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Reliability and sensitivity of visible liquid penetrant NDT for inspection of

welded components

Article  in  Materialprufung · March 2017

DOI: 10.3139/120.111000


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2 authors, including:

Abolfazl Zolfaghari
The Ohio State University


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Reliability and sensitivity of visible

liquid penetrant NDT for
inspection of welded components
Abolfazl Zolfaghari, Cookeville, Welding, as an approach to join components, is used extensively
TN, USA, and Farhad Kolahan, by various industries. Generating several types of defects is one of
Mashhad, Iran the major weaknesses of the technique. Thus, inspection to detect
the defects is normally considered as a stage of welding procedure.
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One of the main categories of the defects is surface cracks, which

Article Information
are found by nondestructive testing methods. However, visible liquid
Correspondence Address penetrant as a technique to reveal this kind of flaws is broadly used,
Abolfazl Zolfaghari
Department of Mechanical Engineering the method capabilities in defect detection of welded components
Tennessee Technological University have not been comprehensively studied. In this paper, utilizing
1 William L Jones Dr.
Cookeville, TN, 38505, USA
reliability and sensitivity concepts of nondestructive testing, its
E-mail:, abilities in detecting of surface crack of welded joints are investi-
For personal use only.

gated. The results of the paper illustrate that the detection and
Keywords missing rates are 52 % and 48 %. In addition, taking into account 95 %
Nondestructive testing, penetrant testing,
probability of detection, welded components,
degree of confidence, probability of detection for defects with length
surface crack equal to 3.73 mm is 90 %.

Disastrous failures in mechanical parts, these techniques may not be deterministic investigations were generally involved in a
due to some phenomena like fatigue and and inherits stochastic nature. For this rea- particular technique or material.
creep affecting the components, are feasi- son, reliability (probability of detection) Based on the sensitivity and reliability
ble. The mentioned failures occasionally and sensitivity (detection capabilities) are assessment, Simsir and Ankara [2] made a
result in the loss of certain properties and utilized to quantify results of NDT methods comparison between two nondestructive
can even lead to the loss of human lives. [2]. Due to this importance, a number of re- methods, liquid penetrant testing (LPT)
In order to prevent these types of undesir- searches have been implemented to deter- and eddy current. In another work,
able events, some fracture control or mine the sensitivity and reliability of NDT Stadthaus et al. [8] evaluated sensitivity of
maintenance procedures have been pro- techniques by conducting experiments or two techniques, penetrant and magnetic
posed and implemented in a wide range of other approaches. particles testing, using standard blocks
industries [1]. Fahr et al. [3] evaluated five common tech- containing natural and artificial defects
Characterization of flaws existing in the niques of NDT in detecting low cycle fatigue and determining visibility of generated in-
components, especially the description of of bolt holes generated in a disc engine. Few dications. Probability of detection of low
shapes, numbers and lengths is normally years later, Rummel and Matzkanin [4] pub- cycle fatigue in plates of Inconel 718 utiliz-
essential input data of the failure preven- lished results of studies on the capabilities ing fluorescent penetrant testing was ob-
tion approaches. To carry out the task, one and probability of detection of seven nonde- tained in [9]. Reliability of manual and au-
of the major techniques which is employed structive evaluation (NDE) methods on vari- tomatic ultrasonic inspection was gained
to catch the aim, is the use of nondestruc- ous materials and samples. In this area, a in defect detection of welds of pipes. The
tive testing (NDT) methods. The results of more comprehensive study is presented in types of defects of the investigation were
NDT are influenced by various factors such [5-7] from a large scale research. In the in- lack of fusion (LOF) and lack of penetration
as skills and emotional mood of the opera- vestigation, twenty five teams from ten (LOP) [10]. Reliability of ultrasonic time of
tors, quality of inspection tools, environ- countries participated to assess efficiency of flight diffraction (TOFD) on inspection of
ment conditions, types and shape of de- ultrasonic nondestructive testing and X-ray complex geometry components [11] and
fects, and even the geometry and material techniques in defect detection and charac- phased array on a number of specimens
of the components. As a result, detection terization of stainless steel welds. As men- with and without weld joint were also stud-
and characterization of defects assisting tioned in the following as instances, other ied in [12, 13].

© Carl Hanser Verlag, München  Materials Testing  59 (2017) 3


Weeks et al. [14] investigated the proba- ity is between zero and one. In other words, with Pi: probability of detection in the ith
bility of detection of eddy current induced the technique is able to find totally defects interval of the length range, αi: length of
thermography in finding small cracks of with a length larger than a2 and does not defect, β0: location parameter (constant)
special alloys. Owing to reducing cost of detect any defects smaller than a1. and β1: slope parameter (constant).
conducting experiments, some authors There are two methodologies to determine The mentioned distribution is the most
have even tried to calculate probability of POD curve. Building relationship between consistent relationship in the POD calcula-
detection (POD) using other approaches. signal response and flaw size (â versus a), tion of NDT techniques. Using the relation-
For instance, by means of a proposed math- and constructing correlation between binary ship, the curve is drawn as depicted in Fig-
ematical model, then combining the results data and flaw sizes (hit/miss versus a) are ure 1. In most applications of POD curves,
of the model and Monte Carlo simulation the approaches. In the first approach, one of degree of confidence is considered in the
and attempt to find probability of detection the technique outputs (â), the amplitude of values which are obtained or drawn as POD
of automatic eddy current was made in [15, the signals in ultrasonic nondestructive test- curves by two bounds as shown in Fig-
16]. Likewise, in a similar manner, Carboni ing for example, is formulated as defect ure 1. It is employed to involve limitation
and Cantini [17] made an effort to deter- length (a) [19]. Another technique is based in the number of samples on predicting
mine reliability of ultrasonic inspection in on binary response. According to that, when probability of detection. In the practical ap-
railway axle evaluation. a specific defect with a particular length is plication of POD curves, the most impor-
In this paper, reliability and sensitivity detected, the result is defined as hit or it is tant concept is a90/95, which the researches
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analysis of visible liquid penetrant testing described as miss or zero. When there is not carried out on reliability assessment of
in detecting surface cracks of welded com- any defect in a specific location of the com- NDT techniques have made attempt to re-
ponents are presented. To deal with this, ponent, but the NDT technique assumes ex- port it. By considering 95 % degree of confi-
the required data were gathered from in- istence of a defect there, it is defined as a dence, it defines the length of the defect
spections of some welded samples carrying false call. In this paper, owing to features of which the corresponding value of POD
natural surface cracks generated during the results of penetrant nondestructive test- reaches 90 %. Other concepts, which have
welding procedure. The data contained two ing, the second technique was chosen to cal- less degree of importance, are a50 and a90,
independent categories which were ob- culate POD curves. in which the probability of detection is
tained separately, by macroscopic assess- Using the instructions stated in [19, 20], equal to 50 % and 90 %, respectively.
ments and the results of the liquid pene- POD curve is obtained and drawn by hit/
For personal use only.

trant testing. Utilizing the obtained data miss data gathered from a number of de- Experimental procedure
and mh1823 POD software package [18, fects belonging to the defect length range.
19], the probability of detection as POD To carry out this, two methods may be typi- Material and samples preparation. Some
curves were drawn and sensitivity analysis cally used. In the first method, defects with researchers have used the first method in
was made. According to the results, in the known shape and length are inserted artifi- obtaining the reliability of NDT techniques,
size range of 0 to 5 mm defect length, the cially in the components. Then, employing artificial flaws, such as [10, 14], but others
probability of detection of the cracks with the nondestructive technique, all the de- utilized the second one, realistic defects,
2.58 mm length equal to 90 %. Considering fects are inspected to determine which like [2, 3, 13]. Since the shape and the situ-
95 % degree of confidence, the correspond- ones are detected, and, therefore, hit/miss ation of man-made flaws could be differed
ing length reaches 3.73 mm. The largest data constructed. In the second method, a from realistic ones and then the corre-
defect which could not be found by this variety of natural defects present in the sponding results may be deviated, applica-
technique is 2.2 mm, and the smallest one components are precisely characterized by tion of natural flaws is more accurate. In
which was detected is 1.7 mm. performing microscopic or destructive this study, the second method was chosen
evaluations. Next, hit/miss data is created
Reliability and sensitivity in in the same way of the first method.
nondestructive testing In the next stage, the range of defect
lengths is divided into a number of inter-
As stated before, the results of a specific vals (ai). The number of hit defects to total
NDT method may vary due to diverse fac- number of defects in each interval defines
tors. Thus, concepts of sensitivity and reli- probability of detection of the NDT tech-
ability are normally used to cover the men- nique in the mentioned intervals (Pi). The
tioned variations. Sensitivity describes de- obtained values and center point of the in-
tection capabilities and is normally tervals are candidates of the whole inter-
evaluated by analysis of detection rates, the vals. Thus, the gathered hit/miss informa-
smallest defect which is detected by the tion yields a number of (ai, Pi) pairs. Ex-
technique, and the largest one that is not trapolating the data attained as the pairs by
found. Reliability in nondestructive testing the log-logistic distribution results in a
is defined as POD. It is typically determined functional form, as shown in Equation (1).
as a function of defect length and is drawn The equation describes the relationship
as curves. Figure 1 shows an actual POD between the probability of detection and
curve for instance. As seen, by increasing defect length.
the length, the corresponding probability
exp(β0 + β1 ln(α i ))
rises. Next and beforehand a particular Pi = (1) Figure 1: POD curve with upper and
value of the length, a1 and a2, the probabil- 1+ exp(β0 + β1 ln(α i )) lower confidence limits

59 (2017) 3

showing surface cracks appeared. The sur-

faces of the samples were examined at room
light to detect presence of surface cracks.
Figure 2: Welded
specimen (left) and Results and discussion
nonjoined samples
(right) The obtained results of this paper, which is
related to the surface crack detection capa-
bilities of the welded joints by LPT, are
shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. Moreover,
the reliability and POD curves are depicted
and indicated in Figure 4 and Table 3.
to obtain sensitivity and reliability of liquid search, typically consists of four following Table 2 shows the results regarding detec-
penetrant testing in detecting surface main stages. tion capabilities of LPT which have been
cracks. To deal with this, a total of twenty Surface preparing and cleaning. Sur- measured in similar studies, including Sim-
welded plates carrying defects were cho- face of components may be covered with sir et al. [2] and Fahr et al. [3], in comparison
sen. The plates were 6 mm thick and made grease, oil, oxide particles, scale and so on. with those found in this paper. Simsir et al.
Materials Testing downloaded from by Hanser - Library on March 7, 2017

of Ck45 steel, which is classified as me- These kinds of materials might prevent the [2] and Fahr et al. [3] evaluated liquid pene-
dium-carbon steel and was fabricated by flow of liquid penetrant to surface cracks, trant testing in finding fatigue cracks gener-
MAG (metal active gas) welding procedure. therefore, may not be detectable by the ated naturally on the surface of bolt holes of
Chemical compositions of the samples as technique. To cope with this problem, prior compressor discs. As stated before, Lively
weight percentage (wt.-%) are given in Ta- implementing the inspection, the surfaces and Aljundi [9] studied liquid penetrant test-
ble 1 in detail. Figure 2 shows a welded of the components are cleaned by various ing on finding defects presented in Inconel
specimen and nonjoined samples. methods from the mentioned substances. 718 and only reported values of a90/95. Due to
Surface crack description. The real In this research, liquid solvent, which is a not assessing the detection capabilities, the
number and length of surface cracks were product of Magnaflux Company and are results of Lively’s and Aljundi’s study can-
determined using microscopic evaluation produced as Magnaflux (SKC-S cleaner/re- not be employed in the comparison.
For personal use only.

of the weld surfaces. To accomplish this, mover) brand, were applied to the surface According to the table, liquid penetrant
images from the weld surfaces of the com- by spraying. testing is able to find twelve defects from 33
ponents (in 50× magnification) were taken Applying the liquid penetrant. The sur- in total (52 %) by considering all the test con-
and the taken pictures were analyzed. faces of the samples were covered by ditions described before. The number and
Liquid penetrant testing. Liquid pene- spraying the liquid penetrant (Magnaflux rate of defects, which is not able to be de-
trant testing (LPT) is an important method (SKL-SP2 penetrant)) in this stage of the tected (missed defects), is 11 (48 %). In com-
of nondestructive testing, which is nor- inspection. Primary dwell time, the time to parison with those found in Simsir et al. [2]
mally used to detect surface cracks in a be passed to the penetrant flows into the and Fahr et al. [3], 81.2 % and (72 %-89 %),
wide range of components and materials. cracks, was chosen to be twenty minutes. missing rate is larger. Furthermore, false
The technique, as employed in this re- Then, excess penetrant was removed from call number (rate) of the current investiga-
the surfaces. tion which depends on inspection effi-
Utilizing of developer. Magnaflux (SKD- ciency is larger than earlier studies.
S2 developer) was applied to the surfaces The lengths of defects which are exam-
to absorb the penetrant liquid trapped in ined in this investigation are located at
the cracks and then inspection indications,
which exhibit presence of cracks under the
indication, appeared as a result. The men- a50 a90 a90/95
tioned indications exhibit presence of Current study (mm) 2.05 2.58 3.73
crack underneath the indication. Second-
Fahr et. al [2] (mm) – – 1.90-3.60
ary dwell time, the time required which the
Lively and Aljundi – – 1.09-2.08
developer has to remain on the component
[9] (mm)
surfaces, was ten minutes.
Indications assessment. After passing Table 3: Results of the POD calculation
the secondary dwell time, the indications based on different studies

Number of Number of False calls

Figure 3: Histogram representation of the Largest crack Smallest crack
cracks detected missed cracks number
found defects in the length intervals missed (mm) detected (mm)
total % total % total %
Current study 12 52 11 48 1 4 2.2 1.7
C Si Mn P S Cr
Simsir et al. [2] 6 18.2 27 81.2 1 3.0 1.7 1.26
CK45 0.46 0.4 0.7 0.035 0.035 0.3
Fahr et. al [3] – 11 - 26 – 72-89 – 0-2.6 – –
Table 1: Chemical composition of the investigated
material (wt.-%) Table 2: Comparison between the results found in the present research and previous studies

59 (2017) 3

0-5 mm interval, but this size range (0-

2.4 mm) was considered in Simsir’s study.
Because each study considered different
defect lengths, discrepancy between results
of detection/miss rates based on these re-
searches has been observed. Due to the lack
of reporting the size range in Fahr’s study,
no evaluation could be made regarding this
subject. Furthermore, the method of LPT Figure 4: POD curve
employed in this paper was visible, but the resulting from the
others used fluorescent type. These factors present study
and differences in the shape of the defects,
materials and even the skill of the inspector
are able to influence the obtained results.
The largest cracks missed are 2.2 mm,
and 1.7 mm in the current and Simsir’s
study, respectively. Moreover, Simsir’s
Materials Testing downloaded from by Hanser - Library on March 7, 2017

study was able to find cracks with a length

of 1.26 mm, but this value was 1.7 mm in
the present research. Therefore, neglecting
the differences between the two studies, the
smallest/largest crack detected is consid- the tools, the corresponding value in Live- • In the size range of 0-5 mm, detection
ered as a criterion to compare the tech- ly’s report varies in the size range of 1.09- and missing rate are 52 % and 48 %, re-
niques capabilities. The current study 2.08 mm (0.043-0.082 inch). It means that spectively. Likewise, false call rate in
seems less meaningful than Simsir’s in de- lower and upper bounds of a90/95 in Fahr’s defect detection was 4 %.
fect detection. Since any values related to research are larger than Lively’s. As far as • For the cracks with length equal to
these parameters were not reported in the centers of the stated ranges are consid- 2.58 mm, the probability of detection is
For personal use only.

Fahr’s research, it is not possible to compare ered instead of the whole ranges, value of 90 %. Considering 95 % degree of confi-
it with the present study and Simsir’s study. a90/95 based on Fahr’s study is larger than dence, the corresponding length reaches
For further evaluation, the detection re- Lively’s and, as a result, Lively’s inspection 3.73 mm.
sults of the flaws are depicted as histograms seems more accurate than Fahr’s. Taking These results can be considered as a good
in Figure 3. Using Figure 3, detection capa- into account the current investigation, it is guidance for designer and engineers in
bilities are determined as a function of the even larger than both studies and reaches order to make proper comparison be-
defect length. The size range was divided by 3.37 mm. The reason may relate on the fac- tween this technique under described
0.5 mm to construct intervals in the range. tors affecting the results, so the method of situation and other techniques, and to
According to the figure, LPT is able to find 4 LPT implementation seems to be the most have a better evaluation regarding the ob-
cracks from 6 cracks in the size range of effective one. Besides, the materials and jective of the inspection. For instance, ac-
1.5-2 mm, thus, in this size range, detection inspection conditions as well as the defect cording to our aims, we have found that
rate is 67 %. The rate decreases and reaches shapes were different in the investigations, this technique is a suitable method for
33 % in the size range of 2-2.5 mm. which have to be considered in the evalua- detecting surface cracks in welded parts
Employing POD mh1823 software pack- tion. Since a90/95 has not been reported in in general applications.
age [18], POD of liquid penetrant testing Simsir’s study, the comparison between
with 95 % confidence limit curves is shown the a90/95 and the above-mentioned investi- References
in Figure 4. As shown in the figure, a50 and gations based on this parameter is not pos-
 1 M. Pavlovic, C. Müller, U. Ewert, U. Ronneteg,
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generally tried to report about it. As de- • The largest defect, which could not to be
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scribed in Table 3, a90/95 was calculated to found by this technique, was 2.2 mm.  4 W. D. Rummel, G. A. Matzkanin: Nondestruc-
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in equipment, inspectors and vendors of 1.7 mm. ysis Center (NTIAC), Austin, Texas, USA (1997)

59 (2017) 3

 5 P. Lemaitre, T. D. Koblé, S. R. Doctor: Summary Abstract

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 6 P. Lemaitre, T. D. Koblé, S. R. Doctor: Summary Komponenten eingesetzt. Eine der größten Schwachstellen dieser Technik
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 7 P. Lemaitre, T. D. Koblé, S. R. Doctor: Summary die mit zerstörungsfreien Verfahren gefunden werden. Das Farbeindring-
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Materials Testing downloaded from by Hanser - Library on March 7, 2017

diesem Beitrag zugrunde liegenden Studie wurden die Konzepte der Zu-
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 9 J. A. Lively, T. L. Aljundi: Fluorescent pene-
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lity of Detection – POD) von Defekten mit einer Länge von 3,73 mm 90 %.
For personal use only.

Vol. 22, College Park, MD, USA (2003),

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10 A. A. Carvalho, J. M. A. Rebello, R. R. Silva,
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automated ultrasonic technique in the detec- Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of The authors of this contribution
tion of pipe weld defects, Insight 48 (2006), Technology, Goteborg, Sweden, 2012
No. 11, pp. 1-16 16 A. Rosell, G. Persson: Modeling based capabil- Abolfazl Zolfaghari is currently a PhD student in
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11 S. K. Nath, K. Balasubramaniam, inspection procedure on flat surfaces, cal University, Cookeville, TN, USA. He received his
C. V. Krishnamurthy, B. H. Narayana: Reliabil- Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 24 BSc in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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complex geometry components, NDT & E 17 M. Carboni, S. Cantini: A model assisted prob- BSc studies, he worked on developing a software for
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12 J. H. Kurz, A. Jüngert, S. Dugan, G. Dobmann: World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in the same
Probability of detection (POD) determination Durban, South Africa (2012) major. He focused on reliability assessment and
using ultrasound phased array for considering 18 P. E. C. Annis: R package mh1823, sensitivity analysis of nondestructive testing meth-
NDT in probabilistic damage assessments, Version 4.0.1 (2013) ods in that period. His research interests include
Proc. of the 18th World Conference on Nonde- 19 MIL-HDBK-1823A: Nondestructive Evaluation manufacturing processes and systems (modeling,
structive Testing, Durban, South Africa (2012) System Reliability Assessment, US Depart- simulation and optimization), condition monitoring,
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C. Boller: Reliability considerations of NDT by 20 ASTM STP 798: A. P. Berens, P. W. Hovey: testing and reliability engineering.
probability of detection (POD) determination Statistical Methods for Estimation Crack Dr. Farhad Kolahan, born 1965, is Associate
using ultrasound phased array, Engineering Detection Probabilities, Probabilistic Fracture Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engi-
Failure Analysis 35 (2013), pp. 609-616 Mechanics and Fatigue Methods: Applications neering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2013.06.008 for Structural Design and Maintenance, West He received his BSc degree in Production and
14 B. Weekes, D. P. Almond, P. Cawley, T. Barden: Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA (1983) Manufacturing Engineering from Tabriz Univer-
Eddy-current induced thermography-probabil- sity, Iran. He continued his graduate studies
ity of detection study of small fatigue cracks Bibliography abroad and graduated with a PhD degree in
in steel, titanium and nickel-based super alloy, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from
NDT & E International 49 (2012), pp. 47-56 DOI 10.3139/120.111000 Ottawa University, Canada in 1999. His research
DOI:10.1016/j.ndteint.2012.03.009 Materials Testing interests include production planning and sched-
15 A. Rosell: Finite Element Modeling of Eddy 59 (2017) 3, pages 290-294 uling, reliability engineering, manufacturing pro-
Current Nondestructive Evaluation in Proba- © Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG cesses optimization and applications of heuristic
bility Studies, PhD Thesis, Department of ISSN 0025-5300 algorithms in industrial optimization.

59 (2017) 3

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