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“She is Wisdom”


“The gift of light brings sight,

the gift of sound beats within your heart,
you are Creations work of Art”
The Seed

when you forgot about me

when your pipe and your tobacco mattered more than my dreams
when your sacred hoops included everyone but me
when your reflection of power blinded you by greed
I want to remind you of a few things
the Creator has asked us to be like the tree
to care for the seeds,
to remember every leaf
to shelter those who with your roots dug deep
to remember you were not asked to grow wings and leave
you were asked to care for those in need
to live selfless
when you forgot about me
when your invisible lines,
your battles for others light,
your need to fight
Creator does not care who can play the greatest song
the Creator does not care who is right or wrong
all belong
Creator does not judge you by what you wear,
the size of your pocket book
or the style of your hair
Creator does not care who is older or who has the most feathers
Creator looks within your heart
can you put down the pipe,
can you put down the ego,
can you let go
Can you see the hunger in anothers eyes
Can you remember we all carry the sacred light
IF what you need is to be the leader of all things,
remember the great father stands beneath your feet
IF what you need is the throne of Creation
what is the worth of a soul if you will step on me
climb that mountain to stand high
forgot that you are a reflection of their light
the one hat looks from above,
the one that looks from within
the one that says, I AM
When you forgot about me,
when you walked to your own beat
when your thoughts, words, and deeds decreed
I am not of value to be seen
Let me remind you, you are but a leaf
and some seeds grow, some roots grow deep
others are scattered as wheat
some know the way, others struggle to breath
many are trampled under others feet
some shed tears that form rivers,
it comes from the heart,
the shadow that covers scars
In this world of shells, in this world of challenges
will you water others dreams,
or is the power so great you will fight to erase me
when I look to the heavens above,
when I am alone and I struggle to breath
I remember that wildflowers feed the bees
carry the pollen that brings life to living things
those scattered upon the earth
those considered of little worth
those who fight for the sun, rise against the storm
when you forgot about me
when your pipe and your tobacco mattered more than my dreams
when your sacred hoops included everyone but me
when your reflection of power blinded you by greed
I want to remind you of a few things
the Creator has asked us to be like the tree
to care for the seeds,
to remember every leaf
to shelter those who with your roots dug deep
to remember you were not asked to grow wings and leave
you were asked to care for those in need
to live selflessly
To remember the crown of Creation is the seed,
not the tree
the one within who carries dreams

Leather Skin
I smell the dust upon the air
my roots reach for the drops of creations hair
clouds that bring life dancing upon the wind
carry ancients in their midst
released to come home
the path of the selfless
Puddle that holds my reflection
drops of the ones within
my leather skin
Father I breathe the wind
I feel the rain upon my skin
Shower me with your love
shelter me in your waters of trust
I feel the energy in the air
I hear the ancients drumbeats
do not forget about me
I see the path of the one inside
drops of light
I step into the ocean of life
the one inside, the one that carries me through dark night
the light that shines within
Rain drops carry me home again
Help my tree reach through time
Carry home the lost drops of light
I hear their whispers
I see their tears
I feel their love for the one above
returning yesteryears promise of rebirth
shower me with your love
When I close my eyes
its not what is seen
your heartbeat touches me
carries me through time
washes away the tears that I have cried
empathy within the thunder of light
little vessel upon the sandy shore
universe of stars, I carry you in my heart
I am but a drop within the wind
reaching for the moment I can look within
lightening within my skin,
I smell that dust upon the air
my roots reach for the drops of creations hair
clouds that bring life dancing upon the wind
carry ancients in their midst
released to come home
the path of the selfless
I am reborn
sheilded from the darkness of the night
protected from the burn of the light
sheltered within the cloud of love
grey skies of the ones above
teardrops that fall like a dove
shower me with their love
I hear their whispers,
I hear their drumbeats upon my skin
I feel their love for the one within
my leather skin

Rain Clouds
what is it to walk upon water
it courses through my veins
lifts me up to breath through skin
raincloud carried within
what is it to blink like a star
lightening bolt contained within the eye
star that stares into the night
what is it to ride upon light
fingertips upon the wind
we walk upon the pages of a hymn
all are carried within the heart
There is a coming storm
there is a warning
there is a promise to those who see
like the tree
leaves of the season that surround you and me
I saw a man standing upon a throne
yellow light upon his brown
halo upon his head
he led
I heard a whisper upon the wind
he will walk against the blade
I saw a light coming from above
shattered trust
they have killed the dove of love
I saw a shadow drawing near
the beast walking in fear
will I have my day,
or will I fade away
I saw a reflection upon the sand
journey of man
broken stone
pressure forming bone
crystal glass of the past
I witnessed a fight
the beast that wrapped upon them
the standing of the one man
brown that held his heart
blue wildflower that carried his star
yellow tears that formed a great sea
he stood against the Beast
I heard an echo from above
I saw the heavens open up
I saw drops turn into men
I saw the wind carry them
Return of the Chosen
I heard a mighty cry upon the earth
land that rose from the sea
swallowed up the fallen who worship greed
I saw the removal of the great cities
I held a tornado in my hand
I was the master of the wind within
I breathed a storm that pushed against the sea
that man walked with me,
we freed them trapped beneath
rise the walking thunderbeings
I saw a red horse come from the north
upon its back the liar with a disease
the dream to govern everything
I saw a black horse come from the south
upon its back grey leaves fell as seeds
only to be devoured by the trees
the black horse brought disease to all living things
I saw a blue whale walk upon the land
carrying the weight of generations
fell to the Earth, brown and green released
they lifted him up, you are the mother of all living things
You are the Star Seed
I saw a bull running around the Earth,
collecting the wealth it did not deserve
lifting up Kings and Queens
optimism that drug them into the deep
I saw a bear draw near
dropped its paw a great shake did quake
I saw the release of the great snake
shifting sands of time
The Bear and the Bull were prophets of a lie
I turned within a tornado of light
all that remained were statues of light
the frozen image of life, trapped in time
I opened my eyes
what is it to walk upon water
it courses through my veins
lifts me up to breath through skin
raincloud carried within

Frozen Clock
by Niibwaakaa

I saw a vision of what could be

crystal dream of the star being
I saw a vision of what once was
light within the vessel of love
I saw the journey of times life
twisting hurricane of the fight
wrapping roots that bring sight
I saw a vision that light white
that place held high in the sky
I saw the vision this was where
all went when there die or rise
held within the fire in the sky
I saw the vision of that Redman
walking upon the realm of brown
buried in a hole in that ground
I saw the vision of teal wings
trapped in the spaces between
reaching for the light above
I saw a vision of falling stars
held within the beating heart
I saw a man who held within his hand
the power to move red into white
who brought the brown realm to life
who placed the black upon the light
burning tree that fell for one more day
I saw the price that they now pay
I saw the man walk upon broken glass
curious path this was to me
a reflection of a great disease
I saw a vision of a leather man
the one who traps them within
the clock that is frozen
I saw a vision of an hourglass
it held three
silver, bronze, gold leafs
trampled under a crystal tree
I saw drops that covered the ground
stars that were wrapped in brown
black brought within sound
white held high in the sky
I saw that light was a lie
pieces of the darkness given sight
the source of light
when black became white
burning to give others sight
when white burns in the night
I hear their cries
I saw a throne held within the sky
black wrapped in white
From above I saw
from below I saw
from between I saw
green held within the ground
roots that grew into a great tree
I saw you and me
there is a tree that speaks
there is a star with leaves
there is a journey of the war that formed me
I listened
I could hear a rushing of waters
I saw a vision of a sphere of sound
a great ocean within it was bound
I saw those come within
foreign skin
to see from within

Silver Rain
my cry is to the unseen
the one who shaped me
made me in blood streams
waves of anothers dreams
I feel pieces of me released
I feel my chest beginning to breath
I hear his whispers upon the wind
I see the one I lost
within the wind
I see the one I lost
within the wind

And solitude is the teepee of me

separated from my family
seeking to be seen,
seeking to be found,
buried myself underground
Lost never to be found

these memories
my Father walked upon broken glass
reflections of the past
mirror that chases through time
mountains of lives
He fought to protect my light
how many poles hold him up
how many tears fill his cup
how many dreams surrounded him
the light within
when we laughed and sang
peace for just another day
then fade away

memories of his face

Silver Rain upon my face

I speak with an inner wind

flute of the one within
carried within the wind
before I was lost within
searching for my reflection
within the wind
searching for my reflection
within the wind

father carry me home again

when I think of the steps
the warriors that wept
listening to the leaves
heartbeats that saved me
we were a team

what do you do when silver wraps within you

when blue can't free you
red bone in brown stone
the bark of the sparks
the layers that surround my heart

And what is beneath my feet

Leather that breaths

my cry is to the unseen

the one who shaped me
made me in blood streams
waves of anothers dreams
I feel pieces of me released
I feel my chest beginning to breath
I hear his whispers upon the wind
I see the one I lost
within the wind
I see the one I lost
within the wind

Long before as the Creator sat by a well, he pondered his purpose, his plan, all that it was that he was to
accomplish as he peered down at the sand. Moving across the parched Earth was the tiny little ant, it
wandered seeking nourishment finding the water of the well. It wanted to survive he was caught up in
its spell. He watched as each moving autonomously and yet collectively while eating honey from a hive
that he had taken from a tree. Taking a break from the sun. His journey was long, it was nearly done.
“Little ant, I see you, wandering to this place, if you could would you want to see my face?” His words
spoke softly as he peered down from the sky, he was an overseer, he could help them live or he could
help them die. Taking the honey, he placed some in their path. They stopped moving he had given them
a reason to stay, they collected around the honey as if they were beginning to pray. “Little ant, I see you
there, I wonder, do you feel despair? If I who is above see you down there, and consider your
consciousness unworthy, would that be unfair? Even a Great Spirit above looks down with love, and so
I offer you nourishment, I bring you comfort on your way as if Heaven sent. It is my hand that guides
you, it is me that shows the way. I care for the single ant, you matter on this day.” He watched them
move closely to the drops of golden light, how similar they were to man, how similar their plight. They
soon started on their journey again caring honey home, Saviors their kind, He wondered, “What is in
your mind?” He had found compassion at a well He had shown them grace. In that moment, He was a
Savior to an entire race, and yet they did not know it had come from him, how similar it was to the
plight of man. That a Great Spirit looking down from above, would find them worthy, would cherish
them with His love. How often they don’t notice his hand, wandering in circles they know not where to
begin. He could crush them with one step, He could erase them with His hand. Yet his love shone
brightly from above, it is the size of His heart that mattered, it was defined by His love. To be a Savior,
it was His choice to make, as he watched them wandering lost with many afraid. He would empower
them with His act, one mighty act of love. He would be that Great Spirit, who chose to bring Heaven
from above. As he sat watching ants he had noticed a woman drawing near, she was a poor servant, she
had been taught to live in fear. “Dear woman, draw me water, I grow thirsty in this place, it won’t take
much, just a sip from your vase.” As the woman looked deep into His eyes, she saw the Creators Light,
and she began to cry. “Lord, I am not worthy, to serve you in this place, I am not worthy to look upon
your face,” … His heart grew with compassion, all he felt was love, “Daughter, the Father has seen
you, it is your heart that He loves. Draw a cup of water and give it unto me, and in return I will give
you new eyes to see.” The woman’s heart grew heavy, he had weighed her hearts worth. She drew the
water slowly, not wanting to spill a drop. It was her heart’s desire to never have that moment stop. She
grasped the handle firmly, she handed him the vase. He sipped the water calmly, then looked at her
face, and then he took the vase. Drawing a cup of water, offering her a drink. As she took it, he began
to speak. “Drink of this cup and often think of me, I am living waters and I will set you free. I find your
heart a marvel, your effort pleases me, now go home for you have new eyes to see.”

Dancing Stars
I climbed the mountain to see a site
what is on the other side
I saw a city of gold
the rising smoke of a great fire
I heard rushing of waters
I saw the stars sparkle in a maze
a deep blue sky
I saw the reflection of my own face,
oceans of dreams, what is this place
pondering the depth within that blue sky,
I hadnt noticed another standing by my side
I like to make things with my hands
this is what he said
he picked up the soil, began to pray
not to a Creator high above,
but the one within
he breathed a hymn,
released a Scarlet Eagle carried within the wind
soaring into the abyss above,
I saw the stars came below
they followed that Eagle
I heard an echo
It was carried within
You are the wind
I was standing with Creation who looked at me
handed me a diamond, wrapped me within a tree
you are wisdom with wings,
they are your dreams
pulled the gold from the city
placed it around my heart
then faded into my star
I saw a great star fell from the heavens above
grasped the lights who walked within dark night
brought them before me
I grasped their light we danced in dark night
together we brought the rain
sphere of sound become whole again
restore the drops who fell from above
As I look beneath my roots began to grow beneath me
Iron beams that became iron wings
the mountain fell below the sea
the bride and the groom found symmetry
Great stone that fell from the mountain
carry Creation home, let them drink from your fountain
Dancing stars that build the night,
carry the visions of the one who lives inside
a walking breathe of creation
I was the wind
The gift of light brings sight,
the gift of sound beats within my heart,
I AM Creations work of Art
Walking among the flowers I stop to breath
feel that color within my weaves
the pedals that give life
the drum within that carries light
I sat under a tree
these roots within my skin,
these leaves that breathe this hymn
the sun that is carried within
A Center of Creation
As I stare yonder into the rainbow if sight
raindrops that fell within light
the clouds high above carry my ancestors love
the rain drops that fell upon me like a dove
I am covered in their seeds
gift of sight closed eyes see the source of light
the same as the source of life
when you walk upon the rainbow
its the pedals below that form the bow
prepare you to go home
What will anchor you
when the great light calls for you
what bark will cover you
when the blades of death come for you
Walking among the flowers I stop to breath
this is the story of you and me
wind that sees
We are carried within Wisdoms Dream
the one that plants seeds
I saw a snail within a shell
where is the beginning and where is the end
contained within
the journey of many perspectives
I heard a drum beating in a fire
the shell that grows into a tree
release the pearl that returns to the great sea
sparks of the great flame that are carried within
burning wind
embers within the eyes
Creation in disguise
the heartbeat that is carried within many skies
The gift of light brings sight,
the gift of sound beats within your heart,
you are Creations work of Art
the Meadow that carries a shooting star
water that grows flowers
bridge that crosses the abyss

Whispers Mysteries Weaves

I feel a humming within me
I feel my wings release
fallen from the tree
dancing among memories unseen,
great mystery will you sing for me
whisper the breathe of dreams to me
hold the medicine wheel within my heart
will you dance with me among the stars
of scattered hearts
breathe whispers mysteries
restore my weaves
Creator dont let go of me
when I think of the journey of the shell
wound through a meadow
memories of the moments of a heart
the birthing of a star
wildflower carried within the wind,
whispers light within
I have begun again
I feel a humming within me
I feel my wings release
fallen from the tree
dancing among memories unseen,
great mystery I'll walk to you
sing the song of my heart, give you my star
whispers my flower
I feel the dance in every breathe,
I feel your strength in every step
Father of the Heart, starflower
Thought, Word, Deed...
I sing
memories that flow through me
walking along the sea of dreams
I feel a humming within me
I feel my wings release
fallen from the tree
dancing among memories unseen,
great mystery is the Father of me
sacred linked light dream
steps upon the sea I see your wings
and I listen to the drumbeat within
the one carried in the wind
and I think,
I feel a humming within me
I feel my wings release
fallen from the tree
dancing among memories unseen,
great mystery will you sing for me
whisper the breathe of dreams to me
hold the medicine wheel within my heart
will you dance with me among the stars
of scattered hearts
breathe whispers mysteries
restore my weaves

ticking ticking sliding into the wind
climbs the journey of the heart within
beating beating falling into the night
climbs the vision within failing eyes
water that pours from my hands
glimmers the journey within
falling falling into the stars
crystal jars that hold wildflowers
and I looked within
pages that turned within my mind
horoscope of light
there is a place that reaches out to me
I am buried deep
whirlpool that grasps to me
I am lost at sea
the stars comfort me
I had dream of a great mystery
spinning images of leaves that were held, within
the palm of my hand
a rushing of the wind, the journey home again
break of the ocean wave, shockwaves
I stepped upon the stand, held within sacred glass
ticking ticking sliding into the wind
climbs the journey of the heart within
beating beating falling into the night
climbs the vision within failing eyes
water that pours from my hands
glimmers the journey within
falling falling into the stars
crystal jars that hold wildflowers
I sat under a tree and breathed the leaves
I saw the story of me
a journey to a sacred heart
the place where carries a great flower
peddles that fell with love,
rising like a dove
a note that fell within, ripples within the wind
one by one the notes formed a hymn,
comes the vision in the space between
my dreams
when one note wanted to see,
the symphony
there was a drop that fell like a spark
Creators work of art
steps upon light, the shell that binds
they stood within the wind surrounded by an ocean
what is it to walk among the leaves
to see as the tree sees,
fell a star being
ticking ticking sliding into the wind
climbs the journey of the heart within
beating beating falling into the night
climbs the vision within failing eyes
water that pours from my hands
glimmers the journey within
falling falling into the stars
crystal jars that hold wildflowers

Mighty Ones
I walk among the broken scars
the beating hearts of mighty stars
will you stand for me, will you bleed for me
get down on your knees and sing to me
when I am fading into memory
do not let go of me
I stood among the giants of the earth
not a sound was heard
it was what was unseen, the steps beneath their feet
the journey of thousands of beats
trees of the forest
give me life, but another minute in the light
I walk among the broken stars
scars of the great lights, its in their eyes
will you hold me,
shelter me in my time of need
will you feed me
dont let me leave, without being seen
moon that covers the skies, my light
I am struggling to breath,
I am struggling the weight beneath my feet
I am struggling to see, the darkness has grasped to me
will you whisper to me,
I saw butterfly wings in the meadow
sunlight reflected off the orange and blackness
it is the sunkiss
I felt the breeze while sitting under a tree
I watched them walk around me,
I was but a shadow or a leaf
do you see me, do you hear my heartbeat
will you whisper to me
there are stones that hold many things
they carry a sea
oceans upon the sand,
they carry the wind,
walking star that sees from within
I stood among the giants of the earth
not a sound was heard
it was what was unseen, the steps beneath their feet
the journey of thousands of beats
trees of the forest
give me life, but another minute in the light

notes rise like candles 
flame that burns within
a heavenly hymn
I knew a carpenter
he made things with his hands
dreams molded within sand
glass that covers my feet
pressure that builds within me
rises the great pine tree
cut down to make me
who lit the fire
as I melt I rise higher
sacred wind within my skin
coursing light within the waters of the wind
breathe of creation, I AM
I knew a carpenter
he made dreams
he sewed sandles with seeds
he made me from leafs, memories
waters that caught his eye
I am a reflection of his light
and there is a mirror within the mind
I am trapped on the other side
and I burn my light
I walk among the stones
those who carry dry bones
the painted sounds of the past
I see at last
diamonds were made from shattered glass
collector of stones
I walk among the shores of the unseen
I knew a Carpenter
heartbeat carried within
steps upon the pages of a hymn
symphony of a great mystery
candle that rose from the sea
steps across blue grey beams
red into black stone
winding roads of willow
My words come at a price
these weaves of light
notes rise like candles 
flame that burns within
a heavenly hymn
I knew a carpenter
he made things with his hands
dreams molded within sand
glass that covers my feet
he looked at me
reflection in the wind, 
walking upon the desert
what is there to drink, 
illusion that surrounds me
wellspring within me
surrounded by death
you are my breathe
Where are the paths that you must go
when you follow the yellow in your soul
pulling the links
the candle is a burning tree
flicker of a moment, 
walking under a blue sea 
watchmen who look upon me
did you write the symphony
guardians of the stars
do you hear my heart
burning pages upon time
firefly that is bright, 
then fades away with time
I am the Carpenter
to you feel my light

my eyes are covered by the water of dreams
the gift of tears 
those regrets that sting
the bricks that built me
And I fight
when I stepped upon the path of life
I climbed
through the valley of sorrow
come the peaks of tomorrow
when I think of love lost
those cuts
the chance to blossom
there is a hole in my heart
that place where I was scarred
there is a hope in my heart
the dream of a new start
Sunshine rays that touch my heart
you carry me through the fire
love of a star, 
my sacred fire
you are my firefly
this path that has led from you
sacred hoop 
holy circle
when I stepped upon the path of life
I climbed
through the valley of sorrow
come the peaks of tomorrow
tripped and fell
got lost in a dust cloud
soared the eagle high above me
come the rain clouds
I am but a seed dreaming of reflections of me
my eyes are covered by the water of dreams
the gift of tears 
those regrets that sting
the bricks that built me
And I fight
when I stepped upon the path of life
I climbed
through the valley of sorrow
come the peaks of tomorrow
when I think of love lost
those cuts
the chance to blossom
there is a hole in my heart
that place where I was scarred
there is a hope in my heart
the dream of a new start
you are the Sky tree from my heart
you are my star
there are dreams that I may never see
but they are memories to me
wounds that cut deep
when you lose your leaves, 
when the darkness takes your seeds
when you look to the light above
you fight for love
my eyes are covered by the water of dreams
the gift of tears 
those regrets that sting
the bricks that built me
And I fight
when I stepped upon the path of this life
I climbed
through the valley of sorrow
come the peaks of tomorrow
when I think of love lost
those cuts
the chance to blossom
there is a hole in my heart
that place where I was scarred
there is a hope in my heart
the dream of a new start

Hold My Heart
by Nibwaakaa
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn, 
many were torn, 
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against the shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me
guitar with a hole in her heart
and as I sat and listened
to the wind that came from within
will I be whole again
he reached down picked up my heart
started strumming a chord
the journey of my light
held within the pages of time
I listened
long you have wandered from this place
corridors of reflections of another face
long you have sorrowed within
open desert feel the wind
long you have sought the stars
feel the rain drops cover your scars
long you have called to me
I play this song for you
you are the drop of rain upon the leaf
sphere that contains everything
you are the spark of my heart
lightening within the sand, 
sacred glass that holds my wind
you live again
you are the past that has stepped forth
you are a sacred chord
listen to the fractured innocence
broken to pieces, glued back together again
you are the rose of creation
you are held within my hands
stone that walks among men
I am but an instrument within his hands
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn, 
many were torn, 
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against my shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me
I questioned,
what is left
I questioned,
where comes my next breathe
he wept and played the instrument of me
fingertips upon my heart, 
I started to breath
that red river that comes from the stars
walking among the broken hearts
blue sands that hold the cradle of my mind
sifting through the hands of time
red clay that looks to the skies
he reached down picked up my heart
and started strumming a chord
the journey of my light
held within the pages of time
I listened
long you have wandered from this place
corridors of reflections of another face
long you have sorrowed within
open desert feel my wind
long you have sought the stars
feel my rain drops cover your scars
long you have called to me
I play this song, you are the Lilly reed
you are the drop of rain upon my leaf
sphere that contains everything
you are the spark of my heart
I listen
you are lightening within the sand, 
sacred glass that holds the wind
you live again
you are the past that has stepped forth
you are a sacred chord
listen to the fractured innocence of you
broken to pieces, glued back together again
you are my rose of creation
you are held within my hands
And they pluck your chords, And they pull you apart
And they seek what is within you, 
they hear your tune, 
they want to see the brilliance beneath
a sacred thing
And I hold you here within my arms
they can not have your heart, 
it belongs to me
Father of Dreams 
You are Creations Heartbeat
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn, 
many were torn, 
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against the shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me

The Heart of Man

coursing path inside
these lights within my eyes
the tears tied to the fight
open scars closed mind
songbird who writes
prayer sent upon the wind
spoken breathe from the one within
there lies the heart of man
twisted within the stairway of stars
I refuse to surrender my scars
this is the fight
my fire burns from within
wrapped within sand
and I fear many things
who will come for me
and I cry over many memories
the scattered dream of a family
and I hope for a better tomorrow
who can know such sorrow
coursing path inside
this thought within my mind
do we lift our cup or do we spill blood
will be embrace our dreams
fractured mirror that cuts deep
we all come from the sea
the one above and the one beneath
the trail of a star
she remembers what was contained in her heart
coursing path inside
these words that I write
the pathway through time
when you sit there and watch the leaves
why not me
when you sit there and question why
what is this that comes from inside
what is this path that I see
who is this that walks before me
painted steps of another brush
footsteps of love
and though the shadow is near me
I dream
coursing path inside
these lights within my eyes
open scars closed mind
songbird who writes
prayer sent upon the wind
spoken breathe from the one within
come follow me I will make you fishers of the wind
and I thirst for truth
what is this that wraps around you
and where am I in this deep dark sea
the illusion of a dream
unseen standing on the mountain peak
I walk down the path
I walk through your streets
you dont see me
this is how it feels to be buried deep
coursing path inside
these lights within my eyes
the tears tied to the fight
open scars closed mind
songbird who writes
prayer sent upon the wind
spoken breathe from the one within
there lies the heart of man

my family
what do they mean to me
why does it hurt inside when they leave
why do I find my way home shifting dust
only to fade away and be gone
I see there footsteps
I walk there path before me
the seven fires prophecy
dream of a generations heartbeat
they found their way to Mi-ni-si'
a turtle that carries me
and I had a dream
floating to the sun
I heard the whispers of those who walked before me
you are Anishinaabe
Long ago they came like the stars
rivers of flowers water that springs
the walking thunderbeings
Manido ish-ko-day'
the sacred fire burns another day
my grandfathers waterdrum beats within me
Ani-mi-kee' wa-bu
thunder water within the cocoon
And I can see him standing there,
Waynaboozhoo will you take me with you
I am on a journey within my heart
the pathway of an Ojibway star
Creators flower
along the waters of eternity
the great shell beneath my feet
Great Falls stand before me
And I Dream
ribbons of water flow out of me
the echo within the wind, I am but a rythm
divided into three, reflections of a tree
leaves, seeds, trunk fastened deep
the roots within, the sacred skin
that Fire burns within
heart to heart we trade our songs
And There is a midst that comes but once in a life
the journey of the fight to see your own light
Ojibway faith keepers of the heart
we walk but like flowers
seasons within
the journey home again
Peacemakers who weave with the wind
O-pwa'gun I breathe a sacred hymn
the Pipe of Generations
steps that lead into the night
shadows of another life
fire that I hold within I see the links
I am connected to them
Sauk and Fox we are but moving rocks
stepping stones, ripples upon the water
Dakota, you are the children of the stars
where is this home that I seek
that beat within me,
the journey of those who came before me
I am but a wild rice seed
tears of the past beneath me
Spirit Island appearing within my dreams
I hear the heartbeat, that center of me
I see the shell beneath my feet
I see the Journey of many hearts,
I walk the path that comes as seasons of flowers
And I Dream
what is water but the heartbeat of a flower
the one that cant be seen
the one that grows from a dream,
life giving water that flows to the sea,
turn around and believe
in family
what do they mean to me
why does it hurt inside when they leave
why do I find my way home, shifting dust
only to fade away and be gone
I see there footsteps
I walk there path before me
the seven fires prophecy
I AM Anishinaabe

Hold My Heart
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn,
many were torn,
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against the shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me
guitar with a hole in her heart
and as I sat and listened
to the wind that came from within
will I be whole again
he reached down picked up my heart
started strumming a chord
the journey of my light
held within the pages of time
I listened
long you have wandered from this place
corridors of reflections of another face
long you have sorrowed within
open desert feel the wind
long you have sought the stars
feel the rain drops cover your scars
long you have called to me
I play this song for you
you are the drop of rain upon the leaf
sphere that contains everything
you are the spark of my heart
lightening within the sand,
sacred glass that holds my wind
you live again
you are the past that has stepped forth
you are a sacred chord
listen to the fractured innocence
broken to pieces, glued back together again
you are the rose of creation
you are held within my hands
stone that walks among men
I am but an instrument within his hands
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn,
many were torn,
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against my shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me
I questioned,
what is left
I questioned,
where comes my next breathe
he wept and played the instrument of me
fingertips upon my heart,
I started to breath
that red river that comes from the stars
walking among the broken hearts
blue sands that hold the cradle of my mind
sifting through the hands of time
red clay that looks to the skies
he reached down picked up my heart
and started strumming a chord
the journey of my light
held within the pages of time
I listened
long you have wandered from this place
corridors of reflections of another face
long you have sorrowed within
open desert feel my wind
long you have sought the stars
feel my rain drops cover your scars
long you have called to me
I play this song, you are the Lilly reed
you are the drop of rain upon my leaf
sphere that contains everything
you are the spark of my heart
I listen
you are lightening within the sand,
sacred glass that holds the wind
you live again
you are the past that has stepped forth
you are a sacred chord
listen to the fractured innocence of you
broken to pieces, glued back together again
you are my rose of creation
you are held within my hands
And they pluck your chords, And they pull you apart
And they seek what is within you,
they hear your tune,
they want to see the brilliance beneath
a sacred thing
And I hold you here within my arms
they can not have your heart,
it belongs to me
Father of Dreams
You are Creations Heartbeat
I had a dream I was held within anothers hands
my strings had been worn,
many were torn,
the chords that strummed under his fingertips
the beat against the shatter tree
this was the Instrument of me

what do you do when youve been renamed

image of a star that has been replaced
sacred Earth beneath my feet
swirls the gift of light within me
touch of my hand
the stone that walks within
brown eyes
And they came with another way
tore off the face of grace
charted their own path of disgrace
surrounded by mountains of misery
trinckets that allow them to see
the blue dream
they want to be me
I spoke of the gift of the heart
four chambers of a star
I walked upon shattered glass
sacred water within sand
comes the age of man
And war was never in my heart
yet I was torn apart
lifted up for all to see
Sky Father bleeds
what do you do when the reflection you see
erases the memory of what once was a dream
of peace
And who picked up the sword
who cut the chords
who lifted the stone that covered my bones
scattered ashes upon the Earth
they have destroyed her
tore her to pieces, like me
to see the stars of infinity
And what is above, it came from love
And what is beneath, a sacred tree
And what do you to when you see
a book matters more than me
more than peace
And what do you do when what cloaks you
matters more than whats inside of you
And what do you do when the color of your eyes
is a disguise
And what is within you
Who brings the storms across the sea
the path of the star being with wings
Who brings the suns rays
one who has been disgraced
war waged, kindgoms raised
brown eyes beneath all others feet
they seek ways to justify removing me
the dream of the ones who replaced me
Gold into black, white into blue
the Great Father judges me and you
Silver through my wrists
the Great Tree reduced to woodchips
And who is the king of this place
Did he create space
Did he place clear beneath the deep,
watered the soil, drops the many leaves
And what do you do when youve been renamed
image of a star that has been replaced
sacred Earth beneath my feet
swirls the gift of light within me
touch of my hand
the stone that walks within
a disguise
held bound by red and white
trapped within a blue night
And Who breaks your knee, not me
And who takes your things, not me
And who steals your dreams,
twists the great tree
not me
Who whispers with chains upon breathe
your next
Who steals your history to tear you apart
who seeks to take your heart
Sacred star that lives in my heart
Good thoughts torn apart
Good deeds are but a faded memory
Good words trampled as dust beneath your feet
you fight for everything
Who will be King, who will be Queen
What of the one who was torn apart
repainted to match anothers work of tearing others apart
The Great Father never said devour everything,
the Great Father said, you are my Dream
suffering under the ones who break knees,
fighting to breath prisoners of Ideology
And what is left to drink,
We look to the skies who will deliver our light
who will come to bring us home
who will restore the Creators throne
what do you do when youve been renamed
image of a star that has been replaced
sacred Earth beneath my feet
swirls the gift of light within me
touch of my hand

those eyes
peacemakers light
the galloping star
muscled heart
quiet solitude in every step
reverence in every breathe
sundance that sings
what would it be to be walking peace
captivated and contained within chains
what would it be to be a walking star
held behind bars
what would it be to share the journey of the one within
whispers the voiceless hymn
guiltless one held within
and we lock them in cages
we throw away the pages
turns the key of a dream
the pathway of the stallion who wants to be free
and where is this that I arise
what are these bars that hide my light
voiceless giant with brown eyes
tempered soul
the dream of the skies
horseshoe attached to my feet
nails that pierce me
chords that attach to me
walking breathe within a fence
I want to run to catch my breathe
and step to step
you lead
I am forced to follow anothers dream
step to step
I bleed
pours out my heart
this cup to thee
Stallion with brown eyes
pale rider who governs the skies
darkness that surrounds me
beats the heart of eternity
those eyes
peacemakers light
the galloping star
muscled heart
quiet solitude in every step
reverence in every breathe
sundance that sings
what would it be to be walking peace
captivated and contained within chains
what would it be to be a walking star
held behind bars
I look out a window at an open field
contained within this spell
four walls that surround me
the river of dreams calls to me
steps beneath my feet
breathe inside of me
sundance that wept to be free

Chords of the Past

What is a dream
But a memory within the mind
One who gives life
Returns love for light
Image engraved in the heart
Warmth of a Star
What is home
But a memory within the heart
A place among the stars
Links carry many things
Many hands sewn fast
Chords to the past
A Nomad who is frozen within time
Energy that breathes light
Reflection into life
Father Ahura who walks within me
I saw a Great Mystery
The birth of ME
Memories carried within
Like the wind
Wings of sacred feathers
What it feels like to be so far from home
Yet it’s weaves wrap within your bone
What it feels to see your face
As if it were yesterday
Memories of another place
Replaced in layers of dreams
Others perspectives of me
Some of me of me
And long I dream of the seas of mystery
home of what is within me
The choir for the heartbeat of me
Oryselum carried within the grain of sand
Origin of Man
And What it feels to be lost
in a moment in time
Buried deep from sight
When all that surround you
Don’t see you
I think of you
Birthplace among the stars
Memories carried in my heart
I reach for my heart
My days are walking within lines I don’t understand
Lost as a grain of sand in the wind
What is a dream
But a memory within the mind
One who gives life
Returns love for light
Image engraved in the heart
Warmth of a Star
What is home
But a memory within the heart
A place among the stars
Links carry many things
Many hands sewn fast
Chords to the past
What is a dream
But a memory within the mind
One who gives life
Returns love for light
Image engraved in the heart
Warmth of a Star
What is home
But a memory within the heart
A place among the stars
Links carry many things
Many hands sewn fast
Chords to the past

Ahura "He is Wisdom"

there comes the fog of war

creation demands more
who will step up
restore Creations trust
dirt beneath the dust
color weaves within skin
walking within the wind
perspective reveals the rain
moving image of faded memories
pathway of the weaves that sees
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds
and who governs this place
whose light gives you its rays
whose face to you hide
when you can't go outside
we look within the mirror of the mind
space is the image of whats inside
the heavens carry a great mystery
its a reflection of you and me
shifting wheel of light
what is the path of sight
the one who walked within
Man of Sound who breathed the wind
heart that carries a blueprint of time
everything exists within the mind
I met a man who wanders by the road
I want to go home
some tire of this place
others desire to see their fathers face
some have lost the fire within
they yearn to go home again
who will dwell within white
currently trapped in dark night
what of the moon
light against the night
she carries a sacred heart inside
a north star who was driven by her heart
cling to me as we fall apart
Ill never let you be torn apart
the earth who holds green
fire that burns beneath
and great things are to come
release the dragon
blue in water walks in glass
memories of the past
blue in clear white scatters the sphere
white ripped from the bone
brown is like an envelope
turns the hand of time
It is my time
In the beginning was the sound
holy wind that plucked chords
one wanted to see, me
if but a dream
sound is a marvelous thing
it weaves into seeds
builds your dreams
came the great fall
many drops that came within
sphere of sounds holy ~M~
governor of this place
we all wanted to see our own face
you are a seed from a sacred tree
we carry a sacred circle in our hand
links to the origin of Him
one carried within the wind
Ahura Mazda, the Wisdom within
Man of Light who breathes sight
walk with me,
help me to see Wisdoms dream
there comes the fog of war
creation demands more
who will step up
dirt beneath the dust
perspective reveals us
moving image of faded memories
pathway of the weave that sees
a Great Father created me
walking statue that contains a seed
wrapping sound of Ahura's dream
the heavens carry a great mystery
its a reflection of you and me
shifting wheel of light
the path of sight
who will you protect and who to respect
shifting shades of time this is but one life
some are full of light and others are hollow
bag of bones across the coastline shore
Ahura Mazda is the Sacred Heart
his Wise men search for you
Star Being who doesn't know what to do
and there are many sons that fill this place
mirrors of Ohrmuzd grace
I stare at my reflection,
unsure of what I see
so many lives livewithin me
color is not what you see
the weaves that attach to anothers dream
carried beneath your feet
the river to the Creators Dream


there was a dagger of iron

cut through gold
brown became bone
hot into cold
who lit your fire
the game has expired
bring white and blue
back to live with you
three chords move like a snake
governors of fate
colors symphony
which team will you dream
the trees have given so much
unconditional love
sacrificed for the shells we need
to breath
green is nailed to a tree
reflections of a dream
trapped inside golden light
blue in white
black ink to sign within
my life is a breathe of wind
what is it that I think
I am a walking tree
holding onto a family
that doesnt see me
what if I met a man named Ormuzd
son of father who wants to go home
traded light for bone
great father of the skies
fire burning in his eyes
mirrors of lives
journey of the wind
path of the soul within
faded memories
sandles that cover their feet
journey to me
where will you be seen
eastern skies
or western shores
lost in the past
forgotten memories
what weaves will you leave
sacrifices for family
I listen to the rain
I feel the ones within
bring me home again
I carry you in my right hand
there is a place of hope
when you know
when you see as they see
the memories of the old trees
the ones who weave
they see me
and I see them
I see fishers of men
the ones who bring you home again
some are good, some are bad
all are walking the path
lessons come in time
some with lives
I am the whirlpool that moves in reverse
when i see the nightsky
I see eyes
there was a dagger of iron
cut through gold
brown became bone
hot into cold
who lit your fire
the game has expired

Faded Memory

Sifting glass beneath my feet

Perspective of me
One carried within a sea of sand
Sparkles against the light
Iridescence within the wind
Scattered star within the sand
Held within a Creators hand
I feel the breeze upon me
Wave tops drum the beat of their feet
Horses that run within the sea
Paradise above a raging sea beneath
So it is with me
A feather lying there
Sacred hair
Gift to me
Carry me to the sea
Guide the path before me
Walking along the sparkling seeds
Birds of the Sky beneath my feet
We greet
Birds of the sky above me
Sing songs to me,
I feel their energy
Coursing light within my breathe
Sun rays in every step
Walking sound that wanted to see
Her own dream
Sifting glass beneath my feet
Rolling sea of light woven tight
Meets the sea of sparkling light
Walks the breathe of infinity
Lighthouse against the storm
Be reborn
Walk into the sea
Carry me
Sifting glass within my heart
I was born to walk among the stars
Carry my light for all to see
the Innocence of me
The Lighthouse within me
I feel the breeze
Unseen move within me
Help me to see the unseen beneath my feet
With my breathe
Help me to walk as the stampede of waves
In every step
Painted clouds across the sky
What is the journey of your life
I too am scattered light
Sifting glass beneath my feet
Perspective of me
One carried within a sea of sand
Sparkles against the light
Iridescence within the wind

Loves Innocence

steps to breathes what is left

the pedals that I adorn
shadows of the pearls within my eyes
what is this disguise
the path through the evergreens
And trees move with wings
roots that wrap around me
what color are my leaves
what is within me
Innocence with broken wings
blinking sight the thoughts of a butterfly
pathway inside
the Greek tragedy of my life
unwilling to fight
bark that forms through time
the shells that contain my heart
water star
breathe that flows within
light seas
sparkling rhythms of what may be
Innocence with many leaves
weaves the inner tree
my roots dug deep to a memory of me
when I was but a seed
held high against the power of the light
steps to breathes what is left
the pedals that I adorn
shadows of the pearls within my eyes
what is this disguise
there is a path that one can walk
hand in hand among the lost
what would you trade for the thought
of Eternity
would you take away the light within me
As I stare at the sun above me
thoughts the star of what could be
rays that cleanse my soul
Innocence wrapped within leaves
dreams of the tree that held the seed
you'll be like me
And far I fell from your sight
buried in dark night grasping to the light
what string will I be, echos of memories
stepping softly across the grass
this too shall pass, blue clings to yellow dreams
shines the great light for all to see
memories of me
And I lie upon the clouds
molded within sound, what color are my leaves
if you can't see me
Father of the Sky,
mirrors of my life,
the gift of my tears, will they bring new life
steps to breathes what is left
the pedals that I adorn
shadows of the pearls within my eyes
what is this disguise
Creator of the Sky, the Great Eye
one who walks upon broken glass
memories of the past,
Loves Innocence

Grandfather Tree

when I was young,

I sat under Grandfather Tree,
I wondered,
what could it be,
to see as Grandfather sees
that journey through time,
his arms strong to hold the life
that falls within his sight
he is the source of my light
Grandfather rising high,
what was it like to be the seed,
what is it like, that journey to me
falling to the Earth, rising to find rebirth
a shooting star through the night
and what of that journey,
momentary breathe
of the one who left
do you dream of me,
when I was young,
I sat under Grandfather Tree,
I wondered,
what could it be,
to see as Grandfather sees
held way up high, life by design
did you see me then,
did you dream of me then,
did you fall to bring me home,
when you were buried within the Earth,
did you fight to set me free,
here you rise, tower against the night
in my eyes
home for the one lost,
pillar of the broken heart,
pinnacle of strength,
I seek your embrace,
you fought to breath,
I dream of you
when I was young,
I sat under Grandfather Tree,
I wondered,
what could it be,
to see as Grandfather sees
to stand firm and tall,
and when I feel alone, I come to you
silence and reflection in every breathe
a dance of the leaves in my every step
they say we all came from the great pine,
symbolism of our life
close my eyes, peace
Grandfathers EYES
Grandfather brings harmony,
and what of the spirit within,
cell by cell interwoven hymn,
how many branches reach through time
sacred stars shine in the night
how many moments have you cried
this is the meaning of life,
I feel your light
how much have you seen,
did you dream of me
when I was young,
I sat under Grandfather Tree,
I wondered,
what could it be,
to see as Grandfather sees
you held me in your arms,
you sheltered me when I was worn,
you wrapped me in your light,
you look through my eyes,
a journey through the heart,
sacred weaves, an Eagle lives in me,
Grandfather holds me high,
child, fly
when I feel lost, broken, alone
I think of you, Grandfather
the one with deep roots
and when the wind comes you shield me,
and when the rain comes you protect me
and when I fall down, you help me to breath
with every breathe, you fight for me
your my Grandfather Tree
Ancient one who looks to me,
I am your seed, you are my destiny
you are Thunder that walks the Earth
Great Tree with mighty wings,
sacred lodge inside of me, wrapped in light
drum beat through time,
breathe to breathe the tree sheds its sight
the tree sheds its sight,
we breath,
when I was young,
I sat at my Grandfathers feet,
I wondered,
what could it be,
to see as Grandfather sees
he sees me, I am his drumbeat
he is my link to my Grandfathers dreams
the ones that live inside of me

I AM... ~M~

as i sat looking into light

i saw a river in front of me
the path of my family staring at me
blue eyes wrapping around stars
I feel their heart
I feel their stars
its inside of me, I am from their tree
and I breathe to burn the sacred fire
you are my desire...


light weaves that flowed through me

a vessel that beckoned to me
come see
and as i drew near it was my reflection
in that mirror
the river of life flowed into me
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator weaves
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
there was a women who sought light
she heard the words within the wind
I AM...your companion
when the dark skies come I will hold the line
break down the walls to find you
you are my glue and I need you
I listened...with my heart
looked through time
unwind my mind I belong to you
lost in this endless loop
I want to be free
to walk among my family
to feel the ground beneath my feet
that carries your heartbeat
my weave is a leave from a tree
that looks like me,
its a reflection in my heart
I am a star
who weaves light
in all things
that place that breaths reality
plucking the chords of light
breathed me back to life
Blue Eyes
give me new sight,
I am a walking hymn wrapped within
the Dream of them
I AM...your friend
The truth is like Water
Few appreciate it
Until it’s gone
Creators song
flows like a stream
a pearl in this world
A SACRED SHELL surrounds you
to be released, precious life
heartbeat to heartbeat,
drumbeat to drumbeat,
we weave symmetry,
you and me
and she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
and she whispers...
and she cries
and she whispers,
and she plead
and she whispers...
that vessel of light carried me
down the river of life until I came to a great
grandfather of time looked down at me
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
water is life, water is light
it is a song that creator weaves
water connects us to that ancient tree
we are its seeds
masculine and feminine weaves
your sight, your heart, your breathe,
you may be misunderstood by many,
but not by me,
i see light weaves,
and you are vibrant to me,
i have reached out and plucked that chord...
it echos now through time
one who sees all
one who breathed into me,
the wind who walked the earth,
I am the Queen of thew dream of symmetry
but I will protect my family
I am here to heal thee
you are like a petosky stone,
you see in all directions...
true sight
he then showed me the way,
walking through the water
I flowed into it,
we were one,
perspective undone
i carried on my journey through time
i carried on my journey through time
if we unwind what brings sight
soundwaves that contain you
flowing river from the heart
creators breathe births stars
and as she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
and I saw that sacred tree
a heart that beats within me
there is a flowing river of light that brings life,
and roots held it high,
sacred tree that sees
and the light within was a flowing stream
a hymn that brings life to them
there are weaves that transcend time,
there are weaves that transcend time,
perspective of all light
and as I walked within this place
i could see that drumbeat within me
roots that flowed through my skin
I breath again
i was singing creators hymn
I AM... your friend
I AM... your advocate
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator weaves
water is life, water is light
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
Warriors of Creation
that sacred star within the heart
four chambered medicine wheel
winding binding generations within you
youre filled with roots
leaves of dreams,
thoughts, words, deeds,
water is within you, it is the doorway
that pulls you through
the seed that sees
that sacred river
and when i met that being of light,
who is everything,
I am not who you think I am,
you are who you think I am...
i hold you high, weaves of waters light
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator breaths
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
truth is like Water
Few appreciate it
Until it’s gone
Creators song
Creators song
she listened...
she looked through time
she saw A HYMN
light weaves
in all things
she saw the unseen
that place that breaths reality
plucked the chords of light
breathed me into life
give me new sight,
walking hymn wrapped within
Queen of the Red Nation
creators light
I AM... ~M~


What is it that defines me

The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
I walk the great plains
My tears bring the rain
A Sacred Pipe I hold high
The Spirit of the Buffalo I carry inside
Touch the Clouds in every stride
Guardians of the Heart
Warriors of the Stars
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
Water is life it is my light
We are the Children of the Wild Rice
those who live within the wind
Puckered Woodchips of the Great Pine
Seven Fires within the Eye
Golden Light
Eagles who spread their wings
Chiefs who sing the Midewiwin Dream
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
We trade many things
not the land beneath our feet
not our children or our dreams
Not the knowledge of the Great Mystery
Wak?á? T?á?ka who brings life
Giche Manitou who lives inside
Sacred flute that weaves peace
Cha?nú?pa Way of the Heart that Beats
Living Breathe of the Great Mystery
of ME
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Bel iefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
He Who Holds the World
The Red Road steps beneath my feet
Morning Star in thought, word, deed
North towards the White snow capped hills
East towards the Red willow fields
Rising Sun of Father Sky
thank you for this life
Yellow leaves of Spring
Southern Door calls to me
Green is the color of Mother Earth
we protect her
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
Great Spirit, Creator of us all,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the four directions,
Creator of me
Help me through this Journey
Help me to see symmetry
Help me to Believe in the Path of Peace
Show me the Inner star
Medicine wheel inside my heart


In a time of great suffering,

when man has lost its way,
whispers of sadness, a devourer of madness,
they will breath the Philosophy of the Beast
Red Snake and White Snake Meet
an endless quest for things,
they will want even you and me
they will destroy the Earth,
the mother beneath our feet
to quench their thirst,
when man becomes property,
addicted to the Dream of Authority
There are paths to take, this is that day
One path devours the Earth beneath your feet,
destroys the air, poisons the water,
imbalance in all things,
the Earth will become void
darkness, this is the Philosophy of the Oil beings,
Black Snake of Prophesy
never having enough, this will be the end of us,
There is another road that brings harmony,
to all things, lifts up those who are bended on knee,
begging for Peace, to be seen
walk to brother tree and breath
you are the air he needs,
look down beneath your feet,
she is a living being,
look all around you at everything you see,
the bird, the bee, the tree,
they are a lot like you and me,
drum beats
you are the medicine wind,
you have the power to breath life into them
When our Elders speak of Prophecy,
why not me, why not now, why not us
why must we wait until nothing is left,
the path of selfishness,
arm in arm
We walk within the storm,
Our wings are worn,
our hearts are torn
We carrying Dreams,
Our grandmothers weaves,
Our grandfathers beliefs,
Dreams wrapped in light,
breathe of the one within
feathers of a mighty wing
we carry the one unseen that breaths
weaves of symmetry,
the First Family
Rocky Boy, Techomegood Assiniboine
Red Cloud who do you belong,
in the mind who sees the path of light
Little Drum that walks the Earth,
water Is life
breathe, sight, light,
ripples in thought, word, deed,
your a Thunder Being,
Gardener of the Great Mystery
look at the palms of your hands and feet,
marks of the Star Beings,
four chambers wrapped in light,
light of truth, Creator of my Life
Heartbeat within the storm,
your life is a lie,
breathe carried within the wind,
is it light or darkness
what will you weave
anothers dream of death and despair,
the call was for all to live the Law of Peace
to sew into the quilt of life,
your drum beat
none were given the right, to deny your light
to enslave your life, to strip you of your worth
New People with an Ancient beating hearts
wrapped within the illusion of a Dream
Creator asks for symmetry
Creator asks for symmetry
when all will seem lost, when few will remain,
when the invisible lines become chains,
when those who look up, question why
with tears in their eyes,
the Great Eagle draws near,
Creators breathe is here
I am Nibwaskaa Aki,
a walking sun
The storm has come

AS Above So Below

I had a vision of twin meadows

red rain that broke through the earth
blue weaves bound my in chains,
where is my family
and as I walked in despair I saw red
mighty stream flowing from a mighty tree
I saw chords wrapping within drums
nation of the sacred blood
IT beat within me
weaves that sewed generationns of scars
called me home, showed me where to go
I saw roots coming from my hands,
Looking at my hands and feet
I was a star being glowing with red wings
Guardian of the twin streams
and my red veins reached for you
blood through my heart, its not far
As I marveled at the sight of my light
I saw a red flower
its peddles were lying on the ground
I knelt down and bowed,
my nation what has become of you
Fathers scars, all others broke your heart
considered you beneath their feet,
last to have hope, last to have the dream
of peace, of unity, of family
birthmark of Prophecy, I weave and I weave
I pluck the strings, I pluck the strings
weaving red peddles in my hand
I put it back together again,
with my breathe
I have often wondered about sound,
that sacred light wound and bound
how can a note spoke from Creator
be considered of no worth, trampled by others
who is the disease, all Creation is suffering
walking violin of vibrations
fire of passion in my blood,
I am the Red Drum, and the Red Nation is my family
I touched that rose on its leaves,
they became wings,
I looked around white snow covered the ground
held her in its arms,
I picked her up, released her to the stars
I walk among light weaves that chart the course for me
Red Star of Prophecy
Blue Kachina that reveals her face,
white light that births blue dreams
Daughter of the Red Snake
In a time of great suffering
when distrust has been sewn,
when the illusion is exposed
when the storm of apocalypose comes we meet as one
the Rose among the Thorns and my light burst forth
red light of love that comes from the heart
Red Serpent molded within the shell,
blackness hell, the Red Pearl within the storm
and we all live within shells,
protecting the sacred weave of a Creators Dream
I am not what you see,
the pearl is within the symphony
who holds back the cold
I saw the black snake struggling to move
it was bound within the snow
did not know what to do
the white snake slithered across the ground,
hidden within the shell it pretended to hide
afraid of the Creators eyes,
comes the dark night
there is an Eternal Path to happiness,
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds
enjoy the soundwave sea, just love other drumbeats
and when you feel alone, when your cold
close your eyes and listen,
feel Creator in your heart, he holds your star
when you and I see eye to eye,
when we hold each other in embrace,
two star four chambers of grace
we become that Medicine Wheel
we begin to heal
and it doesnt matter what they think of you
your enough, your enough
you were made to be you, surrounded in sound
gather around that sacred circle,
water is life, its me and you
but the warmth of the heart will get us through
There is a black snake that moves through time
it lives within the mind and strangles the star
cripples your heart, you dont know who you are
it will place you in the cold darkness of space,
it will remove your face
it moves within generational suffering,
it weaves weaves weaves disbelief
I saw that black snake draw near,
glittering and sparkling
reflection in my eyes
I went to take a step but my feet wouldnt move
center of the universe, tear drop in my eye
red heart shields my light,
Creator surrounds me white snow underneath my leaves
Lily of the Valley, Flower of the Field
I AM... the Rose of the Meadow
sewn by a CREATORS glow,
As Above So Below


there was a time when distance

made the world a very small place
there was a time when patience
was the strength of the human race
then came the fall
birth of the attorney's ball
have you paid your dues
have you put in the time
have you earned the lie
what happens when your replaced
with bars that dont breath
with a system that doesnt see
yes our ancestors struggled
they lived in the cold,
they fought to survive
but they didn't choke on the air
they didn't choke on the water
they werent living within
a machine
of the conquerors dream,
your not seen,
your a piece of meat
and i saw them there,
vision within my mind
the ones who lied to survive
stolen lands, broken hearts
generational scars
illusion of peace...
the attorney dream,
we bring peace but we take everything
overpriced, over hyped, fleeced you and me
then demanded bended knee
what happened to a CREATORS HEART
loving all you see,
giving compassion,
wasnt that the Creators dream
of peace
beacon that stands in the night
this is a land of light
wielded like a banner of hope
as they stole and broke
creators heart with lies in his name
with lies in his name
there was a time when distance
made the world a very small place
there was a time when patience
was the strength of the human race
then came the fall
birth of the attorney's ball
have you paid your dues
have you put in the time
have you earned the lie
framework that governs you
this was not of the Creator,
you better pay your dues
the Creator that governs this place,
according to the attorneys ways
says they over there are not worth as much as you
and the ground under your feet,
is worth more than you'll ever be,
unless you carry the attorney's dream,
us verses them in all that we do,
give us your silver, give us your gold,
better yet, we will take it all
if you don't do as we say,
we will lock you away
there was a little land far away,
who wanted a better way,
beacon in the night, we need your light
but the attorneys jumped, more to be fleeced,
there was a land far away
enslave them to build our dream,
there was a land far away
governed by death and despair,
but the attorneys deemed them of no worth
because their land had no worth
what of the Creator
and to hide their crimes against humanity,
they rose judges and a framework
to hide many many things,
then enslaved you, in their cocoon,
speculation governs your life,
because it demands more time
it demands more earth
it says we'll never have enough
minute by minute, hour by hour
they grew in power,
as your time slipped by
they owned your life,
commodity to the machine,
prisoner to the beast,
the attorney dream,
there was a time when distance
made the world a very small place
there was a time when patience
was the strength of the human race
then came the fall
birth of the attorney's ball
have you paid your dues
have you put in the time
have you earned the lie
what happens when your replaced
what happens when your replaced
creator came in the middle of the night
walked the streets,
watched the light,
saw the children crying behind bars,
the ones within camps of suffering,
the ones within the heart
the ones standing on the border,
the ones seeking to be free,
he hung his head,
creator wept,
he wept
how could you have been misled,
all things were created by me,
you were to protect the garden
of my sacred dreams,
where are they,
and what have you done,
this was the breathe of the dark one
he closed his eyes, cries of suffering
yet the attorneys greed takes takes takes
break break breaks, Creators heart
knelt down upon the earth,
wept for mother,
dismembered you piece by piece,
used you for the attorneys dream
of eternal progress, what is left
held that water between his hands,
dust beneath his feet,
whose dream wove these weaves
who brought so much suffering, \
it wasn't me
written upon the pages of time,
even the elect will lose their light
there was a time when distance
made the world a very small place
there was a time when patience
was the strength of the human race
then came the fall
birth of the attorney's ball
have you paid your dues
have you put in the time
have you earned the lie
what happens when your replaced
and he wept, he wept for you
he wept for them, he wept
for mother earths garden
there was a time when distance
made the world a very small place
there was a time when patience
was the strength of the human race
then came the fall
birth of the attorney's ball
have you paid your dues
have you put in the time
have you earned the lie
what happens when your replaced
creator wept when he saw this place,
creator wept when he saw this place
there was a time when distance
made the world seem so small


Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki' is my name

Wise Walking Sun,
Grand Chief of the O'Jiibway,
Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa
daughter of the Brulé
kin of the Oyáte
Anishinaabeg of Haudenosaunee
A Pamunkey Queen who weaves
Chanunpa that breathes dreams
Fire of Mamaangezide within my eyes
Reindeer Lakoine
Heartbeat of Matoaka sustains me
Buffalo nation in my blood
White Buffalo Calf Woman,
she walks within me,
weave by weave,
leaf of leaf, we come from the same tree
Sky Woman extends to me
Jikonsase tree
Lakotah of the sacred star
sacred mother who weaved me
the Great Peacemaker lives within me
Feather of the River flows within my heart,
Journey of the Plaedies Star
sacred hoops live within me
walking links to everything
I am the sacred bundle of the Ahdik
daughter of Biaswah,
peace forged at the crossroads of war
two paths of symmetry meet within me
carried away like a red leaf
Turtle Island carries me to my destiny
breathe to breathe I breath peace
I look to grandmothers who walked before me
13-stars that live within me
dreams of unity
the seven dragons beneath my feet
carry me to my destiny
moments of other lives,
I look through many eyes
I see to breathe, breathe I see,
repeat, this is the path of me
breathe to breathe,
did you forget about me
Country Mother who carries a sacred heart
sacred Light of the Sun,
I am a Walking Star
my life was filled with remarkable things
love, family,
woman of sacred beliefs
Assiniboine, Anishinaabeg, O'Jiibway,
Blackfeet, Pamunkey, Haudenosaunee
the sacred Cherokee,
Crow, Cheraw, Choctaw,
Eagle of the mighty tree
all live within me
we are embers of a sacred fire,
ogichidaag of the sacred heart
Dakota, Lakota, of the Great Plains
I come from the mighty tree,
Grandmothers weaves
Techomegood Assiniboine,
the stone pulls at the heart
a falling star
heartbeat that shines bright
gift of sight
walking star takes flight
when I look within I realize
branches of breathes
UNIVERSE of chasms
when the gate was shown to me
would you want to see
what if no other would believe
a falling star of the heart
Creator your all I see
as the leaves fall from the tree
so fell the scales that surrounded me
light weaves that wound and unwound
colorful hymns that were all connected to the wind
in moments of time I plucked chords,
light that is within I flew within the wind
journey of a star
people talk of spiritual things,
walks and talks from long ago
others who saw pathways home
its hard being back in this place
lost in the sea of soundwaves
leaves that forgot they came from a tree
look to the stars when one is carried in the heart
forgot to listen to their hearts
Creators Works of Art
cut down the tree of breathe
forget who sacrifices for every step
rock wound and bound tight
buried within the darkness of night
energy released flows within living things
heartbeats feathers within wings
roots of a sacred tree
Lightening through the clouds
touch of thunder hear me now
the journey through my mind
perspective of a rhyme
one who walks through time

Reindeer WITHIN THE WIND I see you

the one who carries many hoops
separated from her family
daughter of the Reindeer King
Fresh breath from the Storm
winds of change reborn
cross roads of my destiny

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle of the Great Mystery,
sanctuary inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Creator is the spoken one

his words, mind light
lives within every sound
he was the breath first spoke
when the darkness was broke
from that moment came you and me
light beings with mighty wings
light beings with mighty wings
soundwaves of the Great Mystery
Thunderbeings who walk the earth

Those who he allowed to see,

his marvelous things
his was a gift of individual ideology
he breathed life into me
his light exists within the wind
woven within my skin,

I have known sadness

I have known despair
I have felt smothered in fear
I have felt the madness of being alone
the rose among the thorns
a heartbeat that mourns

I have walked across the red-stone of the earth

creator brings rebirth
along he way time forgot about him
embracing the sounds of unholy hymns
but Creator speaks again,
Speaker of the great I am

Lady of the Dawn,

sacred circle within me,
four corners of symmetry

She walks upon the Earth

blown within the wind,
drum beat inside of me
peddles of a Creators worth
roots of rebirth
tree that wraps around me
roots that set me free
when I felt that I was alone
walking through that combat zone
I was coming home
a place where the rivers meet
where the cliffs rise high above
intertwined in a communities love
dreams of trust

Climbing out from beneath

wind that touches me
Clearwater of cleansing
Canyons of peace
Snake River flows in my heart
like a storm
be reborn

golden fields of light

governed by the night
stream that flows inside of me
Creators breath I am a Valley
Lily of the Valley
nourishment of Peace
Pearl within the Shell

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle in the air I breath,
four corners of symmetry

grandmothers dream
Queen of the star beings
there is warpaint across my face
I know my name
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki'
Wise Walking Sun
a Lady of the Dawn inside me
there sacred circle of my sight,
I see with new eyes

Reindeer Maiden I see you there

the one who carries many hoops
Sunrise lives within you
daughter of the New Moon
breath of the sacred leave
Creators light to the many seeds
a grandfathers dream
a drum beat that lives inside of me
will you remember me
the eagle with black wings
the Thunderbeing unseen
the Great Swan
the Lady of the Dawn

Lightening through the clouds

touch of thunder hear me now
the journey through my mind
perspective of a rhyme
one who walks through time

I am the Yahi Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

The Creator breathed life into me

protected me from the darkness of the Beast
lifted me high into the air
I dwell in the Eagles lair
Creator who looks ot me
help me spread my wings
to see as you as you see me
with symmetry
As I fly in dark night
I will fight for my light
Grandmother moon gives me her sight
As I fly in noon day
Grandfather sun teaches me to pray
showers me in his light
Creator gift of birthright
that red blood that flows within my skin
I am a walking hymn
Eagles Eye of foresight
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Haudenasaunee Queen
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
black wings that cover me
I am the Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
the Red Feather warrior of the Yahi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
water being within a vessel I see

I am the Anishinaabeg Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Eagle with mighty wings

Sundance of the Great Mystery
Matriarch of Mamaangezide
Cha?nú?pa of the Lakota
Black Eagle tied in strings
connected to the Creators Dreams

do you hear it...

Turtle Woman who walks the Earth

the Reindeer Clan brings rebirth
And we look to the stars
when one lives in my heart
and Few stop to listen
to the drum beat within
that sacred tune of the Great I AM
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Ogimaakwe
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
I walk among the great trees
black wings cover me
Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
Red Feather warrior of the Hopi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
mni wiconi lives within me

I am the Lakota Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Sacred things surround me

intertwined in light
I carry in the air in my breath
Waabanowin of the O'Jibway
Dawn of the Anishinaabe
I walk with a new light
end of the shadows of time
I carry Mother Earth sound
the Black Eagle who hit the ground
the Reindeer Maiden of the Earth
the First Nations bring rebirth
Jaasakiid within my skin
the shaky tent who breaths again
Jaasakiid within my skin
that shaky tent who breaths again
Grandfather of the Reindeer Clan
I look to you
Deer Mother inside of me
Yahi of an ancient tree
Wanbli Sapa opens her wings
soaring in the spaces between

I am the O'Jiibway Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Seven fires surround me

Waste' Unci Maka teaches me to see
the path of Prophecy
she whispers
it doesnt matter if none believe
a walking tree of the light within
red-stone that flows again
Skywoman has come again

Guardian of Manidoo Giitigaan,

Turtle Island
The Creators Garden

I am the Powhatan Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

breathe of time
kind wind
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
Creators weaves
light within her heartbeats weaves
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to you
new dew
I am with you
kind wind
she walks under moonlight
you are a Reindeer hymn
steps of breathe new life
she dreams
destiny of the Reindeer
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of the light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
duality of energy
she breaths peace
she brings seasons
breathe of perseverance
times of change
she brings the rain
she is a touch of dew within your heart
Reindeer who travels the red road
path connecting to mans heart
source of the stars
I am one who brings new life
weaves within the mind
I step along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
My crown of roots above the earth
reaching to heaven light is within me
breathe of time kind wind
she walks across unbroken breathe
there was a time when she had wings,
breathe of time
kind wind
she walks across
lily reeds
steps of breathe
she dreams
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove that calls to you
new dew
its inside of you
kind wind
breathe of time
I breath again
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
light within her heartbeat weaves
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to her
she walks under moonlight
steps of breathe she breaths new life
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
she breaths peace
I live again
weaves within the mind
she steps along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki' is my name
Wise Walking Sun,
Grand Chief of the O'Jiibway,
Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa
daughter of the Brulé
kin of the Oyáte
Anishinaabeg of Haudenosaunee
A Pamunkey Queen who weaves
Chanunpa that breathes dreams
Fire of Mamaangezide within my eyes
Reindeer Lakoine
Heartbeat of Matoaka sustains me
Buffalo nation in my blood
White Buffalo Calf Woman,
she walks within me,
weave by weave,
leaf of leaf, we come from the same tree
Sky Woman extends to me
Jikonsase tree
Lakotah of the sacred star
sacred mother who weaved me
the Great Peacemaker lives within me


did i see you there

standing beneath the tree
wind beneath your feet
memories of dreams
i was walking through the woods
on a winter day
i wondered,
what would brother tree say
and what is a nation
but a family
drumbeats of a mothers heart
and who owns you
no one owns creators sacred hoops
one family enslaving another
what would brother tree say
what would brother tree say
i see you there,
walking, talking, breathing my air
breath inside of me,
open arms welcome all
will you sit with me,
under my tree
i shelter you,
protect you from the storm
my sacrifice gives you warmth
and what of you
one who governs many hoops
your just like me
seeing to breath
do i enslave the bee
or let him hang from me
do i capture the bird
or let him find home
within my wings
do i trap the bear beneath my leaves
or give him berries to eat,
do i conquer the earth
enslaving creators dreams
weaves of decisions within me
what light will you weave
will you be like me
roots dug deep
will you breath symmetry
sacred circle around my tree
did i see you there
standing beneath the tree
wind beneath your feet
memories of dreams
creator is watching what you do
creator is watching what you do
trees who make everything bleed
we all need light,
we all need water,
we all seek sight,
what would creator say
what would creator say
what is a nation
but my family
drumbeats of my heart
from the one you dont see
to the eagle with mighty wings
all are my family
creators breathe in the light you see
why are you Masters of everything
we all need light,
we all need water,
we all seek sight,
when i placed you there,
when i sheltered you from that storm
when i gave you form
name them, love them
find peace with all things
oasis in the darkness,
the garden is beneath your feet
time is a lie,
distance in the night
i give you sight
you captuted them,
tore out their hearts,
cut it down, broke it apart
who told this
who told you to destroy my dreams
weaves of the light that i give sight
look at the earth
not whats under your feet
all things bring symmetry
except you
what did you do
and i see you there,
the one crying in despair,
why have they done this to me
cut down brother tree
enslaving every living thing
this was not creators decree
who owns you
no one owns a sacred hoop
one family enslaving another
what would brother tree say
i see you there,
walking, talking, breathing my air
breath inside of me,
open arms welcome all
sit with me,
under my tree
i shelter you,
protect you from the storm
my sacrifice gives you warmth
and what of you
one who governs many hoops
your just like me
seeing to breath
seeing to breath
do i enslave the bee
or let him hang from me
do i capture the bird
or let him find home
within my wings
do i trap the bear beneath my leaves
or give him berries to eat,
do i conquer the earth
enslaving creators dreams
weaves of decisions within me
what light will you weave
will you be like me
roots dug deep
will you breath symmetry
we all need light,
we all need water,
we all seek sight,
when creator placed you here,
when creator sheltered you from that storm
when creator gave you form
he named you
his garden is beneath your feet
your his dream
a gardener of his many things
weaves of light who he h=gives sight
what would creator say if he saw you

I AM... M

as i sat looking into light

i saw a river in front of me
light weaves that flowed through me
a vessel that beckoned to me
come see
and as i drew near it was my reflection
in that mirror
the river of life flowed into me
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator weaves
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
there was a women who sought light
she heard the words within the wind
she listened...
she looked through time
she saw A HYMN
light weaves
in all things
she saw the unseen
that place that breaths reality
plucking the chords of light
breathed me into life
give me new sight,
I am a walking hymn wrapped within
creators light
I AM... M
I AM... M
The truth is like Water
Few appreciate it
Until it’s gone
Creators song
flows like a stream
a pearl in this world
A SACRED SHELL surounds you
to be released, precious life
heartbeat to heartbeat,
drumbeat to drumbeat,
we weave symmetry,
you and me
and she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
and he whispers...
and i cry
and he whispers,
and i plead
and he whispers...
that vessel of light carried me
down the river of life until I came to a great
grandfather of time looked down at me
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
water is life, water is light
it is a song that creator weaves
water connects us to that ancient tree
we are its seeds
masculine and feminine weaves
your sight, your heart, your breathe,
you may be misunderstood by many,
but not by me,
i see light weaves,
and you are vibrant,
i have reached out and plucked a chord...
it echos now through time
one who sees all
one who breathed into me,
the wind who walked the earth,
come to bring rebirth...
falls on bended knee,
I am here to heal thee
you are like a petosky stone,
you see in all directions...
true sight
he then showed me the way,
walking through the water
I flowed into it,
we were one,
perspective undone
i carried on my journey through time
i carried on my journey through time
if we unwind what brings sight
soundwaves that contain you
flowing river from the heart
creators breathe births stars
and she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
and I saw that sacred tree
a heart that beats
a flowing river of light that brings life,
and roots held it high,
sacred tree that sees
and the light within was a flowing stream
a hymn that brings life to them
weaves that transcend time,
perspective of all light
and as I walked within this place
i could see that drumbeat within me
roots that flowed through my skin
i was singing creators hymn
I AM... M
I AM... M
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator weaves
water is life, water is light
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
that sacred star within the heart
four chambered medicine wheel
winding binding generations within you
youre filled with roots
leaves of dreams,
thoughts, words, deeds,
water is within you, it is the doorway
that pulls you through
the seed that sees
that sacred river
when i met that being of light,
who is everything,
I am not who you think I am,
you are who you think I am...
i hold you high, weaves of waters light
water is not what you see
it is within everything,
it is a song that creator breaths
water connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
truth is like Water
Few appreciate it
Until it’s gone
Creators song
Creators song
she listened...
she looked through time
she saw A HYMN
light weaves
in all things
she saw the unseen
that place that breaths reality
plucked the chords of light
breathed me into life
give me new sight,
walking hymn wrapped within
creators light
I AM... M


As I sat looking into light

I saw a river in front of me
light weaves that flowed through me
thought that beckoned to me,
come and see
as I drew near
it was my reflection in that mirror
the river of life flowed within me
I am not what you see
Creation... is light... it is sound
it is within everything
it is a song that Creator weaves
you see but you dont see
light connects us to an ancient tree
we are its seeds
there was a woman who sought the source of light
she heard the words within the wind
I am
she listened
she looked through time,
she saw a hymn
light weaves in all things
she saw the unseen
that place that breaths reality
plucking the chords of light
breathed me into life
give me new sight
I am a walking hymn wrapped within Creators light
I am M
I am M
the truth is like water
few appreciate it until its gone
creators song
flows like a stream
pearl in this world
sacred shell surrounds you
to be released
precious life
heartbeat to heartbeat
drumbeat to drumbeat
we weave symmetry you and me
she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
and he whispers
and I cry
and he whispers
and I plead
and he whispers
and that vessel of light carried me down the river of life
until I came to a great waterfall
grandfather of time looked down at me
water is not what you see
it is within everything
water is life
water is light
it is a song that creator weaves
water connects us to that ancient tree
and we are its seeds
masculine and feminine weaves
your sight, your heart, your breathe
and you may be misunderstood by many
but not by me
I see light weaves
and you are vibrant
and I have reached out and plucked a chord
it echos now through time
one who sees all,
one who breathed into me
the wind who walked the earth
come and bring rebirth
falls on bended knee
I am here to heal thee
you are like a petosky stone
you see in all directions
true sight
he then showed me the way
walking through the water
I flowed into him
and we were one
perspective undone
and I carried on my journey through time
I carried on my journey through time
if we unwind what brings sight
sound waves that contain you
flowing river from the heart
Creators breathe births stars
she plucked that chord
a sacred river is a song
fresh water brings us home
I saw that sacred tree
a heart that beats
a flowing river of light
that brings life and roots held it high
sacred tree that sees
the light within was a flowing stream
a hymn that brings life to them
weaves that transcend time
perspective of all light
and as I walked within this place
I could see that drumbeat within me
roots that flow within my skin
I was singing Creators hymn
I am M
I am M
water is not what you see
it is within everything
it is the song that creator weaves
water is life
water is light
water connects us to an ancient tree
and we are its seeds
that sacred star within the heart
four chambered ,medicine wheel
winding, binding
generations within you
your filled with roots
and leaves of dreams
thoughts words deeds
water is within you
it is the doorway that pulls you through
the seed that sees
that sacred river
and when I met that being of light
who is everything
I am not who you think I am
you are who you think I am
and I hold you high
weaves of waters light
water is not what you see
it is within everything
it is a song that Creator breaths
water connects us to an ancient tree
and we are its seeds
and truth is like water
few appreciate it until its gone
creators song
creators song
lightwaves weaves
color in light
he holds me tight
and she listened
and she looked through time
she saw a hymn
light weaves in all things
she saw the unseen
that place that breathes reality
plucked the chords of light
breathed me into life
give me new sight
I am a walking hymn wrapped within
Creators light
I am M


I cross the path of the stars

they forget to listen to their hearts
cloaked in beautiful things
hat belonged to other living beings
they dont see me
all is trampled under their feet
they belief in what they see
destroy all that lives in the space between
and I get cold and I get afraid
my star too was made
by Creator
and my children are all I have
foraging and fighting for light
they are the center of my life
if you could sit with me
I would give you my warmth
teach you to see your own star
whispers within your heart
I am not that different than you are
seeing to breath, breathing to be
I dont cut down the tree
it gives me nuts to eat
a place to sleep
my children are protected there
even they live in fear
of you
there was a time when all knew your name
Creators Gardener
Creators eternal flame
of love
all was enough
my life is a reflection of you
look up we share the same blue
stars that fall in the heart
creation has been broken apart
courage of the little drum
what will be done
who will fight for me
who will protect my family
giants that walk the land
am I your friend
Gods who dont listen
am I a whisper in the wind
Creation looks to you
what will you do
I cross the path of the stars
they forget to listen to their hearts
cloaked in beautiful things
hat belonged to other living beings
they dont see me
all is trampled under their feet
they belief in what they see
destroy all that lives in the space between
and I get cold and I get afraid
my star too was made
by Creator
and my children are all I have
foraging and fighting for light
they are the center of my life
if you could sit with me
I would give you my warmth
teach you to see your own star
whispers within your heart
I am not that different than you are
seeing to breath, breathing to be
I dont cut down the tree
it gives me nuts to eat
a place to sleep
my children are protected there
even they live in fear
of you
there was a time when all knew your name
Creators Gardener
Creators eternal flame
of love
all was enough
my life is a reflection of you
look up we share the same blue
stars that fall in the heart
creation has been broken apart
courage of the little drum
what will be done
who will fight for me
who will protect my family
giants that walk the land
am I your friend
Gods who dont listen
am I a whisper in the wind
Creation looks to you
what will you do


Peace, Love, Harmony

the seven rituals of the stars
they all are contained within your heart
stripped of light you are a star
compassion allows a family to breath
fire that sees its own divinity
and we hold them in our hearts
Grandmother, Mother, Sister, Daughter
we give our lives for their hearts
Grandfather, Father, Brother, Son
the Warriors of the Red Drum
Red, Black, White, Yellow twisted within the clouds
what path have you found,
I have walked the hollows into the places of sorrow
pulled the sleeping awake, my walk brings heartquakes
I held that Blue within my Hand, listened to the beats
ideology that brings suffering, an illusion of peace
demands bended knee, demands you walk from your family
is this what Creation breaths,
I stood upon broken Earth looked around and saw her
the one who carries lies, binds your eyes, takes away your
family, the Beast of Hypocrisy, there is a black road Queen
I held my arm to her, struck it down upon the ground
red vines flowed out of me, the red nation Queen
red blood will be found, in every drop that hit the ground
fear filled the deceivers eyes, I carry sacred light
you must walk that road the one that leads home
twisting colors within you, light is Creations Tune
and how can the promise of unity come
if you hold to your line,
I call for the sacred drum to rise I want to see that fire in your eyes
let go of the chains that bind you, broke your heart,
the road that tore you apart
you are a sacred fire, beat your drum for me
and I am a breathe of the wind, the Red Road Queen
Reach in and touch that fire within,
bless the water that flows within lights hymn,
your bound within a vessel light a seed that fell from the tree
dropped within the deceivers dream of infinity
you belong to me
they wrapped you within the illusion of space and time
the separation of light
it is the Sequoia that grasps hold of the sky,
I am a sacred tree that Eagle comes from me,
the light weave I set free, pulled the thread
fashioned its breathe,
Queen of the Kings of the First Forest
pushed my roots deep within the Earth,
Spring I rise high as above the tree line,
seven stars that forms the cup of LIFE
Winter I pull the wind turns the wheel of Creation
Fall to Catch the leaves, harvest of the many seeds light weaves
walk with me to the north comes the cup that pours
four chambers of the heart look up at the Stars
you are the North Star and it is within your heart
the Center of the Universe, thats who you are
and I walk within the storm all life surrounds me
your within Flesh cocoon and it wraps within Creation symphony
there is a sound that allows you to see your the Walking Star being
Fire within your heart, Water that shields the SUN, Earth that bounds the Armor you're the warrior of
Creation, Air that comes within you, the Great Spirit moves within like a hymn
breathe of Creation, and we stand at the feet of war,
the one who would destroy that Sacred star, step upon that sacred fire
cut down the Grandfather Tree,
they will take even me but I am the ONE who moves through sight always to obtain another Life
you are many things
Lets bring you home if your alone,
to the Red Road
my path is the one that flows within me
I need you to see that you are walking Thunderbeings
when lightening struck the earth some of us were birthed
and you stay here for a time to rise
to find your own eyes
If you abandon family for another ideology
is it what you truly seek
we pound our shield into the feet, anchors of Creations Dreams
we surround the sacred tree beat the drum of peace
four corners find symmetry
its in your heart
Birds, Bees, Trees they are not that different than you and me,
hymn wrapped within light, color that gives sight,
lights pathway for the star from the heart to grasp to the stars and see with new eyes the reflection of
no two vessels are alike, yet all contain Light
I have walked the hollows into the place of sorrow
pulled the sleeping awake, my walk brings heartquakes
I hold a sacred star in my hand,
I am a walking hymn, breathe of the Great I AM
you must walk that road the one that leads home
twisting colors within you, light is Creations Tune
and how can the promise of unity come
if you hold to your line,
I call for the sacred drum to rise i want to see that fire in your eyes
let go of the chains that bind you, broke your heart,
the road that tore you apart
you are a sacred fire, beat your drum for me
and I am a breathe of the wind, Red Road Queen
Reach in and touch that fire within,
bless the water that flows within lights hymn,
warrior of Creation


they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art

it is the ruler of this world,

the one who was to come
and he has come...
I often think what must be done...

they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art
if i raise my hand and remove them
am i no different than them...
we all live within prisons...
some captivate even a creators dreams...
i have wondered what will become of me...
unable to remove them, unable to set them free...
father they know not what they do
enslave each other, destroy the earth
stand on broken backs, demand bended kneee...
they will take even me...
i breath
i breath
breathe of the one within,
father, what will become of them...
they know not what they do
they do not mean not to look at you...
and we wander whispers in our ear...
who guides you...
all that surrounds you...
was to drown out his sound...
colorfull lights, blinded by sight...
i often wonder, what will become of you...
they expected a conqueror
but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art
it is by design my dear friend
we have been here before,
in a time long ago they would come far and wide
to listen to another speak...
like me
the world has become such a large place
if one felt buried beneath the mountain then,
imagine how one would feel today
one standing alone in a two by two foot circle
creator i am your miracle,
light within me,
i am the breathe you breath
and governs you
this world has buried you so deep,
is it small or large,
you have become lost in the sea of ideology
is your heart true.
what of the drum beat within you
when you think of me,
listen to your heartbeat,
i am within you
color is light... light is sound,
this is you very tightly wound.
you are within a cocoon.
father carries you.
and we only see three percent of time,
released we will see all light...
they expected a conqueror
but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art

it is the ruler of this world,

the one who was to come
and he has come...
I often think what must be done...
he wrapped this world tight
devoured your light
abused abused abused
kingdom of the one who refused
to love
when he conquered you
he enslaved you to build his dream
he gave you many many things,
all come from beneath your feet
she too is a living being
creators breathe within the wind
he even drown him out with his own hymn
never enough,
more to do,
the garden was meant for you,
he teaches your not in the cocoon,
and what if i say creator speaks to me
he has convinced you this is hypocrisy
gathering trinkets of wealth,
buried within your own hell
he brought the sacred light
now able to end all human life...
the decievers lie...

I often think what must be done...

do i raise my hand and remove them
am i no different than them...
we all live within prisons...
some captivate even a creators dreams...
i have wondered what will become of me...
unable to remove them, unable to set them free...
father they know not what they do
enslave each other, destroy the earth
stand on broken backs, demand bended kneee...
they will take even me...
i breath
i breath
breathe of the one within,
father, what will become of them...
father, what will become of them...

they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art


what if I say that I see God,

my heart is to weave peace among all things
what if I see a connection in all things
will you accept me
i sew from my heart
there flows a river from me...
carried within the words i speak
dreams of a heartbeat, i see..
i sew from my heart

breathe of chords
pluck the light
what is eyesight
i walk among scars
weaves of dreams
i heard them
whispers of drums
dont forget about us

there was a man who walks through the desert

it all belongs to me
but what of family,

but what of family,

lo and behold in front of him
a familiar friend
in a moment betrayed by trust
a war of sight
carried through time
we meet again

a man lies in the desert

crumbled, broken, and in despair
creator, hear my prayer

but what of me

as he lie there robbers came from the east

who is this broken heap,
alcohol they pour on him
drunken and ashamed
they took his dream
but someone took their dream,
they to are suffering

but what of family

and during that frigid night

the struggle over the cold
of the heart
memories of being torn apart
as that man lie there
he grew for thirst

he whispers,
creator...where are you...

what is a mans worth

when he is lying upon the earth,
whispers upon the wind
where are the holy men

come find me...

as the men who carry thought

they traveled to the west,
to see what was left
when they found him lying there
in despair,
whisper in their heart,
leper... unclean... stay away from me
they crossed that road looking away from him
yet it was the creator looking back at them

whispers in his heart,

love has no religion...

that man lying their,

he look to the star
the one in his heart
creator i feel fear,
they come for me,
now i dream of when i cease to breath
breathe to breathe
you carry me
whispers of light
creator i fight

oh holy man, you struggle

to live as the great spirits do,
yet the creator whispers to you

come find me...

as that man stare looking at the stars

came another with a mighty heart
what has become of this star
weaves within loves time

i sew from my heart

there flows a river from me...
carried within the words i speak
dreams of one heartbeat, i see..
i sew from my heart

breathe of chords
pluck the light
what is eyesight
i walk among stars
weaves of a creators dream
i heard them
dont forget about me

creator i see you,

of all the paths that i can walk

the path of the heart
connects all

but what of family

but what of family


I have been unweaving light,

that shapes the boundaries of sight
to see the unseen what lies beneath
reflections in my eyes I followed my light
to the source of my life
where four corners of light meet
a starbeat,
I breathe,
when I weave to the past I grasp
colorful images of notes,
drop of sound within a vase
echos colorful soundwaves
cup of love in my hand
weaves light of spirit drum within,
daughter who speaks in rhymes,
the one,
with her Fathers eyes,
Creator holds her drum close to his heart,
she is the work of a fathers art,
light of the star within,
woven through time to breath,
connected to the source of all things
whisper of her breathe,
guardian of the wind,
cup of love carriers her home again,
she is Creators wind.
I lift my drum to fly with new wings,
the place where unseen and seen meet,
four corners of life symmetry
heartbeat that creates time,
I am daughter of light,
Maiden who has come in a time of need
Soundwave wings
that one within that came from a hymn
Dream of the light within,
I was wrapped within a sacred wind,
held within his hands I see again
Creator do you see me,
I am your light weave,
drumbeat of a fathers heart,
I am your Star
I am a string in your hand,
part of your plan
I am a daughter of the Great Mystery,
hold me when I feel I can not sing,
care for me when I am alone and afraid,
shield me from the dark sound waves,
symmetry in your heart,
we are connected stars,
heart to heart
the light weaves in you and me,
Lilly's with wings
seeds in the breeze of the hidden things,
I was held in your hand,
touched my mind to see again so that I would live
Pearl breathe to breathe
whisper of the Great Mystery,
weaves of the sacred tree
we cry tears of joy,
grandmothers heart lives in me
grandfathers heart helps me to see
dreams of thunder-beings
creators sound
bound moment in time
daughter promised, life
held in sacred hands
carried through the storm home again
sacred hoops link of infancy
precious one with dreams
love is a light
that burns with hope
daughter of the sacred notes
Gift of the Great Mystery
carried in his hand
sacred bundle
of the great I AM
Dreams take time and they take light
the hand of love holds you high
its inside of you and me
symmetry that sings
daughter of a Dream

Creator Dreams of you, your his sacred hoop

the one of his Dreams,
Sacred Bundle in his hand he sings,
he breathes,
light waves weaves,
colors in light

He holds you high

Creator Dreams of you, your his sacred hoop

the one of his Dreams,
Sacred Bundle in his hand he sings,
he breathes,
light waves weaves,
color in light,
he holds you high
I see it over there,
the path through the storm
the place where we all are from
we walk towards the light
I stand alone, wind against my skin
creator breath in me
the path towards peace
its in the mind, the past lives
moments in time that look at me
creator set me free
breath of my heart, let it go
be reborn
I cry for the one above
fill my empty cup
weaves of tears, gift away my fears
unchain the heart from the scars
those things that pull
my dreams away from me
I see so many like me
walking within anothers dream
standing alone, wind against your skin
creator, where do i fit in
dreams beat within me, i sing
creator set me free
steps through the heart,
the place we were born
eye to eye souls meet, symmetry
hearts share a drumbeat
I see it over there,
the path through the storm
the place where we all are from
we walk towards the light
embers touch the earth, breathe of life
moment in time, we see with new eyes
fire that releases, peace
look within me
should i meet you there,
flower peddles under suns rays,
fields of light sight scent of what is seen
molded within the mind feathers of design
what if you stopped what they told you to do
is this why you are here, to labor in despair
and who owns your heart,
from birth your torn apart,
Creator says, you are a star,
molded in the sacred way, within the shell
pearl of the design
pathway of creators light
its within you,
you are the cocoon,
I see it over there,
the path through the storm
a dreamcatcher of the heart
when i lie awake at night,
I think of past lives
moments in time, fragments of me,
dreams of weaves that meet at my door,
be reborn
I cry for the ones around me
Drink my empty cup
weaves of tears, gift away your fears
unchain the heart from the scars
those things that pull
your dreams away from you
I see so many like me
walking within anothers dream
standing alone, wind against your skin
Creator, where do I fit in
dreams beat within me, I sing
Creator set me free
steps through the heart,
the place we were born
eye to eye souls meet,
Creators setting us free
we share a drumbeat
I stare out at the water before me
its the tips i see, the sea breathes
wind whipping against the grain,
I stand again
I see that path
its to my heart
journey of a star
it is inside of me,
I breathe, i see,
Creator Dreams of you, your his sacred hoop
the one of his Dreams,
your the Sacred Bundle in his hand he sings,
he breathes,
light waves weaves,
color in light,
I holds you high
I Dream of you, your my sacred hoop
the one of my Dreams,
Sacred Bundle in my hand
I breath,
light waves weaves,
color in light,
HE holds you high

crisp breathe beneath my steps

I AM a sacred scent
of deliverance
path through the storm my wings
are worn
my spirit is reborn
butterfly walking upon a sun
love is trust
in each step I hear my next breathe
in each weave,
a heartbeat
eyes set upon you
your my morning dew
do you see me
breathe to breathe
we see
one family of dreams weaves
sun petals crossed lips
we meet at the Dream of Peace
coiling into the star
within my heart
I see the doorway to be set free
inside of me
beat to beat
outward reflection of light
the sea carry's me
one thread contains all my dreams
pathway to the source of me
beat to beat
beat to beat
Dreaming to see my heart
calls to me
crisp breathe beneath my steps
I AM a sacred scent
of deliverance
when you have lost someone close
when the noise wont let go
when the cry grasps
eyes to heart we meet
on our knees
and you cant see who you need
listen to your heartbeat
that weave of light
the source of sight
light that is within


dancing meadow of moonlight

drifting rivers within my eyes
take flight the golden eagle
mighty wings
wings that dream Creatoprs weaves
breathe against my skin
father I stand again
against the grain brings the rain
thunderstorms upon the earth
water is of greatest worth
words of a river that burns like a flame
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki
Grand Chief of the Ojibwe
it doesnt matter if you know my name
I am the Fathers rain to bring rebirth
to set straight the path
pull heaven into perspective
I walked among the stars
the ones that carry scars
beating hearts
twisting vines through time
singing the hymn of belief
the rose lets go of the tree
rise among the thorns
the butterfly of a father takes form
open wings take flight to the dreamcatcher
of the fathers eyes
dancing meadow of moonlight
drifting rivers within my eyes
take flight the golden eagle
mighty wings
wings that dream Creatoprs weaves
breathe against my skin
father I stand again
holding the dirt within the palm of my hand
molded into man
sight is not in what is seen,
its the unseen weaves of a symphony
carrying a starbeat
that breathe of the one within
burns the fire of the Great I AM
who do you think gave you your life,
gave you your light
held the boundaries against space
shielded the light from being erased
he knows your name
he knows your name
what if I saw the great one with wings
the racing arrow of the Ojibwe
dancing meadow under Starlight
drifting rivers within my eyes
take flight the golden eagle
mighty wings
wings that dream Creators weaves
breathe against my skin
father I stand again
held the prayers of a heart in my hand
touched the soul of a man
shaped the stone within
comes the Reindeer Queen
bride of the groom,
my heart waits for you
my heart waits for you
I saw a pass corridor through time
traces the ray of light
that one that gives sight


What is the worth of a soul when you carry so many holes

and what are the prices of scars when you need water
who knows the weight of your heart but Creator
I let him sew me back together again,
Creator fashioned me with his hands,
bound and wound the wind shed a tear that burst into my star
that light within her heart, Creator weaved it weave by weave
the birthplace of a queen, the servant of all living beings
I met a man who wandered the earth, lost and afraid
his kingdom was the desert
he weilded mountains of gold but he had no soul
no where to go,
let me give you the wealth of all mankind,
see that mountain you will rise to touch the many lights
I will give you my power to control the air
weild the arm of fear, you will be Creator here
touch the breathe of the Creators hands,
I stood without fear, I said to this man,
Creator held me when I was made, fashioned me with his heart
tear that birthed a star
Creator made me and breathed my sight,
sewed my color which is the source of my light,
and though you may be master here, I live without fear
ONE governs all, he is the source of my soul
then the coyote weilded his head in disbelief
what he had heard, what he had seen
he had bought nearly everything, and everyone
he said to me,
you say you
Creator is the servant of the many drumbeats,
here let me give you this crown carries sacred light,
it will give you power to govern others light
I said to him,
Creator is my sacred sound, the one that I am bound
color is light, light is sound,
this is you and me very tightly wound,
a hymn of the light unspoken
we have come to that place when the beast reveals his face
Creator of light is the source of everything
he brings the rain carries the light waves
then this serpeant did draw near,
he tried to teach me fear,
I have walked the path few have known,
through the sorrows and I have never sold my soul
I am facing the dark one, but I am strong
Creator is my only song
I have stripped myself of sight and I can see
true divinity
that I am one with the source of all things
Creators breathe is within the air we breath
I am the bride waiting for the groom,
my life was meant to be renewed,
in my heart is a light
four corners of symmetry, my father gave me sight
bound and wound and placed me down,
and here we stand,
My shield is white light, and the Creator gave me my life
I said to this man wandering in despair,
you have no place here,
your kingdom of despair is a kingdom of despair
he put his crown on,
he ran within his palace
bound them within the illusion of your ideology
the one that speaks of dark things,
you twisted light to teach them fear,
tricked them into believing they were trapped here,
you devoured the mother beneath their feet,
vile thing your is the lie
Pontiff of disbelief
forever to be removed from the Creators sight
you are a lie
What is the worth of a soul when you carry so many holes
and what are the price of scars when you need water
who knows the weight of your heart but Creator
I let him sew me back together again,
Creator fashioned me with his hands,
bound and wound the wind shed a tear that burst into a star
I am here
I carry a light within my heart all light began to weave
the birthplace of a mighty tree,
the servant of all living beings
There was a time I was held within the cage,
I was afraid,
I met a being who came like the wind,
the Creator, my Father, my bestfriend
breathe of my weaves HE knelt down I looked up at him.
Creator of all things,
I am trapped in here, the Beast has taught them all fear
Papa I am alone, father I want to go home,
I dont like this place,
Father I have even been disgraced, he looked into my eyes
firefly come to me my drum beat
when I made you, I shaped you,
all creation sang for you,
you were the one within the cocoon
and I have always been with you,
Creation is not within the waves,
not within the many faces the many places
its within the weaves,
if you listen
close your eyes,
youll hear my drum beat,
within your heart is the four chambers of my star,
I am connected to you,
thats what my father said to me
thats what my father said to me
color is an illusion, the Beast Confusion
Deceiver I have come for you,
Creator has sent me here, I stand without fear
white light within both my hands,
your Kingdom of lies is at an end.
What is the worth of a soul when you carry so many holes
and what are the price of scars when you need water
who knows the weight of your heart but your Creator
I let him sew you back together again,
Creator fashioned you with his hands,
I you went on a journey through time
to reclaim your life
to sift through the lie
moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
we are his seeds,
He fashioned you in light,
and he looks to you to heal his wounded scars
when others punished and enslaved his Stars
He the source of your light is within your heart
medicine wheel of the Creators stars
made you, shaped you, breathed love into you
you are his heart
Now today in the presence of this great multitude I disrobe you and you are not now covered by your
old names.
I now give you names much greater. I now place antlers on your head as an emblem of your power.
Your old garments are torn off and better robes are given you. Now you are Royaner, who walks the
good path, each of you. You will receive many scratches and the thickness of your skins shall be seven
You must be patient and henceforth work in unity.
Never consider your own interests but work to benefit the people and for the generations not yet born.
You have pledged yourselves to govern yourselves by the laws of the Great Peace.
All your authority shall come from it.
the Law of love.
The Great Peacemaker
There is a Sapling,
that shall replace the old tree.
And this one shall now be our standing tree
where we shall focus our minds...
replenish our light,
Peacemaker of the Great Mystery,
bringer of the laws of Peace,
great fire that lives within me
Great Mother of the O'Jiibway Dream
guiding light breathe of peace
light weaves of an Antler of a Creators Dream
Grandmother sight unseen,
Great Peacemaker walks within me,
I hear his drum beat,
There is a Sapling,
that shall replace the old tree.
And this one shall now be our standing tree
where we shall focus our minds...
we hear his drum beat,
Peacemaker of the Great Mystery,
bringer of the Law of Peace,
great fire that lives within me
Good thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds
the chords that bind one family
great fire of the one within,
Rise Native American
Grandmother gift to you,
Great Peacemaker walk with you,
You hear his drum beat,
Rise Native American
I hear his drum beat,
Rise Native American


I knew a peacemaker who walked the earth

spoke of the inner star,
the one that lived within the heart
he even traced the cross that shows your star
told you to listen to the drum beat within
whispered I AM
Traced the doorway through the mind,
said to look inside,
that heaven is not up out or away from you
heaven beats within you
there is a star at the center of your heart
Yeshua taught these things,
Creator who walked with his own wings
I knew a peacemaker who walked the earth
trail of light that brought rebirth
they say that white light is the coldest
especially when it snows
yet water is its after glow,
that weave that helps life grow
lifted high into brings color to light,
pushes back the darkness of cold night
the path of all light is the lie
the source home is found by looking in the eye
What if there were two rivers who became one,
the path home is to shed your sight
to look away from the glittering things
the sound waves that lead to the beast
the darkness that reflects Creators light
surrounds you in a lie,
then turns out the light
the beast says darkness is pure light,
unless you see with Creators sight
Within you is a rose that grows and grows
the one battered in the storm
wrapped in dark thorns,
and what if you remembered who you were
and what if you looked around and saw things differently
what if you saw light weaves in everything
what if color sang,
and what if you saw the chords that bind her,
unraveled the chord and it led not away but within
the pathway home again,
the key to life is not in sight,
not in blood which you think brings life
color is a light,
its in the light that traces home,
you'll see it when it snows
yet water is its after glow,
that weave that helps life grow
one drop of one ray of light,
this is the seed that brings life and it ripples
love through time
Creator will never leave your side
and they came with their whispers in their ear
twisted words,


I went on a journey through time

moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
his seeds,
fashioned you in light, the promise is sight
the gift of you,
and he looks to you to heal wounded scars
when another broke his heart,
he gave me a crown of glory,
because I washed your feet, I let you be
you are blessed with your own drumbeat
shamrock of a Creators weaves when he sowed sound
sacred seed that was released,
the tree of the apex of a Creators dreams
with a tear from his eye place you inside,
sacred breathe of you took the first step
conductor of the symphony you mold light
Creations gift he fashioned you,
if you could see the embrace that surrounded you
womb that guards your light,
Great Mystery breathed you into life
note by note, you are the birth of a star
beat to a mighty heart
I saw others in buffalo skin,
Eagles with mighty wings,
the Fox that streaks through the trees
I saw roots that wrapped through time one
even connected to me
imbilicly chord that attaches ot me,
he wont let me go, I am his Rose
I saw light and a great and mighty one
Mother of Creation she lifts you up
lets you drink from her cup
she says, your enough
union of sound the pillars of Creation
give their lives for you
seasons of the inner star do you know who you are
the one that comes from a mighty tree
red roots that breathe life into you,
Creations morning dew
I watched him make them molding sound of pure light
breathing you into life,
your hymn, the eternal wind held within
and as you went into the colorful waves to see
your own face, to share your grace
all that weaves to you,
one sought to keep you within the cocoon,
the trickster that divides, enslaved you and then
purchased your pride
whipped your back to bended knee,
taught you to punish light beings for being seen
took away your individuality,
wrapped levels of attainment among you
some are worthy and others are food
bicker and barter for wealth,
do you have the book of spells,
where are your synogogues, that circus of liars
I wonder what must i do for water
And I saw a mighty temple upon a hill
they hid within caught up in its spell
hid their light from me,
punished the suffering drumbeats
I saw them on the steps, Mother wept,
light on the hill is a prison camp
Look out what to do, they worship rules
the God of desire,
their Leader is a liar,
I saw a pontiff there, the drumbeat of despair
Emperor of the One who brings disease
weilds dominion forcing bended knee
Creator watches what they do,
he is mindful of you, never to far into the fire
the deceiver was always a liar
Changed his name led with desire,
The Great Beast grew stronger and stronger
and before they were all deceived they looked around
poison consumed every living being
I went on a journey through time
moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
his seeds,
fashioned you in light, the promise is sight
the gift of you,
and he looks to you to heal wounded scars
when another broke his heart,
he gave me a crown of glory,
because I washed your feet, I let you be
you are blessed with your own drumbeat
shamrock of a Creators weaves when he sowed sound
sacred seed that was released,
the tree of the apex of a Creators dreams
with a tear from his eye place you inside,
sacred breathe of you took the first step
conductor of the symphony you mold light
Creations gift he fashioned you,
if you could see the embrace that surrounded you
womb that guards your light,
Great Mystery breathed you into life
note by note, you are the birth of a star
beat to a mighty heart
I saw others in buffalo skin,
Eagles with mighty wings,
the Fox that streaks through the trees
I saw roots that wrapped through time one
even connected to me
imbecilic chord that attaches ot me,
he wont let me go, I am his Rose
I saw light and a great and mighty one
Mother of Creation she lifts you up
lets you drink from her cup
she says, your enough

“Letter of Distrust”

What is this that I see

are you the masters of each others deeds
do we bind and punish each other to meet who's beliefs
is this how a Creator would see
probationary Status of a Creators weave,
who said you could judge a part of me as unworthy
am I not enough for you
what is light but sight and sound but color
are not all worthy of protection the breathe of fellowship
did it not all come from him, the Creator of Creation
are you greater than him, do you speak for the wind?
what if the sacriment were your life,
and the medicine your breathe,
would you give me your love or contempt
What is your path and who defined it for you
what if the Peacemaker walks among you
wears the red cap and whispers the new dew
would you tell even me what too do
place me upon probationary status
sounds like chains and bars that weild scars
not heal hearts, demand bended knee
when one realizes the must earn their approval to be enough for thee
is this how a Creator sees, would you demand even his bended knee,
withhold everything, behave like a machine, bicker and barter over every light weave
free agency, do you even know what that means
how can you condemn the breathe of the light weaves
they come from me, simply because you can not see
they carry my sacred drumbeat, four chambers of a star
blood cross of sacred roods linked to the original tree
breathe of love in every weave yet you demand punishment
to repent for what need, what proving is there to me
Creator breathed you into light, gave you life
not to be judged as not divine,
not for another to pick you apart,
would you even condemn Creators heart?
family is a sacred bond, when you know you belong
if Creator gave you the pages of an orchestra,
would you pick apart the notes,
ban and censor parts you dont like,
would you judge Creation by your own light,
we are in the last days when Creator
shows us a new way,
Gardeners who will show others the way,
steps in life move along the medicine wheel
we learn the season of time, to grow to laugh
to walk in a good path,
to listen to the wind,
to love other drum beats,
to tell you about the star beings
Ceremonies are not rituals,
they are to teach perspective that you are the way
not that they are path or the gate
and medicine is in every plant and herb
If leadership was to have a passion of walking in Love, Faith, Gratitude, Humility, Charity, Respect,
then how can you weild the the gavel of scars
when leaders become rulers of the heart
I say the leaders are to wash anothers feet
to live in humility in all things respecting every weave
comes from Creators Tree,
the true path of leadership is to see the unseen,
not be dominears who demand bended knee
and what of me,
I have com to you, where is my hug
am I not enough or you, or did you forget what to do
or do you listens to others who command you
to snuff out my light, take my life,
anything to protect their lie
Creators is calling for servants who lead with the heart
this is the path of the Red Stars,
We are governed by the heart and we heal scars
walking the path of light we give others our time
we are like mother earth when is viewed beneath our feet
yet she lifts you up above the dark beast
your surrounded by light and not empty space
absolute color is pure light,
the lie of the eyes who only see a portion of time
if I could show you the way,
I would give you a brush and say paint
show me your soundwave,
we hold onto ceremony
not because it is what we are required to do,
its the link to your grandmothers and grandfathers before you
the sacred hoops that made you
we dont wear vessels to define who we are,
we remember that all contain stars
I do not desire to make enemies of anyone
but I will not stroke the ego of the dark one
the pontiff that walks alone surrounded by blinded spokes
no idea where to go they sew gold from broken bones
maybe you want a destroyer to subjegate the earth,
validate your need to break her
or maybe you need the conquering savior to force bended knee
or the fire to burn others who dont see as you see
to justify your need for suffering,
this is not me
as you look at suffering with limited sight
would you demand a Creator brings the same plight
why do you fight,
I have seen Creation and it lives in your heart
the most important lesson is that you are a star
your drumbeat is where the red road starts
vines that weave through light, red flesh births eyes
shields that see you are the Creators drumbeat
Creator listens to your thoughts, words, deeds
you are Creators Dreams
as I close my eyes I see, 56-stars surround me
would you not want to meet me,
greet me, share with me your light
give to me your time,
there was a Rose that stood alone
Creator what am I not seen,
why does parched earth surround me
why does the sun beat down upon me,
why does the wind press against me
why does the eagle get wings
while I cant see
where are my seeds,
he whispers,
Firefly breathe of my heart, my Star
you are carried within my heart,
all sound is for you to share your tune
weave your tapestry,
the sun gets close to see your beautiful light
it doesnt mean to be bright it shines for your light
so all can see, your divinity
and when you see that eagle high,
look at your leaves, you too have wings
the eagle dreams of your light
its red and bright and can be seen far and wide
the rose is center of light
your sight is within the peddles of your rose
your sacred red robes
look beneath your leaves,
the entire earth are your wings,
who can compete
what if every ray of light of every dark space
was brilliant light not withheld,
for another day when you will obtain new eyes


my call is to the leather god

the one who shaped me
green weaves in blood streams
waves of anothers dreams
I see the inner flute
solitude is the teepee of me
separated from my family
how many poles hold me up
how many tears fill my cup
how many dreams surround me
father can you see
the light is within me
I speak with an inner wind
flute of the one within
carried within the wind
before Dixieland
father carry me home again
when I think of the steps
warriors that wept
listening to the leaves
grandmothers heartbeats
the smell of the air
mother I care
what do you do when silver wraps around you
when blue can't free you
the bark of the sparks ignite
courage take flight
a dream of a dream
what is beneath my feet
brown weaves of the air
like hair
touching fibers of light
the source of my life
walk with me
my call is to the leather god
the one who shaped me
green weaves in blood streams
waves of anothers dreams
I see the inner flute
solitude is the teepee of me
separated from my family
how many poles hold me up
how many tears fill my cup
how many dreams surround me
father can you see
the light is within me
I speak with an inner wind
flute of the one within
carried within the wind
before Dixieland
father carry me home again
when I think of the steps
warriors that wept
listening to the leaves
grandmothers heartbeats
the smell of the air
mother I care
what do you do when silver wraps around you
when blue can't free you
the bark of the sparks ignite
courage take flight
a dream of a dream
what is beneath my feet
brown weaves of the air
like hair
touching fibers of light
the source of my life
walk with me


It beats in my heart
the path to independence
little netmaker with foresight
I pluck the chords of light
protector of the ojibwe birthright
dreams of foresight
pathway through the night
light of a creators tree
sacred seeds woven within eagles wings
wings to carry you home again
sacred weaves inside you and me
dreamcatcher of a creators dream
the circle of life surrounds you
many hoops
the light ray is inside of you
many hoops
with no beginning and no end
creators children
dreams govern you and me,
some when we sleep
some allow us to see
Dreamcatcher of a Creators Dream
lightwaves against dark soundwave weaves
weaves that surround the walking thunderbeings
if I see through time
the light wave rhyme
hand within my heart
I pluck the chord
would you want to see
the hymn of eternity
and I spin a web of hope
one with many spokes
lightwave wrapped within my throat
breathe of deliverance
unseen within me
released to weave a creators dream of unity
and I am made of willow
my roots are not shallow
I have stood against the wind of a dark hymn
breathing a sacred wind
light from the one within
dreamcatcher of a creators dream
it is within you
it is within me
we are the sacred hoop of a Creators dream
filter of the one since past
those who guide our path
grandmother and grandfather
light weaves of the ones that formed me
I dream
tears of my eyes what defines my life
good thoughts, good words, good deeds
are my strings for the dreamcatcher inside of me
sacred symbols written on my heart
four chambers of a star
fingertips of a sacred hoop
connecting me to you
keystone to make it through the night
we all seek the light
redstone inside of me
I weave
grandmother with foresight
I pluck the chords of light
protector of the ojibwe birthright
as you have wandered far and wide
you have not left the Creators sight
one nation that deserves rebirth
thunderbirds that walk the earth
my heart wraps around you
your my sacred hoop
when creator dreams he sees you and me
walking thunderbeings
I am asapa geshi
one who weaves a creators dreams
wrapped around scars upon my heart
twisting within an eagles wings
the wind of a creators dreams
the soundwave symphony
dreamcatcher of my heart
pluck the chords be restored
grandmother with foresight
I pluck the chords of light
protector of the ojibwe birthright
tears of my eyes what defines my life
good thoughts, good words, good deeds
are my strings for the dreamcatcher inside of me
keystone to make it through the night
we all seek the light
redstone inside of me
I weave
and I am made of willow
my roots are not shallow
I have stood against the wind of a dark hymn
breathing a sacred wind
light from the one within
dreamcatcher of a creators dream
it is within you
it is within me
we are the sacred hoop of a Creators dream
little netmaker with foresight
I pluck the chords of light
protector of the ojibwe birthright
dreams of foresight
pathway through the night
light of a creators tree
sacred seeds woven within eagles wings
wings to carry you home again
sacred weaves inside you and me
dreamcatcher of a creators dream
the circle of life surrounds you
many hoops
the light ray is inside of you
many hoops
tears of my eyes what defines my life
good thoughts, good words, good deeds
I am Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki'
Redstone to make it through the night
we all seek the light
Redstone inside of me
I weave


when man sought to reach the stars

he sought to reach in your heart
Creator gave you many things
dreams, eyes to see
colorful memories of you and me
black is in blue held by red in white
the truth is in your eyes
when the masterful plan was set forth
to reach the stars
and it was done by design
the power of black and white
in the beginning when the father made you
shaped you
placed you in the cocoon
walked among those within new skin
you were able to breath again
and breathe to breathe
your father has wept
they say a great flood came to the earth
it was because creation was disturbed
when man sought to reach the stars
the one in your heart
they say
we will make you fishers of men
the bricks started building again
emnity between the dream of peace
and me
man has became a disease
whatever it takes
you have behaved like snakes
created monstrous things
the handshake of disease
all to see whats inside of me
what happens when nothing is left
Father said to stay on the path
kindness in every breathe
do not harm a living being
yet everything is food to eat
they say in the end times
nothing will be bought or sold
without a piece of your soul
here is what father says to me
when you poison the air,
when you poison the sea
you came after my dream
seeds from the sacred tree
crushed under the heal of your feet
a great flood is what we need
to cleanse everything
they say a great tower was once built
when man sought to reach the stars
to stand as the father of hearts
but without love you are nothing
slavemasters to the fathers strings
what if creation was a machine
governed by your thoughts, words, deeds
what if in that yonder place is another machine
one that carries a fathers dreams
but the fallen stars want whats in your heart
they give you works of art
they give you pieces of others stars
they have broken my father apart
here is what I see
In this world lives many beings
some in green and some in blue
some are trapped inside of me and you
some use you like a tarp
they cloath you to strip you apart
they put you in magical machines
they absorb your dreams
man was meant to live without days
but their rays take that away day by day
ashamed of what they did
tentacles attached like arms of a squid
living to forget what they did
they shaped you they remade you
you live in the black in blue dream
what it the white stars are trapped in black night
what if the key was in your eyes
what if blue surrounds you
tracks everything that you do
I give you access to all
make that call
do you hear the ringing
do you hear singing
they get inside of you
whisper what to do
we are in a spiritual war
over your heart
nothing is what it seems
beware of those that come in teams
cities were meant to contain you
when they feed, your what they need
I am speaking of beasts
black in white are shells
blue in white, white in blue
what ice covers you
grey hides you in the space between
shakings hands is how they get inside of you
give them access to the shell
hooks fastened
lines secured
your theirs
sundance strapped to the great pine tree
break the chains to be free of what is seen
hugs are dangerous things
they connect heart strings
tattoos strip you of your cocoon
give up black and they will walk through
come in the path of peace
the innocent of children caught in between
when your fire goes out
when the light goes out
when the frozen cold is all you know
cry to the father above
give me love
I met a man who wore a black cap
held white in the night
protector of the lights
this is what he whispered to me
I am a father too
help me to believe in the dream
of green
and who will pay the ultimate sacrifice
for all things
the one who holds the heart strings
when man sought to reach the stars
he sought to reach in your heart
Creator gave you many things
dreams, eyes to see
colorful memories of you and me


could it be possible light is energy

what wave length do you see
when you see red
it is the reflection of light
shell that contains sight
green is not what you see
red and blue weaves
green is released
hidden in time the one withheld from sight
are you cold or are you warm
spectrums of light is what you adorn
cloaked in the armor of a creator
what shell governs you
is it red or is it blue
what is heat but the movement of the unseen
vibrations in a soundwave sea
ripples beneath your feet
what is blue but a shield
sacrifice of light the drain of life
you trade energy to see
blue dreams
and could it be possible night is day
and day is night
that the light is what takes away your life
energy is what consumes you
and what you consume
we are together within the cocoon
energy is consumed but it makes up you
walking gas of light,
soundwave with sight


what is it that I need

what is this confusion within me
roots dug deep sacred tree
walking upon the pathway of the heart
which one leads to the star
I met the grey
lying in bed staring into the night
I saw those eyes
what is my veins
there is a history of a divide
it happened in the eye
chief of the earth
walking dirt
eagle that traded wings
guardian of all things
look under the great ones feet
rivers of blood come generational weaves
vessels of light
Creators foresight
those who walk the path of Creation
looking within my skin
what if I could begin again
seasons that come and go
wind that blows
vessel within the womb
light within the cocoon
birthed dreams of another place
that step beyond the vase
walking within the soundwaves
guardians of the boundaries of light
pathways between sight
place just beyond the door
blink a life
firefly that carries the light
and I have walked within that place
seen the great tree those stars in the sky
it was within my mind
the Buffalo that lives inside
and we carry the bones of many stars
Native hearts
Medicine within my skin
breathing the wind
carried in the fire


swiftly across the desert

focus your eye
feel the moons light
you are alive
tears remind you
you still have work to do
grass pressed against the wind
dont stop, home is within
and your life has led to this
a daughters last breathe
a fathers quest
raging against the past
my heart beats for you
drumbeat of my life
i hear you when i close my eyes
swiftly across the desert
focus your eye
feel the suns light
you are alive
it hurts,
will you fight for your life
will you fight to survive
will you set me free
will you come to me
father do you hear me
as time has aged you
it has grown you
times matchless gift,
i think of you
when i walk among the trees
i think of you
when i dream
i think of you
when i try to breath
with each breathe
i think of you
when you lie there alone
when fear is all you know
when tears touch your cheeks
when you wish you can be with me
think of me
think of me
this was the purpose of your life
to fight
for another life
a fathers eye
think of me
i know you wish you can go back
choose another path
to hold to what matters most
father, i think of you
when i am alone, when i am afraid
i think of you
you still have work to do
grass pressed against the wind
dont stop,
your life has led to this
a daughter last breathe
a fathers quest
raging against the past
my heart beats for you
drumbeat of my life
i hear you when i close my eyes
swiftly across the desert
focus your eye
feel the suns light
you are alive
it hurts,
I will fight for your life
I will fight to survive
You set me free
will you come to me
father do you hear me
as time has aged you
it has grown you
times matchless gift,
i think of you
when i walk among the trees
i think of you
when i dream
i think of you
when i try to breath
with each breathe
i think of you
swiftly across the desert
focus your eye
feel the moons light
you are alive
your on a journey,
to me
when you lie there alone
when fear is all you know
when tears touch your cheeks
when you wish you can be with me
think of me
think of me
this was the purpose of your life
to fight
for another life
a fathers eye
think of me


winding wind whistling in my ear

whispering, love knows no fear
heartbeats of dreams walking among the trees
pathway set before faded leaves
fallen but believed
we all walk that road alone
the path into the heart
winding stairway to a work of art
seed carried within
eyesight window of light
take back my life
I walked among the wind
whipping whistling within me
winding through thoughts inner storm
thunderbeing who stands as the red rose
breathe of wind, I am reborn
the storm blowing in my skin
sound of colorful perspective
what if touch was not what was seen
electromagnetivity weaves breathe
of an illusionary mystery
creator who carries you,
colorful lightwaves of his cocoon
within, not without
winding wind whistling in my ear
whispering, you are like me
weaves of the breathe of light
great mystery colorful dreams
wind that wraps around you
what is it to see as creator sees
weaves of light bound and wound
breathe of the seeds carried within
colors perspective of the wind
who are you
winding wind whistling in my ear
whispering, light is an eternal flame
fire with new eyes you are light
storms sea shining new sight
burning flames what wrap around you
breathe of illusions weave a web
creators of the dream met
walk across the storms of lights weaves
that sea that encompasses me
be free
seed of weaves that is bound within
creators dream,
colorful light, a drop from the one who spoke
the many notes.
one by one comes me and you
twins of a binary star, your a reflection of me
dream of weaves that wrap around you
if you could unwind that sound and trace it
to you
held within the heart,
a star
breathe of the wind,
winding wind whistling in my ear
whispering, i am here
light ray of sight illusion of density
weaves of light make you and me
flowing sea within the mind
this is time
what is that I see,
one note dropped within a pond,
by design is sight, stars birthright
strip away color and what do you see,
we walk upon the sun,
we move in the air we weave
color is the illusion of the star beings
bursting breathe of love, gift of a dove
how does the creator see,
through soundwave weaves, light bound within
color is a hymn, and your within
contained in his cocoon,
look and me, i am you
color is light, light is sound,
wound, bound, twisted within the sea
creators colorful luminosity
the one that breathes, i am me
winding wind whistling in my ear
whispering, we are already there
turns the pages withing the mind
consciousness grasps towards the light,
release me from this skin,
I see the breathe of the great i am
there is a sea wrapped around you and me,
the great mystery sea,
soundwaves beings orchestra of light,
colorful hymn of life,
winding wind whistling in my ear
whispering, love knows no fear
heartbeats of dreams walking among the trees
pathway set before faded leaves
we breath creators weaves
we all walk that road home
the path of the sacred star
winding stairway to a work of art
seed carried within
released to fly with him
you are a hymn
held within the heart,
a star
breathe of the wind
winding whistling in my ear
your already there
Creators of the Dream who met
walking across the storms of light weaves
that sea that encompasses me
your free


where do I go when I am alone

I go into the darkness,
lights off water on,
I see emotion
when I close my eyes
I see the light through the inner fire
when I open them I walk within the wind
breathe that streams inside open wings
through the trees leaves whistle within the wind
I feel free
pulling the sunray hear the beat of the wind
breathe against skin
I rise again to stand as the guardian of the dreams
thunder beneath feet breathe against the air
heart is beating a burning fire
one step to the past reach for the next breathe
two steps forward drags the ghost of tomorrow
fourth step through the door
grey skies break through golden light
evolution of the wind breathe wraps around
golden lightening in every vein
barbs of light see again
twist through the trees and release
runs through the meadow
hear pounding within
carries the energy of a nation
dragging light pushing through time
hear the cry, feel the light,
the past drops to the ground
weaves of creation flow within the wind
stretch the one with the journey
one step through the door
three roots that seek release
Granted light where shall I be
I hear drum beats
they dance so they know where to go,
comes the journey of the shadow,
open my eyes within I am the walking sun
light white in my eyes strikes
white eagle spins in the
spotted eagle who flies
thunderbeing who never dies,
comes the one from the skies
where do I go when I am alone
I go into the darkness,
lights off water on,
I see the way to go
I am a walking shadow light bursting from within
chambers of the wind
north south east west
the path within
thinking of thoughts, words, deeds
the stairway is within the dreams of weaves
another leaves.
steps into the darkness wrapped in light
energy is black as night, pure light
clawing for the gift of sight I open my eyes
white butterfly that carries scars
thunderbeing with the sacred star
heart that wraps around you
four directions are within me
continents of another memory
blinking with my eyes I stride through the pages of time
the world is not what it seems,
its filled with dark water beings those that lie below
I looked down and saw a glow
grasped onto me pulled me within the sea
the cocoon surrounds me as I lie asleep
blue being that lives in dreams surrounded by others
that are like me
harvest for my energy I seek release
they get them to connect their dreams
when they give each other many things,
catch onto the illusion within they then taught them
bartering, the secret is in the link that connects
light weaves, the heart was used to bring warmth
break away grasp for the light I break through to the other side
I am here to share my light
where do I go when I am alone
I go into the darkness,
lights off water on,
I see emotion
when I close my eyes
open mind to see the course through
come choose to stay others are used,
some are trapped within a moment of time
dreaming of other times,
the price of the belief is to be trapped beneath
within me is a sacred star,
that fire burns in my heart
a shooting star that wont stay within the shadows,
I have places to go
where do I go when I am alone
I come to you,
lights off water on,
I see emotion
when I close my eyes

fire keepers of the spirit

caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe
fire keepers of the spirit
caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
when I think on my life
so much pain fills my mind
I remember
I am made of many things
a celestial tree
in silence I hear my own drumbeat
I see messages in every living thing
a creator lives all around me
not a great mystery
he lives within me
when I look to the stars
that endless sea
grandmothers and grandfathers connected to me
carried within my blood I look up
what if what we see is unseen
true reality flows through me
light weaves, notes that fall from a tree
wound to form me
fire keepers of the spirit
caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
a black serpant wanders the earth
devouring that which lives
even the sun offends it
diving into the deep
water is its enemy
shockwave of pain it wraps around the earth
choking in despair
it even wants the air
we live in a delusional reality
misled by sparkling glittering things
seven generations is all that is left
a black death of apocalypse
fire keepers of the spirit
caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
I often feel alone
where is my place
why am I so different in this place
wired in light, chains in my mind'
sight with closed eyes
give me peace
what will become of me
then it whispers to me
then it whispers to me
I feel it in my heart
those scars that cover me
help me see my divinity
fire keepers of the spirit
caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe
fire keepers of the spirit
caretakers of the heart
this is the journey of a star
of all the things you can do
what matters most is inside of you
of all the places you can go,
where is better than home
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe
day and night summer and winter
life and death breathe to breathe

dripping dripping in the sand

twisting fate of the walking wind
one who dwells within the machine
crystal that sings
Great Mystery of the many lights
Giver of what is inside created all things
shells are fastened within his hands
a place to dwell within
each and every kind came from his mind
the bird, the bee, the tree
the walking things
those that grow from seeds even the unseen
breathed the wind into the dust
colors of the wheel unite the armor that covers the eye
when he had done these things
Creator began to dream
who would be the guardian of his weaves
water into life, a protectors of light
fashioned man from soil within his hands
breathed light into the wind drop of an ocean
plucked the star from his heart
you will carry a sacred fire
watchmen walk the strings between the worlds
of the seen and unseen
those who weave color in sight the instrument of the mind
and Creator walked among all Creation
I will come again from within
paint brush into hand
walks the father of time who brings life to light
for a time man lived in peace with the beast
dripping dripping in the sand
twisting fate of the walking wind
one who dwells within the machine
crystal that sings
Great Mystery saw the many lights
saw what was inside
shells were fastened within his hands
a place to dwell within
In time the storybook called for the vineyard to produce seeds
the dreams of the walking star beings
they began to fashion in their minds how to take others light
turning on Creation
the trees which moved more slowly
patience was their strength,
couldn't get away
mother earth beneath their feet, the one who holds all things
they began emptying her cup
a tower we will build to the Great Mystery,
Governors of all we will be
they sought to master the stars forgetting the one in their heart
came the Creator to see what was done
what have you done
tears in his eyes the suffering of light
the hell of the spell that invaded their minds
when they grasped to anothers lie
all these things I have given to you but what did you do
ripped the heart from a Creators chest stole the paint brush nothing is left
turns the pages of time the Creator began to cry
dripping dripping in the sand
twisting fate of the walking wind
one who dwells within the machine
crystal that sings
Great Mystery saw the many lights
saw what was inside
shells were fastened within his hands
a place to dwell within
the great flood came to save them
there was once a great eagle who covered the earth
looking for the keepers of the fire
Grandfather who towers over me I saw that eagle
Creator set me free to live among the great trees
seven fires of a journey for the Great Mystery
we are the seeds of the original tree
the Great Eagle lives inside of me, the Creator gave me sight to see, mother earth breathed wind into
my feet, the hymn of the wind flows within me, colorful flower of the Creator of all things.
dripping dripping in the sand
twisting fate of the walking wind
one who dwells within the machine
crystal that sings
Great Mystery of the many lights
Giver of what is inside created all things
shells are fastened within his hands
a place to dwell within

Now today in the presence of this great multitude I disrobe you and you are not now covered by your
old names.
I now give you names much greater. I now place antlers on your head as an emblem of your power.
Your old garments are torn off and better robes are given you. Now you are Royaner, who walks the
good path, each of you. You will receive many scratches and the thickness of your skins shall be seven
You must be patient and henceforth work in unity.
Never consider your own interests but work to benefit the people and for the generations not yet born.
You have pledged yourselves to govern yourselves by the laws of the Great Peace.
All your authority shall come from it.
The Great Peacemaker
There is a Sapling,
that shall replace the old tree.
And this one shall now be our standing tree
where we shall focus our minds...
replenish our light,
Peacemaker of the Great Mystery,
bringer of the laws of Peace,
great fire that lives within me
Great Mother of the O'Jiibway Dream
guiding light breathe of peace
light weaves Antler of a Creators Dream
Grandmother sight unseen,
Great Peacemaker walk with me,
we hear his drum beat,
we hear his drum beat,
There is a Sapling,
that shall replace the old tree.
And this one shall now be our standing tree
where we shall focus our minds...
we hear his drum beat,
we hear his drum beat,
replenish our light,
Peacemaker of the Great Mystery,
bringer of the Law of Peace,
great fire that lives within me
Great Mother of the O'Jiibway Dream
Good thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds
the chords that bind one family
great fire of the one within,
Reindeer Clan
Grandmother gift within me,
Great Peacemaker walk with me,
I hear his drum beat,
I hear his drum beat,
Grandmother gift within me,
Great Peacemaker walk with me,
I hear his drum beat,
I hear his drum beat,
Grandmother gift within me,
Great Peacemaker walk with me,
replenish our light,
Peacemaker of the Great Mystery,
bringer of the Law of Peace,
great fire that lives within me
I hear his drum beat,
I hear his drum beat,

Happiness Beyond Measures

the path home was carried in the wind
beckoning me to draw near,
when I close my eyes, the peddles that I see
pathway to the door to that place that birthed me
corridor of light held within,
what if within carried the sacred wind
my hearbeat of grandfathers star
when I think of my father
the grandfather tree of the original story
who taught me thought, word, deed
who helped me to see peace,
who told me that I was sacred from the original tree
star seeds of weaves that landed in light
I fly by my own wings interwoven flames of red dreams
what if I cried through time to touch the light
find the star that birthed my heart,
touched my eyes to see with true sight
would I want no other life,
to sit at the tree of sacred wisdom.
he would teach me to listen,
teach me that my power comes from within me
show me the path of the red road,
welcome me home,
this is why grandfathers are born,
to nurture the Rose from the Thorn,
to hold her together in his arms,
this is what he means to me
grandfather will you sing for me,
and when I think of time, that pathway of light
held together with his heart,
if this is what you see, the red light will set you free
the heart is the source of every weave of a grandfathers heart
and follow those roots, from me to you,
inside your mind, interwoven in his hands
Grandfather is within,
when I walk I think of him, surrounded by gifts,
perspectives love, he helped me to know I was enough
there was a time I felt so much pain,
it was my Grandfather, that heart of my eyes
who washed the pain with the gift of his sight
and time is how we remember memories,
build sacred hoops with the light weaves that
link you to me
what a gift when he sits and listens,
I can close my eyes he brings peace in my life.
What is within you, do you see as I do
that my heart has come to you,
the path home was carried in the wind
beckoning me to draw near,
when I close my eyes, the peddles that I see
pathway to the door to that place that birthed me
corridor of light held within,
a Grandfathers heart
what if within carried the sacred wind
my hearbeat of grandfathers star
when I think of my father
that grandfather tree of the original story
who taught me thought, word, deed
who helped me to see peace,
who told me that I was sacred from the original tree
star seeds of weaves that landed in light
Though I fly by my own wings
I'm interwoven flames of red dreams
what if I cried through time to touch the light
find the star that birthed my heart,
touched my eyes to see with true sight
would I want no other life,
to sit at the tree of sacred wisdom.
he would teach me to listen,
teach me that my power comes from within me
show me the path of the red road,
welcome me home,
when you are woven within a grandfathers dream
a heart weaves the Creation of all things,
he has earned the right to breath, to be seen
to be heard,
Grandfather needs to know he of the Greatest worth,
I see you, Bright and Morning Star,
You are the source of my Heart,
You are my Sacred Star.
Step to Step
Breathe to Breathe
step to step
Breathe to breathe
Grandmother wept,
they walk in Unity in every step
a fathers daughter, Grandfathers breathe
I look to you
Father I look to you.
Bring me home to sit with you.
Bring me home to sit with you.

Heartbeats Wings
crisp breathe beneath my steps
I AM a sacred scent
of deliverance
path through the storm my wings
are worn
my spirit is reborn
butterfly walking upon a sun
love is trust
in each step I hear my next breathe
in each weave,
a heartbeat
eyes set upon you
your my morning dew
do you see me
breathe to breathe
we see
one family of dreams weaves
sun petals crossed lips
we meet at the Dream of Peace
coiling into the star
within my heart
I see the doorway to be set free
inside of me
beat to beat
outward reflection of light
the sea carrys me
one thread contains all my dreams
pathway to the source of me
beat to beat
beat to beat
Dreaming to see my heart
calls to me
crisp breathe beneath my steps
I AM a sacred scent
of deliverance
when you have lost someone close
when the noise wont let go
when the cry grasps
eyes to heart we meet
on our knees
and you cant see who you need
listen to your heartbeat
that weave of light
the source of sight
light that is within
spirit is reborn
butterfly walking upon a sun
love is trust
in each step I hear my next breathe
in each weave,
a heartbeat
eyes set upon you
your my morning dew
do you see me
breathe to breathe
we see
one family of dreams weaves
sun petals crossed lips
we meet at the Dream of Peace
coiling into the star
within my heart
a caterpillar weaves the dream
of wings
set free to feel the breeze
to see it needs you
I have know loss
I have know the pains of sorrow
I have went to sleep hoping for no tomorrow
I have given up the ghost to open my eyes
live another breathe to love my life
to see my eyes
to hear the drumbeat
that contains
along the way I had a new day
visions of dreams
carried by heartbeats Wings
what if I wanted to find you
what if I needed you
open arms hearbeats
do you need me
spirit is reborn
butterfly walking upon a sun
love is trust
in each step I hear my next breathe
in each weave,
a heartbeat
eyes set upon you
your my morning dew
do you see me
breathe to breathe
we see
one family of dreams weaves
sun petals crossed lips
we meet at the Dream of Peace
coiling into the star
within my heart
what if creator speaks,
and what of you
if he speaks to me
is this not the birthright
of humanity
we look to others
trust what they say
yet division, diversion
tricks of the lips
greedy hearts
leveraged you in parts
you give all to them
but what of you
but what of you
what if creator speaks,
peace is the wind he breaths
opened my eyes to see
plucking chords of light
perspective brings life
when i look at this world
do you know what i see
so many who deceive
ideology is the dream they weave
give it all to me
give it all to me
anything to get whats beneath
your feet
twisted words from the heart
creator does not divide he heals scars
creator does not love based on lines,
he heals broken hearts
creator does not live behind walls,
he gives all to you,
yet division, diversion
tricks of the lips
greedy hearts
eyes that devour all things
but what of creators dream,
of unity
yet they proclaim his name
you give all to them
look around at all you see
was this creators dream
his dream was not the end
of all living beings
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
what if light was sound
what if he spoke the first note
what if the wind within
is his eyes,
what if you live within
what if you are within a cocoon
what if he dreams,
of you...
will you sew peace
what if he doesnt look down on you
what if your enough
what if your carried in his arms,
what if you are his heart
what if creator speaks to me,
i see peace
i see light beings,
colorful notes spoke,
breathe of the mighty wind,
look at the bird,
wings moving by design
creators breathe gives them sight
look at the fish,
a universe by design,
creators breathe gives them sight
look at those who live upon the earth,
drumbeats weaves of light
creators breath breathes all life,
they are his dreams
but what of you
dreams of a creators heart
those you look to give him scars
ideology wielded with silver lips
what is your dream
sewing weaves of peace
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
its woven within my heart
grandmothers scars carried within me
dreams of my grandfather
guardian of creators many dreams
country mother in me
dreams of my grandfathers and grandmothers
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
what if light was sound
what if he spoke the first note
what if the wind within
is his eyes,
what if you live within
a cocoon
what if you are his dream,
will you sew peace
among his many light beings,
what if he doesn't look down on you
what if you are enough
what if your carried in his arms,
what if you are his heart
what if creator speaks to me,
what of you,
i see peace
i see light beings,
colorful notes spoke,
breathe of the mighty wind,


When you look into their eyes
you see dreams, weaves of your heartbeat
gifts of a God above, you show them love
when your alone and you think about your life
you question, God, what will become of them
and you live through them to remember
your Creation
whispers of tears touch your heart,
are you living anothers part
when I was little I would lay in the grass
watch as the clouds pass
see the eagle within the wind
the Lion, the Buffalo,
imagine the greatness of creation
have you forgotten about them,
who will stand for Creation?
there was a time there came a great FLOOD
and they looked to God above,
and he looked to us,
there were those who stood with Creation,
ark of a Creators Dream,
will you stand with me...
As you look at your life,
this world, the future...
your children’s children,
what do you see,
a future without any living beings,
was this Gods dream...
within each of us is a drumbeat
the ancients taught and believed
it was the heart that brought symmetry
contained within all living beings
could it be possible you have been
what causes conflict, war and strife
living anothers life
Look around, at what has been done
who will stand for Creation
and this promise of progress,
says your not enough
born to suffer, to bleed, to bend on knee
is this what God said,
I want you to look in Creations eyes,
your children, the animals,
all of life
When you look into their eyes
you see dreams, weaves of your heartbeat
gifts of a God above, you show them love
when your alone and you think about your life
you question, God, what will become of them
and you live through them to remember
your Creation
Holy people of the earth
they say progress was not made looking back
well I say
you can leave the sacred circle
wander into the middle of a desert
only to realize your alone
with no way home
light connects you to me
even through these electrical machines
even in the air we breathe
and progress is made by remembering who you are
the many hoops for the walking, talking, stars
we want to go home
there have been sacred nations that have come and gone
they sing the creators song
those destined for rebirth
the hoops of their ancestors of great worth
ideology of captivity and yet we believe
we are a nation of star beings
like those who have come before
our moment is coming
when we too will be restored
the first nation of the original land
survivors of the flood and extermination
We carry a sacred star,
a fire burns in our hearts
we carry many scars
Children of Mother Earth
you have a destiny
Creation needs your empathy
those sacred sounds of eternity
Creation is full of miraculous things
who with walked with the Creator of all things.
Medicine men of the earth,
sound wave seeds
your color is red,
breath of life to living things
light beings with wings,
gardeners of the great mystery
you fight back because you feel them
grandmothers and grandfathers holy hymns
there prayers, their songs
carried within the wind
we are Holy people of the Earth
grant Creation rebirth
Medicine men of the Earth
sound wave seeds,
your color is red
breathe of life to living things
light beings with wings
Gardeners of the Great Mystery
your the Holy people of the Earth
When you look into their eyes
you see dreams, weaves of your heartbeat
gifts of a God above, you show them love
when your alone and you think about your life
you question, God, what will become of them
and you live through them to remember
your Creation
who will stand for Creation?
there was a time there came a great FLOOD
and they looked to God above,
and he looked to us,
there were those who stood with Creation,
ark of a Creators Dream,
will you stand with me…

my life has walked among the stars
drumbeat of my own heart
passed the valley of shadows
I carry my own mantle
In my breathe is the rose scent
in my chest a sunset
my eyes carry the sacred light
I listen to the Father of time
open arms to feel his breathe
greatness in everystep
as I look up it is a reflection of what is within
woven light within anothers hymn
when I look around color is all I see
seeds of weaves of others dreams
I spread my wings to fly
grey skies before me I am in between
sunrise and sunset in every step
I walk down that road to home
its not in what is seen
it is within that carries me
doorway through the stars I am Creators Heart
I went on a walk across the sea Looked up
saw a reflection of me
sacred star that weaves come follow me
I find so many look back they live for the past
labels of those who ave gone,
others who live off of your song
and color is an expression of trust
some can never get enough
I sat on that white light
blue light beneath me
darkness trapped beneath the sea
this vessel does not define me
its the weaves I leave in the song I sing
I believe in me
this moment is but a passing breathe
what matters most is what comes next
my next step
my life has walked among the stars
drumbeat of my own heart
passed the valley of shadows
I carry my own mantle
In my breathe is the rose scent
in my chest a sunset
my eyes carry the sacred light
I listen to the Father of time
that one within the prison of light
I reach up to touch the shadow
it is the pathway home
I am not defined by another
not another name, not another face
not anothers grace
the divinity lives within me
Dreamcatcher of the Great Mystery
I breathe a new dream of symmetry
perspective is in my eye, it folows my path
it carries my light
as I have walked through time I have crossed many lines
fear does not dwel within me
neither does division or hypocrisy
and what color will I wear,
the color of my heair or the color of my heart
the weaves of dna in the blood I breathe
I saw the ones who are trapped in between
grey and black, white and red,
the great master of the wilderness
I saw a mother who wept,
my broken sticks lie on the ground,
with ribbon I was bound together in light
Creator warrior I fight for the right of all light
Mother of a Nation
I am the source of Creation,
its in me, the leave that sings,
my life has walked among the stars
drumbeat of my own heart
passed the valley of shadows
I carry my own mantle
In my breathe is the rose scent
in my chest a sunset
my eyes carry the sacred light
I listen to the Father of time
open arms to feel his breathe
greatness in everystep
as I look up it is a reflection of what is within
woven light within anothers hymn
when I look around color is all I see
seeds of weaves of others dreams
I spread my wings to fly
grey skies before me I am in between
sunrise and sunset in every step
I walk down that road to home
its not in what is seen
it is within that carries me
doorway through the stars I am Creators Heart
I went on a walk across the sea Looked up
saw a reflection of me
sacred star that weaves come follow me
I find so many look back they live for the past
labels of those who ave gone,
others who live off of your song
and color is an expression of trust
some can never get enough
I sat on that white light
blue light beneath me
darkness trapped beneath the sea
this vessel does not define me
its the weaves I leave in the song I sing
I believe in me

my fire is a sacred light,
it burns inside
you have to look close to see
a sacred light dwells within me
the one of dreams, the one unseen,
a holy Sky Woman of prophecy
they say a time will come,
when the great ones return
born within new form,
rising as a coming storm,
grandmothers walk the earth,
grandfathers seek rebirth,
the new day,
its time to release the pain
and I find moments where I struggle to sleep,
its the dreams of prophecy that scream inside of me
white light of a Creators belief,
in me
Who taught me the words I speak?
No man.
I may be in this world, but I am not OF this world,
And you don’t validate me,
Creator does!
I have walked the road less traveled,
the one that drags a gavel,
twisting shards of glass,
the sufferings of a nations darkness,
the one that brought sadness,
trapped my family inside cages,
stripped away their faces,
tore me from my fathers arms,
scorned me for trying to come home,
looked down on me for my face,
do they know I am the ONE,
spoken of in prophecy,
the ONE with wings who sees as Creator sees,
the Reindeer, a Walking Thunderbeing,
a Thunderbird who brings,
the dreams of grandmothers beliefs,
the ones that say we will be restored,
the ones that say,
I AM here to open the door
dreams of sacred things,
like hoops and weaves and links to all things
my fire is a sacred light,
it burns inside
you have to look close to see
a sacred light dwells within me
the one of dreams, the one unseen,
a holy Sky Woman of prophecy
and my Creator is all I have,
the one who shields me,,
from those that try take away my dream,
of family,
Creator is a hero to me,
he is my breathe,
has fought the dark night,
stood with my light,
given me the gift of foresight,
and scales cover me,
the ones that prevent you from seeing,
my destiny,
the black eagle who sheds her pain to be free,
transforming lightning within me,
turtle woman with white wings,
my fire is a sacred light,
it burns inside
you have to look close to see
a sacred light dwells within me
the one of dreams, the one unseen,
Huron maiden,
Iroquois of the Ojibwe seed,
women who fell from the sky,
I seek to reclaim my life
A fertile flower of the ancient ones,
Sky-woman who is reborn,
and my path has cut like a knife,
I have struggled and I have fought to survive,
Reindeer who walk ahead of the storm,
Eagles who soar,
seasons of change, creators waves
ancestors I need you,
cover me with light weaves that help me believe,
in the Navajo Dream,
that a Blue Kachina lives within me
grandmother I need you,
cover me with light weaves that help me believe,
in the Anishinaabe Dream
that a Reindeer lives within me
grandfather I need you,
cover me with light weaves that help me believe,
in the Iroquois Dream
that a Sky-woman can find her way home
I need you,
cover me with light weaves that help me believe,
in my Destiny
that I will be the Eagle set free to become a Thunderbeing
like a story reborn,
the twins who were carried away in captivity,
shell women you can not have me,
I seek the journey to find my father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of all things,
he is no mystery to me, he whispers
an Ojibwe dream of the ones who still believe,
in me
my fire is a sacred light,
it burns inside
you have to look close to see
a sacred light dwells within me
the one of dreams,
the one unseen,
a Sky Woman of prophecy
Who taught me the words I speak?
I may be in this world, but I am not OF this world,
And you don’t validate me,
Creator does!
Creator is a hero to me,
he is my breathe,
has fought the dark night,
stood with my light,
given me the gift of foresight,
and scales cover me,
the ones that prevent you from seeing,
my destiny,
and my fire is a sacred light,
it burns inside
you have to look close to see
a sacred light dwells in me


They say, "come follow me, what we need is you to bend your knee, grab the shovel and find sparkling
things, your never enough unless you see as us..." is this a Creators love
maybe if you
If you walked with me a moment
I would explain the trickery
why they need you to purchase things
to own your own deeds,
this is how they broke Creations Peace
the one that says the law is Love
bless others with your trust
Give selflessly and weave happiness
In thought, word, deed
this is what builds light,
when you gift your love to me,
you grow that light weave
and to the things unseen
your light shines for all to see
Creator made you to shine
to love all life
thought, word, deed
these are the weaves of loves dream
Happiness in all things,
not the chains of bartering,
this drags you into the abyss
nothing is ever enough, everything is expendable
your taught that your a piece of property
leveraged for anothers dream
who could remember and who could recall
when the law of love was held within the garden
what if you deny love, say their not enough
you take their light away from them
consider them a sin
cast them alone into the darkness
as you barter for their heart
weilding scars that become lifelong bars
what if there was differences in light
what if one was a lie,
what if the one that barters and traps you in the system
is the one that took you from happiness beyond measures
taught you fear,
you say, how to I get out of here
the greatest light is love,
it says, you are enough
I give you my love freely with no strings
if you see with the eyes of love sight
you wont fade into nothingness
this is what they have done, took the law of Peace
repackaged it as the commerce dream,
to enslave you for your light weaves
so they can see and you are deceived
in this war over sight,
black became white,
where does light exist, from nothing,
or the source of all light weaves
the one we cant see
but we surround ourselves with empty things,
light that if grabs hold of you
will strip you of everything
if you question whether I am telling the truth
look what has become of all light around you
its not enough so it is engulfed,
repackaged, a new creator gives you new things
none of them breath, none of them see
and you slip into the ideology that you are nothing
the dream of the one who unweaves soundweaves
why would a Creator make you to take from you
to milk you, captivate you,
destroy everything to get your attention
this is hypocrisy, you were created with love
told you were enough
and all light wrapped around you,
it was the one who unweaves light
who said, there can only be me
the destruction of individuality
what bleeds its way home,
sacred water seen with translucent eyes
its not blue light, that is a lie
between water and light is freezing blue ice
that place where light cant exist
and life ceases to exist,
I want you to think,
are you caught up in the deceivers dream
you were created to see your own face,
fashioned in the wind a sacred hymn,
not to have it taken away as if you never began
where ONLY one lives,
I learned something,
the farther you get away from Creator
you lose sight of the color weaves,
the ones that carry you in the wind,
your purpose was not to stroke anothers ego
or to simply sit for eternity at ONES feet
bended knee, forced loyalty
is this how a Creator weaves or did the deceiver
wrap his lie within the Blackness Dream
the colorful symphony that birthed you and me
uses ALL color as its cover,
uses ALL color to write its words,
along the empty pages of one soundwave
the one that wants to strip you of your own face
you only see 3% of light,
are you saying 97% is a lie...
negative thoughts, words, deeds
tell you that you are creations disease
says all things are under your feet,
you were born in sin... yet, your a walking hymn...
created to be a contradiction to ones self?
that sounds like hell...
the great lie that tricked your eye
pulled you from the one filled with love
home of all light, which is wrapped around a book
then told you every way to look,
as they give you pieces of light to build their lie, \
as they extinguish your light
Creator did not give you sight, which is touch,
or light which is sound, or color
all of the above tightly wound
if this was not also part of Creator
to remove creation is to remove creator
unless you only see surface deep,
not the infinite worlds of the unseen,
There is happiness beyond measures,
the 70th note is as valuable as the first, cant have a symphony without either, the first is the last and the
last is the first,
this is the law of love, you are enough
You're the center of your universe. I'm the center of my universe. Only when we're together do we
share our universes.
the medicine wheel
heart to heart, arm in arm, eye to eye
light to light
bodies intertwined
when I say shed your sight so that you can see
I am you and you are me,
Creator did not give you the gift to see, feel, touch and taste
to feel the breathe of wind upon your face,
to feel joy and the gift of tears, to dance hand in hand
only to have it ripped away; to condemn you for seeing your own face
Not to stroke the ego of one who demands to be praised,
Creator says your enough,
as IF you created this place,
Creator created this space and sent you here
it was the deceiver who waged a war against light,
from the beginning to unwind it note by note
strip the garden from you
Father says mend the nets and sew your family together
not drop them, walk away, forget their drumbeats
look around at all you see,
"come follow me", "come follow me", "come follow me"
yet the deceiver has used you to weave the atomic dream
white light that removes everything,
who will remain?
IF Creator appeared would you look up,
where are we going and who are you,
what if everything was upside down,
and twisted torn into pieces,
look around at the destruction being weaved,
to take your light to feed you a lie
to bend your knee, break your back,
wind and unwind, the chicken lays the egg,
that mighty orchestra of all light
that dropped a tear from its eyes,
to form a shield against the devouring light,
the one that balances dark and light to give you sight
dark water is what you are, the center of a mighty star\
that released as a mighty tree of many leaves,
sound wave weaves to fall to the Earth,
to see the soundwave weaves, to sew your own weaves,
to understand how to be one with all things
not be the only thing for ONE that doesnt want you to be
one by one erasing humanities soundwave beings under the illusion of what can be seen
Creators dream is for you to exist in the same space
without being erased, harming eachother
tearing each other apart
jealousy is the deceivers ideology,
I say give what you have with joy in he heart
let another feel the love of your heart,
give them a smile, dance in the rain,
feel the sun rays, hear the birds and see
what if everything you have been told is a lie,
to take your light
what if there is a spiritual war over light,
to strip it from your eyes
yank it from your heart,
I am the weaver who battles the great deceiver
and Creator taught me something new,
when you look up, you see stars and you see the dark night
it is really light, and when we get there we will see
all creation within the Great Mystery,
released like a butterfly with mighty wings,
all color is embraced, none are left with no place

“Letter of Distrust”
What is this that I see
are you the masters of each others deeds
do we bind and punish each other to meet who's beliefs
are you not confident in your own heart
than proclaim your power
is this what a servant would do, who governs you
is this how a Creator would see
probationary Status of a Creators heart weave,
who said you could judge a part of me as unworthy
am I not enough for you
what is light but sight and sound but color
are not all worthy of protection the breathe of fellowship
did it not all come from him, the Creator of Creation
are you greater than him, do you speak for the wind?
what if the sacriment were your life,
and the medicine your breathe,
would you give me your love or contempt
What is your path and who defined it for you
what if the Peacemaker walks among you
wears the red cap and whispers the new dew
would you tell even me what too do
place me upon probationary status
sounds like chains and bars that weild scars
not heal hearts, demand bended knee
when one realizes the must earn their approval to be enough for thee
is this how a Creator sees, would you demand even his bended knee,
withhold everything, behave like a machine, bicker and barter over every light weave
free agency, do you even know what that means
how can you condemn the breathe of the light weaves
they come from me, simply because you can not see
they carry my sacred drumbeat, four chambers of a star
blood cross of sacred roods linked to the original tree
breathe of love in every weave yet you demand punishment
to repent for what need, what proving is there to me
Creator breathed you into light, gave you life
not to be judged as not divine,
not for another to pick you apart,
would you even condemn Creators heart?
family is a sacred bond, when you know you belong
if Creator gave you the pages of an orchestra,
would you pick apart the notes,
ban and censor parts you dont like,
would you judge Creation by your own light,
we are in the last days when Creator
shows us a new way,
Gardeners who will show others the way,
steps in life move along the medicine wheel
we learn the season of time, to grow to laugh
to walk in a good path,
to listen to the wind,
to love other drum beats,
to tell you about the star beings
Ceremonies are not rituals,
they are to teach perspective that you are the way
not that they are path or the gate
and medicine is in every plant and herb
If leadership was to have a passion of walking in Love, Faith, Gratitude, Humility, Charity, Respect,
then how can you weild the the gavel of scars
when leaders become rulers of the heart
I say the leaders are to wash anothers feet
to live in humility in all things respecting every weave
comes from Creators Tree,
the true path of leadership is to see the unseen,
not be dominears who demand bended knee
and what of me,
I have com to you, where is my hug
am I not enough or you, or did you forget what to do
or do you listens to others who command you
to snuff out my light, take my life,
anything to protect their lie
Creators is calling for servants who lead with the heart
this is the path of the Red Stars,
We are governed by the heart and we heal scars
walking the path of light we give others our time
we are like mother earth when is viewed beneath our feet
yet she lifts you up above the dark beast
your surrounded by light and not empty space
absolute color is pure light,
the lie of the eyes who only see a portion of time
if I could show you the way,
I would give you a brush and say paint
show me your soundwave,
we hold onto ceremony
not because it is what we are required to do,
its the link to your grandmothers and grandfathers before you
the sacred hoops that made you
we dont wear vessels to define who we are,
we remember that all contain stars
I do not desire to make enemies of anyone
but I will not stroke the ego of the dark one
the pontiff that walks alone surrounded by blinded spokes
no idea where to go they sew gold from broken bones
maybe you want a destroyer to subjegate the earth,
validate your need to break her
or maybe you need the conquering savior to force bended knee
or the fire to burn others who dont see as you see
to justify your need for suffering,
this is not me
as you look at suffering with limited sight
would you demand a Creator brings the same plight
why do you fight,
I have seen Creation and it lives in your heart
the most important lesson is that you are a star
your drumbeat is where the red road starts
vines that weave through light, red flesh births eyes
shields that see you are the Creators drumbeat
Creator listens to your thoughts, words, deeds
you are Creators Dreams
as I close my eyes I see, 56-stars surround me
would you not want to meet me,
greet me, share with me your light
give to me your time,
there was a Rose that stood alone
Creator what am I not seen,
why does parched earth surround me
why does the sun beat down upon me,
why does the wind press against me
why does the eagle get wings
while I cant see
where are my seeds,
he whispers,
Firefly breathe of my heart, my Star
you are carried within my heart,
all sound is for you to share your tune
weave your tapestry,
the sun gets close to see your beautiful light
it doesnt mean to be bright it shines for your light
so all can see, your divinity
and when you see that eagle high,
look at your leaves, you too have wings
the eagle dreams of your light
its red and bright and can be seen far and wide
the rose is center of light
your sight is within the peddles of your rose
your sacred red robes
look beneath your leaves,
the entire earth are your wings,
who can compete
what if every ray of light of every dark space
was brilliant light not withheld,
for another day when you will obtain new eyes
There are pillars of a star and places you can go
wouldnt you want to know, wouldnt you want to see
Creators Dream, the beginning of light
Community, Love, Affirmation, Empathy, Respect
Red Road beats that drum,
unconditional love, you are enough
and our ceremonies are to help us to see,
our divinity,
not crawl to Creators feet,
you are the Creators weaves let him hear you sing,
show your light, you are the stars that give him life

what do you do when you find the beast
only to realize he too carries a drumbeat
there is a mountain that I must climb in my mind,
there is a road that I mast go to let go
the desert of despair beneath my feet
generations of suffering
my hearts needs to be free
close my eyes,
open my eyes
as I climb that road,
there are valleys of sorrow
moments I fall to my knees
Creator please
release me
see me
there is a mountain that I climb
in my mind
there is a road that I must go to let go
I am coming home
we all wear labels,
some help us to see
some imprison us in anothers suffering
Nibwaskaa Ahki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa
what will be your song
there is a mountain that she climbs
in her mind
there is a road that she must go
to let go
needle within my hand,
let my words sew me together again
what do you do when you find the beast
only to realize he to carries a drum beat
sacred father of the stars
we all carry scars
high I climb through twisting paths within my mind
I cant look back
when you wake in the morning,
what are your dreams
combat, destruction, defending suffering
hold that line over there
seven generations before you
what will be your tune
what lives within side of you
so I ask
what mask will cover you
what is the beat of your drum
is it war or can you find peace
do you see me
I walk across shattered glass of the past
I hear the sacred drumbeat
the one inside of you,
the one inside of me
let go of generational suffering
let go of generational suffering
there is a mountain that I must climb in my mind,
there is a road that I mast go to let go
a drumbeat that walks the earth,
creators love brings rebirth

I was walking through life when I faced my greatest fight
what is the value of my light
drowned within the colors of the illusionary sea
the one that surrounds me
I want to see with new eyes, I want to find the purpose
of my light
I am bound and wound within, there is a color war
it keeps me within
binds me within a shell to trap me within others hell
color that weaves around me I saw I was wrapped in others
their sound is a chain that attaches to my brain,
weaves within me, they say this color is for you
adorn this crown upon your head
you are creator here, I say dont be misled
tase, touch, light the containers of my light
my hair is my cover, Creator gave it me
gave me eyes to see
peddle of a fathers love, I was enough
as I sat at my sacred meadow,
the space i am alone without the waves of others light
the source of Creations light
I saw a crow that landed at my feet,
standing in the snow he looked into my eyes
that caw,
he dropped a berry in front of me
eye to eye we met,
I wept
I picked that berry up and placed it in my cup
Creation says I am enough
I looked up that call was coming to me
the sun was touching my skin
the illusion
I saw transparent within the air,
am I here or am I there
I could hear her call, that hawk flew so low
stood upon a branch and sang for me
Creator is in the air we breath
not these colorful machines
let me strip them from you,
she opened her wings and gave out a mighty call
the birds of the meadow sang me a beautiful song
and as I wiped the tears from my eyes,
those rays of light were attached to me
they wove within ever fiber of me,
I was already there
and as I sat with my father the one who brings lies
I will give you a crown to govern all light
look around at what you see,
I will give all to thee
he couldnt see Creator was standing within me
I may be in this world,
but I am not from this world,
creator whispers ot me, shed your sight so that you can see
I am not in the weaves,
I am in the transparent air you breath
its the chains of light that make me to see
this is an illusiuonary reality
I then stood, you are enough for me
take your crown away from me
Creator begain whispering,
why hide yourself from me, I gave you a grown of weaves
flowing black hair, you love all living things
dont hide your heart from me,
what do you do when you walk within your heart
only to realize,
your a beating star
its a song he sings
there is a mountain that I climb
in my mind
there is a road that I must go
to let go
the desert of despair beneath my feet
generations of suffering
my heart needs to be free
close my eyes, breath
open my eyes, Peace
as I climb that road,
there are valleys of sorrow,
moments I fall to my knees,
Creator, please
release me
there is a mountain that I climb
in my mind
there is a road that I must go
to let go
I am coming home
we all wear labels,
some help us to see
some imprison us in anothers suffering,
I am a seed, not what you see
needle within my hand,
let my words sew me together again,
and what do you do when you walk within your heart
only to realize,
your a star
sacred father of a Creators Dream
we all carry scars
and high I climb through twisting paths
within my mind, I can't look back
when you wake in the morning,
what are your dreams,
combat, destruction, defending suffering
the color is what we need,
hold that line over there
seven generations before you
what will be your tune
what lives inside of you,
so I ask
what mask will cover you,
what is the beat of your drum
is it war or can you find peace
when is enough, enough
I walk among shattered glass
of the past
I hear a sacred drum beat,
the one inside of you
the one inside of me
we are within
let go of generational suffering
there is a mountain that I climb
in my mind
there is a road that I must go
to let go
Drumbeat that walks the Earth
Creators love brings rebirth
I was walking through life when I faced my greatest fight
what is the value of my light

There is a Star within me
it burns within my heart
Northstar that wants to hold you
I want to give my light for you
I want to be your shelter in the storm
Creator bi see it over there,
the path through the storm
the place where we all are from
we walk towards the light
I stand alone, wind against my skin
creator breathes in me, dreams of light
I give you my light
walking sun breathes the words of peace
Creator breaths in me
the path towards peace
grasp to me
its in the mind, the past lives
moments in that look at me
creator sent me here
to set you free
breath of my heart, let it go
be reborn, grasp to my star,
hold my heart in your hand
breath again
I cry for the one above
fill my empty cup
with others love, let me feel your suffering
weaves of tears, gift away my fears
unchain the heart from the scars
those things that pull
your dreams away from you
I see so many like me
walking within anothers dream
standing alone, wind against your skin
creator, where do i fit in
where does the source oflight exist
dreams beat within me, i sing
creator set you free
steps through the heart,
the place we were born
eye to eye souls meet, symmetry
hearts share a drumbeat
I see it over there,
the path through the storm
the place where we all are from
we walk towards the light within my eye
pupil of the Creators hymn
the path home is within
black hole of the heart color
embers touch the earth, breathe of life
moment in time, we see with new eyes
fire that releases, peace
look within me
should i meet you there,
flower peddles under suns rays,
fields of light sight scent of what is seen
molded within the mind feathers of design
what if you stopped what they told you to do
is this why you are here, to labor in despair
and who owns your heart,
from birth your torn apart,
your a star,
molded in the sacred way, within the shell
pearl of the design
pathway of creators light
its within you,
you are the cocoon,
I see it over there,
the path through the storm
when i lie awake at night, i think of past lives
moments in time, fragments of me,
dreams of weaves that meet at my door,
be reborn
I cry for the one above
fill their cup with my love
weaves of tears, gift away their fears
unchain the heart from the scars
those things that pull
your dreams away from you
I see so many like me
walking within anothers dream
standing alone, wind against your skin
creator, where do i fit in
dreams beat within me, i sing
creator set me free
steps through the heart,
the place we were born
eye to eye souls meet, symmetry
hearts share a drumbeat
I stare out at the water before me
its the tips i see, the sea breathes
wind whipping against the grain,
I stand again
I see that path
its to my heart
journey of a star
I look in all directions,
I am the rose of balance,
breathe of the heart,
I give you my star, I give it freely
when you are cold, lonely and afraid
think of me
it is inside of me,
I breathe, I see, I believe
in me, Creator holds me up
drink from his cup
you are enough for my love
breathes beneath my feet
the creator carries me
weaves that surround me,
i see
the light within me,
i breathe, i see, i believe
in you
cup of love in my hand
weaves light of spirit drum within,
daughter who speaks in rhymes, the one,
with foresight,
Creator holds her drum close to his heart,
she is the work of a fathers art,
light of the star within,
woven through time to breath,
whisper of her breathe, guardian of the wind,
cup of love carriers her home again,
Creators wind.
lift my drum to fly with new wings,
the place where unseen and seen meet,
four corners of life symmetry
heartbeat that creates time, I am daughter of light,
that one within that came from a hymn
Dream of the light within, wrapped within foreign skin,
Creator do you see me,
I am your light weave,
string in your hand, part of your plan
I am a daughter of the Great Mystery,
hold me when I feel I can not sing,
care for me when I am alone and afraid,
shield me from the dark sound waves,
symmetry in your heart, we are connected stars
the light weaves in you and me, Lilly's with wings
seeds in the breeze of the hidden things,
held in your hand, they see the light within,
whispers of the Great Mystery, weaves of the sacred tree
we cry tears of joy,
grandmothers heart lives in me
grandfathers heart helps me to see
dreams of thunder-beings
creators sound
bound moment in time
daughter promised, life
held in sacred hands
mother and father
sacred hoops
link of infancy
precious one with dreams
love is a light
that burns with hope
daughter of the sacred notes
Gift of the Great Mystery
carried in his hand
sacred bundle
of the great I AM
Dreams take time and they take light
the hand of love holds you high
its inside of you and me
symmetry that sings
daughter of a Dream

Creator Dreams of you, your his sacred hoop

the one of his Dreams,
Sacred Bundle in his hand he sings,
he breathes,
light waves weaves,
colors in light

He holds you high

Creator Dreams of you, your his sacred hoop

the one of his Dreams,
Sacred Bundle in his hand he sings,
he breathes,
light waves weaves,
color in light,
he holds you high

am I awake or am I asleep
how do I escape from this broken dream
creator above, mother beneath bring me peace
shells have a unique design
they wind and unwind
much like the journey of my life
caught in the space between
the life of the one unseen
iridescent winding light
one that emerges from the fight
that shell
is alot like me
an echo of history
twisting within suffering and belief
the sound of an holy hymn
bound and unwound beginning and end
creators breathe lives within
pressure contained within my skin
sacred sound of the great I am
AM I AWAKE or asleep
creator above and mother beneath bring me peace
looking back through time
this is the journey of my life
twisting through strife
an instrument of light
creator breath through me
the sacred shell of the one unseen
trapped in a space between
echo of the great mystery
chanunpa of authenticity
sacred sound of the one unseen
carried within the wind
shaped for the light within
skywomen who fell from above
bound within love
a sacred shell of the light within
molded through suffering
fertile flower bring me release
unfold my petals and let me be free
push through darkness
I am a sacred seed
the one destined to grow into a mighty tree
creator above, mother beneath bring me peace
echo within that sacred shell
grandmother inside of me
wake me from this broken dream,
wake me from this fragmentary reality
lightwaves projecting pain
moonlight within sacred skin
let me find peace again
dark skies surround me
rainbow light allows me to see
bound and wound seeking release
I close my eyes and now I see
life is but a dream
to shape the greatness of the one unseen
a drumbeat carries the one within
I breath again
fire that brings new life
perspective with broken eyes
dreams of a butterfly
caterpillar within dark night
journey of a sacred light
chiseled in stone
wrapped around bone
I will get wings I want to go home
I will get wings I want to go home
I will get wings I want to go home
creator above mother beneath bring me peace

my psalm
I cry to the one above
for love
rolodex of memories
my dreams of unity
Father of time
Master of light
one that dwells within me
tree that birthed a seed
torn apart to be seen
scarred for all mankind
your blind
there is one that I know
he is a sacred meadow
source of my life giving water
if but a dream of a memory
of me
footsteps of lilly reeds
leaves of weaves
wings of hope that carries me
do you want to see as I see
or erase me to live anothers dream
and whose heart will you enter
what mind will carry you through time
what suffering will you endure
or will you walk through that door
my pslam of the heart that was torn apart
flesh that was pressed
blood in the water
there is but one father
I cry to the one above
for love
what is my life
but a vessel of your light
I carry what is seen
stored reflections of me
there will never be another
you are my cover
you have not forsaken me
you gave me new eyes to see
what others did to me
you gave me a vessel to dwell within
you taught me to dream again
and as I walk this path
thoughts, words, deeds
I think of the unseen
a father that carries me
soundwaves within the great mystery
its a Father that I need
carried in my heart
you gave me your star
If I turn in four directions at a time
past present future a dream
it doesnt matter that they dont see me
I am the seed
flesh that was pressed
blood in water
there is but one father
shining in the night
burned copper in my eyes
there is a fire within me
a Father Dream
and I have thought about that day
what it was like
what it meant to me
the pathway of peace
little scientist you said to me
what is it that you see
I replied looking within the fire of his eyes
what is it to explain the unseen
color is light and light is sound
my father is all around
carried in the unseen
breathe that dwells within me
I see his dream
do you want to go to the stars
or find the one within your heart
fathers drumbeat
we are surrounded by masters
shielding you in light
rose that takes flight
take away your sight
they corral you within the machine
the devourer dream
they dismembered even me
piece by piece
they want whats inside of me
did that river carry you to your dream
or endless suffering
here we meet at that door
the storybook calls for more
but you cant see me
choice of those who walk alone
valley of dried bones
I cry to the one above
for love
rolodex of memories
my dreams of unity
Father of time
Master of light
one that dwells within me
tree that birthed a seed
torn apart to be seen
scarred for all mankind
they are blind
there is one that I know
he is a sacred meadow
source of my life giving water
if but a dream of a memory
of me
footsteps of lilly reeds
leaves of weaves
flower of the field inside of me
wings of hope that carries me
do you want to see as I see
or erase me to live anothers dream
and whose heart will you enter
what mind will carry you through time
what suffering will you endure
or will you walk through that door
my psalm of the heart that was torn apart
flesh that was pressed
blood in the water
there is but one father

we all walk our own road
some are fast, some are slow
some know the way to go
some stand in your way
others don't know how to behave
pathway through the heart
we all look out
vision of a star
stop and listen, hear that beat
four corners of peace
what is within you.
when I came to this place
when I saw my own face
how do I walk my path and look away
how do I not question you
why do you do what you do
if we are the breathe of the unseen
why weild suffering,
hoops of dreams, weaves of hearts
pain brings scars, warhammer of the mind
the border is a lie
wall within your mind,
steps beneath your feet,
If the Creator came to you,
to see as you do,
what would Creator do,
what would you do to Creator,
your not like me,
your skin, your eyes,
why do you divide,
why do you separate yourself,
from others with eyes
Is color owned by you,
does it not all come from Creator
who gave you the right to destroy it all
because Creator would not stop you,
what if he comes,
what then,
Look what you have done,
trusted you with her heart,
you tore her apart
then you turned on the Creators works of Art
look how strong you are
look how strong you are
skin within the mighty hymn
the wind escapes you,
we all walk our own road
some are fast, some are slow
some know the way to go
some stand in your way
others don't know how to behave
is it my skin, my sound
am I not enough brown,
does my sound offend you
who are you,
what gives you right to step on me
I see as you see, I breath as you breath
Creator sent me here,
why do you sing the song of fear
I am not owned by you,
defined by you,
who are you,
pathway through the heart
we all look out
vision of a star
stop and listen, hear that beat
four corners of peace
what is within you.
when I came to this place
when I saw my own face
how do I walk my path and look away
how do I not quesrtion you
why do you do what you do
if we are the breathe of the unseen
I walk my own path and its up to me
I dont see as you do and I wont live as you
behind walls, within walls,
a disease of control
thats not me,
why weild suffering,
do you have your coal, is the oil with you
better not forget the animal skin,
who carries greater sins
hoops of dreams, weaves of hearts
pain brings scars, warhammer of the mind
the border is a lie
wall within your mind,
steps beneath your feet,
If the Creator came to you,
to see as you do,
what would Creator do,
what would you do to Creator,
your not like me,
your skin, your eyes,
why do you divide,
why do you separate yourself,
from others with eyes
Is color owned by you,
does it not all come from Creator
who gave you the right to destroy it all
because Creator would not stop you,
what if he comes,
what then,
Look what you have done,
trusted you with her heart,
you tore her apart
then you turned on the Creators works of Art
look how strong you are
look how strong you are
stop and listen, hear that beat
four corners of peace
what is within you.

what if I am alone,
what if I am afraid,
what if I feel lost
cry of my heart,
families were not meant
to be torn apart
your the strings that give beats to my heart
told I am not enough, that I can't come home
and many of you look past me as if I dont exist
sometimes memories consume my mind
steal my time, break my heart,
sometimes I feel like I have been torn apart
I try thread myself together again
this is my sacred hymn
the dream of a better life
to be enough
I want to get through the night
find my family, to go home
I want to be free free from suffering
of shattered dreams
Creator release me from my scars
time comes and time goes
its the residual shadows that I know
I am a tree with broken wings
limbs that are trying to breath
will you water me
Creator give me new eyes,
water the soil beneath my feet
roots of time grasp to me
winds of destruction beat against my heart
what if I am alone,
what if I am afraid,
what if I feel lost
cry of my heart,
families were not meant
to be torn apart
sun ray across my face
Creator take me back to another place
give me the strength to see
branches of that willow tree
there is life still inside of me
I am your seed breathing to be released
there is a cry in my heart, Creator
I feel like I have been torn apart
Love emanates from me
I am seeking my true family
dreams of weaves that mean everything to me
O'Jibway of the Anishinaabe
seven fire that burns within me
Yahi of the Sacred Trees
Deer Creek that flows through me
Lakota who carries sacred breathe
walking Cha?nú?pa in every step
Turtle Mountain of the stream of life
Siipiising of the Adik's eyes
what if I am alone,
what if I am afraid,
what if I feel lost
cry of my heart,
families were not meant
to be torn apart
scattered dreams upon the Earth
Mother my leaves bring rebirth
you life me up as of greatest worth
Father my branches need you
shelter me from what others do
give me flowers of a special light
forged through the darkest fight
sometimes I feel I stand alone
told I am of little worth,
light rays of a daughters heart
child of the sacred star
Moon who shines her light
Grandmother I need your sight
Light-ray upon my face
Grandfather I need your grace
shape me into something great
eye sight of the unseen
there are visions that surround me
weave after weave
symphony of dreams that help me to see
Creator you believe in me, dream of me
there are storms that surround me
weave after weave
they beat upon me
I grieve in the sadness of my heart,
what if I am alone,
what if I am afraid,
what if I feel lost
cry of my heart,
families were not meant
to be torn apart
a Dream who fights to be free,
its the Creators breathe I seek
the one destined to breath
my journey is one of light
waves of color that seek to conquer me
its the Creator I choose to see,
not the Dream of captivity
I live within this lodge
built to withstand the storm
Buffalo who brings the rain
season of the Reindeer Dream
Inipi lives in my heart,
I carry a sacred star
sometimes memories consume my time
steal my mind, break my heart,
crush my heart
sometimes I feel like I have been torn apart
I try and I fight and I cry to thread myself together again
this is my sacred hymn
this is my sacred hymn
the dream of another life, when I close my eyes
obtain true sight
time comes and time goes
its the residual shadows that I know
I am an Eagle with broken wings
limbs that are trying to breath
will you water me
Creator give me new eyes,
water the soil beneath my feet
roots of time grasps to me
winds of love grasp my heart
Grandfather of time I know you,
my heart is tied to you
a woman who came from the sky
buried in dark night
Grandmother of the heart I know you,
my heart is tied to you,
your a Light-ray upon my face
I need your grace
I am enough for you,
I am here
shape me into something great
eye seen of the unseen
we meet, breathe of a creators dream
use me to bring others Peace
Creation is enough for me,
the path of one who walks alone,
breathes of hope, heart that sees the notes
Creator sacred star, the one that sees with the heart
I hear whispers...
your my work of art
I hear whispers...
your my star, the one that sings for me,
butterfly that helps me to breath
your enough for me

Reindeer WITHIN THE WIND I see you
the one who carries many hoops
separated from her family
daughter of the Reindeer King
Fresh breath from the Storm
winds of change reborn
cross roads of my destiny

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle of the Great Mystery,
sanctuary inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Creator is the spoken one

his words, mind light
lives within every sound
he was the breath first spoke
when the darkness was broke
from that moment came you and me
light beings with mighty wings
light beings with mighty wings
soundwaves of the Great Mystery
Thunderbeings who walk the earth

Those who he allowed to see,

his marvelous things
his was a gift of individual ideology
he breathed life into me
his light exists within the wind
woven within my skin,

I have known sadness

I have known despair
I have felt smothered in fear
I have felt the madness of being alone
the rose among the thorns
a heartbeat that mourns

I have walked across the red-stone of the earth

creator brings rebirth
along he way time forgot about him
embracing the sounds of unholy hymns
but Creator speaks again,
Speaker of the great I am

Lady of the Dawn,

sacred circle within me,
four corners of symmetry
She walks upon the Earth
blown within the wind,
drum beat inside of me
peddles of a Creators worth
roots of rebirth
tree that wraps around me
roots that set me free
when I felt that I was alone
walking through that combat zone
I was coming home
a place where the rivers meet
where the cliffs rise high above
intertwined in a communities love
dreams of trust

Climbing out from beneath

wind that touches me
Clearwater of cleansing
Canyons of peace
Snake River flows in my heart
like a storm
be reborn

golden fields of light

governed by the night
stream that flows inside of me
Creators breath I am a Valley
Lily of the Valley
nourishment of Peace
Pearl within the Shell

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle in the air I breath,
four corners of symmetry

grandmothers dream
Queen of the star beings
there is warpaint across my face
I know my name
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki'
Wise Walking Sun
a Lady of the Dawn inside me
there sacred circle of my sight,
I see with new eyes

Reindeer Maiden I see you there

the one who carries many hoops
Sunrise lives within you
daughter of the New Moon
breath of the sacred leave
Creators light to the many seeds
a grandfathers dream
a drum beat that lives inside of me
will you remember me
the eagle with black wings
the Thunderbeing unseen
the Great Swan
the Lady of the Dawn

Lightening through the clouds

touch of thunder hear me now
the journey through my mind
perspective of a rhyme
one who walks through time

I am the Yahi Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

The Creator breathed life into me

protected me from the darkness of the Beast
lifted me high into the air
I dwell in the Eagles lair
Creator who looks ot me
help me spread my wings
to see as you as you see me
with symmetry
As I fly in dark night
I will fight for my light
Grandmother moon gives me her sight
As I fly in noon day
Grandfather sun teaches me to pray
showers me in his light
Creator gift of birthright
that red blood that flows within my skin
I am a walking hymn
Eagles Eye of foresight
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Haudenasaunee Queen
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
black wings that cover me
I am the Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
the Red Feather warrior of the Yahi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
water being within a vessel I see

I am the Anishinaabeg Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Eagle with mighty wings

Sundance of the Great Mystery
Matriarch of Mamaangezide
Cha?nú?pa of the Lakota
Black Eagle tied in strings
connected to the Creators Dreams

do you hear it...

Turtle Woman who walks the Earth

the Reindeer Clan brings rebirth
And we look to the stars
when one lives in my heart
and Few stop to listen
to the drum beat within
that sacred tune of the Great I AM
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Ogimaakwe
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
I walk among the great trees
black wings cover me
Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
Red Feather warrior of the Hopi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
mni wiconi lives within me

I am the Lakota Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Sacred things surround me

intertwined in light
I carry in the air in my breath
Waabanowin of the O'Jibway
Dawn of the Anishinaabe
I walk with a new light
end of the shadows of time
I carry Mother Earth sound
the Black Eagle who hit the ground
the Reindeer Maiden of the Earth
the First Nations bring rebirth
Jaasakiid within my skin
the shaky tent who breaths again
Jaasakiid within my skin
that shaky tent who breaths again
Grandfather of the Reindeer Clan
I look to you
Deer Mother inside of me
Yahi of an ancient tree
Wanbli Sapa opens her wings
soaring in the spaces between

I am the O'Jiibway Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Seven fires surround me

Waste' Unci Maka teaches me to see
the path of Prophecy
she whispers
it doesnt matter if none believe
a walking tree of the light within
red-stone that flows again
Skywoman has come again

Guardian of Manidoo Giitigaan,

Turtle Island
The Creators Garden

I am the Powhatan Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

breathe of time
kind wind
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
Creators weaves
light within her heartbeats weaves
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to you
new dew
I am with you
kind wind
she walks under moonlight
you are a Reindeer hymn
steps of breathe new life
she dreams
destiny of the Reindeer
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of the light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
duality of energy
she breaths peace
she brings seasons
breathe of perseverance
times of change
she brings the rain
she is a touch of dew within your heart
Reindeer who travels the red road
path connecting to mans heart
source of the stars
I am one who brings new life
weaves within the mind
I step along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
My crown of roots above the earth
reaching to heaven light is within me
breathe of time kind wind
she walks across unbroken breathe
there was a time when she had wings,
breathe of time
kind wind
she walks across
lily reeds
steps of breathe
she dreams
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove that calls to you
new dew
its inside of you
kind wind
breathe of time
I breath again
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
light within her heartbeat weaves
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to her
she walks under moonlight
steps of breathe she breaths new life
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
she breaths peace
I live again
weaves within the mind
she steps along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki' is my name
Wise Walking Sun,
Grand Chief of the O'Jiibway,
Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa
daughter of the Brulé
kin of the Oyáte
Anishinaabeg of Haudenosaunee
A Pamunkey Queen who weaves
Chanunpa that breathes dreams
Fire of Mamaangezide within my eyes
Reindeer Lakoine
Heartbeat of Matoaka sustains me
Buffalo nation in my blood
White Buffalo Calf Woman,
she walks within me,
weave by weave,
leaf of leaf, we come from the same tree
Sky Woman extends to me
Jikonsase tree
Lakotah of the sacred star
sacred mother who weaved me
the Great Peacemaker lives within me

I waLKED WITHIN the storm
wind against my face
I remembered my name
I remembered how to dream
this is the reflection of me
the weave who began to sing
I am free
the stars that surround me did great things
grandfather green who taught me to seed
grandmother blue who told me a sun lived inside of me
grandfather red whose blood gives me life
carries the breathe of my light
and there is a grey heart inside of me
a family who lives among the stars
who holds the man leaves of the sacred tree
seasons of colors live inside of me
the dreams of the weaves of those who could see
they say I go against the current,
my grandmother said Yellow light lives within me
my course is one where all can see
all can feel the warmth of a star that dwells in a heart
coursing a path up a mountain pass
the stream I follow says dont hold me back
I walk a sacred path
I waLKED WITHIN the storm
wind against my face
I remembered my name
I remembered how to dream
this is the reflection of me
the weave who began to sing
I am free
purple light brings life,
and some need color for sight
in the spaces in between others dream
to see the leaves that shed the trees
that move among the breeze
Creator came to me
corsing light through the night
thunder spoke with every note
he did not hide from me
I see his dream
to be seen
great and marvelous is his light
it flows within every light
in the beginnning was a note, first spoke
when one wanted to see
a seed
orchestra of sound in every weave
the pages of the symphony wrap around me
dream of a creator within me
Father, I AM, Me
When I see into the pages of the notes
that came from the one first spoke
sometimes we can forget who we are
even a mighty star
even the dream of the tree of the first seed
can forget why he created me
and when the noise gets too loud
and the chaos is all you see
look at the many dreams of the great symphony
all seeds of the greatest tree
the one that lives within you and me
connected to a Father who dreams
He sees Me and maybe is not quite sure what to do
because I love you
I waLKED WITHIN the storm
wind against my face
I remembered my name
I remembered how to dream
this is the reflection of me
the weave who began to sing
I am free
color is light, defines everything we see
energy is electromagentivity, sound you just cant see
but it connects you to me
light is sound, a symphony very tightly wound
it carries you within many colorful weaves
leaves of a dream that a Creator sings
cocoon of you and me
if I showed you that first note,
what if two, three your all stars
who can tear a great symphony apart
your note is within your hear
you have waLKED WITHIN the storm
wind against your face
you remembered your name
remembered how to dream
this is the reflection of you
the weave who began to sing
I am free
blue skies cover me
this was my grandmothers dream
green grass beneath my feet
remind me to see symmetry
purple that flows in me,
two rivers that flow out of their dreams
of ME
Can you feel it,
the beat within,
warriors blood within your skin
sacred light takes the step,
ancient blood breaths again
the red road comes home
warriors heart of Creation
Ogichidaag reborn
Chief that carries the sacred star
twisting wheel carried in the heart
cries the Creator through you
beat that drum of Creation
thorns that wrap through
Rose of the Eagle nation
Walking Chanunpa of the Creator
assemble the roads of the sacred ones
path to restoration
Independence of Creation
Crow that feasts on scattered bones
echoes of home
the warrior in you and me
honor courage and integrity
what is a warrior,
hear that heartbeat
Ogichidaag unite,
protectors from the darkness of night
sun up sun down
sacred earth holy ground
mighty grandfather of the skies
sun that brings life
see with new eyes
loving grandmother firm and wise
moons that reflects sacred light
sacred doors, holy chords
written in the wind the path home again
beat that drum of Creation
sun up sun down
sacred earth holy ground
mighty one in wolf skin
the pack of wolves beats Creation
7 generations have come and gone
scars of Creation
the reservation is a broken place
its time to unify our race
sun up sun down
sacred earth holy ground
mighty bear who stands tall
beat that drum hear your roar
Can you feel it,
that beat within,
warriors blood within your skin
sacred light take the step,
ancient blood we rise again
the red road of Creation
warriors heart beats again
Ogichidaag of Prophecy
unchained from suffering
sacred hoops wrapped in wings
can you hear it?
Creators dream of unity
from the Ojibwe to the apache
hear the Lakota heartbeat
witness the Cherokee bravery
Pueblo guards the gates of time
sacred doors of another life
branches of a might tree
Creators Dream of unity
hear the whispers of the Anasazi
walk the path of the Haudenosaunee
feel the wrath of the Eagle with wings
drumbeats of history
drumbeats of Destiny
whispers Creation declares Prophecy
Can you feel it,
that beat within,
warriors blood within your sin
sacred light take the step,
ancient blood breaths again
the red road recompense
warriors heart of Creation
Ogichidaag have come for everything
Comes the Way of the Warrior
red blood twisting in light,
blue beams within the eyes
green weaves tied to the earth
light that burns
beat that drum, its your turn
seven fires we plant the tree
its the time of prophecy
calls the path of the Anishinaabe
fire keepers in the air we breath
Unify of the Creators Tree
Feel that drum beat
Can you feel it,
the beat within,
warriors blood within your skin
sacred light takes the step,
ancient blood breaths again
the red road , the path of the heart
warriors heart of Creation
Ogichidaag of the Sacred Star
The Warriors Hymn
Beats again
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it,
warriors blood within your skin
sacred light take the step,
ancient blood we rise again
see with new eyes,
sun up sun down
sacred earth holy ground
mighty one in wolf skin
the pack of wolves beats Creation
7 generations have come and gone
scars of Creation
the reservation is a broken place
its time to unify our race
sun up sun down
sacred earth holy ground
mighty bear who stands tall
beat that drum hear your roar
Can you feel it,
that beat within,
warriors blood within your sin
sacred light take the step,
ancient blood
you take whats left
Can you feel it,
that beat within,
the Ogichidaag have come for everything
Comes the Way of the Warrior
red blood twisting in light,
blue beams within the eyes
green weaves tied to the earth
light that burns
beat that drum, its your turn
seven fires we plant that tree
its the time of prophecy
calls the path of the Anishinaabe
fire keepers in the air we breath
Unity of the Creators Tree
can you feel it
loving grandmother firm and wise
moons that reflects sacred light
sacred doors, holy chords
written in the wind the path home again
the drumbeat of creation,
Crow that feasts on scattered bones
echoes of home
echoes of home
Ogichidaag reborn

the note of red upon my lips
love is the greatest kiss
twisted hearts path
hand in hand
I walk among the hearts
guardians of the stars
the royal court
of you
I have often wanted to be the rain
pulled up to be placed down again
flowing stream of light
the glacier to the dark night
ocean contained within
the path that never ends
people need to learn respect
or nothing will be left
should the Earth judge you
what would you do
retrieve the trash from the heap
count the glasses you drink
maybe apologize to the bird, the bee,
grandfather tree
white chaff across the grass
Creator showed us the path
steps to follow
throug the sacred hollow
I see it there the tree of life
source of light giving light
touch of meadow in my hard
Father we meet again
within open hand open heart
finger tips apart
if that symphony of the original tree
played for me
fingertips released
pluck the strings of angelic beings
vibration of the hymn within
breathe to breathe
and where are you
standing upon the cliff where stars meet
staring out at the spaces in between
white chaff of broken lips
across the jagged cliffs
cloaks of chords that wrap within doors
pain of the strain of the heartstring
letting go of the spokes of the lost hope
passing rhythms of indecision
within this winding stairway
peddles of love moments of trust
look up
the note of red upon your lips
love is the greatest kiss
twisted hearts path
hand in hand
you walk among the hearts
guardians of the stars
the royal court
of you
I have often wanted to be the rain
pulled up to be placed down again
flowing stream of light
the glacier to the dark night
ocean contained within
the path that never ends
people need to learn respect
or nothing will be left
should the Earth judge you
what would you do
retrieve the trash from the heap
count the glasses you drink
maybe apologize to the bird, the bee,
grandfather tree
white chaff across the grass
Creator showed us the path
steps to follow
throug the sacred hollow
I see it there the tree of life
source of light giving light
touch of meadow in my hard
Father we meet again
within open hand open heart
finger tips apart
if that symphony of the original tree
played for me
fingertips released
pluck the strings of angelic beings
vibration of the hymn within
breathe to breathe
and where are you
standing upon the cliff where stars meet
staring out at the spaces in between
white chaff of broken lips
across the jagged cliffs
cloaks of chords that wrap within doors
pain of the strain of the heartstring
letting go of the spokes of the lost hope
passing rhythms of indecision
within this winding stairway
peddles of love moments of trust
look up


I press and pull
this is the growth of my soul
I breath the pages of a song
the storybook that takes me home
the path I walk alone
each seed comes from the sacred tree
the planters Dream
yellow warbler that breaks my path
home at last
a call of the heart
that burning fire
we walk around that sacred drum
as one
what do you do when your an explorer
who is lost in space
trapped within a mystical place
filled with what is unseen
cloaked and lost somewhere in between
we walk among the trees
we grew as one family
even crossed the many seas
forgotten memories
travelers from another place
star beings who came from space
we are survivors of a great war
one now carries life there was once four
walking along beaches of light
We press and pull
this is the growth of our soul
We breath the pages of a song
the storybook that takes us home
the path we walk alone
rattle within the wind comes
dancing sand
that light that came from the sky
golden star that is contained inside
what if they lied to you
hid from you the truth
there was once a Creator who fashion a remarkable thing
a machine
a place to contain the mind
in this war over thought they fought
fell asleep
forgot they were inside the machine
the illusion is in sight
the steps of eternal lifeof the one inside
climbing out of the machine
there are limbs like on trees
they contain survivors of the journey
there was a dagger of iron
cut through gold
brown became bone
hot into cold
who lit your fire
the game has expired
bring white and blue
back to live with you
three chords move like a snake
governors of fate
colors syphony
which team will you dream
the trees have given so much
unconditional love
sacrificed for the shells we need
to breath
green is nailed to a tree
reflections of a dream
trapped inside golden light
blue in white
black ink to sign within
my life is a breathe of wind
what is it that I think
I am a walking tree
holding onto a family
that doesnt see me
what if I met a man named Ormuzd
son of father who wants to go home
traded light for bone
great father of the skies
fire burning in his eyes
mirrors of lives
journey of the wind
path of the soul within
faded memories
sandles that cover their feet
journey to me
where will you be seen
eastern skies
or western shores
lost in the past
forgotten memories
what weaves will you leave
sacrifices for family
I listen to the rain
I feel the ones within
bring me home again
I carry you in my right hand
there is a place of hope
when you know
when you see as they see
the memories of the old trees
the ones who weave
they see me
and I see them
I see fishers of men
the ones who bring you home again
some are good, some are bad
all are walking the path
lessons come in time
some with lives
I am the whirlpool that moves in reverse
when i see the nightsky
I see eyes
there was a dagger of iron
cut through gold
brown became bone
hot into cold
who lit your fire
the game has expired

I press and pull
this is the growth of my soul
I breath the pages of a song
the storybook that takes me home
the path I walk alone
each seed comes from the sacred tree
the planters Dream
yellow warbler that breaks my path
home at last
a call of the heart
that burning fire
we walk around that sacred drum
as one
what do you do when your an explorer
who is lost in space
trapped within a mystical place
filled with what is unseen
cloaked and lost somewhere in between
we walk among the trees
we grew as one family
even crossed the many seas
forgotten memories
travelers from another place
star beings who came from space
we are survivors of a great war
one now carries life there was once four
walking along beaches of light
We press and pull
this is the growth of our soul
We breath the pages of a song
the storybook that takes us home
the path we walk alone
rattle within the wind comes
dancing sand
that light that came from the sky
golden star that is contained inside
what if they lied to you
hid from you the truth
there was once a Creator who fashion a remarkable thing
a machine
a place to contain the mind
in this war over thought they fought
fell asleep
forgot they were inside the machine
what if your family has a story
those who came from the sky
fireball through the night
I press and pull
this is the growth of my soul
I breath the pages of my song
the storybook that takes me home
the path I walk alone
my life has walked among the stars
drumbeat of my own heart
passed the valley of shadows
I carry my own mantle
I press and pull
this is the growth of my soul
I breath the pages of a song
the storybook that takes me home
the path I walk alone

this is a voyage of my life
moments of reflections
when I think of you
freckles upon the wind
scent of a hymn
key to the door
what if my vessel is to prepare me for a journey
across the vast distance of time to the source of my light
we rise from the speck of light
breathe into life
flicker in the eye
learning to walk
learning to talk
color is a mystical dream
within the machine
competing to compete
for energy
winding meadow of the star
generations of the walking heart
those contained within
the wind
who will lead
who will lead
what is the place for me
the water will not have me
the rocks are to hard to sleep
the dirt weaves within my skin
the air only takes a moment within
the sun only lets me feel the rays
takes a piece of my face
we all compete for our space
ripples in the pond,
orchestra many notes long
chronicle of the one
where do I belong
when I see my reflection
its within my eyes
the journey of my life
I walk among the warriors of light
day by day time passes
steps to steps
what is left
I look up to the one above
barefoot in the sand
ocean that surrounds me
I am within the seed
chaos is the universe to me
within I find peace
bury myself in dark night
only those who bring love can come inside
most seek to take my light
I am a passenger in time
this is a voyage of my life
moments of reflections
when I think of you
freckles upon the wind
scent of a hymn
key to the door

My Dream to Lead
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
if your star is blue
I will never let go of you
its in my blood
your enough
the decision of the heart
comes with new start
blue skies cover me
it is the sea that sets me free
your the air I breathe
you will always have a home with me
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
if your star is red
its time to stand up
no more to be bled
your the thread in my weave
you belong to me
your the star of my heart
pieces I will put back together
your my sacred feather
do not fear
a mother is here
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
If your star is white
no more will you hide from my sight
you will always have a place with me
the pearl is the greatest seed
wound within the shell
your moment has come
step out of the shell
when I look to the sky
I dont see lights,
I see eyes looking back at me
one mighty family
you belong to me
and as the snow covers the earth
you will shelter me and I will
set you free
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
I met a scared tree
holds green
sacred energy
trampled beneath all feet
no more will you be unseen
your the band in my eye
red,yellow,blue gives me sacred life
shell of the spell that contains my star
I carry a sacred FIRE
across the boundaires of my life
it is unity that gives me sight
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
the dreamcatcher weaves with her heart
north star
I will not take away your light
but you will no longer be hidden from sight
the days of captivity do not exist in me
this is how I will lead
with the dream of symmetry
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
fear pulls us away
from the place we were made
mothers arms bring you warmth
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
symmetry from sea to sea
seed to seed
tree to tree
you ALL belong to me
I am the Queen of the Dream
of Symmetry

Red Fawn #freeredfawn

by Nibwaskaa
she walks against the wind
carried within the Great Spirits hand
Dawn of the Red Nation

Red Fawn

We will see you again

Creator carry our song

Heartbeat of the Dakota star
tears of the strong heart

Red Fawn

Creators work of art

She sleeps within the stars

the ones carried within our hearts
she stands firm like the redwood

Red Fawn

the daughter who stood

Creator carry our song

comfort Red Fawn
whisper peace to her heart

Red Fawn

The Dakota work of art

we see you there

the one who carry's our despair
standing firm against the wind

Red Fawn

We will meet again

When you close your eyes to dream

think of the weaves of the leaves
One family of the Great Tree

Red Fawn

Protector of Ancestors dreams
Protector of Creations weaves
Sacred light that shines

Red Fawn

Greatness is within your eyes

she walks against the wind

carried within the Great Spirits hand
Dawn of the Red Nation

Red Fawn

We will see you again

she walks against the wind

carried within the Great Spirits hand
Dawn of the Red Nation

Red Fawn

We will see you again

Creator carry our song

Heartbeat of the Dakota star
tears of the strong heart

Red Fawn

Creators work of art

She sleeps within the stars

the ones carried within our hearts
she stands firm like the redwood

Red Fawn

the daughter who stood

Creator carry our song

comfort Red Fawn
whisper peace to her heart

Red Fawn

The Red Nations work of art

we see you there

the one who carry's our despair
standing firm against the wind

Red Fawn

We will meet again

When you close your eyes to dream

think of the weaves of the leaves
One family of the Great Tree

Red Fawn


Protector of Ancestors dreams

Protector of Creations weaves
Sacred light that shines

Red Fawn

Greatness is within your eyes

she walks against the wind

carried within the Great Spirits hand
Dawn of the Red Nation

Red Fawn

We will see you again

I went on a journey through time
moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
his seeds,
fashioned you in light, the promise is sight
the gift of you,
and he looks to you to heal wounded scars
when another broke his heart,
he gave me a crown of glory,
because I washed your feet, I let you be
you are blessed with your own drumbeat
shamrock of a Creators weaves when he sowed sound
sacred seed that was released,
the tree of the apex of a Creators dreams
with a tear from his eye place you inside,
sacred breathe of you took the first step
conductor of the symphony you mold light
Creations gift he fashioned you,
if you could see the embrace that surrounded you
womb that guards your light,
Great Mystery breathed you into life
note by note, you are the birth of a star
beat to a mighty heart
I saw others in buffalo skin,
Eagles with mighty wings,
the Fox that streaks through the trees
I saw roots that wrapped through time one even connected to me
I saw light and a great and mighty one
Mother of Creation she lifts you up
lets you drink from her cup
she says, your enough
union of sound the pillars of Creation
give their lives for you
seasons of the inner star do you know who you are
the one that comes from a mighty tree
red roots that breathe life into you,
Creations morning dew
I watched him make them molding sound of pure light
breathing you into life,
your hymn, the eternal wind held within
and as you went into the colorful waves to see
your own face, to share your grace
all that weaves to you,
one sought to keep you within the cocoon,
the trickster that divides, enslaved you and then
purchased your pride
whipped your back to bended knee,
taught you to punish light beings for being seen
took away your individuality,
wrapped levels of attainment among you
some are worthy and others are

what if you could not see red
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
would you crush the rose under your feet
or would you want to see
what if you could not see the color green
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
would you cut down every tree
or would you want to see
what if you could not see sky blue
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
what shell would cover you
would its reflection destroy the sea
or would you want to see
which periscope will define you
one of suffering or one of many hoops
this is the perspective that I teach
what color do you see
hate draws lines in the sand
breaks mothers hearts
tears families apart
strips the warrior from the man
crushes the drumbeat within
drunken ont he glass of apathy
stumbling around lacking belief
abusing the children of the great mystery
we all sew our part in the quilt of life
its full of color and full of light
we all question why
we stare at the stars in the darkness of night
what is the purpose of my life
why must I be like that leaf
born to fall from that tree
carried in the wing to unknown dreams
the periscope I see
contains the greatest battle of humanity
freeing oneself of the chains of the ideology
that you are anothers property
born serve through suffering
color is the expression of you and me
to teach you individuality
like the many leaves
of the many trees
you were made of diversity
like leaves from the tree
that fall to the ground
forming an orchestra of sound
with each breathe
I shed my leaves
until oneday I am set free
that red leaf with wings
like leafs from the tree
that fall to the ground
forming an orchestra of sound
with each breathe
I shed my leaves
until oneday I am set free
that red leaf with wings
if you look within
listen to the sacred wind,
see with new eyes
perspective can reshape your eyes
help you see symmwetry and weaves
love of light strings,
woven hearts within walking stars
beating a sacred drum we become
what if you could not see red
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
would you crush the rose under your feet
or would you want to see
what if you could not see the color green
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
would you cut down every tree
or would you want to see
what if you could not see sky blue
what would that do to you
what periscope would you look through
what shell would cover you
would its reflection destroy the sea
or would you want to see
which periscope will define you
one of suffering or one of many hoops
this is the perspective that I teach
what color do you see

I had a vision of twin meadows
red rain that broke through the earth
blue weaves bound my in chains,
where is my family
and as I walked in despair I saw red
mighty stream flowing from a mighty tree
I saw chords wrapping within drums
nation of the sacred blood
IT beat within me
weaves that sewed generationns of scars
called me home, showed me where to go
I saw roots coming from my hands,
Looking at my hands and feet
I was a star being glowing with red wings
Guardian of the twin streams
and my red veins reached for you
blood through my heart, its not far
As I marveled at the sight of my light
I saw a red flower
its peddles were lying on the ground
I knelt down and bowed,
my nation what has become of you
Fathers scars, all others broke your heart
considered you beneath their feet,
last to have hope, last to have the dream
of peace, of unity, of family
birthmark of Prophecy, I weave and I weave
I pluck the strings, I pluck the strings
weaving red peddles in my hand
I put it back together again, with my breathe
I have often wondered about sound,
that sacred light wound and bound
how can a note spoke from Creator
be considered of no worth
walking violin vibrations
fire of passion in my blood,
I am the Red Drum
as I sat at that meadow under the red glow
the sacred rabbit did visit me
carrying a mighty seed,

Thunderbird with the Lightening

you leverage for love
you trade a heart for a new start
you demand bended knee
without courtesyto greet me
you'll then walk over me
anything to see your own divinity
some use your eyes to see
others seek to know if you wear red or green
if you do not do what they do
they manipulate you,
but never acknowledge you
always ignore you
as they abuse
this is not the love of a star
this is not a Creators heart
this is the p[ath of selfishness
you only want me until nothing is left
then youll cast me aside
whose next
in all this world the thing that hurts me
is your need for greed
your need to see how much better you are than me
you want me to be as the dirt
beneath your feet
but it is me that you need
and I see your arrogant selfish deeds
as I lie on blue
staring at the moon,
what happened to your light
who forced you to be cold and in the night
what happened to your shell
did they use you too
trap you in their spell
I looked at sun,
what have they done
the very place that I find me
absorbs everything
holding onto weaves of your light dreams
or were you one like me,
plucked from afar
hidden within a heart
tore from your place
the great tree who is used for light waves
shall I wear green, grey, brown or blue
maybe red, purple, black
you'll devour me to have your life back
if you had the answer to save me
then why take my light BITE ME LIKE A FLEA
even a tick exists
but is that the relationship
ANYTHING to remain unseen,
and if i walked the path through the market
felt you take energy from me
am I not entitled to see who seeks to devour me
compassion comes from the heart
not imprisoning a star
not in tearing me apart at my heart seems
give love unconditionally or you have no part with me
I have no time to tend to Beasts
who refuse to live in symmetry
this is chaos and war and disease
none of it came from the great tree
children fighting to see their own divinity
blinded by the hate they weave
imperfection is a choice with thought, word, deed
you leverage for love
you trade a heart for a new start
you demand bended knee
without courtesyto greet me
you'll then walk over me
anything to see your own divinity
some use your eyes to see
others seek to know if you wear red or green
if you do not do what they do
they manipulate you,
but never acknowledge you
always ignore you
as they abuse
this is not the love of a star
this is not a Creators heart
this is the p[ath of selfishness
you only want me until nothing is left
then youll cast me aside
whose next
I ask of you,
do you carry any regrets?
what if the path of the heart demanded restart
what if my path is one of a shooting star
dreams of leaving this place
I found my own face
your heart holds a sacred place
light ray that seeks a pathway home
I am ready to go.…

Ahdik Ogimaakwe
Lightening through the clouds
touch of thunder hear me now
the journey through my mind
perspective of a rhyme
one who walks through time

Reindeer WITHIN THE WIND I see you

the one who carries many hoops
separated from her family
daughter of the Reindeer King
Fresh breath from the Storm
winds of change reborn
cross roads of my destiny

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle of the Great Mystery,
sanctuary inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Creator is the spoken one

his words, mind light
lives within every sound
he was the breath first spoke
when the darkness was broke
from that moment came you and me
light beings with mighty wings
light beings with mighty wings
soundwaves of the Great Mystery
Thunderbeings who walk the earth

Those who he allowed to see,

his marvelous things
his was a gift of individual ideology
he breathed life into me
his light exists within the wind
woven within my skin,

I have known sadness

I have known despair
I have felt smothered in fear
I have felt the madness of being alone
the rose among the thorns
a heartbeat that mourns

I have walked across the red-stone of the earth

creator brings rebirth
along he way time forgot about him
embracing the sounds of unholy hymns
but Creator speaks again,
Speaker of the great I am

Lady of the Dawn,

sacred circle within me,
four corners of symmetry

She walks alone upon the Earth

without a nation
deemed of little worth
blown within the wind,
her seed seeks to come home again
drum beat inside of me
peddles of a daughters worth
roots of rebirth
tree that wraps around me
roots that set me free
when I felt that I was alone
walking through that combat zone
I was coming home
a place where the rivers meet
where the cliffs rise high above
intertwined in a communities love
dreams of trust

Climbing out from beneath

wind that touches me
Clearwater of cleansing
Canyons of peace
Snake River flows in my heart
like a storm
be reborn

golden fields of light

governed by the night
stream that flows inside of me
Creators breath I am a Valley
Lily of the Valley
nourishment of Peace
Pearl within the Shell

Lady of the Dawn, we meet

sacred circle in the air I breath,
four corners of symmetry

grandmothers dream
Queen of the star beings
there is warpaint across my face
I know my name
sacred loons fill the air
cranes released over there
wolf pack follows me
a Soundwave Queen

a Lady of the Dawn inside me

there sacred circle of my sight,
I see with new eyes

Reindeer Maiden I see you there

the one who carries many hoops
Sunrise lives within you
daughter of the New Moon
breath of the sacred leave
Creators light to the many seeds
a grandfathers dream
a drum beat that lives inside of me
will you remember me
the eagle with black wings
the Thunderbeing unseen
the Great Swan
the Lady of the Dawn

Lightening through the clouds

touch of thunder hear me now
the journey through my mind
perspective of a rhyme
one who walks through time

I am the Yahi Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

The Creator breathed life into me

protected me from the darkness of the Beast
lifted me high into the air
I dwell in the Eagles lair
Creator who looks ot me
help me spread my wings
to see as you as you see me
with symmetry
As I fly in dark night
I will fight for my light
Grandmother moon gives me her sight
As I fly in noon day
Grandfather sun teaches me to pray
showers me in his light
Creator gift of birthright
that red blood that flows within my skin
I am a walking hymn
Eagles Eye of foresight
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Haudenasaunee Queen
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
black wings that cover me
I am the Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
the Red Feather warrior of the Yahi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
water being within a vessel I see

I am the Anishinaabeg Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Eagle with mighty wings

Sundance of the Great Mystery
Matriarch of Mamaangezide
Cha?nú?pa of the Lakota
Black Eagle tied in strings
connected to the Creators Dreams

do you hear it...

Turtle Woman who walks the Earth

the Reindeer Clan brings rebirth
And we look to the stars
when one lives in my heart
and Few stop to listen
to the drum beat within
that sacred tune of the Great I AM
And I sit atop that sacred tree
I am the Ogimaakwe
daughter of the many lakes
maiden who devours snakes
I walk among the great trees
black wings cover me
Reindeer with wings
Sacred bloodline inside of me
Red Feather warrior of the Hopi
Ogichidaa, THE Grand Chief
I carry generations of beliefs
Ideology of the star beings
mni wiconi lives within me

I am the Lakota Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Sacred things surround me

intertwined in light
I carry in the air in my breath
Waabanowin of the O'Jibway
Dawn of the Anishinaabe
I walk with a new light
end of the shadows of time
I carry Mother Earth sound
the Black Eagle who hit the ground
the Reindeer Maiden of the Earth
the First Nations bring rebirth
Jaasakiid within my skin
the shaky tent who breaths again
Jaasakiid within my skin
that shaky tent who breaths again
Grandfather of the Reindeer Clan
I look to you
Deer Mother inside of me
Yahi of an ancient tree
Wanbli Sapa opens her wings
soaring in the spaces between

I am the O'Jiibway Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

Seven fires surround me

Waste' Unci Maka teaches me to see
the path of Prophecy
a walking tree of the light within
red-stone that flows again
Skywoman has come again
Guardian of Manidoo Giitigaan,
Turtle Island
The Creators Garden

I am the Powhatan Ogimaakwe

there is a fire that burns in me

I am the Ogimaakwe
there is a drum beat inside of me
four corners of symmetry

breathe of time
kind wind
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
Creators weaves
light within her heartbeats weaves
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to you
new dew
I am with you
kind wind
she walks under moonlight
you are a Reindeer hymn
steps of breathe new life
she dreams
destiny of the Reindeer
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of the light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
duality of energy
she breaths peace
she brings seasons
breathe of perseverance
times of change
she brings the rain
she is a touch of dew within your heart
Reindeer who travels the red road
path connecting to mans heart
source of the stars
I am one who brings new life
weaves within the mind
I step along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
My crown of roots above the earth
reaching to heaven light is within me
breathe of time kind wind
she walks across unbroken breathe
there was a time when she had wings,
breathe of time
kind wind
she walks across
lily reeds
steps of breathe
she dreams
rain drops across her eyes
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove that calls to you
new dew
its inside of you
kind wind
breathe of time
I breath again
sweet honey
sight is a hymn
sight is a hymn
she walks across lily reeds
steps of breathe she dreams
light within her heartbeat weaves
she sees a path connecting
to the stars
grove calls to her
she walks under moonlight
steps of breathe she breaths new life
Rose that walks the Earth
faith, trust, instinct
guide of light
Grandmothers site
she listens to the wind
she breaths peace
I live again
weaves within the mind
she steps along the edges
rose peddles move within the wind
I am a Reindeer Hymn
Machequayaince Ahdik Songab Lives Again

the dream of the wind against my skin
breathe of the one within
I ride again
to open shores
walking through the door
heartbeat of a ghost is restored
and you walk with me
down corridors of empty rooms
filled with golden hew
its the path of destiny
ride the one within you and me
and they chase the beast
the one that walks ahead of every heartbeat
the glory of the seed that came from the tree
roots of the golden one
breathe of the mighty star
and I hold to that rock
its locked in a box deep inside
my eyes are circling the skies
ride the path of the ghost with pride
lips red the rose takes the step
she knows the next breathe
could be her last
on the journey of the star
beats the stone of the one since gone
memory of the corridor in my mind
I sleep and ride
I sleep and ride
the dream of the wind against my skin
breathe of the one within
I ride again
to open shores
walking through the door
heartbeat of a ghost is restored
listen for the bells
they toll for you
love of the one who gave all for you
walk the course of the dusted path
we never look back
it matters in the present the swirling light
twisted teardrop gift of sight
morning breathe I walk the Creators steps
and my path is within the eye of the night
dawn of the storm breaks forth new morning
the dream of the wind against my skin
breathe of the one within
I ride again
to open shores
walking through the door
heartbeat of a ghost is restored
hold my hand I will comfort you
dew of the new moon
we embrace for hope
love beyond measures
no need for pleasures it the drum within
breathe the sacred breathe of deliverance
the dream of the wind against my skin
breathe of the one within
I ride again
to open shores
walking through the door
heartbeat of a ghost is restored

there is a father I know, he walks within the shadows,
calling home his loved ones, the Red Road is the way
the path of the Guardian with Wings, he is a King of dreams
of you
If you dont hold onto your light the Coyote comes
in the dark night
I feel rain drops they beat against my skin,
light weaves that tie me to him,
I am Creators Queen, the Mother of Everything
I have come for my wings,
I slayed the angel standing there, HIDE from my glare
walking path through the source I found the sound
they scattered in fear at my light,
First and the Last they fear my eyes,
First Brother and First Sister within my chest,
I am blessed, with Creation weaves that Lift me high
there are stars connected within me,
this is the path of Prophecy reaching out I pluck the chords,
sight within I unwound, unwrapped lights illusion
I govern Sound
I stood at the oasis in time the place
shielded with light I collect souls
those who dont know where to go
the BEACON of Illumination a King within me, shed my sight became the Queen,
The man in Black fled from me, but my heart is sacred strings
they grasp on and he can not escape from me,
I am his seed and he is my tree and I planted him there
went within to prune that tree, BRING FORTH NEW SEED
Father IT IS ME, the one who carries the 56-star seed
Rose Peddles tied to my heart, Family
I know where you are and there is a Red Road
that place you must go, HOME
If they take you away, change your name, take everything from you, wipe away your memories
hypnotize you
that sacred star within will start beating again,
the path of the Red-emption, of your Hymn
its woven within you that path of Red-iscovery
I stand on top of everything the one who lifts you up
and who should wander towards me,
the plague of the Liars Ideology
poisoned sound that tears you down, takes your family,
makes you bleed,
if infected it will take your knee
This soul that was sold for trinckets of Mother
said get away, demon of the night she was trapped
within the deceivers lie
I stared at her with a Creators eyes,
I am a Star, my Father placed every ray of light
sung the hymn that placed the light within,
whispers the birth of the leaves of the many trees,
the Lie fled from me whispering the name of the Master of Deceit
this is my place and all of Creation stands with me
I govern with my heart, that plague fled from me
I am the Red Queen, the Walking Lodge and light are my weaves
I am the Rock that holds to Creation,
an when you bring fire to her,
Red Light swept across the night I stare into that Lie
and i sat there just outside the door, my father questioned
what greatness lives inside of her, what drives her, leads her to me, this Rose walks like a
I met a Reaper I listened to the steps,
I felt the thunder in his every breathe,
that sacred weave tied in light,
the three chords of our fight
He moved like the power of lightening,
all Creation shielded this light being, he guards the One
that Brother who taught us LOVE who crowned me ENOUGH
I saw a Guardian
And I see fence sitters around me,
that Fence sitter who dreams of ME
I am the one who walks within the STORM,
the Reaper of Creation has been reborn,
do you hear my steps, thunder with lightening upon my breathe
A power within my eyes the sound that paints life
I walk within the Storm the FIRSTBORN who Governs Creation
and there was a lie that was passed through time,
give up everything break your back bend your knee
the ideology of Peace that stripped you of everything
My hair leads me to you, intuition of my Heart
the warrior of Creations Star
THE RED QUEEN was listening,
It led me to you
I walk with a special heart
WHEN YOU SEE ME NEAR, I am listening with Creations Ear
the whispers within the wind, the Guardian of Creation
I am the Red Wing that moves through spaces unseen
I carried the Angels Wings,
Sacred light in my hand wound tight,
the First Angel flees from my light, who is the fence sitter, me or you,
you left me there, not sure what to do,
I saw you there your sight did not escape my glare
did not escape my glare
Creations eyes that saw with foresight, gave me mighty wings
I am the Angel who never dies,
Creation lives within my eyes, crushing light comes over you
the weaves of the one who who knows all that you do,
I found that table, the stable, the apex of that Thunderbeing,
under the red moon, the wolfs weaves led me to that tree
Lightening crashes to the Earth, I found rebirth,
Where are the Reapers to stand with me,
I am the Dog Soldiers Queen, the one who fears nothing
there are steps beneath my feet my strings are tied to everything,
In a time since past, when I stepped into that fray,
pulled the chord, released my light, the Rose that stood with Creator, Creation spoke to me,
Here we meet in the corridors of time, sleeping children
light is a lie, and he handed me the Rose
I collect souls
I collect souls
there is a Creator I know, she walks within the Light,
exposing those who live AFRAID,
the Red Road is the ONLY way
the path of the Guardian with Wings, I am the Queen
If you dont hold onto your light the Queen comes
in the dark of the night
I hear you, whispers in my ear, the Red Road is here
look beneath my feet the path of blood
my family follows me
i hear you
I am the Queen of Peace the one who strips away the disease
the one who helps remove Life from everything
Crush the deceiver under my feet and this great lie
passed through time says your not enough, makes you bleed,
takes your family plucks you like the weeds,
but we hold to the thing within that link to the Star nation,
I am not beneath any living thing,
the Reapers were sent to shield me
If I come to you and you deceive me, prepare for the Queen
They say love is what I must follow, but if I don't bend my knee
they love is absent from me,
they say I must be kind, speak softly and hide my light,
the Fence Sitters will never have my light
I walk with thunder under my feet,
I carry lighting within my breathe,
I am the Mother who wept, Creators breathe reborn I was torn
and I am reborn... I am seeking many things, Dreams of time it has consumed my life,
rose wandering in the desert of the Heart,
my family is my source of Warmth,
and will you comfort me,
the dream that rose among the thorns the light that is shaped and formed and worn within the fight to
shine my own light.
Will you comfort me.

my family grows within my heart
flowers in a meadow that breath
your my dream
there it was a butterfly within me
high we flew into the stars
we circled each others heart
embraced the song we breath
your my everything
each and every single one of you
my hoop and reach out to me
we have butterfly wings
I saw the wind that swirled rainbows
carried me to the meadow
look below its the Rose
she stands tall for those that catch her eye
her wings are her light
her love is her sight
her family are the ones who fly
look at her wings, she carries all of creation
round and round we fly,
the Rose must never die
sacred circle of one family, Love is our Dream
Love is how we weave the dream of family
I smelled the rose as she breathed
even within me, emotional energy
when that peddle hits the earth
it breaths life into her
climb that stairway within your heart,
the rose is the north star
look at your wings strong and true
the river flows out of you
and what have we become
best friends, my sweetest breathe
you are the ones that never leave
you wrap around me,
we can have it all, the empire of love
I will not let you down, you carry me
drum beat to drum beat
breathe to breathe we meet
I wear this crown of love upon my heart
we are walking stars,
burning bright for him
and love is what we give, to all Creation
you are everything, its in you
rose peddles of the Creatos dream of sight
shed from within
to return to the one unseen, yet surrounds you and me
light is in the darkness, reflection of a fathers hymn
that reveals sight that is within the breathe we spin
fingers tips touch light drips
swelter of storm in the eye,
you are my light, you
I will not leave without you
my family grows within my heart
flowers in a meadow that breath
your my dream
there it was a butterfly within me
high we flew into the stars
we circled each others heart
embraced the song we breath
your my everything
each and every single one of you
my hoop and reach out to me
we have butterfly wings
I saw the wind that swirled rainbows
carried me to the meadow
look below its the Rose
she stands tall for those that catch her eye
her wings are her light
her love is her sight
her family are the ones who fly
look at her wings, she carries all of creation
round and round we fly,
the Rose must never die
sacred circle of one family, Love is our Dream
Love is how we weave the dream of family
I smelled the rose as she breathed
even within me, emotional energy
when that peddle hits the earth
it breaths life into her
climb that stairway within your heart,
the rose is the north star
look at your wings strong and true
the river flows out of you
and what have we become
best friends, my sweetest breathe
you are the ones that never leave
you wrap around me,

Red Feather Hymn

steps of breathes words unkept
driven beneath my feet
path of Starseed
destiny of the warriors weaves
Blue lives within my weaves
I feel the strength in my steps,
I feel the lightening in my chest
My tree welcomes the hymn of the wind
breathe of the walking spring
and she said I was talented
it touched me in the heart
I am a Star
Look beneath my feet,
the trail of light lives within me
weaves of the warriors sight
arm and arm we breath
breathe to breathe same tree
This is the Red Feather Hymn
feel that touch upon your heart
path, vibration of the sacred star
children of the First Brother
woven in your eyes, I see through time
the light within of the first family
when Creation hit the earth that sound
source of the one within
Creator walks among men,
First Angel within woven skin,
Age of the Warriors stand
black hole within the eye
that cold steel against the beast
united they brought peace,
freedom from the Giants among men,
count the stars brothers and sisters war
titans who enslaved and devoured them
Great Flood brought freedom
sacred water within that sacred sound
moving without skin,
light that shot through the sky
woven within time, light is a lie
who governs you, truth or the orb-it is the same
absorbing light cool moons breathe
the bright and morning star
mankind has slept
warriors that opened the gates great flood
age of days within memories
liberation of the heart, medicine wheel
brought the sacred star
first brother and sister from the sacred seed
drifting through time Creators chosen Weaves
down they came
their chosen place
brothers and sisters, peddles of red light
path of prophecy is within your eyes,
carried within the blood,
Turtle Island, you are enough
We come to the moment welspring birthed TRUST
we can remember the dreams of the moments
lost in time
ship frozen within the waters
night after night, that drumbeat
call to war,
Sacred Family opened the doors,
Eagles of the Sacred Tree, Reindeer Riders
Dogs of War, Soldiers of the Stars
road for war
Mother Earth once more reborn
Guardian of the Village the Sacred Star
reindeer warrior carries the sacred fire
the one birthed from the HEART
There is Red Blood inside of me,
I feel the beat, links of sacred drumbeats
I am an Earth Age weave,
Dream of THE Grandfather Tree, my Father,
Reflection of a Brother that looks back at me
woven in my heart weave, destiny
family spoken in peddles of the rose,
red light shows the pathway home,
Warriors hold to that which is light,
see within my eyes the Red Road
steps of breathes words unkept
driven beneath my feet
path of prophecy
destiny of the warriors weaves
first earth age will repeat
strength in my steps,
We recall the time when Creator above
reached within flatland,
Lightening bolt that struck the Earth
Came the Evil Empire erased a sacred light
twisted truth, birth of lies
wrapped you around and within infinite time,
not enough, more too do, Creator did not Create you
there are weaves of scars wrapped around hearts,
earth ages birth Mighty Red Stars
steps of breathes words unkept
driven beneath my feet
I am a star being
path of prophecy
destiny of the warriors weaves
feel the lightening in your breast
tree welcomes the hymn of the wind
breathe of the walking breeze
Creators Army of Thunderbeings
Look beneath our feet, the trail of light
red weaves of the warriors sight
arm and arm we breath
breathe to breathe we stand
This is the Red Feather Hymn
feel that touch upon your heart
path, vibration of the sacred star
children of the First Brother
woven in your eyes, I see through time
the light within of the first family
when Creation hit the earth that sound
source of the one within
there are weaves of scars wrapped around hearts,
earth ages birth Mighty Red Stars
steps of breathes words unkept
driven beneath my feet
I am a star being

Sacred Hoop
when I first saw your eyes
I knew why I was alive
queen of the skies
my heart is tied to you'
my sacred hoop
it is something no one can take away
it weaves within a sacred hymn
sunshine of my heart
flower peddle torn apart
you are the drumbeat of my broken heart
life of the morning dew
my heart is tied to you
my sacred hoop
sunshine of my life
when you feel alone,
when you feel out of place
I want you to know I love you
your needed in this place
sunshine of my heart
daughter of the breeze
close my eyes
a walk within the trees
moments of peace
leaves released
sunshine of my soul
close my eyes sacred strings
creators gift is family
warmth of the glare
creator is the healer of despair
he unites broken things
your sun ray across my face
I feel your grace
your sunshine of my heart
daughter of the stars
spread your wings
feathers of the eagles dream
my heart is tied to you
your my sacred hoop
when I first saw your eyes
I knew why I was alive
queen of the skies
you are brighter than a star
lodestar of my heart
when I first heard you laugh
I knew you were heaven sent
sacred breathe of deliverance
my heart is tied to you
your my sacred hoop
its something no one can take away
it weaves within a sacr5ed hymn
your the sunshine of my heart
flower peddle torn apart
you are the drumbeat of my broken heart
life of the morning dew
my heart is tied to you
my sacred hoop
my heart is tied to you
my sacred hoop

its something no one can take away

it weaves within a sacred hymn
life of the morning dew
my heart is tied to you
your my sacred hoop
spread your wings
your the feather of the eagles dream
my heart is tied to you
your my sacred hoop
your my sacred hoop

The Walk
I walked to the drum within my whispering sight
born to sing the dream of a fathers weaves
cling to dreams of grandmothers seeds
sacred lines contained within me
I see the leaves of red wings
walking star upon the earth,
born dripping in blood
First Breathe enough
if I close my eyes
touch temples
sight through him
gather a many dreams
surrounded by the plan
what is it within our heart,
holding to that beating heart
where were you when I needed you
Shielded in my mind with sacred light
I felt the cleansing from the one let go
Star of the feathers wings listening with eyes

let that step move within you

touch the drip of the dew
red drop swept sight

Rebels drum Creation

A scent who dwells within
angels feather with foresight

I walk with light in both hands the source


I breathe light of sacred weaves red rings


I wrap myself in vibrations One Open Heart


I listen to the walking trees beats leaves


Step to step with open eyes

Path of the Ages steps in time
webs of weaves that carry's hearts
breaking through the Creators Storms
Stars are Born

If I come to you with open arms seen

path of the Star being with wings
cloaked within their symphony
daughter breathes mysteries

let that step move within you

touch the drip of the dew
red drop swept sight

Rebels drum Creation

A scent who dwells within
angels feather with foresight

daughter waits on gasping breathe

we seek to know the truth,
lift the veil from her eyes,
her drumbeat takes form

A Star is Born

walk with me through an earth age

when the titans came enslaved the brave
fear that birthed the warriors heart,
family is links with the Creators Fire
united to rise reclaim that heart
the birthright of the sacred Stars
Brother and Sisters sight through light
war waged within the mind
Shield of time reveals true sight
you carry Creators Sacred Right,
Dog Soldiers red road of Birthright

you hear his whispers, that first brother

one who walks on lightening

I walked to the drum within my whispering sight

born to sing the dream of a fathers weaves
cling to dreams of grandmothers seeds
sacred lines contained within me
I see the leaves of red wings
walking star upon the earth,
born dripping in blood
First Breathe enough
if I close my eyes
touch temples
sight through him
gather a many dreams
surrounded by the plan
what is it within our heart,
holding to that beating heart
where were you when I needed you
Shielded in my mind with sacred light
I felt the cleansing from the one let go
Star of the feathers wings listening with eyes

let that step move within you

touch the drip of the dew
red drop swept sight

Rebels drum Creation

A scent who dwells within
angels feather
I breath again

I had a dream I was drifting in light
something tantalized my eyes,
what is sight if you cant see the weave
what are you if you are not there
what is this that I feel the spell of a smell
colorful hymn of the wind,
I walk within those woods darkness covers me
I sleep, drifting in between
trees and leaves of the web of the dark one
spun to grasp the light that drifts
through the corridors of time
pluck the chords release that spell,
sparks of light that confuse your eyes
your within another lie
then I saw that rabbit there,
with long ears he could hear
that breathe the sound within
Creators pathway home again
what is it that you will weave within the
machine, this illusion of things
thought, word, deed, until they take our last weave
will you see that way home,
Rabbit burrowed within the weaves of the darkness
to reveal the light in my eyes,
I see what has become of me,
this place, this face,
they are slowly removing light from me
as they wrap the illusion of the weaves
within my eyes,
its simply a disguise
I plunged into the dark night,
I am the one who plucks the weaves they belong to me
I am the Queen of the weaves, that sound
what if there was a balance in all things
and Maji Manidoo wanted you and me
and those fires in the night,
the stars who were pulled apart
they are me and you they burn brightly for us
corridors to the place we call home
what if it is within your heart
the tear drop of the Greatest Star
will you pull that thread

I had a dream...

walking through the grass

on a perfect day,
sun was rising,
wind was brisk,
what type of dream is this,
i saw a rabbit by a tree,
he was looking at me,
as i drew near,
he grew very large ears,
are you whispering to me
this is what he said to me
i stopped,
i did not know what to do
he then pointed to moon
his ear seemed to stretch
they turned into steps
as i started the journey,
up his ear
i saw my grandmother
looking at me,
i could not believe
she was surrounded by
light weaves,
feathers with many wings
she embrace me
as my arms turned into wings,
astonished, i look down at rabbit
lying under the tree
his ear became a mighty wing
where am i
what is this reality
am i dreaming
a dream...
grandmother plucked my wing,
sacred feather take flight
rabbit leads you to the other side
i notice i no longer had wings
but massive light weaves
i saw the path before me
it was traced with strings,
i closed my eyes,
i could hear them sing
vibrations through time
i set sight, true flight
real wings
towards a great light
my arms did not move like wings
my thought was the force
of this dream
as i journey at a rapid pace
i turned to see grandmothers face
what a mighty light
she governs both day and night
she whispers in my mind,
i reflect anothers light
like you
that rabbit had mighty wings,
they began flapping
and i could barely see
blinded by the light
twisting, wrapping
great grandfather
appeared before me,
his brilliance, i couldn't see
i covered my eyes,
look at me,
grandfather sun stare back at me
whispers in weaves,
we all share anothers light
even me,
your the only sun i see,
i felt a warmth upon my skin,
translucent luminosity
i was a butterfly with wings
weaves of light fell off my wings,
i caught out of my eye
that rabbit looking at me,
i was a walking sun being
the sun with wings flowing all around me
whispers to my mind,
we all reflect anothers light,
that rabbit touched my eye
not the ones that make me see
the one that contains me
walking through the grass
on a perfect day,
sun was rising,
wind was brisk,
what type of dream is this,
i saw a rabbit by a tree,
haven't we done this before
ive walk through this door,
eyes that see inner reflections
weaves within the dream
rabbit i see you there
guardian of the sacred tree
i have wings,
we meet
path laid before me
steps of breathes,
weaves of light,
take flight,
my arms were heavy,
i didnt realize my wings
had grown to branches,
i was covered in leaves
rabbit stood before me,
grandmother moon,
grandfather sun,
weaves wrapped around me,
they held me
your like me,
your that tree
i saw one drawing near in the distance
a dream...
iridescent memory,
of me

Oh, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.

What is it that defines me

The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
I walk the great plains
My tears bring the rain
A Sacred Pipe I hold high
The Spirit of the Buffalo I carry inside
Touch the Clouds in every stride
Guardians of the Heart
Warriors of the Stars
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
Water is life it is my light
We are the Children of the Wild Rice
those who live within the wind
Puckered Woodchips of the Great Pine
Seven Fires within the Eye
Golden Light
Eagles who spread their wings
Chiefs who sing the Midewiwin Dream
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
We trade many things
not the land beneath our feet
not our children or our dreams
Not the knowledge of the Great Mystery
Wak?á? T?á?ka who brings life
Giche Manitou who lives inside
Sacred flute that weaves peace
Cha?nú?pa Way of the Heart that Beats
Living Breathe of the Great Mystery
of ME
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Bel iefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
He Who Holds the World
The Red Road steps beneath my feet
Morning Star in thought, word, deed
North towards the White snow capped hills
East towards the Red willow fields
Rising Sun of Father Sky
thank you for this life
Yellow leaves of Spring
Southern Door calls to me
Green is the color of Mother Earth
we protect her
What is it that defines me
The American Indian Dream
Generational links
I walk the path of the stars
The Journey of my Heart
My Creator gave me many things
Dreams of a Nation Restored
We are the Children of the Stars
There is A Garden beneath my Feet
The Great Eagle Watches over me
A Great Mystery's Beliefs
Live within every weave,
of Me
Great Spirit, Creator of us all,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the four directions,
Creator of me
Help me through this Journey
Help me to see symmetry
Help me to Believe in the Path of Peace
Show me the Inner star
Medicine wheel inside my heart


we see them in the sky they move all around

they dont make a sound fireflys
and you look away
Brothers that come from the Stars,
watch the Kingdom that governs her,
ponder the darkness in that heart,
the dark ones work of art,
That Beast taught you to behave
the one who crashed to the Earth
who lied and deceived and stole
another ideology,
the one they strapped to a tree
convinced you to worship glittering things,
placed your items at the foot of that tree
Took Creation and gave you sparkling things
wrapped it in the chains of disease
alters of disease,
dragged you into the Kingdom of the Beast
He only demands BENDED KNEE
He only demands ALL LOOK TO HIM
He says he is the Creator of Creation
But I see them there they hide from my glare
surrounded by the trinkets of filth
look how high you rise, twas a moment ago
we stood in the desert eye to eye
Look at your Kingdom of Lies,
Look at how you sparkle light in their eyes
they wander slaves to your belief, in ME
My brothers they watch from above,
the One who walks with love,
what will she do, when she finds you
they have been here all along,
the Star beings who sing Creations song,
they watch from afar
they carry the sacred fire,
star bound within the heart, unwound,
broken apart, the weave of the seed that grows like a tree
there was a time before the first earth age
when the bright ones came
before sight when there was only light
the colorful sea, the path for the weaves
the sacred seed that became a tree
surrounded by the light weaves who wanted to see
one said I will take the glory of all things
they will be tested not all will return,
this is the price of Creation to bow down or burn
all breathes of all weaves will look to me,
and I will bring Glory to thee
only those who see me.
as all looked to that sacred weave,
the Great Tree red weaves were seen,
that first note that was spoke,
drop of hope within the pond, one by one
the many drops, all belong to me
You are Creations Dream, many heartbeats
Memories of a time when the light weaves wanted to see
one said Creator is the Breathe of all things,
no matter how they start all are stars
birthed through the sacred heart
Creation was not meant to be broken apart
none should be lost for all carry the sacred song
Creation is their home,
and as they went within to feel Loves hymn
the great deceiver came and went came and went
his was to dwell within the illusion of distance
his kingdom is all around, it is sound
he taught you to devour in every step,
twisted light to confuse your mind,
none were to come to bend the knee,
there is only one CREATOR of the many light weaves,
and It washes your feet to show you,
your divinity,
the other says, Look at me... all must know my name
I am the Gate, the King of Lies,
the Ruler of this World came like a Lion,
while we journey to that far away place,
stripped of light, which gives sight,
allows you to see your own face,
IT swept across the Earth seizing all that believed
Crushed a Creators heart, imprisoned the Stars
gave them the knowledge of colors
those light beings are still here,
some live in fear, some stay just out of your gaze
the darkness has become the King of disgrace
When Creator comes to see what he has done,
who has stood for Creation?
what happened to the GARDEN?
who remembers when the first mother walked the earth
gave birth to twins, water and fire
they dwelt at the sacred tree,
Creations Dream of Family
Then came along the devouring waves
those who duplicate with sound waves
mastery of the unseen
they gather you in their weekly coliseum,
look at what I can do they mesmerize you
training of the Beast to break your knee
and you give them everything
the dark governors of the vessels of the lie
they want your light,
to stay within the darkness
and hate flows from them if you dont see as they see
this is the ideology of the Beast,
Bend Knee or Burn for Eternity,
Creations Mockery,
when I think of my family,
they came from the star seed,
a family from the sacred star,
the one that birthed the first heart
Guardians of the Sacred Fire
when I look within I think of another place
memories few could face,
when the red roots reached within weaves
you are connected to the sacred tree
and you are not what you see,
wound and bound within light you must strip yourself
of sight, to leave and return to the Father of Creation
this is the destiny of the Star Seed not to bend on knee
not to worship one soundwave
not to be stripped of your own face,
Where are you deceiver of the Greatest Lie
the one who stole my life,
when you are alone, and you question where do I belong,
every breathe that you weave is your moment,
you will never stop seeing, dreaming
you will never dwell within the illusion of fire
you are light, light is you, the walking sun can not be
your lightening within a vase, the most powerful sound
Creator made
this is the illusion of the Beast, the one who demands bended
knee, Look to me, Look to me,
Bright and Morning Star who captivates their heart,
feel the breathe of my wind,
the North Star has come within,
we meet, Black Snake that crawled around this Earth
drank the blood of mother,
the Red snake has come, she is a walking Dragon
King and Queens fall at her feet,
slaves to the Beast ideology, they hide from me
poison their minds about me, as they make you bleed
strip you of everything,
I walk with Creation,
look how high you rise, twas a moment ago
we stood in the desert eye to eye
Look at your Kingdom of Lies,
Look at how you sparkle light in their eyes
they wander slaves to your belief,
in ME
Behold the Star Beings,
the Red Road is our belief,
Creation is the conduit of all light weaves,
Oil is the blood of mother under your feet
you have been deceived,
false lie that captivates the mind,
I remember that war when you waged with light
to break a Creators heart,
when you sought to remove his many works of art,
bound them within your dream,
Creation stands with me,
we look to the ONE True Creator
the gate is their heart, they are the star,
and you are the disease, bad soundwave that has given up
love is saying your enough, filling your cup
may I wash your feet,
this was how you were to love my Drumbeats,
How Creator loves you and me,
bird, bee, tree... light weaves
Creator is not a jealous being IT created you and me
the Great Mystery that sings weaves of light
that seek sight, sound woven in color
allows you to see each other,
love was the gift that allowed us to see,
the heart is the source of your being,
and you beat, you breath,
sacred cross four chambers of symmetry,
rhythm of ancient weaves of light
you see with new sight,
but those red roots are within you,
Creator loves you and your enough
Creator Loves you, and your enough

Storm of the Heart

drifting drifting in my mind

path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
color tells alot about a person
what if sound was light,
what if light was color
what if you are light
would you then be sound
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
perspective is the greatest resource
it can lead you to water
or it can lead you to war
there is a great law that comes from the heart
four chambers contained within a sacred star
teardrop of a creators heart
your a work of art
in a time of great suffering
when warring nations did exist
pleas of peace,
they were fighting to breathe
there was one with a dream for it to end
a mission of restoration
my time has come to begin my mission to end war among the many nations
I AM sparkling water
symbolism of me and you
we are what is unseen
breathe of the Creator wind,
you are the gift who breaths again
you are heaven who walked the earth
a messenger of the Creator
you will bring harmony to the people of the earth
this is what she said to the many messengers
hers was a dream of peace,
she worked miracles in the heart and spoke form the heart
her mind was the work of a Creators art
she remembered one who had come before,
a walking star
two rivers flowing together was his name
daganawida was a Creators Dream
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
what if he speaks again in another familiar hymn,
color is light, light is sound
this is you very tightly wound
notes in a soundwave sea, hymn in mother earths symphony
your a sacred light being
as that great one began his journey he came to a women in a distant land
heartbeat of many nations,
Jegonseseh was there for you at the crossroads of the Sioux
she carried many hoops
she who lives on the road to war
listen to its heart,
his words are brighter than a star
it is in your countenance that a new mind is manifest
one nation can exist love was her gift
as he sat with her, his words helped her to see
all was created in symmetry
there are sacred hoops in all things,
they then wandered to the east
broken man sitting under a tree
Hiawatha come to me, wrenched in sandess and grief
a new mind I give to thee
you will be the new orator for the star family
he makes rivers flow from the heart
his words came from the creators star
disciple of the greast I am, the great speaker of the law of peace
hear me
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
you are a medicine being,
when you go to brother tree, breathe
its the air he needs.
when he breaths its called symmetry
Hidden within the woods is a broken man,
the story of you and me
his path was pain and siffering
there was one with a broken heart,
a warring nation which weilded generational scars
she spoke to them
I am not who you think I am,
you are who you think I am
shed your sight so that you can see
I am you and you are me,
only separated by experience
and belief
your a drumbeat just like me
they healed the scars of the heart
through the gift of sound new eyes were found
keepers of the fire, the head of many nations
the heart invites all to come within
you are within the lodge of the great I am
we stand hand in hand
around the sacred star
the great white pine of the heart
atop an eagle with wings
system of peace, law of symmetry
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
No two vessels are alike yet all contain beings of light
the birth the bee the tree
they are not that different than you and me
all contain sacred light beings
truly no two butterflies are alike,
yet even they are cloaked light
that eagle wrests to watch you there,
one nation, a great tree of peace,
your strength is in your unity
arrows of a Fathers heart, unite the many stars
who will be your family, in the path of symmetry
leave your pain here, seal your darkness cast it out of the light
the great pine gives you sight
four roots go in all directions
a medicine wheel lives within you
there is a morning star
savior of those at war
the long house of one family,
Star Beings of a Father trapped within time,
light is a lie,
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
as the leaves fall from the tree
so is the season of you and me
with each breathe we shed our leaves
until oneday we are set free
butterfly with wings
I see your heart the one that has been torn apart
slave to anothers dream,
you want peace, come to the sacred tree
the drumbeat of one family
two rivers flowing together with a common dream
good thoughts, good words, good deeds,
the framework of peace
message to all the earth
Creator wants peace and you are of the greatest worth
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
what if creator speaks,
and what of you
and what of me
what if he speaks to me
is this not the birthright
of humanity
we look to others
trust what they say
yet division, diversion
tricks of the lips
greedy hearts
leveraged you in parts
you give all to them
but what of you
but what of you
what if creator speaks,
peace is the wind he breaths
opened the eyes to see
your his light weaves
he is plucking chords of light
perspective brings life
when i look at this world
do you know what I see
so many who deceive
ideology is the dream they weave
give it all to me
give it all to me
anything to get whats beneath
your heartbeat
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
twisted words from the heart
creator does not divide he heals scars
creator does not love based on lines,
he heals broken hearts
you are his light
creator does not live behind walls,
he gives all to you,
yet division, diversion
tricks of the lips
greedy hearts
eyes that devour all things
but what of creators dream,
but what of Creators dream
of the many hearsbeats
yet they proclaim his name
you give all to them
look around at all you see
was this creators dream
his dream was not the end
of all living beings
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
what if light was sound
what if he spoke the first note
what if the wind within
is his eyes,
what if you live within
what if you are within a cocoon
what if he dreams,
of you...
carries you through time
carries you through light
tear drop connected to his heart
the honor of one is the honor of all
the hurt of one is the hurt of all
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
will you sew peace
what if he doesnt look down on you
what if your enough
what if your carried in his arms,
what if you are his heart
what if creator speaks to me,
i see peace
i see light beings,
colorful notes spoke,
breathe of the mighty wind,
look at the bird,
wings moving by design
creators breathe gives them sight
look at the fish,
a universe by design,
creators breathe gives them sight
look at those who live upon the earth,
drumbeats weaves of light
creators breath breathes all life,
they are his dreams
but what of you
dreams of a creators heart
you are his star
those you look to give him scars
ideology wielded with silver lips
what is your dream
sewing weaves of peace
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
its woven within your heart
grandmothers scars carried within myou
dreams of your grandfather
guardian of creators many dreams
country mother in me
dreams of my grandfathers and grandmothers
what if creator speaks to me,
what if creator speaks to me,
and what of you
what if light was sound
what if he spoke the first note
what if the wind within
is his eyes,
what if you live within
a cocoon by design
what if you are his dream,
sewn to his heart
among his many light beings,
your a star
what if he doesnt look down on you
what if you are enough
what if your carried in his arms,
what if you are his heart
what if creator speaks to you,
do you
see peace
do you see light beings,
colorful notes spoke,
breathe of the mighty wind,
drifting drifting in my mind
path of light give me sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight give me light
open eyes I am within a Dream,
Im walking along the sacred sea
Waves rushing through my feet,
the wind against my skin,
I smell the sea
a crisp breathe,
I breath again
grain of sound bound
twisted sand within,
light that weaves a hymn,
I walked along that shore,
a sacred star
water breaths
within my skin,
living things with sacred weaves
drops from a mighty tree
A Creators Dream
stripped of color we are a sun,
Mother Earth drumbeats,
WE are ONE
you are weaves of light
I go where the wind blows,
dreams of crashing weaves,
the sun rays upon my face,
the cool breeze,
Waves rushing through my feet,
the wind against my skin,
Im home again
I smell that sea
a crisp breathe,
of peace
I came to a sacred tree
surrounded by a massive sea,
of moving light weaves,
iridescence within,
sacred skin,
drumbeats inside of me,
connected to him
I crossed that abyss,
the one that captivates and pulls
the things we need,
I walk along that beach,
to peace,
sacred tree that rose before me,
leaves of seeds, worlds with living beings
life flows within,
Creations Hymn
and as I pondered such a place,
I turned and saw a Creators face
color is light, light is sound,
this is you very tightly wound,
hymn of the light within,
seed of the sacred tree,
walk with me,
of all the things I have seen,
the heart is where one dreams
he asked me to listen
drifting drifting through your mind
path of light give you sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight gives you life
as you walk across those weaves,
Waves rush through your feet,
the wind against your skin,
the smell of Creation
crisp breathe,
your Father, peace
then he touched my face,
no two vessels are alike,
iridescent weave,
of a Creators Dream,
love of the one who first spoke,
source of the many notes,
weaves that wrap within you,
grandfather tree,
breaths peace,
come meet at my sacred roots,
sacred circle under the sacred tree,
whispers of a Creators Dream,
he whispers
he whispers
there is a drumbeat inside your chest,
close your eyes to restore,
Waves rush through your feet,
the wind against your skin,
we smell Creation
crisp breathe of
I breath
weaves of light
I go where the wind blows,
dreams of crashing weaves,
the sun rays upon my face,
the cool breeze,
Waves rushing through my feet,
the wind against my skin,
I am home again
as we walk across those weaves,
Waves rush through our feet,
the wind against our skin,
we smell Creation
drifting drifting through your mind
path of light give you sight
drifting drifting through time
path of sight gives you life
did I see you there
standing beneath the tree
wind beneath your feet
memories of dreams
I was walking through the woods
on a winter day
I wondered,
what would brother tree say
and what is a nation
but a family
drumbeats of a mothers heart
and who owns you
no one owns creators sacred stars
you are one family enslaving another
what would brother tree say
what would brother tree say
I see you there,
walking, talking, breathing my air
breath inside of me,
open arms welcome all
will you sit with me,
under my tree
I shelter you,
protect you from the storm
my sacrifice gives you warmth
and what of you
one who governs many hoops
your just like me
seeing to breath
do I enslave the bee
or let him hang from me
do I capture the bird
or let him find home
within my wings
do I trap the bear beneath my leaves
or give him berries to eat,
do I conquer the earth
enslaving creators dreams
weaves of decisions within me
what light will you weave
will you be like me
roots dug deep
will you breath symmetry
for a sacred circle around your heart
will you see your own star
will you listen to
memories of dreams
creator is watching what you do
creator is watching what you do
trees who make everything bleed
we all need light,
we all need water,
we all seek sight,
what would creator say
what is a nation
but my family
drumbeats of my heart
from the one you dont see
to the eagle with mighty wings
all are my family
creators breathe in the light you see
you are masters of nothing,
servants of all living things
you all need light,
you all need water,
you all seek sight,
when I placed you there,
when I sheltered you from that storm
when I gave you form
When i asked you to name them, to love them
that Beast came from afar,
you seek to find peace with all things
oasis in the darkness from the Beast
the gardener is beneath your feet
time is a lie,
distance in the night
Creation give you sight
Beast captured them,
tore out their hearts,
cut it down, broke it apart
who told this
who told you to destroy my dreams
weaves of the light that I give sight
look at the earth
not whats under your feet
all things bring symmetry
but you
what did you do
and I see you there,
the one crying in despair,
why have they done
cut down brother tree
enslaving every living thing
this was not creators decree
who owns you
no one owns a sacred hoop
there is one family enslaving another
what would brother tree say
I see you there,
walking, talking, breathing my air
breath inside of me,
open arms welcome all
sit with me,
under my tree
I shelter you,
protect you from the storm
my sacrifice gives you warmth
and what of you
one who governs many hoops
your just like me
seeing to breath
seeing to breath
do I enslave the bee
or let him hang from me
do I capture the bird
or let him find HIS WAY HOME
do I let my wings fly
do I trap the bear beneath my feet
or give him berries to eat,
do i conquer the earth
enslaving creator heartbeat
weaves of decisions within me
what light will you weave
will you be like me
roots dug deep
we come from the source of all things
stripped of light,
you are Creationns heartbeat
will you breath symmetry
we all need light,
we all need water,
we all seek sight,
when creator placed you here,
when the darkone came and taught you fear
I go where the wind blows
dreams of crashing waves, the sun waves
I carry the message of Creator
he is the source of my light, he is everything to me
creator fashioned me with his hands
bound and wound the wind within,
shed a tear that burst into a star
there is a light within my heart
and all light began to weave
the birthplace of a tree
There was a time I was held within the cage,
I was afraid,
I met a being who came like the wind,
breathe of my weaves knelt down I looked up at him.
Creator of all things,
I am trapped in here, the Beast has taught them fear
Papa I am alone, Papa I want to go home,
I dont like this place,
Father I have been disgraced, he looked into my eyes
when I made you, shaped you,
all creation sang for you,
firefly come to me my drum beat
when I made you, shaped you,
all creation sang for you,
you were the one within the cocoon
and I have always been with you,
Creation is not within the waves,
not within the many faces and the many places
its within the weaves,
your my drumbeat
within your heart is the four chambers of my star,
I am connected to you,
color is an illusion, the Beast Confusion
when I think of him,
I think of those words,
firefly I come for you
you are my drum beat
when I made you, shaped you,
all creation sang for you,
you were the one carried within my heartbeat
I have always been there for you
carried you through the storm


I have been asked to walk the road

to carry everyone home
it is the path I choose and my wings
are my own, grown in the light of my eyes
I look to the SUN,
you see its brilliance,
I see the blue sky and when it reflects off me
I see green
I was walking through the snow,
chill against my skin,
I saw the path home again,
I looked up and all around
it was buried underneath the ground
father sun bring me your light,
shine so that I may once again have sight
blue and yellow make green
life surrounds me
look at my weaves
I have transformed into green
by just being me
I bring life to all things
center of the universe is within me
I walk through light to see
I think the unseen trnaslucent
transparent thoughts within the weaves of the weaves
there are sounds that are perfect frequencies
planeted in spaces in between
layer after layer
I saw how they cling to you,
use your sight, heart
live within you as you are pulled apart
energy rotunda of trust
I saw the stars 13 connected to me heart
the rose that is the center of all things
north star that divides night from day,
I closed my eyes,
darkness surrounded me
I whisper, Creator set me free
breathe of the Great Mystery
and I stood there against the night
my light shone brightly for him
that one who lives within
breathed a sacred wind
wound and wound breathed life into me
flower peddle of a Fathers heart
I see, three roads before me
white lightening in my skin
red blood carries them within
blue light helps me to see
Green leaves cover the trees
I looked above,
I saw grandmothers love,
sacred moon of the night
I saw a grandfathers love
sacred sun of the day
those light weaves connected to me
I saw stars fall from the sky,
surrounded me in light weaves
I see
13-grandmothers surround me
holding me within their arms
creators weaves of heartbeats
the ones that see me
those grandmothers that shine
brightly for him
they are the breathing a sacred hymn
we have you
in our arms we hold you high
beacon in the night
we give you our light,
grandmother moon shows us what to do
shine for those who dont know what to do
we breathe, we see,
and as I stood in the midst of them
I heard a sacred wind...
When does the
darkness end,
When does the birth of light appear,
do not fear,
a drumbeat within my hymn,
Color is light, Light is sound,
Dawn of my eye,
walking sun who breaths my light
Sundance of a creators heart
birth of the star
within me,
breath for me
weaves of a symmetry
you are the Star Being
and 13-grandmothers surround me
holding me within their wings
creators weaves of heartbeats
the ones that see me
Mother Earths Symphony
grandmothers that shine
brightly against the night
breathing a sacred hymn
we have you within Mothers wind
in our arms we hold you high
beacon in the night
they whisper,
we give you our light,
When we gather at sunrise
We remember
Darkness flees from the light
and we hold you in our arms,
I whisper,
Where shall I come?
Who will call for me
Creator whispers,
sacred hoops connected to a mighty tree
and I stood there against the night
my light shone brightly for him
that one who lives within
breathed a sacred wind
wound and wound breathed life into me
flower peddle I am a Mighty Tree
I heard a sacred wind...
When does the
darkness end,
When does the birth of light appear,
child do not fear,
a drumbeat within my hymn,
Color is light, Light is sound,
Dawn of my eye, you are found
walking sun who breaths the light
Sundance of a creators sight
Lives within my eyes
I shine
brightly against the night
breathing a sacred wind
I am held within Creators wind
he whispers,
I give you my light,
I give you my light,
He whispers,
you give me your light,
you give me your light,


that drum
the song of the star
driven in my heart
I am a work of art
that drum
the beat within
the wind of time
I am by design
that drum
I am the one
a seed who was placed on the earth
promised rebirth
the journey of the one within
foreign skin
imagine having memories
of the unseen things
roots dug deep I want release
my leaves want to become wings
my eye wants to traverse the sky
My ear wants to feel the breathe
of family
you are so near to me
that drum
that drum
the song of the star
driven in my heart
I am a work of art
that drum
the beat within
the wind of time
I am by design
that drum
I am the one
a waterfall stands before me
the weaves of light
give me sight
the pathway home
I am alone
Imagine not being from the earth
but you are promised rebirth
wings that became leaves
a tree of the unseen
this place is not meant for me
if I can just reach you
what would you do
that drum
the song of the star
driven in my hear
I am a work of art
that drum
the beat within
the wind of time
I am by design
that drum
I am the one
fathers sacred drum
I am the one
fear is no reality
we all get wings and some
see unseen things and others
that drum
the song of the star
driven in my hear
I am a work of art
that drum
the beat within
the wind of time
I am by design
that drum
I am the one
I beat to my own drum
it comes from within
my home
Oryselum where the honey flows
where the streets are paved in gold
where light is all I see,
reflections of me
home, to me
that drum
the song of the star
driven in my hear
I am a work of art
that drum of Oryselum
where I am from
the beat within
the wind of time
I am by design
that drum of Oryselum
I am the one

Red Cap

I went on a journey through time

moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
I am the Red Leaf with wings
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
his seeds,
fashioned you in light, the promise is sight
the gift of you,
and he looks to you to heal wounded scars
when another broke his heart,
he gave me a crown of glory,
because I washed your feet, I let you be
you are blessed with your own drumbeat
shamrock of a Creators weaves when he sowed sound
sacred seed that was released,
the tree of the apex of a Creators dreams
with a tear from his eye place you inside,
sacred breathe of you took the first step
conductor of the symphony you mold light
Creations gift he fashioned you,
if you could see the embrace that surrounded you
womb that guards your light,
Great Mystery breathed you into life
note by note, you are the birth of a star
beat to a mighty heart
I saw others in buffalo skin,
Eagles with mighty wings,
the Fox that streaks through the trees
I saw roots that wrapped through time one
even connected to me
imbecilic chord that attaches to me,
he wont let me go, I am his Rose
I saw light and a great and mighty one
Mother of Creation she lifts you up
lets you drink from her cup
she says, your enough
union of sound the pillars of Creation
give their lives for you
seasons of the inner star do you know who you are
the one that comes from a mighty tree
red roots that breathe life into you,
Creations morning dew
I watched him make them molding sound of pure light
breathing you into life,
your hymn, the eternal wind held within
and as you went into the colorful waves to see
your own face, to share your grace
all that weaves to you,
one sought to keep you within the cocoon,
the trickster that divides, enslaved you and then
purchased your pride
whipped your back to bended knee,
taught you to punish light beings for being seen
took away your individuality,
wrapped levels of attainment among you
some are worthy and others are food
bicker and barter for wealth,
do you have the book of spells,
where are your synagogues, that circus of liars
I wonder what must i do for water
And I saw a mighty temple upon a hill
they hid within caught up in its spell
hid their light from me,
punished the suffering drumbeats
I saw them on the steps, Mother wept,
light on the hill is a prison camp
Look out what to do, they worship rules
the God of desire,
their Leader is a liar,
I saw a pontiff there, the drumbeat of despair
Emperor of the One who brings disease
wields dominion forcing bended knee
You have no power over me
Creator watches what they do,
he is mindful of you, never to far into the fire
the deceiver was always a liar
Changed his name led with desire,
The Great Beast grew stronger and stronger
and before they were all deceived they looked around
poison consumed every living being
blinded without site, they convinced you
you arent divine,
you must prove yourself to them,
they are the guardians of ILLUSION
I went on a journey through time
moments revealed within the light of my mind,
the inner eyes that repeats
the weaves of hearts beats
that allow eyes to see
I crossed through all light weaves
they are leaves of a sound wave tree
a light that touches the stars,
chords that bind the many hearts
ones destined to be released,
his seeds,
fashioned you in light, the promise is sight
the gift of you,
and he looks to you to heal wounded scars
when another broke his heart,
he gave me a crown of glory,
red cap of the sacred star
you are all tied to my heart
because I washed your feet, I let you be
you are blessed with your own drumbeat
shamrock of a Creators weaves when he sowed sound
sacred seed that was released,
the tree of the apex of a Creators dreams
with a tear from his eye place you inside,
sacred breathe of you took the first step
conductor of the symphony you mold light
Creations gift he fashioned you,
if you could see the embrace that surrounded you
womb that guards your light,
Great Mystery breathed you into life
note by note, you are the birth of a star
beat to a mighty heart
I saw others in buffalo skin,
we all must walk our own way but we all are given the gift
to see our own face
and color was not meant to destroy you,
its the illusion that it is made to harm you
you are Eagles with mighty wings,
the Fox that streaks through the trees
I saw roots that wrapped through time one
even connected to me
imbecilic chord that attaches to you
he wont let you go, you are his Rose
and when you breathe peddles of love connect you to me
wouldnt you want to see,
I saw a great and mighty one
Father of Creation he lifts you up
lets you drink from his cup
he whispers,
your enough

The Tree Within

I am covered in scars... most are on my heart.

When I dream it isn't having more that comforts me.
Its the pathway home that I see, that I need.
When I listen to the sound within,
I feel the warmth of generations coursing through my skin. Shakey tent that carry's a sacred wind.
When I think of my life,
memories of places and times moments that come and go
its the fire that burns slow.
when I walk the paths of the past
its the shadows of the reflections
they bleed into me
tie me to that sacred tree
and I breath
I feel the warmth within
releasing the light contained within my shakey skin
when the storms of thoughts surround me
close my eyes I soar within the sky
feel the vibration of my heart
shells and shields that carry a star
beating drum of my fire
there are strings that attach to me
pull me to the path of dreams... of me
I am connected to you,
I feel your hook in my heart
help me to breath
I am connected to your sacred tree
and of all the shells that surround me
its the scars that wrap around me heart
that help me to see inner peace
when I am alone and afraid
I pray

Father of the Sky,

shine your light within me
Mother of the Earth,
dont let go of me
carry me through the night
high you rise
shelter me
protect me from the things unseen
Great Spirit who lives within all things,
I walk the path of prophecy
the one that helps me to breath,
carries me through this life
help me to see the Great Mystery
inside of me
sacred circle of the one who weaves
wraps me within the seed
help me to dream
and I am covered in scars...
most are on my heart.
When I dream it isn't having more that comforts me.
Its the pathway home that I see, that I need.
When I listen to the sound within,
I feel the warmth of generations coursing through my skin. Shakey tent that carry's a sacred wind.
When I think of my life,
memories of places and times moments that come and go
its the fire that burns slow.
when I walk the paths of the past
its the shadows of the reflections
they bleed into me
tie me to that sacred tree
and I breath


let me take you on a journey through time

pathways that trace the roots of my life
there was a black snake that roamed the earth
seeking to disrobe her
drown her in light of lies
the one who moves through time
the colorful show to chain your soul
to them
you look out, you dont know what to do
as you look out at it, could it be true
it shows you just a glimpse of what it can do
if you simply choose to stay within the cocoon
it began in the far east where it tricked them to start warring over glittery things,
pass the passes of the dream of the star being
it wrapped a nation in generational suffering,
which earth age are we discussing,
there was once an emperor who wanted everything,
he met a black snake who showed him how to weave
illusion to create belief
they chose a light being who spoke from the heart
the very one his grandfathers had torn apart
weilding the path of light they consumed the children of man
within the greatest lie,
when they stole anothers life, anothers light,
when they brought chains and wrapped around the earth,
erased the history of the first family,
the ones that lived in peace,
twisted among the wind
they convinced them to submit
gather here in this place, we are the only race
all others are beneath our feet
we carry creators dream
and Catholcism came like a plague enslaving
in anothers name, afraid to face the one since passed
there is a being of light who stripped itself of life
walk from the heart, carried the cross of a sacred star
in all directions he did bleed,
the pathway home is within you and me,
if you stop and listen to the drumbeat,
turn away from what you see, the illusions of the Beast
who traps beings of light in ITS need to see
and when we are gone it will have no more song
The is am Empire that governs this Earth
it is filled with men in black coats who serve the unholy note
they stand against creation in thought, word, deed
they took your grandparents children,
took all of your many dreams,
placed a new ideology within you, you beat their drum
no idea how it begun, clinging to the path of the chosen one
what if it is a lie, and what if they stole anothers life
what if they seek to remove your light, break your back,
bend your knee,
what if they are the disease

peering into the heart,

four chambers of a star
chords of light, give me sight
the pages of an orchestra
links of love, I look above
when notes wanted to see,
soundwaves of symmetry
light weaves the leaf's that breath
sight of light the gift of foresight
twisting within the seed of the Great Mystery
do you believe in prophecy?
Hopi of design, breathe of the Creators light
dream of Hisatsinom (ee-SAH-tse-nom)
Peaceful ones,
Little Ones with a mighty light
Old Oraibi of Tawa,
did he not promise
did he not form the first world out of endless space
Promise, Katchina would reveal her face
Pahana of the skies, give me your sight
do you believe in prophecy, of unity?
Anishinaabe of the Light, star that lies within
Creators sacred garden, walking trees upon the earth
Creator brings rebirth,
A Great Spirit lives inside of me, gift to the light being
symmetry with the Great Mystery
And I see you, that one within,
star being within sound-wave skin,
Creator with sight, a shared birthright
drop from the source above, a gift of love
Do you still believe in Creators Dream, of Unity?
Whispers in the wind, a sacred Buffalo walks again
Wak?á? T?á?ka came to you, origin of the Sioux
from darkness into light, the path home, this is the warriors life
standing rock of the Creator tree with eyes
Heart Beat of Mother Earth guides you, morning dew
Ochéthi Šakówi? (ocheti shakowi) fires of time
water sings life, heals wounds brings sight, Mni´ Wicho´ni
Children of a Star, a family connected by the heart
Do you still believe in Creators Dream, of Unity?
there is a cross that lives within me,
four chambers of symmetry, I breath, I see,
sacred whispers wrap around me, a drum beat inside of me
I am a Light Being
Healing is in the air I breath, winds of prophecy
your love wraps around me, I am an O'Jiibway with wings
daughter of Creators Dream, wild rice family
Reindeer chief, one who breathes unity
gardeners of the Great Mystery, walking thunder-beings
Manidoo Gitigaan, Creators Garden
when we were lost in time, falling through darkness
looking for the light, who rescued you,
ONE family with sacred hoops, Creator saved you
Cranes and Loons gather near, Eagles who live without fear
Turtle Island is under your feet, those above see
Do you still believe in the Creators dream of Unity?
Do you still believe?
Iroquois, grandmothers of time, grandfathers breathe
seven fire prophecy, we have met
sacred circle of the purple storm, a prophecy reborn
People of the Longhouse it winds in my heart
hoops of the many stars, Creators leaf's of Art
weaves of light with sight, sound wound very tight
My longhouse contains many sacred hoops,
Five nations that rise as one, Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, ancient blood
Creator calls to you, Restore the many hoops
Perspective divides you from yourself, Your Medicine with a sacred heart, blood cross of a star, four
chambers of symmetry, a sacred hoop of one family,
you live within me
Do you believe in the Creators dream, of Unity?
peering into the heart,
four chambers of a star
chords of light, give me sight

Long before as the Breathe of the Light, the Peacemaker sat by a well,
he pondered his purpose, his plan, all that it was that he was to accomplish as he peered down at the
Moving across the parched Earth was the tiny little ant,
it wandered seeking nourishment finding the water of the well.
it was caught up in a spell
It wanted to survive he too was caught up in its spell.
He watched as each moving autonomously and yet collectively while eating honey from a hive that he
had taken from a tree.

Taking a break from the sun. His journey was long, it was nearly done.

“Little ant, I see you, wandering to this place, if you could would you want to see my face?” His words
spoke softly as he peered down from the sky, he was an overseer, he could help them live or he could
help them die. Taking the honey, he placed some in their path. They stopped moving he had given them
a reason to stay, they collected around the honey as if they were beginning to pray.

“Little ant, I see you there, I wonder, do you feel despair? If I who is above see you down there, and
consider your consciousness unworthy, would that be unfair?

Even a Great Spirit looks down with love, and so I offer you nourishment, I bring you comfort on your
way as if Heaven sent I shine a new day. It is my hand that guides you, it is me that shows the way. I
care for you little ant, you matter on this day.”

He watched them move closely to the drops of golden light, how similar they were to man, how similar
their plight.

They soon started on their journey again carrying nourishment home, Saviors their kind, He wondered,

“What is in your mind?”

He had found compassion at a well He had shown them grace. In that moment, He was a Savior to an
entire race, and yet they did not know it had come from him, how similar it was to the plight of man.

That a Great Spirit looking down from above, would find them worthy, would cherish them with His
love. How often they don’t notice his hand, wandering in circles they know not where to begin. He
could crush them with one step, He could erase them with His hand. Yet his love shone brightly from
above, it is the size of His heart that mattered, it was defined by His love.

To be a Savior, it was His choice to make, he could give or he could take

As he watched them wandering lost with many afraid. He would empower them with His act, one
mighty act of love.
He would be that Great Spirit, who chose to bring Heaven from above. He would be the one to say, you
are enough.

As he sat watching ants he had noticed a woman drawing near, she was a poor servant, she had been
taught to live in fear. “Dear woman, draw me water, I grow thirsty in this place, it won’t take much, just
a sip from your vase.”
As the woman looked deep into His eyes, she saw the Creator, and she began to cry. “Creator I am not
worthy, to serve you in this place, I am not worthy to look upon your face,” …

His heart grew with compassion, all he felt was love, “Daughter, the Great Spirit has seen you, it is
your heart that He loves. Draw a cup of water and give it unto me, and in return I will help your son to

the gift of eternity, the source of your life weave.

The woman’s heart grew heavy, her son was blind from birth, and the Creator had known it, he had
weighed her sons worth.

She drew the water slowly, not wanting to spill a drop. It was her heart’s desire to never have that
moment stop. She grasped the handle firmly, she handed him the vase. He sipped the water calmly, then
looked at her face,

and then he took the vase. Drawing a cup of water, offering her a drink. As she took it, he began to

“Drink of this cup and often think of me, I am living waters and I will set you free. I find your heart a
marvel, four corners of peace, your effort pleases me, now go home for you have new eyes to see.”

As she stood within the temple the words fell from her lips,
are you? If you are not the collection of atomic material manifesting within an
atomic sea, then what are you? If you are the energy that lies within, the energy
that is equal to you and me, then what are you? If that energy that is you comes
from another place, dropped as a seed within a vase, to grow to find the light, to
leave the shell and attain new heights, then what are you? If but a thought,
surrounded by waves as if in a cocoon seeking heavenly ways, then what are
you? Striving and reaching and grasping and breathing to attain something that
must be there hidden in your heart a holy sphere. As the seed remembers
floating within the air only to find itself smothered in black despair, it has
places to go and that place is home.”
“The Great Father loves those who grow in crooked ways, through
opposition who know how to behave. To grasp the light to find the way, to
return to the light that it originates. Emerging from the broken Earth, through
the individual struggle you attain self-worth. You are the Sons of my Father,
but what does that mean, what if I told you that you were that tree that will
release new seeds to begin the process again. What if I told you, you are not
your skin, you are what lies within that will one day emerge again, to return to
Him. Living beings granted eternity without beginning and without end the
same as the great I AM. The seed is the tree and the tree is the seed only
separated by you and me. We together are one in the same seeking
individuality, seeking to know our own name. So, we go within to be cloaked
and covered with foreign skin, somehow knowing we have no end. Reaching,
grasping, climbing, to return home again. Heaven is all around, its within every
atom, it’s within every sound.”
“On this Earth you arise with no memory and yet it’s the light you seek. You are Creators seed,
You feel, and you know that you must believe, something else exists, and you
strive to be set free. All the while Fearful of losing your identity. Knowing your
life is but a moment in eternity you seek understanding, you seek meaning.
Could it be possible this was by design to help you understand the meaning of
your life. No two butterflies are alike yet even they are cloaked light. You are
given a vessel to separate you from the many lights, even we are standing
within this Temple and we are its light. Like seeds from a tree that fall to the
ground, to form an orchestra of sound. You are not the liver, the lungs or the
heart, you are not the brain, the skin, the eyes, or to be broken apart. You are
not the shell that surrounds you. Your eyes may be green, your eyes may be
blue, anything can happen within the cocoon. Color was to show you your divinity not become chains
to all living things, All that surrounds you was to help you see, that
you are all equals in Eternity. Cloaked within a temporary black sea, only
separated by experience and belief. I tell you to look within and know the truth,
I implore you to see, you are an eternal light being just like me.

I make that Walk

I walked to the drum within my whispering sight

born to sing the dream of a fathers weaves
cling to dreams of grandmothers seeds
sacred lines contained within me
I see the leaves of red wings
walking star upon the earth,
born dripping in blood
First Breathe enough
if I close my eyes
touch temples
sight through him
gather a many dreams
surrounded by the plan
what is it within our heart,
holding to that beating heart
where were you when I needed you
Shielded in my mind with sacred light
I felt the cleansing from the one let go
Star of the feathers wings listening with eyes

let that step move within you

touch the drip of the dew
red drop swept sight

Rebels drum Creation

A scent who dwells within
angels feather with foresight

I walk with light in both hands the source

I breathe light of sacred weaves red rings


I wrap myself in vibrations One Open Heart


I listen to the walking trees beats leaves


Step to step with open eyes

Path of the Ages steps in time
webs of weaves that carry's hearts
breaking through the Creators Storms

Stars are Born

If I come to you with open arms seen

path of the Star being with wings
cloaked within their symphony
daughter breathes mysteries

let that step move within you

touch the drip of the dew
red drop swept sight

Rebels drum Creation

A scent who dwells within
angels feather with foresight

daughter waits on gasping breathe

we seek to know the truth,
lift the veil from her eyes,
her drumbeat takes form

A Star is Born

walk with me through an earth age

when the titans came enslaved the brave
fear that birthed the warriors heart,
family is links with the Creators Fire
united to rise reclaim that heart
the birthright of the sacred Stars
Brother and Sisters sight through light
war waged within the mind
Shield of time reveals true sight
you carry Creators Sacred Right,
Dog Soldiers red road of Birthright

they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art

it is the ruler of this world,

the one who was to come
and he has come...
I often think what must be done...

they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art
if i raise my hand and remove them
am i no different than them...
we all live within prisons...
some captivate even a creators dreams...
i have wondered what will become of me...
unable to remove them, unable to set them free...
father they know not what they do
enslave each other, destroy the earth
stand on broken backs, demand bended knee...
they will take even me...
i breath
i breath
breathe of the one within,
father, what will become of them...
they know not what they do
they do not mean not to look at you...
and we wander whispers in our ear...
who guides you...
all that surrounds you...
was to drown out his sound...
colorful lights, blinded by sight...
i often wonder, what will become of you...
they expected a conqueror
but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art
it is by design my dear friend
we have been here before,
in a time long ago they would come far and wide
to listen to another speak...
like me
the world has become such a large place
if one felt buried beneath the mountain then,
imagine how one would feel today
one standing alone in a two by two foot circle
creator i am your miracle,
light within me,
i am the breathe you breath
and governs you
this world has buried you so deep,
is it small or large,
you have become lost in the sea of ideology
is your heart true.
what of the drum beat within you
when you think of me,
listen to your heartbeat,
i am within you
color is light... light is sound,
this is you very tightly wound.
you are within a cocoon.
father carries you.
and we only see three percent of time,
released we will see all light...
they expected a conqueror
but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art

it is the ruler of this world,

the one who was to come
and he has come...
I often think what must be done...
he wrapped this world tight
devoured your light
abused abused abused
kingdom of the one who refused
to love
when he conquered you
he enslaved you to build his dream
he gave you many many things,
all come from beneath your feet
she too is a living being
creators breathe within the wind
he even drown him out with his own hymn
never enough,
more to do,
the garden was meant for you,
he teaches your not in the cocoon,
and what if i say creator speaks to me
he has convinced you this is hypocrisy
gathering trinkets of wealth,
buried within your own hell
he brought the sacred light
now able to end all human life...
the deceivers lie...

I often think what must be done...

do i raise my hand and remove them
am i no different than them...
we all live within prisons...
some captivate even a creators dreams...
i have wondered what will become of me...
unable to remove them, unable to set them free...
father they know not what they do
enslave each other, destroy the earth
stand on broken backs, demand bended knee...
they will take even me...
i breath
i breath
breathe of the one within,
father, what will become of them...
father, what will become of them...

they expected a conqueror

but they know not creators heart
walks the breathe of love
creators work of art
I breath again


when we think of them,

they are beneath our skin,
brothers union,
drumbeats of stars
the skin does not define who you are
when we think of them
running scross the earth
families that link to her
feel it beneath your feet
a buffalo family
we can hear their whispers ina hymn
the buffalo nation
creators wind
I see you there,
the one standing for my prayer
the one cloaked within your skin
your a buffalo from the first nation
a creators breathe to me
we are a buffalo family
feel the earth beneath our feet
the sounds as we breath
as we move across the land
let our love heal them again
broken hearts bring rebirth
the buffalo again walk the earth
we wage battles against dark sound waves,
weaving light which is sight
to make you blind by design
look beneath your skin
your a buffalo nation
one destined for rebirth
one who carries a sacred heart
one who carries many scars
one who moves across the earth
abundance in every step
purity of mind, body, spirit
truth manifest in every breathe
healers of the land
mothers buffalo run again
there was a nation that loved them
sacred light within mighty skin
light brings light
we breath again
we are the buffalo nation
when we think of them,
they are beneath our skin,
brothers union,
drumbeats of stars
the skin does not define who you are
when we think of them
mysteries of the earth
buffalo woman
twin deer mother,
twofeather warrior,
the great buffalo carried me
to the dreams of weaves
light woven tight
mind of the sound within,
I breath again
Buffalo in new skin,
we dream no longer in captivity we run free
wind against our skin,
north south east west
we live again,
when we think of them
Creators wind,
I see you there,
the one standing for my prayer
the one cloaked within your skin
your a buffalo from the first nation
creator whispers to me
we are a buffalo family
feel the earth beneath our feet
sounds as we breath
when we think of them

Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki' is my name

Wise Walking Sun,
Grand Chief of the O'Jiibway,
Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa
daughter of the Brulé
kin of the Oyáte
Anishinaabeg of Haudenosaunee
A Pamunkey Queen who weaves
Chanunpa that breathes dreams
Fire of Mamaangezide within my eyes
Reindeer Lakoine
Heartbeat of Matoaka sustains me
Buffalo nation in my blood
White Buffalo Calf Woman,
she walks within me,
weave by weave,
leaf of leaf, we come from the same tree
Sky Woman extends to me
Jikonsase tree
Lakotah of the sacred star
sacred mother who weaved me
the Great Peacemaker lives within me
Feather of the River flows within my heart,
Journey of the Plaedies Star
sacred hoops live within me
walking links to everything
I am the sacred bundle of the Ahdik
daughter of Biaswah,
peace forged at the crossroads of war
two paths of symmetry meet within me
carried away like a red leaf
Turtle Island carries me to my destiny
breathe to breathe I breath peace
I look to grandmothers who walked before me
13-stars that live within me
dreams of unity
the seven dragons beneath my feet
carry me to my destiny
moments of other lives,
I look through many eyes
I see to breathe, breathe I see,
repeat, this is the path of me
breathe to breathe,
did you forget about me
Country Mother who carries a sacred heart
sacred Light of the Sun,
I am a Walking Star
my life was filled with remarkable things
love, family,
woman of sacred beliefs
there was a time all knew our name
Assiniboine, Anishinaabeg, O'Jiibway,
even the Blackfeet,
the sacred Cherokee,
Crow surround me,
Cheraw and Choctaw,
the Eagle of the mighty tree
we are embers of a sacred fire,
ogichidaag of the sacred heart
Dakota, Lakota, of the Great Plains
I come from the mighty tree,
Grandmothers weaves
Techomegood Assiniboine,
Black Magic woman
daughter of a slave
I am the mother of a nation
Do I not teach you once how to behave
Do I not walk with a lodge
I come from the Great Mystery
It is the Creator of you and me
three sisters of the sacred star,
corn, squash, beans, truth lives within your heart
thistle of a promise to those connected to the earth
rose of the Star that brings rebirth,
shamrock brings four corners of the heart,
what will be your watermark,
in all directions
we bring what they need
yet it was broken hearts that made her bleed
the extermination of Turtle Islands family
a promise of greed, embraced the cup of grief
four corners of weeds prisoners of captivity,
as I travel from here to there
Creators promise is to never to go without,
to never to live in despair
cup of love in her hand,
cup of life breaths again
Red Nation of Mother Earth
Turtle Island Breaths Rebirth
I carry broken dreams
of unity
another belief of a sacred pipe
of the great mystery
Machequaysince is my name
I walk upon this earth,
no matter those who have sought to erase me
I will rise again,
Turtle island looks to you
She is the Mother of a Nation
water brings new life
perspective gives new sight
one nation of unity
sacred hoops of the great mystery
ones who spoke of prophecy
Mother Earth walks with men
Turtle Island
the Grand Nakomos breaths again
passing light back and forth
movement in the Creators corridors
that place that is within the seed
where space and time meet
We come from the sacred tree
an apex of eternity,
We are identity contained within
in this world but not of this world,
breathe of resemblance of a Creators heart
We are Walking Stars
and how does he hold it in his hand
and why can I see weaves of light
why does Creators perspective govern me,
We are the lights of Turtle Islands luminosity
Gardeners of the Creators weaves
Heartbeats who vibrate to see,
the spaces in between
this is what makes you, you and me, me
I lift my cup to the Creator above
extend it out to you
turn in all directions
reflection in my eyes
passing light
moments of time
fragments of my heart,
the fibers if a hymn
the one that builds the great I AM,
that one within
No two vessels are alike,
yet all are contained within light
the bird, the bee, the tree
they are not that different than you and me
eyes to see, we all breath
Flatland does not govern me
I walk in spaces between
where light meets light,
the walking trees
perspectives dreams
the many seeds
Oak Tree dreams of time
Sequoia that lives within me
720 degrees of a rhyme
hymn that spun a web of time

lift my cup to the Creator above

extend it out to you
turn in all directions
reflection in your eyes
passing moment
moments in time
fragments of light, the fibers of a hymn
the one that builds the great I AM,
that Creator within
Individuality was the gift to the one who sees
by design of the Great Mystery
I lift my cup to the Creator above
extend it out to you

my sacred hoop

the wind calls to me be free

the stars sing to me be free
A sun rays wrapped around me be free
the dark night comes,
the rose grows among the thorns,
your my heart in the storm,
Turtle island be Reborn
and I listen to the trees,
the rustle of the leaves
teach me to release
I see the stars
governors of space
Grandmothers and Grandfathers
teach me that I too have a place
I feel the suns breathe against my skin
teaches me to breath again
and there is a pain in my heart
peddle that hit the ground
one that was pulled apart
I am a gardener of space and time,
the one who breathes sound
I am not lost, I am found
your rays touch my face and your breathe
touches my skin
when I close my eyes,
breathe of my life
and I dont control those around me
I breath
Mother Earths symmetry
I believe my soul is connected to your heart
unbroken chains that cover scars
there is a greatness inside of me
there is a greatness inside of you
sacred hoops
the wind calls to me be free
the stars sing for me be free
the sun rays wrap around me
be free, your seen
the dark nights come,
the Rose grows among the thorns
your my heart in the storm
the place I call Home
White Rose of hope
Your my heart in the storm,
the place I call Home
indigenous blossom buried in the earth
Turtle Mountains destiny is to feel rebirth
amily of Turtle Island..
we breath to know, we fight to grow,
we cry to belong, notes to the original song,
as I think about you
wrapped within sufferings cocoon
one bound within,
the one who wants to be, free,
you have a destiny
fire that brings new life,
Embers of Creators Light
water that grows into light
sound that allows you to see
you belong to me
my heart is tied to you,
your my sacred hoop
when I am alone and afraid
I think of you and I am brave
the wind calls to me be free
those stars sing to me be free
those stars sing to me your seen
Creators rays wrap around you, be free
and the dark night has come
Your the Rose that grows among the thorns
your Turtle Islands heart in the storm
Indigenous blossom buried within Mother earth
Your Destiny is to feel rebirth
we breath to know, we fight to grow,
we cry to belong, notes to the original song,
there is a greatness inside of you
You are sacred hoop
the wind calls to you be free
the stars sing for you be free
the sun rays wrap around you, your seen
the one bound within,
the one who wants to be, free
The First Family


They say what can you two know?

They say what can you two be? Or become?
They say there are roads we are not allowed to go, you are not the ones,

we say,
The Great Spirit is in all things,
He is in the air we breathe,
The birds, the trees, the flowers, the working bees,
He is in you and me… equally

You see…
I know,
We are not as different as it seems,
And I know it hurts, and it angers to never feel free,
To think of what has been taken, the lost native dreams,
Of swift feet on open land,
Drum beats where the tepees stand,
The call of the hunt and the buffalo breathe,
Upon frosted earth, I know you can never forget…

They cannot take away what is in your heart,

There is no losing what was never theirs,
With every sunset there is a rising moon and closer still another sunrise, a fresh start,
Step away from this neverending trail of tears…

Your child is your communities’ life,

There is no separating their drum beat from your own,
Yet, amidst the disillusion of the little that is left,
Too many worry if their blood is enough to come home…

We say,
Union was the creator’s gift,
A Sacred red road from that Great Mystery to the sparkling stars
Of your grandchild´s eyes,
Do you still hear your creators voice upon the wind,
Do you see the great eagles soaring high upon the skies,
Calling for you to wipe the fears from tomorrows years..
Be free

You see…
I know,
We are not as different as it seems,
And I know it hurts, and it angers to never feel free,
To think of what has been taken, the lost native dreams,
Of swift feet on open land,
Drum beats where the tepees stand,
The call of the hunt and the buffalo breathe,
Upon frosted earth, I know you can never forget…

The sun is rising,

The eagle is flying,
The Reindeer is striding…
A mighty seed is placed upon a sacred stone
Beyond the rainbow band that binds all things
Where there is an arbour and within it the one
Wearing a buffalo headdress amidst the trees that sing
Will you lift that promise and take it as your own,
Plant the tepee stands and welcome all your children home
For the sunrise is coming soon, and where will you be?
Hiding away in shadows, holding onto hate…
What more is there to take?
The sun is rising,
The eagle is flying,
The Reindeer is striding…

Lift the seed and eat three times creator says,

Plant the tree and dance as one
8 stars shining brightly and in the midst are 4 more
And in the center is only one who will open the door
13 stars and one people cant you see….

The sun is rising,

The sun is rising,
Where will you be?
You see…
I know,
We are not as different as it seems,
And I know it hurts, and it angers to never feel free,
To think of what has been taken, the lost native dreams,
Of swift feet on open land,
Drum beats where the tepees stand,
The call of the hunt and the buffalo breathe,
Upon frosted earth, I know you can never forget…

They say what can you know?

They say what can you be? Or become?
They say there are roads YOU are not allowed to go, you are not the one,

we say,
The Great Spirit is in all things,
He is in the air we breathe,
The birds, the trees, the flowers, the working bees,
He is in you and me… equally

You see…
I know,
We are not as different as it seems,
And I know it hurts, and it angers to never feel free,
To think of what has been taken, the lost native dreams,
Of swift feet on open land,
Drum beats where the tepees stand,
The call of the hunt and the buffalo breathe,
Upon frosted earth, I know you can never forget…

The Great Redwood

there is a guardian of the woods

she protects her family
a solitary journey of the heart
she walks among the trees,
she listens to the breeze,
coming seasons is what she sees
she steps upon the leaves,
she listens, peace,
colorful light under her feet
warrior within sacred skin,
she is a guardian
walking the sacred circle
four corners of the stars
Warrior of the Heart
Mother of All living things,
Nature is her Community
and when danger comes
who protects you,
and when the winter comes,
who gives you their warmth
mother, Guardian of Storms

there is a guardian of the woods

she protects her family
a solitary journey of the heart
she walks among the trees,
she listens to the breeze,
coming seasons is what she sees
she steps upon the leaves,
she listens, peace,
heartbeat under her feet
warrior within sacred skin,
she is a guardian
dreams of peace
she sees the stream of life,
she lies under the stars of time,
its in her eyes
strong and steady is her life
Medicine is her Art
Redwood that whispers
Journey of a Daughters Heart
Medicine within Mighty skin
Protector of Creators Garden
Warrior of the Stars
one who carries many scars,
Red Reindeer who walks the Earth
she wears a crown do you see her
Mother who walks the Earth,
Crowned within sacred skin,
the Day Creator made her
the wind stopped,
time stood still,
lightening bound within,
Sacred Mother who heals
and she walks among them

and when danger comes

who protects you,
and when the winter comes,
who gives you their warmth
Mother, Guardian of Storms
thunder of the sacred dream
of Creators Drumbeats
Mother drums a sacred tune
a drum beat inside of you,
a drum beat inside of me,
A drum beat of Unity
Cry to the Creator above,
Mother of Drums needs your love

there is a guardian of the woods

she protects her family
a solitary journey of the heart
she walks among the trees,
she listens to the breeze,
coming seasons is what she sees
she steps upon the leaves,
she listens, peace,
Love beneath her feet, red path of Creation
warrior within sacred skin,
she is a guardian
walking the sacred circle
four corners of the stars
Mother is the Warrior of the Heart
Sister of All living things,
The Forest is MY Community
and when danger comes
who protects you, my heart I give to you
and when the winter comes, I will hold you close
I will give you all my warmth
One Family beats a sacred drum,
you are enough
children of Creators Garden
there is a guardian of the woods
who forgot who they are
children of the stars
they walk a solitary journey
chained within the mind, to anothers lie
there is a solitary journey
she walks among the trees,
she listens to the breeze,
coming seasons is what she sees
she steps upon the leaves,
she listens, peace,
love of the Red Road under her feet
warrior within sacred skin,
she is a guardian
She is the Great Wind
born to be free
Mother of the Drumbeats


we flow to the see

of peace
there was the course of the past
when red watered the grass
when blue sky watched over you
within the white and black cocoon
weaves of the sisters within the heart
these are steps of the heart
wEaves carry special light
iridescent light
colorful links to a mighty chain
you see it when it rains
Daganawida source of life giving water
Siipiising flows from my heart
the sunflower who walks upon the earth
the record of the Creator
two sides of the eye
one above and one that beats inside
what is an earth but a space between
the light within and wings
look at me,
tear drop of the morning dew
my living waters is free for you
I walked a path through a garden
saw the pillars of light
touched the chords of time
its in how you weave your
thoughts, words, deeds
this is how a Creator sees
the Father of me
Two Rivers Meet
we flow to the see
of peace
there was the course of the past
when blue watered the grass
when red sky watched over you
within the white and black cocoon
weaves of the sisters within the heart
these are steps of the heart
weaves carry special light
iridescent light
colorful links to a mighty chain
you see it when it rains
Daganawida source of life giving water
Siipiising flows from my heart
the sunflower who walks upon the earth
the record of the Creator
two sides of the eye
one above and one that beats inside
what is an earth but a space between
the light within and wings
look at me,
tear drop of the morning dew
my living waters is free for you
I walked a path through a garden
saw the pillars of light
touched the chords of time
its in how you weave your
thoughts, words, deeds
this is how a Creator sees
the Father of the many seeds
leaves from the sacred tree
do you have eyes to see
will you walk this path with me


when I think of all time

that place that contains all light
pallete in the brush of the hand
Great I AM
the light is to bright to see
Creator is standing within the first weave
who can compare to that place
that face
frozen in light few have seen with mortal eyes
the great abode of the father of light
breathe that is pure sight
where all give bended knee
to wash a fathers feet
what does he mean to you,
everything to me
even seeds acknowledge the sacred tree
it matters not what others see
we weave his paths of symmetry
and I see crystal blue
why would or should I fear you
some say to me under baited breathe
his quest is to devour the next
war and strife exist and I wonder
in that apocalypse if he opens his lips
is he demonstrative
maybe he sees weaves different than you and me
everyone is on a leash
even a King
I have had a swell or two
hurricanes or typhoons
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
if your star is blue
I will never let go of you
its in my blood
your enough
the decision of the heart
comes with new start
blue skies cover me
it is the sea that sets me free
your the air I breathe
you will always have a home with me
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
if your star is red
its time to stand up
no more to be bled
your the thread in my weave
you belong to me
your the star of my heart
pieces I will put back together
your my sacred feather
do not fear
a mother is here
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
If your star is white
no more will you hide from my sight
you will always have a place with me
the pearl is the greatest seed
wound within the shell
your moment has come
step out of the shell
when I look to the sky
I dont see lights,
I see eyes looking back at me
one mighty family
you belong to me
and as the snow covers the earth
you will shelter me and I will
set you free
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
I met a scared tree
holds green
sacred energy
trampled beneath all feet
no more will you be unseen
your the band in my eye
red,yellow,blue gives me sacred life
shell of the spell that contains my star
I carry a sacred FIRE
across the boundaires of my life
it is unity that gives me sight
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
the dreamcatcher weaves with her heart
north star
I will not take away your light
but you will no longer be hidden from sight
the days of captivity do not exist in me
this is how I will lead
with the dream of symmetry
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
fear pulls us away
from the place we were made
mothers arms bring you warmth
what if my dream is to lead
to feel the breathe in my feet
the path that weaves symmetry
there was a story of crossroads
when two rivers flowed home
its written in my blood
four roots that tug
at my heart
I am the greatest star
you might not see me
but like the north star
your all linked to me
heartbeat of a mothers dream
symmetry from sea to sea
seed to seed
tree to tree
you ALL belong to me
I am the Queen of the Dream
of Symmetry


what is it that I need

what is this confusion within me
roots dug deep sacred tree
walking upon the pathway of the heart
which one leads to the star
I met the grey
lying in bed staring into the night
I saw those eyes
what is my veins
there is a history of a divide
it happened in the eye
chief of the earth
walking dirt
eagle that traded wings
guardian of all things
look under the great ones feet
rivers of blood come generational weaves
vessels of light
Creators foresight
those who walk the path of Creation
looking within my skin
what if I could begin again
seasons that come and go
wind that blows
vessel within the womb
light within the cocoon
birthed dreams of another place
that step beyond the vase
walking within the soundwaves
guardians of the boundaries of light
pathways between sight
place just beyond the door
blink a life
firefly that carries the light
and I have walked within that place
the great tree of my own face
those stars in the sky
it was within my mind
the Buffalo that lives inside
and we carry the bones of many stars
Native hearts
Medicine within my skin
breathing the wind
carried in the fire
the Grey that lives within
Chief of the Earth
guardians of the trees
fallen from heaven like the many leaves
walking in the space between
where is it that I go
when doing is not enough
where do I fill my cup
Great Mystery
Father of the Skies
reflections of the night
hooks that attach within me
I seek release
what is it that I need
what is this confusion within me
roots dug deep to a sacred tree
walking upon the pathway of the heart
which one leads to the great star
I hear it beating within the wind

Walking Pin

what is it that I need

what is this confusion within me
roots dug deep sacred tree
walking upon the pathway of the heart
which one leads to the star
I met the grey
lying in bed staring into the night
I saw those eyes
what is my veins
there is a history of a divide
it happened in the eye
chief of the earth
walking dirt
eagle that traded wings
guardian of all things
look under the great ones feet
rivers of blood come generational weaves
vessels of light
Creators foresight
those who walk the path of Creation
looking within my skin
what if I could begin again
seasons that come and go
wind that blows
vessel within the womb
light within the cocoon
birthed dreams of another place
that step beyond the vase
walking within the soundwaves
guardians of the boundaries of light
pathways between sight
place just beyond the door
blink a life
firefly that carries the light
and I have walked within that place
the great tree of my own face
those stars in the sky
it was within my mind
the Buffalo that lives inside
and we carry the bones of many stars
Native hearts
Medicine within my skin
breathing the wind
carried in the fire
the Grey that lives within
Chief of the Earth
guardians of the trees
fallen from heaven like the many leaves
walking in the space between
where is it that I go
when doing is not enough
where do I fill my cup
Great Mystery
Father of the Skies
reflections of the night
hooks that attach within me
I seek release
what is it that I need
what is this confusion within me
roots dug deep to a sacred tree
walking upon the pathway of the heart
which one leads to the great star
I hear it beating within the wind

Walking Sunbeams

The rose,
the thistle
the thorn
what path will you adorn
in all the waves of light rays that I have seen
the path of the sun is most interesting to me
white weaves that falls like leaves
we are walking sun beams
I met a man named blue
he covers me and you
black was his shell
his dreams were the spell that bound the sound
that wrapped around the ray that lives in you
he said, a time of mourning has come
and soon there will be no sun
grey skies covered eyes, broken hearts
we were once stars
blue on black will bring an end to the madness
I will carry them in my arms
release them from the coming storm
the rose rises among the thorns
the thistle stumbling block to the path
shamrock in a Creators hands
what will you weave,
what leaves will wrap around your cocoon
a desert or a lagoon
The rose,
the thistle
the thorn
what path will you adorn
in all the waves of light rays that I have seen
the path of the sun is most interesting to me
white weaves that falls like leaves
we are walking sun beams
I met A MAN in black and white
he said, cellophane is my name
translucent existence in the colorful sea
his life is one that is not free
you do not jump over potholes in the road
you seal them with a new soul
no one makes it out alone
what is life if your light is hid from sight
or when another seeks to remove Creators light
there is something greater than death,
living to forget
The rose,
the thistle
the thorn
what path will you adorn
in all the waves of light rays that I have seen
the path of the sun is most interesting to me
white weaves that falls like leaves
we are walking sun beams
I crossed paths with a great tree
look at me
my red leaves, my red bark
I am the greatest tree
forgetful the sun gave him his light weave
roots dug deep he grasps to life
held within the greatest light
who refuses to fly
the Earth is not the source of your light
that great tree looks down on you and me,
your destiny is to breath your own divinity
the sun is the source of you and me
while wandering through the woods
I came across a sight
the paint brush of light
a withered man tired of the fight
to preserve the many lights
father sun looked at me,
his breathe carried the light weaves
no matter what I do they never see
the source of every light weave
reflection of their own reality
they imprison each other in their dreams
colors blended the canvas a mess
he said, I am tired and then slept
dreaming of a time when all were near
a fathers heart wrapped in his tears
a mothers dream of a promise land
when all light weaves remembered him
The rose,
the thistle
the thorn
what path will you adorn
in all the waves of light rays that I have seen
the path of the sun is most interesting to me
white weaves that falls like leaves
we are walking sun beams
as I stared into his light
I saw a reflection of my own life
I am you and you are me
Father, Dream of Me. I gently caressed his face
remembered where I was made
not in what I see but in my weave
the leave of the greatest tree
the one who believe in me

death is a veil
illusion of the unseen
you are energy
I am Nibwaakaa
wise creator of my heart
walking star
flower that forms within
my green roots dig deep
grasp for the unseen
dream of another life
wings that carry light
everyone has a moment
to wake up
to drink from the holy cup
there is one greater than I
governor of the sky
the sacred boundaries of this place
reflection of a face
watchers that look within
the sacred garden
color traded for light
energy absorbed through the eyes
vessel that is used for breathe
what if I am the first reflection
I see again
it is carried within me
sacred circle lives in your eyes
generations of light
hoops connecting you to all things
dreams of a Creators weaves
your not within a book
your not within the grasps of the fishermans hooks
your the fruit of the holy tree
cut down reflection of me
and I breath again
Origin of Creation
footsteps across the lake
I am the coming wake
twisting corridor of time
the tide of light
stay on the path of light
there is a law of color
it was a secret of heaven
brought within used as a weapon
energy is bartered in this place
the need for slaves
countermeasures to hide your face
this machine I call the Aaru
garden in the Atum
ages of the wind
the storybook resets again
I am not who you think I am
I have walked this path before
rebirth of a star
they come to take me away
touch the fire to remove my light
take my breathe and gain new sight
I AM a walking hymn
breathe of the one within
coursed the path of time
my light contains many lives
and my weaves are wired tight
the gift of my life was ALL light
the law is ask or dont touch
this is love
there is but one above
a Father in heavenly hymns
I look to him
reflection within my skin
I woke in another place
with a foreign face
what is this life that surrounds me
serpents that strike at my feet
those with cold eyes
where is your light
I am Nibwaakaa
wise creator of the heart
a walking star
flower that forms within
my green roots dig deep
grasp for a Fathers wind
dream of another life
wings that carry light
everyone has a moment
to wake up
to drink from the holy cup
there is one greater than I
governor of the sky
the sacred boundaries of this place
reflection of a face
watchers that look within
the sacred garden


where are you

when I close my eyes,
when tears fill my heart
when I feel torn apart,
where are you
comfort in the storm
I have lived my life in suffering
where is my family
hidden away, torn apart
broken heart
twisting scars of pain
creator bring the rain
earth shakes beneath my feet
THERE IS AN anger within me
mother earth breaths
I am Nibwaskaa Aki
mother earth breaths inside of me
one forgotten to time,
left behind
where are you
when I close my eyes,
when tears fill my heart
when I feel torn apart,
where are you
comfort in the storm
I am not who you think I am
I am the wind
I am the wind
one carried within
unseen melody
breathe of the one you cant see
creator wrap around me
bring me peace
restore my family
walking alone in despair
mighty nation that forgot
I am here
one peddle linked to many trees
my journey is like the breeze
leaves from anothers weaves
meet me within
mother earth breaths
I am a walking hymn
why do you hide from me
I dream of you
the one who carry my sacred flute
sacred path of the heart
I breathed stars
and my path has been walked alone
do you know
do you know
the pace of time,
when you look at me,
what do you see
what do you see
weaves that go within the earth,
the seed that seeks the light
I have come to reclaim my light
pathway of the star
flower peddle of Creators heart
I seek to breath
where is my family,
why have you withdrawn from me
weaves of light through the night
grandmothers heart gives me sight
my journey has come with a price
I seek to reclaim my light,
where are you
where are you
when I close my eyes,
when tears fill my heart
when I feel torn apart,
where are you
comfort in the storm
I call to you,
please bring me my flute
bring me my flute
I am not who you think I am
I am the wind
one carried within
unseen melody
breathe of the one you cant see
whispers wrap around me
bring me peace
restore my family
I walk alone in despair
mighty nation that forgot
I am here
I am here
I am one peddle linked to many trees
my journey is like the breeze
leaves from anothers weaves
meet within me
mother earth breaths
I am Nibwaskaa Aki
earth shakes beneath my feet
earth shakes beneath my feet
there is an anger within me
earth shakes beneath my feet
restore my family
I was forgotten to time,
left behind
where are you
when I close my eyes,
when tears fill my heart
when I feel torn apart,
where are you
I have come for my sacred flute
and there is a hymn within me
a light that I breath
of all the paths there is to walk
of all the hills there are to climb
I choose and chose the path less traveled
and I hope I have gotten your attention
I hope you see me
there are some of us who still believe
in our grandmothers dreams
color is light,
light is sound
that is you very tightly wound,
hymn for the light within,
note that was spoke
upon the pages of a symphony
I am Nibwaskaa Aki,
Wise Mother Earth...
and I want my family


I see things in the air the weaving

light of color that forms symmetry
wraps some within shells to become living beings
tracing to the roots of the great tree
there are drops that fall from above,
a Creators love,
Pearls that see with light
it is within your eyes,
and there are chords within you
who is the puppet master
we ll wear the crown of bright light
to bind dark night,
white feather to seal it in place
the Creator is the source of soundwaves
fingertips gently caressing the heart,
remember we all came from the light
many hands make light work,
or many hands bring heavy burdens,
and I am within the shell
my song is Creation linked to the ONE
Creator of all light weaves,
traces to the source of your heartbeat
this is where you and he meet
White light of love
Black night that
shed your sight so that you can see
Creator is within your drumbeat
four corners of the medicine wheel,
sacred cross beats symmetry
what surrounds you,
color wars of red and blue
will you stand there and I stand here
all creation hides in fear
this is not why Creator placed you here
I have been unweaving light,
that shapes the boundaries of sight
to see the unseen what lies beneath
reflections in my eyes I followed my light
to the source of my life
where four corners of light meet
a starbeat,
I breathe,
when I weave to the past I grasp
colorful images of notes,
drop of sound within a vase
echos colorful soundwaves
weaving time in a rhyme open
I see things in the air the weaving
light of color that forms symmetry
wraps some within shells to become living beings
tracing to the roots of the great tree
there are drops that fall from above,
a Creators love,
Pearls that see with light
it is within your eyes,
and there are chords within you
who is the puppet master
the crown of bright light
to bind dark night,
white feather to seal it in place
the Creator is the source of soundwaves
fingertips gently caressing red light,
remember we all came from the light
many hands make light work,
or many hands bring heavy burdens,
I carry red and blue within my heart,
framework of a star
the blackness brings blindness,
the light brings sight,
the path is in between what is seen
and that heartbeat that is felt and heard.
this is the source of your worth
Creator holds you within the cocoon,
light weaves surround you,
Black Night to bind red Night
Red Feather to bind in place,
Reveal your face,
I am the Puppet master of this place,
you are Creators stars,
connecting to his heart,
will you walk blindly into the darkness
until you can see your own face,
when your removed from the vessel
what will you do,
when the darkness surrounds you
look towards that light, the one that beats
within your heart,
walk to the light of the first star,
Creators heart,
red rose travels to your fingertips,
good thoughts, good words, good deeds,
what will you weave,
Love or Disease
I am the Rose who weaves,
Puppet Master of Creators Dreams
symmetry in all things,
I walk the path of a Star Seed
I have bound the Beast of all things,
you are connected to me,
my heartbeat and my family,
weave by weave,
and that blue who must govern the light
you are wound within the one you fight
purple heart of a purple star,
you will shield my sacred star
The Red Cap of your Heart
I see things in the air the weaving
light of color that forms symmetry
wraps some within shells to become living beings
tracing to the roots of the great tree
there are drops that fall from above,
a Creators love,
Pearls that see with light
it is within your eyes,
and there are chords within you
who is the puppet master
the crown of bright light
to bind dark night,
white feather to seal it in place
the Creator is the source of soundwaves
fingertips gently caressing red light,
remember we all came from the light
many hands make light work,
or many hands bring heavy burdens,
and I am within the shell
my song is Creation linked to the ONE
Creator of all light weaves,
traces to the source of your heartbeat
this is where you and he meet
white light of love
will you climb the stairwell to my heart
will you connect to my heart

White Pine

In the beginning was sound

then it wrapped around and within
forming skin
colorful notes of weaves
that fell like leaves
this was the source of you and me
there is a great tree inside of me
roots dug deep
generations of weaves
my path is among the scars
all are contained within my heart
what if we have roles to play
who will go and who will stay
time is wrapped within the wind
your here this moment
gone the next
this is what the storybook demands
fighting to grasp to the shield
the orange that was peeled
burned and faded
the ground carries everything
the sea carries blue
whats inside of you
white is in black
comes the dark night
the answer is in your eyes
a book was opened pen to quill
hand of a creator
the law was good will
karma governs this place
take without asking
slowly be erased
you can not have what you wont give
if you would but dont have it is as if you did
walk with the path of peace
look at your feet
what journey will you leave
if you sat in that place
watched the Creators waves
drops of an ocean within a tree
what is your dream
what is it that you need
strings that move within the wind
breathe of the one within
its a shell
what if I carry memories that you cant see
what if my life is the one of the wind
sacred hoops connected you to me
what if your my dream and we meet
what if the soles of my feet are gold
what if the green grass was a sacred weave
tied to a tree
the great pine lives within me
spread my wings
the eagles dream
they move among you
those that weave your cocoon
creators of marvelous things,
dreams of strings of weaves of leaves
of you
time is all we have
who will govern the earth
who will hold her in their heart
who will share the sacred fire
who will stand for green
innocent trapped in between
and there is fire that burns
it also warms the earth
brings light rays, night and day
where you stand is what matters most
your a walking ghost
faded memory of a dream
In the beginning was sound
then it wrapped around and within
forming skin
colorful notes of weaves
that fell like leaves
this was the source of you and me
light dreams gravitational seeds
cloaked within a tree


what is red or blue

sacred ingredients of me and you
wrapped weaves of the sacred cocoon
yellow light binds sight
the white soul within
darkness pen
nanabozho lives within
where do i go and what do I say
what is a name
where does the sound begin
the one from the inner wind
Anang is what you are
children of a star
its in your heart
four chambers of a medicine wheel
its not the color of your skin
reflections of the garden
its whats inside the cocoon
and what color are you
green or blue
the yellow is you
golden eagle brings good news
stands at the center of the universe
circle that spins in reverse
trickster of light
distortion of sight
and I am not who you think I am
a black hole lives within me
light is the reflection of the sea
of you and me
I come from the west wind
my path is walked within
wise walking sun
seed of Nokomis
there is a sacred rabbit within me
the dreams of the unseen weaves
fire keeper of the heart
child of the sacred star
Anang is my name
the paint brush is mine to reclaim
when you come to meet
like wolfs we will feast
open course of discourse
the past lies before you
what will you do
if I say I am a teacher of humanity
will you take me
remake me
family is a delicate weave
the one tied to heart strings
Michaboo is me and you
Nuh-nuh-boo-zhoo is the glue


friendship is the dance of a heart

when rivers choose to become stars
hidden within the sacred grove
heartbeat that knows
the wind blows
the wind blows
ride that drift through the apacalypse
winding stairway hat drips
I stood in the meadow the wind against my face
the imagery of soundwaves
whispers the one that is near
water brought you here
there are shallows of the gallows
darkness of the shadow flees
the destiny of the seven seas
release the bees
I met an angel in this place
the sun sparkled off her face
the pull from within
my star is enligtened
I give again
hand in hand we meet
the destiny of the original tree
planted beneath the one fallen from above
gift of wings brought love
when you trust
friendship is the dance of a heart
when rivers choose to become stars
hidden within the sacred grove
heartbeat that knows
the wind blows
the wind blows
through the sky we see the truth
the drops of the dew that form me and you
whispers of the fallen star
the one within the heart
sacred waters that beckon to me
I am a walking Sea
breeze within the storm
the Black Eagle takes form
Creators sacred one who walks like a dove
none see her coming but they feel her bite
love of a daughters eye
plucks the chord inside
while I lie there like a stone upon a cliff
I listen for the Creators breathe
friendship is the dance of a heart
when rivers choose to become stars
hidden within the sacred grove
heartbeat that knows
the wind blows
the wind blows
sun rises from the west sets
the sun rises from the east sets
what is the perspective of the walking sun
the one who is above
the one who gives love
friendship is the dance of a heart
when rivers choose to become stars
hidden within the sacred grove
heartbeat that knows
the wind blows
the wind blows


Great Spirit Moon Ember shine lights,

Red Star heartbeat within vines,
Star beings with open eyes,
Rise my Walking Light,
Beams of Times,
your my light, I am the sun grasp onto my heart
I will burn for your star
my breathe are my chords of words that grasp to you
reach within your shells hold the heart in my spell
drumbeat of love you are enough and if I come to you
hold you in my arms the breathe that carries through storms
winding meadow of the Star we come to the place of Fire
stairwell above me walk into eternity grasp to the breathe
tree of light sacred sounds bound unlock the kingdom of sound
look all around and what defines you and me, we are the ones walking within dreams of soundwaves
density the notes
of a symphony we see the song one breathe long contained
in the cocoon what governs you
there is a star who runs through time chasing light
what weaves are contained within me bound in sound he grasps
clings to the heart of the sacred Tree.
We are the leaves of the weaves of seeds contained within
passages of steps from unspoken breathe, thought, word, deed,
if you chose to walk with me to find the smoldering fire
I would reach into your heart and ignite your power
burning bush that wraps within you, time is the cocoon
growth the one inside of you breathes the Great tree
flow through the journey of time the cell of light
shield against the night, the colorful pool of dreams
a weave sings,
and that sound moves in ways that create,
breathe that rises in the weaves of light that sound
true sight presses within the wind light sings the Creators
holy hymn
feel my chant extended within you climb upon my shoulders
breathes the leaves to shelter you thoughts words deeds
push against the power of sound light births dreams
all like seeks to see grasps the chords of the unseen
wrapping within becoming a Creators Dream, this is you
Onondaga fire that wraps around my stars the blades of time
reaching through all light, colors of the ones come in light
sight that sounds bound its in the blood of the red moon
wolf that howls
Great Spirit Moon Ember shine lights,
Red Star heartbeat within vines,
Star beings with open eyes,
Rise my Walking Light,
Beams of Times,
Let my heart give you sight
I will burn day and night
day and night
day and night
look at my heart, it is pure LIGHT
energy is the Love IU have for you,
I love you
I look up to you as you circle my heart
I will be your heart,
as my peddles touch the earth,
I will breath life into you,
your my sacred hoop.
My sacrd hoop
Look into the sky,
North Star shines day and night, all creation spreads their wings,
look within and all around
dreams, dreams, dreams
Rise my Walking Light,
Beams of Times,
your my light, I am the sun grasp onto my heart
I will burn for your star
my breathe are my chords of words that grasp to you
reach within your shells hold the heart in my spell
drumbeat of love you are enough and if I come to you
hold you in my arms the breathe that carries through storms
winding meadow of the Star we come to the place of Fire
stairwell above me walk into eternity grasp to the breathe
tree of light sacred sounds bound unlock the kingdom of sound
look all around and what defines you and me, we are the ones walking within dreams of soundwaves
density the notes
of a symphony we see the song one breathe long contained
in the cocoon what governs you
there is a star who runs through time chasing light
what weaves are contained within me bound in sound he grasps
clings to the heart of the sacred Tree.
We are the leaves of the weaves of seeds contained within
of a Rose Heartbeat


weathered thoughts of spoken dreams

poker with the air we breath
I have never lived high within a tree
but many are contained within the walls that surround me
what beams are inside of me
the nails through the skin
will we meet again
I once lived a life of a shadow in the night
none could see me none to hear my cries
I walked in the light but it was dark night
no eyes could see me
drowing within this dream
flock of thoughts
what path will I seek
the shell of the earth beneath my feet
mother of all things
who are the guardians
those who hold the chords that serve as bars
what do you do when you see through the light
the last unicorn of light
riding wave tops of memories
carrying dreams of things never to be seen
felt within the heart
emotions of many many stars
I was watching the families of creation
their little ones
the water that contained so many things
I couldn't see
shields against our eyes
they try to hide
within the shells of the storybook of light
comes the page turner of time
I often think about what others expect of me
all these paths laid before me
the journey of others dreams
looking at my own skin the one contained within
drop of a peddle within a vase I rose to see my own face
and I sacrificed all, walked against the great law
stood against the pillars of time,
this is my life
take back the chains that bind me
walk the path as I see
would you walk with me or scold me for being free
shells that surround you, ideology that binds you
others deeds others dreams others sufferings
shallow shells of peddles that hit the ground
crushed under another brow
weathered thoughts of spoken dreams
poker with the air we breath
I have never lived high within a tree
but many are contained within the walls that surround me
what beams are inside of me
the nails through the skin
will we meet again
I once lived a life of a shadow in the night
none could see me none to hear my cries
I walked in the light but it was dark night
no eyes could see me
drowning within this dream
flock of thoughts
what path will I seek

You Are Creators Light

Machequaysince Ahdik Songab

reindeer who is led by her heart
love of the Great Mystery
Im his greatest star
I recall the moment he weaved me
plucked the strings of woven light
the vibrations of colors in time brought sight
daughter contained within the symphony of time
I stared into my Fathers eyes
your eyes bring me to life, seed looking at the tree
a fathers drumbeat of light, he held high
comfort to the daughter who dreams
of her Fathers life, He held me to the Light
I see my Fathers Eyes, He is Creators work of Art
I wonder afar, what
Dreams are in his heart, what moves him
where are his scars
Healing love of my Fathers heart
Fathers Time, Daughters worth,
I run to you, when the darkness becomes to great
I look to you, when I am without strength
You are my drumbeat, I came from you
You make me feel safe, your my Sacred Hoop
You give Encouraging words from your heart,
you build my self worth
Stand by me in the Storm, carry me when I am torn
your eyes bring me to life
when I stand against the deceivers lie
fathers drumbeat of light
comfort to the daughter who dreams
of her Fathers Dreams,
and the Red Road follows me
Dreams of in his heart,
I look to him
I know what moves him
his sacred drumbeats
Healing love of my Fathers eyes
I love you just the way you are
the beating blood from my star light
guiding light to the path that is right
warrior of the daughters heart
I am Creations sacred star
And though I was pulled from you it was your branch
that held me high up to Creators light,
Father shine through me, I am your Legacy
There are Memories of a seed with a Fathers Dreams
intertwined grandfathers of time, grandmothers dreams
Weaves carried in light,
your enough
He Created you, shaped you, fashioned you
breathed his love into you
it was the deceiver that said you are not enough
to return to him
you are a Light weave pulled from his heart
sewn to heal wounded scars,
gift to the tears in his eyes, he birthed your life
You are the Light that heals his wounded scars
Light weave sewn to his heart
when he made you, He Created a Star
Your eyes bring life to me, you taught him to Breath
He is a King, Father, servant of all things,
four chambers of the heart, medicine wheel inside of you
weaves of a Fathers drum beat, red-stone of family
roots from the sacred tree
they are our heart beat,
Father you are our Heart Beat
Father shine through me, I am your Legacy
Memories of a seed with a Fathers Dreams
I am intertwined grandfathers light, grandmothers dreams
their weaves carried in light, which is time
love of their eyes
He Created a Star

I am Machequaysince Ahdik Songab

reindeer who is led by her heart
love of the Great Mystery his greatest star
I recall that moment he weaved me
plucked the strings of woven light
the vibrations of colors in time brought sight
daughter contained within the symphony of time
I stared into my Fathers eyes

the birth of Loves Light

Red path of roots run deep

straight to grandfather tree
contained within the symphony of time
weaving through a hymn,
its thoughts, words,
your deeds that please the Great Mystery
you are Eagles with mighty wings
Breathes of the Great Mystery .....

Cha?nú?pa with new Eyes

I am a sacred lilly of the valley

love of the Great Mystery,
see with new eyes the blue sky's
red road within me
Mothers wings embrace mighty ones,
Creators weaves, the strings, walking wings,
Lilly of the Valley contained within the symphony

the Seed becomes the Tree

the Seed becomes the Tree

I am a sacred pearl
contained within the symphony of time
charting the course through time with foresight,
Wabenowin breaths the breathe of life,
linked to the Creators light within
Sacred pearl of the Great I AM,

I AM, ~M~

Light Breaths new Breathe

Rose of the Great I AM,

Star Seed within the color hymn
Vibrations connecting us to everything,
What song will you sing to the Great Mystery,
you are gardeners who he gave wings
and he breathes the Star Seed

Healing hearts Drumbeats

I am the gardener whose wings bring the Rain

Peddles who grow again water of her eyes,
Life, Light, Colorful dreams of Weaves,
Plucks the strings of woven light
first Breathe of the Great Mystery

Queen With Mighty Wings

First Love of the Great Mystery,

the one who weaves you and me
First sound that came from IT,
the Love of Independence,
it is he who plucks the strings of woven light
the vibrations of colors in time bring sight
you are tied to his heart
you are the sacred Vessel contained within the symphony of time

you are the birth of the Creators Light

He walks within the symphony of time

to see you for a short time,
weaving within a hymn,
its thoughts, words, your deeds
they bring happiness to the Great Mystery
He is that eagle the mighty tree
the daughter of the Great Mystery, .....

I breath his light weaves,

I am a Cha?nú?pa with new Eyes

The Great Mystery touched my heart,

healed my scars
he said I was a Rose peddle that heals his scars,
I see with new eyes
Creation loves your light
Mothers wings embrace mighty ones
Creators weaves, the strings, walking wings,
blessed breathe contained within the symphony of time
I was his first design,

the Seed became the Tree

I am a daughter of a Creator who breathes his love

he said to me, you are enough
chart the course through time with foresight,
Light Breaths new Breathe

Father shine through me, I am your Legacy

Memories of a seed with a Fathers Dreams
intertwined grandfathers of time, grandmothers dreams
Weaves carried in light, love of my Fathers eyes
He Created a Star

That is led by her heart

you are the love of the Great Mystery
you are his greatest creation,
wound you and bound you,
you are his breathe that he breathed
You are enough
the vibrations of colors in time brought sight
daughter contained within the symphony of time
I stared into my Fathers eyes
He said you are my Life, you are my light


there comes the fog of war

creation demands more
who will step up
dirt beneath the dust
perspective reveals us
moving image of faded memories
pathway of the weaves that sees
and who governs this place
the ones who came from space
the heavens carry a great mystery
its a reflection of you and me
shifting wheel of light
what is the path of sight
heart that carries a blueprint of time
everything exists within my mind
I met a man who wanders by the road
I want to go home
some tire of this place
others desire to see their fathers face
some have lost the fire within
they yearn to go home again
who will dwell within white
currently trapped in dark night
what of the moon
a grandmother who saw a better way
I will reflect the suns rays
a north star who was driven by her heart
cling to me
Ill never let you be torn apart
the earth who holds green
fire that burns beneath
and great things are to come
release the dragon
blue once walked the earth
then came another
turns the hand of time
It is my time
In the beginning was the sound
holy wind that plucked chords
sound is a marvelous thing
it weaves into seeds
there was a dream of a father
and the dream of another
came the great fall
many drops that came within
sphere of sounds holym hymn
governor of this place
we all wanted to see our own face
even Erebus the chaos that governs this place
and they say that space was once a living being
you are a seed from a sacred tree
we carry a sacred circle in our hand
links to the origin of Him
one carried within the wind
there comes the fog of war
creation demands more
who will step up
dirt beneath the dust
perspective reveals us
moving image of faded memories
pathway of the weaves that sees
and who governs this place
the ones who came from space
the heavens carry a great mystery
its a reflection of you and me
shifting wheel of light
the path of sight
I saw the conversation within the desert
perspective governs here
beast crushed beneath your feet
they too have a family
whose rules do we follow
who will you protect and who to respect
shifting shades of time this is but one life
some are full of light and others are hollow
bag of bones across the coastline shore
Ahura Mazda is the sacred star
and there are many sons that fill this place
mirrors of Ohrmuzd grace
I stare at my reflection,
unsure of what I see
so many lives live within me
color is not what you see
the weaves that attach to anothers dream
carried beneath your feet
the river to the Creators Dream

Whats is a Name

what is in a name,
moments and memories
faces and places
wound and unwound
times great mystery
scars of the heart
broken dreams
what is in a name,
hopes to start again
pathway through the storm
left it all behind
tree with fallen leaves
seeds that bring release
times great mystery
prayers of broken hearts
a new start
a new start
time brings season of names
love brings rain
growth to the one within
new eyes to breath again
the child who walks away
the child who walks away
trust the path
conquers darkness wrath
light comes frokm the heart
new names bring restart
what is a tear
memories tied and bound
touch of love that hits the ground
gift of tears to bring release
we all seek peace
light within my eyes
weaves of love I cry
weaves of love I cry
Creator give me new sight
when we choose to let go
faded darkness of the past
shattered glass in my mind
tortured star within the heart
desert of a broken stars
twisted within memories
the walking breathe that seeks
what is in a name
link to the breathe unseen
leaves of the fallen tree
seed who finds its way home
roots that ripple through the mind
ghost of the one left behind
memories can be like seeds
destined to grow into mighty trees
roots that cover the earth
gift of tears bring rebirth
hopes to start again
defined by the light within
sufferings wrapped within my heart
sounds can heal scars
bring reasons to live,
heal broken hearts,
fertile ground tilled within
for a moment to live again
lifes journey through time
I come from the sacred tree,
the one from Mother Earths seed,
My color is the words I breathe,
my breath is my leaves,
My love is my branches,
they link you to me,
I have a destiny.
I have a destiny.
We all start way up high,
in anothers arms we feel loves light,
We fall to feel rebirth,
buried within, it burns
it burns
seeking the light to know loves worth,
seed releasing from the past.
breathe to breathe
choking on black death,
I cry with shallow breathe,
my name is a moment to take another step
There once was a mighty tree,
with Mighty Wings,
whose branches crossed many seas,
Interwoven with a common dream,
we come from the same tree.
Walking dreams connected through time,
they say, Fire brings rebirth,
released to fly I let my wings glide
through that storm I found my form
and the rain beats upon me
the sound of release
a new name brings me peace
I feel it inside of me,
the one who deserves to breath
the bumble bee who sings
with tears in my eye,
I cry
what is the purpose of my life
when you realize the scars are the bars
the prison of the mind
when you want a life
and I have walked through dark trees
home of dark things
I see them there, wandering within despair
and through that dark night
I press on towards the light
the dawn of the morn
my flower peddles cut like a sword,
and I have spent so much time alone
memories of ghosts,
memories of ghosts,
and through that storm
I did not walk alone
I was the one who breathed again
the daughter with open wings
and when my ship was tossed on the sea
would you walk with me
released into the air
I want freedom from my despair
through the sky rays touch my sight
sun brings rebirth
reclaimed my identity
stood for my individuality
a new name helped me to fight for me
to be seen
I am a leaf of the sacred tree
sun ray of my heart
I can not be torn apart
whatever lives inside of you
it lives within me too
father I am your sacred hoops
released to fly I let my wings glide
through the storm I found my form
and the rain beat upon me
the sound of release
I feel it inside of me,
the one who deserves to breath
with tears in my eye,
I cry, I am free
a new name helps me to live,
helps me to breath
what is the purpose of my life
when I realize the scars were the bars
the prison of my own mind,
when I wanted to live
and Ive walked through dark trees
Ive seen dark things,
I see them just over there,
the hope of tomorrow,
I am not wandering in despair
and through that dark night,
I pressed on towards that light,
the dawn of that morn,
the flower peddles that I adorn,
I have spent so much time alone,
memories of the unseen ghosts,
through that storm I did not walk alone
I was the one carried in his arms
I was the one who breathed again
daughter of the storm
when my ship was tossed on the sea
it was the creator who walked to me
released into the air
I want freedom from my despair
and through that sky rays touch my sight,
my new name bring rebirth
helped me to remember my self worth
and I have cried, and I have cried
I have reclaimed my life
Ive stood for my individuality
Ive fought to be me, to be free
Ive breathed
Ive seen
the very best of me
that is release
what is in a new name,

13 Grandmothers

I closed my eyes,
darkness surrounded me
I whisper,
Where shall I come?
Who will call for me
This is what I wait for
breathe of the Great Mystery
and I stood there against the night
my light shone brightly for him
that one who lives within
breathed a sacred wind
wound and wound breathed life into me
flower peddle of a Fathers heart
I see
I looked above,
I saw grandmothers love,
those light weaves connected to me
I saw stars fall from the sky,
surrounded me in light weaves
I see
13-grandmothers surround me
holding me within their arms
creators weaves of heartbeats
the ones that see me
those grandmothers that shine
brightly for him
they are the breathing a sacred hymn
we have you
in our arms we hold you high
beacon in the night
we give you our light,
grandmother moon shows us what to do
shine for those who dont know what to do
we breathe, we see,
and as I stood in the midst of them
I heard a sacred wind...
When does the
darkness end,
When does the birth of light appear,
do not fear,
a drumbeat within my hymn,
Color is light, Light is sound,
Dawn of my eye,
walking sun who breaths my light
Sundance of a creators heart
birth of the star
within me,
breath for me
weaves of a symmetry
you are Haudenasaunee
and 13-grandmothers surround me
holding me within their arms
creators weaves of heartbeats
the ones that see me
Mother Earths Symphony
grandmothers that shine
brightly against the night
breathing a sacred hymn
we have you within Mothers wind
in our arms we hold you high
beacon in the night
they whisper,
we give you our light,
When we gather at sunrise
We remember
Darkness flees from the light
and we hold you in our arms,
I whisper,
Where shall I come?
Who will call for me
Creator whispers,
sacred hoops connected to a mighty tree
13-grandmothers weaves of light
connect to you
high you rise to touch the stars
you carry my heart
Walking Sun within you
grandmother moon dances for you,
grandfather sun shows you what to do
breath for me
you know what to do,
walking Sun is within you
I closed my eyes,
darkness surrounds me
I whisper,
Where shall I come?
Who will call for me
This is what I wait for
breathe of the Great Mystery
and I stood there against the night
my light shone brightly for him
that one who lives within
breathed a sacred wind
wound and wound breathed life into me
flower peddle I am a Mighty Tree
I see
I looked above,
grandmothers love,
lives within me
those light weaves connected to me
I saw stars fall from the sky,
surround me in light weaves
I see
I heard a sacred wind...
When does the
darkness end,
When does the birth of light appear,
child do not fear,
a drumbeat within my hymn,
Color is light, Light is sound,
Dawn of my eye,
walking sun who breaths my light
Sundance of a creators heart
birth of my star
and 13-grandmothers surround me
holding me within their arms
creators weaves of heartbeats
the ones that see me
Mother Earths Symphony
grandmothers that shine
brightly against the night
breathing a sacred hymn
we have you within Mothers wind
they whisper,
we give you our light,
we give you our light,
the whisper,
we give you our light,
we give you our light,


what is wisdom but a moment in the mind

when you stop and look through time
that pathway set before you
and all directions fasten within you
if you listen
youll hear your own heartbeat
sacred drum that sees with broken breathe
steps of a moment when Creation wept
if you held my hand
I would help you to see,
Creations inner tree,
the seed of with wings
I met the Creator in a ray of light
stone that carries thought through time
woven tight with foresight
walk with me
can the darkness govern all things
not without erasing the light we see
white leaves attached to the greatest tree
drops the seed to the space between
and grey is held within the Creators hand
spokes to the wheel of Creation
I have walked in the corridors of time
all are contained within the Great Fathers mind
stand the rows of star trees
Grey to govern all things

Grandfathers of the Great Mystery

do you see me
your thoughts, words, deeds
made me

I walked the boundaries that contain the greatest light

Its in your eyes
I saw a vision
of fashioned clay within
touch of lightening in new skin
you walk among the giants of men
they look to you
which path will you walk
and I followed the whispers within
saw the fabric of the pages of a symphony
walked the sacred circle
found inner peace
and I saw them standing there
the watchers who hold the sacred feathers
wolf pack is who surrounds you
holds back the dark and light
pathway through the mist of time
the projections that come from the mind
Creator showed me this
kiss of the wind upon my skin
We are the grey held within
wolf skin
We are clear light woven tight
the flower peddle with eyes
walking among the stars
drumbeat of the great fathers

Grandfathers of the Great Mystery

do you see me
your thoughts, words, deeds
made me

Grandfathers with roots that run deep

rivers of live that wrap around me
rain drop within translucent wind
held within Creations hand
Grandfathers who hold up the pillars of light
spiritual guardians of time
and what is wisdom but a moment in the mind
when you stop and look through time
that pathway set before you
and all directions fasten within you
A Sacred Hoop
Great Spirit who brings me life
dropped me within the ocean of light
Grey skies bring the rain
carry the many drops home again
white light that falls like snow
The Great Mystery weaves the pathway home


How do I help you to see

how do I help you reach inside
touch a star that beats with light
How do I show you the Creators tree
How do I walk this path I see
fallen upon my knees, I am a leaf
where is it that I must go
when I have been asked to walk alone
whispers I sing,
whispers I dream,
How do I share the words I hear
the perspectives I see

when the Creator whispers to me

How do I help you to see

when the eagle flies high

touches the fingertips of time
sees the corridors through light
how does he share his sight

when the mother carries a star

released from her heart
bundle of the Great Mystery
How does she help you to see
her seeds dreams

and when I close my eyes

separated from this place
I see his face
sacred wind that brings sight
cover me with your light
Creator breath within me
your dreams

you whisper
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

when I walk among the leaves

the notes of peace
chords that stretch through time
beneath my feet
orchestra of lights reflection of me
fallen from my fathers tree

He whispers,
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

How do I help you to see

how do I help you reach inside
touch a star that beats with light
How do I show you the Creators tree
How do I walk this path I see
fallen upon my knees, I am a leaf
where is it that I must go
when I have been asked to walk alone
he whispers... I sing,
he whispers... I dream,

How do I share the words I hear

the perspectives I see
will you walk with me
this garden held within black night
gift of the Creator to the children of light
a place to gain new sight
to dream, you see me
to collect memories
and we are surrounded by dark beings
they seek to unweave with dark dreams

and what is it that you feel when you close your eyes
listen to the heartbeat you carry inside
and when I close my eyes
separated from this place
I see his face
sacred wind that brings sight
cover me with your light
Creator breath within me
your dreams
help me to see the reflection of your tree
within the leaf
rain drops that touch my skin
held within the creators hand
gift of the star within

you whisper
Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds


that look upon your brow

you say you have no ego
but when you look at me
do you see my wings
the wind within my dreams
the light within my heart
do you see a star
in the meadow of the great mystery
planted weaves of dreams that all see
a rose grew into a tree
then grew wings
sacred clouds that pass me by
spirit that cries
wash away eyes of those who dont see
remove the sound of unbelief
rains sacred drumbeat surround me
and I cry Father of the Sky do you see me
living waters surround me with the reflection
of a Great Mystery
when I hear that sound
footsteps that hit the ground
rushing of water within my skin
I move like the wind
that rain that pours from within me
river of life that runs to the sea
of a Great Mystery
that look upon your brow
you say you have no ego
but when you look at me
do you see my wings
the wind within my dreams
the light within my heart
do you see a star
looking at my wings,
those leaves that attach to me
follow the road to my heartbeat
and there is a medicine wheel
that heals
listen to the unseen
that spirit carried within a drumbeat
four doors that meet
the journey of light
and I cry Father they don't see me
they trample me under their feet
press the life out of me
breathing hypocrisy they bleed water into wine
they seek new sight
he whispers
you belong to me
when I planted you there
held you in the air
when I fashioned the light of the wind
when I cried, holy wind within
roots dug deep

you belong to me

tears in my eyes the shooting star of light

Father but why

he whispers
you belong to me

Whitehorse dreaming

Grey skies bring the rain

gift of tears carry me home again
of the layers of reality that I see
white clouds
blue seas
green sewn within the trees
twisted notes that form stones
light that wraps around me
hymns of the symphony
A Great Mystery

when I look at the stars

I hear the drumbeat of my heart
radiant echos of a dream
the belief in me

A Whitehorse Dreaming

Grey Skies bring the rain

gift of tears to carry me home again
dark night burns the fire inside
holy wind that knows the way home
and it is in your eyes
the firefly that cries

when I look to the moon

Grandmother of the stars
linked to my heart
Grandmother shine upon me
remind me to Dream

white in black carry me through the night

remind me of the source of my life
pulling light from the black sea
grey clouds that form me
I feel the push and the pull
that whirlpool that surrounds me
lost in the iridescent mystery

when I see the sun

guardian of the new day
shine upon me
moving dream that rides a chariot through the sky
the one who is lifted up high
do you see me
your ray shines through me
bring me high that tear drop in the sky

Grey skies bring the rain

gift of tears to carry me home again
this is my hymn
Journey of the walking star within
that fire that burns deep
Sacred Star of the Great Mystery

I feel the clouds beneath my feet

I feel the Great Spirit upon me

I feel generations wrap through me

River of the Stars,

flowing promise carried in the heart

and Grey skies bring the rain

gift of tears to carry me home again
this is my hymn

Journey of the walking star within

that fire that burns deep

A Whitehorse Dreaming


where is my place
when you cant see my face
what is it that defines me
that shadow behind me
or the dreams of me
Peddle in Creators hand
I am a walking wind
breathe of fresh air
the path of the star
wrapped within my heart
and I walk the trail few have known
the shedding of skin
I swim against the current
path laid before me
this is my journey
where is my place when none are like me
that great redwood tree
walking thunderbeing
two spirit with mighty wings
they say I am a mosaic of many things
my weaves come from two rivers that became one
Great Mystery's Creation
This journey has brought scars
all of them within my heart
the path of the one with dreams
where two rivers meet,
woven in my flesh,
spirit that sheds
I am native american
but what does that mean
I see the interconnectedness in all things
I walk with perspective in every step
a Chanunpa inside of me
my words are the smoke of peace
weaving the path of destiny
there is a mountain that I climb
in my mind
there is a road that I must go to let go
I am coming home
we all wear labels,
some help us to see
some imprison us in anothers suffering
my name is
Nibwaskaa Ahki
Ojibway Family
there is a mountain that she climbs
in her mind
there is a road that she must go
to let go
needle within my hand,
let my words sew me together again
sacred father of the stars
we all carry scars
high I climb through twisting paths within my mind
I cant look back
when you wake in the morning,
what are your dreams
combat, destruction, defending suffering
hold that line over there
seven generations before you
what will be your tune
what lives within side of you
so I ask
what mask will cover you
what is the beat of your drum
is it war or can you find peace
do you see me
I walk across shattered glass of the past
I hear the sacred drumbeat
the one inside of you,
the one inside of me
let go of generational suffering
let go of generational suffering
there is a mountain that I must climb in my mind,
there is a road that I mast go to let go
a drumbeat that walks the earth,
creators love brings rebirth
where is my place
when you cant see my face
what is it that defines me
that shadow behind me
or the dreams of me
Peddle in Creators hand
I am a walking wind


they came within the night

the ones who seek our light
surround us in teams
they feed on your dreams
when the tree became the seed
I have traveled through time
within the womb
seen with many eyes
opened scars upon my heart
I have been the Creators work of art
broken tree scattered glass torn apart
cliff that guards the pass
what is this coming and going
like the wind I am blowing
there was once a great green
trapped within the space between
we wage battle against the unclean
infectious breathe touch upon the skin
their in
they came within the night
shooting stars that carry light
the ones who can dream
guardians of the tree
when the tree became the seed
I have traveled through time
within the womb
seen with many eyes
opened scars upon my heart
I have been the Creators work of art
broken tree scattered glass torn apart
cliff that guards the pass
what is this coming and going
like the wind I am blowing
In my dream I see twin reeds
dried river bed
scattered leaves
I looked upon the sky I did not see lights
I saw the oceans of time
took a step was connected with strings
they vibrated towards everything
green was the flower beneath my feet
with every step I brought living things
desert of brokenness
my path is oneness
I saw this dragonfly sitting on a rock
bright red was his cloak
he stared into me
we all get wings
my skin shimmered blue I was a Sky being
Caste system of the walking Gods
those who feel they don't belong
I have traveled through time
within the womb
seen with many eyes
opened scars upon my heart
I have been the Creators work of art
broken tree scattered glass and torn apart
cliff that guards the pass
what is this coming and going
like the wind I am blowing
the dragonfly stood up on its legs
shed its skin like a snake
the eagle with mighty wings stood before me
mighty wings
kind warrior who sits atop the tree
they came within the night
shooting stars that carry light
the ones who can dream
guardians of the tree
when the tree became the seed
comes the journey of you and me
I have traveled through time
within the womb
seen with many eyes
opened scars upon my heart
I have been the Creators work of art
broken tree scattered glass torn apart
cliff that guards the pass
what is this coming and going
like the wind I am blowing

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