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CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RECIPROCATING PUMP by John E. Miller Principal Engineer White Rock Engineering, Incorporated Dallas, Texas John E. Miller graduated from Pennsyleania State Unicersty in 193, teith a degree in Petroleum and Nataral Gas Engineering. He saw cared sercce in the Alberta, Canada, oilfields as a Fr fessional Engineer with Oilwell Dieision ‘of US. Steel Corporation, self employe, Hughes Tool Company, a Petroleum Eng reer seth California Standard Company, ‘and Denton-Spencer, He returned to Oilcell in 1946. He then spent 30 years as Development Engineer for Oi- twell Dicision in Dallas, during which time he designed wost of the expendable pump parts for the Oilwell and Walon Snyder pumps, particularly those used in severe slurry sere- feo. It was during that time that he deceloped the well kun Miller Number System for the determination of slurry ab rasivity, ASTM Standard G75-52. He also did extensive w= search work in reciprocating pump operation and suction re= quirements, such work leading to the incention of the suction ‘stabiliser He organized White Rock Engineering, Incorporated, in 1974, to offer consulting sercices in pump design and pula tion control, slurry pumping and special laboratory and feld testing. Mr. Miller has been granted seven patents (others pertaining to pumps pending), and he has published muner- fous papers and technical articles, culminating in the publia- tion of a book entitled The Reciprocating Pump: Theory, De sign and Use, He is a Fellow member of ASME (Committee PTC Power Test Code for Reciprocating Pumps), and ASTM (Com mittee G-2 Erosion and Wear). In 1984, Mr. Miller was pre- sented with the North Texas Section ASME. Award for Out- standing Achievement, He is the recipient of the 1987 Henry R. Worthington Medal for “extensive research into reeiproct- ing pump design. ABSTRAC A discussion is presented on the physical differences be ‘even centrifigal pumps and reciprocating pumps. The dis- parities are explained in a wonbiased manner and such Knowle fede should precede an introduction to reciprocating pump basics The discussion on reciprocating pumps reiterates the Ueories of operation, including suction and discharge as pects, NPSH, pulsation conte, and finally, a brief discourse fn reeiproeatingg pump design parameters with an example, INTRODUCTION One would think that after many years, an explanation of the differences between a positive displacement (reciprocal 163, ing) pump and a centrifugal pomp would be an exercise in re dundanes. But the differences ae so profound that before the characteristics of a reciprocating pump can be appreciated, these diferences must be reviewed PUMP DISPARITY Aside from the fact that the centrifugal pump is a kinetic energy device, as opposed to the of a reciprocating pump, most important the existing in the centrifugal pump where, as seen in Figure 1 there is always liquid communication between the discharge and the suction of the pump. Any’ abnormal disturbances jn the suction may affect the discharge and vice vers. A “discontinuity” always existshetween the discharge and the suction of a reciprocating pump and liquid communication ean ever exist ina normally. apersting pump, For this reason, the DISCHARGE ‘SUCTION & [DISCHARGE => | sucTION FIGURE 1 centrifugal continuity b. Reciprocating discontinuity Figuice 1 Liquid Continuity in Pumps. a) centrifugal continuity, b) reciprocating discontinuty 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM suetion and discharge systems ofa reciprocating pump must be analyzed and treated separately “The performance of the two types of pumps is about as differ. ent as ean possibly be conceived. The two typieal pump types, ‘with ratings of six different sizes are listed in Table Table 1. Pump Disparity Power Reciprocating 1000gpm Centrifugal 100 psi hip psi em 6 100 100 20 500 500 6 1000 1000 120 2000 2000 240 ‘4000 4000 480 8000 000 ‘This data, plotted in Figure 2, graphically shows the rapid dt vergence of the performance of the two pumps of equal horse~ power, starting at 6 HHP, the only point where the two offer equal performance), neglecting pump cost and efficiency. Ac- cordingly, apart from that single condition, it seems that the selection of one over the other depends entirely upon the serv- ice—one for low head high delivery and the other for high head low delivery. There is no compromise! 20 fer a0 ooo 000 ~—«aoo~=~=~«OOS~SC« OOD Figure 2. Pump Disparities, ‘This disparity can also be represented by the flowing ecruse tions showing the relation of parameters common toans device used to elevate the energy of liquid forthe purpose of moving itfrom point-to-point CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. som om som, “Tp, a RECIPROCATING PUMP: gpm pm Pa bhp pm: rpm Par bhps @ “These disparities should uot be controversial and they should be accepted with reverence for their respective place in industry. RECIPROCATING PUMP CHARACTERISTICS [Reciprocating pumps exhibit certain typical flow variations in the discharge (outlet) and suetion (inlet) caused by the rotary motion of the power end driving the displacement elements (pis- tons or plungers). This is demonstrated by the geometry in Fig- ture 3 and the equations for instantaneous velocity Veo = 0.012 suisin® + ” ak @ Van = BV, Xx AyAa co) Vg = BV, X AVAL © Figure 3. Pump Geometry ‘The type of pump is responsible for large differences inthe shape ofthe flow-pattern Figure 4). This shape depends onboth the ratio of connecting rod length to crank radi, and the loss of displacement on the piston rod end (erank end) of a double ‘acting pump. Conventional pump design is such that the ar rangement and number of cylinders generate different maximum and minimum flow rates. The low ratesare expressed as. percentage ofthe average as shown in Figure 5, which rep- resents one typical pump geometry with specific Lj ratio. For instance, «triplex single-acting pump has sis points of maximum flow rate per revolution “These points are duplicated in both the discharge andthe sue- tion of « pump, Because frictional pressure drop in a pipeline isa finetion of| the square of he velocity, these flow variations will be converted {nto pressure variations (pulsation) following the same shape as the flow pattern, Acceleration Inreeiprocating pumps, again because ofthe typical harmonic ‘motion, the liquid entering and leaving each pump eylinder ex. periences a “startand-stop” flow with velocities ranging from zero tow maximum, Thisisshown in Figure 6 and is determined fiom the formula for acceleration. = 0.082s6%(cos@ + <3 cos2 249 = 0.08250 ay 20 ry TUTORIAL SESSION ON HK Figure 4. Reciprocating Pump Mechanics. CE= Crankend; HE wead (cylinder) end: RH, LH = right hand and lft hand of ‘opposed-cylinder pumps Figure 5. Flow Patterns. Flow cariations for mulicylinder pumps H HEAD LOW FLOW 165 ‘The acceleration ofthe liquid atthe suetion and discharge con: nections is the result ofthe eindergenerated acceleration and Fs ealeulated by hy = Bay AVA, a fay = Bay AY/AG ® ‘The liquid, having mas, is ubject to Newt law of motion, and acceleration is converted to pressure acoding tothe baste premise of F = Ma Payy = 00060 XL p x a, © Pay = 0.0069 X LX pA 10) Pay = 0.006 XL BX a) any Figure 6. Flow and Acceleration Values, Triplex single-acting pump. Suction Acceleration “The theory of suction pressure requirement for a given ps indeeates that the instantaneous pressuire must always be of s ficient magnitude to aecelerate the mass of liquid inthe suction pipe at that instant. Otherwise, the reduced pressure created by the sudden demand wonld tend to vaporize te liquid and cause ‘cavitation inthe eylinder. Cavitation, n this sense, is defined as the recovery from vaporized liquid (due to reduction in pressure below its vapor pressure) resulting in pulses of pressure ast vapor pockets suddenly collapse ‘Cavitation ean generate pukation and subsequent pipe vibra- tion due to such repeated pulses. OF equal importance is the damage to pump parts. I the collapsing pocket is elose to any ‘metal part, the forces involved inthe collapse will send a micro scopic jet of liquid against the metal, eventually causing erosion, “The problem ofsuetion acceleration ina pump was recognized many Years ago and has heen included in the well known methods of calculation of NPSHA (Net Positive Suetion Head Available) NPSH ‘The term NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) for reciprocating pumps was borrowed from the centrifugal pump industry: The Suetion pressure atthe reciprocating pump Inlet influences per formance in the matter of volumetric effiieney and hydraulic noise, both of which affect pump life, With the reciprocating pamp speeds used in recent years, it hhas become necessary for pump manufacturers to define th ‘minimum pressure at which a given pump will operate satisfac torily. A decision to retain the term NPSH for reciprocating 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM pumps (but in units of "psi" instead of “feet head”) does not re ‘ove the confusion that has been inherited, Definition of NPSH NPSHR (net positive suction head required ‘That absolute pressure in psia of water (above vapor pressure at pumping temperature) as determined by test, required at the ‘pump inlet to sufficiently fill the pump eylinders so that no more than a three percent (three percent) drop in volumetric eff ciency from masimuin is achieved (Figure 7) Volumetric efieaney, 5 is 4 wai 10 8/8 7 6 83 INPSHA, PSI Figure 7 Plotted NPSH Test Data Idealized triplex singe-acting pump pressure waveform, showing the effect of surgelike accel: eration pressures NPSHA (net positice suction head available) That absolute pressure in psia of liquid being pumped (less vapor pressure at the pumping temperature) available at the pump inlet. It can be calculated from known suction system parameters, by Equation (12), or it ean he measured fm test {data applied in Equation (15). The widely used formulaforcaleu lation of NPSH from suetion system parameters is: NPSHA = (Py = Py +P, = Py) Pr= Pe (2) Where 2, = C,LNQSD? as) ‘Values for the constants Cy are based on a typical pump L/r of 641. Amore precise value of C can be derived from the forma Gy = 0.0182 x a(D2NQS) ay ‘able 2, Constant Cy Pump Type c Pump Tepe 3 Simplex DA 0.001660 TriplesSA——_ 9.000839 Duplex Sa, 0.001082 SextuplexSA—_ 0.000237 Duplex DA, 0.000624 QuintuplexSA 0.000199, QuadrnplesDA 0.000484 Septuplex 0.000146 “Triplex DA 0.000338 __NonuplexSA 0.000107 Another formula for NSPH using pump suction gange presstare NPSHA = P, Py ~ Py + Py 5) Where P, = 0.0011137(upm)'5/D* (06) “These equations simply thatthe net positive suction head re {quirement (NPSHR) for reciprocating pumps ia simple, fixed value. In the first place, because reduction in NPSHA lowers the volumetric efficieney at a certain unpredictable rate, a dee sion must be made as to which NPSH is stisfictory for reliable pump operation. It scems that the three percent drop in vol- lumetric efficiency froma maximum, used in some test methods, (Figure 7) is satislactory in most eases. There is also some doubt about the true effect ofaceleration as derived from theory. One of the first expressions of acceleration pressure is an empirical ‘one by Wright of Worthington Pump Division of Dresser Indus- tries developed several yearsago, wherek = L-4forcold water Hye = LVNCyky an Table 3. Constant Pump Type c PampType Simplex DA, 0200 Triplex Sa 0,066 Duplexsa, SextuplexSA 0,055, Duples DA 0115 QuintuplexSA—_ 0,040, Quadruplex DA, SeptuplexSA 0,028, ‘ples DA 0.066 NonuplexSA 0,022 Except for diferent terms and the liquid density as accounted forinthe term, ky, it, to, istelated tothe basic Equation (10) “The author generated Equation (13), which again complies with the basi formula, eept itis comprised of terms usally used to define pump characteristics. These eq results which are close enough for practical pu Both equations for acceleration pressure (13) or head (17) in- volve a constant, C, or Cy. These constants are used in conver ing to the proper units, However, they also serve as fuctors di rectly proportional to the percentage of ow (velocity) variation inherent in each pump type, and from which the acceleration i derived for the pump inlet or outlet. Wright stated that “this calculation is useful only for short see- tions of pipe,” and this has been confirmed by many” years of ex- perimental work. In fact, in suetion pipe lengths greater than about 15, the formula as used in the requirement for NPSHA) loses validity. IF one calculates the acceleration pressure (or head fora typical pump witha 100 ft Tongor longer stetion pipe (shich is quite common) twill be unsealistic, The pump will op= trate with much less NPSHA. Accordingly, there must be a quirk in the forma In spite of these statements, and paeticulaly with the trend to higher pump speeds, acceleration can still cause pump ‘operating problems in both the suetion and discharge, How ever, inthe ease of suction systems, experience has shown that additional pressure or head alone may notoxercome the effects of acceleration ay stated in the definition of NPSHLA. The effect of acceleration ofthe liquid at the beginning of piston suetion stroke isa time-dependent funetion, The maximum acceleration ‘occurs in an instant just preceded by a diseontinuity of extreme ‘proportions and of short duration, ‘The acceleration pressure (pac) included in the NPSHA ealew- lation for multievlinder pumps is that secondary forces appear ing at the pump inlet as the result of primary forces penerated by the individnal pistons. These secondary forces are sup- posedly of much lower magnitude, because it is assumed that the overlapping ofthe cylinders allows the deceleration of one tocancel some of the acceleration in the other ‘TUTORIAL SESSIOV ON Nevertheless, the individual primary acceleration forces gen crated by each cylinder are ofthe same magnitude regardless of the number of eslinders Hove Acceleration Affects Pump Performance In Bigure 6, the primary aceelera shown as 288 f¥seefor each plunger ina particular triplex puanp. Even though the resultant or secondary force is onl H4 fsec (not corrected for suction pipe diameter), the greater distur hhances generated in the cylinder at that instant are seen by the centre suction system, When these resultant forces are taser red to the pump suction flange, the above theory does not Strictly apply, since the source of twa or three simultaneous events oceurs at finitely separate points, determined by the pump and suction manifold configuration and the pimp speed Therefore, wave velocity must be taken into account Tn Figure 6, assume eslinder one is closest tothe inlet finge and about one millisecond late, the effect of eyhinder thre will be seen at the observation point located atthe inet lange. Such delay changes «nice theoretical wave form and tends to distort it as shown. At tbat instant (at 240 degrees) the resultant forces, are even greater, 149 as compared 10 HH fsec, followed by a ddnistic range of deceleration Allof the acecleration “bursts” generate pressure pulses in the suction, These do not necessarily cause "cavitation," but even in well designed systems these hydraulic pressure pulses are of the "water-hammer" type that show a frequency in the under of ‘T5to200 He, reyandless of any different parameters, and aetyp- ical ofthe repeated harmonic decaying type of waveform. These can he detected in both suction and discharge atthe apeningand Closing ofthe pump valves, even in dampened paumps as shan, in Figures $ and 9, Inmiost cases, as in the examples shown, these igh hequeney disturbances ae not detrimental in the dseuarge, because their amplitude isasiall percentage ofthe low-frequency Haw-gene ated pulsations. However, in the suetion of the pump where ‘dynam flow-induced pressure changes are of low ammplitde and energy, again being a percentage of the actual suetion pees sure, these acceleration pressure disturbances ean be an wer riding factor. Their exeursions to the negative side can resin possible cavitation, in spite ofa theoretically adequate average NPSHA. Discharge Acceleration Reciprocating pumps of or discharge Now characteristics nary design with their distinctive rte pressure de to the vari- ; T ooo Ewell Pi [ore aS eS oe ae eK Le maar Ci Tn iz ized Tripler Single-Acting Pump Waveform 1H HEAD—LoW FLOW 67 ” Figure 9, High Frequency in Waveforms ation in low that és linear with speed. But the acveleration of the liquid at the beginning of each increase in flow rate gener ates a pressure proportional to the seeond power of the speed Acworingly, acceleration effets from high speed are the great. fest enemy of satisfactory pump performance In typical hydraulie systems, where the discharge pressure i serated by the pumpis) in question, sueh pressure is the Slt of liquid flowrate friction losses in a rather long pipeline; or through some sort ofestriction, and the hydraulic pressure van ations (pulsations) due to low are predominant ever those wener ated by acceleration. However, when the pump is discharging directly into a vertical head or ther system with very small fic tion losses, the acceleration pressure Variationsean become pre dominant example, Pigure 10) shows a pur forcing water out of a mine shalt at depth of 2,000 through a vertieal pipeline that hhasaffiction loss of | ps/1,0008t Itwould show adischare pres- sure of 2,000 % 0,43 + 2= 862 psi. It is obvious that a typical Tong horizontal pipeline, Figure 10(b), would present com: pletely different dynamie conditions to the pump with the same. discharge pressure, Akko consider a pump feeding an existing, pressured pipeline with shout, low-frietion connecting lines Some of these applications may exhibit discharge pressure pubes of the waterhammer type due to accelerations as dis ‘cussed, with amplitudes far in excess of those normally gener ated by flow variation. Experience shows that these high fre ‘quency pulses (50 t0 200 Hz) cannot be attensated by the use of conventional gas-bladlder devices, simply because they cannot react quickly enough to absorb much of the pulse Since such acceleration disturbances are related to pump speed to the second power, unexpected problems from these ex cessive disturbances in vertical it application could certainly be minimized by limiting speed (Figure 11) Because problems have been encountered in the process indus try, particulary from dissolved air oF petroleum gas in hydrocar bors where large amounts are absorbed, there may be unr founded fear that such air absorption in water will interfere with accarate results when an ar blanket is used to increase the suc tion pressure ina water system. But water at ambient tempers ture and atmospheric pressure will absorb only about one p 165 PROCE! cent by volume of ar nitrogen, orhydrogen (compared to about 50 times that amount of CO.) So, for practical purposes, the ef fect is of litle consequence. NPSHR isa subtle characteristic ofa pump and isdificult to determine in absolute terms, Its value depends on at last ten ofthe following conditions which themselves may he dificult to Ae 2000 water = 860 PS! ese Pe al ue tector 0.0.0 Feta pressure at pume ~ 962 PS fa 163 mi, Friction = 1 PSU2000 ft = 862 PS! O00 Freier pressure at pun = 862 PSI 1 (a) " Short connec OOO Tera peessure at ume Ss = 862 5 Figure 10, Pump Discharge Conditions = 700 100 50 REVOLUTIONS PER 34 a 2 6 8 12 1624 Figure 11. Recommended Punp Speed vs Stroke. 1)Hydraulie In- stitute for cold water; constant 260 fy for cold water: con stant 200 fom for slurry: A)eonstant 160 fom for extremeabraion DINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM, precisely define: Liquid density, vapor pressure, viscosity and dissolved air or gas, pump speed, piston diameter, valve type, valve through area, valvespring oad, springrate, liquid passage ‘configuration, and stuffing box leakage. The aspects of some lig- bids, particularly hydrocarbons, complicate the eonversion from ‘water NPSHR” to such liquids. A correction must be frst made toadjs the "water NESHRby the spe rity ofthe new Then, with highly volatile liquids, the suction pressure must bbe made equal to the corrected NPSHR pls the vapor pressure ofthe liquid at the pumping temperature, Tesould be well to add at least 10 percent pressure a as smangin in the case of possible air or gas absorption. PULSATION CONTROL, The primary purpose of pulsation contol for reciprocating pumps is to attenuate oF filter out any pump-generated pulsat ing pressures which ereateforees in the pipiigsystem that cause ‘bration and noise. Pump pulsation frequencies are compared in Figure 12 to natural vibration frequency of some common, pipe spans. ee ‘Quin | wm pny tar cnr Figure 12. Typical Pump and Pulse Frequencies. a) typical pump and pulse frequencies: b) upical piping natural frequencies. Another benefit of pulsation control isthe eduetion of fatigue of the pump liquid end and pump expendable parts. Reducing, the pressure peaks seen by the pump piston will reduee the power end peak loading, It's almost mandatory that multiple pump installations have well designed individual suction and discharge pulsation control equipment. Even though multiple pumps may be arranged to rrimat slightly different speeds, itis Impossible to prevent them from frequently reachingan in phase’ condition whereallofthe pump flow or acceleration disturbances occur simultaneously Theextent ofthe pipe vibration caused by such disturbancesean be multiplied by the number of pumps because the energy is similarly increased Fortunately the amplitude of the individual pump pulsations can be reduced by the use of dampeners on each pump, so that TUTORIAL SESSION ON HIGH HEAD-LOW FLOW 169 Mateo ping Spee put ml soe.) Cue | How ngewe (soe). ) Cie Dp ae on Bu oe. ‘pie ema cot Pe 10 = 44/1005 10 a cont: (AF [Ave % 108 = 70/10 100 = 78 wey Matin B: AP rchng in presen 8s ano C Pen tema pti: AF = ara/AF % 100 = 60 6D OH 45) Mato: Pes ein cet and cae: Fy/AP x 100 = 70/480» 00 = 18 fae) ‘Snes orm x rca. Portals n Ca ar ee ‘Xho a Pa rn arsine 0 PYG [Neshon o Pat tls anor a0 Figure 13, Reporting Plstion and Control. Important: Any refr= tence to degree of piston should apply tthe ttl excursion in terms of pressure of percentage. For example, Case the total ‘ston of 40 pt (49%) implies tat the excursion i fom 890 si (32% below the average) to IMO pi (11% aboce the aera) their accumulated effect will be insignificant, There are several ‘ways to report the magnitude of the hydraulie pressure pulsation and control (Figure 13). The reduction of the hydraulic pressure: pulses by using pulsation control equipment is usually reported In total pulsation pressure “swing” as a percentage of averae pressure, Its important to reiterate that all reciprocating pumps intro- ‘duce into the suetion and discharge system at least three appa~ ‘rently unrelated pressure disturbances (Figure (1), Points of n= duced pressure, depicted as A, B, and C, in Figure I, will be, used frequently in the text. These include a low-frequency based on the rate at (2) Points of induced pressure, depicted as A, Band C, as shown in Figure 14, will be used frequently in the text which maximum flow velocity pressures at (A) oceurs, another of higher frequeney due to maximum acceleration pres sure at the beginning of each piston stroke at (B) and at the poi offlow velocity change valley) at(C),On this basis, the idealized pressure pattern should look somewhat like Figure 8. Again as shown in Figure 11, even though inereasing the number of eylinders will reduce the magnitude ofthe flow duced "A" pulses, there is evidence that acceleration pressures ofthe "Band "C’ type ate seen in all pumps and the magnitude is the same regardless ofthe numberof eylinders. thas been shown that identical forces are acting on the liquid inboth the suction and discharge of pump but thereareustally reat differences in the final results ofthese forces, One major difference is the fact that acceleration effects in the suction at 'B” tend to separate the liquid into vapor of “cavitation” pockets Figure M. Points of Induced Pressure Disturbances. Triples single-acting pump, that collapse with a high manitde pressure pulse. On the other hand, acceleration on the discharge side ofthe piston at “B” tends to compress the liquid andl again ereate an impulse presse pulse Suction System ‘The ction loses ina suction system are usually Low because of the relatively short length and large diameter of pipin volved, Accordingly, the fln-induced “A” pressures i are of low magnitude based on the accepted percentage of ‘change. For example, if the suction pressure isa statie 25 psi, the 23 percent variation ofa triplex single-acting pump would szeneratea theoretical A” pressure variation of nly 1.5 sb. Thi {shard enongh energy to set pipes in motion, compared tothe “X° pressure vatation of 460 ps in the discharse at 1,000 psi at the same flow variation But the fees of acceleration become the overwhelming. dis turbance in the suction. Pressure pulses of more than 25 pst are encountered in pumps with short suetion piping. A sinall amount of dampening of the fox -indnced 11.5 psi ean reduce it teanegligible amount, leaving the 25 psi"C” aceleration pulsar tions present for whatever damage they can cause by possible exsitation DISCHARGE SYSTEM ‘To earry the example tothe discharge, the same forces are at ‘work but, as previously mentioned, the "A" pressure due to flow induced pulsations of 460 psi become overwhelming, The 25 pst contribution from acceleration “C” isa small percentage @.5 pe cent) of the total discharge pressure. An exception is when the pump is delivering into a low-friction, high pressure system such as a short vertical pipeline in a mine dewatering system (Figure 10), to an already pressured system such asa pressured pipeline through a short connecting pipe, orto an already pres: Surized system, such as hydraulic press aceumilators and simi- lar systems. In those eases, the acceleration pressures ean be= cceme the overwhelming disturbance, parti system is relatively long compared to a suction system (but eon- siderably shorter than a pipeline’), Palsation Control There are two distint types of pulsation dampeners. Figs is the energy-absorbing type (Figure 15), which uses a gas-illed ‘envelope or bladder toabsorb the "flow peaksand to give back that flow on the “lows,” thereby reducing the flow-induced pres- sure pulsations. This is the most efficient and widely sed type Figure 15. Pulsetone™ Gas Tiype Dampener (cousteyy Greer Hydraulics, Incorporated) The second is the acoustic type dampener filter) (Fiure 16) whieh operates on the principle ofa volume-resistance network that filters out the pump-generated pulsation frequencies. The ellets of both types of dampeners sometimes intermingle in that some acoustie effects are seen in the energy-absorbing type tnd vice-versa, There are even times when the two be deliberately combined for special cases. Cone a voumer | volumez | Younes —— ] out = omer Figure 16. Acoustic Dampener One should recognized the fundamental traits of each ype of dampener. The most important is the ability of the energy~ absorbing type to attenuate low-frequency pulses, suchas those xgenerated by the pump rotary motion, and the combination of flow from each of the pump cylinders, basically pm times, number ofeslinders. Accordingly, on the basis ofa maximum of 500 rpin for most large pumps, the maximum frequeney in= Volved should not be aver about 50 He. Above 50 Hz, the strict energy-absorbing type of dampeners becomes less efficient, From 30 Hz to the region of 200 Hz, the acoustical type is rather efficient, But interesting: it becomes ‘exponentially: more efficent and less complex wi frequencies. Ibis, therefore, evident that there for both types of dampeners. The performances of the most popular types on a typical pump are compared in Figure I. SUCTION STABILIZATION For the most economical and efficient pump performance particularly with the advent of higher pump speeds fur greater tapacity, the suction system deserves careful considerston. A. DINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM igure 17. Performance of Different Dampener Types. 3 % 6 in triplex pump, 800 psi discharge. Top trace: Doenstream of dam- pener. Bottom trace: Upstream of dampener. (a) no dampener D) acoustie-type dampener. (c) gas-type dampener. (d) grver flow-through dampener (Pulsetone™). small eneray-absorbing, gas-type dampener on the suction will, alleviate the small amonnt of low-indueed A” pulsations. In the ‘ease of acceleration-induced high Frequency pulsations “Band ‘C."itwas discovered some years ago thatthe pump with ong sutetion system could be fioled into thinking it had its suction tank elose tothe inlet. Thiswas done by installing a lumped vol ume (vessel) with in-and-at connections ina lowthrogh com figuration, a bafle to further interfere with passage of certain waves from the pump to the system, and asiall zas-type dam pener, as previously described. Such a device, called a suction Stabilizer, was patented several years ago(Figure 18), Additional advantages ofa suction stabilizer can be recounted Most liquids contain varying amounts of dissolved or en= trained air oF gas. Since «low pressure area is created in the pump eylinder on the suction stroke, such air or gas will break ‘out” and ereate a partial void inthe ey Tinder resulting in Tow vol- lumetric eficieney: Another demon is the fact that such gases break out of the liquid with greater ease than the reverse—it takes a longer time and higher pressure to redissolve them in the liquid. Consequently, even though the pressure in the eylin- der quickly builds up tothe discharge pressure on the delivery stroke, some ofthe gas remains to aceount for some loss of dis placement. Since a low pressure rogion exists near the pump inlet, much ‘of the air or gas wants to break ont there. Ifspace is provided in the upper part ofthe stabilizerand the liquid velocity isreduced, to give time for good separation (by its large volume), most of this gas will migrate upward and accumulate there instead of proceeding into the pump eslinder. Somesshat the same prob- lem i introduced by’ liquids having a high vapor pressure, Vap- ‘ors can break ont with the same results. ‘secondary, and perhaps more noticeable, effeet of ai or gas in a suction line is the tendency for the gis to accumulate in small pockets at the high spots in the system, The pocketseven- tually grow large enough tomove through the pump inshugs and ‘cause either momentary or long-lasting airlock with associated noise and knocking. Again, fa sufficiently large internal space is provided in the stabilizer where these slugs of air or gas can accumulate, they will never reach the pump. ‘What happens toall the gas accumulated in the stabilizer over a period of time? Of course, if there is an excess, it should be Died off through a vent. However, in. most cases, the pressure~ sinoothing ability of the stabilizer minimizes the Tow pressure ‘TUTORIAL SESSION ON HIGH HEAD—LOW FLOW m Figure 18. Suction Stabilizer. (courtesy Greer Hydralies, Incorporated) 1es in the pump suetion, which in turn minimizes ikout. The sanall amount of gas will redissolve slowly and ‘consistently and vill he eatried through the pump without slugging, Reciprocating pumps are inherently good press generators. Allwaves tend toadd or subtract to produce unde able elects and loss of ellicieney. Waves produced by one pump ‘ean be reflected back on each other to produce the sime amplified effect as multiple pumps, As with electrical device such interfering waves ean be prevented by the use of simple impedance-transforming devices. Inthe hydraulic aspect, such, transforming ean be done by the shape, size, and arrangement ‘of connections and baffles. By lowing through the stabiluer at the pump suction, masimum attenuation of interfering waves, particularly from other pumps in the system, are completely eliminated, ‘Again, the belief that additional suction pressure alone, pro- vided by a charging pump or by seater head, will nevate all of the problems of “poor” suction system is erronenus. Onalons, suction line, the source of additional potential eneray is far away'from the main pump that its effect is not fly realized be~ mse ofthe time delay encountered. Also, ifa centrifugal drs ing pump is placed close to the main pump, there islitlechance forthe constant delivery from the charge pump to transirn to the varyingdemand ofthe main pump. Atthose momentsafthe: repeated maximum demand of the reciprocating pump, the “constant” supply of the centeifugal primp may actually act as a restriction, Some fluid “Mleuility” must beintroduced. In both ‘cases, a properly designed suiilizer will provide the necessary feffect. Itis evident from the previous discussion that the need for a gusilled bladder in a suction stabilizer has been played dossn, The reason for this isthe fact that the “large-volume flow= ‘through’ feature needed to be stressed. The advantage in the use of a giviled bladder is that it provides an energy storing, device to take care of the inherent Tow frequency How char- acteristics of a reeiprocating pump, and it is most desirable on ‘nltiple pump installations. Remember, these are actual low Veriations, and can be handled by stich a device. As previously mentioned, the large-volume flow-through features. are re {ited to control the high frequency pressure wave disturbances resulting fom the effects of liquid acceleration disturbances Discharge Dampener The application of gas-filled, bladder-type dampeners (Figure is the generally accepted practice in most applications in ‘normal” service, particulary where several pumps are dis- charging into the sime sstom. Normal service would include Tong pipelines, cilfeld water injection, drilling mud eireulaion, ‘ard process systems with high pressure letdown, ete. Any prac: tical degree offlow-induced discharge pulsation attensiation ean ‘bead by proper dampenersize seleetion and by proper sas pre- charge pressure, Dampener Sting Equations (18), (19),and (20), with constants ftom Table 4, ean be used to calculate the size volume US gallons) of dampener by inserting the degree of residual pulsation allowed (generally three percent to sx percent) and the Value of precharge pressure Vg = KsDaPW TP, us) PaNe/Poy + PaVa/Pea + PaNa/Pey (19) AP = (+ A (Ry +7) - 0 - BF + 4.7) 20) ‘Table 4. Pump Type Constants Percent Flow PumpType Max Min’ Tot A BOK SimplexSA 58 :100,SS_ OSS LOOT SimplexDA 2910029029 LO 0.55 DuplexSA 29109-39005, DuplexDA 24 021 0.22 0.196 ‘Triplex SA, 60 0.08 0.17 0.098 ‘TrplexDA 6.00 0.08 0.17 0.196 QuintuplexsSA 2.0507 0020.05 0.030 QuintuplesDA 2.050 7002 0.050.060 SeptuplesSA 1.2 263.8 0012 0.026 0.017 SepluplesDA 12-26 3.8 0.02 0.026 0.031, NonuplexSA 0.61521 0.006 0.015 0.000, NomuplexDA 0.6 L521 0.006 0.015 0.018 Precharge pressure of a gas bladdlertype dampener is the ccharge of gas, usually dry nitrogen, injected into the bladder ‘through some type of connector and valve. The most desirable precharge pressure i 60 percent to 70 pereentofthe average dis- Charge pressure or the limit allowed by the bladder design. If the precharge #s higher. there is danger of the antiextrusion valve Gf so equipped) being destroyed by continual closing on the seat at each pulsation, 1. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM A precharge pressure below about 25 percent of the werage discharge pressure should be avoided to prolong bladder life by decreasing the degree of flexure. Low-precharge pressre also reduces the effective size of the dampener. With the givover- liquid-type dampener, the same sizing ealeuations can be used as for the bladder type, using a theoretical precharge of 100 percent Remember the two basie rules for prech * There should be no pump or system pressure on the dampener during precharge or when checking the precharge pressure, + The precharge pressure should be about 60-70 persent of the average discharge or suetion pressure. Experiences shows that the high-frequency acceleration gen- crated pulses appearing in a particular discharge system ive. Figure 10 a), cannot be attenuated by the use of conventional szasbladder devices because they cannot react quickly enough to absorb much ofthe surge. However, again the punp can be fooled for that instant into thinking itis discharging inva close~ connected tank. This is done by placing.a amped volume in the form a relatively small vessel close to the pump outlet in Hine with the discharge pipe. By placing a gas-filled bladder in stich ‘device (or by providing a gas blanket), the attensation of beth flow and acceleration generated by pulses can be ggeatly’ im proved, Such a device is being offered by one manufacturer and fs shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. PASAPE™ Dampener ‘The trouble-free, gas-bladder type of dampener must be ruled out for the pumps at temperatures above 300°F, heeanse of the high temperature effect on all elastomers, and where there can also be chemical attack on the elastomer bladder: However, the gas or vaporoverliquid type is just as eBicient from the dynamic aspects, and perhaps something can be done toccounteract two objections: + Practical maintenance of proper gas volume. + Loss of gus by absorption in the liquid. Objection to maintenance of a gas volume could be overoon by the use of aliquid-level contral or continuous injection of drogen or other gas as part of a process. The bottle filled with 1s would provide the required dampening effect. This would provide much better pulation dampening than sparging gas into the system downstream from the pump. Ofcourse, contin us introduction of gas in the process would naturally eliminate objection to the continuous absorption of the gas in the liqnid. Asto the problem of gas absorption by some liquids, the prob: lem isnotas severe asfirstthought. For example, the absorption of nitrogen in water is limited, andl some gas-over liquid daan- peners at low pressure use an insignificant amount of makeup bas. As a pump user, one should consider the effect of certain acousti-type dampeners that impose a back pressure and post be overload on the pump. Even. plain choke on the pump discharge will provide some attenuation of the pulsations downstream of the choke, but it will impose a higher pressure on the pump. Multiple Dampeners For reciprocating pumps in long pipeline service, the use of| ‘nwo or more discharge dampeners (with a total gas volume as re= {quired for one dampener should be considered forthe following + Since pipeline operating pressure buildup is brought about over a relatively long period (Several minutes hour of more), there is period during which the pump pressure is less than the optimum precharge pressure of about 60 percent ofthe discharge pressure for one dampener, During that time, the pumps would operate without pulsation contro. By the use of two dampeners, for example the second of which és precharged toabout half ofthe first, pulsation control sextended well into the ential startup period. + In some eases, it is necessary to pump alternate batches of liquids with widely differing viscosities. Its obvious that the ‘pump pressure required to displace the less viscous liquid is ess than that for the more viscous—sometimes less than the op= timum precharge pressure for one dampener at maximum pipeline pressure. 4 second dampener precharged to a lower pressure would give protection for a wide range of pipeline pressures. * The use of multiple discharge dampeners provides some redundancy and protection in case of the lss of precharge oF bladder failure in one of the other dampeners. The reason why multiple dampeners are desirable on long pipelines or other applications where there are long periods of operation at various [pressures is reflected in Figure 20. RECIPROCATING PUMP DESIGN Formulas for caleulating the parameters for a reciprocating pump: Dhp = Py x gpm/ ITH a bhp = Py X gpm/ 17M x ME* 3) Mechanical efficieney Single-actingpump, 0.9% Double-acting pump, 0.85% PRL (single-scting pump) = 75 x (i) x bhp @3) PRI (double-acting pump) = 90. * bhp 2 PRL = 0.7851 x D,? x Py 5) Where ME* TUTORIAL SESSION ON HIGH HEAD—LOW FLOW 13 g Ao an Saisie a a a} Opening Bodin rear, Figure 20, Multiple Discharge Dampeners. 9 2 in triplex pump. Maximum operating pressure, 1400 psi IVR NL “TN Figure 21. Windows of Nonutilization (shaded area). Perfor- mance characteristics of a typical family of reciprocating pumps: ometrie progression; n, nr, mr4,nr (28) basic pump horsepower Progression ratio Where » ‘The design specifications ofa sample ae shown in Figure 20f | «a sample ealeslation for a pump with the following ratings. Typ= ieal triplex single-ating of 321 bhp, 1500 psi, 327 gpm and'a 24,000 Ib pel. Family Planning When a series or family of pumps ofa certain type planed bby a manufacturer, there should be a scientific and economic method of selecting the size (bhp) of pumps to he include in the family: The geometric progression as approximated below seems to be desirable, For a family of four pumps, base size 140 BHP. basie BHD (140) F = progression ratio (1.5) Where For example, one manufcturer offers a series of triples planger pumps fr oilfield secondary recovery (water injection) In the following sizes ‘Table 5, Pump Farily n= M0 Mo x 15 Mo x 23, n= MO x34 Basic bhp 210 bhp 320bhp 450bhp Windows of Nonutilization While one reciprocating pump offers a rather wide range of displacement and pressure, economic family planning intro- duces the negative aspect of non-utilization,” By plotting gpm tes for a family of pumps it will be noted! in Figure 22 that there are shaded areas on the chart, called windows of non-utilization, in which each pump must be limited in pressure or displace- iment, For example, aselected operating parameter, Point A, ac ceurs within the 210 bhp pump allotted position but the 236 bhp. requirement inthe shaded areaforees one tochoose the next 320, bhp size, Point B, and accept the penalty of an investment in ‘unusable capacity. (That is one reason why itmay be reasonable to consider building pumps ofa specific size to suit a large praj- ec: where many’ punps are involved, such as a long slurry pipeline) Figure 22. Pump Design Details. REFERENCES 1, Mller, J. E., The Reciprocating Pump: Theory, Design and Use, New York: John Wiley & Sons(1987) 2. Hicks, E. J., and Grant, T. R., “Acoustic Fier Controls Re- ciprocating Pump Pulsaions,” Oil and Gas Journal, January 15, 1979), 3, Wachel, J... and Gates, C. L,, “Techniques for Controlling Piping Vibration and Failures,” ASME 76-PETETS (1978), PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM

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