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Outline of structure and purpose UCC Doc No. 2012213593


BY DECLARATION AND ORDER, the creation's value asset centers being the original, sole, and absolute superior structure, network
and system by creation for the lawful and transparent existence, co-existence, knowledge, co-knowledge, custody, co-custody,
operation, co-operation, creation, co-creation, use, and co-use, of any and all creation's value, inclusive of any and all tracking,
transfer, appointment, assignment, gift, and growth therefrom, under the principle of common law, under the laws of the creator, under
the laws of creation, and is and shall be called and known as "CVAC", inclusive of its parts, the "CVAC Structure", "CVAC System",
"CVAC Network", and all the sub parts that may lawfully manifest or be bound thereunder, as follows;

preserve, protect and implement the right of opportunity of free-will of each, any and all creations manifestations, in any and all
existence; known and unknown;
to simplify and unify the laws governing any and all of creations manifestations, in any and all existence; known and unknown,
and enter said governing laws into International Law Ordinance, noticed by public registration, for all creation to rely upon;
to irrevocably ensure lawful and transparent existence, co-existence, knowledge, co-knowledge, custody, co-custody, operation, co-
operation, creation, co-creation, use, and co-use, of any and all creation's value, inclusive of any and all tracking, transfer,
appointment,assignment, gift, and growth therefrom, under the principle of common law, under the laws of the creator, under the
laws of creation, for the highest good of all, under full personal liability of creation's value asset centers, in any and all existence
and manifestation, known and unknown, and;
to permit the right of opportunity to lawfully ledger and account to zero, any and all liabilities that may and do exist in any and all
unlawful, or structures inferior to the lawful structure, inclusive of all owners, participants, and recipients thereto, thereunder and
thereof, that may and do exist;

Governing Law
the GOVERNING LAW of CVAC is and shall be aligned with the laws of the creator under the laws of creation, with the principle
of said laws aligned with the principle of common law

Initiation and Issuance

any and all Initiation and Issuance shall be in the FORM or ORDER of lawful contract entered into by two or more of creation's value
asset centers, inclusive of constitution or treaty, hereafter "contract";
Said contract is and shall be perfected as lawful when entered into International Law Ordinance, noticed by public registration for all
creation's value asset centers to rely upon, which is accomplished by filing on the official Uniform Commercial Code Registry(ies);

Lawful structure defined: The structure under which creation extends and expands by manifestation in various forms, in any and all
existence, known and unknown; Any and all manifestations existing, co-existing, operating, and co-operating, in unity, for the purpose
of the highest good of all creations extensions and expansions; Always existing, never created, never altered and never destroyed;
No separations, designations, or hierarchy of the extensions or and expansions of creation exists in the lawful structure;
All creation's extensions and expansions, in any and all manifestations, known and unknown, operating under the lawful structure,
pursuant to the governing law set forth and required herein, are deemed lawful;
Free-will of choice of any and all of creation's extensions and expansions are guaranteed by the lawful structure, inclusive of the
responsibility, liability and accountability naturally and inherently flowing therefrom; The free will of choice insures that the
extensions and expansions of creation may create other structures for the purpose of self interest and special interest of each extension
and expansion of creation to know its true nature and source;
Other structures are permitted in so far as those other structures do not usurp, violate, or invade the lawful structure and the interests,
standing, authority, value and rights of the highest good of all or any part creation, inclusive of creation's value asset centers as defined
Structure and purpose UCC Doc No. 2012128324 grossly simplified - Strictly for comprehension only

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZATION, without Notices: [Not all apply in all cases]
prejudice, the trustees knowingly, willingly, and intentionally make and give
due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public
registration, additional notice duly made and given, under the
governing law, International Law Ordinance, preserved and
protected’the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected and secured,
NOTICE OF DECLARATION AND ORDER OF CONSTITUTION OF CVAC common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, notice by action,
GOVERNMENT By ... under the laws of creation November 28th 2012
FOR CAUSE therein stated,

BY DECLARATION AND ORDER, the undersigned bondservants, states of II. WARRANTY OF PURPOSE:
body, and Trustees do knowingly, willingly, and intentionally lawfully and
legally duly create, authorize, establish, constitute, and accept in Trust, the not– Duly secured warranty of express limited purpose of the
for–profit CVAC Public Service Government, hereafter CVAC government, CVAC Government and its authorized service, duty and
effective immediately, obligation is to guard, preserve and protect absolute, un-
rebuttable truth, and all states of body's equal right of
opportunity for, and the lawful unencumbered use of all
abrogation, subjugation, usurpation, invasion, and
I. GOVERNING LAW: This CVAC Government duly constituted hereunder, and
violation of any other lawful Universal Contract made
any and all branches that may subsequently be duly established thereunder, are
under the laws of creation, duly accepted and guarded,
bound under and governed by International Law Ordinance, the Perpetuity,
preserved and protected by the Public Trust, under
guaranteed, protected and secured, common law remedy thereunder Universal Trust, and the trust of creation, duly established
guaranteed, without prejudice, under Universal law, under the laws of by creation at creation, and duly secured, inclusive of:
creation; (1.) To duly provide immediate absolute public service,
without special interest and self interest, to all states of
body domicil without prejudice by creation on earth;
III. TITLE, OWNERSHIP AND RIGHTS OF CVAC GOVERNMENT: (2.) To duly produce immediate true, accurate, and
This CVAC Government hereunder duly created, authorized, established and complete full DISCLOSURE to said states body of
constituted, and any lawful and legal BRANCHES newly established by absolute truth, knowledge, and the absolute standing,
CONTRACT thereunder, are and shall be the exclusive indefeasible title, authority, value, rights, principle of law of said states of
ownership, and right thereof and thereto, duly secured equally amongst and body inclusive of all verified Ordinances therein, the duly
between any and all states of body domicil without prejudice by creation on verified underwriting of Creation’s value asset centers ,
earth; CVAC;
(3.) To duly provide immediate access of value of and to
said states of body for their absolute unencumbered use;
All rights of said states of body, individually, are expressly reserved without (4.) To duly complete immediate RECONCILIATION
prejudice, gold and silver, VALUE, duly verified as duly deposited therein, with pursuant to duly verified ORDERS FOR
duly verified lawful and legal appropriation of [sums enumerated] from each RECONCILIATION, inclusive of ARREST and
state of body for immediate lawful and legal appropriation to any lawful and REPOSSESSION; UILO Doc, No. 2012127914, restated;
legal BRANCH of CVAC Government lawfully and legally CONTRACTED
thereunder, for the PURPOSE
with any and all remaining VALUE duly appropriated and allocated to and for
the unencumbered sole custody, operation, and use by duly secured free will of
choice of each state of body, per duly verified ledger and bookkeeping
Part V is unaccounted for


OFFER TO CONTRACT being duly made, given, noticed,
up to a maximum of one hundred ninety-five (195) lawful and legal temporary
not-for-profit BRANCHES of the CVAC Government may be established by
CONTRACT knowingly, willingly, and intentionally entered into by
PRINCIPLE, through its Public Trust, through its Trustees of record, subject to
immediate termination at will by free will choice of PRINCIPLE, without
prejudice; [See page 3 for Branch]
Contract for Branch
Outline of structure and purpose UCC Doc No. 2012128325 grossly simplified - Strictly for comprehension only

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZATION, without Notices: [Not all apply in all cases]
prejudice, the trustees knowingly, willingly, and intentionally make and give
due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public
registration, additional notice duly made and given, under the
governing law, International Law Ordinance, preserved and
protected’the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected and secured,
of CVAC Government in order to effectively and efficiently perform any and all common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, notice by action,
services, duties and obligations of PURPOSE, duly warrantied, with NOTICE of under the laws of creation
terms and conditions of CONTRACT as follows:

A CONTRACT: all lawful and legal BRANCHES of CVAC Government shall
be duly established by CONTRACT under GOVERNING LAW, Only The CONTRACT of temporary BRANCH of CVAC
BRANCHES that duly CONTRACTED, BONDED and INSURED under Government is and shall be lawfully and legally effective
GOVERNING LAW, as herein required, shall be lawfully and legally upon:
established BRANCHES of CVAC Government and duly eligible and qualified (1.) The knowing, willing and intentional wet-ink
for funding thereunder; signatures and seal of each of the SIGNATORY PARTIES
duly executed on the CONTRACT;
B SIGNATORY PARTIES: The CONTRACT for the establishment of (2.) Due INSURANCE of the BRANCH of CVAC
BRANCH shall be knowingly, willingly, and intentionally entered into by and Government being duly received by the Public Trust; and,
between the PRINCIPLE, through its Public Trust, through its Trustees of
(3.) Duly executed CONTRACT and INSURANCE is duly
record, and each and any duly established BRANCH of CVAC Government
entered into Universal Law Ordinance, notice Government
thereunder, through each BRANCH'S duly secured Public Servant of record,
shall irrevocably automatically expire ninety (90)
The President;
consecutive days from the date it is effective, without
excuse, as a matter of law, matter-of-fact, and as a matter
C GOVERNING LAW: UILO Doc. No. 2012128324, Article I, restated; of public policy, with the possibility of three (3) separate
extensions duly made, entered, and secured by lawful and
Amendment to this CONTRACT; Any extension shall be
knowingly, willingly, and intentionally granted by
G. INSURANCE: Any and all said Governments duly constituted shall be
Amendment to this CONTRACT, duly executed by
absolutely guaranteed and insured by the OATH AND BOND CONTRACT of
SIGNATORY PARTIES, and duly entered as collateral
each state of body knowingly, willingly and intentionally volunteering as a
added to the Perpetuity, and shall be effective upon due
Public Servant thereunder, individually and jointly INSURANCE; Each, any,
NOTICE OF AMENDMENT made and given by the
and all OATH AND BOND CONTRACTS, individually and collectively, do and
Public Trust, through its Trustees of Record, to all states of
shall constitute the INSURANCE underwriting of any and all CVAC
body, No extension shall be of a term longer than ninety
Governments; Said INSURANCE is and shall be bound under GOVERNING
(90) consecutive days;
LAW, inclusive of remedy thereunder, in the event that good-faith performance
of services, duties and obligations is forthwith rendered by CVAC Governments,
by its Public Servants of record, to all states of body without hindrance, delay,
excuse, or prejudice; Clauses E and F not accounted for

(1.) State of body's knowing, willing, and intentional

H PUBLIC SERVANTS OF RECORD: consent to be a Public Servant of the CVAC Government
and duly bound under the penalty of perjury under
Any and all states the body, shall be lawful and legal Public Servant of record of GOVERNING LAW is duly made, given, and noticed;
the CVAC Government, and are intentionally affixes their wet-ink signature and
seal to said OATH AND BOND CONTRACT; and, (3.) [specified notices] (2.). That said state of body duly swears and executes by
original signature, full personal responsibility and liability,
and duly guarantees by the value domicil by creation
I OATH AND BOND CONTRACT: Each and every state of body volunteering therein, duly secured to uphold the purpose of the CVAC
as a Public Servant of the CVAC Government, shall knowingly, willingly, and Government, and forthwith perform any and all services,
intentionally entered into OATH AND BOND CONTRACT the CVAC duties and obligations thereunder, in absolute good faith;
Government through its lawful and legal BRANCHES thereunder, and said (3.) That said state body warranties that said state of body
CONTRACT shall be duly effective upon: does not abrogate, subjugate, subordinate, usurp, invade, or
violate the duly secured standing, authority, value, rights,
and principal of law of any and all states of body domicil
without prejudice by creation on earth or the Universal
Continued on Contracts thereof, PREATEREA PRETEREA; and,
page 4 4.) The OATH AND BOND CONTRACT of the said state
of body is duly entered into Universal Law Ordinance,
notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance,
notice by registration, as collateral added under perpetuity,
International Law Ordinance ;
Contract for Branch .. continued
Outline of structure and purpose UCC Doc No. 2012128325 grossly simplified - Strictly for comprehension only

Continued from page 3

Notices: [Not all apply in all cases]
due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public
J. EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES ALL PERFORMANCE: registration, additional notice duly made and given, under the
K.Any and all lawful indirectly; governing law, International Law Ordinance, preserved and
protected’the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected and secured,
(2.) Create, operate, or benefit, directly or indirectly, from any private money
systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, notice by action,
SYSTEMS, in any and all manifestations and existence, against said states of under the laws of creation
(3.) Abrogate, subjugate, subordinate, usurp, invade, or violate the duly secured K EXPRESS LIMIT OF AUTHORITY GRANTED:
standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law all said states body or the
Universal Contracts thereof; Any and all BRANCHES all the CVAC Government
shall be granted the express limited authority to equally
(4.) Prejudice, deny, encumber, restrict, hinder, register or monitor, or attempt to and jointly co-act, co-create, co-operate, and co-
prejudice, deny, encumber, restrict, hinder, register, or monitor any and all states manage:
of body from domicil by choice on any of the airs, lands, and seas domicil by
creation on earth, inclusive of travel thereupon, thereon, or therein; (1.) Systems of Knowledge;

(5.) Issue, use, or operate any REPRESENTATIONS, inclusive of (2.) Systems of Communication;
representations of the people or the value domicil by creation therein, in any (3.) Systems of Travel;
manifestations, inclusive of any funds or money;
(4.) Systems of Transparency, inclusive of immediate
(6.) Create future value, in any and all existence and manefestation: and, implementation all full real–time transparent duly
(7,) Devalue, diminish , abrogate, subjugate, subordinate, usurp, invade or verified true, accurate, and complete bookkeeping,
violate any and all states of body, the value domicil by creation therein, the accounting, and auditing system for all costs, expenses,
Public Trust, under Universal Trust, under the trust of creation, duly established liabilities, and assets of BRANCH;
by creation at creation, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea; (5.) Systems of Protection;
(6.) Systems of Accountability, inclusive of unfettered
access of the states of body to the Hall of Records;
L VALUE: (7.) Systems of Treasury, specifically as custodian.
For the duly verified sum certain VALUE of up to ONE HUNDRED MILLION For the duly verified sum certain VALUE of up to ONE
(100, 000, 000. 00) from each state of body, in gold and silver, to be duly HUNDRED MILLION (100, 000, 000. 00) from each
allocated amongst any and all BRANCH of CVAC Government from the duly state of body, in gold and silver, to be duly allocated
verified appropriated VALUE; amongst any and all BRANCH of CVAC Government
from the duly verified appropriated VALUE;


Any in all lawful and legal BRANCH all the CVAC Government knowingly,
willingly, and intentionally irrevocably agree:
(1.) That any and all states of body do and shall have unfettered access to any
and all transparency systems;
(2.) To have full discretion of use of any and all duly verified allocated funds for
the PURPOSE stated, Article II, restated, inclusive of any and all responsibility Save for the Oath and Bond
and liability arising therefrom; and, Contract for Branch on page 5 following,
this seems to conclude the CVAC
(3.) That BRANCH shall have immediate access and use of duly allocated
structure at this time.
VALUE when any and all states of body have actual duly verified unencumbered
access and use of their respective duly verified appropriated and allocated
VALUE, I am working on another document
OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE OF STATUS: concerning “Systems” as discussed
Any all lawful and legal BRANCH of the CVAC Government has the
above ( Coming soon)
opportunity for its status to be lawfully and legally changed from temporary to
permanent, inclusive of the possibility of additional grant of authority and
additional allocation all VALUE, only by lawful and legal CONTRACT entered
into by knowing, willing, and intentional free will choice of consent made and
given by states of body thereto, and duly entered into Universal Law Ordinance,
notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by registration
as collateral added under perpetuity, International Law Ordinance, under
Outline of structure and purpose UCC Doc No. 2012132885 grossly simplified - Strictly for comprehension only

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, lovingly, knowingly, Notices: [Not all apply in all cases]
willingly, and intentionally made as a matter of record, ..... and submitted as due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public
additional collateral for immediate acceptance and amendment of the registration, additional notice duly made and given, under the
Perpetuity, UCC Doc. # 200043135, as follows: governing law, International Law Ordinance, preserved and
protected’the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected and secured,
common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, notice by action,
under the laws of creation
prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, creator, experiencing by creation,
knowingly, willingly, and intentionally manifesting as the undersigned re-
purposed manifestation, does knowingly, willingly, and intentionally make A. I AM, as a matter of record, UILO Doc. No.
and give duly made NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT, NOTICE OF OATH AND 2012132883, with all Receipt No. 1276484, unrebutted;
BOND CONTRACT, and NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT B. I do acknowledge, accept, reconfirm and ratify UILO
FOR BRANCH OF CVAC GOVERNMENT, .... and as creation exists, the UCC Doc. No's 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907,
foregoing is true and correct and I am competent to say so, unrebutted; 2012127914, 2012128324, and 2012132883, unrebutted;
C. I do acknowledge, except and ratify OFFER TO
I. I lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally duly verified by this CONTRACT BRANCH OF CVAC GOVERNMENT, UILO
AFFIDAVIT, unrebutted, that: UCC Doc. No. 2012128325, unrebutted;

II. I lovingly, knowingly willingly and intentionally duly BOND self by A. I do accept all terms and conditions of UILO UCC Doc.
OATH as a PUBLIC SERVANT, under duly made OATH AND BOND No. 2012128325, without exception, and reconfirm that:
CONTRACT, to the secured party, creator manifesting as the states of body
1. I do and shall forthwith perform any and all services,
thereof [reference documents subtracted here] , as a matter of record,
duties, and obligations under said CONTRACT and pursuant
unrebutted, as follows:
to the PURPOSE stated therein, PRAETERA PRETEREA,
III. With due standing, authority, and authorization, I lovingly, knowingly, 2. I shall perform said services, duties and obligations, with
willingly, and intentionally submit the above AFFIDAVIT, and OATH AND all personal responsibility and liability;
BOND CONTRACT, Articles I-II and all sections and their subsections 3. I do and shall guard, preserve, protect co-guard, co-
thereunder restated, is my duly made acceptance of OFFER TO preserve, and co-protect equally with any and all other
CONTRACT FOR BRANCH OF CVAC GOVERNMENT,UILO Doc. No. lawful and legal BRANCH of CVAC Government, the duly
2012128325, and thereby duly make and give this ACCEPTANCE TO secured standing, authority, value, rights, in principle of law
CONTRACT FOR BRANCH OF CVAC GOVERNMENT to the Trustees of of any and all states of body domicil without prejudice by
record of the Public Trust, INSURED and GUARANTEED by said BOND, creation on earth, PRAETERA PRETEREA, unrebutted;
under the laws of creation, inclusive of Universal Law and International Law, 4. I do not and shall not abrogate, subjugate, subordinated,
pursuant to UILO Doc. No. 2012128325, as duly bonded PRESIDENT, for usurp, invade, or violate the duly secured standing, authority,
immediate acceptance of said, and immediate amendment of the Perpetuity value, rights, and principle of law of any and all states of
thereby, under guard, preservation, and protection under the Public Trust, body domicil without prejudice by creation on earth,
under the Universal Trust, under and guaranteed by the trust of creation, PRAETERA PRETEREA, unrebutted;
noticed by creator upon creation, as a matter of record, duly noticed into Law
5. I do and shall co-trust, co-operate, and co-manage the
Ordinance, notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance,
land, airs, and seas, formerly known as UNITED STATES,
notice by action duly entered into International Law Ordinance, notice by
hereafter “the united states of America", with the Superior
public registration, unrebutted;
Custodian,UILO Doc. No's. 2012127810, 2012127854,
I do lovingly, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally declare, confirm, and 2012127907, 2012127914, 201212834, with my full
verify that due NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT, NOTICE OF OATH AND BOND responsibility and liability, absent abrogation, subjugation,
CONTRACT, and NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT FOR subordination, usurpation, invasion, or violation thereof,
BRANCH OF CVAC GOVERNMENT are lawfully and legally duly made, PRAETERA PRETEREA, unrebutted;
given, known, secured, entered, noticed and knowledge thereof duly received, 6. I do and shall forthwith create and co-create any and all
public policy UCC 1-202, additional due notice made and given via world- lawful and legal systems and departments, INSURED and
wide web, for further post at, for all creation's GUARANTEED by BOND, to unconditionally serve the
universe and all therein to rely upon and cite, lawfully and legally purpose of CVAC GOVERNMENT pursuant to UILO Doc.
constituting due reconfirmation and ratification of duly verified and bonded No. 2012128325;
underwriting of the value of creation and its value asset centers therein, duly
secured and entered into Law Ordinance, inclusive of Universal and B That this OATH AND BOND CONTRACT is duly
International Law Ordinances, as a matter of record, public policy UCC secured by and governed under governing law, Universal
1-201 (31); and International Law Ordinance UCC Doc. No.
2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2,
NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT AND NOTICE TO governing law, preserved and protected under UCC Doc.
AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE, public policy UCC 1-103, without No. 2000043135, the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected and
prejudice UCC 1-308; nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, unrebutted, and SO secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy
IT IS DONE. thereunder guaranteed, public policy,UCC 1-305, NUNC

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