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Geoheritage and climate change ”Pro”

Erasmus+ project, Vaala 1.4.2019-5.4.2019

Impact of climate change on birds

Climate change affects birds directly and indirectly. Depending on the species, spring migration is a
week or three weeks (about fifty years) earlier. The wintering areas will also become closer to Finland
as a result of climate change. Autumn migration is earlier with a long-travelling species, but with a short-
travelled speciesmigration have bacame more late. The first birds to come are nesting birds, later comes
unnesting birds. The fastest changes have been observed with swans, geese and other waterfowl who
learn migration routes and schedules from mothers. The migrating birds schedule the migration moves
correctly with respect to the molting of feathers.

The duration of the migration period is longer. Earlier spring migration also causes earlier nesting in
some species. This is a risk, if after a warm and early spring there will be again cold weather. Some may
move away for a while, which may delay the start of nesting. Species that already have nests and eggs
may lose their chicks due to unfavorable conditions (forest birds). Early spring can also lead to migratory
birds coming too late. At the point when the chicks hatch and need food, the richest amount of food
can already be over. The amount of food affects the success of breeding and the survival of chicks to
survive. Increased summer time can have a positive impact on bird reproduction, but changing nesting
times and species growth can lead to competition among migratory birds and breeding birds.

Other species may benefit from climate change; for other species it may be disadvantageous. This is
influenced by the adaptation of species to changes. A migratory bird can become a place bird or a partial
place bird. Spotted birds can benefit from climate change, whereby migratory birds have to compete
more, for example, in nesting sites (Parus major – Ficedula hypoleuca). More than 20 Arctic species are
threatening to disappear from our country, for example, Plectrophenax nivalis. Southern Finland is in
danger of losing Tetrao urogallus and Lyrurus tetrix. Lyrurus tetrix is extinct in Denmark about ten years

“If the average temperature rises by two degrees, the prevalence ranges (in Finland and in Ruija) 74 percent will
become uninhabitable by 2080. Breeding areas migrate to an average of 103 kilometers to the northeast. If the
heat rises to just under four degrees, 84 percent of the penetration areas will cease during the same period.
Breeding areas northeast on average 147 kilometers. The four-degree climb Pinicola enucleator would be lost,
and the southwestern boundary of Strix nebulosa would move over 250 kilometers. ”
Fluctuations in the time of migration of the Anas platyrhynchos.

Fluctuations in the time of migration of the Cygnus cygnus.

Fluctuations in the time of migration of the Bucephala cangula.

Why do birds immigrate?

How and to what factors does climate change affect birds?


What can affect the success / failure of breeding?


What birds did you see?

Cygnus cygnus, Swan, Laulujoutsen

Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Black-headed gull,


Anas platyrhynchos, Mallard, Sinisorsa

Bucephala clangula, Goldeneye, Telkkä

Larus argentanus, Herring gull, Harmaalokki

Larus canus, Mew gull, Kalalokki

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