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Marfa, Mwen Andraea Fiona V.

Name of Student

Year and Section 2E-MT

Name of Instructor Jiovanni Diaz

Date Submitted December 4, 2019

Answer the following questions in 150 words or more.

1. How can we promote the Health Information Management profession in the


I think promoting Health Information Management profession in the Philippines

will be beneficial to all and at the same time, it would be challenging. By means
of this, spreading awareness of this type of profession will be needed so people
will be informed with the existence of this profession. It can be promoted to any
computer-related courses. Another way to promote Health Information
Management profession is through career talks or seminars. In this way, it will
allow students have prior knowledge about this profession. Since health
information management system has various career paths, it offers will offer a
wide range of jobs.

2. Which three tools do you think are most effective and useful during the
application of change management?

Problem solving
- Since health care providers need to know what to do whenever there are
situations that will somehow affect the system, they must have ability to break
a problem or task into small enough chunks to solve the problem. Problems
exist everywhere, some more complex than others.

Negotiation skills

- Health care providers need to learn how to communicate and interact with fellow
workers in order to apply changes. Good negotiations contribute significantly to
success, as they help them build better relationships among patients.

Gap analysis

- By using gap analysis, it will narrow the gap between the perception and reality,
thus increasing patient satisfaction. It also measures the amount of time, money
and resources needed to fulfill an organization's potential and reach the desired

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