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Once I was given the project of interviewing inmates living at an old age home. The interview brought
tears in my eyes. Here is the interview:

I: Good afternoon! May I ask you some questions? Inmate: Sure son! I: When and hy did you decide to
live at this Old Age Home?

Inmate: (Sadly) I did not want to live here; but when my son told me categorically he could not keep me
in his home, I had no other option but to stay here!

I: Do you miss your family?

Inmate: (Tears welling up in her eyes) I miss my home and family very badly. I had a close bond with my
grandchildren. I used to play with… them…(Wiping her tears) I have not seen them for a long time!

What do you do when you feel lonely?

Inmate: I go to other inmates’ rooms and talk to them. People keep coming and don’t let us feel lonely.

I: Does your son ever come here to see you?

Inmate: Very rarely! When I miss them very much; I call him; sometimes he responds and sometimes he
does not.

Do you have a daughter?

Inmate: Yes; she loves me a lot; but she lives quite far; still she comes quite often to meet me. She has
requested me many times to live with her. But I don’t like living with my daughter’s in-law’s house. I:
Would you mind if I visit you every weekend?

Inmate: (Smilingly) I would love it!

I: Thanks for answering my questions. You are very strong auntie ji!

20 Questions for a 100 year old lady

Being 100 years old is one thing. But being 100 years old and still being able to do almost everything she
wants to, is another.

And for Ruth Hessey, who turns 100 on Sunday, staying active, having good friends and "doing" just
what she wants is what it is all about.

Hessey, who grew up on a family farm in Cottontown as the youngest of four children, gave up driving at
age 90, but still does her own laundry, cooks, plays the piano and walks at least a third of a mile every

At just over 5 feet tall — and still at the same 126 pounds as when she married — she is the epitome of
spunk and positivism. The twinkle is unmistakable in her blue eyes and a non judgmental approach to
life is her hallmark. "She is always 'up,'" her son, Ed Link "Jabbo" Hessey, said. "That is her M.O.She loves
life and she loves people."

Hessey uses a rolling walker, has a pacemaker, wears glasses, and has a hearing aid, but mentally, she is
quick witted and sharp as a tack. She says she feels good, nothing hurts, and she has few if any regrets.
"I've had such a good life," she said. "I just don't know of anything I'd change. I've been so blessed
through my life."

We sat down with Hessey and asked her 20 questions.

1. What is the secret to your longevity and good health?
Good genes and staying active and involved. I majored in physical education and I've always been active.
And I think being around young people keeps you young, keeps you thinking young. I'm so fortunate to
have so many friends, many are younger than me. These younger friends make me feel like one of them
instead of an old lady. I don't think of myself as old.

2. You say your friends are what keep you going. What does friendship mean
to you:
A real friend is somebody who is there for you when you need him or her. And they know you would do
the same for them ... I have a host of friends, but I work at it.

3. Have you ever smoked? Do you drink wine?

I have never smoked. I probably had a puff once to see what it was like, but never had the desire. But
would not have had money to buy cigarettes if I had been so inclined.

I used to drink wine. I like wine, I even used to make wine, But I don't now. My balance is poor so I don't
drink it now.

4. What would be the most important invention of your lifetime?

Electrical home appliances, iron, stove, heating and cooling, telephone and now electronics.

5. What is your typical day?

I look forward to each day.I got back just in time to play Bingo and then this (interview.) In a little while I
am going to play Skipbo (a card game) and then have dinner in my apartment.

6. What is your best advice for a young person?

Stay active and stay involved and stay interested in certain things you are doing. I like to share things
that I know how to do, like cooking. And I still play the piano. Playing the piano is relaxing and its an easy
thing to share with people.

7. What do you eat for breakfast?

I really like bacon and eggs but these days I eat cereal a lot -- Raisin Bran Clusters.

Ruth Hessey, 95, talks with members of the media after walking with Mayor Karl Dean at her apartment
building at St. Paul Senior Living Community Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 in Nashville, TN. (Photo: Sanford
Myers / The Tennessean)
8. What do you do to stay young?
Exercise is a big thing for me. I loved being a part of the Mayor's 100 Mile Walk.I'm still walking some
every day. I do two laps a day and that comes out to about a third of a mile. It takes me about 20

9. What do you do when you are stressed out?

I don't believe I have ever been stressed out. I'm just not a stressful person.

10. What would be your advice to your younger self?

I would have worked harder when I was in college. I would get myself better prepared. I didn't really
apply myself. I can't say I would try to keep up more with my friends, because I do that already. I think I
would also say that I would have spent more time with my parents when they were older.

11. Being 100 must mean you have lost a lot of loved ones and friends to death,
dementia and other health issues. How do you deal with that? How many
funerals do you go to a year?
So many in my age bracket are gone. It hurts to give them up but I'd rather give them up than see them
suffer in a nursing home. I don't go to funerals.

12. Are you religious?

I have enjoyed going to Sunday School and church. My parents started taking me at a very early age —
first a country church ... The Sunday school class which I attend (at Brentwood United Methodist) has
the feeling of a 'large family.' We genuinely care for each other and keep in contactI would say that
attending Sunday School and church has been a great stabilizer in my life.

13. Do you sleep well?

I sleep about six hours a night and I nap most days, maybe a 30 minute nap, maybe more than one.

14. How are your social media skills?

I do email but not Facebook or Twitter.

15. Is there anything you wanted to do that you never got around to?
I would like to have gone to Alaska, but it was really my husband who wanted to go. Without him, it
would not have been the same.

16. What was the best decade for you?

Being a coach's wife gave me lots of pleasure, and being an athlete's mother was a pleasure too.

17. What is your earliest memory?

I think my first memory of a responsibility that was put on me was when I was little and they were doing
the weekly wash and they had me go to the mailbox to get the mail. It was a long way, maybe a half
mile, and I was so scared. I picked up a stick to go through all those fields to get there. I really remember
that — being scared.

18. Any regrets?

A regret I have had for 82 years — When I was a freshman in college, Mother visited a Mother's Day
Assembly program. Students introduced their mothers but I was timid and did not stand and introduce
my mother. I am crying now just thinking about it after all these years."

19. As Ms. Cheap, I have to ask about your frugality. Are you a frugal
Having been reared on a farm, we had to be saving with everything. When we canned apples, the peels
were boiled to make apple jelly. It was good!

20. What do you want for your 100th birthday?

I told my grandson I wanted a Fitbit so i could measure my steps.

The 100th Birthday Party

This week will include at least six celebrations of Hessey's birthday, including one that Barbara and Jay
Young have thrown for her every year since 1997. The Youngs had gotten to know Hessey in their Oak
Hill neighborhood and when they learned that her 80th birthday was approaching, they offered to have
a birthday party. She was thrilled, telling them that no one had ever had a birthday party for her.

"Well then," Barbara said, "not only will be give you a party, but we will give you one every year until
you turn 100."

And when the celebration is winding down, Hessey will do as she had done every year as she leaves her
party — she will wave to the crowd of well wishers and say, "see you same place next year!"

Here's to 101 for Ruth Hessey!

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