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CHAPTER 3 oe) GtG 6) Gs ce? LO) _ _OF9G2 Re) 1 + Ga(H;—Hs) -us Cl) _ GGGs + Gath RO) I+ Gala + G2G,Hy + Gy Hie + GG Gy + UGH) ocr. se ee owe ef S «tt Bnet to F Ae “ ea “ t+) oy + ry ‘ 2 2 oe ee ors 3s ee oe Bled deel) Bakes) =t(resd -12- «| al ' f OTE ES La, (14 eats) me tg tees) “B35. When D(s) is zero, the closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/R(s) is GD _ _G&O) G6) RO) » It Gels) Gp) When R(s) = 0, the closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/D(s) is S06) / Deo I+ Geld Gps) When both the reference input and disturbance input are present, the output C(s) is the sum of p(s) and Cp(s). Hence C= Galt) Colsd= S| en Gyep ROI + DO] 2-3-6. When only the reference input R(s) is present, the output Op(s) is given by Cee) _ 6) 6) RO) 1+ G08) Gals) For the reference.input R(s), the desired output is R(s) for the unity-feedback system such as the present system. Thus, the error Ep(s) is the difference between R(s) and the actual output Ca(s). The error Ep(s) is given by Fy) = RE) — Cele) = RD] /- 2 | 60) G26) L ZR = Le | | —_ 4 6) [/ ool Trae *P Assuming the system to be stable, the steady-state error egsa(t) can be given by d= Lin 0,6) = hin SE. =hp, —22O Case C= tem On) = Oo EG Lin 4+ G,0)6,0 -13- When only the disturbance input D(s) is present, the output Cp(s) is given by Sob) _ G0) D6) 1 40) GG) Sie eee output to the disturbance input D(s) is zero, the error Ep(s) can be given by 4,6) =0- Op6) =- G6) Gel? 144, Gals) For the stable system, the steady-state error @gep(t) is given by Le ~b aL, 22920) DB) Cesy t) = Bix Cott) = Bin 3 656) = far, SEE £6) =—-Cy 6) = — de) ‘The steady-state error vhen both the reference input R(s) and disturbance input D(s) are present is the sum of @gsp(t) and egep(t) and is given by Csslt) = Cxsr(t) + Essp Ct) 7 | see) set) 20 | 526 Lb 1¥6,6) 669 4G VG2L9) 500 } apa [Re)- 9.6) ro] Be3-7.. When D(s) = 0, the block diagram of the system can be simplified as follows: ‘The closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/R(s) can be given by Ge Gs Gy Gy Cal) 146,62 41 = Ge Gi GeGs R6) 1 Get Ge Gs Ha It GGa Hit Gedy Gs Gatle It GiGs Hy -u4- When R(s) = 0, the block diagram of the system shown in Figure 3-76 can be modified as follows: D6) 6, fe oo - Hence 6) _ 4 _ GG Des) "*9263 Gy (Ge the + LE 14GGe Gs Ge He + G, Gap B38. There are infini Ste P— pe eee Ue) Se SH pps sre Which is equivalent to ° . FepgrPtI2g=arazu Comparing this equation with the standard equation vm wenn BEG tazyr hiirhkthithe a > 42=/, 432, bg nd, b=0, b=l, bg =z -15- Define %=¥- fee Mayo pl f= Zhe mim fe where fy = be =0 f= bape =o fe=bi- afi 4s fe =/ Aim ha— ti fo te fi- ts f= E-p ‘Then, state-space equations can be given by HE Bt Iz yale 0 af} rn xs 5 eo + Oolfy ° 7 o 0 stale] 7 Ly ae els] [ee % yall o ax % State-space representation 2: Since we can redraw the block diagram as : - 16 - @-st} +e {t}4[z1% From this block disgram we get the folloving equations: VaU-X, + xy from which we obtain 4a Ps = (8-P)4-@-p) x, Amt K qa % Rewriting, we have 4% ent AyrKn Ha = — (Bp) X, —pXs +(2- pa a= % 4 of ONs, ° Hl=)-4 0s |iqfa] 0 fee % pt o pile 2- -17- % y=[/ © fy %, B39. oe - ” Ft3F+2g = Define ae a=H ang ‘Then 43H + 2% Ku 4 =% Rare or ERE ¢ EMG Zz g=[/ © af] as, ps0. [2 “/) 2-[']. g=U 0 Ci Cy) ‘The transfer function G(s) of the system is given by 96)= £C5I- Ay'B =U als ol Tl -18- = ste 2 el s wl] / s => + Sst7 t a[.,] a= S34 S847 Bu. a-[3 a]. e-[2], ¢-e 2 ‘The transfer function G(s) of the system is given by sts /)7-'Tg -0 al TE Lv il t ste -/ |[2 21a [3 ses] |o -—_ le 2] [23 ]= 125459 S*4 65th S34+3/ Se EstP A MATLAB solution to this problem is given below. Gb) = 6033-40" n A=E5 -13 -Ik B=P5); ‘The transfer matrix of the system can be given by s/o 00 ) =C(sl-A)'B [b G | os -1 or G SGEM Bale ole 6 XL) 125 =[0° S| =eeaee -2 steés S jlo 7 O71 OF Bes *egst2 -2s -as-2 s*I]/ 0 / 4 Sté “Seesteest2 [|S shes / ste St 684 yst2 SP+OS*LG5t2Z = eS sees SHES STD SI9t6s 49542 A MATLAB solution to this problem is given below. A=[0 1 00.0 1,2 4 4 Bob Go tio 53-13. Since the same force transmits the shaft, we have feb (8-2) =b (9-2) + bs (G-2) a vhere displacement z is defined in the figure below. 4 a CY La 7 L. U ‘In terms of the equivalent viscous friction coefficient, the force f is given by 5= by (§-%) (2) From Equation (1) we have bdr bb + dF ah Ltheg + bsg $21 _. + (bit b; =the [4,24 Cath 9) (3) By substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1), we have feb (#-%) = af [62+ Gstbs)7) -4 b. + bs eee byt abths 4 *) a) Hence, by comparing Equations (2) and (4), we obtain baths b, ba = Tthtes SEF t f b theth B34. ) : wX +h mee AO 41 UG)” ms*+k (p) _ Define the displacement of a point between springs hy and kz as y. Then the equations of motion for this system become mx + he G-y)au hg = Ae (x-4) -2- From the second equation, we have Ay they =hex —_ kz t- Gam * ‘Then ni + te ee or Soi ve 2 4 mt athe 3315. 5 oe 1p, th A-B)thy, a4, mf th (§,-H,) they =H, Define u=% J, X= iy, 4nd, Then 10 Se + by (Hx %q) + hy Hy tty 2, 4 +b (4. -%e they =& Hence are A= ln e- ee) them) + hou, %=% 4=-Llbe-m)rhalt he -22- = es 0 — so 2 8 nN 8 a & Be weet T =—2hoa*—mg Land Jaml* For small 6, md? 8 = — 2ka%0 —mglo a+ (4e +4) =0 B17. Note that Gaxt lado, %q theo 8 For x é : Miemis- =u or Mx tm (xt lanO) =e Since fete = (ened *+ (cai -23- we have (Mtm)% — nd (ung) b rmd (ened = For sual © and small 62, ve have (Mam amle au a) For tional tons Té= gd aan 8 —mzhenge where JaItmlt, Tam ‘Thus, o (rtm£*)3" = mglana — mil cn b For emall @, ve have ” i (Teme?) 6 = mgdo — mlx @) From Equation (2), =70- zt a Substituting this last equation into me ten (1), we obtain (m+n )(49 - fmt G)tmlb ax o (Mem) 9 - Genesis 5 0 ‘Thus, o md (Meme md o* Cemrenmli” ~ Cam yrenme Also, from Equation (1) we have « melo — mlx (Mem)z tt rr [MI+m (14 Mey]x twl?gd = a(Itul) from which ve get - 24- oo wlig T+ml* Mi+m (Ital) MItm(ItMl) “ Equations. (3) and (4) describe the system dynamics in terms of differential equations. By taking the Laplace transform of Equation (3), we obtain [= md (Mm) 3 eo = 7 Te) (M+m)I + Mn le (Mem) I+ Mmk* (4) {C rtm (T+ Me3] $7 adc uonyg} OW =-md Ue) Hence a 4 Ww [art (r+ m£2)] s* md Cate). By taking the Laplace transform of Equation (4), we get (5) hig Teme 8X6) =— a» = x6) MI+m(T+Ml) on + MIi+m(I+tMlt) ue) Hence 8X6) wil; G8. I+ml*® U6) MI+m(r4Ml) 0G) MI +m(T+Me) or mh = tae [MT+m (t+mt)] s& al (Aon)g Ttml? [arem(remey]s* “ Equations std pnt ill ete es cus ete ies ses ous nse on! transfer Next, ve shall obtain a state-space representation of the system. Define state variables by 120 4 =6 aX % HX and output variables by Hb =x, AaaX=xs ‘Then, from the definition of state variables and Equations (3) and (4), the state equation and output equation can be written as % ° 1 0 ally, 0 wh(Man)s al * =| Mee(rtMy 9 oO +] Mewltraey| 4 o oo /\\% o | | - mile Tome % Mirm(tney) 9 % 91M) | ae % % = 4 9 @ @ te B] [eo 0 7 ollx B3-18. The equations for the system are My Ky = yt) — by — ks (4-H) +H he = ht bre — he (4a- x, ) Rewriting, we have mm) Hy, thr %, thy hy ths% = hs Xt u Mit ati thr tths % ahs xy Assuming the zero initial condition and taking the Laplace transforms ‘of these two equations, we obtsin (1m st bys thi ths Xi © = ks X26) + VED a) Cns*thast het hs )%2@) = 62X16) (2) By eliminating X2(s) from Equations (1) and (2), we get hs so. Sth t = Can st bt ky ths) XG) eee X16) + Ve) Xie) MaS*+histhkeths Te) Cm s*+ byst ki ths)( me s+ ba stkatks) KF From Equation (2), we obtain X,6) hs MO ~ mst bist hithe Yobs) _ WLI Xi) _ hs = D = ———___ + ____________, TO) XP 08) (amy s*+ ys rk, + ks) (te 8° he st hatha) hs B319. The equations for the given circuit are as follow: math (B-)<¢ Ret dfadtt L(B-st)-0 tft =e, ‘Taking the Laplace transforms of these three equations, assuming zero initial conditions, gives RDO+L [SLO - sls) | =F a) RLO+ eho +L [sh.0-sLo] <0 (2) GhO=EO @) From Equation (2) we obtain (mt brls) LO =LLe Lb) = Lest 23) UeG=INCEETE LG) (4) Substituting Bquation (4) into Equation (1), we get £ces* (a aCe Les*t hic st] )) Le) = Eb) Le (Rit 2a) st t+ (RRC tLjst LC s*+ Rest] From Equations (3) and (4), we have 4s =6, Leste estT Te) = Es) (6) R LT O=E:G) (5) -27- From Equations (5) and (6), we obtain Eb) _ bs E76) LOCR +22 )5*+ (Ri Re tL) s tR, B3-20. Equations for the circuit are oe Slee) at + R12, =e Gfanaterit d frat =o LSadt =e, The Laplace transforms of these three equations, with zero initial conditions, are Zp lie) -L0] + 216) = Be) a ay lnw- 19] +h LO ta he =0 (2) ae LO = &6) a) Equation (1) can be rewritten as 6,5 [E0)- RL) ] = L0-L.6) «@) Equation (4) gives the block diagram shown in Figure (a). Equation (2) can be modified to Ces I Rasa ar [h6)- 1.6] (5) EG) = Equation (5) yields the block diagram shown in Figure (b). Also, Equation (3) gives the block diagram shown in Figure (c). Combining the block diagrams of Figures (a), (b), and (c),we obtain Figure (4). This block diagram can be succesively modified as shown in Figures (e) through (h). In this way, ve can obtain the transfer function Eo(s)/Bj(s) of the given circuit. . (a) lial Ets) (a) -— (e) (£) Exe) 7 6) © lrerecnena] —~ = 29 B3-21. Impedance 2) is / LeRt+ae Impedance 22 is Zekta Hence i £6) __Z Gs E02 +2, _ LL . . Atos that & Faas t+/ (Filet Rte) s+ +e ‘If we change Ry to by, R2 to bz, Cy to 1/ky, C2 to 1/k2, then we obtain Rilzs+/ 7 btest / Gtk des t/t (bth es ++ Xo bes +h, bisthe XO) (bth) Stheth, * (hth) +lnsth) ‘The analogous mechanical system is stiown below. Z=h+ os =Rp ‘Then 2x6) = (8, +E) 16) E,(s) =— Re IG) B-3-23. Define the voltage at point A as e,. ‘Then E,6) ies Ere) ~— +R, Re Cstl Define the voltage at point B ase. Then Bo)= 60) & RitRs [ent €geey] K = Fo) and K 1, we must have ExG) = Eg) Noting that A6)= from vhich we obtain Ej6) = Fa = Fa Fo) 7 Cs a Re 7 56) _ eth Res _ OE CE): Sr) Ry Rest “see Re -31- B-3-24. For the op-amp circuit shovn to the right, we have Ex-E, = Zy Ta &g-0 =Z3I, Ey = Es Hence 2eIn+& = ZI, or n-klsy-6) a Algo, &-Eo =(Z+ Zp (2) &; = (2,+23 )L, (3) By substituting Equation (1) into Equation (2), we obtain Ee ~ Ee = (2a 24 (ZI, ~E0) By substituting Equation (3) into this last equation, we get 23 Ze (22) -& = (At) BL- (Ate or Ze 222 (EN-DE = (42 -BB-a)y Hence LE, = (2% -2,23)1, (a) ‘From Equations (3) and (4), we have fe ae ies cz & 2+2Z3 2 Zet+2. Zs For the current op-amp circuit, we have Zage, t=P,, Ze=Re, Zeer, Le ee Be) an ke goer ReCetl B3-25. Define the current in the armature circuit to be ig... Then, we have LB rath ae or (Ls+R) Le) + hs Onl = E20 @ vhere Ky, is the back emf constant of the motor. We also have Tn by + T= Ta = Ky, ) T=£% ante TG=T%] ware K 1s the sotor targus Gonatant aad 4g te the acemtare currant. Bquation (2) can be rewritten as (Tu PIL G = Kea. (In tn* Iz) s* Of =nk LG) “a By substituting Equation (3) into Equation (1), we obtain (2s+R) urged 09 + ks 22 = Erb) [Gs tR)Contn Te)s*+ Kk, s]O6) = KEE) Ee EO) S[(L5+R)Gmt me) S+kK) B-3-25. We shall use Mason's gain formula to obtain ¥(s)/x(s). Ped ERA =H (R44 P.d2) where b Rete, Rat Also, 4 =/- (4+ Lr) where a, 4; Lat, Laz ee -33- @) a2 _ SHA +a, , Bal (eth) lt Be = Also, 4=l, 42 =/ Hence, bist bs St St Qa Po Shasta. astm (2 33-27. We shall use Mason's gain formula to obtain Y(s)/X(s). Pat hax at(ra, +ha,+Ba,) where =; 4 pate nat nae Also, A=/-(4,4+4, +43) where =4) as 4S, = Hence: +n = S344) S*+ asst as s/t st st Also, A,=/, Ar=l, As=/ Hence, ee +++) S44S*t dst ay VSP | FS SF _ s by s*+ best by “US344;S*4 aa st ay 2 by s*t+ bas t+ by S+as*taastays 3:3.28. Define Fart Pry t3y = flrry) 2SXE4, wosysie Let us choose X= 3 and Y= 11. ‘Then Bae P+ PLZ + 39> = Pb 26K HF = 636 We shall obtain a linearized equation for the nonlinear equation near the point R= 3, 211. Expanding the nonlinear equation into a Taylor series about point x = ¥, y = ¥ and neglecting the higher-order terms, ve obtain B-F = ky (4-7) + & (7-7) at tT = = Ky = BE | poz, gag T7*TEF a ot 88 = PE Hence the linearized-equation is #636 = F#(x-3) + 90 Cg-11) or FaPRL + 704 — 636 | BB:29. Define $e e2rtasfe, Yur ‘Then 4 $00= $0) + 8 x-z) +++. ‘Since the higher-order terms in this equation are small, neglecting those texms, we obtain 4 $@) = 0.6 Z*(x-X) Yn O.2x2? @ 0.6 X2" (X-2) ‘Tus, Linear appraximtion of the given nonlinear equation near the operating point is Yr2Us*x-3.2

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