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Educational Technology Definition


- Process of bringing up or leading out the inherent potentialities from the pupil.
- Process by which the knowledge, skills and attitude are transmitted to the members of the


- Refers to the techniques as well as technical contrivances which enhance a process

- It is a systematic way of applying the technique to achieve an objective.

Educational Technology

- It can be therefore defined as the systematic application of technology in the field of education.

History of Educational Technology

40,000 BC – Paintings and drawings are a new means of communication

3,000 BC - The invention of the abacus in marked the beginning of computers.

• For the first time, people had a calculating device with which to do math.

Around 2,300 BC the creators of Stonehenge first began work on what is now known as an astronomical

• Between 1452 and 1456, Gutenberg printed the first book ever, the Bible. Johannes Gutenberg
(Germany) developed the printing press, sometimes considered the greatest invention of all time.

1635- First public school was founded in U.S. (boston Latin School)

1725 - Joseph-Marie Jacquard (French) invented a way to weave silk using punched cards. These
punched cards would become the predecessors of those used in the first computers. The idea of using
punched cards to control machines was considered to be the birth of modern day computer

1752 - Benjamin Franklin discovered by when he flew his kite one stormy day in June, This discovery
would eventually allow us to power the computers we have come to rely on so heavily in our modern

1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invented the electrical speech machine which we now call the telephone.
This machine would one day make distance learning and the Internet possible.

1927- The first public demonstration on television. Due to the numerous contributors that helped to
develop this new medium, it is even more difficult to acknowledge any one person for its invention.

October 4, 1957 - the former Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. The world's first artificial
satellite. It took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path.

1964 - Mini-computers was introduced.

1986 - The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the development of the NSFNET which,
today, provides a major backbone communication service for the Internet.


• Video disks (VCD)


• Multimedia


• Teleconferencing

• Software--

2000 to Present

• Virtual reality

• Online life

• Mobile computer lab

• Wireless Internet access

Why Do We Study Educational Technology?

• Educational technology allows the teacher to determine how to best integrate technology with
the various learning styles that would be effective in teaching every student in the class.

Some of the ways EdTech benefits both teachers and students

1. Increased student engagement

2. More collaboration

3. Improve digital literacy

4. Automate grading

5. Get student data

6. Stay in touch 24/7

7. Keep up with classroom management

8. Flip the classroom

9. Have more fun

10. Get creative

11. Go paperless
12. Publish and present student work

13. Do more research

14. Learn to code

15. Teachers save time

16. Raise test scores

17. Bring the classroom home

18. Find free materials

19. Turn review into a game

20. Personalize learning for every student

21. Include ELLs

22. Stop buying expensive textbooks

23. Provide remediation

24. Provide acceleration

25. Bring your classroom into the 21st century


- [PPT]Educational Technology: › jdavis › etec › chpres › ETEC562-062-Ch01-
- [PPT]Educational Technology: › math › cavin › techclass061 › Roblyer PPT Ch.

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