The Celebratory Purpose of Herodotus The

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9861 ZONSTIOA SAAAVYALIT NVANOY ANY NATAO NI SAGAS TVOLLRID SANVa THE CELEBRATORY PURPOSE OF HERODOTUS: THE STORY OF ARION IN HISTORIES 1.23.24 Rosaria Vignolo Munson ‘The first sentence of the Histories, which identifies and justifies the work as a whole, reveals the author's double aim of celebration and explanation: “Hpodérov ‘Adexopimaatas laropins dndbebis fe, bs pre rh yeripeon & dvdpdzw» 78 xpduy ebirmra ylonras, pire Apya peydda v6 al Qupazré, 12 jd "EM, 12 BE BapBs- pois dodeystrra, aurea yéimras, rd re Edda nai BC fv alriqy enadduneay BANGAooE. This i the exposition of the research of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, (1) lest the events of men become faded with time, and the sreat and wonderful deeds performed by both Greeks and ‘Barbarians be deprived of glory, (2) Ithe exposition of] among other things how they came 10 war with one another.’ Both explanation and celebration account for Herodotus’ inclusiveness, On. cone hand, anything great and wonderful should be saved from oblivion, and is therefore appropriate subject for the exposition.” On the other hand, the research of the causes of an event leads the historian beyond the simple narrative of the event itself into its remote antecedents and any civcumstance ‘which may have possibly affected it, Thus the specific focus of the inquiry — the war between Greeks and Barbarians — is daubly broadened even before it is announced. If the two purposes implied in the Proem are achieved through a necessarily inclusive account, they seem however to dictate opposite criteria, of inclusiveness, thereby pulling Herodotus’ narrative in different directions and creating a tension that lasts throughout the work. The explanation of causes requires suitable factual connections from one historial stage to the text, all leading ultimately to the main event; but the history of the East= ‘West conflict, as extensive as it promises to be on the basis of this criterion alone, is in Herodowus' introduction inserted in a yet broader and more generalized context. The logical antecedents of ia... alla ‘other things’) are ‘the events of men’ and ‘the achievements great and wonderful’ of Greeks ‘and non-Greeks, mentioned before the promised account of how they came to fight one another and rather autonomously from it.” Many of the human ‘endeavours most deserving of kleos (‘glory’) will belong to the history of the war itself. But in its present formulation, Herodotus’ celebratory purpose not only does not imply the requirement that an event be part of the chain of ‘cause and effect in order to be reported, but it even completely frees the saovda, $4 9 sosg0 “sy02 aoypAny ale 2¢ sodgroye>yy okey agp Uespavy, soriype anyrogiseode, yor 24 saosoleyy sed age ay erm owes Suypnyou noes atalina oy oye poonpo: ‘apucting Ke uD UE BUL}9P 101 S30} au Jo sistuodmoad ‘sumsargy 10 say stofesced uonry au, are Buypsoaid ay UE IW JO AUwsop jeuoKIad pus SuONDe amp TupUERSTapUN 20} pumas {Te 3ui sopiaoud ArqerCopun ose 3x sw sites aur TE Ing “[OU|N w Se JOM 24) eWay 2 se SAS ATuTeUE OW aU, “TK9IIOD ayaads 5} OIE sposide smxa-sarequiony od si) axensnq Or psonppe ag pino> wos apIsy y2aneuen Jo stuapavoiu 210jdxe Jou Kou Z242tye Seu Aatp si99}f@ s9tn0 Vey pue aE Puokag seusanul puedxa A>un YoMUt WOU JO SSo{pIEBE aypads e squajuoo yr ur mpas 0} saua aanduosep 91e sejponsed ur suor9su! anneseU “uNosoR AmpUNOIAS 34) oF PYSeHE om Kot Yon uF Kea ayn JO anna Sq weal Te saLoneEY ae Ur suorsIN JO wonwaunsal pardur 10 passoudxe sKewje s} voneuedxs qenioes 3 «5 svburMOpod 01 souroo jeo8 Krovexqajan ayp 21949 ‘SIOpUOM JO Ish TEAS|ALL waredde wour sn uana sisdiin (gsuBdEy as01p 28 OM “'3%9) Alan dua, J ‘snoFojeue ue aouis “1uss2},Ip cqPoRURISAAS ION St sorydeIBONS aip Jo uv 0} wonsuen 241 ing “AsoTwUEIGxa STH9AO Sf — (T'S6°) «~~ sMUK em YM AFBI [ THY SOTMDaY SOSO} yy, — SMU UO YeqUSEY amp OY SALOGONAH JO asoauNd AMOLWEAEIEO AHL | urononpaniuy uy, “sodas punos8y99q 52 ps 24n ut storzeseyp Jo sarmeas 4 stone agar Kags asada LOWED p 1 eo] 18 age 30M aU UY SuOrLaSUEJaNRO ay} KR St YENSMLN AIO LOU aup soeur rey ‘iAoMOH 4'STOPOIDH 40} UOWLULOD 381N09 JO s] Tpofgns 10 Suis ‘own Jo" adueyD wv yum IN “SANduOSap 10 axqesE “suonosur yu anneareu qooeBojouosy> © Sudnusrur jo sensed 94. 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