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Sydney Gibson

EDT 180

September 26th, 2019


Inquiry Module Reflection

1. I did my peer feedback with Reegan Weith while we were both absent the day in
class. Her feedback was very helpful, she said that my work might have been not as
straightforward. It seemed that I was just mumbling a little bit in my work and that I
was very repetitive in what I was saying. After I went back over my project, I did
realize the points I wanted to get across were repetitive and I could have used other
words or examples to show my reasonings.
Also, she was giving me feedback on my examples of using technology in the
classroom. She was saying that I should have used more real-life examples of what
each technology could be used for with education and then give my opinion on why it
may be good or bad. I didn’t get straight to the point with that and I could have done a
better job with that in my project.
2. My plan to revise my project based on my feedback is to provide better realistic
examples on what each technology could be used for in the classroom and why it is
either helpful or not helpful. I also need to be more descriptive on why each
technology benefits or doesn’t benefit the classroom. Another thing I would want to
incorporate into my project better is what technology examples I would and would
not want in my classroom.
3. What I have learned with the process of revision is how to give feedback and how to
correctly look at someone’s work and be able to give feedback and revise their work
in a good, respectful way to help benefit the student. I also learned how to receive
criticism in a way that will also help benefit me as a student and what I can do to
make my work better. If I were to approach this project again, like I said before, I
think I would make my work straightforward and get more to the point of my work
and my reasonings.
4. I just think in this project I always figured technology in the classroom was just a bad
idea when certain technology could actually benefit the upcoming generations. I think
technology could be very beneficial and I think I should have given it a chance when
it comes to technology in the classroom rather than just saying it hasn’t provided us
with anything good when it really has in todays society.

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