIRE
presentation, etc. MEN
The first step encompassed the tasks that go into determining the needs or
conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting
requirements of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users. This step was
critical to the success of the development project. The requirements must be actionable,
measurable, testable, related to identified needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of
detail sufficient for system design.
The analysis of the data, which have been gathered in the earlier part of the study.
This part serves the essential explanation of the details above the data. The researcher are
required a thorough investigation of the primary aspect, such as the books, internet or even
the school need for the researcher, to satisfy the said study.
The methodologies that researchers applied the comprehensive formulation of
solution to the problem, the measure in dealing with the objectives of the study and finally
the interpretation of the result.
This includes the presentation of the data that were purposely gathered then analyze
and interpreted, in answer to the sub problems of this study.
The researcher created the system with the used of visual basic 6.0 provided easy
access to relational features for user a raw power for developers. It was quiet simply the
fastest management system on desktop, and its combination of easy to use powerful tools.
Here are the uses of researcher:
- The use of consistent Design
- Pure Visual basic coding
- Unique Design
Data the terms information and knowledge is frequently used for overlapping
concept. The main difference is in the level of abstraction being considered. Data is the
lowest level of abstraction, information is the next level, and finally, knowledge is the

The analytical tools used in conducting the proposed study are the System flowchart,
IPO (Input Process Output) and HIPO (Hierarchical Input-Process-Output), which are
precisely discussed in this section for the development of the system.
System Flowchart. It is formalized graphic representation of a program logic
sequence, work or manufacturing process, organizing chart, or similar
formalized structure.
IPO or the Input Process Output. These are the components or elements that
make up the system. It is also described as tools on the design of the entire
HIPO or Hierarchical Input-Process-Output. A high-level view of the functions
performed by a system as its functions and software implementation.
Data Flow Diagram. This is a graphic illustration that shows the flow of data and
logic within the system.
Context Diagram. This is an overview of the organizational system that shows the
system boundary, external entities that interact with the system, and the
major information flows between the entities and the system.

Design is a visualization of the outcome of a product but then in software design
phase, time is very essential because designing software is not an overnight job. It takes a
long period of time to ensure efficiency, maintainability and reliability if the software.
Software design is a process of problem-solving and planning for a software solution.
After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, software developers will
design or employ designers to develop a plan for a solution. It includes low-level component
and algorithm implementation issues as well as the architectural view.
The proponents considered different aspects in the design of the semi-automated
enrollment system. Each aspect must reflect the goals that the proponents were trying to
achieve. Some of the aspects that the proponents incorporated in their study are the
following: compatibility, extensibility, fault-tolerance, maintainability, reliability, reusability,
and usability. For the design of the software, the proponents also used data flow diagram
and entity relationship diagram along with normalization.


The phase of the software development method where software has already been
debugged documented and tested. The objective of the implementation phase is to deliver a
completely functioning and documented information system.
Implementation plan is the process of writing, testing, debugging/troubleshooting,
and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in a
programming language. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a
certain desired behavior. Coding requires expertise in many different subjects, including
knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.
The proponents used VISUAL BASIC 6.0 for the coding and the interface, and for the
system to be available, the proponents made it to Microsoft visual basic 6.0. Upon being
made, errors were expected to emerge since the codes must also be compatible with the
software that the well be use to supports, further debugging was done until there are no
errors found.

A stage or phase where the proposed system will be given to a panel of critics and
end-users for testing. In this way, the developer can determine the response of the user
whether the system works or not.
Software testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide the company with
information about the quality of the product or service under test, with respect to the context
in which it is intended to operate. It also provides an objective, independent view of the
software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks at implementation of
the software. Test techniques include the process of executing a program or application with
the intent of finding software bugs. It can also be the process of validating and verifying that
the system meets the requirements that guided its design and development.

Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available
for use. The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with
possible transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer site or at the
consumer site or both. Deployment should be interpreted as a general process that has to
be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics.
When the system became available, both the institution and the proponents were
able to evaluate how the system provided the needs of the institution and how the
proponents were able to include the specified requirements to the system that they have

Halvorson, Michael. (1999). Microsoft Visual Basic Professional 6.0 Step by Step. Microsoft Press,
Redmond, WA.


Lee, Ma. Kristina Shailla and Et AL “Student Portal: School Information management System” March 2009

Espina, Christine and ET AL “URBAN LOG: Local Government Information Management System, March




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