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There will be two sets of MS ACCESS Case Study one is a database for Student Records and Regular Employees


Deadline of submission will be on FRIDAY | DECEMBER 6, 2019 from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

Who are the participants:? Everyone! Students with or without the computer since there will be two free days to
comply the course work.

What to do? Each student, must create his/her own folder. Students should zip first the two databases before
placing it inside the folder. Name your folder as: (type your full name)


1. Create a database of STUDENT RECORD

a. From the blank desktop database file name will be: STUDENT RECORD.
b. File name of the Table will be: Student Creation
c. Input 30 VALID Records of Students with their corresponding Field Properties.
2. Student Fields are as follows:
a. Student Number
b. Student LastName
c. Student FName
d. Student MI
e. Age
f. Gender
g. BirthDate
h. Phone No.
i. Course
j. Email
k. Adress
3. For every field names change the data type. Example: Student Name: Short Text. IF field name/s
corresponds as number, data type will be a NUMBER. Example: Telephone Number: Number


1. Create a database of EMPLOYEES RECORD

a. From the blank desktop database, file name will be: EMPLOYEES PAYROLL RECORD.
b. File name of the Table will be: Employees Creation
c. Input 30 VALID Records of Employees with their corresponding Field Properties.
2. Employees field are as follows:
a. Name of Employees
b. Designation of the Employees (ex. Clerk)
c. Basic Pay ( 20,000.00 to 80,000.00)
d. P.E.R.A (2,000.00 by default)
e. Gross Earned
f. GSIS Life and Retirement
h. W/Holding Tax (2,000.00 to 15,000.00)
i. Total Deductions
j. Net Pay
k. 15th Day Salary:
l. 30th Day Salary:

a. To get the Gross Earned: get the sum of the BASIC PAY and P.E.R.A
b. Gross Earned – Total Deductions = Net Pay
c. Net Pay / 2 = 15th Day Salary and 30th Day Salary
d. Student should get the Gross Earned, Total Deductions, Net Pay and the 15th and 30th
Salary of each employee that store in your database.

APPLY the Following using Introduction to Database using Microsoft Access

CHAPTER 1 EXERCISES: To Open a Database

CHAPTER 2 EXERCISES: Design and Create Tables to Store Data

CHAPTER 3 EXERCISES: Simplify Data Entry with Forms

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