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Collaborative Mind Mapping

LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced PREPARATION:

TIME REQUIRED: 45–60 minutes 1 . As part of a unit on jobs and careers,

or as a separate activity, ask students
GOALS: To practice alternative ways to choose a job or career that interests
of brainstorming and activating learner them.
knowledge; to collaborate with classmates on
discovering the potentials of career choices; 2 . Collect a large piece of paper (newsprint
to reinforce vocabulary related to jobs and works well) and a marker or pen for
careers; to engage in self-discovery related to each student. Markers work best if
career interests students are writing on large paper,
but pens also work well. If paper and
MATERIALS: Chalk and blackboard or markers are not available, have enough
markers and poster paper; pens and paper; chalk for each student to use.
OVERVIEW: A mind map is a type of
graphic organizer that allows for short 1 . Write on the board an example job or
ideas to be written and linked to related career idea with a few lines extending
ideas on a “map.” Imagine the central idea from it. This will be a template for
in the middle of the paper with related students to follow later as they work
ideas connected to the central idea as well individually. Start with an idea that is
as to other ideas. When students step back familiar to students but not likely to be a
and look at a mind map, they have a clear popular choice. For example, a job such
visual representation of how their ideas are as veterinarian works well if students are
connected. familiar with that career. Tell students
that together you will use mind mapping
This activity can be used to brainstorm to explore the chosen career—in this
ideas, develop existing ideas for projects case, veterinarian. Tell students, “We
and activities, or review content students use mind mapping because it allows for
have learned. The example below uses the short ideas to be written and connected
topic of jobs and careers to demonstrate to related ideas.” Tell students that they
how the activity works; however, you can will use this template to create their own
use the activity for other topics that fit mind maps later in the activity.
your students’ needs and interests. In this
case, students will start with a job or 2 . Answering specific questions will help
career that interests them, work together students work on their mind maps; you
to compile what they collectively know can write questions on the board. The
about each job, and finish with a brief first one is the big question that starts
writing activity. the thinking process, while the last three


relate specifically to what should be might generate the largest number of
listed on the mind map. responses. Encourage students to offer
both technical and non-technical skills
a. What do you know about this job? needed. Some students might suggest
that veterinarians must be good at
b. What do people who have this job biology; others might say veterinarians
do on a daily basis? must be patient. The first suggestion
emphasizes technical knowledge, while
c. Who else works with someone who the second focuses on the importance of
has this job? certain personal characteristics.

d. What skills are needed for this job? 4 . After students have explored all three
categories, ask them to connect some
3 . Model the activity by having students of the ideas they have come up with.
consider the career you suggested. If For example, students could draw a line
some students do not know that job, connecting “biology” to “surgery” because
elicit ideas from the class. What is a it is important to study biology in order
veterinarian? What does a veterinarian to perform surgery.
do? (Possible answers: “A veterinarian
is a doctor who takes care of animals.” 5 . Pair students and have them share their
“Veterinarians treat animals that are career ideas. You might say, “Please tell
sick.” “Veterinarians help animals stay your partner which job you chose, and
healthy.”) Once veterinarian is defined, explain why you chose that job.” This step
have students brainstorm possible daily should take just a few minutes—enough
tasks associated with the job. Students time for students to share with each other
might say “giving exams,” “giving shots,” their choice and offer an explanation as
“performing surgery,” etc. As students to why this particular job interests them.
offer ideas, write them on the board— While students talk, pass out paper,
or better yet, have students come to markers, and tape (or pieces of chalk).
the board and write their ideas. Once
students have finished brainstorming 6 . Tell students they will now do the same
daily tasks, move on to brainstorming mind-mapping activity individually
with the class for the other questions, that they have done as a class with
about people and skills. “veterinarian.” Tell them to use the
materials you have given to them. If
Note that when brainstorming possible, have students choose a spot on
about people associated with the the wall to hang their paper and begin
job, students might not know the by copying the mind map template you
necessary vocabulary.You can provide shared in Step 1, with their own career
the vocabulary as students describe the choice written as the central idea. The
person or allow students to work with advantage of using large paper is that
the vocabulary that they have. One when students step back from their
example might be a term like “veterinary mind maps, they are able to look at
technician.” Students might say “nurse.” their ideas from a different perspective
At this point you could provide the term and easily see the bigger picture. But
“veterinary technician” or simply write note that if you do not have large pieces
“nurse.” of paper, this activity can be done
with any materials you have on hand.
Once you reach the subtopic of skills, Students can stay at their desks and use
students will likely be engaged with paper or their notebooks to complete
the activity, and so this subtopic the activity. 2016 ENGLISH TEACHING FORUM 45

7. Give students 7 to 10 minutes to fill It is also important to let students know
in the subtopics on the mind map. how much they should write during the
As they write, circulate around the rotation. Because the activity is based on
room, helping them with vocabulary. a mind map, suggest that students write
You could give students a time limit, short phrases or even single words. If
or you might want to put a limit to one student’s topic is “race car driver,”
the number of ideas they should write another student might write “good
related to each subtopic. Advanced eyesight” under the subtopic of skills.
students could be told to write five Asking students to write full sentences
ideas per subtopic, while intermediate for a mind map, or many types of
students could be asked to write two brainstorming activities, places an extra
ideas per subtopic. burden on their cognitive load. The goal
here is for students to generate ideas, and
8 . Tell students they will now rotate to they should not be inhibited by grammar
the right and add to the mind maps of or structure.
their classmates. (If they are working
at their desks, students can pass their 9 . Ask students to return to their own
mind maps to the person on their right.) mind maps. They will then do the
Sometimes it is helpful to suggest that following steps, which can be posted
they should add three ideas to a mind on the board.
map before moving to the next one,
but this suggestion can be adapted to a. Read everything that has been
fit each classroom’s needs. If you want added to your own mind map.
each student to contribute to every
other student’s mind map, it might be b. Add anything new to the subtopics,
best to say, “Write one idea per subtopic now that you have looked at your
and then move to the next mind map.” classmates’ mind maps.
In a class of fewer than 20 students,
each student can contribute to every c. At the bottom of the paper, write
classmate’s mind map. Choose this two or three questions you still have
option if you are confident all students about your career choice.
are capable of responding to all the job
subtopics. If students have trouble coming up
with questions, you might suggest
For larger classes, you can put a time the following:
limit on the rotation, or you can group
students so that they have a limited i. How many hours per week do
number of mind maps to work on as people in this career typically
they progress through the activity. work?
Another option is to group students with
similar career choices together to ensure ii. What is the average salary for
that they will each have something to this job?
say. For example, if five students have
selected careers related to medicine, iii. How easy is it to find a job
these students could work together, doing this?
particularly since their schema related
to the topic has already been activated. 1 0. Have students pair up with their partners
In addition, grouping students of similar from the beginning of the activity. Tell
interests gives them time to explain students to (a) orally summarize for their
their career choice to the others before partners what they first wrote on their
starting the rotation. mind maps and (b) explain to one another


what they learned from the additions their introduction to different types of jobs, students
classmates made to their maps. could complete this activity before taking
on additional research for a final report or
1 1 . Have students, still in pairs, ask the presentation on their career choice. Students
questions from their mind map to each could then be assigned to do further research
other. Tell them to work together to on their choice, either by interviewing
come up with possible answers. These someone in their chosen field or by reading,
answers don’t necessarily have to be watching, or listening to materials related
accurate (for example, they might not to the field.
know the actual salary for someone in
the chosen career), but students should VARIATIONS
work together to propose possibilities.
Together they might guess that a This activity is designed to work for a variety
professional soccer player makes a of topics and areas of study. Here are just a
lot of money but a teacher makes few of the ways it can be used:
much less.
• Brainstorming and narrowing down a
1 2 . Have students work individually once topic for a research project. Students
again. Tell them that now they will work together to develop their own ideas
compile all that they have proposed and for research. During rotation, they offer
learned about their topic. This can take suggestions for possible research questions
the form of a short writing assignment and approaches.
to be done in class or for homework.
Students should summarize in five to • Getting students excited about a topic they
seven sentences what their mind maps have yet to learn about as part of a larger
tell them about their career choices. They unit, such as vacation planning, weather,
can also mention any questions they still hobbies, or holidays. Instead of choosing a
have about the career they chose. If you career, students choose—for example—a
keep the questioning aspect of this activity vacation site or a hobby, generate questions
alive and constantly engage students in as in Step 2, and then continue the activity
the question-and-answer process, their as described.
curiosity remains high, and they continue
to evaluate the information before them. • Pre-reading for a piece of literature
where perhaps students already know
Instead of completing the activity with a something about the author or story.
writing task, students could end with a When students know the characteristics
presentation to the class or a large group, of a genre or the style of an author, you
summarizing what they have learned and can use this activity to promote guessing
whether their opinion of the career has and prediction. Students brainstorm
changed. before reading by using the author, genre,
or title as a central theme.You can break
1 3 . Once students have completed the the reading into parts so that students
summary, ask them to add two sentences return to their mind maps to clarify
explaining whether they are still predictions and offer additional predictions
interested in this career choice—and and questions before reading further.
why or why not. Collaborative mind maps can also help
students make connections between plot
EXTENSION elements, characters, and themes.

This activity can be part of a larger unit on • Helping students work through and
job or career choices. Early in a unit, after an understand a process or cause–effect 2016 ENGLISH TEACHING FORUM 47

Drawing/photo by Melissa Mendelson

relationships. Students will have to SCAFFOLDING (OPTIONAL)

structure a mind map that shows a
linear process rather than multi-layered This activity can be adapted for many
relationships. They will start with a ages and levels. In order to make it less
main topic and follow it through to a challenging for lower-level students, you
natural conclusion. For example, can have them simply create a mind map
students might develop the steps of a showing what they know about their

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recipe chronologically and then return topic rather than relating ideas to specific
to each step to suggest possible variations. subtopics. In addition, beginners could end
Each variation could lead to a different with a short oral presentation rather than
end that students would work toward. a written piece. More advanced students
could be tasked with developing the subtopic
• Comparing topics—for example, to categories at the beginning of the lesson
further understand two topics students with a prompt from the teacher such as,
have been learning about throughout “What do we need to know about a job in
a course or term. Students work with order to understand it?”
two central ideas at the start instead
of one and develop both ideas during
the activity. In this way, students can This activity was written by Melissa Mendelson, an
make clear connections between ESL teacher with more than ten years’ experience
subtopics or can actively separate in the United States and abroad. She is currently an
differences. Associate Instructor in the Department of Linguistics at
the University of Utah.


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