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The Essential Chemical Industry - online search Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen chloride isa gas at room temperature, Solutions of hydrogen chloride in water are known as hydrochloric acid. = HC] Hyorogen chloride is widely used inthe chemical industry asa reagent nthe manufacture of other chemicals. Most ofits produced as a co-prodict of reactions invlvng crn. Uses of hydrogen chloride Among ts many appicaons in the chemical insti, hydrogen chlor is used iin the production o 1.2-dchlreethane Upolymersfpbeorosthene hepa (ethylene dichloride) and coreethene Ubcyerspaehlrcehene nif nyt erie) vse in un tomate pohchroetene) eyepatch aethenetmispe ¥C) i inthe production of Aurecrbons or example tetrauoreetrene (pulmersipltafacroethne hm palyttrafuoroethene) Vpebmers/peietratuoroethene nl produe: wren chlorine eats with areacany fr ample inthe manufactur of chlrethene(pabjmersipaljclorcethene tml ng cre {omate PV. Aid surplus to requvements (se below canbe elected to form hydrogen and chlrne.Aparcalaradvonce fr his elects whichis beng used by Bayer in Cina. isthe ODC longer depleting cathode) process. ut ean te surface of sel Cleding Umealsstennspicie) as leaves te surface ote teen abeter conn fr further treatment such os cating and lang. Other acids are sometimes used to pide stainless tel «sin the manufcture farm (inetalsitarhm in and magrsivn Untasnagresum Mimisyrogen. chore ‘ito preduceinrgante hones (fr ©ample, akmintum horde sto autre pin a ice vaney of manufacturing process including he producion af cinking wate nd feos. Manufacture of hydrogen chloride The vast majory of hydrogen chorefhydrochbc acid is formed asa co-produc, ite US fr example, hydrogen chloretydroclorc acid 18 co-product ccounts for about 90% ofthe totaloupul much ft in fe roducton of chorosthene va 2-dchlorethane forthe production ofpoychbroethene) (pohmersipaychloresthane:nin), PVC. This is then used io produce more 1,2-cchoosthane ands hus tuna her presen ‘The manufacture of magnesium (imetalsimagnesium himlahydrog ths is again royce chide) by elecrlysis of magnesium chloride also produces the acid but ‘Amongst other processes tha produce hydrogen chloréehydrochlore acid isthe chlonation of hydrocarbons, for example the chlorination of ‘methane to frm chloromethane, ethane to chloroethane and benzene to chlorobenzene. Other processes in which hydrogen chlodeinydrochloric acid is produced includes the manufacture of isocyanates (ipotymersipolyuretrane nimiisocyanates) used to make polyurethanes and inthe manufacture of forocarbons (ipotymersipolyteatuoroethene himlaPTFE). ‘Some plans in which hydrogen chloridemhydrochloric ac Is generated have been bul close fo plants which use the acid. For example, the hydrogen chloriemydrochloe ald produced from the manufacture of socyanatss is then piped across ta a PVC plantto produce 1.2- ichbroethane. ‘Te ac is also produced in the manufacture of potassium sulfate (used as a specialty friizer. for example for tus tuts and grapes) from potassium chlorde and sulfuric ci Asmall amount ofthe acid is produced by buming chlorine in hydrogen. Both reactants are produced from the electrolysis of aqueous solitons cof sodlum chloride (/chemicalsichlone himbmanufacture) (bine). The reactants are heated together, The eacton is high exothermic and reat care is taken to contol the reaction, mainly, by controling the ow rates ofthe two gases. Hala) + Cils) > 2HCK6) ‘AH =-104 ks mat Both hydrogen and chlorine are very pure, when manufactured by th lecvolysis of brine. The resuing hydrogen chboride is ether used as a 188 ori absorbed in water in special vessels, usualy made of graphite, ie stored as a concentrated soluton (about 30% HCI) and ie the purest hydrochloric ac produced, Date ast amended: 15th February 2017 feo (htop shpat ‘orightot oon Aninvitation We invite you to wite fous fyou have any specific comments about this ste, for example ‘errors that you have found, suggestions for new topics or for adding tothe existing uns, ‘suggestions for Inks to other ses and addons or atamaives to our examples. Please send these comments to: ecl@essentalchemicalindustry.org(malto:eci@essentialchemicalindusty org) This we site is produced by the Centre for Industry Education Collaboration a non-profit organization and an integral pat ofthe Department of Chemistry, Univesity of York UK. Copyright © 2016 University of York Cente for Industry Education Collabocaten, York UK, All Rights Reserved

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