CCISD - Roland Hernandez Email To UIL and Document Submit

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From: Hernandez, Roland

Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 1:58 PM

To: Cousins, Mark E <>
Subject: Additional Information requested

Please consider the additional information related to CCISD and Veterans Memorial High School.

While the submitted number of 2218 was specific to enrollment on snapshot day, it did not include the expected
numbers due to rezoning of boundaries of middle schools and change of location of magnet program, which were
decided upon by Board action in the Spring, May 2018.

Over the Spring semester, boundary lines were adjusted to create true feeders as part of our 2018 bond program. The
changing of lines for the most part allowed for two middle schools to feed to each high school, with the exception of
Veterans Memorial High School. However, the middle school feeding VMHS is one of our largest.

Another factor to consider is the relocation of the Ag program. Before Veterans Memorial was built, the program was
always housed at the current Carroll High School. As a component of our successful bond election in November 2018, a
new Carroll High School will be built and the transition will phase the Ag program back to Carroll HS.

The impact would be immediate for next school year. With approximately 88 plus students in the 9 th grade Ag classes
this year, this class offering would transition to Carroll for next school year.
Additionally, Grant Middle School students are now zoned for Carroll High School. This year it was optional, thus giving
Veterans Memorial an additional 67 students. As numbers indicate, an estimated 140-150 students would be zoned for
Carroll High School next year and onward.

The following documentation has been provided for your consideration:

Minutes of Board meeting indicating action taken to redraw the lines for Grant Middle School out of Veterans Memorial
HS and back to Carroll High School
Phase-in plan for returning the Agriculture program to Carroll HS beginning with the 9 th grade class and eventually all
four grades back at new Carroll High School

Thanks for all you do and for reviewing the additional information submitted. Please let me know if you have any
questions or need additional information.

Roland Hernandez, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools
Corpus Christi Independent School District

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