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Harrison 1

Cameron Harrison

Professor Raymond


26 September 2019

My Uncle Bradley and Grandfather Thomas

The relative I selected to interview was my Uncle Brad. Bradley Scott was born in Texas

and was a US Army Ranger. He was deployed twice in Afghanistan and once in Iraq. I called

him because I wanted to find out more about the Scott's side of the family. My uncle Bradley

helped me fill in some gaps in which I couldn’t figure out. One piece of information he helped

me piece together was that my dads side came over to the USA before the start of the American

Revolution. Apparently I had ancestors who fought for the militia in the 1700s. I thought that

was so interesting that my family’s blood and honor was used to help liberate our country from

tyranny. I also discovered in my phone call a little more about my grandfather. My grandfather

Skip grew up in Houston, Texas and was deployed in WW2. He married my grandmother and

they had one child. That child was my Aunt Dera. It was really cool to help put all the pieces

together and start to fill out my family tree.

Another person I was able to interview was my Grandfather Thomas. He grew up in rural

Louisville, Kentucky. I asked him to describe his early life and he told me “ well back in the day

Louisville was a small quiet town and when I met your grandmother”. He then added “ I didn’t

do much outside of working and watching football games but having your dad and your aunts

really helped change my life, helped my become the man I am today”. I really needed to figure

out who my Great Grandfather was on his side. Apparently his name was Paul Harrison and my
Harrison 2

middle name comes from him. My grandfather said “ my father was a loud man if you pissed

him off your know it”. This made me crack up because it seems everyone on my father side is

similar in this regard. He also said “ you probably would have been able to meet him had he went

to the doctor more often.'' He ended up dying in 1999 just 2 years before I was born. I was really

hoping that I was able to meet him because he sounds like a great guy and would fill in a lot of

the tree for me. All in all these interviews helped narrow my search, fill in a portion of my tree,

and gain a little more knowledge of my large family history. It seems most the men and women

in my family tree were hard working and really devoted time to this country. Outside of my dad I

believe almost every male in my family tree fought for USA one way or another. This writing

prompt helped me not only to piece things up but also to put them all together to form one big


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