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Table Group Name CR Enc HP

Melee Weapons Chain Chainaxe 3 4 3

Melee Weapons Chain Chainblade 3 1 1
Melee Weapons Chain Chainsword 2 1 2
Melee Weapons Chain Evicerator 2 3 3

Melee Weapons Exotic

Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Exotic
Melee Weapons Low Tech Axe 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Axe, Mono 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Cestus 4 1 0
Melee Weapons Low Tech Dagger 3 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Dagger, Mono 3 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Dagger, Punch 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Flail 3 4 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Force Staf 4 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Force Sword 2 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Greataxe 3 4 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Greatsword 2 3 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Halberd 3 5 3
Melee Weapons Low Tech Hunting Lance 2 5 3
Melee Weapons Low Tech Katar 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Mace 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Military Pick 2 3 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Pike 4 4 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Shield 6 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Shield, Bulwark 5 3 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Shield, Large 5 2 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Shock Whip 4 1 0
Melee Weapons Low Tech Spear 3 3 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Spear, Light 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Staf 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Stiletto 3 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Sword 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Sword (Mono) 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech Truncheon 4 1 1
Melee Weapons Low Tech War Hammer 4 4 2
Melee Weapons Low Tech Whip 4 1 0
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
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Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Low Tech
Melee Weapons Luminen
Melee Weapons Power Daemonhammer 3 4 2
Melee Weapons Power Energy Blade 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Power Mark VI Power Longsword (Waller) 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Power Nemesis Daemonhammer 3 4 2
Melee Weapons Power Nemesis Greatsword 2 3 2
Melee Weapons Power Omnissian Axe 2 4 2
Melee Weapons Power Power Axe 2 4 2
Melee Weapons Power Power Blade 1 1 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Fist 4 3 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul (High) 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul (Low) 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul, Agni (High) 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul, Agni (Low) 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul, Cyclopea 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul, Lathe (High) 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Maul, Lathe (Low) 4 2 1
Melee Weapons Power Power Sword 1 1 1
Melee Weapons Power Thunder Hammer 3 4 2
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Power
Melee Weapons Shock Officer's Cutlass 2 1 1
Melee Weapons Shock Shock Maul 3 2 1
Melee Weapons Shock Shock Staf 4 3 0
Melee Weapons Shock Shock Staf, Hredrian 4 3 0
Melee Weapons Shock
Melee Weapons Shock
Melee Weapons Shock
Melee Weapons Shock
Ranged Weapons Bolt Angelus Bolt Carbine 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Bolt Bolt Pistol 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Bolt Pistol, Cinder Crag Forge "Mauler" 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Bolt Pistol, Garm Pattern 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Bolt Pistol, Sacristan 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Bolt Pistol, Volg "Spitfire" 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Boltgun 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Bolt Boltgun, Godwyn Deaz 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Bolt Boltgun, Mars Scourge Mk II 2 5 1
Ranged Weapons Bolt Heavy Bolter 2 8 4
Ranged Weapons Bolt Storm Bolter 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Bolt Storm Bolter, Godwyn Deaz 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Bolt
Ranged Weapons Bolt
Ranged Weapons Bolt
Ranged Weapons Bolt
Ranged Weapons Exotic Needle Pistol 2 1 0
Ranged Weapons Exotic Needle Rifle 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Exotic
Ranged Weapons Flame Flamer 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Flame Flamer, Anoxis Burst Pattern 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Flame Flamer, Gas Torch 3 4 2

Ranged Weapons Flame Flamer, Voss Nightfire 3 4 2

Ranged Weapons Flame Hand Flamer 2 2 1
Ranged Weapons Flame Hand Flamer, Cadence "Destroyer" 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Flame Hand Flamer, Seraphim 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Flame Heavy Flamer 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Flame Rifle, Anoxis Pattern "Stringray" 4 4 2
Ranged Weapons Flame
Ranged Weapons Flame
Ranged Weapons Flame
Ranged Weapons Las Hellgun, Cadian 3 5 3
Ranged Weapons Las Hellgun, Dlaku 3 5 3
Ranged Weapons Las Hellgun, Voss 3 5 3
Ranged Weapons Las Hellpistol, Cadian 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Hellpistol, Voss 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Hotshot-Lasgun 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Las Hotshot-Laspitol 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lascannon 3 8 4
Ranged Weapons Las Lascarbine 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lascarbine, Minerva-Aegis 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Drusus Prime Pattern 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Lasburst Twin 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Mars Mark III Short 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Roth Pattern "Lightning" 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Solex Pattern-IX "Death Light" 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Lasgun, Stormfront 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Laslock 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol, Belasco Series-S "Venom" 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol, Civitas Pattern 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol, Khayer-Addin Dueling 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol, Sollex Pattern-VII "Steel Burner" Heavy 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistol, Takara Palatine Compact 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Laspistorl, Mars Mark IV Command 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Las Long Las 2 4 2
Ranged Weapons Las Multi-Laser 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Las
Ranged Weapons Las
Ranged Weapons Las
Ranged Weapons Launchers Grenade Launcher 4 5 2
Ranged Weapons Launchers Grenade Launcher, Gorge Pattern 4 5 2
Ranged Weapons Launchers Missile Launcher 2 8 4
Ranged Weapons Launchers Missile Launcher, Disposable 2 8 4
Ranged Weapons Launchers RPG Launcher 3 6 2
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Blunderbuss, Iocanthos 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Bow 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Bow, Composite 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Bow, Flick 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Bow, Hand 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Crossbow 2 3 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Crossbow, Heavy 2 4 2
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Deuce Pistol 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Drive Nailer 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Flintlock Pistol 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Impaler 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Long Bow 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Musket 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Musket, Siskan 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech Scrap Cannon 3 4 1
Ranged Weapons Low Tech
Ranged Weapons Low Tech
Ranged Weapons Luminen
Ranged Weapons Melta Inferno Pistol 2 2 1
Ranged Weapons Melta Inferno Pistol, Seraphim 2 2 1
Ranged Weapons Melta Melta-Cutter 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Melta Meltagun 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Melta Meltagun, Voss Mark III Ultimo 2 5 2
Ranged Weapons Melta Multi-Melta 2 8 4
Ranged Weapons Melta
Ranged Weapons Melta
Ranged Weapons Plasma Plasma Cannon 2 7 2
Ranged Weapons Plasma Plasma Gun 2 4 1
Ranged Weapons Plasma Plasma Gun, Ryza 2 4 2
Ranged Weapons Plasma Plasma Pistol 2 2 1
Ranged Weapons Plasma Plasma Pistol, Ryza 2 2 1
Ranged Weapons Plasma
Ranged Weapons Plasma
Ranged Weapons Plasma
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autocannon 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autocannon, Assault Cannon 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autogun 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autogun, Alcher Mark IV 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autogun, Armageddon Pattern 3 4 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autogun, Cadence Spectre Assault Device
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autogun, Hax-Orthlack Creed-9 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autopistol (Encarmine, Talon Mk III) 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autopistol, Hecuter 9/5 Heavy Combat 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autopistol, Orthlak Mark IV 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autopistol, Puritan-14 4 1 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Autopistol, Ripper Clip 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon (Stormchild) 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon, .54 Tranter 3 2 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon, Fykos Forge "Flametongue" 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon, Judgeslayer 2 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon, Westingkrup Carnodon Precision 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hand Cannon, Raffir Ringleader 3 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Heavy Stubber 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Heavy Stubber, Bulldog 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Heavy Stubber, Volg VI "Crank Cannon"
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Holdout Pistol, Mariette Cylinder 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Holdout Pistol, Sulymann Salvation 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hunting Rifle 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Hunting Rifle, Steadholder 3 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Pistol, Irontalon 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Pistol, Volg "Mercy Killer" 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Pump Shotgun, Westingkrup "Slayer" 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotcannon 3 6 3
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun Pistol 3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Combat 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Arbites Combat 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Hack 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Ironclaw 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Scatheros "Blackhammer" 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Shotgun, Volg "Meat Hammer" Scattergun 3 3 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Sniper Rifle, Fykos Forge "Nomad" 2 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Sniper Rifle, Raffir "Pax Factorem" 2 4 2
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Stub Automatic (Armsman-10, Dorcas, Phobos, Ius)3 2 1
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Stub Revolver (Scalptaker) 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Stub Revolver, Khayer-Addin Forge "Fate Bringer" 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Stub Revolver, Panoptic 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile
Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile
Ranged Weapons Thrown Blind Grenade NA 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Bolas NA 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Choke Grenade NA 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Frag Grenade 3 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Krak Grenade 3 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Particle Grenade 4 1 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Photon Flash Grenade 4 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown Stun Grenade 4 0 0
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Ranged Weapons Thrown
Special Skill Dam Range
Cumbersome 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 2 Melee (Heavy) +5 Engaged
Vicious 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Defensive 1, Vicious 1 Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Pierce 2, Razor Sharp, Unwieldy 4, Vicious 3; Special: Upgrade Difficulty Once, Hit Self on Despair Melee (Heavy) +7 Engaged

Melee (Exotic) Engaged

Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Melee (Exotic) Engaged
Vicious 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Pierce 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Disorient 3 Brawl +1 Engaged
Accurate 1 Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Accurate 1, Pierce 1 Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Accurate 1 Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, Unwieldy 3 Melee (Heavy) +4 Engaged
Force, Defensive 1, Superior, Pierce 1, Reinforced Melee (Heavy) +3 Engaged
Force, Defensive 1, Superior, Pierce 1, Reinforced Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious 1 Melee (Heavy) +4 Engaged
Defensive 1, Pierce 1, Unwieldy 3 Melee (Heavy) +4 Engaged
Defensive 1, Pierce 3 Melee (Heavy) +3 Engaged
Concussive 4, Cumbersome 3, Limited Ammo 1* Melee (Heavy) +3 Engaged
Accurate 1 Brawl +1 Engaged
Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Pierce 2 Melee (Light) +1 Engaged
Prepare 1 Melee (Heavy) +4 Short
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown Melee (Light) +0 Engaged
Cumbersome 4, Defensive 2, Deflection 3, Inaccurate 2, Knockdown, Reinforced Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Inaccurate 2, Knockdown Melee (Light) +1 Engaged
Flexible, Stun 3 Melee (Light) +1 Short
Accurate 1 Melee (Heavy) +3 Engaged
Accurate 1, Defensive 1 Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Defensive 1 Melee (Heavy) +2 Engaged
Accurate 1, Pierce 1 Melee (Light) +1 Engaged
Defensive 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Defensive 1, Pierce 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Concussive 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown Melee (Heavy) +5 Engaged
Flexible Melee (Light) +1 Short
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Concussive 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown, Sunder, Pierce 4 Melee (Heavy) +7 Engaged
Defensive 1, Sunder, Pierce 4 Melee (Light) +5 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 4 Melee (Light) +5 Engaged
Concussive 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown, Sunder, Sanctified, Pierce 4 Melee (Heavy) +7 Engaged
Defensive 1, Pierce 5, Sunder, Unwieldy 3, Sanctified Melee (Light) +5 Engaged
Cumbersome 3, Pierce 5, Vicious 1, Sunder Melee (Light) +6 Engaged
Cumbersome 3, Pierce 6, Vicious 1, Sunder Melee (Heavy) +5 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 4 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Pierce 5, Sunder Brawl +5 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 2, Stun 3, Disorient 1 Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Stun 3, Stun Damage, Pierce 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 1, Stun 3, Disorient 1 Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Stun 3, Stun Damage Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 2, Stun 3, Disorient 1, Unwieldy 3, Special: Fear 1 to allies of Hit enemy Melee (Light) +5 Engaged
Sunder, Pierce 2, Stun 3, Disorient 1, Defensive 1 Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Stun 3, Stun Damage, Pierce 1, Defensive 1 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Defensive 1, Sunder, Pierce 4 Melee (Light) +4 Engaged
Concussive 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown, Sunder, Pierce 5 Melee (Heavy) +6 Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Stun 3 Melee (Light) +3 Engaged
Stun 3 Melee (Light) +2 Engaged
Stun 3 Melee (Heavy) +2 Engaged
Stun 3, Defensive 1 Melee (Heavy) +3 Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Heavy) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Melee (Light) Engaged
Vicious 1, Pierce 2, Accurate Ranged (Heavy) 10 Long
Vicious 1, Pierce 2 Ranged (Light) 9 Medium
Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 9 Medium
Vicious 1, Pierce 2 Ranged (Light) 8 Medium
Vicious 1, Pierce 2, Limited Ammo 3 Ranged (Light) 9 Medium
Inferior1 , Vicious 1, Burn 1; Special: Out of Ammo causes Burn to user; Ranged (Light) 8 Medium
Vicious 1, Pierce 2 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Vicious 1, Pierce 2, Superior Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Vicious 2, Pierce 2, Special: Has Mono Axe Barrell Attachment; Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Vicious 1, Cumbersome 3, Auto-fire, Pierce 2 Gunnery 10 Long
Linked 1, Vicious 1, Pierce 2 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Vicious 1, Pierce 2, Linked 1, Superior Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Gunnery Long
Ranged (Heavy) Long
Gunnery Long
Gunnery Long
Pierce 1, Accurate 1, Toxic 4 Ranged (Light) 4 Medium
Pierce 1, Accurate 1, Toxic 4 Ranged (Heavy) 4 Extreme
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Engaged
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Short
Ranged (Exotic) Short
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Extreme
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Extreme
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Gunnery (Exotic) Long
Ranged (Exotic) Medium
Ranged (Exotic) Long
Burn 2, Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 6 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Medium
Burn 1, Blast 2 Ranged (Heavy) 1 Short
Burn 2, Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 6, Special: Can Trigger Burn to User as Crit; Ranged (Heavy) 5 Short

Burn 2, Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 3, Toxic 2 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Medium
Burn 2, Blast 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 2 Ranged (Light) 5 Short
Burn 2, Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 2 Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Burn 2, Blast 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 3, Special: Gain "Linked" Quality if wielding pair; Ranged (Light) 5 Short
Burn 2, Blast 6, Pierce 2, Vicious 3 Gunnery 9 Medium
Blast 5, Limited Ammo 3 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Short
Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Gunnery Medium
Ranged (Heavy) Short
Pierce 2, Vicious 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Pierce 1, Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 7 Long
Pierce 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Pierce 2 Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Pierce 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Pierce 3 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Pierce 3 Ranged (Light) 8 Short
Cumbersome 4, Accurate 1, Pierce 3 Gunnery 15 Extreme
Accurate 1 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Medium
Accurate 1, Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Accurate 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Inferior, Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Superior Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Accurate 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Extreme
Ranged (Heavy) 9 Long
Accurate 1; Special: Counts as Spear when Engaged; Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Inferior Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Special: Add [B] to Concealment; Recharge Only, No Reload; Ranged (Light) 5 Short
Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Vicious 1, Pierce 1, Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 1 Ranged (Light) 7 Medium
Pierce 1 Ranged (Light) 7 Medium
Auto-Fire, Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Accurate 1, Superior Ranged (Light) 6 Long
Accurate 2, Pierce 1 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Extreme
Auto-Fire-Only, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1 Gunnery 11 Extreme
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Medium
Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Accurate 2, Blast 6, Limited Ammo 6 Gunnery 8 Medium
Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 1 Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Breach 2, Cumbersome 3, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 1 Gunnery 20 Extreme
Breach 2, Cumbersome 2, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 1 Gunnery 20 Extreme
Cumbersome 2, Limited Ammo 1, Breach 1, Prepare 1 Gunnery 12 Long
Prepare 2, Inaccurate 1, Inferior 1, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Blast 4 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Short
Unwieldy 2 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Medium
Unwieldy 2, Accurate 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Special: Add [B] to Concealment; Prepare 1 (First Shot Only) Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Pierce 2, Prepare 1 Ranged (Heavy) 7 Medium
Pierce 2, Prepare 2 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Inferior, Limited Ammo 2, Auto-Fire, Prepare 2 Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Auto-Fire-Only, Pierce 2 Ranged (Heavy) 6 Short
Prepare 2, Inaccurate 1, Inferior 1 Ranged (Light) 7 Short
Cumbersome 3, Inferior, Pierce 1 Gunnery 9 Medium
Unwieldy 3, Pierce 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Prepare 2, Inaccurate 1, Inferior 1 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Prepare 2 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Inferior 1, Prepare 2 Gunnery 8 Short
Ranged (Heavy) Short
Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Ranged (Light) Short
Breach 1, Burn 1 Ranged (Light) 15 Engaged
Breach 1, Burn 1, Special: Add "Linked" Quality if wielding pair Ranged (Light) 15 Engaged
Breach 1, Burn 1 Ranged (Heavy) 15 Engaged
Breach 1, Burn 1 Ranged (Heavy) 15 Short
Pierce 6, Burn 1 Ranged (Heavy) 13 Medium
Breach 2, Burn 1, Blast 15, Linked 1 Gunnery 15 Medium
Ranged (Light) Engaged
Gunnery Engaged
Blast 10, Cumbersome 3, Slow-Firing, Maximal, Overheats Gunnery 10 Long
Pierce 3, Maximal, Overheats Ranged (Heavy) 10 Long
Pierce 4, Maximal, Overheats Ranged (Heavy) 10 Long
Pierce 3, Maximal, Overheats Ranged (Light) 10 Medium
Pierce 3, Maximal, Overheats, Auto-Fire Ranged (Light) 10 Medium
Ranged (Light) Medium
Ranged (Heavy) Long
Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate, Pierce 3, Vicious 3 Gunnery 15 Extreme
Cumbersome 3, Auto-Fire-Only, Vicious 1, Inferior Gunnery 12 Long
Auto-fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Accurate 1, Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Auto-Fire; Special: Acts as an Autogun or Shotgun; Special: Has Three Ammo Slots Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Auto-Fire Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Auto-fire Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Auto-Fire, Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Auto-Fire Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Auto-Fire; Special: Contains Integration Shotgun with "Limited Ammo 1" Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Auto-Fire Only, Inaccurate 1, Inferior Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Cumbersome 3, Inferior Ranged (Light) 7 Medium
Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Inferior; Pierce 2; Limited Ammo 4; Special: [Despair]: Explodes in users hand, doing damage to selRanged (Light) 6 Medium
Pierce 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Pierce 1 Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Auto-fire, Cubmersome 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 2 Gunnery 10 Long
Auto-fire, Cubmersome 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 2, Accurate 1 Gunnery 10 Long
Auto-Fire-Only, Inferior Gunnery 8 Long
Special; Add [K][K][K] to Perception to Detect when Broken Down; Prepare 1 to Assemble Ranged (Light) 6 Medium
Limited Ammo 7; Cannot be Reoaded; Ranged (Light) 4 Short
Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 2 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Extreme
Ranged (Heavy) 8 Long
Accurate 1, Vicious 1, Auto-Fire, Special: Can Be Used As Club in Melee; Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Inaccurate 1, Inferior, Special: "Out of Ammo", gun explodes, dealing damage to user Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2; Special: Run out of Ammo on [Thr][Thr][Thr] Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Inferior, Cumbersome 4 Gunnery 9 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Limited Ammo 2 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 8 Short
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2 Ranged (Heavy) 8 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Accurate 1 Ranged (Heavy) 10 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 1, Inaccurate 1 Ranged (Light) 8 Short
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2, Limited Ammo 2, Accurate 1, Special: Can Be Used As Club in MeleeRanged (Heavy) Medium
Innacurate 1, Limited Ammo 1, Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Medium
Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 3, Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 1 Ranged (Heavy) 10 Medium
Accurate 2, Limited Ammo 4, Pierce 2 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Extreme
Accurate 1, Pierce 3 Ranged (Heavy) 9 Extreme
Auto-Fire Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Accurate 1 Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Pierce 1, Accurate 2 Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Special: Built in Fire Selector; Ranged (Light) 5 Medium
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Heavy) Extreme
Ranged (Light) Medium
Ranged (Heavy) Medium
Limited Ammo 1, Smoke 2 Ranged (Light) 0 Short
Inaccurate 1, Disorient 1 Ranged (Light) 0 Short
Limited Ammo 1, Toxic 1, Stun Damage Ranged (Light) 0 Short
Limited Ammo 1, Blast 6 Ranged (Light) 8 Short
Limited Ammo 1, Piece 4, Concussive 1 Ranged (Light) 10 Short
Blast 3, Concussive 1, Disorient 3, Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Limited Ammo 1, Blast 3, Disorient 3, Stun Damage Ranged (Light) 0 Short
Limited Ammo 1, Blast 3, Concussive 3, Stun Damage Ranged (Light) 6 Short
Ranged (Exotic) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Exotic) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Light) Short
Ranged (Exotic) Short
Rarity Book Page No. Name - DH DH Skill DH Dam RoF
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 140 Chain Axe Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 123 Chain Knife Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 140 Chainsword Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 102
Eviscerator Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 201 Aether Lance Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 190 Apostasic Matrix Melee (Exotic)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 135 Breacher Melee (Exotic)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 162 Bulkhead Cutters Melee (Exotic)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 96 Chain Stick Melee (Exotic)
5 (Scarce) Creatures Anathema 102 Choppa Melee (Exotic)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 201 Double Flail Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 113 Draethri Pain Gauntlet Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 115 Empyric Conduit Blade Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 137 Excruciating Whip Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 102 Hellaxe Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 137 Hellblade Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 97 Lightning Chain Melee (Exotic)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 173 Lightning Gauntlet Melee (Exotic)
10 (Unique) Disciples of the Dark Gods 78 Necrotic Sceptre - Melee Melee (Exotic)
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 172 Neuro-Gauntlet Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 174 Plaguesword Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 114 Scythian Fury Talon Melee (Exotic)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 94 Vivisector Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 138 Warp Staf Melee (Exotic)
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 111 Whisper Line Melee (Exotic)
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 138 Axe Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Axe
1 (Ubiquitous) Cestus
1 (Ubiquitous) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 136 Knife
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 141 Knife (Mono) Melee (Light)
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 123 Knife, Punch Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 10 Flail Melee (Heavy)
8 (Extremely Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 187 Force Staf Melee (Heavy)
9 (Near Unique) Inquisitor's Handbook 136 Force Sword Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Greataxe
4 (Average) Greatsword
3 (Common) Halberd
5 (Scarce) Hunting Lance
3 (Common) Katar
1 (Ubiquitous) Mace
2 (Plentiful) Military Pick
2 (Plentiful) Pike
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 133 Shield Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 99 Tower Shield (Metal)
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 111 Tower Shield (Wood)
6 (Rare) Shock Whip
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 118 Spear Melee (Heavy)
1 (Ubiquitous) Spear, Light
0 Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 187 Staf Melee (Heavy)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 67 Stiletto Melee (Light)
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 67 Sword Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 97 Sword (Mono) Melee (Light)
0 Truncheon
3 (Common) Daemon Hunter 138 Great Hammer
4 (Average) Whip
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 162 Armoured Gauntlets Melee (Light)
9 (Near Unique) Heresy Begets Retribution 10 Axe of Retribution Melee (Heavy)
5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs 116 Baptismal Hammer - Flame Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs 116 Baptismal Hammer - Toxic Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391 Barbed Tongue Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 96 Bastard Sword Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391 Bite Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 70 Blackwing Halberd Melee (Light)
9 (Near Unique) Heresy Begets Retribution 10 Blade of Admonition Melee (Heavy)
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 163 Boarding Pike Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 123 Bolo Knife Melee (Light)
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 138 Brass Knuckles Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 96 Buckler Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 162 Chimera Pistol Sword Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 0 Claw Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 0 Claw (Warp) Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391 Cleaver Melee (Light)
1 (Ubiquitous) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 138 Club Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 180 Combat Knife Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 96 Cutlass Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 116 Daemon Pike Melee (Heavy)
3 (Common) Daemon Hunter 70 Daggered Vambraces Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 137 Devils Kiss Melee (Light)
11 (Issued Only) Blood of Martyrs 141 Ecclesiarchy Corsesque Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 67 Emperors Whisper Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Heresy Begets Retribution 10 Fire Lance (Empty) Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Heresy Begets Retribution 138 Fire Lance (Full) Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Heresy Begets Retribution 10 Flame Hammer (Empty) Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Heresy Begets Retribution 135 Flame Hammer (Full) Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 187 Force Axe Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 136 Great Weapon Melee (Heavy)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 115 Guard Shield Melee (Light)
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 135 Hammer Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 134 Improvised Weapon Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Ascension 139 Kineblades Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 134 Kraken Tooth Dagger Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 117 Long-Saber Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 116 Mancatcher Melee (Heavy)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 116 Man-Catcher Melee (Heavy)
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 113 Melee Attachment Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 174 Mirror Shield Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 201 Moon Blade Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 78 Naval Shield Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 137 Punisher Baton Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 67 Quicksilver Blade Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 124 Reliquary Blade Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Render Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 187 Sacred Incense Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs 171 Scoriada Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 201 Scythe Melee (Heavy)
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 161 Short Sword Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 85 Shreading Beaks Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 94 Sigilite Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 109 Spetum Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 113 Steam Drill Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 70 Trophy Knife Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 67 Truename Staf Melee (Light)
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 137 Luminen Shock Melee (Light)
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 141 Daemonhammer Melee (Heavy)
9 (Near Unique) Inquisitor's Handbook 187 Energy Blade Melee (Light)
8 (Extremely Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 109 Mark VI Power Longsword (Waller) Melee (Light)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Daemon Hammer Melee (Heavy)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Greatsword Melee (Light)
8 (Extremely Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 175 Omnisian Axe Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Power Axe
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 180 Power Blade Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Power Fist Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Ascension 141 Power Maul (High)
7 (Very Rare) Ascension 197 Power Maul (Low)
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 61 Power Maul, Agni (High) Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 61 Power Maul, Agni (Low) Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 61 Power Maul, Cylopea +4
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 61 Power Maul, Lathe (High) Engaged
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 61 Power Maul, Lathe (Low) Engaged
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 67 Power Sword Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 99 Thunder Hammer Melee (Heavy)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Doomfist Melee (Light)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Falchion Melee (Light)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Force Halberd One-handed gripMelee (Light)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Force Halberd Two-handed gripMelee (Heavy)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Nemesis Force Sword Melee (Light)
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 162 Nemesis Warding Stave Melee (Heavy)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 162 Null Rod Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Ascension 140 Power Stake Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 87 Serpentine Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 201 Witch Lance Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 136 Officers Cutlass Melee (Light)
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 70 Shock Maul Melee (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 102 Shock Staf Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 62 Shock Staf, Hredrian Melee (Heavy)
5 (Scarce) Daemon Hunter 70 Concussion Mace Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 123 Electro-Flail Melee (Heavy)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Neural Whip Melee (Light)
6 (Rare) Ascension 140 Suppression Shield Melee (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 109 Angelus Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 133 Bolt Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 116 Mauler Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 111 Garm Pattern Bolt Pistol- Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Sacristan Bolt Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 89 Spitfire Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 133 Boltgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 114 Godwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 113 Scourge Mk II Boltgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 93 Heavy Bolter Gunnery Range 120m -/-/10
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 118 Storm Bolter-Ryza Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/4
8 (Extremely Rare) Blood of Martyrs 113 Godwyn-Deaz Storm Bolter Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/4
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Astartes Psycannon Gunnery Range 120m -/2/5
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Astartes Storm Bolter Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/2/4
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 133 Heavy Psycannon Gunnery Range 120m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 162 Malleus Psycannon Gunnery Range 120m S/-/5
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 138 Needle Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 131 Needle Rifle Ranged (Exotic) Range 180m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 138 Web Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 87 Webber Ranged (Exotic) Range 50m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 110 Aegis-Redback Gunnery (Exotic) Range 80m S/-/-
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Astartes Psilencer Gunnery (Exotic) Range 100m -/-/4
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 85 Avenger Shuriken Catapult Ranged (Exotic) Range 80m S/3/10
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 190 Callophean Psy-Engine Ranged (Exotic) Range 0m S/-/-
10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 67 Conversion Beamer - Long Range Gunnery (Exotic) Range 100m S/-/-
10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 67 Conversion Beamer - Point Blank Gunnery (Exotic) Range 100m S/-/-
10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 67 Conversion Beamer - Short Range Gunnery (Exotic) Range 100m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Purge the Unclean 93 Destructor Ranged (Exotic) Range 10m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 137 Digi-Las Ranged (Exotic) Range 3m S/-/-
9 (Near Unique) Ascension 137 Executor Pistol-Bolt Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/2/-
9 (Near Unique) Ascension 137 Executor Pistol-Needle Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/2/-
9 (Near Unique) Ascension 137 Exitus Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/3/-
9 (Near Unique) Ascension 141 Exitus Rifle Ranged (Exotic) Range 200m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 171 Galvian Needler Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/3/-
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 114 Gatling Psilencer Gunnery (Exotic) Range 100m -/-/8
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 70 Graviton Gun Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 113 Hypo Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Radical's Handbook 132 Morgauth Burn Caster Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/3/-
10 (Unique) Disciples of the Dark Gods 138 Necrotic Sceptre - Ranged Ranged (Exotic) Range 100m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Ascension 117 Purgatus Crossbow Ranged (Exotic) Range 50m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 85 Rad-Cleanser Ranged (Exotic) Range 30m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 70 Ranger Long Rifle Ranged (Exotic) Range 200m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 87 Shard Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 140 Shard Rifle Ranged (Exotic) Range 70m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Shock Blaster Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/2/-
5 (Scarce) Creatures Anathema 163 Shoota Ranged (Exotic) Range 60m S/3/10
7 (Very Rare) Creatures Anathema 124 Shuriken Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/3/5
5 (Scarce) Creatures Anathema 102 Slugga Ranged (Exotic) Range 20m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Creatures Anathema 102 Snazzgun-Energy Ranged (Exotic) Range 100m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Creatures Anathema 140 Snazzgun-Shell Ranged (Exotic) Range 100m S/2/-
Purge the Unclean 89 Splinter Pistol Ranged (Exotic) Range 50m S/3/6
Purge the Unclean 140 Splinter Rifle Ranged (Exotic) Range 80m S/3/10
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 141 Tyranicus Pattern Heavy Webber Gunnery (Exotic) Range 75m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 188 Widower Ranged (Exotic) Range 35m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook Xenarch Death-Arc Ranged (Exotic) Range 100m S/3/6
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 115 Flamer Ranged (Heavy) Range 20m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 160 Burst Ranged (Heavy) Range 5m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 134
Gas Torch Ranged (Heavy) Range 5m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 116 Nightfire Flamer-Voss Ranged (Heavy) Range 20m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 134 Hand Flamer Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 89 Destroyer Ranged (Light) Range 15m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Blood of Martyrs 114 Seraphim Hand Flamer Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 134 Heavy Flamer Gunnery Range 30m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 137 Stingray Ranged (Heavy) Range 15m S/-/-
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 131 Astartes Incinerator Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
11 (Unavailable) Daemon Hunter 134 Heavy Incinerator Gunnery Range 60m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 180 Tox Spray Ranged (Heavy) Range 10m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Ascension 133 Hellgun-Cadian Ranged (Heavy) Range 50m S/3/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 172 Hellgun-Dlaku Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/3/5
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 137 Hellgun-Voss Ranged (Heavy) Range 110m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Ascension 172 Hellpistol-Cadian Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 133 Hellpistol-Voss Ranged (Light) Range 35m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Hotshot-Lasgun
6 (Rare) Hotshot-Laspistol
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 173 MP Lascannon Range 500m S/-/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 131 Lascarbine Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/2/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 97 Minerva-Aegis Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/4/8
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 172 Lasgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/3/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 112 Drusus Prime Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 131 Lasburst Twin Lasgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/2/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 174 Mark III Short Lasgun-Mars Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Lightning Lasgun-Roth Ranged (Heavy) Range 120m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 111 Death Light Ranged (Heavy) Range 80m S/3/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 132 Stormfront Lasgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/3/-
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 131 Laslock Ranged (Heavy) Range 70m S/-/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 97 Laspistol Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 124 Series-S Venom Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 112 Civitas Ranged (Light) Range 25m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 116 Duelling Las Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 99 Steel Burner Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 134 Palantine Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 180 Mark IV Command Laspistol-Mars Ranged (Light) Range 70m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 97 Long Las Ranged (Heavy) Range 150m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 174 Multi-Laser Gunnery Range 250m -/-/10
10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 174 Digital Laser Ranged (Light) Range 4m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 110 Fury-Triplex Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/2/5
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 120 Synapse Disrupter Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 180 Grenade Launcher Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 132 Gorge GL Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Missile Launcher Gunnery Range 250m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 175 Disposable ML Gunnery Range 175m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 98 RPG Launcher Gunnery Range 120m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 161 Iocanthos Blunderbuss Ranged (Heavy) Range 10m S/-/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 135 Bow Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Composite Bow Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 135 Flick Bow Ranged (Light) Range 15m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 132 Hand Bow Ranged (Light) Range 15m S/-/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 135 Crossbow Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 171 Heavy Crossbow Ranged (Heavy) Range 80m S/-/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 123 Deuce Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 15m S/2/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 112 Drive Nailer Ranged (Heavy) Range 5m -/3/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 187 Flintlock Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 15m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 139 Impaler Gunnery Range 30m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 132 Long Bow Ranged (Heavy) Range 50m S/-/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 122 Musket Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Siskan Musket Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 98 Scrap Cannon Gunnery Range 15m S/-/-
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 102 Sling Ranged (Heavy) Range 15m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Stake-Crossbow-Catechist Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/-/-
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 118 Luminen Blast Ranged (Light) Range 10m -/-/-
9 (Near Unique) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 176 Inferno Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Blood of Martyrs 114 Seraphim Inferno Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 134 Melta-Cutter Ranged (Heavy) Range 10m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 116 Meltagun Ranged (Heavy) Range 20m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 173 Mark III Ultimo Meltagun-Voss Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 135 Multi-Melta Gunnery Range 60m S/-/-
10 (Unique) Ascension 102 Hellax Infernus Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 139 Thermal Lance Gunnery Range 10m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 134 Plasma Cannon Gunnery Range 120m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 137 Plasma Gun Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 134 Plasma Gun-Ryza Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 137 Plasma Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 140 Plasma Pistol-Ryza Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 173 Kronos Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 174 Mark III Sunfury-Mars Ranged (Heavy) Range 80m S/2/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 174 Plasma Blaster Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 175 Autocannon Gunnery Range 300m S/2/5
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 175 Assault Cannon Gunnery Range 120m -/-/10
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 132 Autogun Ranged (Heavy) Range 90m S/3/10
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 175 Alcher Mark IV Ranged (Heavy) Range 60m S/-/10
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 114 Armageddon Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/2/6
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Spectre Ranged (Heavy) Range 80m S/3/10
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 115 Creed-9 Ranged (Heavy) Range 50m S/3/10
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 132 Autopistol Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/6
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 67 Hecuter Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/3/6
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 112 Orthlak Mark IV Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/6
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 117 Puritan-14 Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/3/6
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 136 Ripper Clip Ranged (Light) Range 20m -/-/6
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 134 Hand Cannon Ranged (Light) Range 35m S/-/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 114 .54 Tranter Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Flametongue Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/-/-
4 (Average) Book of Judgement 63 Handcannon, "Judgeslayer" Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 115 Carnodon Ranged (Light) Range 35m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 63 Raffir Ringleader Ranged (Light) Range 35m S/3/-
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 115 Heavy Stubber Gunnery Range 120m -/-/10
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 64 Bulldog Heavy Stubber Gunnery Range 120m -/-/8
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 94 VI Crank Cannon Gunnery Range 70m -/-/5
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 176 Mariette Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/2/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 118 Salvation Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/3/-
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 110 Hunting Rifle Ranged (Heavy) Range 150m S/-/-
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 98 Steadholder Ranged (Heavy) Range 100m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Irontalon Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/2/5
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 112 Mercy Killer Ranged (Light) Range 20m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 135 Slayer Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 133 Shotcannon Gunnery Range 40m S/3/-
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 161 Shotgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 391 Shotgun Pistol Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 133 Combat Shotgun Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/3/-
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 63 Vox Legi-Pattern Arbites Combat Shotgu Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/2/-
3 (Common) Inquisitor's Handbook 136 Hack Shotgun Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 161 Ironclaw Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 114 Blackhammer Ranged (Heavy) Range 20m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 142 Meat Hammer Ranged (Heavy) Range 30m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 70 Nomad Ranged (Heavy) Range 250m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 63 Raffir "Pax Factorem" Rifle Ranged (Heavy) Range 150m S/2/-
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 132 Stub Automatic Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/3/-
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 176 Stub Revolver Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Fate Bringer Ranged (Light) Range 40m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 116 Panoptic Ranged (Light) Range 35m S/2/-
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 67 Baraspian Palm Gun Ranged (Light) Range 5m S/-/-
10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 137 Hell Rifle Ranged (Heavy) Range 300m S/-/-
3 (Common) Daemon Hunter 161 Sting Blunt Ranged (Light) Range 30m S/2/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 121 Vanaheim Ranged (Heavy) Range 40m S/3/6
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 136 Blind Grenade Ranged (Light)
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 135 Bola Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 122 Choke Gas Grenade Ranged (Light)
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 172 Frag Grenade Ranged (Light)
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 162 Krak Grenade Ranged (Light)
5 (Scarce) Particle Grenade
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 102 Photon Flash Grenade Ranged (Light)
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Stun Grenade Ranged (Light)
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 67 Digital Explosive Ranged (Exotic) Range 9m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 191 Empyrean Brain Grenade Ranged (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 137 Fedrid Razor Disk Ranged (Exotic) Range 10m S/-/-
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 10 Fire Bomb Grenade Ranged (Light)
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 139 Hallucinogen Grenade Ranged (Light)
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 93 Inferno-Thermal Grenade Ranged (Light)
2 (Plentiful) Inquisitor's Handbook 141 Javelin Ranged (Light) Range "SB*6"m S/-/-
5 (Scarce) Inquisitor's Handbook 173 Mark III FG Grenade Ranged (Light)
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 162 Nail Bomb Grenade Ranged (Light)
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 133 Psykotroke Grenade Ranged (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Daemon Hunter 67 Psyk-Out Grenade Ranged (Light)
6 (Rare) Daemon Hunter 133 Rad Grenade Ranged (Light)
7 (Very Rare) Purge the Unclean 174 Terrorfex Grenade Ranged (Light)
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 70 Throwing Star-Knife Ranged (Light) Range 5m S/-/-
4 (Average) Inquisitor's Handbook 136 Vibe Spear Ranged (Light) Range 10m S/-/-
6 (Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 94 Volonx Bone Bola Ranged (Light) Range 8m S/-/-
7 (Very Rare) Inquisitor's Handbook 102 Volonx Thunderclap Ranged (Exotic) Range 9m S/-/-
DH Dam DH Pen Clip Reload Two H? DH Special Cost Availability
1d10+4 R Pen 2 Tearing 450 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+3 R Pen 2 Tearing 80 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 R Pen 2 Balanced, Tearing 275 6 (Rare)

1d10+10 R Pen 5 Two handed Tearing, Unwieldy 750 5 (Scarce)

2d5 E Pen 0 Unwieldy 50000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking, Balanced 30000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 R Pen 4 Tearing, Unwieldy 750 5 (Scarce)
1d10+3 R Pen 6 Two handed Tearing, Unwieldy 75 4 (Average)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Fast, Toxic (1) 30 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 R Pen 2 Tearing, Unbalanced 600 5 (Scarce)
1d10 I Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Flexible 28 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Shocking 1500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 R Pen 2 Balanced 45000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 2 0 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+4 R Pen 0 Unwieldy 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Balanced 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Flexible, Shocking 100 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Shocking 80 5 (Scarce)
1d10+15 E Pen 4 Two handed 0 10 (Unique)
1d10 R Pen 8 Tearing, Toxic (1) 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
1d10+1 R Pen 2 Balanced, Toxic (1) 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+3 R Pen 3 Toxic () 1000 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+5 R Pen 0 Tearing, Unwieldy 650 6 (Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Balanced 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+1 R Pen 4 Flexible, Tearing 4500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+1 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Unbalanced 20 4 (Average)

1d5 R Pen 0 Primitive () 5

1d5 R Pen 2 45 5 (Scarce)
1d5+1 R Pen 2 Primitive () 4 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Flexible 20 5 (Scarce)
1d10+"PR+S Pen "PR" Two handed Balanced 3500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+"1+PR Pen "2+PR" Balanced 3500 7 (Very Rare)

1d5 I Pen 0 Primitive () 25 4 (Average)

1d5+2 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Defensive 60
1d5+1 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Defensive 40

1d10 R Pen 0 Two handed Primitive () 15 3 (Common)

1d10 I Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Balanced 10 2 (Plentiful)

1d5+-1 R Pen 2 Primitive (), Fast 25 4 (Average)
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Balanced 15 3 (Common)
1d10 R Pen 2 Balanced 55 5 (Scarce)

1d10+4 R Pen 2 Two handed Unwieldy 70

1d5 I Pen 0 Primitive () 35 3 (Common)

2d10 R Pen 8 Two handed Sanctified 0 9 (Near Unique)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Unbalanced, Flame, Spray 500 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Unbalanced, Toxic (1) 500 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 R Pen 0 Primitive () 0
1d10+1 R Pen 1 Primitive () 13 4 (Average)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Primitive () 0
1d10+3 R Pen 4 Balanced 500 6 (Rare)
2d10 R Pen 4 Two handed Balanced, Sanctified 0 9 (Near Unique)
1d10+3 X Pen 2 Two handed Primitive () 30 3 (Common)
2d5 R Pen 2 50 6 (Rare)
1d5+-1 I Pen 0 Primitive () 5 2 (Plentiful)
1d5+-2 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Balanced 30 3 (Common)
1d10+1 R Pen 2 130 5 (Scarce)
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive () 0
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Warp Weapon 0
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Unbalanced 15 3 (Common)
1d10 I Pen 0 Primitive () 5 1 (Abundant)
1d5+3 R Pen 0 Primitive () 40 4 (Average)
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Unbalanced 10 3 (Common)
1d10 R Pen 2 Two handed 1000 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Unwieldy 100 3 (Common)
1d5 R Pen 3 Primitive (), Fast 55 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 2 Two handed Unbalanced 0 11 (Issued Only)
1d5+1 R Pen 2 Balanced 150 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Two handed 550 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 R Pen 0 Two handed 550 6 (Rare)
2d10 I Pen 2 Two handed Unwieldy 800 6 (Rare)
2d10+3 I Pen 2 Two handed Unwieldy 800 6 (Rare)
1d10+"3+PR Pen "2+PR" 4000 7 (Very Rare)
2d10 R Pen 2 Two handed Primitive (), Unwieldy 70 5 (Scarce)
1d5 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Defensive 100 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Unbalanced 10 3 (Common)
1d10+-2 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Unbalanced 0
1d5+"WB" R Pen 2 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+1 R Pen 1 200 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 R Pen 2 Two handed Primitive (), Balanced 70 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Two handed Unwieldy 200 6 (Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Snare (0), Unwieldy 60 5 (Scarce)
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive () 25 2 (Plentiful)
1d5+-1 I Pen 0 Primitive () 60 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Fast, Unwieldy 25 6 (Rare)
1d5+2 I Pen 0 Primitive (), Defensive 75 4 (Average)
1d10 I Pen 0 50 4 (Average)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Balanced 1000 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 R Pen 3 Balanced, Sanctified, +10 to hit 3000 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+1 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Tearing 50 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Flexible, Sanctified 3000 7 (Very Rare)
0d0 I Pen 0 Primitive () 5 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Two handed Primitive (), Unwieldy 12 4 (Average)
1d10+-1 R Pen 0 Primitive () 12 3 (Common)
1d5+2 R Pen 0 Primitive (), Tearing 0
1d5 R Pen 3 Defensive 85 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 2 Two handed Primitive (), Unbalanced 45 6 (Rare)
1d10 I Pen 3 Two handed Primitive (), Unbalanced, Unwieldy 100 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+1 R Pen 1 Primitive (), Balanced 775 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Balanced, Sanctified, +10 to hit 2000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 0
2d10+"1+2*SPen 8 Two handed Power Field 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 7 Balanced, Power Field 5000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 6 Power Field 3500 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+5 E Pen 8 Two handed Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy 0 11 (Unavailable)
2d10+5 E Pen 6 Power Field, Sanctified, Balanced 0 11 (Unavailable)
2d5+5 E Pen 6 Power Field, Unwieldy 0

1d10+3 E Pen 6 Power Field 1750 7 (Very Rare)

2d10+"3+2* Pen 8 Power Field, Unwieldy 3100 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 I Pen 5 Power Field 0
1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking 0
1d10+4 I Pen 4 Power Field 0 Rare
1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking 0 Rare
2d10 I Pen 5 Power Field, Unwieldy, Shocking, Special 4000 6 (Rare)
1d10+5 I Pen 5 Power Field 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 E Pen 6 Balanced, Power Field 2500 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+4 E Pen 10 Two handed Power Field, Unwieldy 5000 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+5 E Pen 6 Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+1 E Pen 2 Power Field, Sanctified 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+"3+PR Pen "2+PR" Power Field, Sanctified 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+"3+PR Pen "2+PR" Two handed Power Field, Sanctified, Tearing 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+"2+PR Pen "2+PR" Power Field, Sanctified 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Two handed Power Field, Sanctified, Defensive 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+4 I Pen 6 Power Field 9000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+7 E Pen 5 Power Field, Unbalanced 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 E Pen 6 Fast, Power Field 2500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 6 Power Field 2800 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Shocking 200 5 (Scarce)
1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking 150 5 (Scarce)
1d5+1 I Pen 2 Two handed Shocking 100 4 (Average)
1d10 I Pen 0 Two handed Shocking, Balanced 325 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 4 Unwieldy, Volatile, Blast (1) 200 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Two handed Flexible, Shocking 375 6 (Rare)
1d10+1 E Pen 0 Flexible, Shocking 500 6 (Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Defensive, Recharge, Shocking 0 6 (Rare)
2d10 X Pen 5 Clip 3 Reload 3 Full Two handed Accurate, Tearing 2000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 8 Reload 1 Full Tearing 250 6 (Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Reliable, Tearing 375 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 8 Reload 1 Full Tearing 350 6 (Rare)
1d10+6 X Pen 4 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Tearing 380 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 X Pen 0 Clip 3 Reload 1 Full Tearing, Unreliable 75 5 (Scarce)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 24 Reload 1 Full Two handed Tearing 500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable, Tearing 1000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 24 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable, Tearing 650 7 (Very Rare)
2d10 X Pen 5 Clip 60 Reload 2 Full Two handed Tearing 1800 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Two handed Storm, Tearing 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
1d10+5 X Pen 4 Clip 60 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable, Tearing 9000 8 (Extremely Rare)
2d10+15 X Pen 5 Clip 200 Reload 2 Full Two handed Proven (4) 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+9 X Pen 5 Clip 60 Reload 2 Full Storm, Tearing 0 11 (Unavailable)
2d10+15 X Pen 5 Clip 40 Reload 2 Full Two handed Proven (4), Blast (6) 0 11 (Unavailable)
2d10+5 X Pen 5 Clip 40 Reload 3 Full Two handed Tearing, Reliable 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Accurate, Toxic (1) 1250 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 2 Full Two handed Accurate, Toxic (1) 1000 7 (Very Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Snare (0) 1200 6 (Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Two handed Blast (5), Snare (0) 1800 6 (Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 4 Reload 3 Full Two handed Blast (6), Snare (0) 2000 6 (Rare)
1d10+10 E Pen 0 Clip 999 Reload Free Two handed 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10+4 R Pen 6 Clip 100 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable, Tearing 9500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 S Pen 0 Clip 0 Reload None 41000 7 (Very Rare)
6d10+12 E Pen 14 Clip 4 Reload 2 Full Two handed Felling (x2), Blast (2) 0 10 (Unique)
1d10+9 E Pen 2 Clip 4 Reload 2 Full Two handed 0 10 (Unique)
3d10+9 E Pen 8 Clip 4 Reload 2 Full Two handed Felling (x1) 0 10 (Unique)
1d10+4 E Pen "1d1 Clip 1 Reload 3 Full Flame, Spray, Toxic (1) 5000 7 (Very Rare)
2d5+5 E Pen 5 Clip 1 Reload 1d5 Hours 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
2d10+5 X Pen 5 Clip 16 Reload 1 Full Tearing, Twin-Linked 0 9 (Near Unique)
1d10+3 R Pen 3 Clip 16 Reload 1 Full Toxic (1), Twin-Linked 0 9 (Near Unique)
2d10+2 I Pen 9 Clip 5 Reload 1 Full Accurate 0 9 (Near Unique)
2d10+2 I Pen 9 Clip 10 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate 0 9 (Near Unique)
1d10+-1 R Pen 0 Clip 7 Reload 1 Full Toxic (1) 950 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+8 E Pen 0 Clip 999 Reload Free Two handed 0 11 (Unavailable)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 3 Reload 2 Full Two handed Blast (5) 3500 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+2 R Pen 2 Clip 3 Reload 2 Full 1000 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 E Pen 9 Clip 12 Reload 3 Full Two handed Unstable 2750 5 (Scarce)
2d10+8 E Pen 6 Clip 999 Reload Free Two handed 0 10 (Unique)
1d10+5 I Pen 2 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable 0 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+2 E Pen 7 Clip 20 Reload Recharge Two handed Blast (2), Recharge, Toxic (1) 7000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 2 Clip 40 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate, Reliable 8500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+1 R Pen 0 Clip 20 Reload 1 Full Tearing 2000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 R Pen 0 Clip 40 Reload 2 Full Two handed Tearing 5500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 E Pen 4 Clip 7 Reload 1 Full Shocking 650 6 (Rare)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Two handed Inaccurate, Unreliable 200 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 R Pen 4 Clip 40 Reload 2 Full Reliable 5000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 18 Reload 1 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable 100 5 (Scarce)
2d10 E Pen "1d1 Clip 20 Reload 2 Full Two handed Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable 1500 6 (Rare)
2d10 I Pen "1d1 Clip 20 Reload 2 Full Two handed Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable 1500 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 3 Clip 120 Reload 2 Full 2000
1d10+1 R Pen 3 Clip 200 Reload 2 Full Two handed 3000
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Blast (4), Snare (0) 2500 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 R Pen 4 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Accurate 1000 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 100 Reload 1 Full Two handed Inaccurate, Shocking 2750 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 3 Clip 3 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Spray 300 5 (Scarce)
1d5 E Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Primitive (), Flame, Spray 50 5 (Scarce)

1d10+1 E Pen 2 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Spray 150 5 (Scarce)
1d10+5 E Pen 2 Clip 3 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Spray, Toxic (1) 500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 2 Clip 2 Reload 2 Full Flame, Spray 200 6 (Rare)
1d10+5 E Pen 2 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Flame, Spray 750 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 2 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Flame, Spray 1000 8 (Extremely Rare)
2d10+4 E Pen 4 Clip 10 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Spray 1000 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 2 Clip 4 Reload 1 Full Two handed Flame, Spray 100 4 (Average)
2d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 10 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Sanctified, Spray 0 11 (Unavailable)
2d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 20 Reload 2 Full Two handed Flame, Spray, Sanctified 0 11 (Unavailable)
1d10 E Pen 0 Clip 3 Reload 3 Full Two handed Flame, Spray, Toxic (1) 200 6 (Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 7 Clip 30 Reload 2 Full Two handed 0 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 4 Clip 40 Reload 2 Full Two handed 500 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 E Pen 3 Clip 40 Reload 3 Full Two handed 180 6 (Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 7 Clip 40 Reload 2 Full 0 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 5 Clip 20 Reload 2 Full 140 6 (Rare)

5d10+10 E Pen 10 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed 5000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 40 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 75 3 (Common)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 40 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 150 5 (Scarce)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 60 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 75 3 (Common)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 50 Reload 1 Full Two handed 50 3 (Common)
1d10+4 E Pen 0 Clip 18 Reload 1 Full Two handed Tearing, Unreliable 220 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 60 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 75 4 (Average)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 60 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 175 6 (Rare)
1d10+5 E Pen 2 Clip 18 Reload 1 Full Two handed 250 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 60 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 85 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Two handed Unreliable 40 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Reliable 50 3 (Common)
1d10+1 E Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload Recharge 120 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 E Pen 0 Clip 25 Reload 1 Full Reliable 40 3 (Common)
1d10+4 E Pen 4 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Accurate, Tearing 220 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 E Pen 2 Clip 10 Reload 1 Full 100 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 20 Reload 1 Full Reliable 100 4 (Average)
1d10+3 E Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload 1 Full Accurate, Reliable 150 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 1 Clip 40 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate, Reliable 100 5 (Scarce)
3d10+3 E Pen 4 Clip 60 Reload 3 Full Two handed 2000 5 (Scarce)
1d10+3 E Pen 7 Clip 1 Reload Replace Reliable 9000 10 (Unique)
1d10+2 E Pen 0 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Reliable 100 5 (Scarce)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 10 Reload 2 Full Two handed 3500 7 (Very Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Two handed 500 5 (Scarce)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable 300 4 (Average)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Two handed 3000 5 (Scarce)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Replace Two handed 800 6 (Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Two handed 1200 6 (Rare)
1d10+1 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 5 Full Two handed Primitive (), Inaccurate, Scatter, Unreliable 35 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Half Two handed Primitive (), Reliable 10 3 (Common)
1d10+2 R Pen 1 Clip 1 Reload Half Two handed Primitive (), Accurate 50 4 (Average)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Primitive () 30 5 (Scarce)
1d10 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Primitive () 200 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Primitive () 10 3 (Common)
1d10+4 R Pen 2 Clip 1 Reload 4 Full Two handed Primitive () 75 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 2 Reload 3 Full Primitive (), Unreliable 10 3 (Common)
1d10+1 R Pen 4 Clip 15 Reload 3 Full Two handed Primitive () 50 3 (Common)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 3 Full Primitive (), Unreliable, Inaccurate 10 3 (Common)
1d10+5 I Pen 2 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Primitive (), Unreliable 100 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 R Pen 2 Clip 1 Reload Half Two handed Primitive () 20 4 (Average)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 5 Full Two handed Primitive (), Inaccurate, Unreliable 30 3 (Common)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 5 Full Two handed Primitive () 60 5 (Scarce)
1d10+3 R Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 3 Full Two handed Scatter, Unreliable 150 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Two handed Primitive () 10 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+4 R Pen 3 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed Primitive () 750 6 (Rare)
1d10+"WB" Pen 0 Clip 0 Reload Re-Invoke 0
2d10+4 E Pen 12 Clip 3 Reload 1 Full Melta 7500 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+2 E Pen 10 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Reliable, Melta 9000 8 (Extremely Rare)
2d10+4 E Pen 10 Clip 5 Reload 3 Full Two handed Melta 600 5 (Scarce)
2d10+4 E Pen 12 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed Melta 4000 6 (Rare)
2d10+2 E Pen 8 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed Melta 2500 7 (Very Rare)
4d10+12 E Pen 12 Clip 4 Reload 2 Full Two handed Blast (1), Melta 8500 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+6 E Pen 14 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Melta 0 10 (Unique)
2d10+4 E Pen 10 Clip 2 Reload 2 Full Two handed Melta 3000 6 (Rare)
2d10+10 E Pen 8 Clip 24 Reload 5 Full Two handed Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Maximal, Blast (3) 8500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 20 Reload 8 Full Two handed Overheats, Recharge, Maximal 3000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+7 E Pen 7 Clip 40 Reload 5 Full Two handed Overheats, Maximal 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 10 Reload 4 Full Overheats, Recharge, Maximal 4000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 10 Reload 3 Full Overheats, Maximal 0 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 10 Reload 4 Full Overheats, Recharge, Maximal 5000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+10 E Pen 6 Clip 10 Reload 2 Full Two handed Overheats, Recharge, Maximal 3000 7 (Very Rare)
2d10+6 E Pen 6 Clip 12 Reload 2 Full Two handed Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Maximal 7500 7 (Very Rare)
4d10+5 I Pen 4 Clip 20 Reload 2 Full Two handed 1000 5 (Scarce)
3d10+5 I Pen 5 Clip 200 Reload 2 Full Two handed Tearing, Unreliable 7000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 30 Reload 1 Full Two handed 100 4 (Average)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 40 Reload 1 Full Two handed 95 4 (Average)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable 100 4 (Average)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 20 Reload 1 Full Two handed 375 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 35 Reload 1 Full Two handed 115 4 (Average)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 18 Reload 1 Full 75 3 (Common)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload 1 Full Reliable 175 4 (Average)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 12 Reload 1 Full 75 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 14 Reload 1 Full 100 5 (Scarce)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 12 Reload 1 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable 40 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 2 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Two handed 65 4 (Average)
1d10+5 I Pen 2 Clip 7 Reload 1 Full Unreliable 95 3 (Common)
1d10+6 I Pen 0 Clip 2 Reload 2 Full Primitive (), Reliable 140 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 I Pen 6 Clip 4 Reload 2 Full
1d10+4 I Pen 2 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Accurate 200 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 3 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Accurate 200 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 3 Clip 200 Reload 2 Full Two handed 750 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 3 Clip 50 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable 800 6 (Rare)
1d10+5 I Pen 0 Clip 100 Reload 3 Full Two handed Unreliable 500 4 (Average)
2d5+3 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full 400 6 (Rare)
1d10 I Pen 0 Clip 7 Reload Replace 80 3 (Common)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 5 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate 100 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 1 Full Two handed 60 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload 1 Full Primitive (), Reliable, Tearing 150 6 (Rare)
1d10+2 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable 10 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 3 Full Two handed Scatter 70 4 (Average)
2d10 I Pen 0 Clip 24 Reload 2 Full Two handed Scatter, Unreliable 700 5 (Scarce)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 2 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable, Scatter 60 3 (Common)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 1 Full Reliable, Scatter 60 4 (Average)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 18 Reload 1 Full Two handed Scatter 150 5 (Scarce)
1d10+9I Pen 0 Clip 14 Reload 2 Full Two handed Reliable, Scatter 400 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing 60 3 (Common)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 12 Reload 1 Full Two handed Reliable, Scatter 80 5 (Scarce)
2d10 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 2 Full Two handed Inaccurate, Scatter 250 6 (Rare)
2d5+6 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload 3 Full Two handed Scatter, Tearing 80 5 (Scarce)
1d10+5 I Pen 3 Clip 4 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate, Reliable 2000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 5 Clip 5 Reload 1 Full Two handed Accurate 750 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 9 Reload 1 Full 50 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 6 Reload 2 Full Reliable 40 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+3 I Pen 2 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Accurate, Reliable 200 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 I Pen 0 Clip 5 Reload 2 Full Reliable 225 6 (Rare)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 2 Reload 1 Full 150 6 (Rare)
2d10+4 R Pen 7 Clip 999 Reload Two handed Felling (x2) 0 10 (Unique)
1d10 R Pen 0 Clip 5 Reload 1 Full Shocking 350 3 (Common)
1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 15 Reload 1 Full Two handed Scatter 300 4 (Average)
0d0 S Pen 0 Smoke (3) 25 5 (Scarce)
0d0 S Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive (), Snare (0), Inaccurate 10 4 (Average)
0d0 S Pen 0 Blast (1d10+3) 40 5 (Scarce)
2d10 X Pen 0 Blast (4) 10 3 (Common)
2d10+4 X Pen 6 50 6 (Rare)

0d0 S Pen 0 60 5 (Scarce)

0d0 S Pen 0 Blast (3) 40 5 (Scarce)
3d10 X Pen 5 Clip 1 Reload Replace Blast (3) 0 8 (Extremely Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 500 7 (Very Rare)
1d10+SB R Pen 2 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive () 50 4 (Average)
1d10+3 E Pen 2 Blast (3) 5 2 (Plentiful)
0d0 S Pen 0 40 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 E Pen 6 Two handed Blast (2) 60 6 (Rare)
1d10+3 R Pen 1 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive () 8 2 (Plentiful)
2d10 X Pen 0 Blast (5) 10 5 (Scarce)
1d10+1 X Pen 0 Two handed Blast (2), Unreliable 20 4 (Average)
0d0 S Pen 0 Blast (3) 500 6 (Rare)
1d10 X Pen 0 Blast (3) 5000 7 (Very Rare)
1d10 E Pen 0 Blast (2) 500 6 (Rare)
0d0 S Pen 0 Blast (3) 50 7 (Very Rare)
1d5+3 R Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive () 5 2 (Plentiful)
1d10+5 R Pen 1 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive (), Snare (0) 14 4 (Average)
1d5+3 I Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Primitive (), Snare (1), Toxic (1) 12 6 (Rare)
1d5+3 X Pen 0 Clip 1 Reload Retrieve Two handed Primitive (), Blast (2), Inaccurate, Unstable 45 7 (Very Rare)


































Modification TypeName Weapon Table Weapon Group
Craftsmanship Best All All
Craftsmanship Good All All
Craftsmanship Poor All All
Ammo Amputator Shells Ranged Solid Projectile
Ammo Blazer Shells Ranged Solid Projectile (Shotguns Only)
Ammo Blessed Ammunition Ranged Bolt, Flame, Solid Projectile
Ammo Cryptus Shotgun Shells Ranged Solid Projectile (Shotgun Only)
Ammo Dumdum Bullets Ranged Solid Projectile

Ammo Executioner Shotgun Shells Ranged Solid Projectile (Shotguns Only)

Ammo Exitus Rounds Ranged Solid Projectile (Exitus Only)

Ammo Exitus Rounds: Hellfire Ranged Solid Projectile (Exitus Only)

Ammo Exitus Rounds: Shield-Breaker Ranged Solid Projectile (Exitus Only)

Ammo Exitus Rounds: Turbo-Penetrator Ranged Solid Projectile (Exitus Only)

Ammo Expander Rounds Ranged Solid Projectile
Ammo Explosive Arrows/Quarrels Ranged Low Tech (Bows and Crossbows)

Ammo Hot-Shot charge pack Ranged Las

Ammo Hyper-Density Penetrators Ranged Bolt, Solid Projectile

Ammo Inferno Shells Ranged Bolt, Solid Projectile (Shotgun Only)
Ammo Man-Stopper Rounds Ranged Solid Projectile
Ammo Overcharge pack Ranged Las

Ammo Psybolt Ammunition Ranged Bolt

Ammo Psycannon Bolts Ranged Bolt

Ammo Psyflame Ammunition Ranged Flame

Ammo Soubirous Power Pack Ranged Las
Ammo Tempest Bolt Shells Ranged Bolt
Ammo Tox Rounds Ranged Bolt, Solid Projectile
Size Compact Ranged Bolt, Flame, Las, Plasma, Solid Projectile
Modification Fire Selector Ranged Bolt, Solid Projectile

Modification Lathe Blade Melee Low Tech

Modification Mono Melee Low Tech

Modification Pistol Grip Ranged All
Modification Sanctified Melee Chain, Low Tech
Weapon Mount Bipod Ranged All
Weapon Mount Tripod Ranged All
Sight Red-dot Laser Sight Ranged Bolt, Las, Plasma, Low Tech, Solid Projectile
Sight Targeter Ranged Bolt, Las, Solid Projectile
Sight Telescopic Sight Ranged Bolt, Las, Plasma, Low Tech, Solid Projectile
Barrell Auxilliary Grenade Launcher Ranged Any
Barrell Exterminator Ranged Any
Barrell Melee Attachment Ranged Bolt, Las, Plasma, Low Tech, Solid Projectile

Barrell Silencer Ranged Solid Projectile

Forearm mounted Ranged Bolt, Las, Melta, Low Tech, Solid
Weapon Skill Effects Rarity
All Add Quality "Superior" Rarity +2
All Add [Blue] to Attack Rolls Rarity +1
All Increase Difficulty of Attacks by 1 Rarity -1
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Damage +2 8 (Extremely Ra
Ranged (Heavy) Reduce Range to Short; Add Quality "Burn 1"; 3 (Common)
All Add Quality "Sanctified"; 7 (Very Rare)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Warp Creatures pass [P][P][P] or Blinded for 3 rounds 6 (Rare)
Ranged (Light) Damage +2; Armor Soak Counts Double; 5 (Scarce)
Damage +3; Add Quality "Pierce 1"; Remove Quality "Blast 4"; Remove Quality
Ranged (Heavy) "Knockdown"; Remove Quality "Vicious 2"; Ignore [Black][Black] From Target in Cover; 7 (Very Rare)
Can Reroll Misses at Short Range;
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Strain Cost of "Dodge" is double. Ammo Can Self-Destuct; 9 (Near Unique)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Damage +3; Add Quality "Vicious 1"; 9 (Near Unique)
Exitus Round; Special: Ignore "Daemonic" Trait, Ignore Psychic, Sorcery and Field
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Protective Benefits; Psychic Powers or Fields bypassed in this way cease to function for 1 10 (Unique)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Damage +6; Add Quality "Pierce 2"; Ignore Trait "Unnatural Toughness"; 10 (Unique)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Damage +1; 5 (Scarce)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Add Quality "Blast 7"; Add [Black] to Attacks; 5 (Scarce)
Damage +1; Add Quality "Vicious 1"; Add Quality "Pierce 2"; Add Quality "Limited
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) 5 (Scarce)
Ammo 1"; Remove Quality "Accurate 1";
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Add Quality "Pierce 1", Add Quality "Knockdown" 6 (Rare)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Add Quality "Burn 1"; 6 (Rare)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Add Quality "Pierce 1"; 5 (Scarce)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Damage +1; 3 (Common)
Damage +Lore; Add Quality "Sanctified"; Special: Ignore Psychic And Sorcery Protective
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Gunnery 7 (Very Rare)

Add Quality: "Vicious 3"; Add Quality "Sanctified" Special: Users with Magic Skills and
All Warp Entities take Double Damage after applying Soak; Special: Ignore Psychic And 7 (Very Rare)
Sorcery Protective Benefits; Only Obtainable by someone with Full Inquisitorial Rank;

Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Gunnery Add Quality "Sanctified"; Special: Ignore Psychic And Sorcery Protective Benefits 7 (Very Rare)
All Special: Warp Creatures Taking Damage Must Make A Warp Instability Test. 7 (Very Rare)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Gunnery Add Quality "Disorient 3" vs. Targetes with "Machine" Trait 7 (Very Rare)
All Damage -2; Add Quality "Toxic 3" 5 (Scarce)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Exotic)Damage -1; Add [Blue] to Concealment Tests Rarity +0
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Special: Up To Three Clips Can Be Attached 5 (Scarce)

Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy) Damage +1; Add Quality "Pierce 1"; Add Quality "Superior"; Add Quality "Reinforced" 7 (Very Rare)

Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy) Add Quality "Pierce 1"; 5 (Scarce)

Ranged (Heavy) Attack One-Handed without penalty; Reduce Range Band by One; 2 (Plentiful)
Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy) Use 1 HP; Add Quality "Sanctified" 7 (Very Rare)
Gunnery, Gunnery (Exotic), Ranged (Heavy) Ignore "Cumbersome" Requirements, 90 Degree Firing Arc; 4 (Average)
Gunnery, Gunnery (Exotic), Ranged (Heavy) Ignore "Cumbersome" Requirements, 180 Degree Firing Arc; 4 (Average)
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) Add [Blue] to Attack Rolls 5 (Scarce)
All Ignore [Black][Black] when making a Ranged attack with this weapon 6 (Rare)
Ranged (Heavy) Aim Maneuvers Decrease Difficulty instead of Adding [Blue] 4 (Average)
Ranged (Heavy) Counts as Grenade Launcher with "Limited Ammo 1" Quality 3 (Common)
Ranged (Heavy) Counts as Flamer with "Limited Ammo 1" Quality 3 (Common)
Ranged (Heavy) Counts as Spear (Dam +3, CR 3, Engaged, Accurate 1) in Melee 2 (Plentiful)
Increase Difficulty of Perception checks to detect weapon fire by 2, decrease detection
Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy) 2 (Plentiful)
range by one band.
Basic, Heavy, Pistol Special: No Hands Needed To Wield 5 (Scarce)
Setting Book Page
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 126
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 126
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 126
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 165
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 164
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 190
Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter 74
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 143

Dark Heresy Ascension 147

Dark Heresy Ascension 147

Dark Heresy Ascension 147

Dark Heresy Ascension 147

Dark Heresy Ascension 147

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 165
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 166

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 143

Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 147

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 143
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 143
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142

Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter 74

Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 191

Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter 74

Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter 74
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 148
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 166
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 141
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142

Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 147

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 141
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 190
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 179
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 179
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 165
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142
Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 174
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 141
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 163

Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 142

Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook 178
Name Type Def Soak Enc HP AP
Body Glove, Environmental Advanced 0 1 7 3 1
Body Glove, Hardened Advanced 1 1 6 2 3
Dragon Scale Advanced 1 3 3 3 8
Holo-Armour Advanced 4
Mecronid Armour Advanced 7
Vindicare Stealth Suit Advanced 3
Volcanis Shroud Advanced 0 2 4 2 3
Wind Armour Advanced 3
Carapace Carapace 0 2 6 3 6
Carapace, Adeptus Arbites Carapace 0 2 6 3 6

Carapace, Hax-Orthlax MkII Magistratum Combat Carapace 0 2 5 2 5

Carapace, Hydraphur Pattern Judge Armor Carapace 0 2 6 4 5

Carapace, Cadian "Kasrkin" Pattern Storm Trooper Carapace 0 2 6 3 6

Carapace, Enforcer Light Carapace 0 2 5 2 5

Carapace, Hospitaller Carapace 0 2 5 2 5

Carapace, Sanctified Carapace 0 2 6 3 6

Scourge Carapace Carapace 3
Holo-Armour Eldar 4
Conversion Field Field 2 0 1 1
Displacer Field Field 2 0 1 1
Power Field (Personal) Field 3 0 1 1
Power Field (Vehicle/Emplacement) Field 3 0 1 1
Refractor Field Field 2 0 1 1
Boarding Armour Flak 5
Flak, Guard Armor Flak 0 1 5 2 4
Flak, Heavy Flak 0 1 5 1 4
Flak, Light Flak 0 1 3 1 2
Flak, Standard Flak 0 1 4 1 3
Banded Armour, Fervious Low Tech 1 1 2 1 3
Beast Furs Low Tech 0 1 0 0 2
Blessed Sackcloth Tunic Low Tech 2
Bone Low Tech 0 1 3 0 2
Bracers Low Tech 1
Braid Cloak Low Tech 1
Chainmail Suit Low Tech 0 2 3 2 3
Feudal/Heavy Plate Low Tech 1 2 6 1 5

Heavy Leathers, Padded Armor, Imperial Robes, Grox

Low Tech 0 1 2 1 2
Hide, Gang Leathers
Sanctified Chain Coat Low Tech 4
Scale Armour, Monrass Low Tech 0 2 3 2 3
Silkmail, Acreage Low Tech 0 2 3 2 3
Skrag Furs Low Tech 0 1 2 1 2
Xeno Hides Low Tech 0 2 4 2 6
Mesh Armor Mesh 1 1 3 2 4
Shield Robes Mesh 0 1 2 2 3
Xeno Mesh Mesh 4
Armour plating trait Natural 0 1 0 0 2
Natural Armour AP 1 Natural 0 1 0 0 1
Natural Armour AP 10 Natural 0 4 0 0 10
Natural Armour AP 11 Natural 0 4 0 0 11
Natural Armour AP 12 Natural 0 4 0 0 12
Natural Armour AP 2 Natural 0 1 0 0 2
Natural Armour AP 3 Natural 0 1 0 0 3
Natural Armour AP 4 Natural 0 2 0 0 4
Natural Armour AP 5 Natural 0 2 0 0 5
Natural Armour AP 6 Natural 0 2 0 0 6
Natural Armour AP 7 Natural 0 3 0 0 7
Natural Armour AP 8 Natural 0 3 0 0 8
Natural Armour AP 9 Natural 0 3 0 0 9
Steel Skin Mutation Natural 0 2 0 0 6
Cloak of St. Aspira Other 3
Mecronid Armour Other 7
Grey Knight Power Armour Power 8
Grey Knight Terminator Armour Power 14
Ignatus-pattern Power Armour Power 8
Lidhl Power Armour Power 6
Light Power Armour Power 2 2 5 3 7
Malleus Power Armour Power 1 3 1 9
Malleus Terminator Armour Power 1 4 2 12
Nemesis Dreadknight Power 15
Power Armour Power 1 3 3 3 8
Sororitas Power Armour Power 1 3 3 3 7
Shield, Enforcer Riot Shield 0* 1 1 3
Shield, Synford Pattern Lockshield Shield 0 1 1 1 4
Special Availability Book Page Cost
Built in Rebreather, Comm Bead, Photo Contacts; Add
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 150 625
[B] to Survival checks;
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 125 300
Tech Priest Only 8 (Extremely Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 137 7500
9 (Near Unique) The Inquisitor's Handbook 202 0
7 (Very Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 201 15000
9 (Near Unique) Ascension 146 0
Soak Doubled vs. Fire 4 (Average) The Inquisitor's Handbook 125 350
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 151 2200
Cumbersome 4 6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 600
Cumbesome 4; Built in Photo Visor, Micro Bead &
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 66 3000
Recoil Gloves
Cumbersome 3; Add [B] to Social Checks vs. 6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 126 1100
Cumbersome 3; Add [B] to Coercion checks; Built in Ascension 143
Micro Bead, Shoulder mounted Stab Lights, Vox 8 (Extremely Rare) 0
Book of Judgement 66
Cumbersome 4; Built in Auspex, Rebreather, Photo Ascension 143
Visor, Encrypted Micro Bead, and helmet Vid Recorder 7 (Very Rare) 0
Dark Hersesy Core Rulebook 145
or Stab Light;
Cumbersome 3 6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 575
[B][B] To Resist Toxins and Disease unless they
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 10000
penetrate armor
Add [B] to resist Psychic Powers; Provides Full Soak vs.
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 6000
Psychic Powers that bypass
6 (Rare) Purge the Unclean 129 300
8 (Extremely Rare) Radical's Handbook 202 Special
8 (Extremely Rare) Genesys Space Opera
9 (Near Unique) Genesys Space Opera
9 (Near Unique) Genesys Space Opera
7 (Very Rare) Genesys Space Opera
7 (Very Rare) Genesys Space Opera
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 164 225
Cumbersome 3; +3 Soak vs Blast; 6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 300
Cumbersome 3; +3 Soak vs Blast; 5 (Scarce) The Inquisitor's Handbook 181 150
Soak +1 vs Blast; 5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 80
Cumbersome 2; Soak +2 vs Blast; 5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 25
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 100 50
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 5
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 500
Add [Adv] to Coercion and [Thr] to Charm 4 (Average) The Inquisitor's Handbook 100 20
2 (Plentiful) The Inquisitor's Handbook 100 10
5 (Scarce) The Inquisitor's Handbook 102 80
Add [K] to Stealth 4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 50
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144
Cumbesome 4; Add [K][K] to Stealth 5 (Scarce) 120
Inquisitor's Handbook 100

3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 100

6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 750
Spend 2 Strain to Ignore Efects of "Burn" Quality 7 (Very Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 101 1000
6 (Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 101 150
Add [K] to Presence 3 (Common) The Inquisitor's Handbook 101 5
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144 5000
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 350
Add [B] to Charm with Faithful; 7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 5000
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 375
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 329 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 330 0
Purge the Unclean 130 0
8 (Extremely Rare) Heresy Begets Retribution 10 0
7 (Very Rare) Radical's Handbook 202 15000
Unavailable Daemon Hunter 134 0
Unavailable Daemon Hunter 134 100
8 (Extremely Rare) Ascension 143 0
7 (Very Rare) The Inquisitor's Handbook 181 8000
Brawn +1; 3 Hour Power Supply; 7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 8500
Brawn +1; 9 (Near Unique) Daemon Hunter 71 25000
Brawn +1; Auto-Stabilized; 10 (Unique) Daemon Hunter 71 0
Unavailable Daemon Hunter 134 0
Brawn +1; 3 Hour Power Supply; 7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 145 15000
Brawn +1; Crits Can Cause Suit Damage; 7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 118 20000
Soak +1 vs. Low Tech Weapons; Defensive 1; 5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 66 40
Defensive 1; Special: Magnets can lock it into place 6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 66 90
Type Name Required Type
Craftsmanship Best Any
Craftsmanship Good Any
Craftsmanship Poor Any
Overlays Ecclesiarchy Overlayed Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Natural,
Other, Power, Low Tech
Warding Hexagramatically warded Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Mesh,
Natural, Necron, Other, Power, Low Tech
Warding Pentagramatically warded Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Mesh,
Natural, Necron, Other, Power, Low Tech

Warding Sanctified Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Natural,

Other, Power, Low Tech

Warding Unguents of Warding Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Natural,

Other, Power, Low Tech
Attachment Arbites Riot Armor Carapace
Attachment Arbites Judge Armor Carapace
Effects Cost HP Rarity Game Setting Book Page
Soak +1; Add [B] to Social checks 0 Rarity +3 Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144
Special: +1 vs the first attack in any round. 0 Rarity +2 Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144
Special: Add [K] to Agility checks 0 Rarity -1 Dark Heresy Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 144
Special: Add [B] to Leadership and Presence checks when 1000 5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Blood of Martyrs 118
attempting to inspire, lead, or rally the faithful.
Special: Warp protection, Upgrade Psychic attacks targeting 2500 7 (Very Rare)Dark Heresy The Inquisitor's Handbook 190
by 1, double Armor Soak against psychic or sorcery attacks.
Special: Daemons must pass a Discipline [P][P][P] test to 0 7 (Very Rare)Dark Heresy Disciples of the Dark Gods 120
attack, three advantages destroys the ward, three threats
causes Malediction on the daemon.

Special: Warp protection, Psychic Defense +1, fist melee 0 5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Blood of Martyrs 118
attacks are Holy, Daemons within Short range take -10 on
Willpower tests.

Decrease Difficulty of Fear Checks vs Daemons by 2; Add [B] 50 4 (Average) Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter 76
Add 1 to Soak vs Blast; -1 Agility; 1 Dark Heresy Book of Judgement
Add [B] to Coercion Checks; Acquired World Only; 1 5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Book of Judgement 66
Name Effect Rarity
Amasec Represents many diferent kinds of alcoholic beverages; 4 (Average)
Instant; [P][P][P][P][P] Resilience Check; Reduce Wound Threshold by Number of Failures +
Ars Imperialis Mortua 7 (Very Rare)
Threats +1; Recover 1/day;
[P] Resilience -check; Reduce Brawn by Number of Failures +1; Take Number of Threats as
Ash Slug Secretion 4 (Average)
Wounds ignoring Soak;
[P][P][P][P] Discipline check to focus on subject; If successful, Upgrade Intelligence checks on 7 (Very Rare)
Attention Spanner subject by 2 for 3d10 rounds;
Belly Churn Feral World ration for long journey; Cheese made in an animal stomach; 4 (Average)
Binary Agents Mix two substances together to create any other drug; Rarity +1
Instant; [P] Resilience check; Reduce Wound Threshold by Number of Failures + Threats +1;
Black Janix Venom 6 (Rare)
Recover 1/day; Hallucinogenic;
Blush Alcoholic; Emit soft reddish glow until sober; 6 (Rare)
Upgrade Brawn based tests to resist poisons for 3 hours; Lower Strain Threshold by 4 for 3
Clear hours after it wears of; 6 (Rare)

Immediately end efects of any inhanled, ingested or injected chemical; Make [P][P][P][P]
De-Tox 6 (Rare)
Brawn Check, Character is Stunned for one round per failure;
Swift; [P][P][P] Resilience check; Reduce Wound Threshold by Number of Failures + Threats
Dusk Lotus "The Wrack" 6 (Rare)
+1; Permanently Reduce Wound Threshold by 1; Recover 1/day;

Inhibition reducer; [P][P] Discipline check to ignore baser instincts; Efects last for Number of 7 (Very Rare)
Eazielle Failure hours plus 1, with one addition hour for each dose taken in the past week;

[P][P][P] Resilience check to resist; Upgrade once if they have failed an opposed Coercion
Explication Serum 5 (Scarce)
check just prior to application; Downgrade Deception by 2 levels;
Frenzon† Gain the Berserk Talent and immediately go Berserk for the rest of the Encounter 7 (Very Rare)
Add Fearless Trait; Add Berserk Talent; Add Unnatural Agility +2; Efect lasts 2d10 minutes;
Ghostfire Pollen Extract† Lower Wound Threshold by 1 until 8 hours of rest; 7 (Very Rare)

Extremely powerful spirit distilled from engine coolant; [P][P][P][P] Resilience check upon
Gorsk White Gyn consumption; Mixing with poisonous or tainted water or food allows user to cancel up to two 3 (Common)
blacks [K][K].
High Provender Add [B] to Presence checks with nobility while eating together 7 (Very Rare)
Sufer X Stun; One time in next X Rounds change one die to another side (except Triumph or
Hive Fungus 5 (Scarce)
Despair) (X <= 3)
Causes stubbornness; Immune to efects of neurological drugs for 2d5 hours; Downgrade all
Holdfast 7 (Very Rare)
Willpower based checks by 1 while in efect;
Hyperexia Add [B] to all checks involving cold or heat; Sufer 3 Strain; 5 (Scarce)
Upgrade Perception checks against heat based sources by 1 for 1d5 hours; If used more than
Karrikian Red-Eye once per day make [R][P][P] Resilience check or Downgrade all vision based checks by 1 for 6 (Rare)
12 hours;
Leatherwort Apply to bare skin for Soak 1; Add [B] to Brawn based tests; Lasts 1d5 hours; 5 (Scarce)
Enter a relaxed state for 2d5x5 minutes; [P][P] Discipline Test after each week of use;
Lho† Addiction after 5 failures; If addicted, add [K] to Brawn, Agility and Presence rolls on any day 5 (Scarce)
when not using the drug;
Lho-Sticks† Represents many diferent kinds of plant based inhalants 3 (Common)
Instant; [P][P][P][P] Resilience check; Reduce Strain Threshold by Number of Failures +
Morphia-V 5 (Scarce)
Threats +1; Recover 1/minute;

If burned as incense: Upgrade Difficulty of all test by two for 2d10 minutes; Sleep for 1d10
Night Dust hours and make [P][P] Discipline check or gain simple [P] mental trauma; If drank sleep is 7 (Very Rare)
4d10 hous and test is [P][P][P][P] Discipline to avoid average [P][P] Mental Trauma;

Obscura† Enter Dreamlike state for 1d5 hours (as Hallucinogen), then depressed for double 6 (Rare)
Apply by hypo to neck; Decrease Difficulty of all Resilience checks to resist toxins and disease
by three for 1d5+1 hours; Reduce Stun Threshold by 5 when over until rested 8 hours; Can
Panimune immediately reapply to gain new efects and regain Stun Threshold, if doing so make an 4 (Average)
average [P][P] resilience check or increase difficulty of all Brawn checks by 1 for 1 hour and
have a risk of Willpower reduction;

Increase Cunning by 1, Add [K] to Brawn and Agility for 1d5 hours; [P][K] Discipline check
Phetamote† after each use, causing addition after 4 failures; If Addicted, reduce Cunning by 1 any time 7 (Very Rare)
when not using the drug;
Ploin Juice Non Alcoholic beverage rich in nutrients; 0 (Ubiquitous)
Swift; [P][P] Resilience check; Reduce Strain Threshold by Number of Failures + Number of
Powdered Maidensfoil 4 (Average)
Threats +1; Recover 1/minute;
Raenka Highly Prized Ploin Juice brandy 5 (Scarce)
Ration Pack If eaten while resting at least 2 hours, heal 3 Strain 2 (Plentiful)
Recaf Recover 3 strain, Reduce Soak by 1 until rested (cumulative); 1 (Abundant)
Sacred Unguents Apply to weapon as Action; Cancel [K] from Weapon for rest of Encounter; 7 (Very Rare)
Upgrade all Willpower checks by 1; Add [B] to resist Coercion; 1d5+3 hours; Afterwards pass
Sandstone 5 (Scarce)
[R][P][P] Resilience check or take 1 Strain for each Failure, Threat, plus 1;
Increase difficulty of attempts to track user via scent by 1 for 1d10 hours; Decrease difficulty
Scav-Glysten of attempts to track animals by 1 for same period; 6 (Rare)

Upgrade all Agility based checks by 1 for 1d5 hours; [P][P][P][P] Discipline check to avoid
Scraper-Ripper 5 (Scarce)
reacting violently when surprised by any stimuli;
[P] Discipline check to take any action; If not mixed with Lho, [R][P][P] Resilience check or fall 5 (Scarce)
Sisk-Ash unconscious for 1 hour;
3 (Common) Volg
Gain Unnatural Brawn +2 for the rest of the Encounter; Can cause Brawn and Agility
Slam 7 (Very Rare )
reduction; elsewhere
Increase Agility and Cunning by 2 for 2d10 minutes or 1 encounter; Afterwards, decrease
Slaught† 5 (Scarce)
Agility and Perception by 1 for 1d5 hours;
Make [R][P][P] Medicae check to apply, Despair means Critical Injury at +5 per Threat.
Somna Success leads to death like trance for 1d10 days; Rouse before this time by applying a Stimm 5 (Scarce)
directly to the heart, risky [P][P] Resilience check or sufer a Critical Injury.
Spirit Tonic, Munsk† Add [B] to Fear checks and [K] to Intelligence tests for next 1d5 hours; 3 (Common)
Make [P][P][P] Discipline check that can cause Mental Traumas; If Succeed, Gain 1 Skill in a
Spook† 6 (Rare)
Psychic Power for 1d5 hours; Add +25 to Psychic Phenomena during that period
Lasts 2d10 minutes; Immune to Stunned and take no Strain damage; Afterwards, Upgrade
difficulty of Brawn and Agility tests by 1 for 1 hours and take 1 Strain for every 2 they wound 5 (Scarce)
Spur† have received; Using more than 5 times in a week required a [P][P][P][P] Discipline check or
sufer addiction;
Stimm† Dark Heresy Healing Item 2 (Plentiful)
Styger Milk, Fervious Add [B][B] to resist Ingested Poisons for 1d5 hours; Can cause Brawn reduction; 7 (Very Rare)
Slow; [P][P] Resilience Check; Reduce Wound Threshold by Number of Failures + Threats +1;
Sump Vine Sap 3 (Common)
Recover 1/day;
Theosophist's Philtre 7 (Very Rare)
Instant; [P][P][P] Resilience check; Take Number of Failures + Threats + 1 Wounds ignoring
Tox-Jack 1 (Abundant)
Tranq Similar to Amasec, but harsher and depressing 1 (Abundant)
Truth Revealed Decrease difficulty of Coercion checks by 4 for 3d5 hours minus Brawn against user; 6 (Rare)
Slow; [P][P][P][P][P] Resilience check; Reduce Brawn by Number of Failures +1; If 0 Brawn,
Tyche's Kiss 6 (Rare)
Paralyzed for 2d5 - Brawn in hours;

Declared a Mortal Threat by the Ordos; Sufer [K] on Willpower and [K][K] on Cunning tests
for 3d10 minutes; While afected, experience visions unbounded by time as determined by
Verita the GM, of which user is convinced of the "truth" of them; When over make [P][P] Discipline 7 (Very Rare)
check or gain [P] Mental Trauma and gain one Corruption Point per Threat

Increase Willpower by 1 for 1d10 minutes per dose; If used more than twice in one week
White Void† 6 (Rare)
make [P][P][P][P] Discipline check or become addicted;
Increase Strain threshold by 3 for 1d5 hours; Additional doses prolong efect; After wearing
Wideawake 2 (Plentiful)
of lower Strain threshold by same ammount for same duration;
Best fine wines in the Sector; Sorrowful Vintage (desireable imitation); Golden Tokay (most
Wines of Quaddis: Golden Tokay 7 (Very Rare)
accessible "true" vintage); Kataline Malmsey (stuf dreams are made of)

Wines of Quaddis: Kathaline Malmsey Best fine wines in the Sector; Sorrowful Vintage (desireable imitation); Golden Tokay (most 8 (Extremely Rare)
accessible "true" vintage); Kataline Malmsey (stuf dreams are made of)

Wines of Quaddis: Sorrowful Vintage Best fine wines in the Sector; Sorrowful Vintage (desireable imitation); Golden Tokay (most 6 (Rare)
accessible "true" vintage); Kataline Malmsey (stuf dreams are made of)

Increase Strain threshold by 5 for 2d5 hours; Upgrade Brawn checks by 2; Upgrade resistance 6 (Rare)
Zumthorian Greyve† to Coercion by 2; [P][P][P][P][P] Resilience check when efects wear of or sufer 5 Strain;
Book Page † = Addictive; See DH 2E Core pg 173;
Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Into the Storm 134

Inquisitor's Handbook 105

Radical's Handbook 160

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Into the Storm 134

Book of Judgement 70

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Book of Judgement 70

Radical's Handbook 159

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173

Inquisitor's Handbook 184

Inquisitor's Handbook 129

Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 142

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

Book of Judgement 70

Book of Judgement 70

Book of Judgement 70

Book of Judgement 71

Radical's Handbook 160

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Inquisitor's Handbook 129

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173

Inquisitor's Handbook 130

Radical's Handbook 160

Into the Storm 134

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Into the Storm 134

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173
Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173
Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 173

Book of Judgement 71

Book of Judgement 71

Book of Judgement 71

Book of Judgement 71

Inquisitor's Handbook 130

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 174

Inquisitor's Handbook 130

Inquisitor's Handbook 105

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 174

Into the Storm 134

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 174

Inquisitor's Handbook 105

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 143

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 174

Book of Judgement 71

Dark Heresy GM's Kit 31

Inquisitor's Handbook 131

Into the Storm 134

Into the Storm 134

Inquisitor's Handbook 129

Inquisitor's Handbook 129

Inquisitor's Handbook 129

Book of Judgement 71
Name Description Rarity Book
Accomodations - High Grade Grand hall lodgings, high berth billet, spire suite 6 (Rare)
Accomodations - Low Grade Hab capsule, grox barn, taproom hammock 1 (Abundant)
Accomodations - Mid Grade Basic hab room, main cabin quarters, mid hive hostelry 4 (Average)
Adepta Astartes Space Marines 10 (Unique)
Adepta Sororitas Battle Sisters 8 (Extremely Rare)
Adeptus Arbites - Arbitrators 5 (Scarce)
Adeptus Arbites - Judges 7 (Very Rare)
Administratum - Low Level Adept 5 (Average)
Administratum - Senior Adepts 6 (Rare)
Ecclesiarchal - Baptism Reduce next gain of Corruption by 1; Lore Ecclesiarchy [P]; 6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs
Ecclesiarchal - Bless A Melee Weapon Gain "Holy" Trait for next encounter; Lore Ecclesiarchy [P][P][P]; 6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs
Upgrade attacks against Psyker and Daemons in next encounter; Lore 6 (Rare)
Ecclesiarchal - Bless A Ranged Weapon Blood of Martyrs
Ecclesiarchy [P][P][P];
Ecclesiarchal - Bless An Individual Add [B] to next Fear Test; Lore Ecclesiarchy [P][P][P]; 5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs
Ignore first Strain gain while on their journey; Lore Ecclesiarchy [P][P] 7 (Very Rare)
Ecclesiarchal - Bless An Undertaking Blood of Martyrs
Ignore efects of Mental Trauma for next encounter; Lore Ecclesiarchy
Ecclesiarchal - Confession 5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs
Add "Holy" to Melee Weapon or Ammo of Ranged Weapon; Lore
Ecclesiarchal - Sanctify a Weapon 7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs
Ecclesiarchy [P][P][P][P][P];
Mechanicum - Tech Priest Magos 7 (Very Rare)
Medical Care - Excellent Spire Medicae ([Y][Y][Y][G][G]) 7 (Very Rare)
Medical Care - Good Trained medicae; Med-servitor ([Y][Y][G][G]) 6 (Rare)
Medical Care - Poor Underhive bonecutter ([Y][G]) 4 (Average)
Medical Care - Standard Factory medic ([Y][G][G]) 5 (Scarce)
Military - Imperial Guard or Navy Troopers 6 (Rare)
Military - Imperial Guard Storm Troopers 7 (Very Rare)
Ministorum - Full Ecclesiarchy Cleric 5 (Scarce)
Ministorum - Low Level Adept 4 (Average)
Ministorum - Senior Adepts 6 (Rare)
Provisions - High Grade Jellied hefron tongue, vintage amasec, roast starfin cheek 6 (Rare)
Provisions - Low Grade Stickrats, fungus loaf, void sweat ale 1 (Abundant)
Provisions - Mid Grade Vatmeal cakes, grox stew, bowl of recaf 4 (Average)
Retainer - Covenant Cultist Minion; Rarity +1 for Rival; 5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs
Retainer - Ministorum Archivist Minion; Rarity +1 for Rival; 5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs
Retainer - Red Redemption Cultist Minion; Rarity +1 for Rival; 6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs
Transport of Use of Naval Cruiser or Larger 9 (Near Unique)
Orbital shuttle, dedicated autocarriage with driver, furnished
Transportation - High Grade 6 (Rare)
Transportation - Low Grade Rickshaw, dust dailer, hab conveyer 1 (Abundant)
Transportation - Mid Grade Basic autocarriage, short range cutter, intra-hive tramway 4 (Average)
Transportation or Use of Naval Frigate Use only 7 (Very Rare)
Underhive - Informant 2 (Plentiful)
Void Travel - Finding a Bulk Transport 1 (Abundant)
Void Travel - Finding a Passenger ship 2 (Plentiful)
Void Travel - Finding a Pilgrim ship 3 (Common)
Void Travel - Finding a System ship Intra system only 4 (Average)
Void Travel - Finding a Tramp freighter 4 (Average)
Void Travel - Finding a Void Jumper Nearby systems only 5 (Scarce)




Type Name Effect Encum
Gear Backpack Add +4 to Encumberance threshold; Only one Vest/Backpack can be worn N/A
Add [B][B] to Stealth checks; If stationary, upgrade Ranged attacks against you by
Gear Chameleoline Cloak 1
Gear Charm Force GM to pick a diferent Random target; *
Gear Chrono 0
Gear Clothing 1
Add +2 to Encumberance threshold; Items in vest can be drawn as an Incidental
Gear Combat Vest N/A
during character's turn; One one Vest/Backpack can be worn;
Add [K][K] to attempts to detect weapon in holster; Ready item requires an Action
Gear Concealed Holster rather than a Maneuver; Good craftsmanship maneuver to draw; Best 1
craftsmanship draw as an Incidental;
Decrease difficulty of Resilience checks vs sound, auditory or consussive efects by
Gear Deadspace Earpiece 0

Controlled by Remote range 1 km; Explodes if out of range of Remote; Explosion

Gear Explosive Collar kills wearer; Frag Grenade (Dam 8; Blast 6;) Explodes at that location; [P][P][P][P] 1
Tech-Use check to remove; [Thr][Thr][Thr] or [Despair] causes collar to explode;

Decrease difficulty of Resilience checks vs damaging gasses by 1; Good

Gear Filtration Plugs craftsmanship adds [B] to check, while Poor models must be replaced after 5 hours 0
due to clogging.
Hold 4 Encumberance of metal items; Ready any item on harness as Incidental;
Gear Magnetic Harness 2
Those with Quick Draw can stow items as Incidental as well;
Add [B][B][B] to Stealth checks made in Darkness; [P][P][P] Resilience check per
Gear Night Cloak 1
hour of exertion; Sufer Number of Failures + Number of Threats +1 Strain;
Gain Trait "Dark Sight"; Good Craftsmanship dampen efects of photon flash
Gear Photo-Visors/Contacts grenades, making users immune;
Decrease difficulty of Perception checks at night by 1; Sufer no efects of
Gear Preysense Goggles Darkness; Poor models are bulky with glowing lenses; Good and Best are disguised 1
as normal eyeglasses;
Air Cannister for One Hour, replace as Action. Good lasts two hours; Poor take two
Gear Rebreather 1
full actions to replace. Replacement cannistes are Scarce;
Gear Recoil Glove Fire Ranged (Heavy) weapon one handed; 1
Decrease difficulty of Resilience checks vs damaging gasses by 2; Good
Gear Respirator/Gas Mask 1
craftsmanship adds additional [B]; Poor must be replaced after 10 hours;
Remove [K][K] from Survival checks vs Extreme Environments; Good or best
Gear Survival Suit 1
remove additional [K]; Poor only last 3 days;
Soak 1 and add [B] to Stealth checks; Invisible to Prey-Sense Goggles and Dark
Gear Synskin 2
Sight trait;

Can be Photo Sight, Preysense Sight, Telescopic Sight (determind when acquired);
Gear Targeting Monocle 0
Upgrade difficulty to determine it is anything other than a Monocle by 2;

Survive in Vacuum; Standard craftsmanship 12 hours, -Add [K] to Agility; Poor 6

Gear Void Suit 3
hours; Good and Best no Agility penalty

Tool Almanac Astrae Divinitus Add [B] to Astrogation, Pilot (Voidship), Lore (Calixis Sector) when relevant 3
Tool Aquila Magnificus 10m tall symbol of the Imperium of Man 10
Tool Arms Cofer Carry and Protect up to 4 Encumberance of Weapons; Action to Ready Item; 3
Tool Auspex, Locke Pattern Long Range 5 km range; Good 10km; Best adds additonal [B] to standard Auspex; 35
Add [B][B] to Perception checks; Once per round as Incidental may make a Tech-
Use check [P][P] to spot things normally not visible to human senses wuch as
Tool Auspex/Scanner invisible gasses, nearby signs of life, non-visible radiation, etc; Range: Medium; 1
Blocked by materials 50cm thick; Good or Best craftsmanship adds additional [B];
Poor is blocked by 20cm;
Tool Auto Quill Add [B] to skill checks that involve recording data 0
Tool Bloodlock Bolt Bio-chemical Safety locking mechanism 30
Tool Bomb Spray Spray on explosive (Dam 3; Blast 1; Per encumberance used) 0
Tool Calculance Arrary Add [B] to Negotiate Checks
Adepta Sororitas; Decrease Difficulty of Charm vs Ecclesiarchy of equal or lesser
Tool Chaplet Ecclesiasticus 1
status by 1;
Add [B] on checks to resist Fear, Charm, Coercion or other kinds of social
Tool Cilice manipulation; After 2xBrawn Hours make [P][P][P] Resilience check every hour or *
take 1 Stun damage;
Decrease difficulty of checks that involve decending vertical surfaces by 2; Results
Tool Clip/Drop Harness 2
cannot cause a Fall; Standard holds 150kg, Good holds 200kg;
Tool Combi-Tool Add [B] to Tech-Use checks 1
Tech-Use check (Difficulty from GM based on Signal) to listen in on signal up to
1km away for number of minutes equal to successes. Threats equal to users
Tool Comm Leech 1
Intelligence bonus informs Sender and Receiver that someone is listening in on
their conversation;
Tool Cyber-Mastif, Malfi Eliminator N/A
Tool Cyber-Mastif, Subrique "Bloodhound" N/A
Tool Cyber-Mastif, Subrique "Bullpup" N/A
Tool Data-loom, Hadd Pattern Add [B] to Logic; May reduce time for research 6
Tool Dataslate 1
Tool Demolition Kit 5 Demolition Charges (Krak Grenade Profile); 100m of cord; 5 detonators; 3
Tool Detcord & Det-tape Low grade explosive (Dam 2; Blast 2; Per encumberance used) 1
Tool Diagnostor Decrease difficulty of Medicae or Perception checks to determine an ailment by 1; 3
Tool Dialogous Staf Fitted with Laud Hailer and Recording Device; Acts as Staf in combat; 3
Tool Disguise Kit Add [B] to Deception checks to impersonate another person; 1
Tool Eikon Portrait, usually of the Emperor 0
Tool Emergency Hab Shelter for 3 people. Good 4 people; Best 6 people; 4
Tool Excruciator Kit Add [B][B] to Coersion checks 1
Tool Field Suture Add [B][B] to Medicae checks to heal Critical Injury during an Encounter 1
Tool Firewater Explodes into flame when exposed to oxygen; (5 Dam; Blast 1; per encumberance) 1
Tool Flak Spray Turn any clothing to Flak armor for 3 rounds 3
Tool Flex-Tent Emergency Shelter for 2 people; Good 3; Best 4; 2
Tool Flip-belt Eldar belt; Grant Hover Trait and add [B][B] to Agility checks; Requires Piloting skill; 2
Tool Gene Printer [P] Tech-use check to use; Confirms if two samples are from same person; 6
Tool Glidewing Required Piloting skill; Gain Flyer Trait; Must launch from at least 15m high; 10
Tool Glow-Globe/Stablight Illuminate items within a Short distance; 5 hour charge; 1
Tool Grapnel & Line Add [B] to checks involving climbing up a surface; 1
Tool Grapplehawk N/A
Tool Grapplehawk, Subrique Pattern N/A
[P][P][P] Agility or [P][P] Piloting test to decend from any height; Otherwise fall
Tool Grav Chute 5
one range band per 3 Failures;
Tool Gravity Generator Create gravity; 50
Maneuver to add aiming bonus to grant another character firing a weapon with
Tool Hand-held Targeter 1
the Indirect quality
Counts as Medi-Kit, 2 doses of De-Tox and 2 doses of Stimm; Bonuses for
Tool Hospitaller Medicae Tools 8
amputating a damaged limb;
Tool Inhaler/Injector Administer one dose of any drug with a maneuver 1
Tool Jump Pack, Lathe Pattern Uses Piloting skill; Fly for up to 1 hour; 8
Requires Sororitas Power Armor; Requires Piloting; Allows for a safe, guided fall
Tool Jump Pack, Seraphim from any height; Alteratively can use maximal thrust to gain Flyer trait for up to a 5
minute before engines need to cool;
Cut or weld around 10cm of metal; Use with Gunnery as Meltagun on stationary
Tool Lascutter 2
Engaged targets;
Tool Laud Hailer Extend range people can hear you; 3
Tool Liber Heresius Decrease Difficulty of Lore (Hereticus) by 1 when Researching; 4
Complete copy: Decrease Difficulty of Lore (Ecclesiarchy) by 1 when Researching;
Tool Litanies of Faith 4
Abridged provides [B] instead;

Action + Maneuver to use; [P][P][P] Tech-use check; Destroy Lock on success;

Flimsy doors may be blown apart entirely; Tough doors cannot be afected;
Tool Lock-Punch 0
[Despair] or [Thr][Thr][Thr] Thrown back Short Range, take falling damage; Good
craftsmanship 4 Threats; Best craftsmanship 5 Threats; Poor [P][P][P][P] Tech-use;

Tool Lord Captain's Baton 1

Tool Lore Marshall Goreman's Carta Sanguine 0
Reduce Agility by 1; Move normally in low- or zero-gravity provided there is metal
Tool Magboots 1
surface to walk upon;
Tool Magnacles [P][P][P][P][P] to escape; Takes 3x as long as normal manacles 1
Tool Magnoculars 1
Tool Manacles 1
Add [B] to Medicae checks to users with Medicae skill; Good or Best quality Add
Tool Medi-Kit 1
additional [B];
Add [B] to Charm checks involving religious oratory or inspiration to Imperial
Tool Mefonte's Orthodoxy 1
Tool Micro-bead Allow short-range communication up to 1km 0

Standard craftsmanship includes barracks for up to 40, commisary, medicae,

command and communications hub with vox and auspex arrays; Good includes a
Tool Modular Hab Base, Jovian Pattern N/A
prefab bulwalk capable of surrounding the base and two Sabre defense platforms
with two twin linked Heavy Stubbers; Best versions also include a Lab facility;

Types: Augur (Auspex to those in Short range); Illumination (Light to Medium

Tool Monotask Servo Skull range); Laud Hiler (Ampliphy or play recorded speech); Medicae (Medi-Kit if 1
Engaged); Utility (Combi-Tool if Engaged)
Tool Multicompass Decrease difficulty of Survival and Navigate (Surface) checks by 1; 2
Tool Multikey Upgrade Skullduggery checks to bypass locks by 2; 0
Only held by pure silicate glass;Deals (Dam 15) before becoming inert; Each
Tool Nephitic Acid 0
through 5cm thick square meter of adamantium in that time;
Upgrade difficulty of Psychic Power use within Short range by 2; Upgrade checks to
Tool Null Rod resist Psychic Powers that directly afect you by 2; Acts as Truncheon with Sunder, 1
Pierce 2 added in melee combat;
Tool Physik Kit Add [B] to first aid medicae checks; Best quality add additional [B] as well; 1
Tool Pict Recorder 1
Tool Pilgrim's Travel Staf Has small hook to display where Pilgrim is travelling to; 2
All Magnets within Short range are supercharged; Make [R][P][P][P][P] Brawn
Tool Pinner 1
check to separate any item from a magnet;

Tool Plaguewort Venom Add Toxic 5 quality to weapon for 1 round; Target taking damage make [P][P][P] 0
Resilience check or downgrades Agility by 1 for 1 day;
Tool Power Board Requires Piloting to use; Gain Flyer Trait; 8
Tool Promethium (Dam 3; Blast 2; Burn 2) per encumberance; 1
Tool Psy Focus As Wand/Staf/etc; *
Tool Psycrystal Glows if Psychic powers used within Short range; 0
Tool Psyocculum Gain Psyniscience 3 skill; Using requires Action; 1
Tool Questing Pilgrim Badge Can be hung from a Pilgrim's Travel Staf *
Tool Regicide Set Add [B] to Presence checks with opponents following day; 1
Tool Reliquary You put your relics in here 1
Tool Remuneration Engine 4
Tool Ring of Sufrage Acts as a charm; Causes minor discomfort when twisted; 1
Tool Rule of Sororitas Add [B] to Lore (Ecclesiary) checks 3
Tool Sarissa Attach to bolter; Acts as an Axe in close combat; 1
[P][P][P] Tect-user test to activate; [Y][Y][Y][G] Perception device for detecting
Tool Screamer 1
movement, sound, or other signs of intrusion; Alarm sounds up to 1km;
Tool Screaming Tourniquuet Add [B] to any Medicae check to perform First Aid; 1
Tool Servitor, Arco-Flagellant N/A
Tool Servitor, Bomb Disposal N/A
Tool Servitor, Calligraphus N/A
Tool Servitor, Combat N/A
Tool Servitor, Complex Multitask N/A
Tool Servitor, Cyber Altered Task N/A
Tool Servitor, Labor or Simple Monotask N/A
Tool Servitor, Ministorum Choir Drone N/A
Tool Servitor, Penitent Engine N/A
Tool Servitor, Remidium Pattern Medicae N/A
Tool Servitor, Self-Flagellants N/A
Tool Servitor, Spatha Pattern Combat N/A
Tool Servitor, Suppressor N/A
Tool Servitor, Velox Pattern Security N/A
Tool Servo Skull, Harrier N/A
Tool Servo Skull, Hunter N/A
Tool Servo Skull, Lingua-Vox Treat all Language skills as having 1 skill rank; 2
Tool Shipboard Emergency Kit 3
Overpower vox, data or other transmissions within 1km; Best quality versions are
Tool Signal Jammer 1

When a story point is spent within Medium Range, it is immediately recovered on a

Tool Simulacrum Imperialis 4
roll of 8, 9 or 10. Characters with a Malignancy cannot benefit from this efect;

Replicate electronic IDs, lamplights, chronos, and many other non mechanical
Tool Skinplant 0
items via crystals just under the skin;
Tool Static Generator Overpowers basic transmissions in very obvious manner within 30m; 2
Subject cannot use any skills or talents that depend upon sight, sound, use of
Tool Strait cape 1
voice, limbs or hands;
Tool Strait-Cape Ranged Light weapon with Inaccurate 1; Immobilize X; [P][P][P][P} to escape it 3
Tool Stummer Upgrade Stealth checks by 2; Enough power for 20 minutes; Recharge 1 hour; 1
Tool Travel Survival Kit, Ryboth Add [B] to Survival checks; Good and best add [B][B] instead; 8
Tool Venom Ring Decrease difficulty to notice introducing substance to food or drink by 1 0
Climb ferromagnetic surfaces without use of skills; Good craftsmanship can be
Tool Vertical Spindle Set 4
fired up to Medium range using [P][P][P] Ranged (Light) check;
Tool Vox-caster Long Range comm device; Transmit to within 100km; 3
Tool Vox-pickup Record any conversation up to 10m away; 0
Tool Vox-Privacy Field Create dome of energy from which sound and light do not escape; 1
Tool Wall Eater Insect; Squeezing emits acid that can eat through up to 30cm of adamantium; 1
Reduce all psyker and sorcery skills by 4 levels when worn; Increase Difficulty of all
Tool Witch Cage 5
psyker and sorcery spells by 4; Considered Blind and Deaf.
Tool Writing Kit 1
Rarity Book Page
1 (Abundant) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170
* Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 139
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170
1 (Abundant) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170

4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170

7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 170

3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171

5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 68

4 (Average) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 140

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171

7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171

6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 171

4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 133

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 172

8 (Extremely Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 143

7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 135
4 (Average) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 143
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 137

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175

8 (Extremely Rare) Into the Storm 135
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 135
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 144
Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 119

6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 119

3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175

6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175

7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175

7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 74

6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 74
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 73
7 (Very Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 144
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175
3 (Common) Into the Storm 135
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175
Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 119
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 175
3 (Common) Blood of Martyrs 119
5 (Scarce) Into the Storm 135
7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
6 (Rare) Into the Storm 136
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 135
5 (Scarce) Into the Storm 136
8 (Extremely Rare) Into the Storm 136
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 67
8 (Extremely Rare) Into the Storm 136
1 (Abundant) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
7 (Very Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 144
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 73
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 136
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176

Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 119

3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
7 (Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 144

7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 121

4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 119
5 (Scarce) Blood of Martyrs 119

5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 67

7 (Very Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 145

6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 67
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 67
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176
3 (Common) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 176

5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 145

4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177

8 (Extremely Rare) Into the Storm 136

6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177

9 (Near Unique) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177

5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 137

9 (Near Unique) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177

3 (Common) Into the Storm 137

4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177
3 (Common) Blood of Martyrs 120
9 (Near Unique) Book of Judgement 68

6 (Rare) Into the Storm 137

9 (Near Unique) Into the Storm 137
1 (Abundant) Into the Storm 137
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177
9 (Near Unique) Into the Storm 137
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 120
3 (Common) Blood of Martyrs 120
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177
3 (Common) Blood of Martyrs 120
7 (Very Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 145
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 120
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 120
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 120
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 177
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 138
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 122
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 75
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 123
6 (Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 146
6 (Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 146
6 (Rare) Lathe Worlds 68
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 146
6 (Rare) Blood of Martyrs 123
Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 124
5 (Scarce) Lathe Worlds 67
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 124
8 (Extremely Rare) Lathe Worlds 67
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 75
6 (Rare) Lathe Worlds 68
5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 76
5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 76
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 136
3 (Common) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 145
6 (Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 178

Issued Only Blood of Martyrs 121

5 (Scarce) Into the Storm 138

7 (Very Rare) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 178
5 (Scarce) Book of Judgement 68
5 (Scarce) Into the Storm 138
4 (Average) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 178
6 (Rare) Into the Storm 138
7 (Very Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 147
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 68
5 (Scarce) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 178
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 69
6 (Rare) Book of Judgement 69
7 (Very Rare) Book of Judgement 69
7 (Very Rare) Blood of Martyrs 121
2 (Plentiful) Dark Heresy Core 2nd Edition 178
Name Quality Rarity
Auger Array Good 8 (Extremely Rare)
Auger Array Poor 5 (Scarce)
Auger Array Standard 6 (Rare)
Autosanguine* Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Baleful Eye Standard 9 (Near Unique)
Bionic Arm Best 8 (Extremely Rare)
Bionic Arm Good 7 (Very Rare)
Bionic Arm Poor 4 (Average)
Bionic Arm Standard 5 (Scarce)
Bionic Arm, Karrikian Lock-Arm Standard 8 (Extremely Rare)
Bionic Heart Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Bionic Legs Good 7 (Very Rare)
Bionic Legs Poor 4 (Average)
Bionic Legs Standard 5 (Scarce)
Bionic Respiratory System Good 8 (Extremely Rare)
Bionic Respiratory System Poor 5 (Scarce)
Bionic Respiratory System Standard 6 (Rare)
Bionic Senses Good 7 (Very Rare)
Bionic Senses Poor 4 (Average)
Bionic Senses Standard 5 (Scarce)
Blackbone Bracing Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Calculus Logi Upgrade Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Cerebral Implants Good 9 (Near Unique)
Cerebral Implants Poor 6 (Rare)
Cerebral Implants Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Chem Gland Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Concealed Weapon Bionic Good 6 (Rare)

Concealed Weapon Bionic Poor 4 (Average)

Concealed Weapon Bionic Standard 5 (Scarce)

Constructor Interface Best 7 (Very Rare)

Constructor Interface Good 6 (Rare)

Cranial Armor Standard 5 (Scarce)

Dermaguise, Malfian Good 8 (Extremely Rare)

Dermaguise, Malfian Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Ferric Lure Implants* Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Gastral Bionics Standard 5 (Scarce)

Hermetic Infusion Good Tech Priest Only

Hermetic Infusion Standard Tech Priest Only

Injector Rig Standard 5 (Scarce)

Integrated Weapon Components Standard 8 (Extremely Rare)

Interface Port Standard 6 (Rare)

Internal Power Cell Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Internal Reservoir* Standard 6 (Rare)

Jump Pack, Alatus Pattern Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Mechanicus Only
Locator Matrix Standard 6 (Rare)

Luminen Capacitor* Good 9 (Near Unique)

Luminen Capacitor* Poor 6 (Rare)
Luminen Capacitor* Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Maglev Coils* Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Mechadendrite: Ballistic Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Mechadendrite: Manipulator Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Mechadendrite: Medicae Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Mechadendrite: Optical Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Mechadendrite: Utility Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Mechandendrite, Plasma Cutter Standard 8 (Extremely Rare)
Mechandendrite, Stabilizer Standard 3 (Common )
Mechanicus Only
Mechanicus Implants Standard *
Memorance Implant Standard 6 (Rare)
Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) Good 8 (Extremely Rare)
Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) Poor 5 (Scarce)
Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) Standard 6 (Rare)
Mining Helot Augments Standard 5 (Scarce)

MIU Weapon Interface Standard 6 (Rare)

Pain Ward Standard 6 (Rare)

Potentia Coil, Enhanced Standard 8 (Extremely Rare)

Mechanicus Only

Resperatory Filter Implant Standard 6 (Rare)

Revealer, Landrian Best 8 (Very Rare)

Revealer, Landrian Good 7 (Very Rare)

Revealer, Landrian Standard 6 (Rare)

Rite of Setesh Standard 9 (Near Unique)

Scribe-tines Standard 6 (Rare)

Servo Arm Standard 7 (Very Rare)

Servo Harness, Perinetus Standard 6 (Rare) Mechanicus

Subskin Armor Standard 7 (Very Rare)
Synthmuscle Best 9 (Near Unique)
Synthmuscle Standard 6 (Rare)
Vehicle Interface Circuits Standard 6 (Rare)

Vitae Supplacement Standard 6 (Rare)

Vocal Implant Standard 5 (Scarce)
Volitor Implant Standard 6 (Rare)
Genesys Effect Genesys Cost
Internal Auspex; +1 Perception; -1 Strain Threshold
Internal Auspex; One Spectrum; Short Range None
Internal Auspex Array Item None
+1 Resilience; -1 Strain Threshold;
Eye contains Hotshot-Laspistol None
+1 Agility; +1 Brawn; -2 Strain Threshold
+1 Agility -or- +1 Brawn -1 Strain Threshold
-1 Agility None
No Effect None
Unnatural Brawn (Strength) +2 for grappling and restraining. Dam +2 for Brawl and Melee; -2 Strain Threshold
+2 wound threshold, +1 Resilience or +1 Athletics -1 Strain Threshold
+1 Agility -1 Strain Threshold
Average [P][P] Athletics Test or Prone after making 2nd maneuver in a turn None
No Effect None
+2 wound threshold, +1 Resilience or +1 Athletics; Full Life Support System; -1 Strain Threshold
Upgrade difficulty of Stealth by one; All Strain costs increased by one; None
+2 wound threshold, +1 Resilience or +1 Athletics -1 Strain Threshold
+1 Perception and Vigilance; remove [black] due to darkness; Built-in Micro bead -1 Strain Threshold
Upgrade difficulty of Perception and Vigilance by one; None
No Effect None
Add Dam +1 to Brawl attacks; Gain "Bulging Biceps" talent; -1 Strain Threshold
+1 Linguistics; +1 Logic; +1 Lore; -1 Strain Threshold
+1 Intellect; +1 Lore; +1 Logic; -2 Strain Threshold
Destroy Personality and Memoryies; Become NPC; None
Restore Paralzed or Brain Damaged; Add Permanent [Black] to all Agility, Intelligence, Cunning None
and Presence checks
Pick 3 Substances upon Implant, "Gland" any one of these three as a maneuver by performing a None
"Resilience" [P][P] check, taking one Strain per Threat;
Using pre-existing bionic arm, conceal a single Ranged (Light) or Melee (Light) weapon as an None
implant; Deploy as a Maneuver; Add "Superior" Quality and "Resist Disarm"; Add [K][K] to
discovery attempts; Disabling weapon disables Arm as well;

Using pre-existing bionic arm, conceal a single Ranged (Light) or Melee (Light) weapon as an None
implant; Deploy as a Maneuver; Add "Unreliable" to Weapon and "Resist Disarm"; Add [K][K] to
discovery attempts; Disabling weapon disables Arm as well;

Using pre-existing bionic arm, conceal a single Ranged (Light) or Melee (Light) weapon as an None
implant; Deploy as a Maneuver; Add "Resist Disarm"; Add [K][K] to discovery attempts; Disabling
weapon disables Arm as well;

Upload patterns into a Cyber-Mastif or Grapple-Hawk; Use Tech-use instead of Leadership to give None
instructions; Connect 5; Command 3;
Upload patterns into a Cyber-Mastif or Grapple-Hawk; Use Tech-use instead of Leadership to give -1 Strain Threshold
instructions; Connect 5; Command 2;
+1 soak -1 Strain Threshold
[P][P][P] Tech-use check to change visage; Upgrade Deception checks by 1 when impersonating -1 Strain Threshold
another person; Sufer 4 Strain; Upgrade checks by 2 after Strain heals as skin heals; Sufer 1
Wound per Failure; [Despair] can cause Presence damage; Can lighten or darken skin pigment

[P][P][P] Tech-use check to change visage; Upgrade Deception checks by 1 when impersonating -1 Strain Threshold
another person; Sufer 4 Strain; Upgrade checks by 2 after Strain heals as skin heals; Sufer 1
Wound per Failure; [Despair] can cause Presence damage;
Use Action to test Willpower [P][P][P]; Move Size 0 items Short range; 15 xp for Ferric Summons
Digest almost any organic or non organic compound; Ignore ingested toxins and poisons; None
Tech Priest with Autosanguine Only; Add [B] to Tests to resist Toxins, Diseases and Radioactive -1 Strain Threshold
contimination; Gain "Regeneration 1" Trait; Can no longer use regular Medical treatment, only
that of himself or a Magos Biologis;

Tech Priest with Autosanguine Only; Add [B] to Tests to resist Toxins, Diseases and Radioactive None
contimination; Can no longer use regular Medical treatment, only that of himself or a Magos

Pick up to 10 doses of up to 4 substances; Inject as a maneuver manually or by remote (as in a None

slave fighter); If taking a Critical Injury make average [P][P] Resilience check or take 8 damage
ignoring Soak;

Use with specially modified weapons (Las, Plasma, Melta, Power, Chain, Shock); Unlimited Ammo -1 Strain Threshold
(Sufer Strain instead of ammo loss); Cannot be dropped without [P] Tech-Use test; Efect varies by
weapon type; See Book, work with GM on details;

+1 Intellect if connected to computer -1 Strain Threshold

Acts as Ammo Charge pack for standard Lasgun or Hellgun; 1 full day to recharge after use; None
Once per Session, ignore Strain cost of using Luminen Capacitors; None

Requires Piloting skill; Add Flyer Trait for up to 1 minute; [P][P][P] Resilience check to extend; 1 None
Strain sufered per Failure and Threat;
Know location to within few meters on planet; altitide, time of day, velocity, and other None
Decrease Difficulty (and Strain Cost) by one (no minimum) None
Increase Difficulty (and Strain Cost) by one None
Use Strain to rechage machinery; Easy [P] Simple Power cell, glow globe; Average [P][P] Lasgun None
charge pack, dataslate; Hard [P][P][P] Shuttle Launch Systems, servo skull; Daunting [P][P][P][P]
Lascannon Charge pack, servitor; Very Formidable [P][P][P][P][P] Cogitator Core, xenos
technology; 1 Strain per difficulty;

As per Maglev Transcendance Talent 10xp Maglev

Transcendance Talent
Counts as Built-In Laspistol; None
Counts as Built-In Truncheon; None
Counts as Built-In Stimpack and Medi-Kit; Counts as Built-In Chain Blade; None

+1 Perception and Vigilance; remove [black] due to darkness; Built-in Stab-Light; -1 Strain Threshold
Counts as Built-In Combi-Tool; Counts as Built-In Dagger; None
Counts as Ryza pattern Plasma Pistol; None
Maneuver to Activate; Igmore "Cumbersome" Quality in Weapons; None

Descriptive Effects Only; None

Built-In Neurally Linked Datavalut and Pict Capture Array None
As Standard; Add [Blue] to Weapon Checks with MIU -1 Strain Threshold
Average [P][P] Willpower to Use; Add [Black] to Tests; None
+1 Tech Use; +1 Operate; +1 Driving; +1 Piloting with MIU Linked Item -1 Strain Threshold
Gain Extra Limb with a Breacher (Inquisitor's Handbook pg 135); Brawn +1; -1 Agility; Gain Permanent
[P][P] Mental Trauma
Make Attack with Linked Weapon as Incidental and make Two Maneuvers during turn; -1 Strain Threshold
Change pain to other sensations; Ignore efects caused by pain due to critical injuries, burning, -1 Strain Threshold
drowning, and so on.
Luminen Powers add 1 Damage, gain "Vicious 1", "Stun 3"; Activate Luminen Shield/Barrier as an -1 Strain Threshold
Incidental; Decrease Difficulty of Luminen Charge by 1; Maglev Talents are now Incidentals;
Integrated Weapons gain "Accurate 1"

+1 Resilience -1 Strain Threshold

Add [B] to Perception for smelling and Survival for tracking; Ignore [K][K] due to blindness; Action -1 Strain Threshold
to activate; Includes Infra-Red or Photo-visor;
Add [B] to Perception for smelling and Survival for tracking; Ignore [K][K] due to blindness; Action -1 Strain Threshold
to activate;
Add [B] to Perception for smelling and Survival for tracking; Ignore [K] due to blindness; Action to -1 Strain Threshold
Gain "Machine 2" Trait and "Regeneration 1" Trait Lose Half of Agility (Round
Down); Lose Half of all
Combat Skills (Round
down); Gain a Permanent
[P][P][P] Mental Trauma

Built-In Auto-Quill None

Arm has Brawn 5 and Unnatural Strength +2 Trait (for ligting, bracing, etc.); Improvised Attack: -1 Strain Threshold
Brawl Check (Add [K]): (Dam 15 {+8 Dam with 5+2=7 Brawn}; Crit 3; Pierce 1)
1 Manipulator Mechandendrite; 1 Utility Mechadendrite; Combi-Tool; Fyceline Torch; Plasma None
Cutter; Grants "Flyer" Trait in areas with low or no gravity;
+1 soak -1 Strain Threshold
+2 Brawn; -1 Agility -1 Strain Threshold
+1 Brawn -1 Strain Threshold
Piloting +1 with VIU equipment vehicles; Make Perception check to determine status and -1 Strain Threshold
condition of vehicle as an Incidental;
Prevent death due to critical injuries for up to 4 hours; Good 8; Best 12; -1 Strain Threshold
Built-In Laud Hailer None
Compelled to follow certain instructions at penalty of Unconsciousness or Death None
Book Page

Book of Judgement 77

Into the Storm 141

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Book of Judgement 77

Book of Judgement 77

Book of Judgement 78

Book of Judgement 78

Into the Storm 141

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Inquisitor's Handbook 138

Lathe Worlds 58

Into the Storm 141

Lathe Worlds 65

Ascension 148
Lathe Worlds 66

Inquisitor's Handbook 139

Into the Storm 141

Lathe Worlds 66

Book of Judgement 77

Book of Judgement 77
Book of Judgement 77

Inquisitor's Handbook 140

Ascension 148

Lathe Worlds 66

Inquisitor's Handbook 140

Into the Storm 141

Vehicle Name Type Availability Book Page Silhouette

Chiropean Scout Flyer 8 (Very Rare +1) Into the Storm 182 3 (Enormous)
Aelurus Heavy Trike Ground Vehicle 5 (Average +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Without 54 3 (Enormous)
Hectin Autocarriage Ground Vehicle 7 (Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Core Rulebook 190 3 (Enormous)
Hectin Autocarriage (Open Top) Ground Vehicle 7 (Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Core Rulebook 190 3 (Enormous)
Hephaestus Ore Seeker Ground Vehicle 10 (Near Unique +1) Into the Storm 184 3 (Massive)

Rhino APC Ground Vehicle 7 (Rare +1) Into the Storm 185 3 (Enormous)

Scout Bike Ground Vehicle 8 (Very Rare +1) Into the Storm 185 2 (Hulking)
Veloxic Bike Ground Vehicle 5 (Average +1) Dark Heresy 2E Core Rulebook 190 2 (Hulking)
Wildcat Transport Buggy Ground Vehicle 7 (Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Without 57 3 (Enormous)

Armageddon Class Battlecruiser Ship Hull (Battlecruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 23 9 (Nine)

Chalice Class Battlecruiser Ship Hull (Battlecruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 22 9 (Nine)

Mars Class Battlecruiser Ship Hull (Battlecruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 22 9 (Nine)

Overlord Class Battlecruiser Ship Hull (Battlecruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 22 9 (Nine)

Ambition Class Cruiser Ship Hull (Cruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 24 9 (Nine)
Conquest Class Star Galleon Ship Hull (Cruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 23 9 (Nine)
Dictator Class Cruiser Ship Hull (Cruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 24 9 (Nine)
Lunar Class Cruiser Ship Hull (Cruiser) N/A Rogue Trader 196 9 (Nine)
Tyrant Class Cruiser Ship Hull (Cruiser) N/A Into the Storm 153 9 (Nine)
Claymore Class Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 27 8 (Eight)
Falchion Class Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 26 8 (Eight)
Firestorm Class Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Into the Storm 152 8 (Eight)
Sword Class Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Rogue Trader 195 8 (Eight)
Tempest Class Strike Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Rogue Trader 195 8 (Eight)
Turbulent Class Heavy Frigate Ship Hull (Frigate) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 27 8 (Eight)
Ship Hull (Grand
Avenger Class Grand Cruiser N/A Battlefleet Koronus 20 9 (Nine)
Ship Hull (Grand
Exorcist Class Grand Cruiser N/A Battlefleet Koronus 21 9 (Nine)
Ship Hull (Grand
Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser N/A Battlefleet Koronus 20 9 (Nine)

Dauntless Class Light Cruiser Ship Hull (Light Cruiser) N/A Rogue Trader 196 9 (Nine)

Defiant Class Light Cruiser Ship Hull (Light Cruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 26 9 (Nine)

Endeavor Class Light Cruiser Ship Hull (Light Cruiser) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 26 9 (Nine)

Lathe Class Monitor Cruiser Ship Hull (Light Cruiser) N/A Into the Storm 152 9 (Nine)
Secutor Class Monitor Cruiser Ship Hull (Light Cruiser) N/A Into the Storm 152 9 (Nine)
Cobra Class Destroyer Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Into the Storm 152 9 (Nine)
Havoc Class Merchant Raider Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Rogue Trader 195 8 (Eight)
Hazeroth Class Privateer Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Rogue Trader 194 8 (Eight)
Iconoclast Class Destroyer Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 28 8 (Eight)
Meritech Shrike Class Raider Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 28 8 (Eight)
Viper Class Scout Sloop Ship Hull (Raider) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 28 8 (Eight)
Carrack Class Transport Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 29 8 (Eight)
Goliath Class Factory Ship Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 29 8 (Eight)
Jericho Class Pilgrim Vessel Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Rogue Trader 194 8 (Eight)
Loki Class Q-ship Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Into the Storm 151 8 (Eight)
Orion Class Star Clipper Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Into the Storm 151 9 (Nine)
Universe Class Mass Conveyor Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Battlefleet Koronus 29 9 (Nine)
Vagabond Class Merchant Trader Ship Hull (Transport) N/A Rogue Trader 194 8 (Eight)
Land Speeder Skimmer 7 (Rare +1) Into the Storm 184 2 (Hulking)
Venator Pattern Air Yacht Skimmer 7 (Rare +1) Into the Storm 186 3 (Massive)
Aquila Lander Spacecraft 8 (Very Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Without 54 3 (Immense)
Arvus Lighter Spacecraft 7 (Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Without55 3 (Massive)
Calixis Pattern Fury Interceptor Spacecraft 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Into the Storm 181 3 (Massive)
Calixis Pattern Starhawk Bomber Spacecraft 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Battlefleet Koronus 140 3 (Massive)
Drop Pod Spacecraft 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Into the Storm 182 3 (Enormous)
Gun-Cutter Spacecraft 8 (Very Rare +1) Into the Storm 183 3 (Massive)
Halo Barge Spacecraft 6 (Scarce +1) Into the Storm 183 3 (Massive)
Lathe Pattern Shark Assault Boat Spacecraft 8 (Very Rare +1) Battlefleet Koronus 140 3 (Massive)
Adepta Sororitas Immolator Tracked Vehicle 10 (Near Unique +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Within 50 3 (Massive)
Adepta Sororitas Rhino Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Within 50 3 (Massive)
Baneblade Tracked Vehicle 10 (Near Unique +1) Only War Core Rulebook 219 (Monumental)
Basilisk Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Only War Core Rulebook 218 3 (Massive)
Chimera Armored Transport Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Core Rulebook 191 3 (Massive)
Hellhound Flame Tank Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Only War Core Rulebook 218 3 (Massive)
Leman Russ Battle Tank Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Only War Core Rulebook 215 3 (Massive)
Leman Russ Demolisher Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Only War Core Rulebook 216 3 (Massive)
Leman Russ Vanquisher Tracked Vehicle 9 (Extremely Rare +1) Only War Core Rulebook 216 3 (Massive)
Repressor Armored Transport Tracked Vehicle 8 (Very Rare +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Within 51 3 (Massive)
Sentinel Walker Walker 5 (Average +1) Into the Storm 185 2 (Hulking)
Skerab Walker Walker 4 (Common +1) Dark Heresy 2E Enemies Without 57 4 (Titanic)
Spee Handlin Def Armo Hull Sys Crew/Pass Enc Sensors Weapons
d g (F/P/S/A) r Strain Cap

2 -1 0/-/-/0 1 12 3 1/3 20 None None;

2 -1 0/-/-/0 1 12 3 1/8 20 None None;

2 -2 0/-/-/0 2 15 7 3/10 55 Close Pintle: Heavy Stubber;


Enclosed; Rugged; Wheeled;

Open Topped; Rugged; Wheeled;

Enclosed; Rugged; Reinforced Armor;

Name Effect
Amphibious Treat Bodies of water as open gground
Bike Has Open-Topped Trait; Choose Vehicle or Rider without making a Called Shot;
Bred for War Mount automatically passes all Willpower tests to avoid fleeing; Living creatures only;
Daemonic Possession Does not require Pilot or Gunners to function;
Damage Control Once per Encounter: Commander can ask
Component Name Hull Types Power Space Ship Points Availability
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 1 Transport Generate 35 8 . 5 (Scarce)
1. Plasma Drive Lathe Pattern Class 1 Transport Generate 40 12 +1
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 2 Raider, Frigate Generate 45 10 . 5 (Scarce)
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 3 Light Cruiser Generate 60 12 . 5 (Scarce)
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 4 Cruiser Generate 75 14 . 5 (Scarce)
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 4.5 "Warcruiser" Light Cruiser 65 Generated 14 +2 7 (Very Rare)
1. Plasma Drive Jovian Pattern Class 4.5 "Warcruiser" Cruiser 85 Generated 17 +2 7 (Very Rare)
1. Plasma Drive Lathe Pattern Class 2a "Sprint Trader" Transports 40 Generated 14 +2 7 (Very Rare)
1. Plasma Drive Lathe Pattern Class 2a "Sprint Trader" Raiders, Frigates 47 Generated 14 +2 7 (Very Rare)
2. Warp Engine Strelov 1 Transport, Raider, Frigate 10 10 . 5 (Scarce)
2. Warp Engine Strelov 2 Light Cruiser, Cruiser 12 12 . 5 (Scarce)

2. Warp Engine Markov 1 Transport, Raider, Frigate 12 12 +1 6 (Rare)

2. Warp Engine Markov 2 Light Cruiser, Cruiser 13 13 +1 6 (Rare)

3. Geller Field Geller Field All 1 0 . 5 (Scarce)

3. Geller Field Warpsbane Hull All 1 0 +2 7 (Very Rare)

3. Geller Field Emergency Field All 2 0 . 5 (Scarce)

4. Void Shield Single Void Shield Array All 5 1 . 5 (Scarce)

4. Void Shield Multiple Void Shield Array Cruisers 7 2 . 5 (Scarce)

4. Void Shield Repulsor Shield All 6 1 . 5 (Scarce)

4. Void Shield Repulsor Sheild Array Cruiser 8 1 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Combat Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 1 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Combat Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 2 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Command Bridge Raider, Frigate 2 1 +1 6 (Rare)

5. Bridge Command Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser 3 2 +1 6 (Rare)

5. Bridge Commerce Bridge Transports 1 1 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Armored Bridge Raider, Frigate 2 2 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Armored Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser 3 2 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Ship Master's Bridge Cruiser 4 3 . 5 (Scarce)

5. Bridge Exploration Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate 4 1 +1 6 (Rare)

5. Bridge Exploration Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser 4 2 +1 6 (Rare)

6. Life Sustainer Mark 1.r Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate 3 1 . 5 (Scarce)
6. Life Sustainer Mark 1.r Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser 4 2 . 5 (Scarce)
6. Life Sustainer Vitae Pattern Transport, Raider, Frigate 4 2 . 5 (Scarce)
6. Life Sustainer Vitae Pattern Light Cruiser, Cruiser 5 3 . 5 (Scarce)
7. Crew Quarters Pressed-Crew Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 2 . 5 (Scarce)
7. Crew Quarters Pressed-Crew Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 3 . 5 (Scarce)
7. Crew Quarters Voidsmen Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 3 . 5 (Scarce)
7. Crew Quarters Voidsmen Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 4 . 5 (Scarce)
7. Crew Quarters Clan-kin Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 4 +1 6 (Rare)

7. Crew Quarters Clan-kin Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 5 +1 6 (Rare)

7. Crew Quarters Cold Transport, Raider, Frigate 3 4 +1 6 (Rare)

7. Crew Quarters Cold Light Cruiser, Cruiser 4 5 +1 6 (Rare)

8. Augur Array M-100 All 3 0 . 5 (Scarce)

8. Augur Array M-201.b All 5 0 . 5 (Scarce)

8. Augur Array R-50 All 4 0 . 5 (Scarce)

8. Augur Array Deep Void All 7 0 +1 6 (Rare)

Special Book Page
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 156
7 (Very Rare) Into the Storm 156
Oversized Engines: +3 Maneuverability, Speed +1; Into the Storm 156
Oversized Engines: +3 Maneuverability, Speed +1; Into the Storm 156
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Overcharged: Reduce base travel time by 1d5 weeks, Into the Storm 156
Navigation (Warp) to reduce more;
Overcharged: Reduce base travel time by 1d10 days,
Into the Storm 156
Navigation (Warp) to reduce more;
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Shield of Faith: Navigation +10 Pilot through warp, Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Warp Encounters roll twice with Navigator choosing
Auto-Engagement: Unexpected Warp, Field Engages Into the Storm 156
on 1d10 of 3 plus;
Void Shields: 1 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 199
Void Sheilds: 2 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Void Shield: 1; Charged Particle Repulsion: No Penalty
to travel through Nebulas, Ice Rings, Plasma Clouds, or Into the Storm 157
other particulate phenomena;

Void Shield: 2; Charged Particle Repulsion: No Penalty

to travel through Nebulas, Ice Rings, Plasma Clouds, or Into the Storm 157
other particulate phenomena;
Damage Control Station: Tech-Use +10 Repair; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Damage Control Station: Tech-Use +10 Repair; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Enhanced Cogitator Relays: Captain Command Tests
+5, Ballistic Skill Tests to fire weapons +5; If Critically Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Hit, unpowered on d10 of 3+.
Enhanced Cogitator Relays: Captain Command Tests
+5, Ballistic Skill Tests to fire weapons +5; If Critically Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Hit, unpowered on d10 of 3+.
Organized: + 50 AP for Trade Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Reinforced Armor: Roll 1d10, on 4 or Higher ignore Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Critical Hit to component
Reinforced Armor: Roll 1d10, on 4 or Higher ignore Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Critical Hit to component
Master Plotting Table: Piloting and Navigation by
Bridge Crew +5; Improved Fire Direction: Ballistic Skill Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
+10 to fire shipboard weeapons
Long Range Scanning: +5 Detection when use Active Into the Storm 157
Augury; Navigation Records: +50 AP Exploration
Long Range Scanning: +5 Detection when use Active Into the Storm 157
Augury; Navigation Records: +50 AP Exploration
Stale Air: +1 to all Morale Loss Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Stale Air: +1 to all Morale Loss Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Cramped: Decrease Morale by 2 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Cramped: Decrease Morale by 2 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 200
For Hearth and Home: +5 Command against Boarding
and Hit and Run Attacks, Reduce Morale Loss by 1 to Into the Storm 157
minimum of 1;

For Hearth and Home: +5 Command against Boarding

and Hit and Run Attacks, Reduce Morale Loss by 1 to Into the Storm 157
minimum of 1;
Manpower Reserves: Once per session redeuce one Into the Storm 157
source of Crew Population loss to zero.
Manpower Reserves: Once per session redeuce one Into the Storm 157
source of Crew Population loss to zero.
External: No Hull Space Required Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 201
External: No Hull Space Required; Sensitive: +5 bonus Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 201
to Detection;
External; Stellar Detection: Maneuver Tests +5,
Detection -2; Long Distance Scan: +50 AP to Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202
External; Eye of the Omnissiah: Detection +10; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202
Component Name Hull Types Power Space Ship Availability
Raider, Frigate, Light
Cargo and Passenger Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay 1 2 1 5 (Scarce)
Cruiser, Cruiser
Raider, Frigate, Light
Cargo and Passenger Compartmentalised Cargo Hold 2 5 1 5 (Scarce)
Cruiser, Cruiser
Cargo and Passenger Main Cargo Hold Transport 2 4 1 5 (Scarce)

Cargo and Passenger Luxury Passenger Quarters All 2 1 1 5 (Scarce)

Cargo and Passenger Barracks All 2 4 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Augmented Retro-thrusters Raider, Frigate 3 0 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Augmented Retro-thrusters Transport, Light Cruiser 4 0 2 6 (Rare)
Augments & Enhancements Augmented Retro-thrusters Cruiser 5 0 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Reinforced Interior Bulkheads Transport, Raider, Frigate 0 2 2 6 (Rare)
Augments & Enhancements Reinforced Interior Bulkheads Light Cruiser, Cruiser 0 3 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Armor Plating† Transport, Raider, Frigate 0 1 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Armor Plating† Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 3 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Armored Prow† Cruiser 0 4 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Tenebro-Maze† Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 2 2 6 (Rare)

Augments & Enhancements Tenebro-Maze† Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 3 2 6 (Rare)

Additional Facilities Extended Supply Vaults All 1 4 2 6 (Rare)

Additional Facilities Crew Reclamation Facility† All 1 1 1 5 (Scarce)

Additional Facilities Munitorium† Transport, Raider, Frigate 2 3 2 6 (Rare)

Additional Facilities Munitorium† Light Cruiser, Cruiser 3 4 2 6 (Rare)

Additional Facilities Temple-shrine to the God Emperor† All 1 1 1 5 (Scarce)

Additional Facilities Librarium Vault† All 1 1 1 5 (Scarce)
Additional Facilities Trophy Room† All 1 1 1 5 (Scarce)

Additional Facilities Observation Dome† All 0 1 1 5 (Scarce)

Additional Facilities Murder-Servitors† All 1 1 2 6 (Rare)

Archaeotech Ancient Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate 2 1 2 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Ancient Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 2 2 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Modified Jovian Pattern Class 1 Transport Generate 35 4 3 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Modified Lathe Pattern Class 1 Transport Generate 40 8 3 8 (Extremely Rare)
Archaeotech Modified Jovian Pattern Class 2 Raider, Frigate Generate 45 6 3 8 (Extremely Rare)
Archaeotech Modified Jovian Pattern Class 3 Light Cruiser Generate 60 8 3 8 (Extremely Rare)
Archaeotech Modified Jovian Pattern Class 4 Cruiser Generate 75 10 3 8 (Extremely Rare)
Archaeotech Bridge of Antiquity Transport, Raider, Frigate 1 1 2 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Bridge of Antiquity Light Cruiser, Cruiser 2 1 2 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Auto-stabilised Logis-targeter All 5 0 2 8 (Extremely Rare)

Archaeotech Teleportarium All 1 1 1 8 (Extremely Rare)

Xenotech Ghost Field All 8 4 3 9 (Near Unique)

Xenotech Runecaster All 0 1 2 9 (Near Unique)

Xenotech Micro Laser Defense Grid All 2 0 2 9 (Near Unique)

Xenotech Gravity Sails Transport, Raider, Frigate 3 0 3 9 (Near Unique)

Xenotech Gravity Sails Light Cruiser, Cruiser 4 0 3 9 (Near Unique)

Special Book Page
Hidden Spaces: +50 AP to Trade or Criminal; Unbalanced: -3 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Storage Area: +100 AP Trade; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Stowed and Secured: +125 AP Trade; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
Paying Customers: + 100 AP Trade, Criminal or Creed; Class Division: Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
Morale -3;
Soldiers: + 100 AP Military; Reinforcements: +20 Command Tests for Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
Boarding and Hit and Run;
Agile: +5 Maneuverability; External; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
Agile: +5 Maneuverability; External; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
Agile: +5 Maneuverability; External; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Hard to Breach: +3 Hull Integrity; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Hard to Breach: +3 Hull Integrity; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Armor: +1 Armor; Dead Weight: -2 Maneuverability; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 204

Armor: +1 Armor; Dead Weight: -2 Maneuverability; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 204
Imposing: No Prow Macrobatteries or Lances, +4 Armor or Fore, 1d10 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 204
Additional Damage when Ramming;
Hidden sally-ports: +10 Command Tests to Defend against Boarding or
Hit-and-run; Incomprehensible Layout: Component Hits chosen by this Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
ship's controller, not attacker;

Hidden sally-ports: +10 Command Tests to Defend against Boarding or

Hit-and-run; Incomprehensible Layout: Component Hits chosen by this Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
ship's controller, not attacker;

Extensive Stores: Double time a ship may remain in void without

morale or crew loss, Extended Repairs repairs 1 additional Hull Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
Integrity; Plenty for All: Morale +1
Recycling: Reduce all Crew Losses by 3, to minimum of 1, Increase all Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
Morale losses by 1;

Well Armed: +25 AP Military; Ordinatus Extremus: Macrobatteries +1

Damage; Volatile: If Critical Hit this compoment explodes, dealing 2d5 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
damage and setting a Component of the GM's choice on fire;

Well Armed: +25 AP Military; Ordinatus Extremus: Macrobatteries +1

Damage; Volatile: If Critical Hit this compoment explodes, dealing 2d5 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
damage and setting a Component of the GM's choice on fire;

Inspiration: Morale +3; Awe of the God Emperor: +100 AP Creed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
Accululated Data: Investigation Tests +10; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 205
Past Experiences: + 50 AP Exploration, Trade, Criminal; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Engraved Star Charts: +50 AP Exploration; Cure for Claustrophobia: Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Morale +1;
Death Dealers: + 20 to Hit and Run opposed Command Tests; Precise:
Select any number between 1 and 6 when selecting a Critical Hit from Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Hit and Run;
The Air is Sweet: Morale +2, Reduce All Non-Combat Crew Losses by 1; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Can be Used as Life Sustainer;
The Air is Sweet: Morale +2, Reduce All Non-Combat Crew Losses by 1; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Can be Used as Life Sustainer;
Overcharged: +1 Speed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Overcharged: +1 Speed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Overcharged: +1 Speed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Overcharged: +1 Speed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Overcharged: +1 Speed; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 206
Eyes Everywhere: +10 to all Command Tests or Social Skill Tests any
character makes while on the bridge; Hololithic Display Tank: Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 207
Maneuverability +5;

Eyes Everywhere: +10 to all Command Tests or Social Skill Tests any
character makes while on the bridge; Hololithic Display Tank: Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 207
Maneuverability +5;
Image of the Void: Detection +5; Targeting Matrix: Ballistic Skill +5; Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 207
Surprise Strike: Make Hit and Run Attacks without a Piloting Test, +20 Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 207
Command Test;

Ghostly Echoes: All ships firing at a ship with a functioning Ghost Field
sufer –20 to their Ballistic Skill Tests. If the ship is firing a lance
weapon, it sufers a –30 instead. Any piloting tests to perform Hit and Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 207
Run attacks sufer a –30. Energetic Interference: A ship with a Ghost
Field must choose whether it is using its Void Shields or Ghost Field at
the beginning of combat.

Eye of the Warp: Navigators using this Component to pilot a ship

through the empyrean gain a +20 bonus to all Navigation Tests.
Additionally, any journeys made using this Component take half their Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 208
normal time. Fuelled by Fate: This Component never becomes
unpowered for any reason.

Wall of Light: Increase the ship’s turret rating by 2. External: This

Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 208
only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.

The Currents of Space: A starship with this Component gains +1 Speed

and +5 Manoeuvrability. External: This Component does not require
hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 208
by a Critical Hit.

The Currents of Space: A starship with this Component gains +1 Speed

and +5 Manoeuvrability. External: This Component does not require
hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 208
by a Critical Hit.
Component Name Hull Types Power Space Ship Points Strength Damage CR Range
Macrobatteries Thunderstrike Macrocannons All 2 2 1 3 1d10+1 6 4
Macrobatteries Mars Pattern Macrocannons All 4 2 1 3 1d10+2 5 6
Light Cruiser,
Macrobatteries Mars Pattern Macrocannons Broadside 4 5 1 6 1d10+2 5 6
Macrobatteries Sunsear Laser Battery All 6 4 1 4 1d10+2 4 9

Macrobatteries Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery All 8 4 2 4 1d10+4 4 5

Lances Starbreaker All 6 4 1 1 1d10+2 3 5

Lances Titanforce All 9 4 1 1 1d10+4 3 6
Light Cruiser,
Lances Titanforge Battery 13 6 2 2 1d10+4 3 6

Xenotech Shard Cannon Battery All 0 3 2 4 1d10+2 3 6

Availability Special Book Page
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202

5 (Scarce) Broadside: Port or Starboard Only Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 202
Vaporisation: 1 or 2 on Critical Hit Chart afect two Components Rogue Trader Core Rulebook
6 (Rare) 203
instead of 1;
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203
5 (Scarce) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

6 (Rare) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 203

Unknown Energy Source: Cannot Become Unpowered, if

9 (Near Unique) Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 208
destroyed deal extra 2d5 Hill Integrity damage to ship;

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