Computer System Maintenance

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Computer System Maintenance

Head of the study: Vladimir Lebinac, M.Sc., senior lect.

Professional title upon graduation: professional baccalaureus/baccalaurea engineer
of Information Technology
Abbreviation: bacc. ing. techn. inf.
Type of study: full-time and part-time study
Number of places: 60 full-time and 60 part-time
The professional study programme of Computer System Maintenance is intended to
acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to use and maintain the computer systems
with the application in various fields, from automation of work to embedded computers
for the control of various industrial and energy processes.
The study trains the students to perform activities in supporting the introduction of
computers into various segments of the business process and the activities of
maintaining the computer systems, such as the selection and configuration of the
computers and the software support according to the requirements of the business
process, support in developing the software support, maintaining of databases,
configuring and maintaining computer networks, configuring and maintaining operating
systems, control of the security of the computer system and data (security against
unauthorized access, planning of making back-up copies of data), and configuring and
maintaining computers for the control and management in industrial, energy supply and
other processes.
Computer System Maintenance is a study programme that offers professional
orientation with substantial practical part of classes. Since there is an especially
emphasised lack of computer system maintenance experts who would be a connection
between the information system designers, specialists for certain hardware or software
technologies and the information system users themselves, a study programme of
educating the experts of information technologies has been founded and their
competences satisfy the requirements of the today’s market.
The curriculum has been designed in such a way that it equally represents the courses
in the field of information systems design, software and hardware technologies, which is
of special significance for the future engineers of computer system maintenance, who
are today among the most required profiles of computer orientation on the market both
in Croatia and in the world.
Upon graduation from the professional study programme Computer System
Maintenance, the students acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the work on the
activities in the field of computer system maintenance and support to computer users.
The baccalaurea of this study are qualified for independent solving of professional
problems of planning, development, implementation of computer systems and their
security and protection.

Occupations in which the computer system maintenance

engineers will be employed
The need to employ an engineer of computer system maintenance exists in various field
of work. These are the following businesses or occupations:
Activities regarding computer system maintenance:

 development of optimal configurations of personal computers for various

 selection and configuration of software support according to the business
process requirements;
 support to design and development of software applications;
 database management;
 configuration and maintenance of computer networks;
 configuration and maintenance of operating systems;
 control of computer system and data security (protection against unauthorized
access, data protection on computer systems and planning of creating data
 configuration and maintenance of computers for control and management of
industrial, energy and other processes.

User support activities:

 training of users to work on computers and use different applications;

 installing and configuring operating system and applications on users’ computers.
Level Dublin Descriptors Learning outcomes
1. Understand the fundamental software algorithms
and data structures;
2. Interpret basic laws in electrical engineering;
3. Understand the basic physical concepts and
principles of physics;
4. Explain the basic architecture of the computer;
5. Formulate the basic protocols in computer
6. Understand mathematical functions, equations,
derivations and integrals and their mathematics;
7. Understand theoretical bases of technical system
Knowledge and maintenance;
understanding 8. Understand principles of operating systems
9. Understand the principles and methods of
establishing and maintaining the quality system;
10. Understand the basic issues of ecology;
11. Understand and interpret the use of information
system design methods;
12. Understand the basic production processes that can
be and are to be computerized;
13. Understand the basic procedures of the design
process and their software components.

14. Use English in reading professional literature and in

professional communication;
15. Design the database and use it in developing
software solutions;
16. Use advanced office software packages;
17. Prepare configuration of simple web, FTP and small
Application of knowledge servers;
2. 18. Use the learned communication skills in the
and understanding
business environment;
19. Manage and administer small and medium-size
computer systems and networks;
20. Adjust computer systems to the user needs;
21. Use programming languages (Payton, C, SQL) in
the development of software support;

Making conclusions and 22. Analyze the conditions in computer systems and
3. networks and perform detection and defectation of
their failures;
Level Dublin Descriptors Learning outcomes
23. Analyze business processes in the company and
forecast readiness to introduce the information
24. Recognize threats to the security of computer
systems and their data and propose solutions for

25. Present attitudes, solutions and projects through

seminar papers, development of projects and
Communication of attitudes, through final paper;
ideas, problems and solutions 26. Propose solutions within teamwork and discuss

27. Use professional literature and search of the

available information bases and knowledge bases
5. Developed learning skills (libraries, e-libraries, Internet);
28. Use of electronic method for teaching and self-study

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