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Phantasy Star Online 2

A Beginner’s Tips and Tricks Guide

Help! I’ve hit the Level Cap (30) and I still can’t talk to
If this applies to you, don’t worry, you’re not the only person who
has had this problem. If this doesn’t apply to you, skip this and go
to the first section.

But for those of you who are stuck, you probably have not talked
to this NPC.

After you complete the very first Arks Quest, you will be directed
to Afin, but sometimes you won’t see it and it’s no biggie. Just go
ahead and talk to him, do his first mission, and Koffie should be
1A) Mags


After you complete the ​Mag License Application​, you will be given a ​Mag​. A Mag is an
essential stat stick, except, it’s like a pet. The items you feed it will become points on
your mag which also goes to your stats. What you feed your mag is very ​important​.
Mags will boost your damage a lot if properly fed. Also, the mag cannot die, so leaving it
hungry will not kill it.
Make sure you equip the mag as well ^^

Make a ​Striking​ Mag if you play one of the following: Hunter/ Fighter/ Katana Braver/
Bouncer/ Gunslash

Make a ​Ranged​ Mag if you play one of the following: Ranger/Gunner/Bow Braver

Make a ​Technique​ Mag if you play one of the following: Force/Techer

*Bravers, Bouncers, and Classes that run Phantom, either as main or subclass, are
recommended to take ​DEX​ mags as they benefit from it due to skill tree, however, it will
be detrimental for other classes like Hunter and Fighter, thus, we don’t recommend it*

A good way to manage the dexterity of the mag is to feed your mag two 9* Weapons of
the attack you want (S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK) and 1 7* Weapon of the same attack.

S-ATK​ weapons are, Swords, Partisans, Wired Lances, Double Sabers, Twin Daggers,
Knuckles, Katanas, Dual Blades, and Gunslashes.

R-ATK​ weapons are, Assault Rifles, Launchers, Twin Machineguns, and Bows.

T-ATK​ weapons are Rods, Wands, Talis, and Jet Boots.

After feeding your mag these weapons, you will then feed your mag room goods (yes,
room goods) 4*/5*/6* depending on what attack you’re basing your mag on.
S-ATK = 4* room goods
R-ATK = 5* room goods
T-ATK = 6* room goods
*footnote* Add Mag devices, what they do and how to
obtain them

Because each character can only have 1 Mag, and you

need,essentially, 1 Mag for each attack, Striking, Ranged,
and Technique, you should use the 3 free character slots
given to everyone to make a character for each specific

You are able to purchase up to 20 Mags but they

cost 300 AC each. This tip is simply for those who
have no plans on spending on the game.
1B) Skill Trees

This part of the game is what really helps you progress through the game and impacts
your class more than the weapons you use. Unlike other games, where weapons dictate
just how much damage you do, if you do not have a proper skill tree, you will ​NOT​ do as
much damage as you think. That being said, let’s get into it.

Skill trees are extremely important and some classes may have a versatile setup,
however, dumping your points into these skill trees aimlessly will cut your damage by a
significant amount. So do be careful when adding these points and make sure you have
a reference. If you don’t have a reference, use ​this​.

Listed below me is an example of one of the many instructors in PSO2. These people
will grant you 14 additional skill points in total and should be completed whenever it is
Listed right here is the instructor for Hunter and Fighter. Located behind the middle
teleporter of the Gate Area. Most of the ​class instructors​ will be in this area. Look

This here is his setup of Quests. Each, ​“Aim To Be a …”​ Client Order gives ​5​ skill
points to your class when completed and every ​“The Perfect …”​ will give ​1​ skill point.

Note that other classes’ instructors will have different names for these types of quests.

While still on the topic of Skill trees, Skill Tree Reset Passes are a thing. They are given
out to players when a patch involves a new Photon Art or a modification to the skill
trees. They do NOT come out frequently so don’t bank on getting a lot of them.

Additionally, Skill Tree Reset Passes are handed out ​PER​ Character and you can make
up to 3 characters. That is a whole 2 additional passes! Be sure to make them while you
can. You do not have to level them and they will still be eligible for the hand out.
1Ca) Visiphone: Player Shop
This little purple/pinkish station is where you will fight many battles, even wars… on the
market that is. THIS is where you will be able to purchase things posted up by other
players. The Visiphone market allows you to post nearly everything. From Fashion to
Experience Boosts, you can buy almost everything. A big exception would be 12 star
units as these are locked to drop only or badges. (Minus Austere Set).

This little station can be extremely confusing at first so let me explain a little on how to
use it.

When you first open up the Visiphone, you’ll be introduced to a headache of a menu,
but fear not, it’s not as bad as it seems. We’re only here for the Player Shop. The Player
Shop is where you’ll be able to purchase and sell things on the market at your own

This is the menu after you’ve selected Player

Shops and it is pretty explanatory. What you will
be using for a majority of the time is Item Search.
Manage Shop is for people who want to sell
things. Do note that you will be unable to sell things without Premium or a Shop Pass.
For now, let’s cover Item Search.

And welcome to the Item Search. This is probably the ugliest thing you’ve seen, but it’s
very simple. On top is the Search Directory and you’ll be able to search for a ​specific
item​. ​Often adding a portion of the name of what you want will come up once you press
“P. Search”.
Underneath the Search Bar, you can categorize what you’re looking for and search that
way. It will give a much broader selection of items versus specifically searching for one

On the Right of the menu, is Special Ability Search Settings with 4 options.

This little menu usually doesn’t appear when you first open Item Search, and if it doesn’t
appear, try and click the button right underneath the search bar.
Special Ability Search is what you use to search for Affixes on Weapons. Affixes on
weapons/units are essentially little add-ons that modify the stats the weapons/units give,
usually beneficial.

Most of these “affixes” can be transferred in such a way that makes it so that you can
stack stats onto a unit. And usually, they can go for a bit of money. So that Search Bar
is used to search for these. I will address what type of affixes are worth money, how to
recognize which of them are valuable, and so on. ​This is a rather large topic so it’s
taking me a while to come up with this part here.
1Cb) Visiphone: Teams

If you want to find people to play with, or join a

team/guild, you will do so at the Visiphone. On the very
first menu of the Visiphone, there is an option, “Teams
Currently Looking for Members”. From there, you will be
introduced to this menu.

If you want to find a team that is relatively active, sorting teams through the first option,
“Display by Number of Members”, will do the job. Pick wisely!

So… does being a part of a team do anything for you?

Being a part of a team benefits you in a few ways. When you are part of a team, you will
gain access to your own team’s room, a special NPC, and most notably, a Team Tree.
This Team Tree, when interacted with, will grant you 1 of the 5 buffs you decide to take.
Depending on the level of your tree, the ​value​ and ​duration​ will vary.

The special NPC also gives an arrangement of things. Not only does she give you
goodies, he or she will also be in charge of changing all the aesthetics and audio details
in the team room. Needless to say, you must be a person of power to be able to access
these changes.
2A) Free Field, Arks Quests, and ARKS
Free Field and Arks Quests used to be all locked prior to recent updates and has now
changed drastically. From what used to be very tedious, has now turned into quests that
are, quite frankly, simply there. To summarize them, they are quests that have no value
to them. The only reason you would run these is because of cilent orders that request
you to go through the quest. Besides that, this is pretty much outdated content.

An exception to the Free Fields are these quests below.

These Free Fields can yield great loot ​when there is a rare-drop boost event​. These
are not your usual cakewalk free fields, however. They are quite difficult for most people
and require you to be geared to some extent. You will most definitely want to find a
party of 12 to tackle these Free Fields.
Continuing on, ARKS Missions will be your biggest source of income as a new player.
Every week, you will be given a set of quests that, should you complete them, gives you
upwards to 2.2 million meseta a week (assuming you are level 50+). If you are below
level 50, your ‘Weekly Missions’ will not give as much meseta as being Level 50 would.

This is an example of what your ARKS

Weekly Missions will look like. They aren’t
too difficult for newer players and should
be cleared weekly if you want to have a
steady income. These are also
independent and can be done on other
characters as well. So you can have up to
3 free characters as a free-to-play player
and get up to 6.6 million meseta a week!
2B) Quest Etiquette
This one is not a large section but just a few things you should know, assuming you’re
playing with people in your party. Because some repeatable Emergency Quests are
gated by a period of time, people will want to rush as many times as they can fit. So,
quickly looting and heading up to Campship after an EQ is done is considered polite.
Doing this outside of Emergency Quests is also higher recommended. It makes things
easier for everyone, and everybody is happy.

If you’re having trouble looting things, there are options to pick up specific rarities of
items as well as materials. Look into the Options menu to see!
Featured Quest
Featured Quests will be your main source of EXP throughout the week. These quests
change every day and all have a ​First-Clear Bonus​. This means, clearing the featured
quest with a box symbol right next to it, will reward you with an item. This item can be a
crafting item, Mag Device, Conqueror’s Crest, etc. However, within this pool of items,
you have a chance to obtain one of the
bonus keys.

Bonus Quests yield a lot of EXP and some side rewards such as Star Gems but
requires you to have a Key. The Bonus Keys do have an expiration date, so lining up
these keys with PSO2 day, which increases the amount of EXP gained on the 2nd of
each month, (an additional PSO2 day occurs for people with Premium Set on the 22nd)
will help boost the EXP gained.

Each Featured Free Field also have daily orders attached to them (the ones appearing
first in ​Faina’s​ daily order list, with an arrow pointing upwards).

Each one completed increases your daily boost by 5% and goes up to 50%. Daily boost
gives bonus EXP, Rare Drop Rate and Meseta Drop rate. Also, you will lose 5% daily
boost every 24 hours, so keep an eye on this. Having this boost maxed for quests that
yield good experience is a nice plus!
3A) Mini-levelling Compendium

Levelling in PSO2 can be a daunting task. Outside of keys, there are so many quests
available; it can be quite hard to know what to run to gain levels fast. Here is a rough
draw on how to tackle this.


These right here will help you level quicker and make leveling much, MUCH quicker.
And the main reason why I am covering this is because, these boosts stack!
There is another Boost that stacks on top of this which are classified as EX boosts. You
will often see these as ‘EX Tri-Boost 50/100/150/200%’. Donuts are often part of an
event such as anniversaries, special collaborations, or seasonal item drops/quest items
so don’t worry if you don’t have access to them.

3B) The Good Quests

(For EXP)

Featured Quest: A World Engulfed in Shadows

Only appears once every 5 days, but it is arguably the easiest and fastest way to level
up on a weekly basis. It is also very easy to find parties for this in Very Hard/Super Hard
(Requires level 40/50, respectively), so it is highly recommended to spam the hell out of
this whenever it appears! This LQ is also the best source of Annual Badges~ (6 Badges/
1:30 ~ 2:20 Minutes)
Featured Quest: The Menacing Castle
This one also appears once in every 5 days, however, it is also a great way to earn
EXP. This one really depends on whether you have a fast party/people in your group.
The monsters are pretty widely spread so bring a friend!

Limited Quests
These quests that are only available for a set period of time. These are similar to events
held in other games where they will last up to 2 weeks. This Limited Quest will usually
yield good gear and drop either a badge or the annual medals for the year the Limited
Quest was released. We highly recommend running this quest to exchange for a few of
the items with the badges that the Limited Quest drops.

Buster Quest: Main/Free Match

Buster Quest is a good 8-man quest to help you through lower levels. It can be hard
finding parties for this one. But if you do, be sure to stick with them for some juicy EXP.
Free Match is great for leveling from 8 - 35/40 ish. Then EQ/Main Match BEQ is much
better. ​Do note that you must complete the first Buster Quest in EP5 Story Mode
to unlock this quest.

Emergency Quests
Emergency quests are quests that are scheduled around the clock. While it is gated
behind a time wall, it is often a good idea to run it since the amount of EXP gained
varies depending on the quest, they are always a good source of EXP. Be sure to run
them as they come. It is recommended to run them in Extra Hard as soon as you can do
it as they can also give you some good gear to help both your current class/character
and help your future classes/characters to level up with ease.

Bonus Quests
You need keys from ​Featured Quests​ to run these. Each key has an ​expiration date
set one week after you obtained the key (sole exception is keys obtained through
special campaigns, that can last up to a month). Gold keys/Rappy/Kazuchi Keys give
enormous amounts of EXP as well as some goodies. Make sure to keep track of your
expiration dates! Using ​Another History​ + ​EXP Boost III​ affixes will further increase the
amount of EXP you can squeeze out of these, so abuse it! (Don’t forget to pick up Tree
Team Buff as well!)
Another tip we highly recommend is, try to keep off on using your keys as soon as
possible. The keys scale with level so the higher the level you are, the more experience
you’ll earn overall. These will be the most efficient way to level when you’re hitting the
extremely EXP caps.

3C) The Leveling Guide

Level 1-30
Depending on what your objective is in this game, you may or may not like the
suggestions given by us. We will be catering to the people who want to access high
level quests as soon as possible, while being as efficient.

What to run​:

If it’s your first character/class, it’s a good idea to stack up your Daily Order boosts.
These will act as a universal Tri-boost and will help speed up leveling by a mile. Since
most new accounts do not have every free field unlocked, you will have to do them one
by one. Simply running to the end of the map and defeating the boss at the end will be
considered as a clear.
Things to keep in mind:

Be sure to join a team, or heck, even ask me for a ​Skill Tree build​. The earlier parts
are quite crucial as you’ll be levelling quickly and accumulating a bunch of skill points
and you’ll be tempted to put these into your tree. However, try to ask someone for
advice on the skill tree before putting them in. ​Skill Tree Reset Passes​ are only
handed out whenever a class’s skill tree is changed and you will not be able to fix it until
these passes are passed out. ​Mags​ are just as important. Be sure to follow the guide
above as each character has only 1 chance at getting a pure-bred mag!

After some time, you can hoard EXP tickets and use those to power level a class up to
this threshold. ​Buster Quests​ are unlocked at level 10 and after you complete the first
Buster Quest in EP5’s Story Mode. This quest is a great source of EXP at all levels.
Although it requires ​several people to clear it, if you can find a group, be sure to run it!

Additionally, since the new arks missions grant a lot of EXP, we recommend following
the Arks Missions.

Recommended Gear​ :

Anything you find should suffice. Normal and Hard Difficulties are designed with low
rarity weapons/units in mind, and most of the higher rarity gear is not equippable

Once you’ve hit Level 30, you will be capped off and won’t be able to level any further.
At this point, go talk to Koffie and complete the Level Cap. If you’re unable to talk to
Koffie at ALL, talk to Afin. Koffie should then be unlocked.
Level 30-40
What To Run: ​The first leveling bottleneck: Client orders start becoming less efficient,
so you’ll need to start doing some quests in Hard and Very Hard Mode to compliment
them. Any ‘​Limited Quests​’ that are available should be your go-to quest for this if you
can find someone strong that is running it. ​Buster Quests​ will also do the job very

Recommended Gear:​ Anything you find should still be relatively okay at this point in
the game. If you’re really having trouble defeating enemies, I suggest picking up a
weapon of rarity 8 or higher. Units should be anything you can equip, prioritizing higher
rarity units.

Level 40-55

This is when the Featured Quests, ​A World Engulfed in Shadows​ and ​The Menacing
Castle​ comes in handy! First run it on VH to level 55 and then head on over to SH and
grind that out. If this Featured Quest is not available, ​Buster Quest​ and ​Limited
Quests​ will still be your best sources of EXP.

Emergency Quests will be a decent source of EXP but more importantly, a breath of
fresh air. Don’t forget to mix it up once in a while! If you’re simply focused on leveling to
end-game, stay with ​A World Engulfed in Shadows​ and ​The Menacing Castle​ any
spammable Limited Quests out.

Note: ‘A World Engulfed in Shadows’ and ‘The Menacing Castle’ are Featured
Quests that only appears once every 5 days. However, these quest yields ​absurd
amounts of EXP. Do run it while you can.

Recommended Gear: ​At this stage, if you’re using a weak weapon, I’d highly
recommend switching to the highest rarity of weapons you can equip. With a correct
skill tree and mag, you should be able to take out the enemies with no problem.
For units, you’ll want to have some placeholders for now. Equipping the highest rarity of
units will help you out quite a bit.

Level 55-75

The second leveling bottleneck. But don’t worry! A slew of other quests are here to help
you with that! From SH and onwards, ​Emergency Quests​ and good levelling Quests
are more populated so levelling will feel faster! The quests you want to run will be
relatively the same until you begin unlocking quests at the level 75 cap. So continue to
smash those ​Buster Quests, Featured Quests, and Limited Quests​!

Recommended Gear: ​Start looking towards ​13*​, ​14*​, or even ​15*​ weapons. Most ​15*
weapons will have a ridiculous ATK requirement and you’ll most likely be unable to
equip these weapons, even with a Pure-bred Mag of your preferred attack. Any ​‘Nox’
Weapons​ will be a great substitute for the time being.

For units, you will be able to equip some 12* units as you start bordering the lvl 70 zone.
The first entry level units as you approach this level would be the Ray Units. These are
found in the Annual Badge Shop, located right below the entrance to Franka’s Cafe
from the Shop Area.
These Units are outdated at the moment but will be the
largest upgrade for units you can get at the moment.
Lv 75 - 90

Congratulations! You can now run EP4 EQs on XH!!!

...if you have both Main+Subclass at 75.
What to run​ : The final boss of leveling. You will need huge amounts of EXP to get to level 85
and to get the 10 class cubes. However, you will have access to every possible quest to do it
(besides a few of the EP6 quests). Remember, the experience given by Bonus Keys scale with
your current level, and their efficiency at the higher levels is huge. Be sure to check their
expiration date and try to hoard as much as possible for this part!

Recommended Gear at Level 75+

This is where mobs will hit much harder AND be much tankier. You will want to start
investing your resources into weapons that are available to you.

When you first hit level 75, begin looking into purchasable 14* from the Players Shop. I highly
recommend any of the Dim Series because they have a very high base stat, are relatively
cheap, and a great weapon overall. Once you have made this weapon +35 Grind and smacked
on a few affixes, I recommend using this weapon until you are dead set on playing a certain

Elemental damage of Weapons are more important
than the power of your weapon!!!
Make sure your weapon has the maximum ​element value​ (60) because the only way to max
the element when it is an Atlas or Lightstream is to purchase ​Attribute Enhance 5%​ and that is
not a fun trip. Be sure to plan in advance to avoid future trouble! (You can do it a different way,
which is to make it from scratch, but it is much more costly)

Why is element important?

Element in PSO2 functions as a damage booster when you hit enemies with the right weapon
element. The element number on your weapon is percentage of your weapon’s base attack
converted into attack. For the Sword, the base of Lightstream Sword is 2494. If you hit an
enemy with light weakness and have 60 on your weapon’s element, you will be hitting for 2494
+ 60% of the base damage of your weapon. So around 1500 attack will be added.

End Game Weapons

Once you have finalized your 13*/14* weapon for the majority of your leveling odyssey, you will
want to consider and think about what weapon you’ll want to make your first 15*. There are two
15* series that allow you to choose whatever weapons you want.

Atlas Weapons and Lightstream Weapons.

These will serve as your first 15* and will give a huge damage boost from your 13*/14*
weapons. They do take a lot of resources out of your pocket so don’t be surprised to be
scrapping by when you’re making this.

Val Weapons, when upgraded, are extremely versatile and have insane flexibility. This weapon
compliments EVERY class when upgraded to Atlas EX. Atlas EX is the final upgrade for Val.
Val Series -> Atlas -> Atlas EX
Lightstream Weapons on the other hand, is one of the strongest weapons in the game. On top
of its already high base attack, it supports S-Class Abilities as well as has a 10% + 3%
activation potential.

Both of these weapons are gated by stones that can only be used

How do I get my hands on these Stones?

Time Reversal Stone Chronos

-Complete Chapter 5 Story Quests

-Obtain 1100 Titles

-Extremely rare from various EP5 Boss Triggers.

-Obtained from various Campaigns

Circular Amphitrite Stone

Complete 50 runs of ‘Specter of Destruction’/’Tragic Trigger’. (Both account

towards this title)

Gather a total of 7200000 points in the Emergency Quest, “Armada of Demise”

Get a drop from ‘Tragic Trigger’

Campaign being held from 11/6/2019 - TBA

Complete 8 runs of Armada of Demise’s Sector 3

When you hit level 75, you’ll be given a unit set called “Stellar ___”. This set should
replace what you have if you don’t have 12* units. Ray units are pretty similar so if you
have those already, stick with those.

Most of the best units in this game are gated by drop at the moment, A good step up
that is guaranteed is the ​Orgei Unit​ from the​ Armada of Demise Emergency Quest​.
You can rack up medals from the Armada EQ and exchange them for one. Or even
Omega Masquerade’s unit from the Solo Ultimate Quest. Do note that Omega
Masquerade will drop its unit from any depth.
Unfortunately, with the release of ​13*​ units, new players should minimize the investment
into 12* and try seeking ​13*​ units. At the moment, your ticket to ​13*​ units will be titles
related to the​ ​EP6 Ultimate Quest​. This is not to say that ​12*​ units are completely
unviable. They are, for the most part, still strong. However, upgrades for these 12* units
are unpredictable and they don’t support S-Class Special Abilities.

As you can see, there is a strange affix

called, “S6:Heroic Howl” on the unit.
These affixes are called S-Class Special
Abilities or SSA for short. They usually
provide special effects that units would
normally never have and has just recently
been implemented in the game. So far,
there are quite a few of good SSAs
available to 13* units and this is primarily
the reason we suggest minimalizing
investments into 12* units.
4a) Grinding to 35 for New Type
Weapons (NT-Weapons)

Grinding weapons can be quite intimidating. But, we know how daunting it can be so
here is a mini guide on how to grind ^^. So first things first, go on over to Dudu or
Monica in the Shop Area and you should see this menu right here:

Item Grinding will be used to increase your weapon’s grind value,

raising the base Atk as well as unlocking the potential of
NT-weapons at grind values 10, 20, and 30. Potential of weapons
require Photon Spheres to unlock, and you will be unable to grind
the weapon further if you do not unlock the potential. Photon
Spheres can be purchased through the photon shop on the 2nd
floor of the shop area. They are also available on the players
shop if you cannot exchange for them. Furthermore, EQs and
Extreme Quests also drop them.

Once you have clicked Item Grinding, you will have to choose the base weapon you
want to grind (power up/upgrade, essentially). Below, I am going to select the ‘Ray
Launcher’ with a ​max grind value of 32​ and 23 Lightning Element​. The max grind
value can be unlocked til 35 and it will unlock something called Special Ability Factor, or
SAF for short. SAF will be covered later on.
Note how I am referring to the ​MAX​ grind, not the current grind the Launcher is at. The
‘current’ grind for the launcher is 0. Think of the max grind as how far you can upgrade
your weapon. Your weapon will be unable to go past that number unless it is unlocked.
All New Type-weapons can have a max grind of 35. Now, in the picture below, I have
highlighted the ​Grind Cap (Upgrade Limit)​ and the ​Attribute Rate​ after the grind.

The upgrade limit will increase by 1 because I am combining the ‘Upgrade Limit’ 32
weapon with a copy of the weapon that only has an upgrade limit of 30, usually
weapons that come from Collection File. ​ALL​ New Type weapons will have a base
upgrade limit UNLESS they were dropped.

The element of the weapons are different as well, thus the amount of element converted
will not be a 1:1 ratio. Had both of the Ray Launchers been Light Attribute​, the
conversion rate would have been a 1 to 1 ratio, meaning, the entirety of the weapon
attribute will be converted to the weapon. However, in this scenario, one is a
Lightning Element​ and the other is Light Element​.

In this example, I will combine two of the same weapons with the ​SAME​ element.
As a result, the elemental
conversion is 100% instead of
only transfering 10.

Notice how the Grind Cap

(Upgrade Limit) is strangely
skipping from 30 to 35? Refer to
the pictures below.

So this is the Base weapon; the

one I ​WANT ​to use as my
weapon. Only at a Grind cap of
<​- And this is the weapon I am going
to use to combine into the base
weapon. For future confusion, this is
just an example. Notice how it has
reached the max Upgrade Limit.

Now combining the two causes the base weapon with an Grind cap of only 30, to
instantly jump to the Max Grind cap of 35. That being said…

Weapon with 31 Grind Cap + 33 Grind Cap Weapon = 35 Grind Cap

Weapon with 32 Grind Cap + 32 Grind Cap Weapon = 35 Grind Cap
Weapon with 30 Grind Cap + 30 Grind cap Weapon = 31 Grind Cap.
How can I grind the actual value then?
The actual value can be grinded using the most popular method, using collection file
weapons as fodder. Seasonal Collection files all come at +30 grind and will instantly
grind your weapons to 10, 20, 30, and 35 with just 4 of these weapons.
Leontina’s Certificates (Easy 13*/14*~!)
Finding a new weapon can be hard at times. Let alone knowing what weapons are good.
Leontina is here to help with that. The thing about Leontina is, you must have a Leontina

These are rewards given to you via Arks Mission and you’ll be able to exchange these for a 13*
or 14* weapon depending on which one you have.

Once you’ve found her, talking to her will bring up this

menu. Click on “*13 Certificate Exchange” and once
again, press the same thing and it should bring up these
unusually attractive Ray Weapons.

These weapons are Vanilla copies of the Ray series but

come with an automatic grind of 30+ and level 3 potential
all unlocked. These are great starting weapons and will
be quite useful on the grind up. You will be able to
get vastly stronger weapons as you naturally
progress through the game since money will also
slowly begin to pile up.

A great thing about these Ray Weapons is that

they come with an ​Element Attribute​ of 60 .
Element is by far the most important value on a
weapon and Light ​is generally the best element
in the game since it is effective against 50% or
more of the content out so far.
Possibly one of the biggest holes in spending Meseta but personally one of my favorite
things to do! You can access your fashion stuff one of two ways:

Or in Shop Area 2F
Clothing your character can be quite confusing at times. However, it is actually very

Head: Hair or Head Parts

Body Paint: Stockings, Tattoos, Body Suits

Outer: Jackets, Overalls

Base: T-Shirt, Dress

Inner: Undies, Panties, Boxer Brief, Bikinis

Accessories: Glasses, Hats, Scarfs, Wings,

Mecha Parts, Earrings, Ribbons, Hair
Accessories, etc.

Unfortunately, since the game is overloaded with females, some Outer/Base/Inner

wears are extremely expensive for that specific gender. Males are a bit luckier as there
are not that many male characters so things are a lot cheaper!

Searching for Fashion is also not as complicated as it seems~! You will usually have to
look up on your browser to find out what you want and then copy and paste the
Japanese text of the thing you want into the Visiphone.
Excubes and Photon Spheres
So Excubes and Photon Spheres. Let’s talk about Excubes first. Excubes are quite a
crucial thing in PSO2. They will help you with purchasing level 17 Photon Arts, ​250%
Rare Drop Rate Boost​, and more commonly known, ​Ability Success Rate 30%/40%
for affixing. They are an essential part of the game as they will allow you to increase the
odds of dropping good weapons/units for free and help you make some of your units if
you are willing to affix your own weapons/units.

“So... how do I get these Excubes?”

You obtain them by trading up a 10* or 11* weapon for one excube. These weapons
become very common in the XH difficulty raid bosses, usually fetching around 25 - 45
excubes every raid. Make sure to use 250% Rare Drop rate boosts while running the
raids, it will help yield a larger batch. 250% Rare Drop Rate boosts can be obtained by
exchanging 6 Excubes and the boost will last for 30 minutes after usage.

Photon Spheres​ ​are also obtainable, trade-up items that allow you to get some nice
things. Such as, Experience Boost 75%, the Compound Techs for Force or Techer, and
even some Mag related things.
Below are the Compound Techs!


(There is also Fomelgion but somehow lost it in the editing. Sorry!)

This stuff I will be addressing is for a little more committed folks. However, you can still
pick these up as you level up and progress through the game.

This NPC will help you with some requirements such as, unlocking the level 75 cap to
80, level cap from 80 to 85, Damage boosts, and she will also give out a lot of SG!

These titles give 2.5% Main Class damage bonuses, stacking up to a total of 10%
This chart on the right is also
related to titles. The stats on the
right are stats given to all of your
characters when your character
reaches level 75 with a specific
class. Grab the titles and you will
have the stats added permanently.
These are ​OPTIONAL​ ​and totally
not required to play this game.
These will help you equip certain
things at an earlier level. Notably,
Lightstream Units and 13* units.

Collection Files
Collection Files are a nice way to obtain some 13* weapons for various things. You can
find the ​Collection File Attendant Pudding​ right next to ​Koffie​, the Administrator. The
Collection File Attendant is also known a
These collection files require you to eliminate the specified monsters at their respective

Once you have satisfied the quota, you are guaranteed a 13* drop that you chose.
Note that you can only carry 3 Collection files as you start out. For free-to-play players,
you will be able to unlock 2 more via Star Gems. Star gems are an ingame currency that
you can earn weekly and acts like Arks Cash in a sense.

When seasonal events occur, collection files will have a seasonal collection file for the
seasonal Emergency Quest. They are always +30 grind and it is a great idea to stock up
on these as you do the emergency quest. They will serve as fodder for your NT
Late Game Gear and Trade Ups
Late game gear has become very easy to access now a days. Even if its accessibility
has become easier, the amount of resources needed to obtain these have not. You will
still have to have a decent pool of money. If you have frequently visited the Shop Area,
you may have seen Zieg around. He is the CAST that resides right next to

This is where you can get 14* and 15* weapons by trading in specific weapons/items for
a stronger weapon. These trade-ups can be very annoying since grinding weapons is
not easy as a new player and the resources are hard to obtain.

The quickest way to obtain a strong weapon quickly is still the ​Atlas​ weapon route. This
weapon will serve as your first main weapon and is still one of the strongest weapons in
the game once upgraded to Atlas EX. It also plays a lot of roles due to the weapon
series supporting a series of affixes called​ S-Class Special Abilities ​or​ ​SSA​ for short.
These abilities come in all shapes and forms and you can customize the weapon
however you want. Of course, the accessibility of these SSA are limited and some are
very expensive.

Once you’ve obtained Atlas, you should start to look towards Lightstream weapons. Lightstream
weapons are extremely similar to Atlas in terms of materials needed, but are two totally different
weapons. It should take quite a while to accumulate the resources needed to create it.
Charms and Omens are not widely known but they are quite effective in what they do.
There are 2 Charms/Omens. Monkey King Bar and Vraolet. These are old type
weapons that have a specific purpose regarding items. Monkey King Bar has a potential
that will increase your chances of a high slot unit/weapon and Vraolet’s will make
EVERY rare weapon untekked. HOWEVER, you have to complete Zieg’s Client Order
in order for these weapons’ potentials to activate just by having them in your inventory.
Due to EXP being much easier to obtain, we’ve have
decided to move this part about Advanced Quest towards
the bottom. This is not as efficient as the other methods of
gaining EXP but is still good as a ​LAST RESORT​. (Still
insane on Boost weeks + Exit bursting + 4 players)

Advance Quest​:

Advanced Quests are a decent way to gain experience. Each advance quest requires a certain
number of capsules to run.
Depending on the map, it may require 1 A/B/C for each Very Hard run or 10 D/E/F for each
Super Hard run. While this sounds very resource intensive, each quest drops the “next letter”

Additionally, you can increase Advance Quest risk by paying an extra amount of capsules. A
higher risk will increase mob spawns, level of the mobs, drop rate, and infection rate (more EXP
You need +8 risk in Very Hard and +28 risk in Super Hard for max level enemies

Unlike Free Fields, Advance Quests have a limited number of spawns. In other words, once you
have fully explored the map, monsters won’t appear anymore. However, PSE gain in the quest
is increased.

See those big colored rays coming out of enemies when they die? Those give one PSE effect
based on their color: Rare enemy appearance, Photon Blast gauge building, Experience boost,
and close range damage. You can have multiple ones at a time and they each stack up to 8.

However, these effects will wear off after some time if the same one doesn’t appear. If you’re
lucky enough, one or several PSE effects will reach 8. This causes a PSE burst chance to
Enemies will start to endlessly spawn near the players (It’s recommended to stay grouped to kill
them efficiently and keep the spawns close to each other). If a multi-colored ray appears, you
will trigger a “PSE Burst”. This will cause more enemies to continuously spawn until the timer

Using Photon Blasts at this point will increase your chances of getting extra PSE effect. Each
time another PSE effect reaches level 8, a “Cross Burst” happens. This refreshes the duration of
the PSE Burst, which means even more EXP and even more capsules!
Sounds complicated, but you don’t have to fully understand how it works. Stay grouped, kill stuff
fast, and use your Photon Blast when a PSE burst occurs and you’re good!

Abbreviations and Acronyms for PSO2

This is a list of abbreviations and acronyms that you may not know in the game. To find
what you are looking for, please use your Search Function (usually Control + F for most

Some things to note before jumping right in.

(PA) = (Photon Art)
EQ =​ Emergency Quest
LQ = ​Limited Quest
FQ =​ Featured Quest
TA =​ Time Attack
XQ = ​Extreme Quest
AQ =​ Advanced Quest
BQ = ​Buster or Bonus Quest
UQ / ult = ​Ultimate Quest
CM / CQ = ​Challenge Quest (Also known as Challenge Mode)
BA = ​Battle Arena (PvP Mode)
Battle Mechanics
JA = Just Attack
Timing your attacks according to the red circle results in a Just Attack.
Gives a +30% damage bonus.

JG = Just Guard
Guarding an attack at the right moment.

DB = Dark Blast
Some refer to this as DaB as DB is an acronym for Dual Blades
PB = Photon Blast
Your Mag’s “final attack”.
WA = Weapon Action
The innate ability that comes with weapons.
Class Specific Battling Mechanics

Hunter - HU
IP = ​Ignition Parry (PA)
OE = ​Over End (PA)
SB = ​Sacrifice Bite Type-0 (crafted PA)
GB = ​Guilty Break (PA)
TF0 = ​Twister Fall Type-0 (crafted PA)
SA = ​Sonic Arrow (PA) (Can also mean Symbol Art)
SE = ​Slide End (PA) (Can also mean Status Effect)
AB = ​Assault Buster (PA)
Volg - ​Vol Graptor (PA)
AH = ​Automate Halfline (Skill)
IW = ​Iron Will (Skill)
NGU =​ Never Give Up (Skill)
GSA =​ Guard Stance Advance (Skill)
MH = ​Massive Hunter (Active, also a Ring)
WL =​ Wired Lance (Weapon​)
GS =​ Gunslash (Weapon

Fighter - FI
LB = ​Limit Break (Active Skill)
TAJA = ​Tech Arts JA Bonus (Skill)
TAJAPPS = ​Tech Arts JA PP Save (Skill, also a ring)
DS = ​Double Saber (Weapon)
IR =​ Illusion Rave (PA)
CR = ​Chaos Riser (PA)
TD =​ Twin Daggers (Can also mean Tower Defense a.k.a Mining Base Emergency
SD =​ Symphonic Drive (Twin Daggers PA)
WR0 =​ Wild Rhapsody 0 (Twin Daggers PA Crafted)
RW0 =​ Raging Waltz 0 (Twin Daggers PA Crafted)
Knux = ​Knuckles
BHS = ​Backhand Smash ( Knuckles PA)
SC0 = ​Straight Charge 0 (Knuckles PA Crafted)

Ranger - RA
WB = ​Weak Bullet (active)
EA =​ End Attract (PA)
HE = ​Homing Emission-0 (PA)
WHA = ​Weak Hit Advance (Skill)
SS = ​Standing Snipe (Skill)
DL-0 = ​Divine Launcher Type-0
PS-0 = ​Parallel Slider Type-0

Gunner - GU
TMG = ​Twin Machine Gun
CT / chain = ​Chain Trigger (active)
ZRA = ​Zero Range Advance (Skill)
IF-0 = ​Infinite Fire Type-0 (crafted PA)
*This is a PA that has been crafted. Essentially modified.
DA = ​Dead Approach (PA)
SA =​ Satellite Aim (PA)
ER = ​Elder Rebellion (PA)
PK = ​Perfect Keeper (Skill or Ring)

Force - FO
EC = ​Elemental Conversion (Skill)
PF / Flare =​ Photon Flare (active)

Techer - TE
PPC = ​PP Convert (active)
EWH = ​Element Weak Hit (skill)
Braver - BR

KC = ​Katana Combat(Skill)
KCF = ​Katana Combat Finish (Skill)
RS / Rapid = ​Rapid Shoot (skill)
SB-0​ = Sharp Bomber (crafted PA)

Bouncer - BO
EPPR = ​Elemental PP Restorate (Skill or Ring)
JB = ​Jet Boots(Weapon)
DB = ​Dual Blades(Weapon)
PB = ​Photon Blades (Weapon action, can also mean Photon Blast)
PBF = ​Photon Blade Fever (skill)
RB = ​Rapid Boost
KR0 =​ Kestrel Rampage 0(Crafted PA)

Summoner - SU
AE =​ Alter Ego(Skill)
DM = ​Dear Master(Skill)

Hero - Hr
HT = ​Hero Time
HTF = ​Hero Time Finish

Phantom- Ph
Shift ___ = ​The altered Photon Art when using the Weapon Action prior to the Photon Art.
1. An explanation of CPAs (complex photon arts) and how to get them.
2. New players start with their player ID as PN(numbers) now, but they can change it to free. A lot of
people seem to miss this so a little reminder would be nice.
3. Explanation of Triggers and how to start/join one
4. Arks Missions (mostly focused on weekly and daily ones)
5. 12* celestial/lightstream via stone exchange from Zieg is a good way to get good units for newer
6. I don't know where this might fit in but 5 Excubes -> 5x My Room 3 Days ticket (Excube exchange) ->
1 Blue ARKS Badge (Recycle Shop 2) -> 1 Triboost 100% (Badge Shop, Blue/Yellow/Orange
Exchange) 5 excube for 100 triboost. This is great for people who want to build up some triboosts
besides 50% ones.
7. Adding DL-0 (divine launcher type 0) and PS-0 (parallel slider type 0) to ranger acronyms list.
8. not sure if it's automatic now but enabling automatic meseta pickup, automatic material pickup, and
setting automatic pickup 13*.
9. Looting etiquette/fast looting, lots of players seem to fail on this one. They tend to hold up a PT
because they don't dump everything in storage to check on later. Telling them to dump their loot in
storage as fast as possible would save them the heartache of a PT leaving them in the dust.
10. Benefits of 3 characters and making sure they have different mag types
11. When it comes around, the changes to level caps.
12. Changing lock-on type to your preferred type (hold down or toggle).
13. TPS mode
14. Crests exchange (especially important with them adding 15* ones later on).
15. Pt rules: AKA telling them how to put down party markers if needed (for party triboost) and how to
efficiently retry a repeatable quest (always retry in the same block if you joined a populated block
and so forth).
16. A simple introduction to skill rings and why they will be important later (nothing in depth, just
explaining what rings are and how there is a R and L type). Also telling them they can slot rings into
12* & 13* units.
17. for update information, campaigns, and catchphrases!
18. Daily/Weekly reset times (it's midnight JST iirc)
19. Daily client orders/yerkes for some extra income.
20. Broader overview of stargems, and its uses (mostly talking about extra storage space, CF space,
and mat storage).
21. Credit to u/_alphex_

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