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Polyphonic HMI- Mixing Music and Math

Group 2
Abhijit Sahoo – P18035
Ankit Sharma – P18040
Ajay – P18051
Madhur Jain – P18017
Payal Ambade – P18058
Rohan Rawat – P18089
Saahil Hingorani – P18011
Group 2

The Chapter talks about the concept of Subcultures and how marketers target these sub
cultures using specific marketing campaigns. Different segments specifically classfieid
through age and ethnicicty is given utmost importance.The ethnic groups are again classified
on the basis of racial, national and religious bases, with discussion only on race and national

Subcultures are defined as the groups which have similar values, customs and traditions
within a culture. Ethnic describes the small groups in the society. The consumers may be
subdivided in to ethnic dimensions like Race, nationality and religion. The US currently is
more ethnically and racially diverse than any other time in its history. If we compare two
randomly selected Americans there are 40 percent chances that they are ethnically or racially
different from each other.


Blacks are usually considered as having disadvantage in terms of education and occupation.
They are more like to stay in poor neighbourhodd and crowded part of large city. There are
approximately 30 million people in the US Black market. The population of black residing in
North is 44% and where as South it is 56%. The Total Buying power of black is $150 bn,
which is approximately 57% of the buying power of white.

A study shown by the Leo Burnett Advertising agency

showed that black female lifestyle patterns particularly in urban scenario shows stronger
interest in style and fashion as compared to those of the whites. The black women in lower
income segment are more expectant of the value and rely heavily on advertising.

The typical spending pattern for the black and white

are almost same, since the income of white households are more than the black they tend to
spend higher. If we look at the scenario of today, blacks are spending more than the white for
education, travel, recreation and housing. Companies like Greyhound, PepsiCo have
influenced and benefitted from such pattern.

The minority groups are more likely to engage in the

“Compensatory Compensation” which is the more spending of black for the socially visible
product. The shopping behaviour study shows that the black people tend to spend more for
their visit to shopping centre as compared to white or Hispanic. The study of media patterns
shows that the special avenues to attract black customer include television, radio, magazines
Group 2

and newspaper. The study of print ads indicate that the “BLACK ONLY” Ads were
considered more realistic by black as compared to the “WHITE ONLY” or Integrated Ads.


The Asian subculture consists of Chinese, Indian, Korean with the approximate sixe of 8
million or 3 percent of total population of the country residing mainly in the West of US. The
average personal income of Asian is less than that of whites but the median household
income of the family is more than that of the American. The concept of Assimilation and
Acculturation results when the person are being taught or all the values of the new culture as
compared to its original subculture. Due to the youthfulness and education level, Asians are
more comfortable with technology as compared to general population and are more likely to
own electronic items as well as high quality mens suits, luggage as well as cameras. Asians
view quality as more important factor than price. The media pattern for Asian is similar to non
Hispanic whites where as Hispanics were found to follow black customers. Asian Yellow page
directory can be used to reach this group and are not buyer or user of coupons.

There is a description of HISPANIC SUBCULUTRE, The YOUTH SUBCULTURE, and The OLDER
SUBCULTURE. For Marketers, it is important to identify these ethnic groups and approach them
with carefully planned and executed strategies based on the knowledge of the similarities and
differences in the American market. The consumer behaviour insights are gained through the
numerous studies done through time across various ethnic groups to understand and plan for more
effective marketing.

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