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IT-2600-601 FALL 2019

Cabling Project with Cameras

By Kaylor DeHaas
Project description:
I would like to do my cabling project by setting up a security camera on a shelf to watch a shelf
collection of video game figurines called amiibo. I will be going through the process on how I
got it set up, the struggles I had, and what I would like to improve on. I want to state that I had
to do this in an environment where I was not able to do any major alterations to the house, so I
was not able to drill holes, run cabling through walls, or even use the adhesive to attach my cable
covers. I will be pointing out what I would have done better if I had the permission to perform
the additional work needed on the cabling.

(Aren’t they precious?)

My materials:
a Lorex camera system it is an LHV2000 Series MPX HD Digital Video Surveillance
Recorder that comes with:

2. USB mouse.
3. Remote control
4. Power adapter
5. HDMI Cable
6. Ethernet cable (I will not be connecting this to the ethernet due to a lack of
connection in the room I am putting the main monitor system in).
Cable covers.
Video cables.
Blue painters’ tape.
(Here is a picture of parts).

Did my project help?

I feel that my project has helped me increase the security in my own home. This has made my
living are more secure and helps me keep everything as safe and sound as possible. I really felt
like I was able to learn a lot about cameras and when my family needs me to install the security
cameras outside, I will be able to assist them.
Step one: I ran the camera through the hallway of my basement home. I overcame the first
obstacle. The wiring that I am using can be easily hung on a wall if you use wire covers. The
covers come with two parts, the first is where the wires will be run through and the cover that is
placed over it, creating protection for the wires. There is a tape roll of adhesive that you can peel
and place on the back part and then stick it to the wall. Unfortunately, this house is not mine,
and my landlord has rules about not ruining the walls. This meant I had to use a less permanent
solution which is blue painters’ tape.
Step two:
I had to get it through the hallways into the bedroom where the DVR and the tv is. The rolls of
video wire turned out to be enough. I fact I only used on roll and did not need any extensions.
(Bedroom door, the goal).

Step three: Taping my cables to the wall. The issue I ran into was I did not have enough covers
so I had to improvise and put them on areas that would need it the most. I put the cable covers
over the bathroom door to avoid them getting damaged from any moisture that could get on them
from steam coming out of the room.
I then angled it over the coat rack and got it close to the bedroom door. I saw that we had a
problem as I needed to get this through the door. If I had been able to run this through the wall
then I would not need to worry about the door, but again that is not an option. So I was able to
run it under the door and get it taped to the bottom so it does not get pinched, broken, or stepped

(Here is the first part)

(The door of destiny).

Step 4: Hooking it up was a simple matter at this point, I connect the cable for the camera up to
the DVR box, which was hooked up to 22-inch tv. I ran and HDMI cable from the DVR box to
the tv. Then I taped some more cable to the wall to prevent it from getting stepped on and got
the camera set up on the bookshelf and it works great.
Difficulties I ran into with the project:

The main issues I ran into was with the limitations I had with the area I was working with. Due
to not being able to use a more permanent adhesive or create holes in the walls, I was stuck using
a wall that was coated in a weird paint pattern that made electric tape just not stick to the wall.
This ruined my first attempt to keep it in the living room and have the camera placed on top of
another bookshelf that had a view of the amiibo shelf. I had to deal with my wiring falling off
and not staying as the tape would not stay stuck. So, I relocated to my original plan which was to
mount the camera on the shelf where the amiibo figures were at.
I moved to working on wall panels that were of a smooth wood, this worked a lot better, however
I still had to use a lot of blue tape. The cables are heavy and with the wire covers they get
heavier. This took a bit longer, but I was able to work through it by adding extra tape.

(Failed attempt.)
(Failed attempt.)

Touch ups:
While typing up my report for this project, I saw that some wiring could have tided up. I took
some time to get that fixed up. I added some left-over cable covers closer to the door to the
monitor room.
Secondary Camera (mistake): I had plenty of cameras left over so I decided to add in a
secondary camera. This one overlooks the living area of my home and kitchen. This was a great
opportunity in to use the multi jack in order in order to show how to manage multiple cameras
and their respective cables. I ran this one on the small wood molding that is on part of my
ceiling. I used a similar process to what was done on the original camera job I was working on. I
decided to do this one to see a bit more of the room than just a shelf. I had a lot of slack cable so
a rolled it into a loop and rested it on the mantle next to the camera. This was not done correctly
as I did not hook it to the DVR and the tape broke off causing the cable to fail. So this was one
of my mistakes that I had made long in the project, the other camera worked though.
What I would have done better (Attitude):
I have really come to enjoy this project that the fact that I must use crude taping to get it to hold
together is just unfortunate. I have decided to document what I would have done better if I had
more freedom over my environment.
I would have still used the covers, but I would buy more of them and a PVC cutter so I can take
measure and cut more appropriate sizes. That way I could have used it in the entire project.
However, in hindsight that was less of an environment issue and more of me not doing extra
planning and follow through.
I would have used the adhesive on the back of the covers to hook up the wiring covers forts, then
run the cable through them. After I would put the covers on top of them. The issue that would
require a bit more of permanent alteration would be the door frame. I would have drilled a hole
through there and then looped it through the top and repeated the process with the cable covers.

(I drew this after I had done the job, measurements are not 100% accurate.)

After step: After I was done I cleaned an put away my equipment and took the system down.

What I did well:

I said what I would have done with a little extra planning and more environmental control, but I
would like to state that the job I did may not look the best but the cables are still being properly
managed in a way to prevent damage to them. The camera system is also fully functional and
preforms its duty perfectly. I used what materials I had and was able to make a design that is not
only usable but completely removable without causing damage to the home. The cords avoid
most of the foot traffic and are properly hung. The ones in areas that would need a little extra
protection have covers on them.

What I learned (Behavior and Cognitive Connection) :

From this project I have been able to develop a better understanding of how a security system
runs. This will help me if I am ever given the opportunity to run cables in the job that I choose
in the future. This will also help me when I have my own house, I will be able to run the cables
with greater ease. This project has helped in my desire to go into internet cabling for a career
and has taught me skills that can help me out in day to day activities.
This goes into detail about what we learned in class, I learned in class why managing cables was
important. It was nice to be able to do this outside of the lab in a normal setting instead of a
controlled one. I am really glad that I took this class, it really gave me a lot of great ideas on how
to set up the cable placement.

Final thoughts:
I feel that this project helped me to understand more about cable management. I had problem
solve to work with the environment I was in and with the supplies that I had on hand. I made
this work in an efficient way that can be taken down and move around as needed. The amiibo’s
can now be check on from the comfort of my bedroom and its all thanks to may cabling job.

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