Phys Ed - Sid Shuffle

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Subject/Grade: Grade 2 Physical Education Lesson/Date: December 3rd, 2019 Time: 2:30 pm


Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
1. Acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities.
SLEs: Students will:
1. Demonstrate basic dance steps and movement (A2-8).
2. Perform simple movement sequences by using elements of body and space awareness and
relationships, alone and with others.
Learning Students will:
Objectives 1. Demonstrate the sequences of steps that make up the “Sid Shuffle”.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Participation in class, performance of Summative N/A for this lesson
Assessment steps. Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Set-up projector, load YouTube video Resources Music for dance, Bluetooth speaker,
Lesson: to Bring: whistle.
Time: Content/Description Notes/Assessments:
6 min Introduction:
*Students will start the class by doing 2 laps around the gym, followed by
student led stretches.

Everyone sitting the middle circle, eyes on me! Today we’re going to be
learning a super fun dance from the Ice Age movies called the “Sid
Shuffle”. Has anyone done this dance before? If so, you can be my helpers
by being awesome demonstrators for the rest of the class!

Let’s watch the video once, then we will learn for ourselves.

*Students will watch a video on the projector *Have video loaded

When I say “GO”, we are going to make 4 lines (5 people/row), make sure
you have space around you that you are not going to hit anyone.


22 min Body:
Make sure that you can see and hear me. Don’t move yet, just watch and
*Be facing the
The first step to the Sid Shuffle is to step forward then do the “Sid” students, mirroring
(shake/wiggle), then step back and do the “Sid”. The “Sid” can be any kind – can see who is and
of wiggle you want. Let’s try! isn’t participating.
*Students will demo, teacher will mirror. Lots of positive
feedback to get
Nice job! Next we step to the left and drift, then to the right and drift. Let’s students moving!
try. Now let’s try from the beginning.
*Students will demo, teacher will mirror.
Subject/Grade: Grade 2 Physical Education Lesson/Date: December 3rd, 2019 Time: 2:30 pm
The next step is to criss-cross and do the “manny” (wave), we do that twice.
Then we jump, jump, shake and then we “walk it out like Granny”
Let’s try just that part.
*Student’s will demo, teacher will mirror.

Let’s try from the beginning without any music!

*Student’s will work through all the steps without music, teacher will

Are we ready to try it with the music?

*Students will do the routine 2 times from beginning to end.
*Grade 2 Gym
*If time permits students can play a few rounds of freeze dance. playlist

2 min Closure:
Quietly line up at the door, and before you walk back to class, I want you to
show me your best/favourite dance move, either one you learned today, or
one you know previously.

Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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