Research Proposal

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Jay Inc.

7500 Grant St
Fort Worth, TX 76029

Date: October 17, 2019

To: Jay Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Jay Inc.
From: Andres Zuniga, Project Manager
Delfino Mauridi, Project Materials Coordinator
Thomas Ash, Research Analyst
Subject: Proposal for the Electric Truck Study at Jay Inc.

The purpose of our proposal is to request authorization to conduct a study to determine the best
course of action to implement electric trucks into our fleet of vehicles.

Currently, Jay Inc is using too much of its budget on shipping costs each year. The majority of
our shipping and handling budget goes to the cost of fuel and maintenance on our current fleet of
all diesel trucks. With the rising cost of fuel and increase of emission regulations, Jay Inc. will
not be able to keep up with these costs in the years to come. Currently, Jay Inc. is attempting to
lower these costs by outfitting our trucks with more technology to help fuel economy as well as
providing training to our drivers on how to drive in a more fuel-efficient way. Implementing
electric trucks would greatly reduce our overhead cost and would provide a safer and more
comfortable ride for our drivers as well as an added bonus of less maintenance to keep up with
for our mechanics.

Proposed Task
Task 1: Determine current cost to maintain and run diesel trucks
 We will research the average cost of fuel and maintenance from other trucking
Task 2: Determine costs of new electric trucks
 We will research different brands to determine the cost of new trucks as well as
research the cost to maintain electric trucks.
Task 3: Compare electric trucks to diesel trucks
 We will compare the pros and cons of both electric and diesel trucks
Task 4: Research benefits of converting to electric trucks
 We will research the benefits of electric trucks such as reduced emissions and
safer more comfortable trucks
Task 5: Research potential tax breaks for using electric trucks
 We will research government websites to determine if there are any tax breaks for
cutting down on emissions.
Task 6: Interview Trucking company owner
 Andres will interview the owner of Trymor trucking company to discuss the cost
of running a trucking company.
Task 7: Compare depreciation cost between diesel and electric trucks
 We will research how much each type of truck will lose in value and compare
Task 8: Interview Drivers to determine job satisfaction in new trucks
 We will interview truck drivers to get their opinion on using electric trucks
instead of diesel trucks

Task Completion of Task (by Date)

Task 1:
Cost of
Diesel Trucks

Task 2: Cost
of New

Task 3:
Electric to

Task 4:
Benefits of
Converting to

Task 5:
Potential Tax X

Task 6:
Interview of
Truck X

Task 7:
Cost of

Task 8:
Driver Job X

Class Period 22 24 29 31 5 7


We are all well experienced in researching new technologies to implement into a business
environment as well as having some previous knowledge of the trucking industry.
 Andres Zuniga, Project Manager, current business owner with over 10 years of
experience in business management and development.
 Delfino Mauridi, Project Materials Coordinator, current cybersecurity major., the job of a
cybersecurity specialist is research and through my course in college I have been taking
classes that will help to boost my research skills.
 Thomas Ash, Research Analyst, current business management major who has previously
worked researching new technologies as well as currently learning modern accounting

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