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Grabación 1.

2 personas

Hello, my name is Audrei Peña, I'm from Puerto Tejada Cauca, I'm twenty-four years old, I'm
single, a UNAD student, I'm a lonely woman but very dedicated


Juan is smarter playing NINTENDO than José

José says that the blue color is prettier than the red one

Juan believes that Shakira is more talented than Beyonce

Juan thinks that playing football is less boring than reading a book

José is a better cook than Juan

Juan says he is happier than José

Grabación 2.

Lili = good morning!

Waiter = Good morning, how can I help you?

L = could you tell me the menu ??

M = we have a new egg recipe, you should try it

L = great, but I need to have a cup of coffee

M = ok, you could order the coffee cup and the eggs

L = how long does the order take? I have to get to work on time

M = the order takes twenty minutes, but could make an exception and serve you in ten minutes.
You should read the newspaper.

L = yes! I can read, would you bring the bill please?

M = of course

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