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$10 Challenge

1. List of items and amounts of food

 Chayotes 2 (1.74Lb) $0.44

 Peaches 3 (1.34Lb) $1.33
 bundle of Spinach 1 $0.69
 Pomegranate 1 $0.79
 Apples Gala 2 (0.88Lb) $0.70
 Oranges 5 (2.81Lb) $1.41
 Bananas 6 (1.79LB) $0.90
 Rome tomatoes 4 (1.09LB) $1.08
 A bag of carrots $0.34
 Mini sweet peppers (0.92LB) $0.46
 Lettuce 1 $0.50

3. 5 ways to maximize your food dollars?

 Use coupons
 Look for sales items
 Buy fruit and vegetables in season
 Find cheaper brands
 Search for larger amount

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables do spoil more quickly than processed foods. What are
5 ways to might combat this, so that you can include fresh foods while
minimizing waste?
 Plan your meals for the entire week and buy what you need for the week.
 Frozen some vegetables and fruits
 Bake breads using you r vegetables like zucchini, carrots, bananas etc.
 Don’t buy more than you need for the week

5. Critique the video

The video shows 2 students trying to get food within $10 dollars, one of the
students grabbing healthy food and the other grabs unhealthy foods. This video
shows a good example on how students could buy more healthy choices as well as
good amount of food to eat with only $10 dollars. I thinks the student have to
think wisely when it comes to make choice on their budge and health habits.

6. What are 2 other ways you could compare food choices besides using the weight
of the items?
 Compare food on which give you the cheapest and more amount (Size )
 Compare food Volume or Quantity on fruits and vegetables.

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