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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Angela Matthew Date of Activity: 8/20, 10/5 Faculty name: Yvette Matheson,

Nancy McGuckin

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role): The first service activity I did was with another

student and was under Yvette’s supervision in the SILC lab for 4 hours. The purpose of this

experience was to learn more about how the demonstrations were set up which also helped

refresh us on skills, such as setting up an arterial line. My role was to help assist Yvette in the

set-up of skill activities, simulations and cleaning of the SILC lab. The second activity I did was

participate in the Active Shooter/Stop the Bleed event for 4 hours, coordinated by Nancy

McGuckin. My role was to be a student and learn what to do if there was an active shooter and to

learn the different methods of ways to stop critical bleeding in order to prolong life until they

could reach further care.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length? The first activity took place

in the SILC lab for 4 hours. The second activity took place at The College of Nursing and took 4


Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific). The value of all these two

experiences were valuable to my overall education. During the SILC lab time, I was able to see

what it takes to set up a simulation and also to refresh on skills I had learned in previous
semesters. The Active Shooter/Stop the Bleed was an amazing opportunity to have to be certified

through a prestige organization as such.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career? I will

continue to use skills that I learned in the SILC lab into my future nursing profession as they are

taught to all nursing students as we will use them in the future. This included setting up and

using an arterial line as well as helping with a simulation, which will continue to occur while

training on a job. The Stop the Bleed experience will help me in the future as a nurse to learn

what methods and supplies I can use if I were to experience a patient with a traumatic injury. I

found this event to be very informative as we had not learned these skills in depth during nursing

school. The active shooter portion is also very valuable as it is commonly occurring in our

country and learning tactics of how to survive may potentially help me in the future.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why

or why not? (Describe) Yes, I would recommend both of these activities to future students. I

feel like it important to learn the set-up of the SILC lab as well as having a refresher on the skills

as you are setting up multiple skill simulations instead of just participating in a single skill like

how it is during class. I would highly recommend students participating in the Active

shooter/Stop the Bleed as I found this very informational and hands-on.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes Signature on validation of

clinical hours form obtained? Yes

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