Intermediate 2 Icpna

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Bowing to their host when greeting is customary in Japan

It is one of the most important customs in Japan. In the event that

this practice is not carried out, the host will consider the event
something disrespectful. Although many foreigners avoid doing it
because they think it is rude, it is more convenient to follow the
custom and show interest in social interactions in that country. In
my opinion, I think that this way of greeting is very interesting.

Throwing plates to the ground to break them is traditional in

The Greeks express their joy in a very peculiar way, the Greek
tradition of breaking plates after eating had its beginning 4,000
years ago. It is a way to show detachment for material goods and
joy at parties. The Greeks do this during some celebrations such as
weddings, birthdays or family gatherings. They break the plates
accompanied with music and dance.

It is usual to hang lost items in trees in Germany

Germans are more friendly and helpful than other people from
another countries, where the norm is to keep to oneself. For
example, if you drop an object down in the street, you will probably
find it hanging on a tree when you come back to look for it. Most
trails are decorated in this way and anyone wouldn’t dare take your
object, so when you find something, hang lost objects in trees, in
my opinion this tradition is very honest.

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