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Kylie Delwiche 

EDT 180 

Mr. Gary Lewallen 

December 3, 2019 

Final Reflection Paper 

In all my previous reflections there is a common theme. In all of them I started 

off not knowing or having a clue on what I was doing and by the end I had a newfound 

appreciation for the skills I’d learned. Also that I had the most fun doing an assignment 

when I felt my own creativity and ideas were being expressed. Once I learned the skills 

needed to do the assignment I had the best time doing, for example, the expression 

module because I got to make the entire website and design it how I wanted it was very 

free and enjoyable. It also showcased my philosophy which meant a lot to me 

personally and I feel like that’s genuinely important as well.  

For me personally, I’m not very technologically inclined. So I need step by step 

instruction beforehand, and resources available for me to look back and re-learn if 

needed. I just take extra time understanding things when it comes to technology and I 

don’t find it interesting so it’s hard to keep engaged, but thankfully Mr. Lewallen did well 

with that in class the projects were just tough to do on my own. I’ve definitely learned to 

not be shy and to ask any questions even if they feel like dumb ones, there are no dumb 

questions and I’d rather know for sure than guess and get it wrong. The most difficult 

assignment was probably the first one but only because it was the first time completing 
something for the class. Also that I felt I didn’t know what I was doing. The Construction 

module I felt was relatively easy and fun but once graded, I felt very upset and 

disappointed by my grade. I felt it didn’t reflect the work my partner and I put in, and we 

actually enjoyed doing it and it was just very very discouraging overall. I do think having 

a change in who grades our work impacted our class as well, because having someone 

you don’t know/have a relationship with I personally think affects the grading especially 

when one thing is expected of you in class and then it doesn’t reflect in your grades. Not 

a bad thing but I do think this was a challenge we had to get used to as a class and we 

had discussed this many times that we were feeling discouraged by the reflection of 


Like aforementioned, I can say it a million times over I’m not now nor have I ever 

been good with technology. I can’t appreciate it if I don’t know how to use it for one, and 

I just never felt it was important or relevant. I feel sometimes I have a very old-fashioned 

mindset so I think we’d be better off without some technology and advancements. I 

refuse to upgrade my iPhone because I don’t want it to not have the headphone jack! So 

for me this class felt like a big challenge everyday. I think my views have changed now 

that I’ve made it through the semester and it wasn’t as bad as I had painted it in my 

head. Ithink this changed because the information was presented in ways I understood 

in the class and I was able to get the step by step and one on one help. What has 

changed is I know how to make websites now! Which is such a feat for me, I think it is 

so cool and interesting I’m very thankful for everything I learned in this class.  
The first big project we completed was I believe the Inquiry module. At this point 

in the class I wasn’t fully sure what was expected from me at all. I went to the IgnitED 

Lab and I was very timid and didn’t ask many questions which lead to me doing a lot of 

research on my own. This also, I personally think, affected my project and overall grade 

because I didn’t find out enough information when I went in, but also to be fair I went in 

blind and I should’ve made a list of things I needed to look for instead of just going and 

getting distracted by the 3D printer and virtual reality set up. By the end, our final project 

was the expression module. I had a fun time learning about websites in general, and 

getting to make our own was very exciting in the first place. So when we got to 

showcase our “why” or our philosophy of education. I went into this project excited and 

knowledged which I think made all of the difference. I had also learned so many new 

tips and techniques  

In all honesty time management is always something I’m jealous of. I either do it 

so far in advance it feels irrelevant by the time I turn it in or I forget about it until the day 

or two before and I’m struggling and stressing to get it done in time without available 

resources and help. Also, I wish I was more interested in technology as a whole, it just 

didn’t appeal to me. I loved the last project because it was open to your own expression 

as an individual and had to do with teaching and that realm. I felt like some of the other 

projects did not so I had a hard time not only relating but staying motivated to focus and 

like get into it.  

I would not change anything except for the first project like I said I’d go to the lab 

with a list and game plan instead. Maybe I would add videos or like links to things that 
inspired me to my philosophy website but overall I’m happy with how hard I worked this 

semester, especially being so “blonde” when it comes to technology. Next semester, I’d 

like to add more detail to my projects and spend more time tweaking things at the end 

of time before turning in instead of just having one go at it and leaving it at that.

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