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Impact of Social Media on Communication

Research Report
ASTRACT: Social media has influenced various aspects of modern life and it has a profound
effect in inter-personal communication. The present day is characterized by acute lack of time for
individuals and families due to the need for a husband and wife to be employed for the needs of a
satisfactory life style. Time has become the most valuable resource, and people are finding means
of saving time because of their fast-paced life style. People need interaction for their social needs
and social media to be a preferred medium for communication with the expansion of digital and
mobile technologies. Digitalization has reduced the face to face of human interactions whether it
is a marketing or a product or a personal communication for promotion. The mobile phone has
created a social situation where people are being used to avoid person communicating by switching
over to mobile. The present day life styles and lack of time have made use of mobile and other
communication aids for more useful contact. The present paper will analyze the impact of social
media and in the way people communicate with each other or lack of it.

Life has become fast paced. Everybody seems to be in a hurry to reach office or school or any
other destination. There seems to be no time for people to pause and greet each other when they
come across friends or acquaintances. Every wonder how to happen or is happening. But the heart
of heart is the fact that we are all aware of the reasons. Social media is steadily but surely the way
we live and communicate with each other. All of us are very much aware that communication is
our existence of life blood and realize how important it is in our lives. Over a period of a decade
or more, we become addicted to the social media and mobile communication. Digital devices have
made our lives appear simpler but actually complicated it probably beyond control. Today our
social interactions have been reduced to impersonal; mobile contacts or trough other electronic
media available. What happened to our conversation with friendly neighbors when we meet them
our house outside or in the market or school when we go to our children? Even our children contact
their friends in the neighborhood only through mobile phones. They also have victims of the digital
revolution and the lazy life styles they inflicted
Three key issues are surfacing about the role social media now plays in people's communication
styles. First, when we communicate through social media, we tend to trust people on the other end
of communication, so our messages are more open. Second, our social connections are not as
strong as social media as they face face to face, so we do not tend to get our relations deeper - they
tend to be in position. Last, we tend to follow and interact with people who agree with our points
of view, so we do not get the same diversity of viewpoints as we have in the past. Experts agree
that those who have a keen sense of observation must be aware that people communicate the way
they change. What does the future hold for social media and its potential continuous effect on the
interpersonal communication within the society? Social media will continue to be increasingly
integrated into the normal human experience, like most of the technologies of communication
technologies that have been preceded. They will continue to increase the volume of human
communication process, and we will learn how to use them for good and for bad.
The present research is an attempt to assess and highlight the growing influence of social media in
the communication process between individuals. Communication as we know is the life blood of
our activities as individuals and communities and is a necessary requirement for social interaction.
To analyze the effect of the digital devices and social media on the interpersonal relationship, more
specifically the following Objectives have been identified for the purpose of this research paper.
1. A review if the progress of social media in communication
2. A critical analysis of growth of this media in interpersonal communication
3. The proliferation, effect and effect of mobile devices in communication
4. The impact, pros and cons of such developments
5. Review and Recommendations
On a preliminary review of literature it was found that adequate literature is available in print and
electronic media, especially on web pages. So it was decided that there was no need for a separate
questionnaire survey as the analysis and compilation of the available data will be sufficient. A
comprehensive review of the literature and conclusions are given below.

Far-Reaching Effects of Social Media include cyber bullying. Nicholas David Bowman, a
professor of communication studies at the University of West Virginia at the University of Arts
and Sciences, says that actions that trigger a bad online relationship may be the same as a real
relationship in real life-only the modality has changed.
For example, cyber bullying is largely the same antecedents and behavioral, emotional, and
affective consequences as a non-cyber bullying does," Bowman says. "Even the difference is the
'more'-that is, social media allows more contact, more communication, and more publicly in the
way." In a bullying event, often the person is bullied by itself or herself from the environment, at
least temporarily. For example, a child being bullied at school can play the playground when he
or she is home every night. "However, cyber bullying is marked by its persistence," Bowman says.
"The bullying Messages do not stay in a particular space, such as a playground, but can follow the
child home. If we believe that the bullying effects on an individual can build over time, then there
is a real concern that the continuous and digital interactions between the bullies and their goals
increase in the problem may be exacerbate. "
One big concern surrounding social media's impact is communication overload-learning how to
handle and make sense of this "more" information we now have. We are getting more information
about more people than ever before, and we need a process to process and maybe even answer it
all. In fact, there are some very early recent data suggesting that teens are probably pulling away
from the book because it's just too much for them to handle. Another concern lies in the technology,
addiction, when people spend more time with their smartphone than the people with their
surroundings, and they do not want to face their face-to-face relationships. For these people, they
probably feel such a strong sense of identity online that they have some difficulty their virtual
actions from their actual ones. Internet addiction will now be listed as a mental illness by emotional
shutdown, lack of concentration, and withdrawal symptoms, so we can be closer to the socially
detrimental human-technology relations. However, many have been warned that Internet addiction
may be an inaccurate portrayal, if social media is designed to make people with people connected,
then is it really a human-technology relationship or is it a human-human relationship technology
by mediated? One potentially negative result of social media is a lack of privacy. Because
interpersonal communication is changing, we are likely to share on social media similar
information that we have previously shared privately face-to-face. We always have to keep in mind
that our social networks are searchable - even when privacy settings are very high, it is always
possible to find out personal information. Of course, the negativity surrounding social media is
counteracted by positive influences, including the ability to communicate with more people across
the distances and increasing speed. Messages can be shared and spread farther and faster than any
other time in human history and a lot of good can be done by spreading positive messages in this
way. As communication and information travel is faster and faster, the world seems to be small
and small. As a result, this changes how the world communicates, especially with today's obsession
with social media networks. Before social media, we were very limited in our means to interact
with others and we were largely limited to people that we knew in-person. There were things we
(those my age and older) did not have to deal with that millennial, your important other parent's
answering when you called, waiting for a letter in the mail, waiting a week to get your pictures
Sent off to be developed, and so on. The Internet and social media has changed the way people
around the world, interact and communicate. One of the biggest positive changes in the way that
we interact, due to social media networks, is a great number of people that we can interact with.
Because of the social media networks, we are now able to interact with thousands of people around
the world - that is why we people who see thousands of Face Book Friends or Tens of thousands
of Twitter followers. Without social media, that would be impossible. Social media networks give
us a chance to share opinions with a far wide audience. Another big change that has happened is
that there is no filter on the way we speak. In the past, unless you talked directly to people, you
did not have any way to communicate with you without regardless of your freedom speech. Now
we can use social media to get our messages out to thousands or even millions of people
Social media has also changed the way that we interact, mainly the way we have lost some of our
social skills. Some people are completely incapable of carrying on a normal conversation or
interacting with people in person because of dependency of social media. Social networks are
becoming one of the dominant ways we communicate. People are more obsessed with their
smartphone engaging in meaningful conversation with their child or spouse every 2 minutes.
Social media and technology are double-edged swords. It's awesome to have and really help us,
but it also makes us distracts point to the blind and deaf being everything else going on.
Twitter allows the target audience to respond to marketing messages. This offer instant feedback
and marketers automatically know that they are doing something right as responses positive.
Alternatively, if the responses are negative if the modifications can be done. Social media
marketing is practically a gold mine for small firms since they are heard. Social media had a great
impact on public relations, marketing and advertising. Companies actually manage to save
thousands every year, some every month, thanks to the fact that they used to move away from the
regular channels used to: TV, radio and print. Social networks help the businesses in a variety of
ways. Traditional marketing mediums such as the radio, TV commercials and print ads are now
completely obsolete and demand for thousands of dollars. However, with social media businesses
can connect with their target customers for free, the only cost is energy and time. Through Face
Book, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social site, you can reduce your marketing costs to a
significant level. The growing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Face book and LinkedIn,
social networks have got attention as the most viable communication choice for bloggers, article
writers and content creators. These social networking sites have opened the opportunity for all the
authors and bloggers to connect with their tech savvy customers to share your expertise and
articles. Your audience will further share your articles, blog or expertise in their social circle, which
further enhance your networks of the followers.
Social networks have removed all the communication and interaction barriers, and now one can
have different topics on their thoughts and thoughts. Students and experts are able to share and
communicate with people like people and can ask for a particular topic on the input and opinion.
Another positive impact of social networking sites is to integrate people on a huge platform for
achievement of certain specific purpose. It is very important to bring positive change in society.


It is difficult to contain or restrict youngsters from social media platforms, which offer a variety
of conveniences. Social media has changed the way in which people communicate - face to face
interactions decreased. The reasons are many, but the reality is same! In a society that is on the run
and hard pressed for short and easy communication will replace long drawn written
communications. This is a natural development. What we need to understand is that it has created
positive or negative consequences. Basically because of the need for people to be socially
connected and social interactions are needed; but due to the paucity time in the current environment
social media has taken the stage stage. A review of Literature has shown that social media has
shown significant growth as preferred medium of communication. Face book and what’s App has
captured the fancy of the youngsters and together they have 80-90% of the social media usage
conquered. The benefits offered by this media, is instant contact anywhere in the world and easy
accessibility as communication becomes faster and faster than the world seems to shrink. This
medium offers the advantages of contacting multiple people at the same time through groups and
if needed messages are a large number of people dispersed in the form of advertising and
promotion of various products and services. One of the great advantages is that small size
companies reach out to a large number of customers at a reasonable budget for their wares
promoting. The impact of the new social media is tremendous. More and more companies are
finding newer means of reaching people through this medium. A more recent example is the new
wave of election campaigns by all parties.

Information overload and lack of privacy are two major issues in social media. There is no control
over the information that you will get through social media for example through what's App.
Getting more information before people are ready to receive and process the same useful utilization
for them confused. The continuous bombarding of messages by hand held devices is no time for
reflection and analysis and leads to some kind of addiction and resignation to the situation. This
leads progressively to avoid communication with face to face. There is difficulty in separating
virtual reality from reality and loss of privacy. Since large information is spread through social
media, there is no room for privacy - everybody knows everything about the other person. This is
a dangerous situation leading to hereditary mentality and the person's discretion is lost. Humans
are progressively made in the robots processing commands. And these commands can cause anti-
social elements including terrorists.

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