Finals Deontology

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DLS-College of Saint Benilde

Final Examinations
1st term School year 2019-2020
Prepared by: Sir Nic F. Fungo


Read the questions carefully. Use black or dark blue ink only in indicating. No pencils please. Avoid erasures and
alterations; they make your answer NULL and VOID. Shade the circle that corresponds to your answer on the
separate sheet. Submit both Questionnaire and Answer Sheet.

A. True or False

1. Vice is a product of a series of wrong choices.

2. Ethics ought to be a harmonious relationship of myself with others.
3. Authentic freedom is the right to say and do anything.
4. Sexuality is not about the way I dress, speak and do anything.
5. The best way to combat addiction is to confront it.
6. Believing or not believing in a Divine Being won’t actually make a difference in my life.
7. Man’s freedom ends when the rights of his neighbors begin.
8. One who commits a mistake loses his/her relationship with others.
9. Not believing in a God makes us evil person.
10. Conception does not begin when the sperm meets the egg cell.
11. Sloth hinders us from making productive use of our time, talents and resources.
12. Respect for life is both a duty and a right of every person.
13. LGBTQ. People need to have a rest room of their own.
14. Following my own conscience violates my expression of freedom.
15. Deontology deals on duty and law.

B. Multiple Choice

16. The idea that the world is divided into the world of matter and spirit
a) Hedonism b. dualism c. spiritualism d. materialism
17. Person, place or event refer to
a) Occasion of sin .b. circumstance c. Object d, Intention
18. The stage of Moral reasoning wherein one reasons out for the principles behind the laws. (Kohlberg)
a) Personal usefulness b. Social contract c. Law and order d. Personal conscience
19. (Kohlberg) Governed by fear of authority
a) Avoid punishment b. Social contract c. Good boy/nice girl d. Personal conscience
20. Decide in accord with universal ethical principles( Kohlberg)
a) Personal usefulness b. Social contract c. Law and order d. Personal
21. “I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine” (Kohlberg)
a) Personal usefulness b. Social contract c. Law and order c. Personal conscience
22. Puts value on obedience to rule (same choices of no.21)
23. Reasons out to gain approval
a) Avoid punishment b. Social contract c. Good boy/nice girl d. Personal conscience
24. When a person accidentally hurts us, we get angry at
a) The person b. The person and the act c. The act d. society
25. “Virtus stat in medio” tells us
a) Virtue must stand in the medium b. Virtue is doing things in moderation c. Virtue stays in the
median d. Virtue is doing the right thing
26. Growing up towards an integrated sexuality entails:
a) Going all the way even when commitment is lacking
b) Engaging in pre-marital sex only with someone you love
c) Discerning when to say “NO” and knowing the difference between true love and its many
counterfeit imitations
d) Regarding everybody as equal in dignity and should be respected
27. Our moral responsibility in the exercise of conscience is
a) To develop a properly informed conscience
b) To correct any faulty conscience we may have
c) To promote a loss of the sense of sin
d) Both A and B
28. Christian Ethics considers the model of a perfect person in:
a) Pope Francis b. Mother Mary c. Sir Nic Fungo d. Jesus
29. The morality of human acts depend on the following except:
a) Circumstances b. Intention c. Act d. Free will
30. The result of man’s abuse or misuse of freedom is
a) Death b. Vice c. Addiction d. guilty
31. Conscience is basically understood as:
a) A built in knowledge of what is good and evil
b) A kind of inner voice which guides us to do the things we want to do
c) An internal longing that drives us to do the things we want to do
d) All of the above
32. A faulty conscience is one which:
a) Judges something as morally good that which is objectively evil
b) Disobeys the voice of goodness
c) Does not take responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions
d) All of the above
33. Which of the following is a good act?
a) the act of turning away from good b. refusing to follow the call of service
c. Being apathetic d. Knowing the good over false good
34. Which of the following is most dangerous?
a) Moral person b. Amoral person c. Immoral person d. All of the above
35. Freedom is not a license to do whatever one wants but carries with it
a) Rights b. Obligation c. Responsibility d. Privileges
36. Any action that proceeds from free will and intelligent reasoning of a person is
a) Act of man b. Intuitive act c. Human act d. Instinct
37. Authentic freedom can be best explained as:
a) No constraints at all in any form
b) Having the capability to do just anything we want
c) A right to fight for what we deserve
d) The power to do what is good
38. In making any moral decision, the first guideline for a mature and responsible person can be found
in one’s
a) Religious authorities b. Academic degree c. Conscience d. Instincts
39. All of the following cannot perform a human act except
a) An infant b. An idiot c. A Benildean student d. A mentally retarded
40. One of the following is a factor in determining the gravity of one’s act:
a) Educational attainment b. Knowledge of the matter c. high grade d. Personal convictions
41. Voluntary actions also refer to (choices no. 36)
42. The difference between the human act and the act of man is the application of:
a) Spontaneous biological and sensual responses b. Instinctive tendencies
c. Intellect and free will d. None of the above
43. The willful marriage of two persons is considered a human act because:
a) The marriage ceremony is a religious requirement
b) The act is done with free decision and consent
c) The marriage makes their partnership legal
d) The marriage can be annulled if deemed necessary
44. The gift of freedom is intended to:
a) Permit me to act without obstacles b. Improve my character
c. Make my life convenient d. Exalt my self
45. Which of the following form of contraception is not used by the female?
a) IUD b. Pill c. Tubal ligation d. Vasectomy
46. We can discern the purpose of things and our actions through
a) Moral law b. Civil law c. Natural law d. Eternal law
47. Which of the following is the proper attitude towards homosexuality?
a) Homosexuals deserve to be punished, as in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah
b) Show understanding to the homosexual condition, reject homosexual acts
c) It’s their life anyway, so why should I interfere in a private matter?
d) It’s a lifestyle, so why not hop in?
48. The reason why the Church is against capital punishment is
a) It does not solve the cause of the problem
b) Life is a gift that is not ours to judge
c) Innocent people also get punished
d) A, B, C
49. Which of the following is not an effect of divorce:
a) The children tend to have failed relationships b. Increase in juvenile crime c. Loss of interest in
one’s faith d. A greater tendency for young girls to get pregnant at an early age
50. Sir Nic Fungo (your teacher in IETHICS, in case you are not yet aware) has always emphasized in
this course that
a) Topics dealing with sexual matters are very interesting
b) A student must always take responsibility for his/her voluntary actions
c) IETHICS can fill a person with guilt and anxiety
d) It is important to get a high grade in this subject, whatever it takes

C. Spot the Principle: Identify the principle being applied in each statement by shading the right letter of the
corresponding principle of morality

A. Principle of Proportionality
B. Principle of Double Effect
C. Principle of Totality
D. Principle of Blameless Self-Defense

51. The removal of the breast to save the patient from breast cancer.
52. The driver lost his brake. To save his life, he crashes his car to the post.
53. The mother has myoma (ailment in the uterus) and needs surgical attention to save her life. She is
five months pregnant. If she proceeds with the surgery, it might eventually lead to the abortion of the baby.
54. Mang Danny defended himself from the attack of Tiburcio, resulting in the latter’s death.
55. Michael’s foot needed to be amputated to prevent him from the fatal infection.
56. Pregnant woman with a heart ailment takes prescribed medicine to save her life. Consequently, the
baby in her womb was aborted.
57. The good effect is not produced by means of the bad effect.
58. Emphasis is on viewing man in his wholeness in his individual and social existence.
59. Remove the criminals to save the whole society.
60. Utilitarianism
Test II – ESSAY – 20 points each use the back of your answer sheet You may apply several ethical principles on the
following cases.
1. A 19-year-old woman is being treated for a serious kidney disease. She is currently on a
dialysis machine, but treatment is steadily decreasing in efficacy. Before her condition declines any further,
the physician suggests family members undergo tests to determine tissue compatibility to transplant a
kidney. Only the brother shows a degree of compatibility high enough to be considered a candidate. The
physician meets the brother alone to discuss the risks and benefits of the operation. Although agreeing to be
tested, the brother decides not to donate a kidney after weighing the various alternatives because of the
risks, and because, as he puts it, he doesn't "feel he and his sister have ever been close enough that they
would ever take that kind of a risk for each other." The physician repeats a full explanation of the risks
involved, and urges him to rethink his decision because of the serious nature of his sister's illness with
increasingly little time to spare. The brother remains adamant in his refusal.

QUESTION: Is the brother justified in his refusal to donate his kidney? Justify.

2. Eddie, an 18 year-old working student in Asian School of Arts & Sciences, lives in one of the
depressed areas in Quezon City. He belongs to a family of eight (8), which seems to be the
common size of families in his place. He is the eldest among the siblings. One of his siblings
stopped schooling in high school due to unaffordable school expenses. Two are supposed to be in
elementary but only one was allowed to enroll due to financial insufficiency. Then, there are still
the other two little ones, a 4 year-old boy and a 2 year-old girl. His father works as a security
guard in a hardware store. His mother does part-time laundry works. The couple in their late 30’s
never had in their mind they would come up with such a number of children as they were just
responsive to the love and sexual feelings they had for each other. The couple is still sexually

If you were Eddie what would you say to your parents? What is your stand on the problem of
overpopulation? What are the possible solutions to this problem?

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