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"Section 101.

Marine Insurance includes: appurtenant facilities for the control of

"(a) Insurance against loss of or damage to:
"(b) Marine protection and indemnity insurance,
"(1) Vessels, craft, aircraft, vehicles, goods,
meaning insurance against, or against legal
freights, cargoes, merchandise, effects,
liability of the insured for loss, damage, or
disbursements, profits, moneys, securities, choses
expense incident to ownership, operation,
in action, instruments of debts, valuable papers,
chartering, maintenance, use, repair, or
bottomry, and respondentia interests and all
construction of any vessel, craft or instrumentality
other kinds of property and interests therein, in
in use of ocean or inland waterways, including
respect to, appertaining to or in connection with
liability of the insured for personal injury, illness
any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit or
or death or for loss of or damage to the property
transportation, or while being assembled, packed,
of another person.
crated, baled, compressed or similarly prepared
for shipment or while awaiting shipment, or "INSURABLE INTEREST
during any delays, storage, transhipment, or
"Section 102. The owner of a ship has in all
reshipment incident thereto, including war risks,
cases an insurable interest in it, even when it has
marine builder’s risks, and all personal property
been chartered by one who covenants to pay him
floater risks;
its value in case of loss: Provided, That in this case
"(2) Person or property in connection with or the insurer shall be liable for only that part of the
appertaining to a marine, inland marine, transit or loss which the insured cannot recover from the
transportation insurance, including liability for charterer.
loss of or damage arising out of or in connection
"Section 103. The insurable interest of the owner
with the construction, repair, operation,
of the ship hypothecated by bottomry is only the
maintenance or use of the subject matter of such
excess of its value over the amount secured by
insurance (but not including life insurance or
surety bonds nor insurance against loss by
reason of bodily injury to any person arising out "Section 104. Freightage, in the sense of a policy
of ownership, maintenance, or use of of marine insurance, signifies all the benefits
automobiles); derived by the owner, either from the chartering
of the ship or its employment for the carriage of
"(3) Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, precious
his own goods or those of others.
metals, whether in course of transportation or
otherwise; and "Section 105. The owner of a ship has an
insurable interest in expected freightage which
"(4) Bridges, tunnels and other instrumentalities
according to the ordinary and probable course of
of transportation and communication (excluding
things he would have earned but for the
buildings, their furniture and furnishings, fixed
intervention of a peril insured against or other
contents and supplies held in storage); piers,
peril incident to the voyage.
wharves, docks and slips, and other aids to
navigation and transportation, including dry
docks and marine railways, dams and
"Section 106. The interest mentioned in the last "Section 112. A concealment in a marine
section exists, in case of a charter party, when the insurance, in respect to any of the following
ship has broken ground on the chartered voyage. matters, does not vitiate the entire contract, but
If a price is to be paid for the carriage of goods it merely exonerates the insurer from a loss
exists when they are actually on board, or there is resulting from the risk concealed:
some contract for putting them on board, and
"(a) The national character of the insured;
both ship and goods are ready for the specified
voyage. "(b) The liability of the thing insured to capture
and detention;
"Section 107. One who has an interest in the
thing from which profits are expected to proceed "(c) The liability to seizure from breach of foreign
has an insurable interest in the profits. laws of trade;

"Section 108. The charterer of a ship has an "(d) The want of necessary documents; and
insurable interest in it, to the extent that he is
liable to be damnified by its loss. "(e) The use of false and simulated papers.


"Section 109. In marine insurance, each party is "Section 113. If a representation by a person
bound to communicate, in addition to what is insured by a contract of marine insurance, is
required by Section 28, all the information which intentionally false in any material respect, or in

he possesses, material to the risk, except such as respect of any fact on which the character and
is mentioned in Section 30, and to state the exact nature of the risk depends, the insurer may
and whole truth in relation to all matters that he rescind the entire contract.
represents, or upon inquiry discloses or assumes "Section 114. The eventual falsity of a
to disclose. representation as to expectation does not, in the
"Section 110. In marine insurance, information absence of fraud, avoid a contract of marine
of the belief or expectation of a third person, in insurance.
reference to a material fact, is material. "IMPLIED WARRANTIES
"Section 111. A person insured by a contract of "Section 115. In every marine insurance upon a
marine insurance is presumed to have ship or freight, or freightage, or upon anything
knowledge, at the time of insuring, of a prior loss, which is the subject of marine insurance, a
if the information might possibly have reached warranty is implied that the ship is seaworthy.
him in the usual mode of transmission and at the
usual rate of communication. "Section 116. A ship is seaworthy when
reasonably fit to perform the service and to
encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage
contemplated by the parties to the policy.
"Section 117. An implied warranty of "Section 120. When the ship becomes
seaworthiness is complied with if the ship be unseaworthy during the voyage to which an
seaworthy at the time of the commencement of insurance relates, an unreasonable delay in
the risk, except in the following cases: repairing the defect exonerates the insurer on
ship or shipowner’s interest from liability from
"(a) When the insurance is made for a specified
any loss arising therefrom.
length of time, the implied warranty is not
complied with unless the ship be seaworthy at "Section 121. A ship which is seaworthy for the
the commencement of every voyage it purpose of an insurance upon the ship may,
undertakes during that time; nevertheless, by reason of being unfitted to
receive the cargo, be unseaworthy for the
"(b) When the insurance is upon the cargo which,
purpose of insurance upon the cargo.
by the terms of the policy, description of the
voyage, or established custom of the trade, is to "Section 122. Where the nationality or neutrality
be transhipped at an intermediate port, the of a ship or cargo is expressly warranted, it is
implied warranty is not complied with unless implied that the ship will carry the requisite
each vessel upon which the cargo is shipped, or documents to show such nationality or neutrality
transhipped, be seaworthy at the commencement and that it will not carry any documents which
of each particular voyage. cast reasonable suspicion thereon.

"Section 118. A warranty of seaworthiness "THE VOYAGE AND DEVIATION

extends not only to the condition of the structure
"Section 123. When the voyage contemplated
of the ship itself, but requires that it be properly
by a marine insurance policy is described by the
laden, and provided with a competent master, a
places of beginning and ending, the voyage
sufficient number of competent officers and
insured is one which conforms to the course of
seamen, and the requisite appurtenances and
sailing fixed by mercantile usage between those
equipment, such as ballasts, cables and anchors,
cordage and sails, food, water, fuel and lights,
and other necessary or proper stores and "Section 124. If the course of sailing is not fixed
implements for the voyage. by mercantile usage, the voyage insured by a
marine insurance policy is that way between the
"Section 119. Where different portions of the
places specified, which to a master of ordinary
voyage contemplated by a policy differ in respect
skill and discretion, would mean the most natural,
to the things requisite to make the ship
direct and advantageous.
seaworthy therefor, a warranty of seaworthiness
is complied with if, at the commencement of "Section 125. Deviation is a departure from the
each portion, the ship is seaworthy with reference course of the voyage insured, mentioned in the
to that portion. last two (2) sections, or an unreasonable delay in
pursuing the voyage or the commencement of an
entirely different voyage.
"Section 126. A deviation is proper: "(d) Any other event which effectively deprives
the owner of the possession, at the port of
"(a) When caused by circumstances over which
destination, of the thing insured.
neither the master nor the owner of the ship has
any control; "Section 133. A constructive total loss is one
which gives to a person insured a right to
"(b) When necessary to comply with a warranty,
abandon, under Section 141.
or to avoid a peril, whether or not the peril is
insured against; "Section 134. An actual loss may be presumed
from the continued absence of a ship without
"(c) When made in good faith, and upon
being heard of. The length of time which is
reasonable grounds of belief in its necessity to
sufficient to raise this presumption depends on
avoid a peril; or
the circumstances of the case.
"(d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of
"Section 135. When a ship is prevented, at an
saving human life or relieving another vessel in
intermediate port, from completing the voyage,
by the perils insured against, the liability of a
"Section 127. Every deviation not specified in marine insurer on the cargo continues after they
the last section is improper. are thus reshipped.

"Section 128. An insurer is not liable for any loss "Nothing in this section shall prevent an insurer
happening to the thing insured subsequent to an from requiring an additional premium if the
improper deviation. hazard be increased by this extension of liability.

"LOSS "Section 136. In addition to the liability

mentioned in the last section, a marine insurer is
"Section 129. A loss may be either total or bound for damages, expenses of discharging,
partial. storage, reshipment, extra freightage, and all
"Section 130. Every loss which is not total is other expenses incurred in saving cargo
partial. reshipped pursuant to the last section, up to the
amount insured.
"Section 131. A total loss may be either actual or
constructive. "Nothing in this or in the preceding section shall
render a marine insurer liable for any amount in
"Section 132. An actual total loss is caused by: excess of the insured value or, if there be none,
of the insurable value.
"(a) A total destruction of the thing insured;
"Section 137. Upon an actual total loss, a person
"(b) The irretrievable loss of the thing by sinking,
insured is entitled to payment without notice of
or by being broken up;
"(c) Any damage to the thing which renders it
valueless to the owner for the purpose for which
he held it; or
"Section 138. Where it has been agreed that an prudent man would not take under the
insurance upon a particular thing, or class of circumstances; or
things, shall be free from particular average, a
"(d) If the thing insured, being cargo or
marine insurer is not liable for any particular
freightage, and the voyage cannot be performed,
average loss not depriving the insured of the
nor another ship procured by the master, within a
possession, at the port of destination, of the
reasonable time and with reasonable diligence, to
whole of such thing, or class of things, even
forward the cargo, without incurring the like
though it becomes entirely worthless; but such
expense or risk mentioned in the preceding
insurer is liable for his proportion of all general
subparagraph. But freightage cannot in any case
average loss assessed upon the thing insured.
be abandoned unless the ship is also abandoned.
"Section 139. An insurance confined in terms to
"Section 142. An abandonment must be neither
an actual loss does not cover a constructive total
partial nor conditional.
loss, but covers any loss, which necessarily results
in depriving the insured of the possession, at the "Section 143. An abandonment must be made
port of destination, of the entire thing insured. within a reasonable time after receipt of reliable
information of the loss, but where the
information is of a doubtful character, the insured
"Section 140. Abandonment, in marine is entitled to a reasonable time to make inquiry.
insurance, is the act of the insured by which, after
"Section 144. Where the information upon
a constructive total loss, he declares the
which an abandonment has been made proves
relinquishment to the insurer of his interest in the
incorrect, or the thing insured was so far restored
thing insured.
when the abandonment was made that there was
"Section 141. A person insured by a contract of then in fact no total loss, the abandonment
marine insurance may abandon the thing insured, becomes ineffectual.
or any particular portion thereof separately
"Section 145. Abandonment is made by giving
valued by the policy, or otherwise separately
notice thereof to the insurer, which may be done
insured, and recover for a total loss thereof, when
orally, or in writing: Provided, That if the notice be
the cause of the loss is a peril insured against:
done orally, a written notice of such
"(a) If more than three-fourths (¾) thereof in abandonment shall be submitted within seven (7)
value is actually lost, or would have to be days from such oral notice.
expended to recover it from the peril;
"Section 146. A notice of abandonment must be
"(b) If it is injured to such an extent as to reduce explicit, and must specify the particular cause of
its value more than three-fourths (¾); the abandonment, but need state only enough to
show that there is probable cause therefor, and
"(c) If the thing insured is a ship, and the
need not be accompanied with proof of interest
contemplated voyage cannot be lawfully
or of loss.
performed without incurring either an expense to
the insured of more than three-fourths (¾) the
value of the thing abandoned or a risk which a
"Section 147. An abandonment can be sustained freightage subsequently earned belongs to the
only upon the cause specified in the notice insurer of the ship.
"Section 156. If an insurer refuses to accept a
"Section 148. An abandonment is equivalent to valid abandonment, he is liable as upon an actual
a transfer by the insured of his interest to the total loss, deducting from the amount any
insurer, with all the chances of recovery and proceeds of the thing insured which may have
indemnity. come to the hands of the insured.

"Section 149. If a marine insurer pays for a loss "Section 157. If a person insured omits to
as if it were an actual total loss, he is entitled to abandon, he may nevertheless recover his actual
whatever may remain of the thing insured, or its loss.
proceeds or salvage, as if there had been a
formal abandonment.
"Section 158. A valuation in a policy of marine
"Section 150. Upon an abandonment, acts done
insurance is conclusive between the parties
in good faith by those who were agents of the
thereto in the adjustment of either a partial or
insured in respect to the thing insured,
total loss, if the insured has some interest at risk,
subsequent to the loss, are at the risk of the
and there is no fraud on his part; except that
insurer, and for his benefit.
when a thing has been hypothecated by
"Section 151. Where notice of abandonment is bottomry or respondentia, before its insurance,
properly given, the rights of the insured are not and without the knowledge of the person
prejudiced by the fact that the insurer refuses to actually procuring the insurance, he may show
accept the abandonment. the real value. But a valuation fraudulent in fact,
entitles the insurer to rescind the contract.
"Section 152. The acceptance of an
abandonment may be either express or implied "Section 159. A marine insurer is liable upon a
from the conduct of the insurer. The mere silence partial loss, only for such proportion of the
of the insurer for an unreasonable length of time amount insured by him as the loss bears to the
after notice shall be construed as an acceptance. value of the whole interest of the insured in the
property insured.
"Section 153. The acceptance of an
abandonment, whether express or implied, is "Section 160. Where profits are separately
conclusive upon the parties, and admits the loss insured in a contract of marine insurance, the
and the sufficiency of the abandonment. insured is entitled to recover, in case of loss, a
proportion of such profits equivalent to the
"Section 154. An abandonment once made and
proportion which the value of the property lost
accepted is irrevocable, unless the ground upon
bears to the value of the whole.
which it was made proves to be unfounded.
"Section 161. In case of a valued policy of
"Section 155. On an accepted abandonment of a
marine insurance on freightage or cargo, if a part
ship, freightage earned previous to the loss
only of the subject is exposed to risk, the
belongs to the insurer of said freightage; but
valuation applies only in proportion to such part.
"Section 162. When profits are valued and ship into port to be repaired; and where it is
insured by a contract of marine insurance, a loss stipulated in the policy that the insured shall
of them is conclusively presumed from a loss of labor for the recovery of the property, the insurer
the property out of which they are expected to is liable for the expense incurred thereby, such
arise, and the valuation fixes their amount. expense, in either case, being in addition to a
total loss, if that afterwards occurs.
"Section 163. In estimating a loss under an open
policy of marine insurance the following rules are "Section 166. A marine insurer is liable for a loss
to be observed: falling upon the insured, through a contribution
in respect to the thing insured, required to be
"(a) The value of a ship is its value at the
made by him towards a general average loss
beginning of the risk, including all articles or
called for by a peril insured against: Provided,
charges which add to its permanent value or
That the liability of the insurer shall be limited to
which are necessary to prepare it for the voyage
the proportion of contribution attaching to his
policy value where this is less than the
"(b) The value of the cargo is its actual cost to the contributing value of the thing insured.
insured, when laden on board, or where the cost
"Section 167. When a person insured by a
cannot be ascertained, its market value at the
contract of marine insurance has a demand
time and place of lading, adding the charges
against others for contribution, he may claim the
incurred in purchasing and placing it on board,
whole loss from the insurer, subrogating him to
but without reference to any loss incurred in
his own right to contribution. But no such claim
raising money for its purchase, or to any
can be made upon the insurer after the
drawback on its exportation, or to the fluctuation
separation of the interests liable to contribution,
of the market at the port of destination, or to
nor when the insured, having the right and
expenses incurred on the way or on arrival;
opportunity to enforce contribution from others,
"(c) The value of freightage is the gross has neglected or waived the exercise of that
freightage, exclusive of primage, without right.
reference to the cost of earning it; and
"Section 168. In the case of a partial loss of ship
"(d) The cost of insurance is in each case to be or its equipment, the old materials are to be
added to the value thus estimated. applied towards payment for the new. Unless
otherwise stipulated in the policy, a marine
"Section 164. If cargo insured against partial loss insurer is liable for only two-thirds (2/3) of the
arrives at the port of destination in a damaged remaining cost of repairs after such deduction,
condition, the loss of the insured is deemed to be except that anchors must be paid in full.
the same proportion of the value which the
market price at that port, of the thing so
damaged, bears to the market price it would
have brought if sound.

"Section 165. A marine insurer is liable for all the

expenses attendant upon a loss which forces the
"FIRE INSURANCE insured’s interest therein may then be fixed as
between the insurer and the insured. The cost of
"Section 169. As used in this Code, the term fire
such examination shall be paid for by the insured.
insurance shall include insurance against loss by
A clause shall be inserted in such policy stating
fire, lightning, windstorm, tornado or earthquake
substantially that the value of the insured’s
and other allied risks, when such risks are
interest in such building or structure has been
covered by extension to fire insurance policies or
thus fixed. In the absence of any change
under separate policies.
increasing the risk without the consent of the
"Section 170. An alteration in the use or insurer or of fraud on the part of the insured,
condition of a thing insured from that to which it then in case of a total loss under such policy, the
is limited by the policy made without the consent whole amount so insured upon the insured’s
of the insurer, by means within the control of the interest in such building or structure, as stated in
insured, and increasing the risks, entitles an the policy upon which the insurers have received
insurer to rescind a contract of fire insurance. a premium, shall be paid, and in case of a partial
loss the full amount of the partial loss shall be so
"Section 171. An alteration in the use or paid, and in case there are two (2) or more
condition of a thing insured from that to which it policies covering the insured’s interest therein,
is limited by the policy, which does not increase each policy shall contribute pro rata to the
the risk, does not affect a contract of fire payment of such whole or partial loss. But in no
insurance. case shall the insurer be required to pay more
"Section 172. A contract of fire insurance is not than the amount thus stated in such policy. This
affected by any act of the insured subsequent to section shall not prevent the parties from
the execution of the policy, which does not stipulating in such policies concerning the
violate its provisions, even though it increases the repairing, rebuilding or replacing of buildings or
risk and is the cause of the loss. structures wholly or partially damaged or
"Section 173. If there is no valuation in the
policy, the measure of indemnity in an insurance "Section 175. No policy of fire insurance shall be
against fire is the expense it would be to the pledged, hypothecated, or transferred to any
insured at the time of the commencement of the person, firm or company who acts as agent for or
fire to replace the thing lost or injured in the otherwise represents the issuing company, and
condition in which it was at the time of the injury; any such pledge, hypothecation, or transfer
but if there is a valuation in a policy of fire hereafter made shall be void and of no effect
insurance, the effect shall be the same as in a insofar as it may affect other creditors of the
policy of marine insurance. insured.

"Section 174. Whenever the insured desires to

have a valuation named in his policy, insuring any
building or structure against fire, he may require
such building or structure to be examined by an
independent appraiser and the value of the
"CASUALTY INSURANCE been paid by the obligor to the surety: Provided,
That if the contract of suretyship or bond is not
"Section 176. Casualty insurance is insurance
accepted by, or filed with the obligee, the surety
covering loss or liability arising from accident or
shall collect only a reasonable amount, not
mishap, excluding certain types of loss which by
exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the premium
law or custom are considered as falling
due thereon as service fee plus the cost of
exclusively within the scope of other types of
stamps or other taxes imposed for the issuance
insurance such as fire or marine. It includes, but is
of the contract or bond: Provided, however, That
not limited to, employer’s liability insurance,
if the nonacceptance of the bond be due to the
motor vehicle liability insurance, plate glass
fault or negligence of the surety, no such service
insurance, burglary and theft insurance, personal
fee, stamps or taxes shall be collected.
accident and health insurance as written by non-
life insurance companies, and other substantially "In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor
similar kinds of insurance. shall pay the subsequent annual premium as it
falls due until the contract of suretyship is
cancelled by the obligee or by the Commissioner
"Section 177. A contract of suretyship is an or by a court of competent jurisdiction, as the
agreement whereby a party called the surety case may be.
guarantees the performance by another party
"Section 180. Pertinent provisions of the Civil
called the principal or obligor of an obligation or
Code of the Philippines shall be applied in a
undertaking in favor of a third party called the
suppletory character whenever necessary in
obligee. It includes official recognizances,
interpreting the provisions of a contract of
stipulations, bonds or undertakings issued by any
company by virtue of and under the provisions of
Act No. 536, as amended by Act No. 2206. "LIFE INSURANCE

"Section 178. The liability of the surety or "Section 181. Life insurance is insurance on
sureties shall be joint and several with the obligor human lives and insurance appertaining thereto
and shall be limited to the amount of the bond. It or connected therewith.
is determined strictly by the terms of the contract
"Every contract or undertaking for the payment
of suretyship in relation to the principal contract
of annuities including contracts for the payment
between the obligor and the obligee.
of lump sums under a retirement program where
"Section 179. The surety is entitled to payment a life insurance company manages or acts as a
of the premium as soon as the contract of trustee for such retirement program shall be
suretyship or bond is perfected and delivered to considered a life insurance contract for purposes
the obligor. No contract of suretyship or bonding of this Code.
shall be valid and binding unless and until the
premium therefor has been paid, except where
the obligee has accepted the bond, in which case
the bond becomes valid and enforceable
irrespective of whether or not the premium has
"Section 182. An insurance upon life may be "Section 183. The insurer in a life insurance
made payable on the death of the person, or on contract shall be liable in case of suicide only
his surviving a specified period, or otherwise when it is committed after the policy has been in
contingently on the continuance or cessation of force for a period of two (2) years from the date
life. of its issue or of its last reinstatement, unless the
policy provides a shorter period: Provided,
"Every contract or pledge for the payment of
however, That suicide committed in the state of
endowments or annuities shall be considered a
insanity shall be compensable regardless of the
life insurance contract for purposes of this Code.
date of commission.
"In the absence of a judicial guardian, the father,
"Section 184. A policy of insurance upon life or
or in the latter’s absence or incapacity, the
health may pass by transfer, will or succession to
mother, of any minor, who is an insured or a
any person, whether he has an insurable interest
beneficiary under a contract of life, health, or
or not, and such person may recover upon it
accident insurance, may exercise, in behalf of said
whatever the insured might have recovered.
minor, any right under the policy, without
necessity of court authority or the giving of a "Section 185. Notice to an insurer of a transfer
bond, where the interest of the minor in the or bequest thereof is not necessary to preserve
particular act involved does not exceed Five the validity of a policy of insurance upon life or
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) or in such health, unless thereby expressly required.
reasonable amount as may be determined by the
"Section 186. Unless the interest of a person
Commissioner. Such right may include, but shall
insured is susceptible of exact pecuniary
not be limited to, obtaining a policy loan,
measurement, the measure of indemnity under a
surrendering the policy, receiving the proceeds of
policy of insurance upon life or health is the sum
the Policy, and giving the minor’s consent to any
fixed in the policy.
transaction on the policy.
"In the absence or in case of the incapacity of the
father or mother, the grandparent, the eldest "Section 187. Microinsurance is a financial
brother or sister at least eighteen (18) years of product or service that meets the risk protection
age, or any relative who has actual custody of the needs of the poor where:
minor insured or beneficiary, shall act as a
guardian without need of a court order or judicial "(a) The amount of contributions, premiums, fees
appointment as such guardian, as long as such or charges, computed on a daily basis, does not
person is not otherwise disqualified or exceed seven and a half percent (7.5%) of the

incapacitated. Payment made by the insurer current daily minimum wage rate for
pursuant to this section shall relieve such insurer nonagricultural workers in Metro Manila; and
of any liability under the contract. "(b) The maximum sum of guaranteed benefits is
not more than one thousand (1,000) times of the
current daily minimum wage rate for
nonagricultural workers in Metro Manila.
Transportation Insurance- Concerned with the Perils of the Ship- A loss which, in the ordinary
perils of property in (or incidental to) transit as course of events, results:
opposed to property perils at a generally fixed
(a) from the natural and inevitable action of the
Transportation insurance is usually known in the
(b) from the ordinary wear and tear of the ship,
insurance business as marine insurance.
Ocean Marine Insurance- An insurance against
(c) from the negligent failure of the ship's owner
risk connected with navigation, to which a ship,
to provide the vessel with proper equipment to
cargo, freightage, profits or other insurable
convey the cargo under ordinary conditions, is
interest in movable property, may be exposed
not a peril of the sea.
during a certain voyage or a fixed period of time.
An all risks marine insurance policy insures
Inland Marine Insurance. — It covers primarily
against all causes of conceivable loss or damage,
the land or over the land transportation perils of
except as otherwise excluded in the policy or due
property shipped by railroads, motor trucks,
to fraud or intentional misconduct on the part of
airplanes, and other means of transportation. It
the insured.
also covers risks of lake, river, or other inland
waterway transportation and other waterborne Floater- In inland marine insurance, the term is
perils outside of those risks that fall definitely used in the sense that it provides insurance to
within the ocean marine category. follow the insured property wherever it may be
located, subject always to the territorial limits of
A marine risk note is not an insurance policy; it
the contract. Floater policies may be issued for
is only an acknowledgment or declaration of the
such items as jewelry, furs, works of art,
insurer confirming the specific shipment covered
contractor's equipment, theoretical property,
by its marine open policy, the evaluation of the
salesmen samples, and others.
cargo, and the chargeable premium.
Loan on bottomry or respondentia
It is the marine open policy which is the main
insurance contract. A loan in which under any condition whatever,
the repayment of the sum loaned, and of the
"Perils of the Sea" or "Perils of Navigation"
premium stipulated, depends upon the safe
includes only those casualties due to the unusual
arrival in port of the goods on which it is made or
violence or extraordinary action of wind and
of the price they may receive in case of accident.
wave, or to other extraordinary causes connected
with navigation. Loan on bottomry vs. Loan on respondentia

Barratry- Any willful misconduct on the part of They are basically the same. The only distinction
the master or crew in pursuance of some is in a loan on bottomry involves a vessel as a
unlawful or fraudulent purpose without the security, while a respondentia has cargo as its
consent of the owners, and to the prejudice of security.
the owner's interest.
A loan on bottomry is one which is payable only Implied Warranties in Marine Insurance
if the vessel, given as a security for the loan,
1. Seaworthiness of the ship;
completes in safety the contemplated voyage.
The lender in bottomry is entitled to receive a 2. Non-engagement from Illegal venture;
high rate of interest to compensate him for the
risk of losing his loan. The owner of the vessel 3. Warranty of Neutrality – The ship will carry the
receives in case of loss no indemnity for his loss, requisite documents to show the nationality or

but he does secure immunity from payment of neutrality of the ship or its cargo and will not
the loan. carry any documents that cast reasonable
suspicion on it if the nationality or neutrality of
Freightage - signifies all the benefits derived by the ship or its cargo is expressly warranted;
the owner, either from the chartering of the ship
or its employment for the carriage of his own 4. Non-deviation from the Agreed voyage;
goods or those of others. 5. Presence of Insurable interest.
Charter party- A contract by which an entire ship Generally, for a vessel to be seaworthy, it must
or some principal part thereof is lent by the be adequately equipped for the voyage and
owner to another person for a specified time or manned with a sufficient number of competent
use. officers and crew. The failure of a common carrier
A bareboat or demise charter is a demise of a to maintain in seaworthy condition the vessel

vessel, much as a lease of an unfurnished house involved in the contract of carriage is a clear
is a demise of real property. The shipowner turns breach of its duty prescribed under the the Civil
over full possession and control of his vessel to Code.
the charterer, who then undertakes to provide a A time policy provides coverage for a fixed
crew and victuals and supplies and fuel for her period of time, at the expiration of which the
during the term of the charter. insurance will lapse. This policy gives protection
A voyage charter or trip charter is a contract for a stipulated period and, therefore, avoids the
for the carriage of goods, from one or more ports annoyance of constant attention to the
of loading to one or more ports of unloading, on termination of voyages and the renewal of
one or on a series of voyages. policies. On hulls (vessels), they are, therefore, the
common type. By means of the time policy, the
A time charter is a contract for the use of a insured avoids the necessity of continually
vessel for a specified period of time or for the describing separate voyages many of which are
duration of one or more specified voyages. over similar routes.

Concealment in marine insurance is the failure to The voyage policy covers the subject matter for
disclose any material fact or circumstance which the voyage named in the policy until the
in fact or law is within, or which ought to be specified voyage ends, regardless of the time it
within the knowledge of one party and of which takes to complete the voyage. This policy is
the other has no actual or presumptive particularly adapted to tramp steamers and
knowledge. sailing vessels, inasmuch as these do not move
over fixed routes and their travel may be more This rule intends to limit the liability of the
easily described by separate voyage policies. shipowner or agent to the value of the vessel, its
Because cargoes are subject to sea risk for appurtenances and freightage earned in the
comparatively short periods, the voyage policy is voyage, provided that the owner or agent
frequently used. abandons the vessel. When the vessel is totally
lost in which case there is no vessel to abandon,
Deviation- is a departure from the course of the
abandonment is not required. Because of such
voyage insured, or an unreasonable delay in
total loss, the liability of the shipowner or agent
pursuing the voyage or the commencement of an
for damages is extinguished.
entirely different voyage.
As an exception to the limited liability
A deviation is proper:
doctrine, a shipowner or ship agent may be held
(a) When caused by circumstances over which liable for damages when the sinking of the vessel
neither the master nor the owner of the ship has is attributable to the actual fault or negligence of
any control; the shipowner or its failure to ensure the
seaworthiness of the vessel.
(b) When necessary to comply with a warranty, or
to avoid a peril, whether or not the peril is A constructive total loss or, as it is sometimes
insured against; called, a "technical total loss," is one in which the
loss, although not actually total, is of such a
(c) When made in good faith, and upon character that the insured is entitled, if he thinks
reasonable grounds of belief in its necessity to fit, to treat it as total by abandonment.
avoid a peril; or
Importance of distinction between actual and
(d) When made in good faith, for the purpose of constructive total loss.
saving human life or relieving another vessel in
distress. In cases of actual total loss, no abandonment is
necessary; but if the loss is merely constructively
An actual total loss exists when the subject total, abandonment becomes necessary in order
matter of the insurance is wholly destroyed or to recover as for a total loss.
lost or when it is so damaged as no longer to
exist in its original character. Right of insured to payment upon an actual
total loss.
The complete physical destruction of the subject
matter as in the case of fire is not essential to (1) In constructive total loss, an abandonment by
constitute an actual total loss. the insured is necessary in order to recover for a
total loss in the absence of any provision to the
Limited liability Rule contrary in the policy.
The shipowner's or ship agent's liability is usually (2) In case of actual total loss, the right of the
coextensive with his interest in the vessel such insured to claim the whole insurance is absolute.
that a total loss thereof results in its extinction. Hence, he need not give notice of abandonment
nor formally abandon to the insurer anything that
may remain of the insured property.
Average- any extraordinary or accidental Abandonment, in marine insurance, is the act of
expense incurred during the voyage for the the insured by which, after a constructive total
preservation of the vessel, cargo, or both and all loss, he declared the relinquishment to the
damages to the vessel and cargo from the time it insurer of his interest in the thing insured.
is loaded and the voyage commenced until it
The requisites for a valid abandonment in
ends and the cargo unloaded.
marine insurance are:
Gross or general averages include damages and
(1) There must be an actual relinquishment by
expenses which are deliberately caused by the
the person insured of his interest in the thing
master of the vessel or upon his authority, in
order to save the vessel, her cargo, or both at the
same time from a real and known risk. (2) There must be a constructive total loss;

A general average loss must be borne equally by (3) The abandonment be neither partial nor
all of the interests concerned in the venture; and conditional;

Simple or particular averages which include all (4) It must be made within a reasonable time
damages and expenses caused to the vessel or to after receipt of reliable information of the loss;
her cargo which have not inured to the common
benefit and profit of all the persons interested in (5) It must be factual (Sec. 142.);
the vessel and her cargo. They refer to those (6) It must be made by giving notice thereof to
losses which occur under such circumstances as the insurer which may be done orally or in
do not entitle the unfortunate owners to receive writing; and
contribution from other owners concerned in the
venture as where a vessel accidentally runs (7) The notice of abandonment must be explicit
aground and goes to pieces after the cargo is and must specify the particular cause of the
saved. abandonment.

A particular average loss is suffered by and borne In the Philippines, the insured may not abandon
alone by the owner of the cargo or of the vessel, the thing insured unless the loss or damage is
as the case may be. more than three-fourths of its value as
indicated under Section 141.
Jettison is the intentional casting overboard of
any part of a venture exposed to a peril in the Primage- It is a small compensation paid by a
hope of saving the rest of the venture. shipper to the master of the vessel for his care
and trouble bestowed on the shipper's goods
An insurance against "total loss only" will cover and which the master is entitled to retain in the
any total loss, whether it is actual or constructive, absence of an agreement to the contrary with the
although there is authority to the contrary. owners of the vessels.
Where the insurance is against "absolute" total Fire Insurance is a contract of indemnity by
loss or "actual" total loss, the insurer will not be which the insurer, for a stipulated premium,
liable for constructive or technical total loss. agrees to indemnify the insured against loss of,
or damage to, a property caused by hostile fire or percentage insured and the amount of the
located at the place stated in the policy. insurance.

Ocean marine and fire policies distinguished. Option to Rebuild Clause

A policy of insurance on a vessel engaged in The mere fact that the parties have fixed a
navigation is a contract of ocean marine valuation in the policy does not prevent them
insurance although it insures against fire risks from stipulating in the policy concerning the
only. repairing, rebuilding or replacing of buildings or
structures wholly or partially damaged or
However, where the hazard is fire alone and the
destroyed. Thus, the insurer may be given the
subject is an unfinished vessel, never afloat for a
option to reinstate or replace the property
voyage, the contract to insure is a fire risk,
damaged or destroyed or any part thereof,
especially in the absence of an express
instead of paying the amount of the loss or
agreement that it shall have the incidents of
marine policy, or where it insures materials in a
shipyard for use in constructing vessels. The same It is reserved by the insurer in order to protect
is true where a policy insures against fire, a vessel him against unfairness in the appraisal and award
while moored and in use as a hospital. rendered by a packed board of arbitrators, or in
the proof of loss.
Importance of the distinction.
Casualty Insurance is insurance covering loss or
It is highly important to determine whether an
liability arising from accident or mishap,
insurance against risk of fire upon a vessel is a
excluding certain types of loss which by law or
marine insurance or just an ordinary fire
custom are considered as falling exclusively
insurance for two reasons:
within the scope of other types of insurance such
(1) In marine insurance, the rules on constructive as fire or marine.
total loss and abandonment apply but not in fire
It includes, but is not limited to, employer's
insurance; and
liability insurance, workmen's compensation
(2) In case of partial loss of a thing insured for insurance, public liability insurance, motor vehicle
less than its actual value, the insured in a marine liability insurance, plate glass insurance, burglary
policy is a co-insurer of the uninsured portion, and theft insurance, personal accident and health
while the insured may only become a co-insurer insurance as written by non-life insurance
in fire insurance if expressly agreed upon by the companies, and other substantially similar kinds
parties. of insurance.

The co-insurance clause is a clause requiring the Liability Insurance- a contract of indemnity for
insured to maintain insurance to an amount the benefit of the insured and those in privity
equal to the value or specified percentage of the with him, or those to whom the law upon the
value of the insured property under penalty of grounds of public policy extends the indemnity
becoming co-insurer to the extent of such against liability.
deficiency, i.e., the difference between the value
Life insurance may be denned as insurance The fact remains, however, that annuity and
payable on the death' of a person, or on his insurance are opposites; in this combination, one
surviving a specified period, or otherwise neutralizes the risk customarily inherent in the
contingently on the continuance or cessation of other.
(1) An annuity contract, unlike the life insurance
Kinds of Life Insurance Policies. contract, insures against economic problems
resulting from a long life, rather than an early
Ordinary life policy is one under the terms of
which the insured is required to pay a certain
fixed premium annually or at more frequent (2) From the insurer's viewpoint, insurance looks
intervals throughout his entire life and the to longevity, while annuity, to transiency.
beneficiary is entitled to receive payment under
(3) Under the ordinary life insurance policy, the
the policy only after the death of the insured.
insured pays to the insurer an annuity and his
Limited payment life policy is one under the beneficiary receives at the insured's death the
terms of which the premiums are payable only lump sum payment. Under the usual form of
during a limited period of years, usually ten, annuity, the lump sum is paid to the insurer
fifteen, or twenty. When the specified number of immediately and the annuitant receives the
premium payments have been made, the annuity payments as long as he lives.
insurance is fully paid for. It is like ordinary life
(4) An annuity appears more like an "investment"
policies in that it is payable only at the death of
instead of an insurance, which may or may not
the insured.
turn out to be profitable, while life insurance has
Term insurance policy is one which provides a characteristic akin to "indemnity," i.e., the
coverage only if the insured dies during a limited insurer will reimburse the insured's beneficiaries a
period. large sum upon the insured's death.

Endowment policy is one under the terms of Both provide protection from a substantial risk.
which the insurer binds himself to pay a fixed
A person may take life insurance and at the
sum to the insured if he survives for a specified
same time enter into a contract of annuity to
period (maturity date stated in the policy), or, if
provide security both against the risk of
he dies within such period, to some other person
premature death and against the risk of long
Annuity contracts distinguished from ordinary
life policies.

Contracts of annuities differ materially from

ordinary life policies and are not generally
regarded as such. But under the law, they are
considered, like endowment contracts, as life
insurance contracts. (Sec. 180, par. 2.)
When seaworthiness is complied with. Liability of insurer in case of suicide.

(1) Commencement of risk. — The general rule is (1) When liable. — In a life insurance contract, the
that the warranty of seaworthiness is complied insurer is liable in case of suicide in the following
with if the ship be seaworthy at the time of the cases:
commencement of the risk. There is no implied
(a) The suicide is committed after the policy has
warranty that the vessel will remain in seaworthy
been in force for a period of two (2) years from
condition throughout the life of the policy.
the date of its issue or of its last reinstatement;
(2) Exceptions. — There are three exceptions to
(b) The suicide is committed after a shorter
the rule, namely:
period (e.g., one year) provided in the policy
(a) In the case of time policy, the ship must be although within the two-year period; and
seaworthy at the commencement of every
(c) The suicide is committed in the state of
voyage she may undertake;
insanity regardless of the date of commission,
(b) In the case of cargo policy, each vessel upon unless suicide is an excepted risk.
which the cargo is shipped or transhipped, must
Note that the policy cannot provide a period
be seaworthy at the commencement of each
longer than two (2) years. Thus, if the policy
particular voyage; and
provides for a three-year period and the suicide
(c) In the case of a voyage policy contemplating a is committed within said period but after two (2)
voyage in different stages, the ship must be years, the insurer is liable.
seaworthy at the commencement of each
(2) When not liable. — In fine, the insurer shall
not be liable in three cases:
Cases of deviation in marine insurance.
(a) The suicide is not by reason of insanity and is
There are four (4) cases of deviation in marine committed within the two-year period;
insurance, namely:
(b) The suicide is by reason of insanity but is not
(1) Departure from the course of sailing fixed by among the risks assumed by the insurer
mercantile usage between the places of regardless of the date of commission; and
beginning and ending specified in the policy;
(c) The insurer can show that the policy was
(2) Departure from the most natural, direct, and obtained with the intention to commit suicide
advantageous route between the places specified even in the absence of any suicide exclusion in
if the course of sailing is not fixed by mercantile the policy.

(3) Unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage;


(4) The commencement of an entirely different


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