Mechanics of Law Making

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DATE: September 24, 2019

Detailed Lesson Plan

Araling Panlipunan 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students must:
a. enumerate the steps in law making process;
b. arrange the Mechanics of Law Making in Philippines in chronological
order ;
c. value the role of every citizen in legislative process.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Mechanics of Law Making
Materials: Music video entitled Im Just a Bill, video presentation about
The Mechanics of Law Making in Phillipines, powerpoint
presentation,manila paper, marker,flow chart, TV.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Let us all stand, Pupil 1 please Pupil 1: Let’s bow our heads and feel the
lead the prayer. presence of the Lord.
Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love, who meets me
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard,
To rule and guide.
Thank you, Pupil 1.

2. Greetings

Good afternoon, class! All:Good afternoon Ma’am.

Okay, you may now be seated. (The class will be seated.)

3. Checking of attendance
Pupil 2, is there any absent today Pupil 2: I’m glad to say that no one is
on your row? absent today, Ma’am.

How about on your row, Pupil 3? Pupil 3: None Ma’am.

Okay, thank you.

4. Review

Before we start our lesson for

today, let us review our past lesson

Pupil 1, what then again the Pupil 1: Ma’am, the Philippine Congress
composition of Philippine is divided into two chambers: a) the
Congress? Lower House, or the the House of
Representatives which is composed of
District and Party-list Representatives
and b) the Upper House, or the Senate
which is composed of senators.

Very good, Pupil 1!

All: The Philippine Congress is divided
Can you all please repeat what into two chambers, the House of
Pupil1 said? Representatives which is composed of
District and Party-list Representatives
and the Senate which is composed of

All: Yes Ma’am.

Thank you. Do you understand

Very good.

B.Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
All: Yes Ma’am.
Now, we will watch and listen to a
music video. Do you want that?
Pupil 3: Watch attentively and don’t talk
And what are you going to do as with seatmate Ma’am.
the video started to play? Yes
Pupil 3?

Very good.
(The teacher plays the music
2. Presentation

Did you watch and listen carefully All: Yes Ma’am.

to the video?

Let’s see if you really listen


I have here an incomplete lyrics of

the song entitled Im Just a Bill.
What you need to do is complete
the lyrics by filling in the blanks.

Do you understand? All: Yes Ma’am.

Very good class!

Please read, all of you. All: I’m just a 1 ,

I’m just a 1 , Yes, I’m only a bill,
Yes, I’m only a bill, And I’m sitting here on 2 _____,
And I’m sitting here on 2 _____, Well, it’s a long, long 3 ,
Well, it’s a long, long 3 , To the 4 city,
To the 4 city, It’s a long, long wait,
It’s a long, long wait, While I’m sitting in 5 ,
While I’m sitting in 5 , But I know I’ll be a 6 someday,
But I know I’ll be a 6 someday, At least I hope and pray that I will,
At least I hope and pray that I will, But today I’m still just a bill.
But today I’m still just a bill.
(The students will write the answers.)
Thank you. Who wants to answer Pupil 1: bill
the first one, Yes Pupil 1?

Good. Number 2, Pupil 2? Pupil 2: Capitol Hill

Great. On number 3, yes please Pupil 3: journey

Pupil 3.

Very Good Pupil 3.

Pupil 1 on number 4 please. Pupil 1:capital

Okay, on the number 5? Yes Pupil Pupil 2:committee


Very Good Pupil 2 and the one Pupil 3: law

one, yes Pupil 3?

Wow. Let’s give them a round of

Now, may you all please read the All: I’m just a 1. bill ,
lyrics? Yes, I’m only a bill,
And I’m sitting here on 2. Capitol
Well, it’s a long, long 3. journey ,
To the 4. capital city,
It’s a long, long wait,
While I’m sitting in 5. committee ,
But I know I’ll be a 6. law someday,
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I’m still just a bill.

Pupil 1: The long journey of the bill to

Thank you. the Capitol Ma’am.
Now, what do you think the video
is all about, Pupil 1?
Pupil 2: The video is about a bill waiting
Good! Any idea? Yes Pupil 2? to become a law Ma’am.

Very Good!.
Pupil 1: The video is about a bill waiting
Can you please repeat what Pupil to become a law.
2 said? Yes Pupil 1? .

Great. The reason why I showed

this video to you is that our lesson
for today is about “The Mechanics
of Law Making.

The Mechanics of law making is

the process during which an idea
or the bill showed in the video is
transformed into law.
A law starts off as a bill filed in
Congress . It then goes through a
process which culminates with its
submission to the President for
his consideration. Once signed,
the bill there after becomes a law .
How this process works?

All: Yes Ma’am.

Are you ready?

3. Discussion
For us to understand more the
process of law making, let us Pupil 3: A bill is a proposed legislation
identify first what is a bill. hence it’s called “Panukalang Batas”
which identifies as societal problem and
May you please read Pupil 3? provides a solution to solve that

Pupil 2: The other term used for bill

Thank you Pupil 3. Ma’am is Panukalang Batas.

Again, what is the other term used

for bill? Pupil 2?


And how this bill becomes a law?

Let’s study the step-by-step guide
as to how a bill becomes law in the
Pupil 1: 1. Preparation of the Bill.
The Mechanics of Law Making To initiate the law-making process, the
proposed bill is signed by its author and
Please read Pupil 1. filed with the Secretary of either the
House of Representatives or the
Senate .

Pupil 3: The bill must be signed by its

Okay , thank you Pupil 1. author Ma’am.

Who is the person needs to sign Pupil 1: The bill must be filed to the
the bill Pupil 3? Secretary of the either the Lower House
or the Senate Ma’am.
Great.And to whom it must be
filed, Pupil 1?

Very Good.

Once the bill is filed, it has go

through Three readings.
Pupil 2: The bill has to go through
Three readings Ma’am.

Pupil 3: 2. First Reading

How many readings does a bill On the First Reading, the number and
needs to undergo again, Pupil 2? title of the bill is read, followed by its
referral to the appropriate committee for
Very Good. study.

May you please read the second

step Pupil 3?

Okay, thank you.

A committee is a body within the

House of Representatives
compose of a limited number of
house members. The committee
members deliberate the provisions
of the bill, bring in resource
persons and experts as part of Pupil 2: The resource persons and
Technical Working Groups and experts who edit the bill if necessary is
edit the bill if necessary. Technical Working Group Ma’am.

Again, what do you call to the

resource persons and experts who Pupil 1: 3. Second Reading
edit the bill if necessary? Pupil 2. On the Second Reading, the bill is read
in full along with amendments proposed
Okay, very good. by the committee who studied it. The
bill is then subjected to debates and
The third step please,Pupil 1? discussion by the members of the
House where it was filed. After
extensive discussion, the bill will be
voted on. If approved, it would go
through a third reading.

Pupil 1: The stage where the bill reads

in full along with amendments and
subjected for debates and discussions
is Second Reading Ma’am.
On what stage of reading does the
bill reads in full along with Pupil 2: 4. Third Reading
amendments and subjected for On Third Reading, the bill will be
debates and discussions, Pupil 1? submitted for a final vote. If approved
again, it shall be transmitted to the
Okay, thank you. other House for concurrence
/agreement. The other House will go
The fourth step, yes please Pupil through the same process of having
2? three readings.

All: 4. On Third Reading, the bill will be

submitted for a final vote. If approved
again, it shall be transmitted to the
other House for concurrence
/agreement. The other House will go
through the same process of having
Please read it again, all of you. three readings.

Thank you.

If the other House introduces

amendments and the House from
which the bill originated does not
approve of the amendments, the
differences will be settled by a
bicameral conference committee
composed of representatives from
both the House and the Senate,
whose recommendations will have
to be approved by both Houses for
ratification.Once the bill is
approved, it is transmitted to the

Pupil 1: Ma’am, a bicameral conference

committee is called to settle the
differences regarding to the bill of both

Again,what do you call to the

conference done by the both
houses to reconcile differences to Pupil 3: 5. Presidential Action
the bill Pupil 1? The president studies the bill and can
either sign the bill to indicate approval,
or veto the bill to indicate disapproval.
Very Good Pupil 1. If approved, the bill officially becomes a
Kind read the next one, Pupil 3.

Pupil 2: The bil is transmitted to the

president after approval of both houses,

Again, to whom the bill is

transmitted after the approval of
both houses, Pupil 2?
Pupil 1:If the President decides to
Very Good Pupil 2. exercise his veto powers, the Congress
may re-pass the vetoed bill if two-thirds
And what happen if the President of both Houses, voting separately,
disapproves the bill? approve its enactment. In this case, the
bill also officially becomes a law.
Please read Pupil 1.

Pupil 2:The power of the president to

disapprove a bill called veto power.

Thank you Pupil1.

What do you call to the power of

president to disapprove a bill Pupil

Very good Pupil 2.

Furthermore, vetoed bill has a Pupil 3: Ma’am, the bill needs to get 2/3
second chance to become a law by of both house’ approval to become a law
getting the approval of the 2/3 of .
both houses .

Again, how many portion does the

vetoed bill needs to get to become
a law Pupil 3?

Pupil 2: 6. Effectivity and Publication of

Good . the Law.
The law shall take effect after its
And what happens to this law? publication either in the Official Gazette
or in a newspaper for general
Kindly read the last step, Pupil 2.

Thank you Pupil 2.

In addition to that, Official Gazette

is the public journal and main
publication of the government .

Pupil 1: Official Gazette is the public

journal and main publication of the
government .

Pupil 3. We have six (6) steps in the

mechanics of law making here in the
What is Official Gazette, yes Pupil
Pupil 1: The Mechanics of Law Making
1.Preparation of the Bill.
Very Good.
2.First Reading
3.Second Reading
So how many steps do have in the
4.Third Reading
mechanics of law making in the
5.Presidential Action
Philippines,Pupil 3?
6. Effectivity and Publication of the Law.
Very Good!

Again, what are the 6 steps in the

mechanics of law making in the
Philippines? Yes Pupil 1?
All: The Mechanics of Law Making
1.Preparation of the Bill.
2.First Reading
3.Second Reading
4.Third Reading
5.Presidential Action
6. Effectivity and Publication of the Law.

All: Yes Ma’am.

All of you, what are The Mechanics
of Law Making.
All: Yes Ma’am.
Do you understand it now class?

Very Good! (The pupils will count.)

(The pupils will go to their respective

4. Application
All: Instruction: Arrange the Mechanics
Now, we have a game. Are you of Law Making in Philippines in
excited? chronological order by picking 1 item
only per member at your designated
I will group you into four. Please envelope and then post it on the
count 1 to 4. board. Once you are done, yell the
designated color of your team.
Okay, go to your groups now. Example. “Go Red Team!” first to
complete the flow chart of the
Mechanics of Law Making will be
Please read the instruction, all of declared as the winner.

All:Yes Ma’am.

(The groups will fall in line.)

All: Yes Ma’am.

(The groups start to arrange The

Again, one item per member only, Mechanics of Law Making .)
then proceed to the next until you
finish the flow chart.
6. Effectivity and Publication of
the Law- either in the Official
Gazette or in anewspaper for
general circulation.

Do I make myself clear now?

Please fall in line. 5. Presidential Action -can either

sign the bill to indicate approval, or
veto the
bill to indicate

Are you ready?

In 5, 4,3, 2,1 Go! 4. Third Reading -submitted

for a final vote with


3. Second Reading- -the bill is

read in full along with amendments
6. Effectivity and Publication of and subjected to debates and
discussion .
the Law- either in the Official
Gazette or in anewspaper for
general circulation.

2.First Reading-the number and

5. Presidential Action -can either title of the bill is read.
sign the bill to indicate approval, or
veto the bill to indicate

1. Preparation of the Bill-signed

by its author and filed to Congress
4. Third Reading -submitted
for a final vote with

3. Second Reading- -the bill is

read in full along with amendments
and subjected to debates and
discussion .

2.First Reading-the number and

title of the bill is read.
All: Yes Ma’am.

Okay, I think we already have a


(The teacher will announce the

winning group.) All: What is it Ma’am?

Did you enjoy the game?

Pupil 3: Being part of our country, our
most important role is to be a good
That’s good to know! citizen. In a way , that we must
participate to our government through
voting the deserving officials who will
5. Generalization create the bill containing our societal
problems, respecting and following the
Now, I have a very important laws they have created to improve our
question to all you. community.

All: Being part of our country, our most

important role is to be a good citizen. In
a way , that we must participate to our
government through voting the
deserving officials who will create the bill
Yes Pupil 3? containing our societal problems,
respecting and following the laws they
Wow! That’s on point, very good have created to improve our community.
Pupil 3!

Everyone, please repeat what

Pupil 3 answered.

Pupil 1: Arrange the following procedure

Very good class! in chronological order for “The
Mechanics of Law Making in
Philippines”. Write the number on the
space provided.
IV. Evaluation
Name: Date:

Okay, now we will have a quiz. Please

A. Arrange the following procedure in chronological order for “The Mechanics of Law Making in
get one and pass it to your seatmate. Philippines”. Write the number on the space provided.

2 a.The number and title only of the bill are read.

_1__b. The proposed bill is signed by its author and filed with the Secretary of the either the Lower

Please read the direction Pupil 1. House (for congressmen) or the Senate (for senators).
_6__c. The law shall take effect after its publication either in the Official Gazette or in anewspaper for
general circulation.

_3__d. The bill is read in full along with amendments proposed by the committee who studied it and
then subjected for debates and discussion by the members of the House where it was filed.

_5__e. The president studies the bill and can either sign the bill to indicate approval, or veto the bill
to indicate disapproval.

4 f. The bill will be submitted for a final vote and if it is approved, it will transmitted to the other
House for concurrence /agreement.

B.IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

Name: Date:
Grade: 1.Bill
3.Veto Power
4.Official Gazette
A. Arrange the following procedure in chronological order for “The Mechanics of Law Making in
Philippines”. Write the number on the space provided.

a.The number and title only of the bill are read. All: Yes Ma’am.
____b. The proposed bill is signed by its author and filed with the Secretary of the either the Lower
House (for congressmen) or the Senate (for senators).

____c. The law shall take effect after its publication either in the Official Gazette or in anewspaper for
general circulation.

____d. The bill is read in full along with amendments proposed by the committee who studied it and
then subjected for debates and discussion by the members of the House where it was filed.
(The pupils answer the test.)
____e. The president studies the bill and can either sign the bill to indicate approval, or veto the bill
to indicate disapproval.

____f. The bill will be submitted for a final vote and if it is approved, it will transmitted to the other
House for concurrence /agreement.

B.IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
All: Yes Ma’am.
1.A proposed legislation called “Panukalang Batas” which identifies as societal problem and provides
a solution to solve that problem.
2. An approved bill.
3.The power exercised by the president in rejecting a bill.
4.The public journal and main publication of the government.

Just write only the number from 1 to 6

on the Test A. Is it clear?

You may all begin. Answer the test


All: None Ma’am.

Are you done? Let’s check it.
Goodbye Ma’am, goodbye classmates.
(The test papers will be checked.) See you all tomorrow.

For your assignment, make an
advance reading about the Judicial
Branch of the Philippines.

Do you have any questions?

Okay, see you all tomorrow. Class


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