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Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

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Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of energy recovery

system of biogas from a wastewater treatment plant and use in a
Stirling engine
Antonio Colmenar-Santos*, Gloria Zarzuelo-Puch, David Borge-Diez,
 n García-Die
Concepcio guez
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering, UNED C/Juan del Rosal, 12 e University City, 28040, Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this research it is to show how the biogas biomethanisation from primary and secondary
Received 10 April 2015 treatment of activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), can be an alternative
Received in revised form renewable energy option from fossil fuels, which offers competitive advantages and points out new
26 August 2015
horizons for the use of this fuel. This will allow to achieve some important priorities of energy plans in
Accepted 1 November 2015
Available online xxx
EU countries: to reduce the organic matter deposited in landfills and CO2 emissions and to find viable
solutions to minimize the environmental impact of sewage sludge (SS).
This study analyses the biogas combustion and energy recovery processes from a thermodynamic,
thermoeconomic and exergetic point of view.
Sludge The results show that the boiler of the process is the main source of irreversibility and exergy
Thermoeconomic destruction. Moreover, the energy and exergy economic value of exhaust gases from the combustion
Exergetic chamber, are significant and worthwhile to be exploited. For this reason, the present study explores the
Anaerobic digestion applicability and suitability of integrating a Stirling engine in such process. The study reveals that it is
Stirling engine possible to create a small micro-cogeneration system which leads to sustainable waste management and
energy savings in the treatment plant itself.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction development involves proper management of waste resulting from

human activities.
The growing interest in the use of alternative energy sources, In the European Union (EU), the strategy for energy and climate
both to reduce foreign energy dependence of a country and to cover change [1] provides the basis for improving the energy efficiency of
the increase in global energy demand, has led to the optimization of their Member States and increasing the share of renewable energy
processes for their use. Moreover, to achieve sustainable in their energy mixes. In addition, the Strategy 2020 [2] presents
the objectives and the means to transform today's economy, based
on the intensive use of resources, into a new model of growth based
Abbreviations: B, boiler; BOE, official state bulletin of Spain; CIEMAT, Center for on their efficient use.
Energy, Environmental and Technological Research; CORINAIR, core inventory of air Sewage sludge (SS), LER code 190805 [3,4], is liquid waste (over
emissions; d. m., dry matter; EU, European Union; EUROSTAT, statistical office of the 95% water) generated in the wastewater treatment [5], whether
European Communities; EWL, the European waste list; E2020, European strategy
domestic or industrial origin [6] and must be managed according to
for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; GW, gigawatt; Ha, hectare; HRB, heat
recovery boiler; ktoe, kilo tonnes oil equivalent (¼4.18  1013 J); LHV, lower heating current regulations on waste. Biomethanisation transforms the
value of fuel [kcal/Nm3]; MAGRAMA, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and organic matter in the sludge into a gas mixture or biogas. The
Environment; Mtoe, million tonnes oil equivalent; NMVOC, non-methane volatile biogas generated by anaerobic digestion contains a high percentage
organic compounds; NTU, number of transfer units; PER, renewable energy Spanish
of methane (50%e75%) [7,8], so that energy can be tapped. During
plan; PNIR, Spanish integrated plan of waste; PNLD, Spanish plan of sewage sludge;
ppm, parts per million; RNL, Spanish register of sludge; SS, sewage sludge; VOCs,
biomethanisation nutrient-rich fertilizer products are also obtained
volatile organic compounds; WWTP, wastewater treatment plant. and can be used as a component of substrates and to increase the
* Corresponding author. organic matter content of soils [9].
E-mail address: (A. Colmenar-Santos).
0960-1481/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
172 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

Nomenclature Q_ CC heat lost in the boiler (kW)

Q_ max; CC maximum heat energy transferred in the boiler (kW)
b_ Flow exergy, (kW) Q_ CRC heat lost in the heat recovery boiler (kW)
C production unit cost of the flow (V/h)
Q_ maximum heat energy transferred in the heat recovery
max; CR
exergetic cost of the flow (V/kWh)
boiler (kW)
C_ ED cost of the exergy destruction (V/kWh) Ru universal ideal gas constant (kJ/(kmol$K))
dSCV/dt entropy change of the control volume, (kW/K)
s0 standard molar entropy (kJ/kmol K)
ef heat transfer effectiveness
s0 entropy at dead state conditions (kJ/(kmol K))
eCH chemical molar exergy of the exhaust gas, (kJ/kmol)
si ðT; Pi Þ gas mixture molar entropy (kJ/(kmol$K))
eTM thermomechanical molar exergy of the exhaust gas (kJ/
T temperature (K)
TF equipment surface temperature (K)
E_ D exergy destroy (kW) T0 temperature at dead state conditions (K)
h specific enthalpy(kJ/kg) _
W power (kW)
h0 enthalpy at dead state conditions (kJ/kg)
Yi mole fraction of i flow
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s)
Mi molar mass of i flow (kg/kmol) Z_ CT total costs (V/h)
Ni moles of i flow (kmol) Z_ CC cost rate of the boiler (V/h)
Pi partial pressure of i flow (atm) Z_ CRC cost rate of the heat recovery boiler (V/h)
P0 pressure at dead state conditions (atm) ε exergetic efficiency (%)
Pm mixture pressure (atm) h energetic efficiency (%)
Q_ heat energy (kW) s_ entropy generated (kW/K)

In Spain, according to data from the National Register of sludge produced in Spain is for agricultural applications. However, in the
(RNL) [10], about 900 000 tons of dry matter (d. m.) of sludge are renewable energy Plan 2011e2020 (PER 2011e2020) [13], the op-
produced annually, of which approximately 20% is dry matter, tion to convert the SS into biogas, energetically recoverable, arises.
which represents 4.5 million t sludge/year. Fig. 1 shows the evo- This is this reason why this paper analyses if it is possible to get
lution of the sludge produced in Spain and its destination during useful energy from this process, becoming the biogas an alternative
the last five years, according to the latest data available from the renewable energy option from fossil fuels and offering competitive
RNL. advantages for producers and for the energy industry.
Both the II National Plan of sewage sludge wastewater treatment It is estimated that, in Spain, it would get 150 000 tons of oil
plant EDAR II PNLD, (2007e2015) [11] and the Integrated National equivalent (toe) per year, i.e. a gross production of 546 GW/ha,
Waste Plan 2008e2015 [12] refer to the hierarchy principle in the based on the SS-WWTP in populations with more than 100 000
SS management, which implies, in this order: (i) reduction in the SS equivalent inhabitants (energy maximum potential available is of
production, (ii) prioritization of land application of SS for fertil- the order of 317 000 toe/year) [14].
ization and recycling of nutrients and organic matter, (iii) utiliza- In Europe, about 13.4 million tonnes oil equivalent (Mtoe) of
tion of other forms of recovery, including energy, (iv) landfilling. biogas primary energy were produced during 2013, representing a
As it is shown in Fig. 1, the major destination of the sludge 10.2% growth over the previous year [15]. Table 1 shows the data of

Fig. 1. Evolution of sewage sludge production in Spain. Source: RNL. Data 17/02/2014.
A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184 173

Table 1
Primary energy production of biogas in the EU in 2012 and 2013 (in ktoe). Source [15].

Country 2012 2013c

Landfill gas Sewage sludge gasa Other biogasb Total Landfill gas Sewage sludge gasa Other biogasb Total

Germany 123.7 372.1 5920.4 6416.2 108.8 392.8 6215.3 6716.8

United Kingdomd 1533.9 269.7 0.0 1803.6 1538.2 286.2 0.0 1824.4
Italy 370.6 42.0 766.1 1178.8 410.8 48.5 1356.1 1815.4
Czech Republic 31.7 39.4 303.8 374.9 28.9 39.6 502.5 551.1
Franced 279.1 79.6 53.3 412.0 280.0 80.0 105.0 465.0
Netherlands 29.9 53.1 214.5 297.5 24.6 57.8 220.3 302.8
Spaind 140.8 33.8 116.2 290.8 124.0 29.8 102.4 256.1
Poland 53.7 79.3 60.8 193.8 61.8 91.2 98.2 251.2
Austria 3.8 18.2 184.3 206.4 3.7 18.4 174.6 196.8
Belgiumd 32.4 17.2 108.0 157.7 29.2 15.5 97.2 141.9
Swedend 12.6 73.6 40.6 126.8 13.6 79.3 43.7 136.6
Denmarkd 5.6 21.3 77.9 104.7 5.3 20.3 74.4 100.0
Greece 69.4 15.8 3.4 88.6 67.5 16.1 4.8 88.4
Hungary 14.3 18.7 46.8 79.8 14.3 20.1 47.8 42.2
Slovakia 3.1 13.8 45.1 32.0 3.4 14.8 48.5 66.6
Portugal 54.0 1.7 0.7 56.4 61.8 2.7 0.8 65.3
Finland 31.6 13.9 12.4 57.9 31.7 14.6 13.2 59.5
Irelandd 43.0 7.5 5.4 55.9 43.1 7.5 5.4 56.0
Latviad 18.4 5.7 27.8 51.9 18.4 5.7 27.9 52.0
Slovenia 6.9 3.1 28.2 38.1 7.1 2.8 24.8 34.7
Romaniad 1.4 0.1 25.9 27.3 1.5 0.1 28.4 30.0
Croatia 2.0 3.1 11.4 16.6 2.1 3.2 12.8 18.0
Lithuania 6.1 3.1 2.3 11.6 7.1 3.6 4.8 15.5
Luxembourg 0.1 1.3 12.0 13.4 0.1 1.3 11.4 12.8
Cyprus 0.0 0.0 11.4 11.4 0.0 0.0 12.0 12.0
Estoniad 2.2 0.7 0.0 2.9 5.4 1.8 0.0 7.2
Bulgaria 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Malta 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
EU 2870.3 1187.0 8079.0 12370.1 2892.3 1253.6 9232.7 13 378.7
Urban and industrial.
Decent tralised agricultural plant, municipal solid waste methanisation plant, centralised co-digestion plant.
First estimation.
Whenever the information was not available, the breakdown between the different types of biogas was estimated by EurObserv'ER for the year 2013 on the basis of the
breakdown observed in 2012.

biogas primary production in the EU in 2012 and 2013 (in ktoe) and digestion process of sludge from a wastewater treatment plant and
the distribution of the source contributions of biogas. Three coun- the main features and uses for biogas obtained are exposed. In the
tries dominate the European biogas sector: Germany, UK and Italy, third section, the scheme proposed for the energy recovery of
which represent 75% of the installed capacity and most of the pri- biogas from SS-WWTP can be seen and the combustion reaction is
mary energy production, although with completely different studied, especially the temperature at which the exhaust gases
models. While Germany has chosen to promote the development of from the boiler is obtained. The fourth and fifth sections are
agro-industrial plants treating waste and energy crops, United devoted to energy, exergy and thermoeconomic analysis of the
Kingdom and Italy, like Spain, have focused on the production of biogas combustion and recovery processes. The sixth section pre-
biogas from landfill degasification. Although the expansion of sents the possibility of using exhaust gases to the operation of a
biogas energy usage has continued across the EU during 2013, the Stirling engine and the creation of a microgeneration system. The
biogas sector's momentum was more sluggish than in 2012 (16.9% seventh and final section presents the conclusions of the analysis
between 2011 and 2012, giving an additional 1.8 Mtoe) and it is and some aspects of future research.
expected to lose some of its impetus in 2014 in a number of
countries whose sector expansion controlling policy changes will 2. Sludge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)
limit the future use of energy crops [15].
In Spain, the largest share in the biogas production corresponds An inevitable consequence of human activity is the generation
to landfills, with 131 600 tep, followed by industrial plants, with of wastewater. The modified characteristics from the starting wa-
100 000 tep and water treatment plants, with 28 800 tep. With the ters and the presence of contaminants require a treatment prior to
implementation of European waste management regulations [16], return to nature or reuse, so that environmental damage and risks
PNIR [9], the Spanish law on waste and contaminated soils [17], the to human health can be avoided.
waste prevention Spanish program [18] and the potential for In WWTP, wastewater is subjected to physical, chemical and
technological development of anaerobic digesters, it is expected to biological processes to improve its quality and to discharge the
reverse this trend in the coming years, so that waste from agri- treated effluents, but, in turn, a large amount of sludge is generated.
culture, livestock and wastewater treatment plants will represent a The sludge composition is variable and depends on the quality of
higher percentage in biogas production. Today in Spain the po- the wastewater at source, which determines the potential uses and
tential biogas generation is estimated at 1.8 Mtoe and, by 2014, it is management. Traditionally, there are three ways for SS manage-
expected that the installed electric power from biogas reaches 200 ment: landfilling, incineration and agricultural use [19]. Currently,
ktoe, with the goal of 55 ktoe for thermal energy [11]. in European countries, there is a change in the way this sludge is
The article is structured into seven sections. The first section is managed because the law provides restrictions on the deposit of
the present introduction. In the second section, the anaerobic organic matter in landfills [20] and incineration [21], and due to the
174 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

Table 2
Total sewage sludge production (thousands tonnes of d. m.) in EU countries. 2014. d ¼ definition differs; : ¼ not available. Source: EUROSTAT.

Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Czech Republic 207 206 211 180 179 172 203d 216d 220 207 196d 218
Germany : 2429 : : 2261 2170 2049 2035 1982 1955 1780d :
Spain 853 892 987 1012 1092 1121 1065 1153 1156 1205 1205d :
France : 654 : : 1060 : : : 1087 : 966d :
Netherlands 346 358 365 353 354 359 373 353 353 350 351 :
Austria 315 : 323 : 305 : 255 : 254 : 263d :
Poland 360 397 436 447 476 486 501 533 567 563 527 519
Slovakia 56 53 51 54 53 56 55 55 58 59 55 59
Sweden 222 220 243 220 210 210 207 217 214 212d 204d :
United Kingdom : 1537 1544 1656 1721 1771 1809 1825 1814 1761 1419d :

soils protective regulations [22], which limits other forms of mixer [30].
management such as composting and direct application to crops.
The trend is to reduce [23] or total ban on landfilling (like in 2.2. Biogas characteristics and uses
Switzerland and Austria) and to reduce its agricultural application
without pretreatment. Biogas is a gas mixture in which the methane (CH4) and carbon
As shown in Table 2, the sludge production in the EU has been dioxide (CO2) dominate in a typical 60:40 ratio, along with water
generally increasing over recent years, which highlights the need to vapor and a fraction less than 1% of trace gas [29]. Biogas may also
develop technologies to enhance the sludge and reduce its envi- contain small and variable quantities of other compounds like
ronmental impact. hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and other sulfur compounds (sulphides,
disulphides, thiols), siloxanes (organic silicon compounds),
2.1. Anaerobic digestion ammonia (NH3), aromatic and halogenated compounds and hun-
dreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [31e34]. Its composi-
Biomethanization or anaerobic digestion is a microbiological tion varies depending on the feedstock used and its heating value is
fermentation of organic matter performed in the absence of oxy- determined by the CH4 content. Table 3 summarizes biogas
gen. The organic compounds are converted by bacterial action into composition in terms of its components and the substrate used. It
[24]: (i) A gas mixture or biogas, consisting mainly of methane can be seen that the highest methane content occurred in the gas
(CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2); (ii) Traces of other gases, such as from the sewage sludge and agricultural waste, while the lowest
hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and steam; methane and highest nitrogen contents are found in the landfill gas.
(iii) A mixture of mineral products such as potassium (K) and cal- Thus, the quality of the biogas produced in the anaerobic
cium (Ca), called digestate, difficult to degrade [25]. digestion process of the SS-WWTP increases with the percentage of
The oldest and widely spread application of anaerobic digestion methane in the gas mixture [25,30]. It is therefore important to
is the treatment of SS. The process by which biogas is formed can be have biogas purification systems [30], by removing the CO2 and
divided into four stages [26]: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis other gases in the mixture as to produce a high concentration of
or dehydrogenation and methanogenesis. During the final stage of methane and similar uses to those of natural gas [30]. The main
generation of biogas, methanization, especially acetic acid, but also energy characteristics of biogas are shown in Table 4.
hydrogen and carbon dioxide are converted into methane in an Once biogas is obtained, depending on its purity, there are
anaerobic environment with organic products resulting from the different techniques to use it [15,30]:
above steps [27e30].
The techniques for waste anaerobic digestion are classified ac- (i) Heat generation from combustion, which can be used to treat
cording to the type of digester, the working temperature and the and produce leachate evaporation;
number of stages. The most common types are complete mix and (ii) Electricity generation by combustion engines, turbines,
plug flow. The first one is the most widely used in Europe. It is boilers; alone or mixed with another fuel;
typically applied to wet processes (less than 10% d. m. in the interior (iii) Integration into natural gas networks;
of the digester, which means less than 20% total solids), the feed- (iv) Use as a vehicle fuel;
stock is fed continuously or semicontinuously and the concentra- (v) Use as fuel in fuel cell systems;
tion of any substance is similar in all points of the tank, using a (vi) Incorporation as a backup fuel in solar thermal power plants.

Table 3
Biogas composition in terms of its components and the substrate used. Source [31e34].

Component By volume By substrate used

Agricultural waste Sewage sludge Industrial waste Landfill gas

Methane, CH4 50e75% 50e80% 50e80% 50e70% 45e65%

Carbon dioxide, CO2 25e45% 30e50% 20e50% 30e50% 34e55%
Water vapor, H2O 1e2% Saturated Saturated Saturated Saturated
Carbon monoxide, CO 0e0.3% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1% Traces
Hydrogen sulphide, H2S 0.1e0.5% 100e700 ppm 0e1% 0e8% 0.5e100 ppm
Nitrogen, N2 1e5% 0e1% 0e3% 0e1% 0e20%
Hydrogen, H2 0e2% 0e2% 0e5% 0e2% 0e1%
Oxygen, O2 0.1e1% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1% 0e5%
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 0.1e0.5% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1%
Siloxanes 0.1e0.5% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1% 0e1%
A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184 175

Table 4
Biogas energy characteristics. Source [30].

LHV of biogas with 60% of CH4 5500 kcal/Nm3

Density of methane 0.67 kg/m3
LHV of methane by weight 13 187 kcal/kg
Methane LHV by volume 8835.29 kcal/Nm3
Average gross electricity production per m3 of biogas (60% methane) 2.07 kW h
Average heat production 2.3 therm/m3 (2.67 kW h)

3. Description of the combustion and recovery process of gasometer in the lower part and the occupied volume is controlled
biogas using a Stirling engine by an ultrasonic meter placed at the top of the inner membrane.
The oxidation of fuel (biogas) with the oxidizer (oxygen present
3.1. Process equipment in the air) takes place in the boiler. The air at ambient temperature
and pressure 0.027 bar is introduced in excess of the stoichiometric
An outline of four main equipment is proposed: gasometer or amount necessary to ensure complete combustion. Biogas is
storage tank of biogas produced at the WWTP; combustion boiler incorporated into the boiler under the same conditions of pressure
(B); heat recovery boiler (HRB) from the steam produced during and temperature it was stored, as they match with the service re-
combustion; Stirling engine. quirements of the boiler. It is a steam boiler [36], firetube, three-
The biogas stored in the gasometer of a WWTP (1) is used as fuel pass system with burner and water-cooled rear chamber. The
in the boiler, where air is also introduced as oxidizer (2). After such boiler hull consists of a cylindrical body in a horizontal position. It
combustion, a water vapor flow (5) is obtained, which is used as a has a wavy hull where the combustion takes place by the action of
high-temperature source in a Stirling engine. The exhaust gases the burner which is connected to the rear chamber. Hence the gases
from the boiler (3) instead of being discharged through chimney are fed to a tubular beam, where they change direction to enter
are used to feed a heat recovery boiler, where thermal energy is another tube bundle, ending the tour in a smoke box. The gas circuit
exchanged between the gases and water vapor from the Stirling arrangement in countercurrent to the water circuit provides a heat
engine (6). Once the heat exchange in the heat recovery boiler is transfer by forced convection that causes the production of steam
produced, the steam (7) is recirculated to the engine and the which is then used channeling it to the Stirling engine arranged for
combustion gases (4) are released to the outside through chimney it. The water circuit is composed of a bundle of tubes, along with
(Fig. 2). two side pipes that regulate the entry and exit of water distribution.
The gasometer is the element where biogas production is A group of two pumps supplies power to the system.
stored; the anaerobic digestion is carried out in mesophilic range The heat recovery boiler acts as a heat exchanger between the
[31] so the temperature at which the biogas is collected is 35  C. The gases produced in the combustion of biogas and steam from the
service pressure may vary between 0.5 and 200 bar, however, it is boiler. It is a heat recovery steam boiler (HSRB), firetube, with a hull
usually stored at pressure below 10 bar, since equal or greater similar to the boiler and also contains a multi-tubular bundle for
pressures than 10 bar have a high energy cost. The gasometer [35] heat transfer and an upper chamber where steam forms and is
consists of a double membrane of plastic material that optimizes collected [37]. Gas circulates from a frontal chamber equipped with
the operating conditions and safety. The outer membrane protects an adjustable bridle chamber leading to a rear section where it ends
the gasometer against atmospheric conditions, such as solar radi- in another chamber from which fumes are expelled. For the water
ation and rain, while the inner membrane is in direct contact with circuit, the steam formed in the boiler is used. This steam is con-
biogas. There is an air chamber between the two membranes which ducted to the Stirling engine, where the temperature undergoes a
together with a blower and a relief valve keep the biogas pressure significant drop in order to fulfill the technical specifications of the
constant. It is installed on the tank walls of the digester and it has a HSRB. Once the heat exchange is produced, the steam is recircu-
double function: to store the biogas generated during digestion and lated to the Stirling engine.
to serve as a deck for the digester. The biogas is conducted to the The Stirling engine is a mechanical device which operates on a
closed regenerative thermodynamic cycle with cyclic compression
and expansion of the working fluid at different temperature levels.
The working fluid is controlled only by changing the internal vol-
ume, no valves and, in general, there is a net conversion of heat to
work and back [38]. The high-temperature source is the steam that
comes from the boiler and from the heat recovery boiler and the
low-temperature source is the steam entering the heat recovery
boiler. A fundamental and distinctive part of this engine is the
presence of an element called regenerator, which is responsible for
storing thermal energy during a certain part of the cycle and
returning to the working fluid the same amount of energy during
another part of the cycle in a process at constant volume, thereby
saving fuel and increasing efficiency [39].

3.2. Input data for combustion and thermodynamic, exergy and

thermoeconomic analysis

Table 5 shows technical specifications of the gasometer, boiler,

Fig. 2. Outline of equipment of the combustion and biogas recovery processes: heat recovery boiler and Stirling engine selected in the study.
gasometer, boiler, heat recovery boiler and Stirling engine. Table 6 shows the input data for the thermodynamic,
176 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

Table 5  20% of air (Ex) is introduced in excess of the stoichiometric

Technical specifications of process equipment. amount necessary
Gasometer SATTLER DMGS B9122/250 [35]  The relative humidity if dry air (RH) is 60%. The moisture in the
Capacity (m3) 2150 air does not react with anything; it simply shows up as addi-
Pressure (mbar) 25 tional H2O in the products. Therefore, we can simply balance the
Boiler CERNEY C/M 4000/11 [36]
Steam production (kg/h) 3798
combustion equation using dry air and then adding the moisture
Working pressure (bar) 8.5 to both sides of the equation.
Efficiency (%) 88.4  Biogas and air are considered under conditions of ideal gas
Steam temperature at working pressure ( C) 175.45  It is considered 1 kmol of biogas
Heat recovery boiler CERNEY MCD RG-CEY 236/10 [37]
Gases flow (kg/h) 2703
Flow of steam production (kg/h) 398 The combustion reaction in terms of undetermined coefficients
Working pressure (bar) 8.5 is:
Inlet water temperature ( C) 50
Whispergen Stirling engine [40] 65:324% CH 4 þ 34:672% CO2 þ 0:003% H 2 S þ 0:0001% NH 3
Energy production (kW) 1
Efficiency (%) 96 þ ð1 þ ExÞ$ðath $ðO2 þ 3:76 N 2 Þ þ Nw Þ/x CO2 þ ðy
þ ð1 þ ExÞNw ÞH 2 O þ z SO2 þ w N 2 þ ðath $ExÞ O2
thermoeconomic and exergetic analysis.
where: ath, kmoles number of theoretical air required for the
combustion reaction (air stoichiometric coefficient); Nw, kmoles
3.3. Reaction combustion in the process boiler number of water present in the air due to the relative humidity; x,
kmol number of CO2 in the products; y, kmol number of H2O in the
In this part, the conditions of biogas combustion in the boiler are products; z, kmol number of SO2 in the products; w, kmol number
studied, in particular, the temperature at which the exhaust gases of N2 in the products.
are obtained, since its magnitude and the amount of air during the The unknown coefficients in Eq. (1) are determined from mass
process are two variables that significantly influence the design and balances. The results are: ath ¼ 1.307 kmol; Nw ¼ 6.609; x ¼ 1;
performance of the devices. y ¼ 1.307 kmol; z ¼ 0.00003 kmol; w ¼ 5.895 kmol. The air e fuel
Combustion is a rapid chemical reaction between the oxygen in ratio AF) can be expressed as:
the air and a combustible material, biogas in the case under study,
during which heat and light are released [41]. In the combustion massair Molesair xMair
the following assumptions are performed: AF ¼ ¼ (2)
massbiogas Molesbiogas xMbiogas

 Combustion is complete Substituting values into (2) gives: AF ¼ 8.402.

 It is considered that the air consists of 21% oxygen and 79% In any combustion process, flame temperature is one of the most
nitrogen important properties that controls the rate of chemical reaction and
 The molar masses of C, H2, O2, N2, S2 and air are 12 kg/kmol, 2 kg/ also has a significant influence on the design and performance of
kmol, 32 kg/kmol, 28 kg/kmol, 64 kg/kmol and 29 kg/kmol, combustion devices. The maximum attainable flame temperature
respectively for any given initial condition is the adiabatic flame temperature
 N2 is assumed to be inert and not react to form NOx type [42]. Considering the chemical equilibrium and energy balance in
compounds combustion reaction, a steady flow, adiabatic conditions, no work
 CO2 is assumed to not oxidize in order to ensure complete interaction, constant volume, reactants and products are consid-
reaction ered ideal gases whose enthalpies depend only on the temperature,

Table 6
Input data for the analysis with respect to state points in Fig. 3.

Biogas composition [34]

Methane, CH4 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Hydrogen sulphide, H2S Ammonia, NH3
65.324% by volume 34.672% by volume 0.0030% by volume 0.0001% by volume
Data of biogas (1) stored in the gasometer which enters the boiler
Pressure P1 (kPa) 850
Temperature T1 ( C) 35
Lower heat value LHV (kcal/Nm3) 6587.6
Specific heat at constant pressure cp (kJ/kmol$K) 0.035
Data of air (2) which it is used as oxidizer in the boiler
Pressure P2 (kPa) 2.7
Temperature T2 ( C) 20
Relative humidity RH (%) 60
Excess air Ex (5) 20
Data of exhaust gases (3) flow generate in the boiler
Pressure P3 (kPa) 850
Temperature T3 ( C) 904
Data of steam (5) generated in the boiler
Pressure P5 (kPa) 850
Temperature T5 ( C) 175.45
Data of steam (6) leaving the high-temperature source of the Stirling engine and enters the heat recovery boiler
Pressure P6 (kPa) 850
Temperature T6 ( C) 50
A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184 177

the adiabatic flame temperature can be calculated using [43]: is the same, the exergy destruction in the main components of the
X X process and, the assessment of their variation according to the
Nproductos $Hproductos ¼ Nreactivos $Hreactivos (3) operating conditions [49]. As a result, the most sensitive compo-
nents are identified, so it is useful to define action strategies aimed
where N is the number of moles of products and reactants and H is at improving the energy efficiency of the process [50]. Exergy is a
the enthalpy of each element measured in kJ/kmol. measure of power quality because it measures the maximum useful
Table 7 summarizes the data and calculations, with which, by work that could be obtained by a system at a given state that in-
applying (3), the adiabatic flame temperature obtained is equal to teracts with the environment to reach the equilibrium between
1042  C. This value will not be reached under operation conditions, them [50,51].
since combustion is often incomplete, due to heat loss in the system The energy and exergy analysis of the combustion and recovery
and the dissociation of some gases at high temperatures, resulting process of biogas from the SS-WWTP using a Stirling engine is
in unwanted products. To counteract these effects, it is always applied to each equipment involved in the process. The following
necessary to provide more air during combustion in boilers [44], to simplifications have been taken into account:
ensure complete combustion and safe operating conditions. Com-
plete combustion occurs when there is sufficient oxygen to convert  Combustion is a steady process
all of the carbons to carbon dioxide and all of the hydrogen to water.  One-dimensional flow inside the pipes
Incomplete combustion means that there is either unburned or  Temperatures and pressures in the tubes are constant
partially reacted fuel, i.e., carbon monoxide, hydrogen, etc. [45].  Changes in kinetic and potential energy flows are negligible
Therefore, the boiler efficiency also depends largely on the  Biogas, air and steam flows are considered to have ideal gas
excess air rate [46]. If the air flow is too low, there will be a rapid properties
accumulation of CO in the flue gas and, in extreme cases, smoke will  It is estimated that the air mass flow entering in the combustion
be produced (for example, unburned carbon particles). When the boiler is:
excess air ratio increases, the concentration of O2 in the main
combustion area also goes up, the temperature of the flame in the m_ air ¼ m_ biogas ð1 þ ExÞ (4)
boiler rises and the temperature in the radiation zone drops and, as
a consequence, the boiler efficiency is affected. The excess air must
be sufficient to complete combustion but as low as possible to  Air composition is taken as: 45.67% N2, 20.35% O2, 3.12% H2O and
reduce the amount of unnecessary air that it is heated and gener- 0.03% CO2
ates a greater loss of thermal energy in the exhaust gases, with the  Biogas enthalpy is calculated based on its component elements,
associative negative impact on the efficiency of the process [47]. considered as ideal gases with constant specific heats
For the study, a 20% excess air was considered, whereby the  Biogas specific heat is taken equal to methane specific heat,
temperature of exhaust gases of the boiler is 904  C. It is a good e since it is the major component
realistic result, since combustion equipment keep the biogas  Boiler and heat recovery boiler are considered without adiabatic
combustion products for three seconds at temperatures between losses
800  C and 1000  C. This thermal process ensures that the available  Combustion in the boiler is complete
energy of the products obtained in the combustion process is  During the biogas combustion reaction there are two exergy
effective, excluding inert components, which are not altered. contributions: thermomechanical contribution, which is evalu-
ated by the exergy flow and contribution due to the chemical
4. Energy and exergy analysis  Temperature and pressure of dead state are related to actual
environmental conditions, taken as standard conditions:
The energy analysis is based on the first law of thermodynamics, T0 ¼ 298 K; P0 ¼ 1 atm
which refers to the conservation of energy in a system given its
conversion from one form to another. Although it lets you design For the process considered, the basic equations of thermody-
and optimize thermal systems, does not adequately describe the namics (mass balance, energy balance, entropy balance, exergy
factors that make the process leave its ideal behavior behind. balance and exergy flow of the fluid streams of the system) can be
However, the exergy analysis, based on the second law of ther- expressed as [52]:
modynamics, allows the calculation of the irreversibilities or, what X X
Mass balance : _ in ¼
m _ out
m (5)

Table 7 X X
Energy balance : W_  Q_ ¼ _ out $hout 
m _ i $hi
m (6)
Calculations to obtain the temperature of the boiler exhaust gases.

Substance Ni, (kmol) Mi, (kg/kmol) Hi, (kJ/kg) [48] Ni$Mi$Hi, (kJ)
X Q_ X X
Reactants Entropy balance : 0 ¼ þ _ out $sout 
m _ in $sin þ s_
CH4 0.65324 16 4645 48 548.79 TF
CO2 0.34672 44 8933 136279.00
H2S 0.00003 34 872.60 0.8918
NH3 0.000001 17 1884.0 0.0321
N2 5.895 28 5.36 885.04 X T
 X X
O2 1.568 32 4.75 238.33 Exergy balance : 0 ¼ 1  0 $Q_  W
_ þ bin  bout
H2O 6.609 18 13 432.00 1.5979 $106
Products  E_ D
CO2 1.00 44 7962.00 350226.00
SO2 0.00003 64 3951.00 7.58592 (8)
N2 5.895 28 977.40 161402.00

Exergetic flow : b_ i ¼ m
O2 0.2614 32 904.20 7560.00
H2O 7.916 18 11 561.00 1.6473$106
_ i $ððhi  h0 Þ  T0 $ðsi  s0 ÞÞ (9)
178 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

The equations of energy efficiency (h) and exergy efficiency (ε) of various elements: biogas flow and exhaust gases flow. The
studied to complete the analysis of the equipments involved in the highest exergy flow, i. e., the highest capacity to do work, corre-
combustion process can be expressed as [52]: sponds to biogas (14 264.0 kW), followed by exhaust gases from the
boiler (3261.0 kW), which shows that the choice of tapping its
Energy in the equipment energy potential in HRB is an optimal and feasible solution. The
Energy efficiency : h ¼ (10) steam exergy flow increases after passing through the HRB, which
Inlet total energy
ensures that the Stirling engine works in perfect and proper con-
ditions. The lowest exergy flow corresponds to air (68.00 kW),
Exergy in the equipment negligible compared to other flows, since no useful work of its
Exergy efficiency : ε ¼ (11)
Inlet total exergy employment is expected, but as oxidizer in the combustion
The calculation of the outlet temperature of the exhaust gases in
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the flows of energy and exergy of the
the HRB (T4) is made from the heat balance of the equipment with
process by a Sankey and a Grassmann diagram, respectively.
the effectiveness e NTU method [53e55]. This method is based on
Table 12 summarizes the energy and exergy results of the biogas
the calculation of a dimensionless parameter called effectiveness
process in the boilers. In terms of entropy generated in the boiler,
(ef), defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate to the
losses are calculated based on the performance of the boiler, which
maximum possible heat transfer rate. Heat transfer will reach its
means that under the working conditions imposed, they amount to
maximum value when any of the following occurs:
1.43 kW, generating an entropy of 6.699 kW/K. The same calcula-
tion under adiabatic conditions indicates that the entropy pro-
(i) The cold fluid is heated to the inlet temperature of the hot
duction is 6.698 kW/K. Such a trivial difference is the result of lower
fluid or
losses in operating conditions, which shows that the entropy
(ii) The hot fluid is cooled to the inlet temperature of the cold
generated is mainly due to internal irreversibilities of the process.
Considering that the losses in the HRB represent 30% of the entropy
production in adiabatic conditions, the results show that when
These two boundary conditions will only be simultaneously
there are no losses, an entropy of 0.018 kW/K is generated and
achieved when the ratios of heat capacities of both fluids (product
when there are losses (38.11 kW), the entropy production has a
of their mass flows by its specific heat at constant pressure), are
value of 127.00 kW/K; therefore the entropy generated is not only
identical. Table 8 summarizes the results of the study, with which
the result of internal irreversibilities of the system, but also a part of
temperature of 874  C (1147 K) for the exhaust gases of the HRB has
it is invested in the irreversibility of the process. The irreversibility
been obtained.
in the process has also been studied to quantify the difference
In Table 9 and Table 10 the equations used for the analysis of the
between the maximum amount of work that can be expected and
boiler and the heat recovery boiler, are respectively described. In
the actual amount of work obtained in the process. In the case of
each graphic the points of the process are indicated according to
the boiler, the rate of exergy destruction in an adiabatic process is of
[Fig. 3].
9153.0 and of 9154.0 kW, in a non-adiabatic one; value almost equal
Table 11 shows the input data and the results obtained from the
in both cases since the estimated losses are very small. Not so in the
energy and exergy analysis. For the exergy analysis the inlet and
HRB, where the rate of irreversibility under adiabatic conditions
outlet flows of each boiler have been examined [Fig. 3]. In the
(110.90 kW) is significantly lower than that calculated when there
combustion boiler two exergetic contributions have been recorded,
are losses (139.10 kW).
chemical and thermomechanical, in those flows that are mixtures

Table 8
Effectiveness e NTU method results for the HRB with respect to state points in Fig. 3.

_ (kg/h)
Mass flow rates m Specific heat at constant pressure cp (kJ/kg K) Heat capacity rate C (kW/ C) Temperature T (K)

Hot fluid (h); flow 3e4 m_ h ¼ 2703 cph ¼ 1:14 Ch ¼ m_ h $cph ¼ 223:7 T3 ¼ 1177
T4 ¼ 1147
Cold fluid (c); flow 6e7 m_ c ¼ 2703 cpc ¼ 1:87 Cc ¼ m_ c $cc ¼ 56:51 T6 ¼ 323
T7 ¼ 448.45
Actual heat transfer rate (kW) 7089.00
qreal ¼ Cc $ðTcs  Tce Þ ¼ Ch $ðThe  Ths Þ (12)

Maximum possible heat transfer rate (kW) 48 270.00

qmax ¼ Cmin $ðThe  Tce Þ (13)

Heat transfer effectiveness (%) 14.69

ef ¼ (14)

Capacity ratio 0.6089

c ¼ min (15)

NTU 0.1666
1 ef  1
NTU ¼ $ln (16)
c1 ef $c  1

Overall heat transfer coefficient (k/m2$K) 0.2015

Cmin $NTU
U¼ (17)
Heat transfer surface area
Table 9
Energy and exergy relations of the boiler with respect to state points in Fig. 3.

Component Energetic and exergetic balance equations

Boiler (B) Mass balance

m_ 1 þ m_ 2 ¼ m_ 3 þ m_ 5 (18)

Energy balance
Q_ B ¼ m
_ 3 $h3 þ m
_ 5 $h5  m
_ 1 $h1  m
_ 2 $h2 (19)

Energetic efficiency
Q_ B
h¼ (20)
Q_ max;B

Exergetic efficiency
E_ D B
εB ¼ 1  (21)
b_ 1

A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

Entropy balance
X Q_ B
0¼ _ 3 $s3 þ m
þm _ 5 $s5  m
_ 1 $s  m
_ 2 $s2 þ s_ (22)

Specific entropy of element i of a

gas mixture Yi $Pm
si ðT; Pi Þ ¼ s0i ðT; P0 Þ  Ru $ln (23)

Exergy destroyed
X T0

E_ D B ¼ 1 Q_ B þ b_ 1 þ b_ 2  b_ 3  b_ 5 (24)

E_ D B ¼ T0 $s_ (25)

Chemical molar exergy of the

0 1
biogas ð1þExÞ$ath
yCH4 $yO2 $ycN
eCH biogas ¼ g 0CH4 þ ð1 þ ExÞ$ath $g0O2 þ ð3:76$ath $ð1 þ ExÞÞg0N2  a$g0CO2  b$g0H2 O  c$g0N2  d$g0O2 þ Ru $T0 $ln@ d A (26)
yO2 air $ycN2 air yaCO2 air $ybH2 Oair

Thermomechanical molar exergy of

the biogas eTM ¼ hCH4  h0CH4  T0 $ sCH4  s0CH4 (27)

Exergetic flow of biogas

eCH biogas
b_ 1 ¼ þ eTM biogas $m_ 1 (28)

Exergetic flow of air

b_ 2 ¼ h2  h02  T0 $ s2  s02 (29)

Exergetic flow of exhaust gases

eCH þ þeTM
b_ 3 ¼
gases gases
$m_ 3 (30)

Exergetic flow of steam

b_ 5 ¼ h5  h05  T0 $ s5  s05 (31)

180 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

Table 10
Energy and exergy relations of the heat recovery boiler with respect to state points in Fig. 3.

Component Energetic and exergetic balance equations

Heat recovery boiler (HRB) Mass balance

_6 ¼m
m _7 (32)

m _4
_3 ¼m (33)

Energy balance
Q_ HRB ¼ m
_ 6 ðh7  h6 Þ (34)

Q_ HRB ¼ m
_ 3 ðh4  h3 Þ (35)

Q_ max; HRB ¼ Cmın Tin h  Tin c (36)

Energetic efficiency
h¼ (37)
Q_ max;HRB

Exergy destroyed
X T0
E_ D HRB ¼ 1 Q_ HRB þ b_ 3  b_ 4 þ b_ 6  b_ 7 (38)

Exergetic efficiency
b_ 3  b_ 4
ε¼ (39)
b_ 7  b_ 6

Entropy balance
0¼ þ m_ in $sin  m_ out $sout þ s_ (40)

Chemical molar exergy of

! ! ! !!
the exhaust gas YCO2 YH2 O YN2 YO2
eCH gases ¼ Ru $T0 $ x$ln þ y$ln þ w$ln þ ðath $ExÞ$ln (41)
YCO2 air YH2 O air
YN2 air YO2 air

Thermomechanical molar

exergy of the exhaust
eTM gases ¼ Ni $ (42)

Exergetic flow of inlet

exhaust gases eCH þ þeTM
b_ 3 ¼
gases gases
$m_ 3

Exergetic flow of outlet
exhaust gases eCH þ þeTM
b_ 4 ¼
gases gases
$m_ 4 (43)

Exergetic flow of inlet

steam b_ 6 ¼ h6  h06  T0 $ s6  s06 (44)

Exergetic flow of outlet

steam b_ 7 ¼ h7  h07  T0 $ s7  s07 (45)

As regards the cost of the destroyed exergy, it differs in each 5. Thermoeconomic analysis
boiler and is higher for the B, since in this subsystem the irre-
versibility rate is higher. It must therefore be concluded that there Thermoeconomics or exergoeconomics is a tool for analysis,
is some useful work that could be used but is not, with an estimated evaluation and design, which integrates the principles of various
cost of 192.20 V/kWh. The same cost in the HRB is about 100 times disciplines such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer
lower, which shows that the potential useful work in this boiler is and economy. It is based on the principle of exergetic cost,
better used, as revealed by its efficiency parameter. assigning monetary values to the energy flows, thermodynamic
After obtaining the values of the exergy flows and exergy inefficiencies and irreversibilities within the system [56]. It allows
destroyed, the exergy efficiency of the two boilers in real operating the designer to optimize the costs of achieving a profitable system
condition has been evaluated, in order to ascertain the ability to without neglecting their efficiency and performance. The advan-
transform resources into products. The B has the lowest efficiency tage of thermoeconomic study is that it provides information that
(35.83%), according to the high rate of irreversibility in it. The HRB cannot be obtained with the usual energy and economic analyses,
exergy efficiency is 44.18%. The exergy destruction in this case is since they do not include all the interacting variables separately.
very small (139.19 kW) and the energy potential of the exhaust One of the most developed methods for assessing energy con-
gases of combustion is used, as a result of a previous process. version systems is the SPECO method (specific energy cost)
A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184 181

the equipment.
The economic balance of costs for a system operating at steady
state can be expressed as:
C_ out þ C_ work ¼ C_ ina þ C_ heat þ Z_ (46)

 C : Sum of costs inflows (V/h)
P _ in
 Cout : Sum of costs outflows (V/h)
 C_ work : Costs of work flows (V/h)
 C_ heat : Costs of heat flows (V/h)
Fig. 3. Outline of mass flow rate in the process.
 _ Costs associated with investment, operation and mainte-
nance (V/h).

presented by Lazzaretto and Tsatsaronis [57]. In this method, the To know the final unit cost of steam production for each boiler,
cost of adding a stream exergy is determined and assigned to the the exergy flows (b ) should be evaluated both input and output
unit that makes use of the exergy. This means that a component [Fig. 4]. According SPECO method [57] the principles F and P should
will get the exergy of a stream at different costs, depending on the be applied. The principle F indicates that the cost (cost per exergy
components that provide exergy for that stream [49]. This tool unit) associated with removing specific exergy of a fluid stream
provides simple and unambiguous procedures using a matrix must equal the average specific cost at which removed exergy is
formulation that facilitates fast problem solving. The SPECO supplied to the same current in components upstream. The prin-
method consists of three steps: (i) Identification of exergy flows; (ii) ciple P states that each exergy unit is supplied to any stream
Definition of inputs and outputs; (iii) Definition of cost equations associated with the “product” at the same average cost.
[58]. Thus, in the boiler the cost of steam production has been esti-
For the analysis costs are evaluated individually for each mated considering:
component. Individual analysis reflects the general situation and
highlights the components that, to a greater or lesser degree, in- (i) The unit cost for the air flow is 0.00 V/h, as it is a natural
fluence the performance of the system studied. One can thus un- resource of great availability.
derstand the process of the cost estimation, as well as the flow and (ii) The exhaust gases have a small associated cost as they are not
thus, what the most profitable and feasible options to optimize released into the atmosphere, but transported to the HRB.
overall system are [59].
In the study, the system formed by combustion and recovery In the HRB, to assess the cost of steam production rate, it has
process of biogas from the SS-WWTP is divided into two sub- been assumed that:
components, individually analyzed. This allows the estimation in
economic terms of the cost of procurement and production of flows (i) The exhaust gases entere at the same unit cost as B dropouts.
into and out each subsystem based on the exergetic value of each of (ii) The unit cost of the exhaust gases to leave the HRB is 0.00
them, their unit costs and costs of operation and maintenance of V/h, as they are released directly to the atmosphere through

Table 11
Data, thermodynamic properties, energy and exergy values in the process with respect to state points in Fig. 3. ̇

State Fluid Pressure Temperature Mass flow rate Enthalpy h Standard molar Molar entropy Chemical exergy Thermomechanical Exergetic
P (kPa) T ( C) _ (kg/s)
m (kJ/kg) entropy s0i (kJ/kmol K) si (kJ/kmol K) eCH (k J/kg) exergy eTM (kJ/kg) flow b_ (kW)

1 Biogas 850 35 0.66 e e e 21 068 328.10 14.264

1 CH4 850 35 0.43 4645.00 186.16 112.3 e
1 CO2 850 35 0.22 8.933 213.80 71.01 e
1 H2S 850 35 1.98$106 872.60 205.60 0.0082 e
1 NH3 850 35 6.6$107 1884.0 193.33 0.00029 e
1 O2 850 35 205.04 388.90
1 N2 850 35 191.61 1318.00
2 Air 2.70 25 0.79 10.11 396.65 1706.90 85.00 e 68.00
3 Exhaust 850 904 0.75 e e e 595.10 3748.00 3261
3 CO2 850 904 0.06 7962.0 271.80 280.60 e
3 H2O 850 904 0.22 11.561 236.70 306.30 e
3 SO2 850 904 5.14$106 3951.0 308.30 0.01185 e
3 N2 850 904 1.01 977.4 229.70 1267.00 e
3 O2 850 904 0.04 904.2 245.20 66.97 e
4 Exhaust 850 874 0.75 e e e 595.10 3483.00 3062
4 CO2 850 874 0.03 8132 271.48 280.20 e
4 H2O 850 874 0.11 11.882 234.38 303.30 e
4 SO2 850 874 2.66$106 4.068 307.98 0.01184 e
4 N2 850 874 0.52 816.3 229.50 1 26.00 e
4 O2 850 874 0.02 754.8 244.98 66.92 e
5 Steam 850 175.45 0.11 4405.0 188.83 6.655 e 17349.00 1918
6 Steam 850 50 0.11 209.40 188.83 12.625 1380
7 Steam 850 175.45 0.70 2777.0 188.83 119.79 1918
182 A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184

indicator of the benefit involved in the use of exhaust gas in such

facilities, not only in terms of energy, but also economic.

6. Advantages of using a Stirling engine

As discussed in section 3.1 where the process and equipment of

combustion and recovery of biogas from SS-WWTP were described,
the exergy potential of the steam generated in the boiler can be
used as an external source of heat for a Stirling engine, taking
advantage of the temperature difference between two reservoirs
Fig. 4. Energy flows in the process (Sankey diagram). and using steam to do an expansion power and to produce energy.
After the compression process during stroke engine, the steam
reaches the low-temperature source of the motor and it leads to the
heat recovery boiler, where after an exchange with the exhaust
gases of the boiler recovers again the proper temperature to
become the high-temperature source of the Stirling engine [Fig. 4].
The advantage of this configuration is that the biogas does not
enter the engine cylinder or come in contact with the working fluid,
which results in fewer corrosion problems for the engine. In addi-
tion, better emissions controls can be achieved in an external
combustion process that is geared toward heat exchange as
opposed to power production [60].
This external combustion engine, compared to internal com-
Fig. 5. Exergy flows in the process (Grassmann diagram). bustion ones, has the advantage of not demanding many re-
quirements on the biogas quality, which allow low methane gas to
be used [60].
chimney. Also the unit cost of the steam produced in the CB is The Stirling engine used in the study is a Whispergen Stirling
assigned to water entering the HRB to become steam. [40] four-cylinder engine that can produce, in nominal terms, 1 kW
of electric power and 8.0 kW of thermal energy at 60e80  C, which
With these considerations, the equations of the equipment cost can be increased up to 14.5 kW if the burner is used. The temper-
can be expressed as: ature of the rating work of the engine is 500  C and, since the
Boiler: exhaust gases leave the boiler at 904  C, it can be used for micro-
generation, as described in a paper presented by the manufac-
Csteam $b_ 5 þ Cproducts $b_ 3 ¼ Cbiogas $b_ 1 þ Cair $b_ 2 þ Z_ boiler (47) turers of Stirling engine [61]. Although the amount of energy pro-
vided by the engine is relatively low compared with the
Heat recovery boiler: magnitudes considered in the process, it should not be forgotten
that both, the energy cost of the engine (low fuel consumption),
C int steam $b_ 6 þ Cout gases $b_ 4 ¼ Cout steam $b_ 7 þ Cint gases $b_ 3 and the production of steam, is really low, so energy would cost
practically nothing.
þ Z_ heat recovery boiler (48)
As a result, the Stirling engine is a promising alternative, taking
To obtain the total production cost, to the cost of fuel used for into account that it is an external combustion engine with possi-
generation must be added the cost of investment, operation and bilities for better combustion control and the potential to use
maintenance associated which, once usage hours or component life multiple fuels. Therefore, with proper design, Stirling engines are
have been estimated, is determined by the expression of total cost expected to be less expensive and less polluting than Diesel engines
calculated as: [62].


This is a study of the combustion of biogas from the anaerobic
digestion of activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, to
The results are presented in Table 13. The thermoeconomic obtain exhaust gases which can be used in a heat recovery boiler to
analysis of the production and utilization process of biogas from the produce steam that can be considered as the high temperature
SS-WWTP has allowed the quantification of the economic value of reservoir of a Stirling engine. This process is an energy option that
exergy flows of each process and the exergy destroyed. The unit offers competitive advantages and points out new horizons for the
cost of steam production in the boiler has been estimated at 0.7065 use of this fuel. Although a basic configuration has been analyzed,
V/h and in about half, 0.4268 V/h, in the HRB. This is another more complex arrangements of energy use, based on the

Table 12
Energetic and exergetic results of the process boilers.

Equipment Q_ (kW) TF (K) s_ (kW/K) h (%) E_ D (kW) ε (%)

Boiler (adiabatic) 0.00 e 6.699 88.40 9153.00 e

Boiler 1.43 1175 6.698 e 9154.00 35.83
Heat recovery boiler (adiabatic) 0.00 e 0.01836 e 110.90 e
Heat recovery boiler 38.11 1155 127.00 e 139.10 44.18
A. Colmenar-Santos et al. / Renewable Energy 88 (2016) 171e184 183

Table 13 high quality renewable fuel, for industrial applications and, in turn,
Boiler and heat recovery boiler thermoeconomic analysis. would achieves the commitments to reduce environmental impact.
Boiler Besides the economic benefits already mentioned in the analysis
Production costs of flows of the costs of steam production, this process also involves mac-
Flow m_ ðkg=sÞ _
bðkWÞ C (V/h) _
CðV=kWhÞ roeconomic benefits because decentralized energy can be gener-
1 0.67 0.0210 299.50
ated, which reduces import and environmental protection costs
2 0.80 0.0000 0.00 and favors energy diversification using biomass.
3 0.75 0.0075 24.46
4 0.11 0.7065 1355.00
[1] Carvalho MdG, EU energy and climate change strategy, Energy 40 (2012)
Exergy destruction costs Operation and
[2] European Commission, Europe 2020. A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and
maintenance costs Inclusive Growth, Communication from the Commission, Brussels, COM, 2010,
EQ (kW) 9154.00 _
ZðV=hÞ 450 2020 final, 3 March 2010.
C (V/h) 0.021 [3] European Commission. The European Waste List (EWL). Commission Decision
C _ ðV=kWhÞ
192.20 2000/532/EC of 3 May 2000 Replacing Decision 94/3/EC Establishing a List of
Heat recovery boiler Wastes Pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on Waste and
Production costs of flows Council Decision 94/904/EC Establishing a List of Hazardous Waste pursuant
Flow m_ ðkg=sÞ _
bðkWÞ C (V/h) _
CðV=kWhÞ to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste.
3 0.7508 3261.00 0.0075 24.46 [4] Spanish Ministry of agriculture, food and environment. Order MAM304/2002,
4 0.7508 3062.00 0.0000 0.00 of 8 February, by which the operations of recovery and disposal of waste and
the European waste list are published. BOE-A-2002-3285.
6 0.1105 1830.00 0.7065 1293.00
[5] M. Dogru, A. Midilli, C.R. Howard, Gasification of sewage sludge using a
7 0.1105 1918.00 0.4268 816.00
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