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Los Angeles, California —Wednesday, February 13, 2019 — 2 pages five cents

Gisselle’s Favorite Foods

greatest Gisselle’s favorite foods are
accomplishments sushi, pupusa ,taco salad, also
___________________________________ funnel cakes.

One of Gisselle’s What was one

accomplishments was
funny moment that
winning the spelling B has happened to
when she was in the 7th Gisselle?
and 8th grade. Also
winning the after school “ A funny moment that has
book club “battle of the happened to me was when I was
books” when she and in the 7th grade, it was a day
her teammates were when me and my close friend
battling against other went to Mcdonalds. I ordered my
food and she ordered hers, once
schools. we both received our orders we
Favorite songs or were making our way to the

exist. I was paying more
attention to my food making sure
I had my order right once my
friend and I reach the exit I push
“My favorite songs at the
the emergency door by accident,
moment are... the alarm went off throughout
★ All in my mind- Soul for the entire Mcdonalds my friend
Known for Real and I had nothing to do but just
being reliable, practical, ★ Piece of my love- Guy run out of there. I would say it
ambitious and sensual, the ★ Impossible- Travis Scott” was an embarrassing moment
people born under the but at the same time pretty
Zodiac Sign ​Taurus​ have an funny.”
eye for beauty.
Story about ​ * AD PATROL*
Gisselle’s friends
Did you know? Gisselle
Gisselle’s friends are has held a snake from her
described as “fun” and a close friend known as
“great way to spend her “Alyssa” , she wasn’t
scared or nervous.
days with”.

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