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To o l s f o r H e a l t h i e r L i v e s


Stress If conservative measures fail to
address the problem of stress incon-
tinence, it may be time to consider
Inside this issue
incontinence surgical treatment options. Compared
HEALTH TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 with other therapies, surgery comes
Reducing foot odor. Surgical treatments with possible complications. But it
may be a treatment worth consider-
NEWS AND OUR VIEWS . . . . . 4 for women ing when stress incontinence begins
Sleep duration linked to weight to interfere with your quality of life.
gain. Inflammatory bowel disease You’ve tried the conservative ap-
On the plus side, most surgeries
and infection concerns. proaches to manage your urinary
for stress incontinence are minimal-
incontinence — everything from
ly invasive and have good results.
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE faithfully doing pelvic floor muscle
PULMONARY DISEASE . . . . . . 4 Proper surgical treatment can signif-
exercises to scheduling regular toilet
Steps for better breathing. icantly improve the problem and can
trips. But despite your best efforts,
provide a long-term solution.
you still experience urinary leakage
TRIGLYCERIDES every time you cough, sneeze, laugh
AND HEART DISEASE . . . . . . 6 or lift something heavy. In fact, your The pressures of time
Healthy diet, exercise are musts. The most common cause of stress
stress incontinence has gotten so bad
that you alter your activities out of incontinence in women is weakened
PREVENTING KYPHOSIS . . . . 7 pelvic floor support of the following:
Reducing your risk of getting a fear of leakage.
hunched back.

SECOND OPINION . . . . . . . . 8 Surgical options for

urinary incontinence
Coming in September
Continued advances in surgery.

Sling procedure
Blood vessel inflammation takes
many forms.

Two is better than one.

What’s that lump in your throat?

Bladder neck suspension

Visit us on the Internet at the address listed to the left, where you’ll find more
health information, great offers and more!
■ The bladder monly used, especially in the last mesh is used, and healing is usu-
■ The narrow tube through which decade. Some sling procedures are ally much faster, taking just a week
urine is eliminated (the urethra) considered minimally invasive. De- or two. However, there can be prob-
■ The thickened muscle where pending on the facility and surgeon, lems associated with mesh healing
the bladder connects to the urethra some can be performed on an out- and the vaginal incision, but these
(the bladder neck) patient basis with local anesthesia. complications are uncommon.
In women, the risk of stress in- Basically, strips of tissue or syn- Regardless of which material is
continence increases with age. It’s thetic mesh are used to construct chosen, with the sling’s support, the
more common in women who are a pelvic sling or hammock under urethra has a backstop of sorts to
obese and in women who have the bladder neck and the urethra. help close the urethra so that urine
given birth vaginally multiple times. The sling is inserted through a small doesn’t leak out even if you sneeze
Although stress incontinence vaginal incision and then directed or cough. If local anesthesia is used,
can be distressing, surgical treat- under the middle part of the urethra. your surgeon may ask you to cough
ment is rarely needed on an urgent The ends of the sling are then in order to help determine the right
basis. Once you have an accurate brought through each of two small sling tension. Some sling techniques
diagnosis of the problem, it’s impor- incisions — either just above the may allow for adjusting sling ten-
tant to carefully consider your sur- pubic bone or in the groin area. sion after surgery. Ask your surgeon
gical treatment options. Choices for sling materials in- about the various sling procedures
clude using your own tissue, a syn- available and which might be best
Added support thetic mesh or tissue from animal suited for you.
The goal in treating stress incon- sources. Using your own tissue ■ Bladder neck suspension pro-
tinence is to strengthen the urethra’s avoids some complications related cedures — These types of proce-
support system. Several procedures to foreign materials, but it also in- dures also provide support to the
do just this. Most of them fall into volves making an additional abdom- urethra and bladder neck, but use
two main categories — sling pro- inal incision to acquire that tissue.
cedures and bladder neck suspen- As a result, recovery time is longer
sion procedures. and a catheter may be needed for Managing Editor Medical Editor
Aleta Capelle Robert Sheeler, M.D.
■ Sling procedures — These two to three weeks. No abdominal
Associate Editors Associate Medical Editor
procedures are much more com- incision is needed when synthetic Carol Gunderson Amindra Arora, M.D.
Joey Keillor
Editorial Research
Medical Illustration Deirdre Herman
Possible concerns after surgery Michael King
Customer Service Miranda Attlesey
As with surgery of any sort, ■ Difficulty passing urine Manager Donna Hanson
Ann Allen
surgical procedures for urinary and incomplete emptying of Administrative Assistant
Deborah Adler
incontinence aren’t risk-free. the bladder, although usually
Potential complications — temporary. In rare cases, an EDITORIAL BOARD
although uncommon — additional sling-loosening Shreyasee Amin, M.D., Rheumatology; Amindra
Arora, M.D., Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Brent
include bleeding, wound procedure may be required. Bauer, M.D., Internal Medicine; Tracy Berg, R.Ph.,
infection and organ injury. A ■ Development of overac- Pharmacy; Julie Bjoraker, M.D., Internal Medicine;
Bart Clarke, M.D., Endocrinology and Metabolism;
urinary tract infection (UTI) tive bladder, which in some William Cliby, M.D., Gynecologic Surgery; Diane
may develop in the early post- cases can lead to an urgent Dahm, M.D., Orthopedics; Mark Davis, M.D.,
Dermatology; Timothy Hobday, M.D., Oncology; Lois
surgery time frame, especially if need to urinate (urge inconti- Krahn, M.D., Psychiatry; Michael Mahr, M.D.,
Ophthalmology; Lance Mynderse, M.D., Urology;
temporary catheterization is nence). If severe, this can Suzanne Norby, M.D., Nephrology; Robert Sheeler,
needed. Antibiotics are general- actually lead to loss of urine M.D., Family Medicine; Phillip Sheridan, D.D.S.,
Periodontics; Peter Southorn, M.D., Anesthesiology;
ly effective in treating a UTI. before you’re able to reach the Ronald Swee, M.D., Radiology; Farris Timimi, M.D.,
Cardiology; Aleta Capelle, Health Information. Ex-
Beyond these immediate bathroom. officio: Carol Gunderson, Joey Keillor.
problems, you need to be ■ Difficult or painful inter-
Mayo Clinic Health Letter (ISSN 0741-6245) is published
aware that surgery for urinary course. monthly by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
incontinence may result in Before surgery, ask your and Research, a subsidiary of Mayo Foundation, 200
First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905. Subscription price
urinary and genital problems surgeon about the risks and is $27 a year, which includes a cumulative index
published in December. Periodicals postage paid at
that previously didn’t exist. benefits associated with the Rochester, Minn., and at additional mailing offices.
These may include: different types of surgery. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mayo Clinic
Health Letter, Subscription Services, P.O. Box 9302,
Big Sandy, TX 75755-9302.

2 August 2008

an abdominal approach to achieve six weeks. During recovery, a cath-
this goal. They’re highly effective
and have been used for decades
eter is usually needed for about one
or two weeks, until you have re- Health tips
compared with synthetic slings, sumed normal voiding.
which achieved widespread use Reducing foot odor
only during the past decade. Temporary bulk
Under general anesthesia, a 3- If a quicker and less invasive Everyone’s feet sweat. And
to 5-inch incision is made in the treatment is desired, you may want nearly everyone wears shoes,
lower abdomen through which your to consider the possible use of an which create a warm, mois-
surgeon places stitches in tissue near injectable bulking agent to tempo- ture-trapping environment,
the bladder neck. From there, the rarily help control urine leakage. ideal for bacterial and fungal
stitches are secured either to a liga- A bulking material — such as col- growth. Naturally, foot odor is
ment near the pubic bone (Burch lagen — is injected into tissue sur- the frequent result. Keep it in
procedure) or in the cartilage of the rounding the urethra next to the ure- check by:
pubic bone itself (Marshall-Marchet- thral sphincter, located at the base ■ Bathing daily — This
ti-Krantz, or MMK, procedure). of the bladder. helps reduce the number of
The idea is to shore up the ure- Unfortunately, these lose their bacteria and fungi on your
thra and bladder neck so that they effectiveness with time. Repeat in- feet. Dry your feet thoroughly,
don’t sag. Typically, recovery from jections are typically needed every especially between toes, be-
from this type of surgery takes up to six months or so. ❒ fore putting on clean socks.
■ Powdering your feet —

Do your Kegels A light dusting with an anti-

fungal foot powder before put-
Pelvic floor exercises — also very long. If that’s the case, try ting on your shoes can help.
referred to as Kegel exercises holding for one to two seconds. ■ Choosing the right shoes
— involve squeezing and Gradually increase over a and socks — Shoes made of
relaxing muscles in your pelvic period of several weeks to as natural materials breathe, al-
and genital area. Maintaining long as 10 seconds. If you feel lowing moisture to escape.
strength, endurance and proper the contraction letting go, just Wool or cotton socks absorb
action of these muscles is re-tighten the muscles. Rest for moisture, which can help keep
important for bladder and 10 seconds between each feet dry. Athletic socks made
bowel control. contraction. You’ll note that of high-tech fabrics may be
To locate your pelvic floor over time your contractions even better, as they wick mois-
muscles, imagine that you’re become stronger. ture away from the skin.
trying to stop your urine flow. ■ Quick flicks — Do a ■ Rotating shoes — Try
Without tightening your but- series of rapid contractions and not to wear the same pair of
tocks or belly, squeeze and lift releases by quickly tightening shoes two days in a row. This
the vaginal and rectal areas. the muscles, lifting them up gives them time to dry out.
When you squeeze, you should and then letting them go. Removing shoe inserts helps
experience a sensation of Pelvic floor muscle exercis- them dry even faster.
pulling or closing in your es can be done almost any- ■ Airing your feet — If
genital area. This sensation is where. Practice while you’re those around you don’t mind,
produced by your pelvic floor driving, watching TV or sitting kick off your shoes now and
muscles. The following are a at your desk. You might start by again to let your feet air out.
couple of ways to give your doing 10 of them before getting ■ Changing shoes, socks
pelvic floor muscles a workout: out of bed, another 10 after — Consider changing shoes
■ Holding — Slowly tight- lunch, 10 more after dinner and socks a couple of times a
en, lift and draw the pelvic and a final set of 10 before day to keep things dry.
floor muscles and hold for a going to sleep. When done If your feet sweat exces-
count of three. Relax, and then correctly for six to 12 weeks, sively, talk to your doctor about
repeat. At first, you may not be an improvement in bladder therapies that can help. ❒
able to maintain the hold for control should be noticeable.

August 2008 3

News and our views obstructive
Sleep duration linked to weight gain
A recent study confirms research linking how long a person sleeps pulmonary
at night with risk of weight gain. The study, published in the April 1,
2008, issue of the journal Sleep, found weight gain happens with both
too much and too little sleep.
In the study, those who averaged five to six hours of sleep at night Steps for better breathing
gained 4.4 pounds more than did average-length sleepers who got
the typically recommended seven to eight hours at night. Among those If you needed another reason to stop
who slept from nine to 10 hours, the weight gain was 3.5 pounds smoking, this is it. Your doctor diag-
above that of average-length sleepers. nosed the persistent coughing and
The study design doesn’t provide any clear answers on why weight shortness of breath you’ve been
gain differs with sleep duration. However, researchers speculate experiencing as chronic obstructive
that one plausible explanation for the differences may be a disruption pulmonary disease (COPD).
in the production of hormones that control appetite. Of specific inter- This progressive disease occurs
est are the hormones leptin, which diminishes appetite, and ghrel- when lung damage — typically
in, which stimulates appetite. ❒ caused by smoking — leads to ob-
struction of your lung’s airways,
Inflammatory bowel disease and infection concerns which may shorten your life.
A recent Mayo Clinic study has found that people who have inflam- Fortunately, when COPD is
matory bowel disease (IBD) who are on multiple immunosuppressive detected at a mild to moderate stage
medications or who are over the age of 50 are at higher risk of devel- — as the majority of cases are —
oping infection. Yet, a combination of medications are often need- stopping smoking and adopting a
ed to manage this disease and control its life-altering consequences. healthier lifestyle likely means your
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are the most common forms symptoms will remain mild and may
of IBD. Typically, IBD causes severe bouts of diarrhea and abdomi- improve. For more severe COPD,
nal pain due to inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. Often drugs and therapies can be added
it’s treated with a combination of immunosuppressive medications, to greatly improve your ability to
which help diminish intestinal inflammation and relieve symptoms breathe, and your quality of life.
but may also compromise the body’s normal immune function.
The Mayo Clinic study, published in the April 2008 issue of the Clear-cut cause
journal Gastroenterology, considered the records of 300 people with Among older adults, COPD is a
IBD. Of these, 100 had experienced opportunistic infections — that leading cause of death in the United
is, infections that come about when the immune system is weakened States. Still, most people with mild
and that ordinarily wouldn’t develop or would be very mild if the to moderate COPD who stop smok-
immune system were functioning normally. Shingles and thrush topped ing don’t die of the disease. COPD
the list of these kinds of infections. is most commonly a combination
Those who were 50 or older were three times more likely to expe- of two disorders:
■ Chronic bronchitis — This is
rience infections than were younger people with IBD. Opportunistic
infections were three times more likely in people taking one immuno- a chronic inflammation and thick-
suppressive drug, compared with those taking none. And among those ening of the tubes of your lungs
taking two or three, the risk of infections was 14 times greater. (bronchial tubes). The disorder is
Mayo Clinic researchers say the findings make it all the more characterized by an ongoing cough
important for people who have IBD and are taking immunosuppres- with persistent phlegm production.
■ Emphysema — This involves
sive medications to seek medical attention at any sign of infection,
such as a cough or fever. They also warn against changing your med- inflammation damage to the tiny,
ications without talking to your doctor, who can determine the right elastic air sacs (alveoli) at the ends
treatment for your situation. ❒ of bronchial tubes. Shortness of
breath when you exert yourself often
is the first symptom of emphysema.

4 August 2008

bronchus Exacerbations
Even with ongoing treat-
ment, your COPD symptoms
may suddenly get worse.
This is called an acute exac-
erbation, and without prompt
treatment, it may lead to
Emphysema lung failure. You may experi-
ence an increase in mucus
Normal and a change in its color. An
alveoli increase in breathing diffi-
culty or coughing that
doesn’t go away with normal
drugs also may occur.
Treatment often involves
using a bronchodilator, corti-
costeroid drugs and oxygen
therapy, as well as starting
antibiotic therapy. You may
need to be hospitalized.

These problems develop gradu- ■ Getting daily exercise — This including tiotropium (Spiriva), have
ally over the years and produce few increases the efficiency of your mus- a similar effect on symptoms, but
signs and symptoms in early stages. cles and circulatory system. haven’t been proved to improve lon-
If you’re a smoker, a breathing test ■ Using short-acting broncho- gevity. Recently, concern was raised
called spirometry and a chest X-ray dilators — These help relax muscles about stroke risk among those tak-
can determine if you’re on your way around your airways that can go into ing tiotropium. The Food and Drug
to developing COPD, even before spasm, helping to relieve coughing Administration announced a cau-
symptoms develop. And, don’t dis- and making breathing easier. tion for the drug, but it’s not known
miss a chronic cough or a change ■ Avoiding irritants — In addi- whether the benefits of tiotropium
in your breathing as a case of smok- tion to stopping smoking, you’ll outweigh this small risk. A major
er’s cough or as being out of shape. need to avoid lung irritants such as study due this fall should answer
They may be early signs of COPD. secondhand smoke, air pollution, questions about tiotropium.
wood smoke, strong odors or dust. ■ Corticosteroids — For more
Easing your breathing ■ Maintaining a well-balanced severe and uncontrolled COPD, a
Slowing COPD progression re- diet —Maintaining a healthy weight corticosteroid inhaler may be added.
quires eliminating exposure to the is best. Being too thin may make you ■ Supplemental oxygen — If
cause. For most, this means stop- frail, while being overweight in- normal breathing doesn’t get enough
ping smoking. If you have mild to creases shortness of breath. oxygen into your blood, you may
moderate COPD, one study found Additional therapies for moder- need to use a device that delivers
that 11 years after stopping smok- ate to more severe COPD include: oxygen to your lungs.
ing, risk of developing severe COPD ■ Long-acting bronchodilators Because these therapies are a lot
dropped from 18 to 3 percent. — Long-acting beta-agonist bron- to manage, many people benefit
Strategies that can help mild to chodilators, including salmeterol from a comprehensive pulmonary
moderate COPD include: (Serevent) and formoterol (Foradil), rehabilitation program.
■ Avoiding respiratory infections can improve life span, lung function If you have advanced emphyse-
— This involves getting the pneu- and quality of life, and can reduce ma, a procedure in which diseased
monia vaccine and annual flu vac- risk of life-threatening infections portions of lung are surgically re-
cinations, and taking basic sanitary (exacerbations) and hospitalization. moved to allow remaining lung tis-
precautions such as washing your Another class of bronchodilators sue to work more effectively may be
hands frequently. called long-acting anti-muscarinics, considered. ❒

August 2008 5

Triglycerides What’s desirable?
calories, but do so in a way that
maintains a healthy, balanced diet.
Focus on consuming a plant-
and heart The National Cholesterol
Education Program considers
based diet that emphasizes fruits,
vegetables, beans, legumes, and
disease triglyceride levels below 150
milligrams per deciliter
whole-grain, minimally processed
breads, pasta, rice and cereals.
(mg/dL) to be normal.
Healthy diet, Choose items containing healthier
However, Mayo Clinic fats, such as olive or canola oil, over
exercise are musts cardiologists’ recommenda- those containing saturated fat and
tions — shown in the chart trans fat. Fish is particularly attrac-
The results of your blood tests are below — tend to take a more
in. Your low-density lipoprotein tive as a lean protein source because
aggressive approach, recom- the omega-3 fatty acids contained
(LDL), or “bad,” cholesterol levels mending that for optimal
look better, but now your doctor in many varieties can help reduce
heart health, people work to triglyceride levels.
says it’s time to address your high keep triglyceride levels
triglyceride levels. Work to minimize or moderate
below 100 mg/dL. sources of fat, sugar and simple car-
Triglycerides are a form of fat
that circulates in your blood. In a Risk level Triglycerides* bohydrates in your diet. Choose
standard test measuring blood fats Optimal Below 100 low-fat items such as skim milk and
(lipids), they often play second fid- Borderline 100 to 149 small portions of lean meats over
dle to LDL cholesterol. But elevat- High 150 and up whole milk and processed meats.
ed triglycerides likely increase your *milligrams per deciliter Sugary drinks — such as soda pop,
risk of cardiovascular disease, par- sports drinks and fruit juices — are
ticularly heart disease. In fact, some major sources of calories, as are sug-
studies suggest that the increase in ticularly calories from fat, and quick- ary or fatty desserts and pastries and
heart disease risk from elevated tri- ly digested carbohydrates such as other snacks and foods containing
glycerides may rival that of high LDL sugars and refined grains. Additional processed grains. Calorie-laden al-
cholesterol. In addition, very high factors associated with increased coholic beverages should be con-
triglyceride levels put you at risk triglyceride levels include: sumed in moderation, if at all. Some
■ Having certain conditions, should avoid alcohol altogether if it
of pancreatitis, a painful, life-threat-
ening inflammation of the pancreas. such as elevated blood sugar levels, appears to be significantly raising
For most people, elevated tri- type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, triglyceride levels.
glycerides are caused by three relat- kidney or liver disease or certain ■ Exercising — Moving your

ed factors — consuming too many genetic disorders body in a moderately strenuous way
■ Taking certain medications, for about 30 minutes a day can sig-
calories, inadequate exercise, and
being overweight or obese. That’s such as thiazide diuretics, beta nificantly lower triglyceride levels,
why, for most, weight loss from blockers or hormone therapies particularly in men.
■ Alcohol, which for some peo-
changes in diet and improved exer-
cise habits are the first steps toward ple can dramatically raise triglyc- Drugs that can help
lowering triglyceride levels. If that’s erides independent of other factors. If healthy lifestyle changes don’t
not enough, medications can help. sufficiently lower your triglyceride
Lowering levels levels, adding supplemental niacin
What are triglycerides? If you’re found to have elevated or high-dose fish oil to the treatment
Any time you consume calories, triglyceride levels, your doctor will mix is often effective. Drugs in the
your digestive system makes triglyc- likely look for triglyceride-raising statin class — often prescribed to
erides, which are an important source side effects of any drugs you’re tak- lower LDL cholesterol — can have
of energy for your body. Once your ing — and test for and treat diseases, a modest positive impact on triglyc-
immediate energy needs have been such as type 2 diabetes, that may be eride levels. Drugs known as fibrates
met, extra triglycerides can be stored underlying or contributing factors. — including fenofibrate (TriCor, oth-
in your body’s fat cells for later use. Still, most people benefit from ers) or gemfibrozil (Lopid, others)
Elevated triglyceride levels most lifestyle modifications including: — can help lower triglyceride lev-
commonly mean you’re consuming ■ Moderating your diet — els, but haven’t been shown to
more calories than you burn — par- You’ll likely need to consume fewer improve longevity. ❒

6 August 2008

Reducing your risk Normal
spine Kyphosis
of getting a hunched back
If the human body came equipped
with operating instructions, among
them would be directions to stand
up tall and sit up straight.
Poor posture has a way of catch- Sit forward on a chair, tuck in your chin and
ing up with you. If you add to this relax your shoulders. With elbows bent and arms
the changes that sometimes accom- drawn back, pull your shoulder blades together
as you straighten your upper back. Inhale deeply
pany getting older — in particular
while gently pulling your arms back. While
the changes in your vertebrae that exhaling return to the starting position.
result from thinning bones (osteo-
porosis) — the result may be a for-
ward rounding of the back, known
as kyphosis (ki-FO-sis).

A fracture in time
Your spine is a series of bones
From a hands-and-knees position,
(vertebrae) and springy cartilage
raise one leg at the hip, keeping your
disks between the vertebrae. These knee bent and without changing the
are held in place by tough, fibrous position of your trunk. Maintain
ligaments and supported by back this position for five seconds.
muscles. At the top of your spine are Repeat with the other leg.
seven neck (cervical) vertebrae fol-
lowed by 12 middle-back (thoracic) In older adults, kyphosis asso- tial for more compression fractures
vertebrae and five lower back (lum- ciated with osteoporosis is typical- to occur. On the flip side, straight
bar) vertebrae. Below that are the ly found in the vertebrae of the tho- posture reduces excess pressure on
five fused vertebrae of the sacrum racic spine, which is the portion of the front portion of the vertebra that
and at the tail end are the three tiny the spine that supports your shoul- otherwise can lead to wedging and
fused vertebrae that make up the ders, arms, chest and trunk. Multiple contribute to kyphosis curvature.
tailbone (coccyx). compression fractures can produce What can you do to help de-
The most common fractures due a loss of height and a curvature of crease your risk of vertebral frac-
to osteoporosis occur in the verte- the spine, possibly creating the ap- tures? In conjunction with an over-
brae and hipbones. A compression pearance of a hump on your back. all treatment plan for osteoporosis,
fracture occurs when bone is lost From the standpoint of posture, ask your doctor about specific exer-
and weakened to the point of col- kyphosis creates the appearance of cises to help strengthen your back
lapse within the bone’s structure. a forward bend in the back. Wed- muscles and improve posture.
Sometimes, these compression ging from the compression fractures As a general rule, avoid exer-
fractures in the spine are painful, causes the front of the vertebra to cises that round the back, as this
producing stiffness or tenderness in be shorter than the back, which cre- posture combined with activity can
the area of the compressed verte- ates the curve. increase pressure on the vertebrae,
brae. However, it’s not uncommon especially if you have osteoporosis.
for these fractures to go undetected Strengthening the back Instead, you can strengthen your
until a spinal X-ray is done or they’re Stooped posture due to com- back muscles and minimize bone
seen when a chest X-ray is done for pression fractures adds to pressure stress by doing exercises that gently
a different reason. along the spine, creating the poten- straighten the trunk and back. ❒

August 2008 7

Second opinion
Questions and our answers Q: What is mucus? And why is so rectly stated that plastic containers
much produced in your nose when marked with a 1 are made with or-
Q: In terms of nutrition, does it you have a cold? thophthalates. Orthophthalates have
matter whether I buy canned tuna raised health concerns over the pos-
that’s packed in oil rather than A: Mucus is a liquid, slippery secre- sibility of harmful chemicals leach-
packed in water? tion that cleans and moisturizes ing out of products in which they’re
nasal membranes and helps you used. In addition, the article stated
fight infection. In addition to water that plastics marked with a 1 con-
A: Yes. In terms of nutrition, it’s
and various salts, mucus also con- tain bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical
probably better to buy the water-
tains a lubricant (mucin) and white that has also raised health concerns.
packed canned fish.
blood cells. In fact, plastics marked with a 1
Although some people prefer the
Normally, mucous membranes are made with polyethylene tere-
flavor of tuna or other types of fish
and glands in your nose and sinus- phthalate (PET), which is a different
that have been canned in oil, oil-
es are continually producing mucus. type of phthalate than orthophthalate.
packed fish is significantly higher in
Most of the mucus is used to humid- PET has not been associated with the
calories and fat — even after you
ify the air you inhale or it’s swal- same health concerns as ortho-
drain away the oil. That’s because
lowed. It also acts as a safety net for phthalates, and according to indus-
some of the oil is retained in the fish.
the lungs by catching smoke, for- try sources, it does not contain BPA.
In addition, when fish is canned
eign particles and air pollutants in Research concerning the health
in oil, some of the healthy oils con-
the nasal passages. Mucus makes effects of various plastics used in
tained in the fish — particularly the
swallowing easier and protects the food containers is evolving and
omega-3 fatty acids that are bene-
stomach lining from stomach acids. remains the subject of controver-
ficial to heart health — leach out of
On a typical day, normal mucus sy. Be aware of developments in
the fish and into the packing oil.
production can range from 1 to 2 product-use recommendations and
Draining away the packing oil means
quarts. While that may sound like a decide for yourself what you feel
you’re draining with it a portion of
lot, most people aren’t aware of it. comfortable using. ❒
the fish’s omega-3 fatty acids.
In contrast, healthy oils in fish If your body is fighting off a cold
that has been packed in water won’t or flu virus or dealing with allergies, Have a question or comment?

leach out because water and oil the daily mucus production is We appreciate every letter sent to Second
stepped up considerably. Opinion but cannot publish an answer to each
don’t mix. question or respond to requests for consultation
In the chart below, note the dif- Essentially, the lining of the nose on individual medical conditions. Editorial
ferences in 3 ounces of drained, becomes inflamed. Blood flow is comments can be directed to:

white tuna depending on whether increased, which leads to conges- Managing Editor, Mayo Clinic Health Letter,
200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905, or
it was canned in water or oil: tion, and the mucus glands are stim- send e-mail to
ulated, which leads to increased For information about Mayo Clinic services,
mucus production. All of this occurs you may telephone any of our three facilities:
to help clear the virus or allergens Rochester, Minn., 507-284-2511;
Jacksonville, Fla., 904-953-2000;
from your nasal passages. ❒ Scottsdale, Ariz., 480-301-8000 or visit
Water Oil
C al
ories 158
Fat 109 Clarification
Om 2.5g 6.9g
ega-3s 0.4g
Second Opinion in the April issue Check out Mayo Clinic Health Solution’s
of Mayo Clinic Health Letter incor- Web site, at

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8 August 2008

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