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Kylie Delwiche

EDT 180D

October 8, 2019

EDT 180 Podcast Reflection

I feel like our podcast came out very well done! If we were to keep the podcast going we

could get questions submitted to us from the ASU community. We could advertise it with flyers

and on social media as well for people to tune in. We could even make a twitter for our viewers

to submit their questions to. It wouldn’t cost much at all, unless we invested in actual

microphones/studio equipment of course. We could also have featured diverse guests, to get

different opinions/outlooks. Also plan fun segments and games, over time do giveaways! It

could be so fun developed over time. The feedback I got after the final copy was mainly vague,

but overall everyone that listened to it was very entertained. A lot of girls found it really relatable,

but some guys thought maybe either make our target audience girls or don’t disinclude boys

thoughts/feelings as well. Not that it was hurtful but just be more inclusive.

I definitely learned a lot about editing and timing. When looking back on the podcast

every time I relistened I felt like I caught another mistake and it got to the point where I’d

listened so much if there were any more mistakes I had become numb to them. Next time I’d

like to get an outsider’s opinion and feedback on our final copy. The reason I didn’t on the final

was because I felt embarrassed about people hearing my voice and what I had to say. That is

silly, I need to get past that shame or whatever it is.

I actually used my phone to record it and the “iMovie” software to edit and place together

the audio. I had no idea paired together my phone and laptop could do something like that.

Seeing the finished product was so satisfying and nice. Now that I know how to do that, I feel
more accomplished because it wasn’t even hard to figure out at all. They make some

technology so easy it’s so handy and helpful especially for a big assignment. This simple

technology makes it easy for anyone to make a podcast basically. There is an easy way to start

and build up with anything online it seems.

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