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Reg. No.

: I I I I I I I I I I / / /
Question Paper Code: 71106

B.Arch. Dl◄~ G R E E EXAMINATION , APHI L/MAY 20 15.

Ninth Se meste r

AR 2504/AR 1504/10166 AR 906 - URBAN DES IGN

(Regulation 2009/201 O)

Time : Three hours MaXJmum : 100 mark s

Answer ALL questions .

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 rriarks)

I. Briefly discuss the difference between urban design and urban plan ning.

2. Outline the names of four planned settlement patterns as suggested by urban


3. Discuss the functions of the Urban/Plaza during the Renaissance period .

4. Discuss the reasons and locational significance of establishing medieval towns.

5. Discuss any four planning principles as applied by Otto Koenigsberger for the
city of Bhuvaneshwar.

6. Write a short note on Rossi's ideas on architecture and the city.

7. · Discuss any two considerations to make city safe as given by Jane Jacob

8. What do you understand by urban sprawl?

Outline any four urban issues that have a negative impact on its imagibility.
Discuss the impact of urban transport usage by the public on other aspects of a
city .

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 m arks)

Disc uss in deta il t ho co nfig uration of s puces , form and character of

11. (a)
Re naiHsa ncc cities . ( 16)


Di Hc us 8 in detai l t he plnnrun g a nd spatial segregation of the city of

Chandigar h. ( 16)
12. (a) Wri te a short note on the following townscape elements
(4 x4 ::: ICJ
(i) Vi sta
(ii) Hide and soc k
(iii) 1lere and there
(iv) l~dge .


(b) Discuss the various elements that constitute to the imagibility of citic:oii '
given by Kevin Lynch . (!~:
13. (a) Discuss the significance of community participation while carrying ov
major urban design projects in a city. (16,

Or ·

(b) What are the various ways aspectst'issue~ that must be addresa~d i.,
make cities sustainable? 1: r;

14. (a) Write short notes on (-l xl= h

(i) Conservation
(ii) Preservation
(iii) Urban Renewal
(iv) Adaptive reuse.


(b) Discuss the significance and strategies to preserve and promcct' .;;c
spaces in urban areas. I

· (a) Disc uss any one exam,ple of ~ s u·ccess ful ~1rban re newal project in ln:lu

(b) DiscuAH with ex a 1) h e~~ful
th h . mp es ow urba n design project ca n become succ · (1
ou g mee nt1ve zo ning. lI


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Reg· No. : ,___
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Question Paper Code: 20130


Ninth Semester


(Regulations 2013)

Time : Three hours Maxim um : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A-(10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Differentiate Urban and rural settlements.

2. What are the components of an urban space?

3. Name ariy two designed ancient cities in India and high light its urban feature.

4. .
Outline Garden city concept idea.-

5. Define Genius Loci.

6. What are tp.e elements of a city according to Ke~n Lynch?

7. What is place making?

8. What do you mean by Urban sprawl?

9. Expand TOD and give an example.

10. Outline the concept of a smart city.

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11 . (a) What is the scope a nd role of a n urban designer? Outline the objectives of
urban design a s a discipline.

(b) DisCU!?B in detail any fo ur methods used for reading or studying a n urban
12 (A) 'l'roc0 tho co nco pt of UrhnniRm from G r ee k and Roman civilizatio ns .

(b) Exp l Ai n the h istory a nd basic planning principl e8 o f a te mple city in
lndi a with any one example .

13. (a) Elaborate o n Willia m Whyte's .idea of a s uccessful public s p ace .

(b) Explain how the theoretical viewpoints of Jane Jacobs made a d.iffe ren ci:.:
in the perceptibn of cities?

14. (a) Elaborate on contemporary approaches of Urban conservation an d


(b) Explain in detail the need for Urban conservation with a case study.

15 . (a) With a case study elaborate on the contemporary approach to urba n

design practice.

(b) Compare and contrast from your knowledge the public space character of
developing and developed cities with relevant sketches.

2 2013 (1
· mHI 111111111111111111111111 1111 Reg. No. : IL_J_.J__1_ _1_-1._..L.._.L-..l.-_L-..1.---'-----'

!Question Paper Code : 40623 I

Ninth Semester
(Regulations 2013)
' Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

PART-A (10x2=20 Marks)

1. Why is urban design important ?

2. List the functions of an urban square .

3. Write a note on Amorphous square .

4. List the principles of organization in Roman cities.

5. List the basic human needs as given by Jon Lang.

6. Write a note on serial vision.

7. What is urban incoherence ?

8. What do you understand by the word Urban Renewal?

9. Brief fhe concept of urban catalyst.

10. Brief the importance of open spaces in urban design.

PART-B (5X16=80 Marks)

11. a) Examine the need for the emergence of urban design as a discipline and explain
the scope and nature of urban design as a discipline .

b) Write about the various views, philosophies and approaches to urban design
as suggested by any one pioneer of urban design.
· 40623 111111111111111! llH 11111 1111111

12. a) Elaborate on the following with imitable case study :
i) Ancient Greek city planning. (8)
ii) Renaissance urban planning. (8)
b) i) Describe the evolution of urbanism in ancient India . (8)
ii) Discuss the characteristics of urban spaces in the Indian context. (8)

13. a) Discuss elaborately about "The image of a city'' as described by Kevin Lynch.
b) i) What are the factors that enhance safety and security in public spaces ? (8)
ii) Discuss in detail with respect to commercial space with examples. (8)

14. a) Discuss about the contemporary urban issues and the possible ways to address
b) Write short notes on :
i) Place making and identity. (8)
ii) Public participation in urban design process. (8)

15. a) Consider an urban design project in the India and elaborate the strategies and
methods involved.
b) As a sensitive urban designer, explain how heritage/historical value of a place
can be conserved in today's context with a case example.
Iil \111\ll lllll lllll lllll llll llll

!Question Paper Code: 51342 I

· Ninth Semester
(Regulations 2013)

T1m e : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

PART-A (10x2=20 Marks)

y What are the components of an urban space ?

/ Differentiate urban and rural settlements.

). N ame any four d esigned ancient cities.

4. Give two examples of ideal city concepts during industrial era·.

/ >. Define Genius Loci.

£. What are the elements of a city according to Kevin Lynch ?

} . What is place making?

/Y. What do you mean by Urban Renewal?

1- Expand TOD and given an example .

lO. Define urban sprawl.

PART - B (5x 16=80 l\lark s)

11 - a) Wha t is t h e scope a nd r ole of an ur ban desig ner ? O u tline the object tves of
urban d esign as a discipline .
b) n·1scuss 1n
. d et a1.1 a ny r.
wur m e
t hod A used for read ing o r stu dy 1ng a n u rban
" "
51 34 2 IIII
I11111111111111111111111111 1111

12. a) Tra ce the concept of urbanism by discussing the origin and evolution of any
one historic western city. ·
b) Explain th e h istory and basic planning principles of Chandigarh city.

13. a) Explain how the theoretical viewpoints of J_a ne Jacobs made a difference in the
perception of cities.
(OR) -
b) Elaborat e on William Whyte's idea of what makes public spaces fail and what
makes t hem succeed.

14. a) Elaborate on urbanization and its various types of urban sprawl.

b) Explain in_detail the need for urba~ conservation with a case study.

15. a) With a case study elaborate on the contemporary approach to urban design
b) Compare and contrast from your knowledge the public space c;:haracter of
developing.and developed cities with relevant sketches.
Reg. No.: [_JJ= L-1
--1-l -1 I -\ -\- [_I
Question Paper Code: 71106 \

B.Arch . OEGIUm l~XJ\MINATlON, J\Pf{[L/MJ\Y 201 5.

Ninth Semester

AR 2604/AR 1504/10166 AR 906 - URBAN DESIGN

(Regulation 2009/2010)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 mark s

Answer ALL questions.

PART A- (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

I. Briefly discuss the difference between ur.ban design and urban planning.

2. Outline the names of four planned settlement patterns as suggested by urban

designers .

3. Discuss the functions of the Urban/Plaza during the Renaissance period .

4. Discuss the reasons and locational significance of establishing medieval towns .

5. Discuss any four planning principles as applied by Otto Koenigsberger for the
city of Bhuvaneshwar.

6. Write a short note on Rossi's ideas on architecture and the city.

7. Discuss any two considerations to make c~ty safe as given by Jane Jacob .

8. What do you understand by urban sprawl?

9. Outline any four urban issues that have a negative impact on its imagibility .

10. Discuss the impact of urban transport usage by the public on other aspects of a

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) Discuss in detail the co nfi guration of spllCCB, form and characll'r of
( l 6)
Renaissance ci t1cA.

city of
(b) DiRcuss in dttai l the plnnning nnJ spnti ul sogrl'~nlio n ul' the
( lo)
12. (n) Write a s hort no te on th o following townscape ele me nts (1x'1 == iGJ
(i) Vistu
(ii) Hide a nd see k
(iii) Here and there
(iv) Edge .


(b) Discuss the various elements that constitute to the imagibility of cities as
given by Kevin Lynch. (16)

13. (a) Discuss the significar1ce of community participation while carrying ou t

major urban design projects in a city . (16)


(b) What are the various ways aspects/issues that must be addressed to
make cities sustainable? (16)

14. (a) Write short notes on (4 X '1 = 16)

(i) Conservation
(ii) Preservation
(iii) Urban Renewal
(iv) Adaptiv~ reuse .


(b) Discuss the significance and strategies to preserve and promote open
spaces in urban areas. (1 6)

15. (a) Discuss any one example of a successful urban renewal project in Indi a

DiscuRS with exa mples how ur b an d es1gn · t ca n beco me s ucce~~ful
proJCC · ,1
( I li
though ince ntive zoning.


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