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Biff: (entering the Café with his friends) Hey McFly!

(boys turn their heads

around) What do you think you’re doing?

Marty McFly: (surprised and whispering) Biff…

Biff: (looking at George, defying) – Hey, I’m talking to you, McFly. You, Irish

George McFly: (answering) Hey Biff, hey guys. How are you doing?

Biff: - you got my homework finished McFly?

G. McFly: Ah… well, actually I figured since it wasn’t due ‘till Monday…

Biff: (knocking his head) Hello? Hello? Anybody home? (grabbing his head) Hey,
think McFly. Think!

I got to have time to recopy it.

You realize what would happen if I hand in my homework in your handwriting?

I’ll get kicked out of school. You wouldn’t that to happen, would you?

(G. McFly doubts so Biff grabs his arm). Would you?!

G. McFly: Of course not, Biff. I wouldn’t want that to happen…

(Biff looks at Marty)

- What are you looking at, butthead?

Biff’s friend: (grabbing Marty’s jacket) – Biff, take a load of his life

(hitting his punch) -Dork thinks he’s gonna drown.

G. McFly: (smiling) -Yeah

Biff: How about my homework, McFly?

G. McFly: Ah… Ok, Biff. I’ll finish that up tonight and then I’ll bring it over
first thing tomorrow morning.

Biff: Not too early. I sleep in Sundays. (pointing at McFly’s shoe) – McFly, your
shoe’s untied! (When McFly moves his head down to see he hits him on his cheek.
His friends laugh)

- Don’t be so gullible McFly!

G. McFly: Okay.

Biff: (pointing at McFly and attempting to leave the Café) -And I don’t want to
see you in here again.

G. McFly: (Biff and his friends leave. Smiling and waving) Okay, all right. Bye-

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