Arrival of The Monsoon by Taufiq Rafat

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Arrival of the Monsoon

By Taufiq Rafat

Before the thrust of this liberating wind

whatever is not fixed, has a place to go,
strains northwards to the coniferous lands.

And drunk with motion, clothes on the washing-line

are raised above themselves; a flapping sheet
turns a roof corner into a battlement.

Gliding days are over. The birds are tossed

sideways and back, and lifted against their will.
They must struggle to achieve direction.

A welcome darkness descends. Harsh contours

dissolve, lose their prosaic condition.
All the sounds we have loved are restored.

And now the rain! In sudden squalls

it sweeps the street, and equally sudden
are the naked boys paddling in ditches.

Alice, alive, everything is alive again.

Savour the rain’s coolness on lips and eyes.
How madly the electric wire is swinging!

From brown waters eddying round their hooves

the drenched trees rise and shake themselves
and summer ends in a flurry of drops.
Line 1-3
Before the thrust of this liberating wind
whatever is not fixed, has a place to go,
strains northwards to the coniferous lands.
The metaphor and personification “liberating wind” refers to the freedom movement of
subcontinent in 1947. According to the poet, before 1947 migration for rights and freedom
everything was messed up and nothing was in its appropriate position. But now it was time for
these messy conditions to settle down. Poet points out that things which were unknown before
1947 are now going to have their own identity and he relate this identity with “northwards to the
coniferous lands” which means that Pakistan, new homeland, is going to give them their identity.
These lines not only focuses on before migration scenario but also on the loss of identity whose
regain is assigned with new homeland, Pakistan.
Another interpretation of these lines can also be that the direction of “liberating wind” is towards
“northwards to the coniferous lands” of Pakistan. This interpretation holds the idea that in this
new land, everyone will be free and carry equal rights. And also that Pakistan and independence
will place the things in order.
Line 4-6
And drunk with motion, clothes on the washing-line
are raised above themselves; a flapping sheet
turns a roof corner into a battlement.
There is a painful and destructive imagery of 1947 war. These three lines are summarizing the
whole condition of 1947 when “liberating wind” was in its full “thrust” and the whole piece of
land was disturbed with bloodshed, killings, riots and violence. Taufiq Rafat points out the war
imagery when “roof corners” became “battlements”. This shows the extremity of war that even in
homes, no one was safe and homes which are considered as security places were then in danger.
“Washing-line” may refer to bloodshed which had now crossed its limits and one can see more
blood than human beings. Through this harsh imagery, Taufiq Rafat is trying his hard to make feel
the importance of freedom which he named as “liberating wind”.
Line 7-9
Gliding days are over. The birds are tossed
sideways and back, and lifted against their will.
They must struggle to achieve direction.
First discussing the significance of 1947 war and then moving towards the violence as a result of
that war, now Taufiq Rafat suddenly shifts to a beautiful imagery of consequences of after war.
Poet says that violent days are gone now. Now its peace and everything which was “not fixed” is
placed in its position. “Birds” can be interpreted as a metaphor for diasporic people who are
nostalgic about their past and who were “lifted against their will.” These are the immigrants who
were forced to leaves their places back in India hence they are tossing “sideways and back” and
expressing their grief. But in the very next line, poet gives them advice to “struggle to achieve
direction”. Poet is now hoping for good things and also that he and the nation is going to have his
identity now so they must struggle with their past and memories so that they can pay attention to
new life and achieve their goal.
Line 10-12
A welcome darkness descends. Harsh contours
dissolve, lose their prosaic condition.
All the sounds we have loved are restored.
These lines throws light on love which is given by new homeland, Pakistan. The harsh and dark
darkness which was there in sub-continent and in people’s lives was now descending. New
homeland was like a candle which brought light into their lives. Harsh realities were now dissolved
and they lost their fanciful and imaginative coverings which was produced by politicians. There is
another nostalgic note when the past “sounds” which were “loved” are mentioned and thus are
“restored”. These sounds refers to the sounds of love, harmony, unity, discipline, manners and
feelings and most important to relationships which were lost during 1947 war. These sounds are
not only back but also are more powerful now.
Line 13-15
And now the rain! In sudden squalls
it sweeps the street, and equally sudden
are the naked boys paddling in ditches.
And here comes the first rain of Monsoon and first blessing from Allah Almighty. This rain is
really very important in the role it plays. In sudden violent winds, it comes and sweep away every
bad thing with itself. This rain washed the wounds of people and cleared the streets which were
bloody before because of independence war. Furthermore, this rain not only cleaned external
wounds but also internal ones as well, the wounds which are on heart because of losing home and
relatives. And everything now is cheering up that even the boys are splashing around in rain. This
shows the extreme excitement and happiness of immigrants and new nation.
Line 16-18
Alice, alive, everything is alive again.
Savour the rain’s coolness on lips and eyes.
How madly the electric wire is swinging!
And now because of “liberating wind” and “rain”, “everything is alive”. Because of violence,
brutality and destruction everything was so dead and horrible. This independence war not only
killed peoples but also nature and physical world surrounding those people. So the rain which
came suddenly, washed away all those elements of darkness and gave life to everything again.
This rain also had a soothing effect for people and it soothed their senses. Not only were this but
even material things swinging because of freedom. This personification explains the very
happiness of everything which was now free.
“Everything is alive again” is very important if it is taken on more symbolic grounds. It can also
refer to those people who gave their lives for freedom. Hence by this, we can say that those people
who sacrificed are not dead anymore, rather they are “alive again” in form of this new homeland
and independence. While “electric wire is swinging” can also show the zeal and zest of new nation
that now they are so much enthusiastic and mad of happiness. So in these lines, we can see an
image of rebirth and new life everywhere.

Line 19-21
From brown waters eddying round their hooves
the drenched trees rise and shake themselves
and summer ends in a flurry of drops.
The rain not only sweep away everything and gave life but also is a reason for vegetation and
plantation. “Round their hooves” is actually a reference towards the roots of tress. Water is very
much associated with roots of trees because roots get nourishment throw water and thus produces
flower and later fruits. Thus the rain gave rise to food as well. And not only had this but it also
made the trees to shed off every dust and drop of violence and blood. Symbolically, it states that
envy was removed and there was harmony and unity for they have to work shelters and peace in
new land. Trees removed every single dust of hate, violence, brutality and riots and also shed off
all the sorrows that everything seemed new and fresh now. The poem ends at contrast with previous
summer, that summer which was producing and providing weeds back in other land before
migration was now falling snow. Snow have smooth, calm and peaceful effect. Hence, the poem
ends at a very beautiful and calm imagery of brightness.
 THE END 
Interpreted by: Ayesha Tariq
Student of BS English (Degree in progress)
International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
(Note: The poem is open to many interpretations. This is one of my interpretations according to
my own understanding while focusing on 1947 circumstances.)

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