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Sanela Sakic



Math 1040

In Math 1040, class in Salt lake community college. The class took a bag of skittles and

counted the numbers of each colors we had in our bag. Then using the data have, we

answered questions related to statistics. This is part 3 of this project. We are asked to find the

mean, Standard Deviation and the 5-numbers summary for the number of candies per bag. As

you can see the table below to see those result. This time we are looking at each individual

student with their bag of skittles and how much candy they had in there bag.

125.86667 to round by one decimal

Mean number of candies per bag (average)
place 125.9
Standard deviation of the number of candies per bag 333.20975 to round by one decimal
(deviation for the whole group) place 333.2
Min: 57

Q1: 59

5-number summary for the number of candies per bag Median: 60

Q3: 61

Max: 117

To show you visually I created a Histogram and a Box plot, which is also known as a 5-

number summary for the number of candies per bag.

As you can tell the shape of the distribution for the total candies in each bag or the

direction, for the histogram is skewed right. I did not expect that the data would be skewed right

because I thought the data would be more even. The more data you have the more bell shaped or

equal amount you would get. Kind of like heads or tails, you would get a 50/50 chance of getting

each side. It is like that but with skittles. I forgot what it is called but I think its called law of

large numbers. Looking at the Box plot, which is also known as a 5-number summary. There are

two outliers. Outliers are numbers that are way too high or low and should be considered, “to be

not included with the data.” Due to being way “out” of the average. The two outliers are 103 and

117. You can tell the impact of the two outliers on the histogram. The graphics and the summary

statistic are way off. You can even see it in the Box plot with the two dots and with the

histogram by the two last bars. Without 103 and 117 the data may be more accurate if you get rid

of them.

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