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Name : Gamas Gautama

Place & Date of Birth : Kebumen, June,1, 1992

Nationality : Indonesian

Religion : Moeslem

Address : Ambalresmi RT 01/ 02 Ambal Kebumen

Mobile : 085803946136

Hobies : Sport


Interpersonal skills:

Leadership & public addressing

Having good ability in presentation using Microsoft Office

Good ability in communication

Excellent in English

Office applications

A writer, A good listener, A story teller, A hard worker

Able using Opera hotel system


Computer Literate.

Excellent in English.

Management, Presentation, Organizational skills.

Energetic, Eager to learn, Adaptive to new environment, Sociable.

Good hearer

Educational History/Qualification

 2015-2016 : Oddessey Euromica Hotel Institude And Crouse Ship

• 2011 – 2015 : Graduated From University Muhammadiyah of Purworejo

• 2007 – 2011: Graduated From Senior High School of SMA N 1 Buluspesantren

• 2004 – 2007: Graduated From Junior High School of SMP N 1 Ambal

• 1998 – 2004 : Graduated From Elementry School of SD Negeri1 Ambal

Professional Experiences

Bar captain at Atria Hotel Magelang by Paradors Hotel and Risort

21 Agustus 2018 – 24 Maret 2019

Sell existing products and introduce new beverages to costumer

• Introduce bar facilities to the guest and new event that will be held for the guest coming

• Sell a liquor, wine, coctail,spirit and up selling the product

• Promote community about the bar

• Making beverages and showing infront of the guess

Handlle Guest Complain

Making Promotion

Making new Beverages Recipie

Inventori And Making Operational Tobe Done

Making scedule and create a coffe menu

Bartender at Grand Mercure Hotel Yogyakarta April 2017 – 28 Agustus 2018

• Sell existing products and introduce new beverages to costumer

• Introduce bar facilities to the guest and new event that will be held for the guest coming

• Sell a liquor, wine, coctail,spirit and up selling the product

• Promote community about the bar

• Making beverages and showing infront of the guess

 Handlle Guest Complain

 Making Promotion
 Making new Beverages Recipie
 Inventori And Making Operational Tobe Done
 Taking Order

FB Attandentat Bintan Lagoon Resort Five Stars Hotel and Resort At Bintan Island Kepri August 2016 –
April 2017

• Sell existing products and introduce new beverages to costumer

• Introduce bar facilities to the guest and new event that will be held for the guest coming

• Sell a liquor, wine, coctail,spirit and up selling the product

• Promote community about the bar

• Making beverages and showing infront of the guess

 Handlle Guest Complain

 Making Promotion
 Inventori And Making Operational Tobe Done
 Taking Order

Trainer as Bartender At The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta Mgallery By Sofitel

• Sell existing products and introduce new beverages to costumer

• Introduce bar facilities to the guest and new event that will be held for the guest coming

• up selling the product

• Promote community about the bar

• Making beverages and showing infront of the guess

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