Saturn Transit of 3 Cycles and Their Effect1

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Saturn takes 30 years to make one round of the zodiac. So

its 1st round of Sadesati will be during ones childhood or
youth, its 2nd round during middle age and its third round
during ones old age. So the effects are different. The
following are the results for all the 12 places from Janma
Rasi for the different 3 rounds of Saturn transit.
1. In first Rasi or janma Rasi, this being child hood, the child
suffers from infantile diseases.
2. In the second Rasi, he gives the same results namely
infantile diseases.
3. In the third Rasi though Saturn is said to give very good
results, in the first round being childhood, he gives many

4. When he goes to 4th Rasi, the results though said to be

Ardhashtama, the diffculties will be lesser. According to
Ashta Varga in Sani ashtakvarga, if there are upto 3 bindus,
there will be little comforts. If bindus are more, there will be
bodily comforts. If there are 7 bindus, it is good time for
father and mother including good health and comforts. This
may happen upto 10th year of the native.
5. When Saturn goes to 5th from Janma Rasi there may be
risk of danger to the life of mother (6, 7, 8th).
6.When Saturn goes to 6th house from Janma Rasi, during
that time if there is maraka Dhasa besides ashtamadipathi
bukthi running, there will be wearliness to the body. The
body becomes weak and tired. Bad time and melancholous
mood and displeasure from friends will happen. If in 6th
house from Janma Rasi, where the 11 th Lord is in navamsa
or in drekkana, then in this case the mother may surely
pass away.
7. When Saturn passes through 7th house from Janma Rasi,
there will be sickness of the self or own brothers and sisters.
Both in 6th and 7th houses, there will be mental worry and
hysterical like condition, unwanted change of place,
unnecessary fear etc. will happen.
8. The same thing will continue to prevail until saturn
crosses 8th house from Moon.
9. When Saturn passes through 9th Rasi from Moon, the
native gets fame and name and will start his own earning, if
not started to earn so far. But generally in the first round,
there will be poverty for Saturn’s transit from Janma Rasi to
8th house. In 9th house from Janma Rasi, there will be
10. In 10th house from Janma Rasi, there will be friendship
with a businessman or with a man who will help in the
career. In the last portion of this 10th Rasi, marriage of the
native may take place here after much comforts, good
employment or a thriving business may be expected.
11. When Saturn goes to 11 th from Janma Rasi, there will
be friendship with a business man or the native gets a
1business partner or gets help from a friend for
progress in job.
12. When Saturn passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the
native may be up to 28th year, there will be mainly health
indisposition which can be curbed by adopting remedial
In the natal horoscope, during first round, if Saturn is
Vargottama, there will be comforts and progress in education
even up to 30th year of age and good Raja Yoga (good
employment, marriage to highly placed partner, receipt of
money etc.) will happen. By this time, the native may have
reached nearly 27th year of age.
1. In Janma Rasi there will be bodily comfort, easy going
life, progress in business, partnership and friendship with
VIPs. Income, name and fame for the native will increase.
There may be enmity with brothers and sisters. There will be
divi¨sion of property (Pithru or Paternal etc.) among brothers
and there may also be danger to the life of brothers or
2. When Saturn goes to the second house from Janma Rasi
there will be comforts of high standard and the days will be
3. When Saturn goes to 3rd house from Janma Rasi,
increase in income supply of essentials in the house,
provi¨sions etc. are enjoyed to the maximum. There will be
progress in education, fame and name and little income to
the mother or little income from mother to the native.
4. When Saturn goes to 4th from Janma Rasi, there will be
gain of money and birth of child, especially a female. There
will be comforts at home and outside. But senior paternal
relation may pass away and there may be quarrels between
paternal relations (Gnathis) for properties.
5. When Saturn goes to 5th house from Janma Rasi there
will be good income, sickness to the self, danger and bad
time to wife or his relative’s.
6. When Saturn goes to sixth house from Janma Rasi tl,ore
may be danger to the life of father, or it may happen when
when Saturn passes through the end of 5th house.
7. When Saturn passes through 7th house from Janma
Rasi, there will be friendship with VIP and help from them,
moderate future, moderate comforts and bad time to children
or worries about children may happen.
8. When Saturn passes through 8th house from Janma Rasi
there will be gain of money.
9. When Saturn goes to 9th from Janma Rasi there will be
definite comforts, little improvement in income and there will
be fame and name.
10. When Saturn goes to 10th from Janma Rasi there will be
brith of child and at the end there will be over expenditure.
11. When Saturn goes to 11 th house from Janma Rasi there
will be over expenditure, bad health, bodily strain, bad time
and ill health to near relatives.
12. When Saturn goes to 12th house from Janma Rasi, there
will be both good and bad results .
1. In Janma Rasi, there will be little comforts and limited
progress in all asepcts of life.
2. In second house from Janma Rasi Saturn gives good
comforts and happiness, If Saturn in natal chart is in
vargottama, there will be very good income even during old
3. When Saturn goes to 3rd house from Janma Rasi, there
will be bad time to brothers and sisters. In natal chart if
Saturn is in its own house or in 11 th labasthana, then also
there will be bad time to brothers or sisters.
4. When Saturn goes to 4th house from Janma Rasi, some
relatives may pass away. All the efforts get spoiled and fail
and become useless and there will be loss due to law suit
5. When Saturn goes to fifth from Janma Rasi there will be ill
6. When Saturn goes to 6th house from Janma Rasi good
comforts at home and outside.
7. When Saturn goes to 7th house from Janma Rasi, there
will be bad time to wife or even death of wife may happen.
8. When Saturn goes to 8th from Janma Rasi there will be ill
health and bodily suffering to the native.
9. When Saturn goes to 9th house from Janma Rasi, if the
judged life span of the Jathaka coincides completion and
also maraka period runs, there may also be death of the
10. When Saturn goes to 10th from Janma Rasi, what is told
in general readings for Saturn vide chapter 18 will happen.
11. Whan Saturn goes to 11th from janma Rasi, the same
results given in the general reading (vide chapter 18) will
12. When Saturn passes through 12th from Janma Rasi, the
general readings given for Saturn vide chapter 18 will
Other points to be considered in Gochara results of Saturn:
Sani in Gochara or transit will be passing through the same
Rasi where he is in natal chart, he will be going through the
same 9 navamsas of that Rasi. Find out the navamsa and
its Lord. Find out also which Bhavas navamsa Lord owns in
the natal chart and also their karakatvas or the signifactor.
These bhavas and karakatva of the planet in question gets
affected in addition to general transit results of Saturn.
1. When Saturn passes through the Rasi or Navamsa where
Sun is in natal chart, then there is danger to life of father or
paternal relatives may have bad time.
2. This is also true when Saturn happens to go through
thrikona of the planets, the karakatva of the planet is also
affected. Bbth these two factors affect the karakatvas.
3. When Saturn crosses the Rasi and navamsas where
Lagnadipati of the natal chart is placed, then the native gets
bodily pain, sickness etc.
4. When it crosses the Rasi containing lord of 2nd, there will
be loss of money, bad health and danger to the life of wife,
loss of food and the loss of timely food.
5. Similarly, if Saturn crosses the Rasi occupied by 3rd lord
his riavamsa and Drekkana, there will be bad time to
brothers or sisters, servants and ear trouble.
6. Again, when Saturn crosses the 4th lord, there will be
danger .to the life of father, Guru and VIPs known to the
7. Similarly, if Saturn crosses the 5th Lord, or he crosses the
Rasi, Navamsa, and drekkana occupied by Jupiter, there
will be passing away of children and bad time to them. His
knowledge and discriminative power fails.
8. Again when Saturn crosses 6th Lord his elder brother gets
affected and may pass away or the relatives of elder brother
will have bad condition. The native also falls sick. His
maternal uncle gets affected and his relatives may also
9. Similarly, if Saturn crosses 7th Lord, there will be danger
to the life of native, impediments, difficulties during travel
and decline in income.
10. If Saturn crosses 8th lord under the same conditions, the
native gets tired and weak, there will be danger to life and
generally difficult time is indicated.
11. If Saturn crosses 9th Lord, there will be destruction of
fortune and good opportunities. There will be obstruction in
native’s religious rituals, slipping away of good
opportunities, there will be difficulties and restraints within
the family.
12. If Saturn crosses 10th lord under the same condi¨tions
there will be danger to brothers and sisters and bad time to
their relatives, profession gets lost, demotion in job,
serv¨ants and friends leaving the native alone, viz. elder
brother and sisters will have bad time. His servants will
meet with difficulties etc. will happen.
13. When Saturn crosses the 11th lord under the same
conditions mother may pass away. The relatives suffer,
property (landed) will be lost; in agriculture the harvest and
yield will be low.
14. When Saturn passes the 12th lord, there will be danger
to the life of the children. His name and reputation will be

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