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WZ UNIVERSITY BILINGUAL PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION eraaSA Lae aT we = ; ea es g iC) x BREAKING News ONLINE-DATING SERVICES TOOK US BY SURPRISE Arr eerma CUR airy SYS Teh ssc oe me Snen o1Cea internet dating has become one of the most profitable industries PAM USO MRC Ccosmmel ence a) show that most users may not PATS Bea Neen tod orc in person, but they would certainly make more and more friends and even get involved POR Se BCS Ui eee acl web, While in the past people used to go out on real dates, SEES a AOS LCS LD from real love or whatever we want to have. There are PEST Tae os] oe ela) gy ad poe eou ed em culmea mateo to be in touch without even disclosing real information about yourself. Nevertheless, recent studies Ran Semen mon itd eRe Bec ee ao) social abilities and be the Alarm ucctalalieyace ar mie (wecs itt relationship. However, the greatest challenges in personal relationships today are: not to let technology replace intimacy, to Bcaecos ce teet) yar mwaiot Internet tends to keep you apart and last but not least, to look for eee OEIC acer ole alos OF ieee reer swali ken meee to increase in popularity _ if people spend more time Teh Cecelst ae emma tame hcco ec merare| less time making friends and getting to know people. Not long ago we used to go out and meet people, but now we just pele aar enon natn oa ea a tira (as raed SS ecun LL eae Sem U Re meee eu aS eM ee Le Vea a| actrees ee LEE a Language Work © 301 Barb is so surprised Mom has her own social network account | was flabbergasted to hear that Tom Is getting married to Judith She was astonished when she found out she was pregnant We used to have many friends when we were in high school They would visit their grandmother every single weekend She would come to town every time she wanted to see Bob. They used to have a cottage by the lake The book's success surpassed everyone's expectations Jonathan met his new girlfriend online, but he hasn't broken the news to his family yet. Brenda didn't want to go out with Jim, and she changed her mind when he sent her flowers, Melanie spent a year out of work before finding a new job. My friends and | had a blast going out together, eet eee CSCO Wis a EQ set! Phrases © FIS FIL FIS ) FIs To my knowledge... Lit I find It, Lit J couldn't agree more. ! QuIM Sorry, I'm not quite with Yo | QUIM The year is 2052. and you're about to meet with your best friend from High School after forty years without seeing each other. Talk about the things you used to do together back in the day... 1, Everybody was out best student didn’t get the job. 2. Lwas i to see snow for the first time when | went to the USA. 3. We shouldn't be they're getting married, after all they've been together for six years. 4. We were to hear Mary is pregnant. “Dating websites have become extremely popular among people of all ages, but have you ever asked yourself how much of what you read on these websites is real? Maybe you haven't, Researches ensure that around 80 percent of what people tell about themselves on profile descriptions is not true...” | Groups Mary Campbell e xv &iw Janes Sth hia hie sue Meallister we x bis Relationship Status Single Hometown Sacramento Wall How's it going, Scotty Latest updates: Seotty is single Scotty says You won't fool me anymore. a Language Work © _—_—_—_—3803 Embarrassing details of their private lives were exposed to the public. My teacher told me the British do not display much emotion in public. The girl admitted she was using the social network just to flaunt her trip to France. Mary asked me to post new pictures on my profile page, but at that moment | was unable to! Jane said she was fed up with the social network hysteria. She advised me not to spill the beans and tell her about the surprise party They reminded her to keep it together and not fight with her boyfriend He asked his sister why she puts up with her boyfriend's jealousy He denied being the one to blame for their break-up. She suggested meeting in homeroom to decide what to do the next day No kidding! Are you really moving to Italy next month? : Let's check out that new restaurant. crm — Bes good for? Oo VAR 4449 994) YODA ee FAGs | iP number ; social network tag (hash tag) socal Ce SMS GPs sign in / out Wer podcast app Fuency © ee ho 1, “No! | didn’t post any pictures of John on the Internet!* (Sue / deny) 2. “Why didn’t you tell me about the problem?* (Carol / ask) 3. “Youre right. tS not a good idea to expose people's lives on the Internet.” (Mark / agree) 4 “Ok, tt was me." (Mandy / admit) 5. “You all should study hard for your test next week.” (teacher / advise) 6. “Have you ever been abroad?* (Tess / ask) 2. “We could ask our homeroom teacher tomorrow!" (lason / suggest) 8 “How do you spell chaos?* (student / be unsure) 9. “Hyou don't delete these pictures, I'l break up with you!* (Scott / threaten) 7 earryicns coeaamndlealariags weary ee Accents © 304 B Link the sentences 1. This isthe first time the painting. 2. The news exposed widespread 3. She displayed no emotion... ‘4, Some people use social networks just to... 5. She spilled the beans. 6. The children proudly showed... 7. The report exposes the weaknesses... 8. | pressed enter on my computer. a. and an error message was displayed. 'b. of modern communication means. ‘ by posting a note about the surprise party. ‘d. has been shewm to the public. ~ @ when she was told about the scandal. flaunt their friends with pictures and posts. In spite of the advantages offered by peer groups, peer pressure can become Ta cee a ot en a Me ae friends and family. Teenagers are said to eM LL group.As teenagers distance themselves from their parents and increasingly use em eR oe Ue ee LO MC Me ee ED support. Peer pressure can affect a ae oa OMY peers give in to this pressure because US UeCd Rog rare LS Runa Ta) fom Mele emer me Ua Sym a ae affect an adolescent's sensible decisions. a) Tho, RT based on good judgment can be ,, challenging for ony teenoger ae ree given the necessary tools to re CU Gend Iie one ecm ag pressur CT w @ strong set of values and a sen,. PS AT) BCC ee * cao CAE OTe ee Re cotta a i o ‘2 er a Pe al Wo& 4%: re § Language Work © He likes to be addressed as Mr. Smith. This would be a more sensible way of addressing the problem. | was told the package was addressed to your office. | Kids and teenagers should learn to do as they are told at school. Peer pressure is acknowledged to be essential to one's development. It was reported that bullying is a major result of peer pressure. It's said that teenagers undergo a change in attitude. Teenagers are said to be the most common and mean peer group. He was offered a job for someone with thick skin. It's believed that teenagers crave acceptance. The company refused to give in to the union's demands. | didn't know anyone at the party and | felt the odd one out. ee PAC An PEN CPRe CMe lie Peer RiclUe ess) Cem eer ect Mme cima 1 6. 2. 7. 3 8. 4. 9 Ss 10. tc make to manage » to satisfy + to call » to send to deal with to speak to. vas addressed to me nt has to address the rise in crime. address your comments to the manager. ET lelcast ere Mac ote(U1 u address a large crowd of people? EG ClCcoa ul VERE erect gu: t's believed that ie ee ‘t swim right whe sein j j Sugar i is tore to bea terrible ny for living a healthy lies: } it’s wi sees that rere shouldn't discuss rele over dinner. a Ore He is known to have traveled all around the world. { sete ia aie j itwas repay i that iene a soley Sen oy ee in getting a good job. § ' seo it’s widely acknowledged that renewable energy has huge environmental and economic benefits. a ena “After a massive success of the New York Fashion Week, it's time to make a list of what to wear this coming winter.” “Also hot this winter season is white! Which means you'll be wearing white in all aspects of your outfit.” a white lace blazer, and o Language Work © _ 307 We were all staring at the top model in her fancy clothes. He glanced up from his book as she passed, That shirt goes really well with those pants, it is a wonderful outfit. She has become a great runway model. Bob appears to be thinner now than the last time | saw him. | got scared when | saw him walking down the street. It seems to me that there are fewer professionals in the business today. Wow, look at Sue! She's all dressed up. | love the clothes he designs. He's really got an eye for detail. Before telling Mandy what to do, you should put yourself in her shoes. That leather jacket really caught my eye. This lace skirt fits Amanda like a glove. Useful Phrases © It//he / she seems to have... Judging by... It /he / she is likely Do you see what | me a Choice_© / 4 1. to look at something or someone for 2 long time, in surprise, admiration of because you're thinking about something else. 2. to give something a short look. 3. to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, surprised or frightened. 4. to see someone or something for a moment without getting a complete view of them. Couples © l overslept so | missed my bus this morning. {ve lost my wallet! “For the first time in six years, designers from the Pasadena Summer Fashion decided to have their show outdoors. They put up a 2 million dollar structure for five hundred guests plus press and models, and it has been promoted as the most glamorous fashion show in the country. But an uninvited guest decided to show up. A huge storm destroyed most of the outfits and soaked everyone at the event. Guests and the press didn't have anywhere to hide, so they desperately ran backstage, but as it was not meant to accommodate such a huge amount of people, part of the structure came down. Fortunately there were no reported victims. Event organizers are expected to release a note about the | disaster by the end of the day.” Language Work © 309 She has the most exquisite china set Fingerprints are unique to every individual The population outburst started a long time ago. New graduates have been our customers for a long time. State-of-the-art equipment has been installed In recent years, the country has undergone a dramatic transformation She was trying to make the best of her trip after her luggage failed to arrive. The Mandarin course starts in 2 months, so we should be ready. I'm taking a Mandarin course next semester. The breadwinner has ruled the roost in most families over the years. When he arrived he didn't know that utilities had been paid. People from the same cultural background are usually a chip off the old block. Useful Phrases © ! imagine that... Does that make sense? If you ask me,... As far as | know... ral What If Chinese sia ah were the forei ANY aigie writing in the a ——j unique - particular - exquisite - peculiar 1. She has the most delicate hand-painted vase from China. sa once ina lifetime opportunity to see her work. 3. Helen is ni t her husband is rather odd. 4. For no specific reason, he quit his job. Host families will provide you with the most delicious food. This case, especially, has to be addressed by the boss. c code is one of a kind. lls funny; it might have gone bad. undergone amazing transformations ulation outburst is causing big environmental problems. raise cultural awareness by sharing information with others om different ethnic backgrounds can be found in most big cities. 0 move to cheaper areas have to commute long hours to work . 3 boneless chicken breasts . 2 bell peppers Finely chopped 1 email onion cut into thin wedges handful of Fresh basil . 2 Tesp vegetable oil -# Ie green beans SAUCE: . 3 Finely sliced scallions ; -) fresh red chill pepper into strips (use scissors) . G-& lime leaves, cut - 4 cloves gerlic 1 .2 Ths. Fish sauce A 2 Ths. lime juice - /2 cup fresh basil «2 Tbsp. coconut, can +2 Ths. soy gauce 2, top. brawn 929° ola, or other Language Work © 311 My mom prepares a delicious salad by tossing all the ingredients together. A careful cook chops vegetables into tiny pieces. She was wearing a plain black dress, The sweetness of the coconut milk really adds flavor to this recipe. Make sure to remove the inedible stems from the plant. He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket. He really can't cook, but his stir-fry is eatable. * Sweets and candies remind me of my childhood days. My mother likes buying boneless chicken. Mary always tastes her dishes to check if they're too spicy or too salty. Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful. : Don't skimp on the sauce - it's worth paying more for better quali Useful Phrases © First of all. Make sure to. In addition, take. _.if he / she likes plain hamburgers. wif he / she has e' __.what his / her favorite pasta sauce is. PN AA Rw NH om “if he / she prefers eating organic food. _ifhe / she eats a lot of junk food. ver skimped on something. _if he / she likes to sprinkle something on their ice cream. if he / she sets aside some money for the future. if he / she has ever tasted international dishes. Word Choice © to mince garlic, meat, apples to toss pepper, salad, pasta to whisk eggs, pasta, cream to stir coffee, sauce, salad oT Word Families | #7) 312 Cooking _ isnot only a part of everyday life, but is also an cook art. Chefs are often praised for their create not only due to the taste, but also the appear of their dishes. For many people, eating the same food can become , $0 they constantly try new recipes. Despite bore- these experiments, many chefs have recipes Javor or ingredients, Fresh produce is ._ preferred generat asitisthan orcanned. Itis also cheaperand freeze-— more to look at. The best produce is usually attract obtained through specialist shops. The i major of chefs are and aim to either work in ambition top restaurants or own one. .. Chefs have experience trained for many years to achieve positions of responsibility, CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES BLUEBERRY MUFFINS s all-purpose | cup brown sugar 2 Yecups self. 1/2 cup granulated raising flour g soda sugar 2 large eggs unsalted butter, 2 cups semisweet hunks chocolate, chopped Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F), whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside. Mix the sugars «, and butter, add the eggs and beat until combined, = a) Add the flour mixture and the chocolate and walnut chunks. Use a tablespoon to drop the dough onto a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes and let them chill for 5 minutes. Yields: 40 cookies. ature, bad "Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack." [...] With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounded determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire." “THE INFAMY SPEECH” BY FRANKLIN D, ROOSEVELT... j= DECEMBER 8, 1941 . ‘| => 2 WIZARD © 313 He's been abroad for one year now and he didn't even bother to write! The other children him for being so short. t The young like to pester their parents for things. | My parents worry about me if | don't call when | travel. Excuse me, do you know where | can find a payphone? er has revolutionized the way we communicate. Although ers are a must nowadays, the elderly cannot use them well, told the people not to worry about the crisis. That's not the S n Jones | know! have developed lots of technological devices. I deleted my whole essay; | messed up big time! What orld are you doing in the cupboard? | What! would find most difficult about... The reason why... | get the impression that... | Given that... Express Yourself a Speaking Scenes © & od Technology has changed big time! The media nowadays relies heavily on new technology In the past, it wasn't so easy to make home videos The media harasses famous people more nowadays because of advarices if filming technology. Ga Word Choice _ to harass / to bother / to worry / to pester 1. Try not to there's nothing you can do to change the situation. 2. John has been her to go out with him all month, 3. Don't dialing her number; the phone is broken, 4. (after knocking on the door) Sorry, | didn't mean to you. 5. They were by the police. 6. Don't your father when he’s working, 7. She's (that) she might not be able to find another job, 8. Her son has been her for a new skateboard, 3 WIZARD Accents © 314 Case Study © KYS Entertainment is promoting a contest for creative people who “) want to have a chance in the game software development industry. Contestants are supposed to come up with a game software idea for young children that will provide them with a new world where they can learn and have new adventures. The software must contain characters and each of them will have 4] their own website. Contestants should bear in mind that designing for young children is different; the interface has to be big, bright, intuitive, and easy to | click. The team has to consider the young web users, maintain consistency, and design players that could be localized for different countries. ne player A “Keep the energy flowing, energy throughout the entire get hurt, especially at this po: especially the positive game. No one wants to | int of the competition.” ~ inni now : a two-game winning streak, and aoe ee i row for the first it's time to go for a three in a time in a month. Ree “Celtics need a go-to person that ca in put some points the board, and I truly believe Joshua i : is that person.” PAIN WIZARD “She must have damaged his car really bad. | have never seen him that “angry before. Plastic bags harm the environment. t The class action suit impaired the company’s ability to continue doing “business. "The basketball player had his leg injured in a car crash a week before the emi-finals. They can't be serious about going to the beach during winter. ' That restaurant must be really good. My friends go there all the time. | They must have bought those extra tickets to the concert. They wouldn't be here otherwise. “She might know the answers, but we shouldn't be so sure that she'll do it by herself, The boss really threw me a curve ball when he told me to deliver my "report today instead of next week. _ This project is awesome. You guys have really covered all the bases. After her matemity leave, she's back in the game, working as hard as ever. He won't stand a chance in this competition, he isn't prepared. Useful Phrases © Yes, that's right e Are you with me? I'd say... My impression is... eee Ne Pais cto © to damage a bulking, the environments ‘ aed toharm the economy, the ox 2 : to impair the wall, someone's vision, quality ‘toinjure someone's leg, 2 muscle, a Car if he / she knows the rules to basketball. what characteristics and abilities sports can help a child develop, if he / she has ever thrown someone a curve ball if he / she has ever lost an opportunity of a lifetime. their opinion about professional athlete's income. if he / she has ever given up pursuing a dream, what athlete in the world is his / her favorite. ar a as) if he / she has ever been hurt while playing sports. A Fluency © 316 He took me by surprise when he asked me to handle this problem. (throw a curve ball) He threw me a curve ball when he asked me to handle this problem. SN ,. The report discussed all the relevant parts of this project. (cover all the bases) |, Whenever | wear this shirt, | win every game | play. (have a luck streak) as won four games back to back, (ina row) B she They are likely to win the match tonight. (stand a chance) 5, He was a prominent figure in the competition, (highlight) He was beat in the semifinals, (knockout round) 1. Players must keep the momentum going during the game. (keep the energy) Ig. We need a driven person to get this job done! (go-to person) Bye Vayu a famous NBA player? Nev ay lene saulegre Jordan? screen for the couch. Almost he handwriting is on the wall, this is the end of TV as we know it. For the electronics industry, the television is an important but increasingly difficult product to sell. They have gotten bigger and better looking and consumers buy a new TV as often as they buy a new car, but not as often as they purchase new computers, tablets, or phones. Your computer is the screen on your desk. Your tablet is a every major electronic device you own is a black rectangle that is brought to life by software and content. People can now watch videos on smartphones, tablets and computers, reducing the need to buy a television at all. Tablets, computers and phones are being called the second screen, however, lots of people nowadays might say the first. But what does this mean for entertainment today? TV is all about storytelling but other forms of technology have taken stories to a new level. Digital technologies are shaping the way we tell stories as well as getting the audience to participate at the same time. The traditional media model will no longer exist in the digital era. Old technology is replaced when the benefits clearly outweigh the drawbacks. Innovations can never 40 = . WIZARD TV: IS THAT THE END? Mary Fitzsimmons is @ Professor at Evergreen University be underestimated, disruptive innovatiéns: _ Disrupti innovation improves a product” or service in ways the meres doesi expect and it's happening evegy An earlier technology is displaced bya innovation that creates a new m and eventually disrupts an existing one. The recording industn is believed to have led th pack when it gradually went’ from cassette tapes to mp files. The same is happening in the TV industry. Everyth has changed and now digital technology is shaping industry in unimagin A 4 ways. 3 especially According to studies, it is = expected that by 2013 the) number of US tablet users will reach 99 million and most of those users will engage with multiple screens ~ simultaneously. The trend today is moving toward faster and faster ~ technologies. The outdated model of a passive audience and informative messages has been overtaken by a participatory audience and interactive messages. * The TV can no longer deliver what it was expected to because audience- driven narratives are a way of — rethinking our stories. The story is what holds it all together, but telling ~ it might not be the TV's role anymore, oo; ) 317 The government has failed to de jae it had promised) The morning mail has just been delivered The sales assistant made a mistake and underche rged me by two dollars. The building of the dam will di lace hundreds of people. He always tries to outdo everyone in his class, In our office, women outnumber men 3 to 1 Jake always gets in trouble for mi ving at school. ; My steak doesn't taste so good; it's overcooked, \ided The importance of a child's early years cann The company will lead the pack with such technological innovation Nowadays people are able to enc with each other through digital means. dwriting on the wallfor tobacco advertising? Chg nape MO mang ’ MAS Tuvo PEM O pia vA RMA PRO GENTE Sé INUENTAR De Ad | believe... As far as | can tell... I've got a feeling that... It would appear that... TCC MET to te aeodice fulfill to to . give announce to give to to birth to Re uce meat sce asad Ua ROR nak ng ert 9 . She delivered her third child at home. 3 'sthere anything that can be done to deliver those starving people f SUSU Ma tres hes Speech to the nation last wee . IS the store delivering our new sofa end MOS oue neta ed just didn’t deliver. . The jury delivered a verdict of not ry . I'm sorry, but you've _ missed my bus this morning because | In that country, women men by 3 to 1! my name. It's spelled with a K not a C. , Despite losing money, some companies their products to increase competition. | this movie, it was much better than | expected! _ My credit card me! The bill was $150 higher than it should be. 1. Athletes are always trying to themselves in performance, . | think people who ____ their pets be arrested! 318 ‘sleep number spell sell estimate charge “The Hollywood star seemed completely out of her element, and didn't want to talk to the press.” ae UCU U AND ae eed lt A DIVORCED MOTHER OF TWO, APPARENTLY DECIDED TO LEAVE HER GOOD GIRL ATTITUDE BEHIND AND PURSUE A BRAND NEW SIDE OF eset Ae WIZARD

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