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ACCEPTANCE AND REPUDIATION OF INHERITANCE legal representative but in case of repudiation, JUDICAL

AUTHORIZATION is necessary.
CHARACTERISTICS) right to accept is subject to the limitation prescribed by Art
Acceptance – act by virtue of which an heir, legatee or devisee 114 (she cannot, without her husband’s consent, acquire
manifests his desire in accordance with the formalities prescribed by any property by gratuitous title, except from her
law to succeed to the inheritance, legacy or devise ascendants, descendants, parents-in-law, and collateral
Repudiation – act by virtue of which an heir, legatee or devisee relatives within the fourth degree).
manifests his desire in accordance with the formalities prescribed by a. Right to recover of the woman is ABSOLUTE unless
law not to succeed to the inheritance, legacy or devise. governed by the system of ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY
CHARACTERISTICS: (Art 200, neither spouse may renounce or repudiate
1. Voluntary and Free any inheritance without the consent of the other)
2. Retroactive
3. Irrevocable Problem — Can the successional rights of minors or inca- pacitated
** Although successional rights are transmitted from the moment of persons be waived?
death of the decedent, the heir must accept the inheritance, devise,
legacy either by will or by operation of law, BEFORE the successional Answer — Art. 1044 of the NCC provides that any person having free
rights ARE TRANSMITTED. Thus, no acceptance; no transmission of disposal of his property may accept or repudiate an inheritance. Any
successional rights. inheritance left to minors or incapacitated per- sons may be accepted
by their parents or guardians. Parents or guardians may repudiate
Q: Can the heirs be COMPELLED to accept? NO. the inheritance left to their wards only by judicial authorization.
Acceptance/Repudiation (A/R) are voluntary and free. THUS, during Parents and guardians may not therefore waive or repudiate the
the interval between the death of the testator and the A/R, the inheritance of their wards without judicial approval. This is because
inheritance, devise, or legacy remains in a state of suspension. repudiation amounts to an alienation of property which must pass
the court’s scrutiny in order to protect the interest of the ward.
Q: So what happens after acceptance? When is the date of
acceptance? As soon as the inheritance is acceptance, the acceptance ART 1049-51 (MANNER OF ACCEPTANCE)
RETROACTS to the very moment of the death of the decedent. (MANNER) Acceptance may be EXPRESS/TACIT
IRREVOCABLE na siya ok. 1. Express when made in a public instrument/private
GENERAL EFFECT OF A/R: 2. Tacit when it results from acts by which the intention to
1. If ACCEPTED, the right is perfected/confirmed. accept is necessarily implied OR which one would have no
2. If REPUDIATED, he throws away the right which the law right to do except in the capacity of an heir.
conferred upon him. The vacancy shall pass to those who EXAMPLES:
are entitled thereto either by right of accetion or in their a. Acts of Disposition (Art 1050)
own right. b. Failure to A/R within the prescribed period of 30 days
after the issuance of the order of distribution of the
Before a person may accept or repudiate his inheritance, D/L: c. acts of preservation or administration if, through such
1. He must be certain of the death of the persons from he is acts, the title or capacity of heir has been assumed
to inherit d. the filing of a complaint for the partition of the
2. He must be certain of his right to the inheritance. inheritance
a. This is always necessary BECAUSE there are cases when e. alienations of determinate objects of the inheritance
a person is not allowed to inherit. f. compromises regarding objects and rights included in
the inheritance
ART 1044-48 (WHO MAY ACCEPT OR REPUDIATE) g. the exercise of any action which pertained to the
1. WHAT IS IMPORTANT BEFORE A PERSON MAY REPUDIATE: decedent during his lifetime and which survives, or the
He must have free disposal of his property enjoyment of the inheritance itself
a. REASON: If he cannot freely dispose of his property (MANNER)Repudiation (more formal, clear and express)
such as when he is deaf-mute, or incapacitated in any 1. Public instrument (acknowledged before a notary public)
other manner, his legal guardian or legal 2. Means of authentic instrument (indubitable writing or a
representative will be the one to accept or repudiate writing whose authenticity or genuine character is admitted
and in such case, JUDICIAL AUTHORIZATION is or proved)
necessary. 3. Petition presented to the court having jurisdiction over the
2. IF THE BENEFICIARY HAPPENS TO BE THE POOR: the right testamentary /intestate proceedings.
to accept or repudiate shall belong to the person
designated by the testator to determine the beneficiaries DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACCEPTANCE AND REPUDIATION
and distributed the property. ACCEPTANCE REPUDIATION
a. In DEFAULT: the executor Confirmation of the Renders the transmissions
b. As far as the exercise of the right is concerned: only the transmission of successional ineffective (Consequences are
beneficiaries may exercise it themselves once they are rights MORE violent and disturbing;
FINALLY DETERMINED. Cannot be governed by mere
INSTITUTION or ENTITY: the right to A/R belongs to the
Act of disposition and alienation
Publicity required for
repudiation is necessary for the ART 1061 (CONCEPT OF COLLATION)
protection of the heirs and also IN GENERAL: Collation is defined as the act of returning or restoring
of creditors to the common mass of the hereditary estate, either actually or
fictitiously, any property which a person may have received from the
ART 1052 (EFFECT OF REPUDIATION UPON CREDITORS) decedent during the latter’s lifetime, but which is understood for legal
Requisites in order to avail of this right: purposes as an advance from the inheritance.
1. The heir who repudiated his inheritance must have been 3 CONCEPTS OF COLLATION:
indebted at the time when the repudiation is made; 1. It is a fictitious mathematical process of adding the value
2. that the heir-debtor must have repudiated his inheritance of the thing donated to the net value of the hereditary
in accordance with the formalities prescribed by law; estate (Art 908).
3. that such act of repudiation must be prejudicial to the 2. It is a process applicable to all donations inter vivos
creditor or creditors; and whether to compulsory heirs or to strangers.
4. that there must be judicial authorization a. IMMEDIATE PURPOSE: to compute the legitime of
compulsory heirs.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE CONCURRENCE OF ALL THE REQUISITES? 3. It includes the subsequent act of imputing (imputar) such
The creditors can now accept the inheritance in the name of the value against the legitime of the compulsory heir to whom
renouncer. the thing was donated.
sufficient to cover the amount of the credits. determination of the legitime of each compulsory heir,
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE EXCESS? IT shall not pertain to the and in the account of the partition.
renouncing heir, but shall be adjudicated to those to whom, in b. ULTIMATE PURPOSE: To equalize the position of each
accordance with the rules established by the Civil Code, it may compulsory heir.
belong. Consequently, it may pass to the co-heirs in their own right 4. It is the actual act of restoring to the hereditary estate that
or by right of accretion depending upon the circumstances and part of the donation which is inofficious.
conditions of each particular case. a. IMMEDIATE PURPOSE: to prevent the impairment of
the legitime of compulsory heirs.
ART 1053-55 (REPUDIATION OF A TESTAMENTARY OF LEGAL HEIR) BASIS OF COLLATION: consideration that what a compulsory heir
RULE IN 1st PAR: if the person called to succeed is a testamentary heir receives from the decedent by gratuitous title during the lifetime of
and a legal heir at the same time and he repudiates his inheritance in the latter is in the nature of an advance on his inheritance. Hence, in
his capacity as a testamentary heir, he is considered to have order to equalize the legal portion to which compulsory heirs are
repudiated the inheritance in both capacities entitled and which such heirs shall ultimately or eventually receive, it
 PRESUMPTION IN THIS RULE: his act of repudiation when called is necessary that such advance must be returned or brought back,
by the testator himself is tantamount to an act of repudiation fictitiously, to the hereditary estate.
when called by the law in accordance with the presumed will of WHEN AND HOW THE ADVANCE SHOULD BE MADE: during the
the decedent. lifetime of the decedent by way of donation or any other gratuitous
 NATURE OF REPUDIATION: act becomes final and irrevocable; title (Examples: donation inter vivos; donation propter nuptias;
CAN NO LONGER accept as a legal heir. remission of a debt; or any other title lucrative or gratuitous in title)
KNOWLEDGE OF HIS BEING A TESTAMENTAR HEIR: out of respect be returned to the mass of the hereditary estate fictitiously so that a
for the wishes of the decedent, he may STILL ACCEPT his share in proper division can be made.
his capacity as a testamentary heir.  When donation is INOFFICIOUS: when a person gives by way of
donation more than what he can give by will. (inofficious with
GENERAL RULE: Once accepted/repudiated, can no longer be  How to determine whether donation is inofficious or not: there is
IMPUGNED; it becomes IRREVOCABLE no way such donation can be determined as inofficious at the time
EXCEPTIONS: the donation is made. It can only be determined when the
1. When A/R was made through any of the causes that vitiate decedent donor dies because only then can we know what
consent (mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence, or portion of his property is at his free disposal.
2. When an unknown will appears THUS, THERE IS COLLATION, fictitious in character, of the value of
RATIO FOR THE IRREVOCABILITY RULE: To permit the heir who all donations inter vivos to the net value of the estate, and from
renounced to change his mind with respect to the acceptance or the aggregate sum thus found, the legitime of compulsory heirs
repudiation of his inheritance would result in violent disturbance of and the portion at the decedent’s free disposal can be determined.
rights which are already vested or perfected. This is so because the
moment the decedent dies, the rights to the succession are opened. GENERAL CONCLUSION: All donations whether to compulsory heirs
 As to Acceptance: it results in transmission of rights and or to strangers, MUST be collated.
obligations to the accepting heir; to allow him to change his mind LIMITATION: At this stage, collation is merely fictitious
would destroy the stability of property rights. (mathemathical process of adding to the net value of the estate the
 As to Repudiation: results in transmission of the vacant portion value of the things donated).
to other heirs by right of accretion or in their own right. To allow
such change would result in chaos and confusion After the legitime and the disposable portion have been
determined, the value of the donations which had been added to the
net value of the estate are charged or imputed against either the
COLLATION legitime or the disposable portion.
DONATION TO COMPULSORY HEIRS: imputed against the legitime
DONATION TO STRANGERS: imputed against the disposable free


inofficious in the sense that they cannot be contained within the
portion at the decedent’s free disposal, there must be a proper
reduction of such donations in order not to impair the legitime of
compulsory heirs.
EFFECT OF REDUCTION: Actual Restoration. The process is no
longer fictitious; it becomes ACTUAL in character BUT ONLY when the
donation is inofficious.
1. Collation
2. Imputation
3. Reduction


1. Donor expressly provided – the done ceases to be a
compulsory heir in relation to the donation
a. What happens to the donation’s nature? donation is
no longer an advance from his legitime
b. What about as to imputation? the value thereof shall
not be imputable against such legitime
c. What is the personality of the donee now? He is now a
stranger; the value thereof shall not be imputable
against the disposable free portion accdg. To Art 909.
2. Donee should’ve repudiated his inheritance – donee also
ceases to be a compulsory heir; he becomes a stranger
a. What happens to the imputation? Imputable against
the disposable free portion and not against the

“Collation shall not place”

 MEANING: the value of the thing donated shall NOT be imputed
against the legitime; it shall be imputed against the disposable
free portion.
 STATUS OF COLLATION: there IS still collation in the sense used
in Art 908 (the value of the thing donated shall still be added to
the net value of the estate. The only difference is that it is
imputable against the disposable portion and not against the ART 1063 (PROPERTY LEFT BY WILL)
DEEMED SUBJECT TO COLLATION: it cannot be imputed against the
legitime of the compulsory heirs; can only be imputed against the DFP
(disposable free portion)
SCOPE OF APPLICATION: devises&legacies
HEIR: there is no longer any equality of compulsory heirs; the
devisees/legacies shall not impair the legitime of the CH if they do,
they shall be reduced accdg to Art 911. (here, the general rule shall
no longer be applied)


REASON FOR THE RULE: if the rule were otherwise, there would be
no equalization of heirs.
ESSENCE OF THE RULE: what the law means when it says that the
grandchild shall bring to collation all that his father or mother, if alive,
would have been obliged to bring, is that the value of the donation
shall be imputed against his lifetime as a representative and not
against the disposable portion
PROHIBITION ON PARENTS: As a matter of fact, the parents or
ascendant cannot even provide that such expenses shall be collated
NATURE OF EXPENSES: not donations; do not constitute an advance
which must be imputed/charged later on against the legitime of the
giving them does so because it is his moral obligation to give them.


GENERAL RULE: expenses incurred by parents in giving their children
a professional/vocational/other career, are NOT TO BE COLLATED.
1. If the parents so provided
2. If the expenses impair the legitime of the compulsory heirs
WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO SUCH EXPENSES: In both exceptions the sum
which the child would have spent if he had lived in the house and
company of his parents shall be deducted from that which shall be
SIMILARITY WITH ART 1067: Both classified at expenses for support.
MEANING OF NOT SUBJECT TO COLLATION: can’t be imputed against
the legitime of compulsory heirs; imputable only against the DPF;
such expenses or donations shall be considered as advances of the
heir’s legitime, and, therefore, shall not be imputable against such
legitime but only against the disposable portion.
REASON: such expenses are not so insignificant/trivial; should be
imputed against the DPF.
IS THIS RULE APPLICABLE TO ART 1067? NO because such expenses
and gifts are so necessary and yet so trivial in character that it would
be absurd to collate them to the mass of the hereditary estate and,
afterwards, impute them either against the legitime or against the
disposable portion. Hence, the rule that such expenses or gifts shall
not be collated must be applied in its literal sense.
LIMITATION OF THE RULE: Art. 1068 refers only to expenses incurred
ART 1065 (DONATIONS TO CHILDREN OF COMPULSORY HEIRS) by the parents in giving their children a professional, vocational or
GEN RULE: Parents are not obliged to collate any property which their other career. It does not refer to expenses incurred after the
ascendants may have donated to their children. SO, with respect to completion of such professional, vocational or other career.
the inheritance coming from an ascendant, the parents are (Examples: expenses for a law library, medical instruments, a drug
compulsory heirs, while the children of such parents are mere store, a vessel for a mariner, or a commercial establishment for a
strangers. businessman are not within the purview of the article. Such expenses
shall be collated and, therefore, are imputable against the legitime of
WHO ARE THE BENEFICIARIES: parents NOT THE CHILDREn OK the recipient or beneficiary.)
IMPUTATION: imputed against the disposable free portion as in the
case of donations inter vivos to strangers. ART 1069 (PAYMENTS FOR DEBTS OF CHILDREN)
WHAT THE ARTICLE IS ALL ABOUT: cases in which the parents spend
ART 1066 (DONATIONS TO SPOUSE OF CHILD) for their children with the obligation on the part of the latter to bring
PERSONALITY OF THE SPOUSE OF THE CHILD: A MERE STRANGER such expenses to collation after the death of the parents in order to
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE DONATION HERE: equalize the portion which shall pass to each of the compulsory heirs.
1. if the donation is given by the parents to such spouse, it shall LIMITATION: the act of the parents in paying for the child must be an
not be collated; act of liberality not resulting in the creation of a relationship or
2. if it is given to the spouse jointly, the presumption is that creditor-debtor.
one-half of the donation belongs to the child or REASON FOR LIMITATION: Because if the rule were OTHERWISE:
compulsory heir, while the other half belongs to the 1. the obligation of the child shall no longer be to collate the
spouse or stranger. amount paid or spent, but to pay the estate such amount.
A. OBLIGATION OF THE CHILD - collate his one-half 2. The child becomes a debtor and if the amount is not paid
undivided share. It shall, therefore, be imputed before the death of the decedent, he can always be held
against his legitime. liable for the payment of the debt.
B. OBLIGATION OF THE SPOUSE - the other undivided half 3. Even if he repudiates the inheritance, he shall still be liable
which belongs to the spouse shall be imputed against for the full amount of his debt.
the disposable portion. And if the rule were to be followed:
1. The obligation of the child is only to collate
ART 1067 (EXPENSES FOR SUPPORT) 2. Even if he chooses to repudiate, his position would be
GENERAL RULE: there is no collation, even in the sense of charging similar to a stranger; the amount expended would be
what had been given to the free portion. imputable to the DPF (In this case, Art 1062 would apply)
ACTS CONTEMPLATED BY THE ARTICLE: 2. Immovable/Real – value may be stated in the public
1. Paying debt of child instrument which conveys the object; if no value is
2. Spending for the election of a favorite child to a public office apparent/agreed upon, the tax assessments or cadastral
3. Saving a child from disgrace by paying a fine imposed by the surveys.
court of law
4. Any other similar act RULE IN 2nd PAR
 It’s in conformity with the rule that once the donation has been
ART 1070 (WEDDING GIFTS) perfected, there is a transfer of ownership.
GENERAL RULE: wedding gifts coming from parents and ascendants  Donee becomes the owner of the thing donated.
consisting of jewelry, clothing, and outfit are not subject to collation.  Risk of loss, deterioration must fall upon him (res perit domino)
Hence, they shall not be reduced as inofficious UNLESS they exceed  Any subsequent increase falls upon the done
one-tenth (1/10) of the sum which is dispos-able by will.  By principle of accession, any increase in the value would be for
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE EXCESS: shall NOT BE COLLATED in the sense the benefit of the donee.
that it shall be imputed against the legitime of the beneficiary.
REASON FOR THE RULE: prevent any abuse that would result because ART 1072 (RULE FOR FONATIONS MADE BY BOTH PARENTS)
of vanity/love thus prejudicing the other compulsory heirs. Since, ordinarily, the parents act in concert whenever an advance is
HOW TO APPLY THE RULE: the wedding gift shall not be considered given to a favorite child or to a child in need, the donation generally
as an advance of the legitime of the recipient so long as it does not forms a part of the conjugal property. Hence, when the value of the
exceed one-tenth (1/10) of the disposable free portion. As such, it thing donated is brought to collation, one-half of the amount is
will be considered as a donation inter vivos chargeable against the brought to the inheritance of the father, and the other half to that
disposable free portion. However, once it exceeds one-tenth (1/10) of the mother. However, that given by one alone shall be brought to
of the disposable free portion, the excess will then be considered as collation in his or her inheritance only.
an advance of the legitime of the recipient.
1. The donee’s share shall be reduced by an amount equal to
that already received by him.
2. Co-heirs shall, in turn, receive an equivalent, as much as
possible, in property of the same nature, class and quality
(as taken from the estate).

RULE IN 1st PAR of 1074

 What’s the situation under this provision? a case in which the
property donated is an immovable and it is impracticable to give
the co-heirs an equivalent in property of the same nature, class
and quality.
 RULE IF IMMOVABLE: give the co-heirs its equivalent in cash or
securities at the rate of quotation.
a. If still impracticable or impossible by reason of lack of cash or
marketable securities, the recourse is to sell at public auction
as much of the other property as may be necessary.
 RULE IF MOVABLE: co-heirs shall have the right to select an
equivalent of other personal property of the inheritance at its
just price.



GENERAL RULE IN DONATIONS: Their subsequent increase or GENERAL RULE: since the ownership of the property donated falls on
deterioration and even their total loss or destruction, be it accidental the donee, it is natural that the fruits and interests of the property
or culpable, shall be for the benefit or account and risk of the donee. donated shall also vest in the donee from that time.
LIMITATION: once the rights to the succession are opened by the
GENERAL RULE OF THIS ARTICLE: to bring back to the mass of the death of the decedent-donor, the obligation to collate the value of
hereditary estate the same thing donated by the decedent during his the thing or property donated also arises.
lifetime would be impracticable or even impossible at times. Hence, RIGHTS OF HEIRS: All of the heirs called to the succession acquire
the rule is that only the value of the thing donated shall be brought some right with respect to what is collated; whats supposed to be
to collation. collated becomes part of the mass of the hereditary estate. THEY ALL
BECOME CO-OWNERS OF SUCH ESTATE from the moment of the
WHAT IS THE VALUE: value of the thing donated at the time of the death of the decedent.
donation even though its just value may not have then been assessed What happens to the fruits then? The fruits and interest from the
.DETERMINATION OF VALUE: moment of death shall pertain to the hereditary estate.
1. Movable – via agreement of the parties; if no agreement,
then based on expert appraisal ART 1076 (COLLATION IN KIND)
“The provisions of Article 1076 could be applied only to the case of a ART 1081 (PARTITION BY THIRD PERSONS)
donation that becomes revoked as inofficious in its to- tality under WHAT IS ENTRUSTED: power of partition (not the power to distribute
the rules of Article 912; it is only then that the very same thing the estate)
donated must be returned. But that is not collation. Art. 1076 in its NATURE OF SUCH POWER: power to act as a mere agent.
present form should be placed with the other articles treating of the HOW EXERCISED: mere physical act of partition must be done
reduction of donations in the chapter on legitime.” pursuant to the act of distribution.
CLASSES OF PARTITION 1. Any compulsory heir
1. EXTENT 2. Any voluntary heir
A. Total – all of the things comprised in the whole estate 3. Any legatee/devisee
are divided among all of the participants/co-owners. 4. Any person who has acquired an interest in the estate
B. Partial – some of the things are divided among all or When partition CANNOT BE DEMANDED:
some of the participants/co-owners, the rest 1. When such partition has been expressly prohibited by the
remaining in a state of indivision or community testator himself for a period which shall not exceed 20YRS
ownership. A. Even though the partition is prohibited by the testator,
2. DURATION the co-ownership may still be terminated provided
A. Provisional – division is merely temporary or  that any of the causes for which a partnership is
transitory until a final or definite division is made. dissolved exists
B. Definite – stable, final, absolute  court finds for compelling reasons that a division
3. MANNER/METHOD should be ordered.
A. Judicial – court intervenes in the division 2. When the co-heirs have agreed that the estate shall not be
1. Ordinary Action for Partition divided for a period which shall not exceed 10YRS,
2. Judicial Summary Settlement renewable for another 10 yrs.
3. Administration Proceedings 3. When such partition is prohibited by law (Example: family
B. Extrajudicial – effected by the testator himself or by homes; party walls)
some person named by such testator, or by the 4. When to partition the estate would render it unserviceable
participants/co-owners themselves amicably or by for the use for which it is intended  what is prohibited
common accord. here is only the physical division of the estate; thus,
partition may still be demanded is made accdg to Art 1086.
1. Decedent himself – during his lifetime or by an act inter WHAT IS CONTEMPLATED: the legal redemption is predicated upon
vivos or by will the fact that the sale made by the co-heir is effected before the
2. Third person designated by the decedent partition of the estate BUT AFTER the death of the decedent.
3. By the heirs themselves BASIS: Since the rights to the succession are transmitted at the very
4. Competent court (RoC) moment of the death of the decedent, there is no question about the
WHAT IS AN EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION: under Section 1, Rule 74 of right of an heir to alienate his undivided share in the inheritance.
the Rules of Court, an extrajudicial settlement of the estate applies LIMITATION BEFORE RIGHT MAY BE EXERCISED: he has the
only to the estate left by the deceased who died without a will and obligation to notify the other co-heirs of the alienation.
with no creditors, and the heirs are all of age or the minors are FORMALITY OF THE NOTIFICATION: must be in writing
represented by their judicial or legal representatives. (Example: If HOW THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION IS EXERCISED BY THE OTHER CO-
the property does not belong to the estate of the decedent, the same HEIRS: the co-heirs are given one month from the time of such
being an exclusive property of the husband, it cannot be the subject notification within which to exercise their right of redemption by
matter of an extrajudicial partition).  Only the property of the reimbursing the vendee for the price of the sale.
estate of the decedent transmitted by succession can be the lawful REQUISITES IN ORDER TO EXERCISE THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION:
subject matter of this kind of partition. 1. There must be several co-heirs
 Can there be extrajudicial partition during the lifetime of the 2. One of them sells his rights to a stranger
owner? NO, because partition of future inheritance is prohibited 3. Sale is made BEFORE the partition is effected
by law. 4. Right of redemption must be exercised by one or more of the co-
heirs within a period of 1MONTH to be counted from the time
ARTICLE 1080 (PARTITION BY DECEDENT) they were notified in writing by the co-heir vendor
2 WAYS: 5. Vendee is REIMBURSED for the price of the sale.
1. BY AN ACT INTER VIVOS – may take place in an ordinary
public instrument when such is required; rules regarding ART 1097-1100 (RESCISION OF PARTITION DUE TO LESION)
ordinary conveyance governs GENERAL RULE: if in the partition anyone of the co-heirs should
A. Partition effected by any person through an act inter receive a share whose value is less, by at least one-fourth (1/4), than
vivos constitutes an exception to the prohibition as to the share to which he is entitled, considering the value of the things
future inheritance in Art 1347. at the time they were adjudicated, the partition, whether judicial or
2. BY WILL – executed in a valid will accdg to formalities extrajudicial, may be rescinded on account of lesion (Art 1098)
prescribed by law
LIMITATION: must not prejudice the legitime of compulsory heirs Other cases when contracts may be rescinded on account of lesion
under Art 1381:
1. those which are entered into by guardians whenever the wards
whom they represent suffer lesion by more than one-fourth of
the value of the things, which are the object thereof;
2. those agreed upon in representation of absentees, if the latter
suffer the lesion stated in the preceding number.


partition, however, was effected by the decedent himself either by
an act inter vivos or by will, it cannot be impugned on the ground
of lesion.

1. When the legitime of the compulsory heir is prejudiced
2. When it appears or may be reasonably presumed that the
intention of the testator was otherwise.


A. one heir shares the inheritance with other heirs who were
mistakenly believed to be so during the partition.
 Art. 1105 applies.
 The partition is totally void.
 Effect of declaration of nullity: shall only result in the
delivery of everything that had been adjudicated to the
real heir since a new partition is impossible considering
that there is only one heir.
B. There are several heirs, but a third person, without any
right, had participated in the partition in the belief that he
was one of the heirs of the deceased
 although there was consent in the transmission of the
share to the intruder, said transmission is void.
 Art. 1105 is also applicable.
C. Through error or mistake, a third person without any right
is allotted the share that would have been given to a real
 Both Arts. 1104 and 1105 shall apply.
 Under Art. 1104, the partition shall not be rescinded,
unless it be proved that there was bad faith or fraud on
the part of the other persons interested; but the latter
shall be proportionately obliged to pay to the person
omitted the share which belongs to him.
 Under Art. 1105, the partition shall be void, but only
with respect to the intruder. Hence, there must be a
declaration of nullity of the partition, but only with
respect to the share adjudicated to the intruder. This
share, including fruits, shall, in turn, be delivered to the
omitted heir as payment of his share, without prejudice
to any additional obligation incurred under Art. 1104.

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