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Chapter 1: Project Description .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

a. Project Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
b. Purpose of the project .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
i. Background of the project effort .......................................................................................................................................... 1
ii. Goals of the project ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
c. Scope of the work..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
i. Current situation................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ii. Context of the work ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
iii. Work partitioning............................................................................................................................................................... 2
d. Mandated constraints ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
i. Solution constraints .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
ii. Implementation environment of the current system ............................................................................................................ 3
iii. Partner or collaborative applications .................................................................................................................................. 3
iv. Off-the-shelf software ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
v. Anticipated workplace environment .................................................................................................................................... 4
vi. Schedule constraints ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
e. Naming convention and Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 4
i. UML and other notations used ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 2: Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
a. System Use Case ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
i. Use case diagrams ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
b. Functional requirements ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
c. Data requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
d. Performance requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
e. Dependability requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
f. Maintainability and Supportability requirements ...................................................................................................................... 6
g. Security requirements .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
h. Usability and Humanity requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 7
i. Look and feel requirements....................................................................................................................................................... 7
j. Operational and environmental requirements ........................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Design.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
a. System design .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
b. User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 4: Test Plans ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 1: Project Description

a. Project Overview

This is the reason for the proposal of a POS system. The system will be used for
marketing and management of the business inventory and sales in order to inform and provide an
accurate and user friendly system that will log the user, the inventory of items, the items that are
sold and the sales of the business. The POS system will provide business information, log in for
administrator and customers and a user friendly system that can take the load work of the
employees to work efficiently with less time.

b. Purpose of the project

i. Background of the project effort

ZE motor parts is a newly established business in the year 2018, The shop is starting as a small
shop selling brand new motor parts that is manufactured locally or imported from overseas. The
shop is expected to grow in the following years.

ii. Goals of the project

• To create a system that is user friendly for both customer and admin that will use the system.
• To create a system that the customer suggested and meet customer satisfaction.
• To build a management system that will monitor the ordering system of the customer and
• To maximize the number of inventory available and other parts that is needed.

c. Scope of the work

i. Current situation
The ZE Motor Parts is a new built small scale company that sells motorcycle parts.
Before we suggested to them that we want to build them a system that can help them at their daily
work. They are working on taking inventories, giving receipts to customers and logging the sales
report manually. Working like that consumes most of the employees time so they always work
rushing things, getting items back and forth, double checking the logs and having their time
consumed by making some error on logging sales and receipts. Thus this working habit is limiting
the capabilities of the employees to work efficiently and easily. This task can be difficult and
represents one of the most common reasons why many small scale companies go out of business.
The only way the limited employees can accompany many customers when they reach peak
sometimes is that they work rushing to get the customers what they want or work faster than they
used to be to accompany many customers. The ease of having a POS system will make drastic
improvements on the business handling and sales report efficiency thus they can accompany
customers to their satisfaction. The POS system also needs updates and improvements as the
company gets bigger and gets more customer. Thus making the system administrators maintain
the system so it won’t get error anytime sooner.

ii. Context of the work

Business Operations: the company will provide lists of their products to the customer that wants
to buy any motorcycle parts. The customer will choose from different kind of products and brands
of motorcycle parts and accessories that they want to buy. The ordered product of the customer

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will now be provided by the employee ready for payment before the employee gives the customer
the ordered product.

Figure 1 – Context Diagram of the business

iii. Work partitioning

Event Name Input and Output Summary

Customers registers account Account registered are taken Details for customer
in the database account
Check Inventory Product supplies are checked Checks the availability of
for availability (in) Product supplies
Products are sufficient, they
are prepared for selling(out)
Admin Updates the inventory The inventory is updated, Updating the products on
items are added in the the database
Quantity and prices of items
are updated(output)
Buying of products of Customer inputs the items and Transaction of customer
customer quantity of the products he
want to buy(in)
Payments Create Invoice (in) Invoice and payment for the
Invoice Received and products ordered
payment details are created
Applying the payment Payment details received(in) Details about payment are
Commissioned through sales recorded
Change is given if not the
exact amount is given(out)
Receipts received by
accounting and customer(out)

d. Mandated constraints

i. Solution constraints

Description: The product must be ordered by the customer using the system.

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Rationale: The customer cannot finish the order if he inputs smaller amount of bill than the total
amount of what he/she ordered.
Fit Criterion: All transaction shall be recorded for better understandable between the customer
and employee.

Description: The product shall be handled by the assign personnel

Rationale: The product must given to the customer afpter the payment is made.
Fit criterion: The product shall be given to customer with utmost care and no hidden defects.

ii. Implementation environment of the current system

Description: The system shall run on the existing network of personal computer.
Rationale: The user is allowed make order to the personnel so it will give instructions about
the order.
Fit Criterion: The product shall follow the instruction to deliver the items, nor follow the
place where the user want to assign the location.

iii. Partner or collaborative applications

Description: The employee should have contact with the customer regarding with delivery
Rationale: The servicemen must give reports if the delivery is failed.
Fit Criterion: The product shall avoid any failed deliveries so that the customer satisfactory
will go high.

iv. Off-the-shelf software

Description: java application
Rationale: Needed for opening and viewing the system.
Fit Criterion: The product can be viewed by customers and admin of the system.

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v. Anticipated workplace environment
The system is a java application so a computer with Netbeans or have the java application of
the system is important to view the system. A computer or laptop is also needed to use the
system. The work place would be inside the shop of the ZE Motor Parts Area where there are
stations that can be used by the customers.

vi. Schedule constraints

The system deadline is within the month of March. To meet the scheduled release, the team
reduced features during implementation and other software parts are dependent on the java
such as the structure of the system.

e. Naming convention and Definitions

i. UML and other notations used

This document follows the UML 2 standard. Developed with an enlarged consortium to
improve the language further to reflect new experience on usage of its features.

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Chapter 2: Requirements

a. System Use Case

i. Use case diagrams

b. Functional requirements
The log in screen for the system serves as the home page of the system with the
logo of the ZE Motor Parts. This is where the user can register and log in their account.
In this form the customer can input the items he/she wants to buy, have the total
bill and input the amount he wants to pay. He can also cancel the transaction if he/she
doesn’t want to buy from the items offered by the company.
In this form, the admin can only access this form. The admin can edit, update ,
add ,delete items he want to add to the inventory database. The admin can also see the
sales report of the company clicking the sales report button in this form.
In this form the accounts for the system can be registered. Either customer or
admin account.
In this form the admin can update, delete the database for the accounts registered
in the system.

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c. Data requirements

d. Performance requirements
 The system shall be updated by the admin and checked regularly if changes occur.
 The response time should be fast so as to avoid interruption when viewing the system.
 The Log-in will be used by the admin and customer.
 The information within the system shall be truthful for customer use.
 The system should be user friendly for both customer and admin.

e. Dependability requirements

 The system should be able to minimize the error of sales report and change for bills.
 The system should only fail once, any more, and fail safe procedures will be
 The system shall have backup data in case of system failure.
 The system should be up to the customers satisfaction.
 The system can be in the stations provided by the company.
 The Admin shall have special privilege of editing and updating the system.
 The system will have a backup database.

f. Maintainability and Supportability requirements

Maintenance Requirement:
 The admin have rights to update and maintain the website.

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 The inventory database should be updated by the admin every time there are products
delivered to the company.

Supportability Requirement
 Contact information is listed and the user can call the number if they have appointments
or problems.

g. Security requirements
 Only the admin and the owner can update and edit the system.
 The customer can only view as is on the transaction form .
 The admin can view the database for updates and maintenance.
 The system shall specify if changes occur in the information.
 The system shall not reveal private information of the company.
 The system shall protect private information within the database.

h. Usability and Humanity requirements

 The User Interface is easy to understand and use.
 The system shall provide truthful and factual information regarding the company.
 The system shall be used by customers willing to transact with the company.
 Can be viewed publicly by potential customers.
 The system should be user friendly to humans.

i. Look and feel requirements

 The system should make the customer satisfied.
 The system is easy on the eyes.
 The system should be user friendly and achieve customer satisfactory.

j. Operational and environmental requirements

 The system is usable in different types of setting and environment.
 The system should not have any major errors in the long run.
 The system should be maintain easily by the admin even without the presence of the
creator of the system.

Chapter 3: Design

a. System design

Our system is designed to be user friendly and take off a lot of work load from the employees on
double checking the sales report and change for bill payments. The system should work according to the
plans and designs. The system should be used by the customers and admins conveniently. Reliability of

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the system is a must cause it’s the main purpose of the system. The system is also required to meet the
satisfaction of the customer and owner of the company.

b. User Interface

Log in form account form

Transaction form for customer

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Admin form

Sales Report form

Registration form

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Chapter 4: Test Plans

a. Features to be tested / not tested

This section of the test plan includes a listing of what will be tested from the user or
customer point of view as opposed to test items, which are a measure of what to test from
the point of view of the team . So far after multiple testing the system doesn’t get any

b. Pass / Fail criteria


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c. Test cases
Test case 1: LOG IN FORM

Step Test Step Expected Results Actual Results Status


1 Start at Log in form The system should Displayed the Passed

display the log in Log in form
2 Entering username and The user should be Entered text and Passed
password able to enter numbers on the
alphanumeric on the text field
text field
3 Logging in as an One account should Displays the Passed
admin or customer be successfully log contents exactly
in and the other as planned
should show a
message error.
4 Clicking the register When clicking the The log in page Passed
button button the page was minimized
should minimize and the
and show the registration form
registration fom. appears.


Step Test Step Expected Results Actual Results Status

1 Click the display button The system should Displayed the Passed
display the items with its
inventory of items quantity and
with the price and price
2 Inputting item number The form should Shows the items Passed
and quantity then show the inputted ordered and the
Clicking purchase button item along with the total price
total price
3 Clicking payment button Shows a pop up Displays Passed
message where you payment pop up
can enter the message to enter
amount you will the amount of
pay for the items money the
ordered customer will
4 Paying the total amount Shows an error Displays an error Passed
of ordered by entering a message and wont pop up message .
lower value than the print the reciept.
total amount

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Step Test Step Expected Results Actual Results Status
1 Entering data on the text The form should let User can type Passed
field. the user enter data any alphanumeric
on the text field. combination on
the text field
2 Clicking register button Displays a pop up Displays a pop a Passed
after filling up the text message that the message that the
field with necessary user registered the user register the
information account account
successfully. successfully.
3 Clicking back button Go back to the log Displays the log Passed
in page. in page.

Test case 4 : ADMIN FORM

Step Test Step Expected Results Actual Results Status
1 Entering data on the text The form should let User can type Passed
field. the user enter data any alphanumeric
on the text field. combination on
the text field
2 Clicking save button Displays a pop up Displays a pop a Passed
after filling up the text message that shows message that the
field with necessary the user updated user updated the
information the inventory data inventory data
base successfully. base
3 Clicking delete button Displays pop up Displays pop up Passed
After filing up the item message and The message and only
name text field with an form should delete update the
item on the data base the item entry database if you
successfully. click the refresh
4 Clicking the sales report Displays the sales Displays the Passed
button report form sales report form

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