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Acuan Perencanaan Alat Kesehatan

Kode Rs 2072002
Form f3

mark Keterangan Kebutuhan

* Pelayanan Medik dan Keperawatan/Pelayanan Klinik RS

** Instalasi Gawat Darurat
*** Ruangan Resusitasi
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
*** Ruangan Khusus/ Isolasi
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
1720 10902007 Bed patient 1
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
4283 20903057 Emergency Trolley / Resuscitation Crash Cart 1
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
2812 20501033 Stetoskop/Stetoskop Dewasa 1
1705 20901011 Termometer digital 1
*** Ruangan Observasi
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
5385 21403034 Pneumatic Splint Set 1
** Instalasi Rawat Inap
*** Ruangan Perawatan Perinatologi
2588 21102005 Fetal phonocardiographic monitor and accessories 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
*** Ruangan Perawatan Penyakit Dalam/ Sp. THT/ Sp. Syaraf
1699 10901006 Timbangan dewasa; 1
*** Ruangan Perawatan Jiwa/ Psikiatri
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
2812 20501033 Stetoskop/Stetoskop Dewasa 1
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
1720 10902007 Bed patient 1
*** Ruangan Perawatan Paru + Pernafasan
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
2376 20403044 Nebulizer 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
2413 20403081 Resusitator Dewasa 1
2309 10401037 Spirometer/Diagnostic Spirometer 1
2812 20501033 Stetoskop/Stetoskop Dewasa 1
1788 20903029 Suction pump/Pompa vakum /Vacuum-powered body fluid suction apparatus; Suction
1 Pump Mob
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
4102 20903053 Suction Thorax 1
** Instalasi Rawat Jalan/Poliklinik
*** Ruangan Klinik Spesialis Kesehatan Anak
4268 20903055 Baby Suction Pump 1
5510 10903117 Cool box immunization / Cold Chain (untuk penyimpan vaksin) 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
2376 20403044 Nebulizer 1
5317 20403089 Resusitator Anak 1
1772 10903013 Sudip/penekan lidah/Tongue depressor 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Jantung & Pembuluh Darah, Sub Spesialis
3014 20501036 Doppler Perifer 1
4334 20502024 Hydraulic, pneumatic, or photoelectric plethysmographs 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Paru + Pernafasan
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
5337 20403090 Resusitation Set / Resusitation bay / Resusitation kit 1
4115 20902047 Stetoskop anak 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Mata & Sub Spesialistik
5159 11203002 Basic opthalmic instrument 1
5158 11201005 Buku Ishihara-kanehara 1
5203 11201077 Contrast Sensitivity Test 1
5194 21201082 Elektroretinogram (ERG) 1
5189 21201077 Fundus camera + FFA 1
5198 21201086 Hertel Oftalmometer 1
5184 21201073 Kampimeter automatic 1
5183 21201072 Kampimeter Goldman 1
5202 11201076 Portable Keratometer 1
5176 11201072 Lembar kartu tes baca 1
5164 11201038 Lembar optotip snellen dengan clock dial 1
5163 11201071 Lensa Gonioskopi dengan 3 cermin 1
5155 11201070 Lensa gonometri dengan 3 cermin 1
5153 11201020 Lup/Kaca Pembesar 1
5154 11201021 Lup binokuler 1
5190 21201078 OCT (Optical Coherent Tomography) 1
5150 21201069 Opthalmoscope direk 1
5191 21201079 Pachymetri 1
5205 11201078 Pelli Robson Test 1
5177 11201012 Set dilator punktum 1
5199 21201087 Spekular mikroskop 1
5197 21201085 Strabismus diagnostik set 1
5156 21201071 Streak retinoskopi 1
5196 21201084 Synophtofore 1
5148 21201067 Tonometer aplanasi 1
5192 21201080 Topografi kornea 1
5193 21201081 Trial Lens Contact (Fitting) 1
5195 21201083 Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) 1
5426 20603018 Anasthesi local set 1
5293 21203040 Laser Fotocoagulasi Glaukoma Set 1
5292 21203039 Laser Fotocoagulasi Retina Set 1
5295 21203042 Lasik Set 1
5032 11201028 Ophthalmic trial lens set 1
5296 11201079 Worth Four Dot Test 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Bedah Umum/ Bedah
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
2812 20501033 Stetoskop/Stetoskop Dewasa 1
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
4216 21603059 Hecting set 1
2038 21603019 ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah Orthopaedi Umum & Sub Spesialistik
4206 11303015 Alat pembuka gips 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Kebidanan dan Kandungan
5341 20502039 Cardiotocograph/CTG 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
2989 21101019 Office histeroscopy 1
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
6138 21102025 USG 2D 1
5392 10903097 Bak instrument kaca 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
1644 11402026 Kursi roda 1
1806 20903056 Tiang infus 1
*** Ruangan Klinik dr. Gigi umum, Gigi Spesialis dan Gigi Sub Spesialis
5403 10603023 Alat endodontic dasar 1
5405 10605029 Alat peraga penyuluhan kesehatan gigi 1
5406 10602076 Stainless steel crown set 1
5404 10602075 Tang ortodontik dasar 1
5761 10603029 Acrylic trimmer bur 1
4816 10605001 Abrasive device and accessories/Alat poles 1
4730 10602008 Articulator 1
5412 10605031 Bite fork 1
5765 10605046 Brush polisher 1
5410 10602079 Crown retractor 1
5762 20605054 Dental vibrator 1
5764 10605045 Feltcone 1
5411 20602080 Gingival retraction cord packer 1
5766 10605047 Lecron 1
5763 10605044 Model trimmer 1
5409 10605030 Periodontal Probe 1
5407 10602077 Tang Klamer 2 jari 1
5408 10602078 Tang Klamer 3 jari 1
5936 10603006t Bor Intan (Diamond Bur Assorted) untuk Air Jet Hand Piece (Kecepat 1
1989 11303001 Calipers for clinical use 1
5430 20602082 Cavity preparation set 1
5425 10602073 Cheek Retractor 1
5434 20603020 Exodonsia set 1
5433 20602083 Inlay Indirect set 1
5429 10605036 Oral Hygiene Set 1
2142 20601002 Pulp tester 1
4808 20603013 Rotary scaler/Tip scaler 1
5435 20602084 Set orthodensi 1
5416 10602070 Set preparasi mahkota dan jembatan 1
5420 10605032 Shade guide 1
6296 10603023S Endodonty set 1
6159 20602086 Implant set untuk dental 1
6161 11603101 Operating stool 1
6297 20603013B Rotary brush 1
*** Ruangan Klinik THT dan Sp. THT
5119 10704008 ABR/BERA (Brain Evoke Respon Audiometer) 1
5131 10701021 Cermin Risnoskopi Posterior 1
4537 20701030 Diafanoskop 1
1829 11001018 Garpu tala 1
5126 11201068 Lensa frenzel 1
4611 20701023 Luc serumen 1
4535 20701029 Nasofaringoskop 1
5128 10701019 Parasintesis set 1
4538 20701031 Rhinuscope 1
4522 20701027 Rinomanometer 1
5125 10701017 Set irigasi sinus 1
4534 20701028 Sinuskop 1
5129 10704009 Sound proof box 1
4576 20703012 Trocar anthrum 1
4521 20701026 Tymphanometer 1
4612 20701024 Wattendrager (pembawa kapas) 1
5127 10701018 Wondspuit 1
5024 20703013 Nasopharyngoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessories 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Saraf/ Neurologi & Sub Spesialistik
5448 11001037 Brainmaping 32 channels 1
1829 11001018 Garpu tala 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Kulit dan Penyakit Kelamin / Sp. Kulit dan KelaminSp. Kulit dan Kela
5419 10903100 Woods lamp 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah Syaraf
4149 21001039 Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Kedokteran Jiwa/ Psikiatri
1690 11403038 ECT/Electro Convulsion Therapy 1
1781 10903022 Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur periksa / Examination Table 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Penyakit Dalam
4137 20903054 Pen Light / Lampu Senter 1
1705 20901011 Termometer digital 1
4283 20903057 Emergency Trolley / Resuscitation Crash Cart 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
5679 20504034 Lever biopsi set 1
5680 21603068 Set Aspirasi Sumsum Tulang Belakang 1
5681 21603069 Renal biopsi set 1
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
4258 20501024 Trocar 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Paru dan Pernafasan
5807 11603064 Alat biopsi lengkap 1
5660 20502041 Astograph 1
2413 20403081 Resusitator Dewasa 1
4102 20903053 Suction Thorax 1
5389 20504033 Thoracoscopy 1
5682 20903117 Under Water Seal Drainage System 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. THT
5114 20703027 Anthrum biopsi tang 1
5133 21603061 Biopsi tang 1
2038 21603019 ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1
5139 10703022 Mastoidectomy set 1
5140 10703023 Septum corection set 1
5134 10703017 Set bedah minor THT 1
5137 10703020 Adenotonsilektomi sluder & diseksi set 1
5138 10703021 Biopsi nasopharing, tumor hidung set 1
5135 10703018 Polipektomi set 1
5136 10703019 Trakeostromi set 1
5141 10703024 Tang biopsi nasofaring 1
5142 10703025 Tonsil anses forceps 1
5797 11603038 Mikroskop operasi 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Bedah Syaraf
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
1781 10903022 Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur periksa / Examination Table 1
5105 20903058 Set angkat jahitan 1
5108 11003036 Set punksi lumbal 1
*** Ruangan Tindakan Sp. Kulit dan Kelamin
5438 20903094 Comedo extraktor instrument set 1
4519 21603016 Cryosurgical unit and accessories 1
5806 21603071 Dioda laser surgical 1
2038 21603019 ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1
4100 11104011 Obstetric-gynecologic general manual instrument 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
5805 21603070 Laser CO2 1
5657 10903138 Magnifying lamp 1
1781 10903022 Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur periksa / Examination Table 1
5439 21603063 Microsurgery with dermatome 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
5436 11603053 Mosquito clamp (lurus dan bengkok) 1
5442 11603054 Peralatan Bedah Skalpel 1
5447 31602007 Peralatan Botox 1
5445 20903095 Peralatan Chemical peeling 1
5446 31602006 Peralatan Filler 1
1747 20902034 Phototherapy unit 1
5441 10903102 Punch set 1
5437 20903093 Skin curette 1
2607 31104005 Spekulum Vagina/Cocor bebek 1
6298 21701043 Laser Nd YAG 1
6374 1801051 Tensimeter 1
*** Ruangan Klinik Sp. Bedah
5656 10903137 Lampu kepala / head lamp 1
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
** Instalasi Bedah Central
*** Ruangan Persiapan
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
*** Ruangan Bedah Minor/endoscopy
5548 20903108 Endoscope washer 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
*** Ruangan Bedah Umum
5197 21201085 Strabismus diagnostik set 1
1917 21301001 Arthroscope 1
5157 21201006 Autorefraktometer 1
5210 21203031 Bedah retraktif set 1
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
5661 20903115 Blanket warmer/Hipotermia unit 1
5309 11201082 Bleharostat bayi 1
5305 21201090 Chart Projector 1
5085 21203005 Cryophthalmic unit 1
4519 21603016 Cryosurgical unit and accessories 1
5214 21203034 Dakriosistorhinostomi (DCR) set 1
5150 21201069 Opthalmoscope direk 1
5194 21201082 Elektroretinogram (ERG) 1
5362 21101023 Embriotomi set 1
5289 21203038 Endolaser unit 1
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
5207 21203028 Glaukoma set 1
5198 21201086 Hertel Oftalmometer 1
5673 20903116 Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator System 1
5151 21201070 Opthalmoscope indirek 1
5300 21203044 Katarak dan Bedah Refraktif 1
5208 21203029 Keratoplasti 1
2742 11203012 Operating headlamp 1
5857 21603075 Laparoscopy 1
5687 20404004 Video laringoscope set 1
5293 21203040 Laser Fotocoagulasi Glaukoma Set 1
5292 21203039 Laser Fotocoagulasi Retina Set 1
5502 11201084 Lateral set 1
5152 11201069 Lensmeter / Lensometer 1
5350 31603035 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk abdomen Dewasa 1
5351 31603036 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk abdomen pediatric 1
5354 31603039 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk bedah plastik 1
5346 31603031 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk kepala (Dewasa dan pediatric) 1
5347 31603032 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk leher (Dewasa dan pediatric) 1
5349 31603034 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk thorak dan cardiac Baby 1
5348 31603033 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk thorak dan cardiac Dewasa 1
5352 31603037 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk urologi Dewasa 1
5353 31603038 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk urologi pediatric 1
5355 31603040 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk vaskuler 1
5357 31603042 Mastektomi set 1
1870 11002022 Microsurgical instrument 1
5797 11603038 Mikroskop operasi 1
5356 31603041 Minimal invasive surgery set 1
5688 11603063 Monitor for laparoscopy 1
5211 21203032 Okuloplasti set 1
2050 21603031 Lampu operasi (Ceyling Type) 1
2069 11603050 Operating table, electric 1
2068 11603049 Operating table, Manual 1
5055 11201052 Opthalmic refractometer 1
5032 11201028 Ophthalmic trial lens set 1
5212 21203033 Orbitotomy lateral set 1
5299 21203043 Peralatan Adneksa dan orbita sederhana 1
5298 11203030 Peralatan Bedah Segmen Posterior 1
5304 21201089 Peralatan Diagnostik Retina 1
5297 11203029 Peralatan Segmen Anterior 1
5306 11201080 Preferential looking 1
5689 10903143 Printer video 1
5302 21203046 Set Transplantasi Tembus Kornea 1
5215 21203035 Simple Vitrioretinal Surgery 1
5200 11201074 Slit Lamp 1
5156 21201071 Streak retinoskopi 1
5303 21201088 Tonopen 1
5182 11201073 Bingkai ujicoba trial lens (trial frame) 1
5690 10804015 Urologi instrumen set 1
5665 30403100 USG untuk regional anastesi dan pemasangan CVP 1
1785 20903026 UV Sterilizer 1
2412 10403081 Mesin Anestesi ventilator 1
5195 21201083 Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) 1
5216 21203036 Vitrectomy unit 1
5294 21203041 YAG Laser Set 1
*** Ruangan Bedah Besar/Mayor
5482 11303023 Amputation Set 1
1917 21301001 Arthroscope 1
5661 20903115 Blanket warmer/Hipotermia unit 1
5489 21302069 Caspar Cervical Retractor 1
5493 31302058 Caspar Microlumbar Discectomy 1
5492 11303027 Cervical Kerisson 1
4888 21002010 Cryogenic surgical device 1
4519 21603016 Cryosurgical unit and accessories 1
6141 11603099 Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator System 1
5481 11303022 Damage Screw Set 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
2038 21603019 ESU/Electrosurgical Unit 1
5362 21101023 Embriotomi set 1
5314 11203031 Hak Orbita 1
5487 11303026 Implan orbita 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
5480 11303021 Instrument Set For Intramedullary Pins Extraction 1
5675 21002041 Intraoperatif neurofisiology Monitoring 1
5491 11303026 Kerrison Set 1
5670 11303028 Laminectomy 1
5656 10903137 Lampu kepala / head lamp 1
5488 21302068 Lumbar Subcutaneous Retractor 1
5354 31603039 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk bedah plastik 1
5346 31603031 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk kepala (Dewasa dan pediatric) 1
5347 31603032 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk leher (Dewasa dan pediatric) 1
5349 31603034 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk thorak dan cardiac Baby 1
5348 31603033 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk thorak dan cardiac Dewasa 1
5353 31603038 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk urologi pediatric 1
5355 31603040 Major Surgery Instrument Set utk vaskuler 1
5479 11303020 Mini Instrument Set In Graphic Case 1
5356 31603041 Minimal invasive surgery set 1
5688 11603063 Monitor for laparoscopy 1
5691 21603031C Operating lamp with CCTV 1
5692 21603031OR Operating table with orthopedi set 1
5313 10603022 Periosteal elevator 1
5694 20903118 Periosteal elevator iga 1
5483 11302003 Plaster Cast Cutter Set 1
5476 10903116 Plate Bending Instrument 1
5689 10903143 Printer video 1
5311 21203047 Probe Lakrimal 1
5312 10603021 Rounger 1
5671 11303029 Thoracolumbar Posterior Stabilization Instruments 1
5177 11201012 Set dilator punktum 1
5172 11002038 Set Instrumen Bedah Mikro 1
5169 21002035 Set Instrumen Bedah Saraf Fungsional 1
5330 21002040 Set Instrumen Bedah Saraf Minimal Invasif 1
5170 21002036 Set Instrumen Bedah Vaskuler 1
5171 21002037 Set Instrumen Skullbase 1
5168 21002034 Set Instrumentasi Bedah Saraf Spinal 1
5513 21202011 Silicon lacrimal tube 1
5484 11303024 Spine Electric Motor 1
5485 11303025 Spine Endoscopy Instrument 1
5690 10804015 Urologi instrumen set 1
5665 30403100 USG untuk regional anastesi dan pemasangan CVP 1
1785 20903026 UV Sterilizer 1
5687 20404004 Video laringoscope set 1
** Instalasi HCU
*** Ruangan Perawatan HCU
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
1709 20901015 Central Monitor 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
5516 205020096ch ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 6 CH 1
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
1758 20902045 ICU Bed Electric 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
5504 10901023 Infusion warmer 1
1723 10902010 Matras decubitus 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
2413 20403081 Resusitator Dewasa 1
2812 20501033 Stetoskop/Stetoskop Dewasa 1
1788 20903029 Suction pump/Pompa vakum /Vacuum-powered body fluid suction apparatus; Suction
1 Pump Mob
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
2410 10403079 Ventilator 1
6374 1801051 Tensimeter 1
** Instalasi Rawat Intensif (ICU)
*** Ruangan rawat pasien non isolasi ICU
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
*** ICCU Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
5514 20403092 Cardiac Resuscitation 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
5516 205020096ch ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 6 CH 1
4404 21501023 Ultrasonic pulsed echo imaging system 1
4283 20903057 Emergency Trolley / Resuscitation Crash Cart 1
4431 21501030 Image-intensified fluoroscopic x-ray system 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
4193 20501039 Intra-aortic Ballon Pump (IABP) 1
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
4365 20503013 Pacemaker generator function analyzer 1
5506 20501042 Pericard Sintesis Set 1
1788 20903029 Suction pump/Pompa vakum /Vacuum-powered body fluid suction apparatus; Suction
1 Pump Mob
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
2410 10403079 Ventilator 1
** Perawatan Intensif (NICU)
*** Ruang Rawat Pasien/ NICU
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
1721 20902008 Infant radiant warmer 1
5802 10403085HFO Infant ventilator HFO 1
2376 20403044 Nebulizer 1
2362 20403030 Oxygen Concentrator / Portable Oxygen Generator. 1
1747 20902034 Phototherapy unit 1
4268 20903055 Baby Suction Pump 1
** Rawat Intensif (PICU)
*** Ruangan Perawatan Pasien PICU
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
1758 20902045 ICU Bed Electric 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
2376 20403044 Nebulizer 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
1747 20902034 Phototherapy unit 1
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
2410 10403079 Ventilator 1
** Ruang Kebidanan dan Penyakit Kandungan
*** Ruang Bersalin Tanpa Komplikasi (VK/delivery)
5341 20502039 Cardiotocograph/CTG 1
2507 21501022 Doppler 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
6313 21104029 Delivery instrument set 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
1701 10901020 Timbangan bayi 1
4307 10403084 Oxygen set+flowmeter 1
2610 21104008 Vacum Ekstraktor/Fetal vacuum extractor 1
5358 21104022 Sectio Caesarian set 1
2340 20403078 Mesin Anestesi 1
5504 10901023 Infusion warmer 1
4950 20403065 Autotransfusion apparatus 1
5362 21101023 Embriotomi set 1
2050 21603031 Lampu operasi (Ceyling Type) 1
4216 21603059 Hecting set 1
3008 21104017 Alat partus set 1
1698 20901005 Spinal fluid manometer 1
5505 10903100 Alat pemanas / warmer 1
5887 11603084 Gunting Bedah Standar, Lengkung 1
5495 21105028 Pengait IUD 1
3009 21104016 Tenakulum (uterine tenaculum) 1
5865 11603077 Pinset Bedah/Operasi 1
5867 11603076 Dressing Forceps/korentang 1
6315 11603104no3 Gagang pisau no. 3 1
6299 21101017MP Meja Periksa Ginekologi dan kursi pemeriksa 1
5378 11104024 Lampu ginekolog 1
5366 20903089 Pinset Chirurgical 1
5496 31104028 Himinoplasti 1
5388 10903095 Nierbeken 1
5218 21106013 Alat pemecah selaput ketuban atau 1/2 kocher 1
5498 11104026 Sendok kuret 1
5701 21104025 Tampon tang 1
5499 11104027 Metal catheter 1
5379 10404010 Tabung Oksigen 1
*** Ruangan Persiapan Bersalin (Observasi) Tanpa Komplikasi/Kala II-III (labour)
3008 21104017 Alat partus set 1
4950 20403065 Autotransfusion apparatus 1
1732 20902019 Inkubator infant Tansport 1
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
2507 21501022 Doppler 1
5362 21101023 Embriotomi set 1
4283 20903057 Emergency Trolley / Resuscitation Crash Cart 1
4101 21104012 Obstetric-gynecologic specialized manual instrument 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
5685 21603031M Lampu Operasi Bergerak/Operating Lamp Mobile 1
5218 21106013 Alat pemecah selaput ketuban atau 1/2 kocher 1
2413 20403081 Resusitator Dewasa 1
5498 11104026 Sendok kuret 1
5497 21104023 Sim Utarine Currete Blunt 1
2997 21101027 Sonde Uterus (Uterine Sound) 1
2610 21104008 Vacum Ekstraktor/Fetal vacuum extractor 1
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
5701 21104025 Tampon tang 1
1701 10901020 Timbangan bayi 1
*** Ruang Bayi Normal/Transisi
4270 20403083 Resusitator bayi/neonatus 1
1732 20902019 Inkubator infant Tansport 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
*** Pemulihan/Recovery
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
1748 20902035 Infusion pump 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
1759 20902046 Syringe Pump 1
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
1720 10902007 Bed patient 1
1705 20901011 Termometer digital 1
1699 10901006 Timbangan dewasa; 1
*** Ruangan Perawatan (Post Partum)
5338 10902018 Antidecubitus Matras 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
1720 10902007 Bed patient 1
1644 11402026 Kursi roda 1
2376 20403044 Nebulizer 1
4195 20903042 Stretcher/Brankar 1
1705 20901011 Termometer digital 1
1699 10901006 Timbangan dewasa; 1
*** Ruang Persiapan Bersalin (Observasi) dengan komplikasi (pre-eclamsy labour)
5341 20502039 Cardiotocograph/CTG 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
1718 20902005 Bed patient electric 1
* Penunjang Medik RS
** Instalasi Radiodiagnostik
*** Ruangan General X-ray (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)
5371 11503005 Surveymeter 1
*** Ruangan Fluoroskopi (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)
4431 21501030 Image-intensified fluoroscopic x-ray system 1
*** Ruangan Ultra Sonografi/ USG (Ruang Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik)
2927 21102019 USG 3D 1
6138 21102025 USG 2D 1
*** Ruangan Pemeriksaan/ Diagnostik Sp. Jantung & Pembuluh Darah (Tindakan)/ Kama
4261 20501028 Angiographic injector and syringe 1
1695 10901002 Bed-side Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor 1
2510 21501025 Angiographic x-ray system 1
4471 20505007 Defibrilator 1
2822 20502009 ECG/EKG/Electrocardiograph 1
5706 10504030 Elektrofisiologi set 1
2535 11501050 X-Ray Film Viewer 1
4215 21603058 Minor Surgery Set 1
4307 10403084 Oxygen set+flowmeter 1
*** Kamar Processing Film (digital ataupun AFP Kering)
5769 11503010 Printer Processing Film / Paper 1
** Unit Hemodialisa
*** Ruangan Cuci Darah
1811 20903052 Aspirator/Vacuum/Suction pump portable 1
5684 20903050 Sterilisator/Sterilisator Basah 1
** Instalasi Pemulasaraan Jenazah
*** Laboratorium Otopsi
5656 10903137 Lampu kepala / head lamp 1
1780 10903021 Examination light / Examination lamp / Lampu periksa / Hanging l 1
6145 20903161 Dissection table 1
6148 21701028 Weighting machine for weighting dead bodies 1
6149 21701029 Weighting machine for organs 1
** Instalasi Laboratorium
*** Ruangan Imunologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
5600 20101160 EIA Sistem 1
3219 10102018 Fluorometer for clinical use/Fluorometer 1
5587 10102030 Isoelectric focusing system 1
5721 10304011 Nefelometer 1
*** Ruangan Kimia Klinik (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
3216 10102015 Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use/Elektroforesis 1
3218 10102017 Flame emission photometer for clinical use/Fotometer flame emiss 1
5768 20101161 Ultra sentrifuse 1
*** Ruangan Urin/Tinja (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
3229 10102028 Automated urinalysis system/urin analizer 1
*** Ruangan Hematologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
5591 20205019 Agregometer 1
5376 20205017 Analisa Hb 1
5590 20205018 Flow cytometri 1
3218 10102017 Flame emission photometer for clinical use/Fotometer flame emiss 1
*** Ruangan Mikrobiologi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
5526 20903102 Autoclave table top 1
5604 10203043 Biosafety cabinet level 2B 1
3204 10102003 Centrifugal chemistry analyzer for clinical use/centrifuge kimia klini 1
3423 10302018 Microbiological incubator 1
5725 10903145 Instrumen sterilisasi cairan menggunakan filter 1
5724 10302027 Jar anaerob 1
3399 20209021 Blood storage refrigerator and blood storage freezer/refrigerator & 1
5640 20205023 Mesin pembaca produk PCR 1
3225 10102024 Pipetting and diluting system for clinical use/Perangkat pipet 1
3305 10203006 Microscopes and accessories/Mikroskop 1
5723 10203049 Mikroskop lapang gelap 1
3216 10102015 Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use/Elektroforesis 1
5372 20101158 pH Meter 1
5644 10302037 Refrigerated centrifuge 1
5636 10903136 Shaking waterbath 1
3227 10102026 Atomic absorption spectrophotometer for clinical use/Atomic abso 1
5595 10203018 Timbangan / balance untuk media 1
*** Ruangan Patologi Anatomi (Ruang Pemeriksaan)
5642 10203045 Alat pengukur berat (timbangan) > 1 Kg 1
5641 10203044 Alat pengukur berat (timbangan) < 1 Kg 1
3216 10102015 Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use/Elektroforesis 1
1797 20903038 Autoclave 1
5526 20903102 Autoclave table top 1
5628 10203039 Autopsi set 1
5615 10203033 Cyto spin 1
5629 10203040 Five headed microscope 1
5622 10302033 Fully motorize rotary microtome 1
5594 10203048 Fume hood 1
6122 11603098LuTj Gunting Lurus, Ujung Tajam (Metzenbaum) (18 Cm) 1
3423 10302018 Microbiological incubator 1
5727 10205016 Laminary air flow 1
5610 10203030 Lemari penyimpanan bahan-bahan FNAB 1
5616 10302027 Liquid base cytology manual 1
5153 11201020 Lup/Kaca Pembesar 1
5623 10203035 Manual tissue processing 1
3399 20209021 Blood storage refrigerator and blood storage freezer/refrigerator & 1
5618 10302029 Micro balance 1
5375 10203012 Microscope fluoresens 1
5609 10203029 Microscope imunofluoresence 1
5597 20101159 Mikrosentrifus 1
5372 20101158 pH Meter 1
4871 21002005 Scalp clip 1
3225 10102024 Pipetting and diluting system for clinical use/Perangkat pipet 1
5613 10203031 Piston gun 1
5633 20903112 Rak slide 1
3204 10102003 Centrifugal chemistry analyzer for clinical use/centrifuge kimia klini 1
2004 11601001 Speculum and accessories 1
5596 10203019 Stereomicroscope 1
1796 20903037 Sterilisator kering/Dry-heat sterilizer 1
5595 10203018 Timbangan / balance untuk media 1
5606 10203027 Virtual microscope 1
** Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik
*** Ruangan Diagnostik Dokter
1781 10903022 Meja Periksa / Tempat tidur periksa / Examination Table 1
5741 11401021 Biotrigger Computerize Analizer 1
5739 11401019 Cognitive Evaluation and Treatment 1
1612 21401003 Electromyograph 1
2948 11301004 Goniometer 1
5735 11401015 Handgrip Streght Dynamometer 1
5733 11401013 Handheld Dynamometer 1
5734 11401014 Inclinometer 1
5732 11401012 Isokinetic Dynamometer 1
5737 11401017 Mobility Analyzer 1
2833 20502020 Oximeter / pulse oximeter / Oksigen Saturasi 1
4671 20401026 Peak-flow meter for spirometry 1
5740 11401020 Plantar Pressure Analysis 1
5730 11401010 Posture Analyzer 1
5738 11401018 Seating & Positioning Analysis 1
2309 10401037 Spirometer/Diagnostic Spirometer 1
5728 21401011 Ultrasonography Muskuloskeletal 1
2428 20801005 Urodynamic 1
5736 11401016 Voice Analyzer 1
*** Ruangan Terapi Psikologi
5782 11404005 Peralatan Organis 1
5781 11404004 Peralatan Konsultasi dan Terapi 1
*** Ruangan Fisioterapi Pasif
5565 21403038 Acupunture therapy 1
5585 21403057 Ankle / wrist 1
5568 21403040 Bath whirl pool 1
5741 11401021 Biotrigger Computerize Analizer 1
4306 11402023 Cane, crutch, and walker tips and pads 1
5564 21403037 Compression therapy 1
4287 11402005 kruk/penopang/Crutch 1
5576 21403048 Electro stimulation & analgesia 1
4328 11403017 Powered exercise equipment 1
5572 21403044 Finger muscle therapy 1
5567 21403039 Hidro therapy 1
5579 21403051 Hotpacks & perculator 1
5570 21403042 Isostation for accurate 1
5562 21403035 LF electro therapy 1
5571 21403043 Lymphatic physiotherapy 1
5787 21403059 Platform Walker 1
5569 21403041 Pulse erator unit 1
5788 21403060 Reciprocal Walker 1
5789 21403061 Reverse Walker 1
5790 21403062 Rolling Triceps Walker 1
5791 21403063 Rolling/Gliding Walker 1
5574 21403046 Rowing machine 1
5794 21403066 Stair-Climbing Walker 1
5795 21403067 Standar Walker 1
5742 11403045 Therapeutic Position and Equipment Set 1
5573 21403045 Therapeutical nerve & muscle stimulation 1
5586 21403058 Tilt table 1
1693 11403041 Treadmill 1
5578 21403050 Ultraviolet quartz 1
1644 11402026 Kursi roda 1
1645 21402027 Kursi roda elektrik/Powered wheelchair 1
*** Ruangan Terapi Okupasi
5792 21403064 Alat Terapi Sensori Integrasi Set 1
5793 21403065 Snoozlen Set 1
5796 11404009 Alat Latihan Sensori 1

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