Educ 359 Siop Lesson Plan

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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

Christina Rombousek & Megan Houlihan


THEME: ​Spooky, scary, horror

LESSON TOPIC: ​Serial Killers


● ​Language:​ Students will be able to accurately identify in writing key vocabulary words

and their definitions.

● Content:​ Students will be able to identify basic facts and characteristics of various serial



● Give pictorial support, pictures, and video​s- Students will be shown a powerpoint

including pictures, videos, and other graphics.

● KWL Chart​- Students will use this KWL chart to organize their thoughts and what they

learned through the lesson.

● Gallery walk​- Students will partake in a gallery walk where students will look at the

work of other classmates, learning about the serial killer each group had.

● What do you know?​- We will be tapping into students prior knowledge by asking them

questions before we start the lesson. We will also use an exit slip to assess what students

know by the end of the lesson.

● Talk/Pair Share- Students will be talking and collaborating with their peers throughout

the entire lesson.


● Organized offender- ​A person who commits a planned crime, in a premeditated manner,

leaving few to no clues. This type of offender may also carry a “kit” to a potential crime

scene, and will generally choose their victims with precise specifications.

● Disorganized offender-​ A person who commits a crime haphazardly or opportunistically,

using weapons found at the scene and often leaving clues. (Motives are more difficult to

discover and signatures harder to find).

● Criminal profiling​- The use of observation of a crime scene, or crime scenes, and the

patterns of crimes to determine investigative relevant characteristics of the perpetrator; it

is used as a guide for police and other authorities to narrow down a list of suspects and

devise a strategy for questioning.

● Hero homicide-​ Murders committed by a person looking for recognition without intent to

kill. Often committed by a health care provider. These murders are results of

unsuccessful attempt to hurt someone and alter come to the rescue.

● Profiler-​ A mental health professional and/or law enforcement officer with behavioral

science training who helps determine the traits of an unknown offender from aspects of

the victim and crime scene.

● Unknown suspect-​ This is used in lieu of a suspect’s name.


● PowerPoint

● Vocabulary PowerPoint sheet

● KWL chart

● Serial killer posters

● Serial killer facts (cut out) & color coded

● Glue

● Sticky notes

MOTIVATION (building background):

● Start off by asking the class if anyone knows what a serial killer is? If anyone knows of

any serial killers? Anyone know any traits or key vocab? We will write any key words, or

phrases on the board.

● We will show a short video on serial killers

● Transition into powerpoint slide


● Students will receive a KWL chart where they will write what they know and want to

know about serial killers. Students will be instructed to revisit the KWL chart later in the

lesson to fill in what they have learned.

● Start powerpoint presentation with the definition of a serial killer, and other key

vocabulary. Students will be given a vocabulary fill in to complete during the powerpoint

and that they can use a resource later.

● Students will then learn about five famous serial killers during the powerpoint, and will

watch videos that go along with them. Students will learn about the serial killers actions,

victims, punishments, and possible motives. Students will be encouraged to take notes

during the PowerPoint.


● After the PowerPoint, students break into groups and will have a scavenger hunt around

the classroom to find facts that match the color they were given. Students will be finding

all of the facts of their serial killer, and must figure out which killer they got. Students

will paste their facts to the poster of their serial killer. Students will be instructed to

include two more facts about the killer if they have time. (like the game clue to figure out

their serial killer—tape the clues under their killer, there will be posters around the

room). Students will present the serial killer they have, identifying the key facts. Using

three of the key vocabulary words learned during the lesson.

● Once all students are done working on their poster the class will have a gallery walk. All

the students will walk around to each group’s poster where the group will present the

serial killer they have, and the facts they found during the scavenger hunt and any

additional facts they included. Students in each group will be instructed to use two key

vocabulary words in their presentation in the gallery walk.

● Vocab activity- matching vocab words with their definition in their group. Possible

four-square activity where students define one or two unknown vocab words

● Formative assessment while students are working on their poster

● Formative assessment when students are presenting their serial killer using key

vocabulary words

● Exit slip where students will write something they learned from the lesson.

● KWL chart


● If there is extra time students will have a vocabulary matching sheet that they will

complete individually and will check with their shoulder partner.

Killers: Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Keith Hunter

Jesperson (happy face killer). Each group/pair will have a serial killer

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