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Name: Class:

Test: Adverbs/Adjectives + Prepositions + Present

Simple/ Present Continuous.

1. Adverbs/ adjectives: choose the correct one.

1. Jack spoke confidently/confident to the audience urging them to elect

him president of the union. He knew he had a well/good chance of winning
the election.

2. Melanie quickly/quick ate her lunch. She knew the meeting was
importantly/important and she didn't want to be late.

3. Sophie lived in Thailand for several years. She speaks Thai

fluently/fluent, and she knows the culture very good/well.

4. The hot/hotly, humid weather made it difficult to enjoy the tropical beach.
Miriam seemed more uncomfortable/uncomfortably than relaxed.

5. The entrance examination is extremely/extreme challenging. Very few

people make it into the prestigiously/prestigious medical school.

6. This airline's complete/completely lack of organization is astounding. I

have been very patient/patiently up to this point, but I am going to lose my
temper if you don't find my baggage immediately.

7. The young girl sings amazing/amazingly well for someone her age. Her
performance was spectacular/spectacularly to say the least.

8. The skies became surprisingly dark/darkly as the moon moved between

the Earth and the Sun. As the eclipse progressed, the people in the streets
stood silently/silent waiting for the sun's warmth to return.

9. Although Beth speaks softly/soft and seems quite timid/timidly, she is

the leading expert in her field. Don't underestimate her abilities.

10. After the medieval cathedral was tragically/tragic burnt down last year,
the city quickly/quick rebuilt it stone for stone. It looks exactly the same as
it did before the fire.

11. We gradually/gradual noticed changes in Diane's personality; she

became quietly/quiet and withdrawn from her friends and family. We finally
realized that we had to do something about her drinking problem before it was
too late.

Name: Class:

2. Prepositions: Exercises.
Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions.
(in 2x, at, above, into, across, on, to, on, via)

1.We live …………. Antwerp.

2.Would you like to go ………. To a party tonight?
3.No, thanks. I was ………… a party yesterday.
4.We are going …………… holiday next week.
5.There is a bridge ………… the river.
6.The flight from Brussels to New York was …………. London.
7.………… my wall, there are many posters of Lady Gaga.
8.Who is the person …………. this picture?
9.Come ……….. the sitting room, we want to watch the Harry Potter DVD.
10. Munich lies 530 meters ……….. sea level.

3. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

 It __________ (to snow) quite hard, perhaps we shouldn't go

out tonight.
 Don't give Jan any cheese. She __________ (to hate) it!
 I __________ (to go) to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to
 Once a week, I ________ (to go) to an art class at the college.
 Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I ___________ (to believe) she
comes from France.
 Look! Junko __________ (to jump) into the water.
 Salman is rich, he ___________ (to drive) a Mercedes.
 I __________ (to have) lunch in the cafeteria every day.
 I ________ (to think) you're crazy!
 You won't find Jerry at home right now. He ___________
(to study) in the library.
Name: Class:


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