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Production Schedule

Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and team
members including actors

Date Plan of action Evaluation / behind the scenes

Week beginning
2nd Dec Complete Recces, crew and On time, all locations have
equipment lists, production been scouted, script is
schedule and script completed and actors have
been found. Quite ill which has
made things slower
3rd Dec Film scenes 1-2 Scenes both filmed in good
time 3 hours of shooting, lighting
was good and background
sound was not an option went
through around 3 takes to
make sure we had backups.
Illness getting worse
4th Dec Film scenes 3-4 Scenes both filmed, also in
good time, took 4 hours in total
as had to go to the location
and find a good spot to film, no
members of the public around,
not much wind, 3 takes in total
again. Still just as ill
5th Dec Film scene 5 and complete Scene 5 was rather short, only
editing for final production took just under an hour to film,
spent most of the day editing,
didn’t come out how I wanted,
feel like I could’ve acted
better, definitely not as long as I
thought it would come out.
Illness now screwing with my
blood sugars.
6th Dec Fill in any missing details and TBR
upload all data to website

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